#obey me viveka
drippingviolets3 · 7 months
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shinymoonbird · 2 years
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🔱  Om Namo Bhagavathe Sri ArunachalaRamanaya   🔱  
The Paramount Importance of Self Attention, by Sri Sadhu Om, As recorded by Michael James
Part Six - Mountain Path: July – August 2013 - Excerpt
Note of 7th January 1978 (Part 1)
Sadhu Om: When waves of passion such as desire, lust or fear arise, either try to duck beneath them by self-attention, or else reflect on their uselessness and avoid them by viveka [discrimination] and vairāgya [dispassion]. If the waves continue to come more strongly and none of these methods help, pray to Bhagavan. Prayer coming from an agonised heart has its own power. Whenever we feel helpless, prayer is our best weapon. He is always ready to help the helpless if their prayer is sincere.
Meritorious actions (punya karmas) done with kamyata (desire for personal benefit) do not purify the mind. Actions done without such desire (nish-kamya karmas) purify the mind, but they are the least efficacious means.
Unless worship and prayer are done with an attitude of ego-abasement, they will not purify the mind. Worshipping with pride only feeds the ego. Better than worship is sravana [hearing or studying the guru's teachings] and manana [reflection on them]. Reading about the lives of saints and reflecting on their behaviour and teachings will help us to subside our ego. Better than that is satsanga: in the company of real sadhus [jñānis], we cannot but act with humility. Satsanga [association with sat, truth] purifies the mind in many ways, but the best satsanga is to remain quietly as 'I am'. As Sankara says in Vivekacudamani [verse 364], a hundred times better than sravana is manana, but one lakh [a hundred thousand] times better than manana is nididhyasana [contemplation], which is just remaining attentively as 'I am'.
The reality of whatever is seen is the same as that of what sees it. The God you see is only as real as you who see him. If you worship God in a name and form, your mind will be purified, and when it is sufficiently purified, he will appear as guru to teach you the practice of self-attention. The guru is not just to be worshiped — he is to be obeyed. In verse 274 of Guru Vachaka Kovai Bhagavan says:
Those who do not have [the clarity of] mind to recognise that the jñāna-guru — who appears as a human form [though he is actually] abiding firmly as the supreme space [of consciousness, 'I am'] — is formless, [thereby] bear the yoke of wicked conduct and sin.
This is not to say that guru-bhakti [devotion to the guru] is wrong, but that our devotion is not true guru-bhakti unless we also practise what he taught us. Though the outward form of the guru and his teachings are a projection of our own vāsanās (tendencies), they will nevertheless wake us up, like a lion that an elephant sees in its dream. Self-attention is the most effective means of purifying the mind. The more you try to attend to self and the more you thereby experience the happiness of self-abidance, the more clearly you will understand and be firmly convinced that all happiness comes only from self, and that rising as 'I' is misery. Thus your vairāgya (desirelessness) will increase and your attachments to things will become less.
Whenever you have some moments free, reflect: 'What is this ego-life? Now I take this body to be 'I' and this world to be real. I feel attachment to things, people and circumstances, but I have only experienced this life for a certain number of years, and some years from now I will cease experiencing it forever. Therefore why should I take interest in or be ambitious for this transient and futile life? All these things seem to exist only because I exist, so should I not try to find out the truth behind this 'I'?' The more you reflect in such a way, the more you will lose interest in your life and the more you will wish to remain just as 'I am'.
When people used to say to me, 'You are lucky because you were with Bhagavan', I would sometimes find some ego rising in me with pride. However, by Bhagavan's grace I thought of a good reply: 'In a hospital there is an outpatient department to treat minor cases, but the worst cases are admitted into the inpatient department to be treated under the personal supervision of the doctor. The same happens in this spiritual line, so I am such a helpless case that Bhagavan had to admit me into his inpatient department to treat me under his personal supervision'. Those who were not in Bhagavan's physical presence are lucky, because they are protected from the delusion of mistaking him to be his body.
