skittymon · 7 years
Leopardite - 1
Prompt: Applause
Obsidianshipping (Shun/Masumi)
Leopardite promotes acceptance and understanding of oneself and others. Use this stone when you are struggling with judgment of self or others.
It has a peaceful energy, assisting in letting go of conflict, insecurity, loss of control.
Or that AU/somewhat canon compliant where when Reiji modified the LDS trio’s minds he decided to be a dick/smartass and redirected Masumi’s feelings toward Macro-sensei to Shun so she wouldn’t care as much that he is still missing.
When Shun’s opponent’s life points hits zero the crowd around him begins to cheer and Shun can’t help the twitch in his eye.
Reiji Akaba had agreed to let Shun use LDS’s dueling areas and students to prepare for the championship, but that also means Shun has to act like a student here and pretend to actually give a damn about these people.
Act like nothing is wrong, like the fact that the Obelisk Forces can come to this dimension at any time means nothing, like things are how they were before Heartland-
 “Yoo-hoo! That was some show, Kurosaki,” Shun turns and sees the three students who challenged him to a battle royal only days ago. Reiji had told Shun that he has taken care these three and have no recollection of that duel, but still it amazes Shun how much how Reiji Akaba has at his disposal. 
Shun can’t remember the name of the one who addressed him, but he can recall that he’s the duelist who uses synchro summoning. Shun wants to dismiss them, but Reiji told him to be on his best behavior until the tournament starts, “These duelists hardly put a good fight.”
The duelist who uses phony xyz summoning crosses his arms and looks absolutely smug, “What else would we expect from the best xyz duelist from LDS.”
I’m not one of this school’s pathetic duelists, I’m a Spade branch….was…-
“Maybe in ten years you’ll finally be on Kurosaki’s level, Hokuto,” the synchro user grins as he pokes his friend with his kendo stick.
“Cut it out, Yaiba!” the other boy - Hokuto - snarls at synchro user who Shun now knows as Yaiba.
Shun doesn’t care for the two, or their third companion who is lagging behind.
Shun narrows his eyebrows and stares at the fusion user. When the girl confronted him only a few days ago she held complete confidence. Sure, there was no steel to her dueling, but she was willing to duel him to avenge her fallen comrade which Shun found admirable even for a fusion user. 
So why is she acting so timid and avoiding his gaze….? Did Reiji do something else to her besides alter her memories…..?
“Oi,” shit what was her name again? He can’t just call her fusion user if he’s suppose to be a student here and already know them. This means he’ll go for the another tactic to grab her attention.
So here’s Shun Kurosaki - towering over the fusion user with little space between them. The closeness grabs the fusion user’s attention and she finally looks up at him. 
Shun frowns.
“Are you okay?”
Her face is red for some reason. Is it hot in here and he was too focused on dueling to notice….?
The fusion user loses her composure and stumbles back a step. She aggressively shakes her head and avoids Shun’s gaze, “I-I’m fine!!”
Well, Reiji didn’t break her then. Her sad attempt of ‘reassurance’ is nearly the same as Ruri’s. He could ask her to cut the crap and say what’s really means, but honestly, Shun doesn’t care.
With a shrug he backs away from the girl, “If you say so.” 
The areas are closing, and if Shun can’t duel then he has no reason to stay. He walks away from the the trio and makes from the exit, not bothering to say goodbye.
“We’ll see you later, Kurosaki!” Yaiba shouts.
Shun tsks, unfortunately he will.
Masumi is left with a bright blush that won’t disappear and her heart won’t stop pounding.
Kurosaki went up to her, close to her, to see if she was alright. He’s every female LDS student’s dream guy and crush, and Masumi fell accordingly. 
Hokuto’s arm is soon around Masumi, “Look at you getting attention from LDS’s bachelor himself.”
“Shut it, Hokuto,” Masumi snaps. “Kurosaki asked if I was okay because he’s sweet! He would have done that for anyone….” 
The blush on her face grows even brighter.
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skittymon · 7 years
Leopardite - 2
Prompt: Sensitive 
Obsidianshipping (Shun/Masumi)
The championship is only days away and every student at LDS is training like crazy in order to be prepared for the tournament.  
Well, almost every student.
Shun stands near the entrance of LDS’s dueling areas - watching, studying the duelists of the Standard dimension. He gave up trying to duel the students here awhile ago. None of them put up a good fight and Shun has quickly defeated all the duelists who challenged him. Now no student dares to approach, and Shun doesn’t mind in the slightest.
“Yo, Kurosaki!”
Sadly that doesn’t stop some people from coming up and talking to him.
Be on your best behavior, Reiji Akaba’s voice resounds from Shun’s thoughts. Don’t do anything to make people suspect your not from here until we’re ready to make our move. 
Shun squeezes his fist but keeps it out of the on coming duelists’ view, “Hokuto, Yaiba-” Great, he still doesn’t know the fusion user’s name. He can’t blow his cover yet...
The xyz user feigns surprise and places a tight smile (bet it looks as fake as it feels, he can’t help but think) on his face, “Oh, you’re here too.”
There goes the fusion user again avoiding his gaze and her face is reddening. Honestly, if he cared enough Shun would go ask Reiji if the memory alterations came with side effects. 
“Ah!” the fusion user’s voice pitches, the girl notices and covers her mouth. Shun relaxes a bit - now he wouldn’t have to worry about not knowing her name.
“We just came to see how you’re doing,” Hokuto says after a few seconds of silence. “You haven’t been to class lately and we asked one of the higher ups and apparently you haven’t been dueling lately.”