🔱 🔱 🔱 🔱 🔱 🔱
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telangley · 7 years
Excerpts from Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's I AM THAT - compiled and edited by Miguel-Angel Carrasco Numbers after quotations refer to pages of the edition by Chetana (P) Ltd, Bombay, 1992. I Am the Self, the Witness of Consciousness - Pure Awareness I am only the Self , which is universal and imagines itself to be the outer self, a person. Somebody, anybody, will tell you that you are pure consciousness, not a body-mind. Accept it as a possibility and investigate earnestly. You may discover that it is not so, that you are not a person bound in space and time. Think of the difference it would make! (441-2) The personality (vyakti) is but a product of imagination. The self (vyakta) is the victim of this imagination. It is the taking yourself to be what you are not that binds you. The person cannot be said to exist on its own rights; it is the self that believes there is a person and is conscious of being it. (143) How can there be two selves in one body? The "I am" is one. There is no "higher I-am" and "lower I-am". All kinds of states of consciousness are presented to awareness and there is self-identification with them. The objects of observation are not what they appear to be, and the attitudes they are met with are not what they need to be. If you think that Buddha, Christ of Krishnamurti speak to the person, you are mistaken. They know well that the vyakti , the outer self, is but a shadow of the vyakta , the inner self, and they address and admonish the vyakta only. They tell him to give attention to the outer self, to guide it and help it, to feel responsible for it; in short, to be fully aware of it. Awareness comes from the Supreme and pervades the inner self; the so-called outer self is only that part of one's being of which one is not aware. One may be conscious, for every being is conscious, but one is not aware. What is included in awareness becomes the inner and partakes of the inner. (294) The self you want to know, is it some second self? Are you made of several selves? Surely, there is only one self and you are that self. The self you are is the only self there is. Remove and abandon your wrong ideas about yourself and there it is, in all its glory. (516-7) There is no second, or higher self to search for. You are the highest self, only give up the false ideas you have about your self. (517) Your own self is your ultimate teacher (sadguru). The outer teacher (guru) is merely a milestone. It is only your inner teacher that will walk with you to the goal, for it is the goal. (51) Yoga is the work of the inner self (vyakta) on the outer self (vyakti). All that the outer does is merely in response to the inner. It [the outer self] has some control over the body and can improve its posture and breathing. Over the mind's thoughts and feelings it has little mastery, for it is itself the mind. It is the inner that can control the outer. The outer will be wise to obey. The inner is the source of inspiration, the outer is moved by memory. The source is untraceable, while all memory begins somewhere. Thus the outer is always determined, while the inner cannot be held in words. The mistake of students consists in their imagining the inner to be something to get hold of, and forgetting that all perceivables are transient and therefore unreal. Only that which makes perception possible, call it Life or Brahman, or what you like, is real. (74-5) The self by its nature knows itself only. For lack of experience whatever it perceives it takes to be itself. Battered, it learns to look out (viveka) and to live alone (vairagya). When right behaviour (uparati) becomes normal, a powerful inner urge (mukmukshutva) makes it seek its source. The candle of the body is lighted and all becomes clear and bright. (110) You can observe the observation, but not the observer. You know you are the ultimate observer by direct insight, not by a logical process based on observation. You are what you are, but you know what you are not. The self is known as being, the not-self is known as transient. But in reality all is in the mind. The observed, observation and observer are mental constructs. The self alone is. (219) The self is universal and its aims are universal. There is nothing personal about the self. (212) I am not an object in Consciousness but its source, its Witness, pure shapeless Awareness. You are and I am. But only as points in consciousness; we are nothing apart from consciousness. (92) You are not the body. You are the immensity and infinity of consciousness. (264) The source of consciousness cannot be an object in consciousness. To know the source is to be the source. When you realize that you are not the person, but the pure and calm witness, and that fearless awareness is your very being, you are the being. It is the source, the inexhaustible Possibility. (65) Discard all you are not and go ever deeper. Just as a man digging a well discards what is not water, until he reaches the water-bearing strata, so must you discard what is not your own, till nothing is left which you can disown. You will find that what is left is nothing which the mind can hook on to. You are not even a human being. You just are - a point of awareness, co-extensive with time and space and beyond both, the ultimate cause, itself uncaused. If you ask me "Who are you?", my answer would be: "Nothing in particular. Yet, I am." (318) I am not my body, nor do I need it. I am the witness only. I have no shape of my own. You are so accustomed to think of yourself as bodies having consciousness that you just cannot imagine consciousness as having bodies. Once you realize that bodily existence is but a state of mind, a movement in consciousness, that the ocean of consciousness is infinite and eternal, and that, when in touch with consciousness, you are the witness only, you will be able to withdraw beyond consciousness altogether. (327) Do realize that it is not you who moves from dream to dream, but the dreams flow before you, and you are the immutable witness. No happening affects your real being - that is the absolute truth. (333) The witness is not a person. The person comes into being when there is a basis for it, an organism, a body. In it, the absolute is reflected as awareness. Pure awareness becomes self-awareness. When there is a self, self-awareness is the witness. When there is no self to witness, there is no witnessing either. It is all very simple; it is the presence of the person that complicates. See that there is no such thing as a permanently separate person and all becomes clear. Awareness, mind, matter - they are one reality in its two aspects as immovable and movable, and the three attributes of inertia, energy and harmony. Awareness becomes consciousness when it has an object. The object changes all the time. In consciousness there is movement; awareness by itself is motionless and timeless, here and now. (233) The difference between the person and the witness is as between not knowing and knowing oneself. The person is in unrest and resistance to the very end. It is the witness that works on the person, on the totality of its illusions, past, present and future. (358) [The person and the witness] both are modes of consciousness. In one, you desire and fear; in the other, you are unaffected by pleasure and pain, and are not ruffled by events. You let them come and go. (190) The pleasure to be is the simplest form of self-love, which later grows into love of the self. Be like an infant with nothing standing between the body and the self. The constant noise of the psychic life is absent. In deep silence, the self contemplates the body. It is like the white paper on which nothing is written yet. Be like that infant, instead of trying to be this or that, be happy to be. You will be a fully awakened witness of the field of consciousness. But there should be no feelings and ideas to stand between you and the field. (216) Only the feeling "I am", though in the World, is not of the World nor can be denied. A reflection of the watcher in the mind creates the sense of "I" and the person acquires an apparently independent existence. In reality there is no person, only the watcher identifying himself with the "I" and the "mine". The teacher tells the watcher: you are not this, there is nothing of yours in this, except the little point of "I am", which is the bridge between the watcher and his dream. "I am this, I am that" is dream, while pure "I am" has the stamp of reality on it. (343) That which makes you think that you are a human is not human. It is but a dimensionless point of consciousness, a conscious nothing. All you can say about yourself is "I am". You are pure being-awareness-bliss. To realize that is the end of all seeking. You come to it when you see all you think yourself to be as mere imagination, and stand aloof in pure awareness of the transient as transient, imaginary as imaginary, unreal as unreal. (316) Only your sense "I am", though in the world, is not of the world. By no effort of logic or imagination can you change the "I am" into "I am not". In the very denial of your being you assert it. (200) It [the "I am"] is unreal when we say: "I am this, I am that". It is real when we mean "I am not this, nor that". (395) To identify oneself with the particular is all the sin there is. The impersonal is real, the personal appears and disappears. "I am" is the impersonal Being. "I am this" is the person. The person is relative, and the pure Being fundamental. (71) ASMI home Nonduality Home
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drippingviolets3 · 1 year
Looks like the first Viveka brainrot did well, and to stall time before the next piece is finished I mean, to have some fun, here’s some more
Student: Ooooow, Mc stomped on my arm and broke it!
Lucifer: Mc, care to explain the reason behind your actio-
Viveka, the token Mc apologist: Hmm, that truly is unfortunate. What did you do to deserve it? Why weren’t you wearing armor? Surely you wanted your arm to be broken if you didn’t protect it. As a society, demons should be teaching their youth to wear protective armor at all times to-
Viveka, laying on the couch in a depressive slouch: I miss my spouse Mammon. I miss them a lot.
Mammon: Huh-
Asmo: Don’t worry about her, Mc just went to the grocery store without her and she’s sulking.
Viveka, holding a kitchen knife to his throat: I’ll get you and it’ll look like a bloody accident
Mammon, pointing to Mc: What is that? It’s hideous.
Mc, standing in front of Viveka and Yew: Well that’s not very nice, he’s just a rabbit.
Viveka, having tea with Mc and Simeon: You know, I’m tired of the Demon v.s Angel thing. The demons are always whining that “oh the angels are coming for our dicks!” And it’s ridiculous.
Simeon: I agree!
Mc: Simeon wait for it there’s going to be a catch-
Viveka: I mean it’s so obvious the angels aren’t coming for their dicks, I am.
Simeon: What-
Mc: I fucking told you but you didn’t listen.
Mc: You said to bring my grades up
Viveka: But you said they had to bring their grades up.
Lucifer: …….*sighs.* I guess I did say that. Let me see them.
Viveka, babysitting Luke: How much longer must I watch over this thing?