That’s because the xyz classes here are a joke and going to them is pointless. And  how would they know how often I duel?
Akaba Reiji...
“Sorry,” Shun replies, but his tone says otherwise. “I’ve been busy lately and have been unable to attend. However, not dueling is not fault - everyone here is avoiding my challenge.” 
“It’s no big deal!” Yaiba laughs. “But you should probably show up tomorrow, LDS just hired a brand fusion professor. He’s gonna put on a whole show for us and even show us something called contact fusion!”
Shun involuntarily stiffens and his gaze narrows, “I’d rather not.”
Hokuto frowns and approaches the fellow xyz user, “Oh, c’mon! It’ll be like a half a hour tops! Plus I heard the professor is super nice and chill. It’ll be fun-”
“There is nothing fun about seeing people marvel at fusion summoning!!” Shun shouts at the group. 
The three take a step back, and Shun takes it as an opportunity to walk away from the trio and leave the dueling area. 
I don’t care if Akaba Reiji locks me up until we make are move. There’s no way in hell I’ll ever watch people marvel at fusion summoning. 
Yaiba huffs as he and his two companions enter the main LDS building. “I still can’t believe Kurosaki blew up like that.”
"It did seem odd of him to blow up like that,” Hokuto hums. “Do you know why Kurosaki acted like that, Masumi?”
“No,” Masumi frowns, “nothing that I can recall.”
She thinks back to when they first met when she was deciding on a duel school to attend and Shun was already a student. Shun was always supportive of her pursuit of fusion summoning and would sometimes help her with practices. 
It’s at that moment Masumi’s head starts to pound and she can’t help but grab her head for support.
Was it Shun that helped me with fusion summoning? He’s seems to hate it. But then who....?
“Is everything alright here?”
Yaiba and Hokuto’s shouts brought Masumi out of her trail of thought and she looks up to see none of other than President Reiji Akaba. 
The three straighten their posture and meet the President’s eyes, doing their best not to fidget under his gaze.
“H-hello, sir,” Yaiba chokes out. “Is there anything you need?”
The President pushes up his glasses before answering, “You three are relatively.... close to Kurosaki Shun, correct?”
Hokuto nods, “Y-yes, sir. We’re both in the same xyz courses and we - Yaiba, Masumi, and I - talk to him outside of class.”
The President’s gaze narrows, “I see.... And has he been acting strange lately?”
How would he know about that...!? the three can’t help but think. 
“Y-yea- Yes,” Yaiba answers. “Today we asked him if he want to go the new fusion professor’s debut tomorrow....but he flipped.”
“How so?”
 “He snapped,” Hokuto replies. “He said something around the lines of ‘Nothing fun about seeing people marvel at fusion summoning.’”
“That’s so odd,” Masumi adds in a quiet voice. “He used to supportive of me and other fusion students...”
Masumi’s head begins to throb once more.
Unless it was....
“I see....” the President draws out. “Allow me to apologize on Kurosaki’s behalf. Fusion summoning has become something of a sensitive topic for him recently.”
“Why’s that?” Masumi frowns.
“I do not know the full details,” the President explains, “but apparently a fusion user kidnapped someone important to him and has been attack by similar people. I don’t if Kurosaki will ever look at fusion summoning the same, and honestly I don’t blame him.”
Shun doesn’t know what to expect when he enters one of LDS’s private dueling areas. He decided to go LDS’s xyz class earlier today to avoid suspicion from ‘skipping’ too many classes. When he was about to leave Hokuto chased after him telling Shun that he found an opponent to duel him, and to meet at one of the dueling areas later tonight.
So here he is, waiting in a dark area until his opponent arrives.
He waits in silence, tapping his finger because-
no matter how far away I am from the battlefield I can still hear the screams.
“Honestly, Kurosaki, you could have turned on the lights.”
Light fills the room and Shun turns to see the trio and frowns, “Where’s my opponent.”
“It’s me,” the fusion user answers, places her duel disk on her arm.
Shun has no reason to accept the duel. Her dueling is mediocre, has no steel, and he’s already beaten her before. 
But I have no idea if these false memories of theirs ever had us dueling each other.
“Alright,” he breathes out as he activates his duel disk.
“Before we begin our duel,” the fusion user says. Suddenly her deck starts to shuffle itself and in a few moments a couple of cards poke out at the top of her deck. She grabs them and all the cards in her extra deck and shows them to Shun.
Her fusion cards.
“I won’t be dueling with these,” the girls states as she hands Hokuto her cards.
Shun can’t help but scowl and glare at her, “What’s the meaning of this?” 
“The President told us about your hatred of fusion summoning,” the fusion user answers and Shun’s glare becomes even more fierce. “So I won’t be using my fusion cards against you.”
“Are you pitying me?!” Shun shouts at them. “I don’t want your handicap and I certainly don’t need it-” 
“It’s not just for you!” the girl cuts Shun off. “I’ve been wanting to do this for awhile. Dueling without my fusion monsters, I mean. There could be times where I won’t be able to fusion summon, and I want to be prepare for that situation in case it happens in the tournament.”
Shun relaxes a bit, “Alright. But why me?”
The fusion user smiles tightly, “Well since you can no longer help me with my fusion summoning I figured we can still practice with each other some other way. Just like we used to.”
I’ll have to play along, Shun thinks, and despite he best efforts a small grin find its way on his face. Preparing for a worse-case scenario and trying to make me ‘feel better’ at the same time? Smart.
“Fine,” Shun responds, “I accept your duel.”
“Duel!!” both duelists shout.
While grabbing his five cards, Shun looks down to his duel disk.
Masumi....I’ll have to remember that this time.
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