Mc, on the phone with her: That “thing” is a child and you better keep it in one piece when I get home.
Viveka: What am I supposed to do with it?
Mc: For fucks sake Viveka it’s a child. Luke can be entertained with anything.
Viveka: Fine, I’ll see if he wants to play that uno game.
*Hangs up.*
*One hour later*
Mc, calling back: How’s everything going?
Viveka: We started playing spades instead
Mc: What
Viveka: Why the fuck is that chihuahua thing winning
Mc: What.
Asmo: Ahhh, love is in the air~!
Viveka: No. Thats a gas leak.
Mc: Girls are hot
Mc: Boys are hot
Mc: Why is everyone so hot?!?!
Viveka, thinking that Mc needs actual advice: ….global warming?
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drippingviolets3 · 2 years
(Sorry for the SUPER long paragraph)
PLEASE!!! ONE DATE CHAPTER WITH VIVEKA,, ITS 4aM AND ALL I CAN THINK ANOUT IS HER HAVING A ROMAN NOSE AND BEJNG ALBINO,, anyway i’ve been thinking,, what if satan and lucifart were like,, idk just them trying to spend time with Viveka,, i feel like satan would catch her interest with his cool mannerisms and intelligence even if it’s for like two minutes,, oh my god i’m just imagining passive aggressive satan towards mc because he’s trying to impress Viveka and her shutting it down right away and the rest of the very itty bitty respect for him shrivelling away,, blowing into the cold wind,, and they take her sick rabbit Yew with them on the sick epic date (not actual date because the relationship hasn’t happened yet) maybe going to hang out at Madam Screams and RUNNING INTO LUCIFER WHO WAS DOING ERRANDS?!?!!? And BOOM he tries impressing her with HIS mannerisms and intelligence and its just the first scenario again and it’s so goofy i’m sorry it’s 4am and i am so,, the brain rot is happening
You mad fucking genius YES OFJSKWNFONSLMFLSM
I honestly started b.s-ing a chapter because like, it’s been months and I REALLY need to focus on feeding my OM followers (sorry yall, danganronpa and Genshin have taken over my head 😭) but THIS. IS. PERFECT.
It isn’t moving too fast into the plot and can build up (or in Mc and the brother’s cases, down) relationships and I get a chance to maybe dump some Viveka lore-
Also, Lucifart is golden 😂
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drippingviolets3 · 2 years
I caved 😭, here’s some Viveka shitpost for the attempted replacement AU
Mc, reading a note: “Will you marry me?
• Yes,
• Of course
Mc: ……
The brothers: ……
Viveka, already planning the wedding with her siblings: I rigged it!
Viveka: Idiot mortal, my sexuality does not defy me as a god!
Mc: Morning Viveka
Viveka, internally: gay gay gay homosexual gay-
Lucifer: Viveka where’s Mc?
Viveka: Doing a thing
Lucifer: I don’t like the sound of that. Where’s Beel?
Viveka: Trying to stop Mc from doing the thing
Lucifer: Where’s Belphie?
Viveka: Trying to kill Mc for doing the thing while Asmo holds him back
Lucifer: Mammon?
Viveka: Trying to get between Asmo who’s holding back Belphie to stop Beel from stoping Mc from doing the thing
Lucifer: And why are you here?
Viveka: I’m trying to stop you from stopping Mammon from getting in between Asmo who’s holding back Belphie to stop Beel from stopping Mc to do the thing
Lucifer: And what are you getting out of this?
Viveka: A sacrifice hopefully.
Mammon: Mc is becoming such a clingy bitch, ever notice that?
Viveka: I heard you were talking shit about Mc?
Asmo: Hey Mc, why do girls have their periods?
Mc: Well Asmo, you see-
Viveka: The elder god demands a sacrifice once a month.
Mc: H u h
Asmo: *scared shitless*
Mc: Hey Viveka, can I talk to you about the brothers?
Viveka, now planning the brother’s murder: Of course
Mc: They’ve been really distant lately, and when I try to talk to them they say they’re busy trying to plan out your stay to keep you happy…
Viveka, creating a icicle and practicing stabbing with it: Mhmmmm
Mc: Lucifer even snapped at me for bugging him when he was doing paperwork, saying that if they don’t remain in your good graces it’ll stain Diavolo’s reputation.
Viveka, planning an escape route: I see
Mc: So I wanted to talk to you about their behavior because a lot of it is to keep you happy and I’m wondering if you could just go easy on them?
Viveka, already having a carriage for her getaway car: I understand. I have business with them anyway in that forest no one enters, I’ll see you at lunch.
Mc: Mammon, Viveka has never been into guys. Ever! Since she was a kid!
Viveka: Yes, they’re a nuisance at best.
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drippingviolets3 · 2 years
The Outing
It was no surprise that the perfect place for cloth shopping was the mall. There were multiple shops, a food court, jewelry, a movie theatre, any possible thing that was needed to keep the residents of the Devildom entertained.
You only visited the mall a few times whenever Asmo dragged you out, but it always amazed you whenever you entered. The store was always shining with different lights, and the smells were mixed with fast food and perfume, it was thrilling. At least, it was to you. Mammon and Asmo frequented the place so much this was like a second home to them, they just seemed at peace. Viveka was keeping her usual neutral appearance, her hands together and in front of her. “Such a filthy domain. You would think they’d take better care of a place as populated as this.” She grimaced, fists tightening at her sides. “Well, it’s not exactly the owner’s fault that the visitors here litter so much. But they could use some more custodial staff, I agree.” You nodded.
“Just stay away from the food court hon’, it’s the filthiest place here. Plus, the food is sooo greasy, I could never eat there! I’d risk ruining my perfect figure!” Asmodeus whined, putting the back of his hand to his forehead in a dramatic pose. “Yada yada, we need to get to work and find some casual clothes for Viv!” Mammon snapped, crossing his arms angrily. You saw Viveka narrow her brows again. “Do not refer to me so casually you plebeians.” That comment sent chills up Mammon’s spine, so he tilted his head away in embarrassment; Too scared to properly speak up and apologize. You could sense she had bitten her tongue before spitting out any threats, her eyes swirled with unsaid fury that reminded you of a brutal blizzard, unnaturally cold in those red gem-like eyes.
“Mc, what would you recommend?” Viveka asked, looking down at you. You snapped out of your trance and paled with the realization you had no idea what she was referring to. Quickly, you managed to somewhat dodge the question. “Uhh, I usually just follow the brothers if I’m being honest. Each store seems to have its own unique theme of clothing and such, so let’s just find one with casual clothes.” You said, forcing yourself to keep your voice steady. Viveka gave a curt nod. “Then let’s go, I don’t appreciate having to wait.”
Asmo jumped to the role as a guide and led the way to a simple clothing store. Next in line was Mammon, grumbling to himself, then there was you and Viveka side by side. Although Viveka seemed less interested in the clothing store now. She pulled to a halt to focus on a store. “What are you looking at? Did something catch your eye?” You asked. Asmo and Mammon stopped as well and followed her gaze. It was a jewelry store, but it was a unique kind. One that sold gems and other items that you assumed would be used by those with spiritual beliefs, but she seemed focused on it. When her attention finally tore away from it, she pointed directly at Mammon. “You. Follow me.”
“Wha-Me?!” the greedy demon exclaimed. Asmodeus elbowed him, casting a glare. Viveka raised a brow before speaking. “Hm, an unexpected and...quite disappointing reaction. I wish to take a look at what the store has to offer, and given that you clearly frequent this place almost as much as your brother, I would allow to accompany me so you may give me your judgement.” She spoke so professionally, like she was at a corporate meeting instead of a mall. Cold and smooth as the ice she represented. 
Mammon was easily won over by that statement. It wasn’t especially hard to learn how to work Mammon, he was see through, clearer then glass. “hehe, I do model on the side. I suppose my judgement isn’t all that bad.” He said, pretending to be sheepish but everyone could sense the pride just oozing off of him. Viveka seemed pleased though, the closest thing to a smile forming on her pale face. “I take that as a affirmative answer then? Lovely. Please accompany me then.” You could sense something was off. Viveka didn’t strike you as this kind, and while she might have some sort of soft spot for Mammon, you highly doubted it formed in the span of 10-15 minutes. 
Viveka turned to you. “Mc, I trust you and...him, will find some options for me until we get back.” She had paused when glancing back to Asmodeus, seemingly forgetting his name (which surely dealt a huge blow on the lustful demon’s ego). You just nodded, earning what felt like a more genuine half smile from her. “Good. I hope you realize I have high expectations of you.” With a nod she lead Mammon away, entering the shop and making the faintest chime of a bell ring through the mall.
You felt your face warm up a little from her words. Even if you couldn’t officially call it “praise,” it was the closest thing to it, and coming from a goddess felt like it was the richest tasting wine you ever had. Addicting, like it was flowing through your body and casting a haze over your brain, as if you couldn’t have enough.
Asmo’s clicking heels against the tile was what alerted you to start walking. He didn’t get far before turning back to you and tapping his foot against the floor, and suddenly your flushed cheeks became redder with embarrassment. Asmo didn’t pay you much mind thankfully, instead opting to grabbing your wrist and leading you away.
“Sooo, she likes cooler palettes right?” He must have wanted to double check with you, after all you were able to examine her wardrobe first hand whereas Asmodeus could only guess. You nodded, giving a thumbs up. “Yep, you hit the nail right on the head! But I think she likes a bit of red as well.” Asmo seemed to react well to the praise, but you wouldn’t deny the presence of something else in the air that made his aura feel…off.
Entering the store was like a blast from material gworls. The heavy stench of mixed perfumes and make up hit you like a truck, and the dark walls were highlighted with LED lights that made the shop feel more like a club then a store for clothing. “You sure that she’ll like the stuff here?” You shifted uncomfortably “We are trying to find something modest for her.”
Asmo huffed. “Yeah but she’s gonna want to look stylish too. Why do you doubt my judgement?” He asked, faking annoyance to tease you. You chuckled, trying to ignore the feeling that you did actually hit a nerve. “Ehe, you’re right.” Sucking up might save you from any sassy backlash the sinful beauty might throw your way, and seemed to work like a charm as he plastered his usual playful (and horny *cOuGh*) grin on his face. “That’s right! I have a knack for clothing as the most beautiful demon in the Devildom!” He dragged you to the clothes and thus, the hunt began.
You somehow could and couldn’t see Viveka wearing some of these outfits. Some were more casual like she wanted, others were quite revealing and could stroke her pride. She was built like a twig, tall and thin, but didn’t have many curves like these shirts were made to highlight. Of course if she were to wear them, it would be a given that people would salivate at the sight because haha tall stronk woman go brrrrr.
“Hey, Y/n? I wanna ask a teensy little question and you gotta answer truthfully, ‘kay?” Asmo didn’t remove his gaze from the clothes, picking out ones that seemed to be in Viv’s size and style, but you knew he was paying great attention to you and what you could tell him. “Uhh, sure? Why do I have the feeling you’re planning to murder me right now?” You asked hesitantly.
Asmo was silent, and you knew him long enough to know that he was struggling to pick out the correct words. “Do you think if we warmed up to Viveka that she’d let us rise to the heavens again? Or at least to her realm?” He asked. You felt your heart squeeze at this question, shards of emotions digging in to make the pain in your chest unbearable, like he really was trying to murder you with words and words alone.
Falling from heaven was a traumatizing experience for the brothers. It installed self doubt and a need for praise in Asmo. It made Mammon’s hunger for, well, everything he deemed as a treasure impossible to hold back. Levi became a shut in out of doubt, Beel’s stomach became a black hole that can never be satisfied, the list went on. They were happy as demons because of the freedom they were granted, but you couldn’t blame them for wanting to become something less….monstrous yet something just as powerful.
But Viveka didn’t seem pleased to be around them if her anger to Beel was proof enough. From what you gathered, she was pampered and spoiled, cold and cruel, yet there also seemed to be a melted patch in the blanket of snow that covered her heart. One that you only found by chance after winning the genetic lottery and being born a human. You felt your throat squeeze, like any words that tried to escape past your lips were being held back by their metaphorical tails. Asmo looked at you expectingly, but with a heavy sigh returned his attention to the clothing rack.
“I suppose deep down we both know the answer….but what if we could change it?” His voice sounded dreamy, like he was waking up from a pleasant nap and processing any dreams he had. You could only really shrug, forcing something, anything resembling a answer to exit your mouth. “Maybe you can. It’s too early to tell.” Was what you settled on. Generic, didn’t elude to something that could get his hopes up or crush them into dust, perfect.
With the time you spent in there picking out tops among other clothing items (and taking a few playful swats at Asmo for the items he tried to get for her), the atmosphere changed once again and you left the store in a much better mood then when entering.
Sure enough, who did you see walking your way? Mammon and Viveka, who seemed disinterested until her ruby eyes met yours. Viveka then picked up her pace, from walking to power walking with somehow equal parts elegance and grace as before. When she finally reached you, you were about to show her the clothes when you saw her start rustling through the singular bag she had, Mammon catching up with the rest.
“Here, I found these in the shop that I thought you would like.” She said curtly, placing some crystals in your hands. You could see one was clear quartz, another was a ruby, then a rose quartz and green aventurine. But she placed more in your hand that you began to review with the rest; There was now a amethyst thrown into the mix along with some pink topaz, jade and a garnet placed working the palms of your hands. Truth be told you were never one to think twice about crystals, maybe window shop or look at the cutting and think “wow that’s neat,” but having some in your possession felt…different, and exciting.
Viveka wasn’t halfway done though, taking another bag from Mammon who looked shocked for some odd reason. “I also got this.” She held up a necklace that you noticed had a mini cage of sorts for you to put some of the crystals in. Did she expect you to wear them like a badge perhaps? Still, she continued. “And I wasn’t sure when your birthday was so I got you one of each of these.” Now this made your eyes widen. The woman got you 12 different charm bracelets. One for each of the 12 zodiacs. That was the textbook definition of overkill in your eyes.
“Erm-uh, I-Isn’t this all a bit much-“ you cut yourself off when you saw Viveka stop rummaging through her bags. You felt a pit of dread wham into your stomach like a home run. Did she really go to the store just to buy gifts for you? Why?
Mammon finally rediscovered his ability to speak when he broke the silence. “I-I thought I was getting these for you!” He said in shock. Viveka raised a brow. “Did I ever state that they were specifically for me, or was that an assumption you made based on non-existent context clues?” She asked, straightening her posture. “Perhaps it’s my status that makes you assume such things, that I find pleasure in keeping rocks in my pocket to bring me wealth and good fortune. Pitiful. It’s common Wiccan practice for herbs and crystals to be used as gifts of worship for gods such as myself. Why should I, someone who is rising to the statues of a deity of worship, buy items that will find their way to me naturally?” She asked, a twinge of pride seeping through the cracks of her words.
Mammon swallowed thickly. “I…suppose you’re right.” He huffed, crossing his arms in annoyance. You deeefinetly sense he had more to say, but Viveka’s threatening aura was smothering everyone with fear so for once, Mammon completed the impossible and kept his mouth shut.
“Uhh….how about we show you the clothes we got in the car?” Asmo asked, a little anxiously. Viveka have a nod, a signal for the group to leave once again, except this time as a group.
Did she do something wrong?
Items like crystals and potions and other things mortals found charming were regular gifts for deities. Her mother would always have them on display and wear them with pride, and her siblings all ogled different food items they wished were sacrificed to them. Viveka was no exception, although she slowly hid her desires for materialistic objects as she grew older (which anyone can tell hasn’t worked out very well.) So what was she doing wrong?
The moral didn’t seem very impressed with the crystals or bracelets, perhaps because they were purchased with their friend’s money and not her own? Things were becoming more and more peculiar as Viveka learned more and more about morals….
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drippingviolets3 · 2 years
MC gets pushed away while the brothers focus on the other student then they get kidnapped by other demons who think they have a chance to get rid of them and to probably eat their soul. Now the brothers don't seem to care anymore so the student takes action and rescues the MC.
Idk man I currently can't go into too much detail my brain is all mush rn
Hmmm, I see good potential in this. I don’t think I could make this a full-on chapter due to how early in the series it is (believe me I have a plan, I just don’t know how to get there) but I could write a Drabble for this! Thanks for the submission!
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drippingviolets3 · 2 years
kinda u h,, went ham back in january and made a spotify playlist for viveka,, when i stop feeling a little embarrassed about hardcore simping for a fanfic character,, i might (might not) send the link (im dying as we speak)
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drippingviolets3 · 2 years
just want you to know i was working on some epic Viveka fanart a while ago before i lost my drawing pen,, I think about your story frequently and also enjoy thinking about her
Thank you so much, seriously. There have been multiple times where I think about the story and how it should go and I feel physically repulsed at it and my skills. Plus the backlash for the replacement AU in general (I haven’t been getting attacked dw, I just mean the hate and hate posts other blogs have been getting for the AU) scares me, and makes it harder to see the story as something that can become something good.
But stuff like this helps immensely, positive comments, art, feedback, and messages like this reminds me that while I don’t have a bunch of people who are into the story, I do have a group of people I need to provide for and that I don’t want to disappoint.
Thank you so much, and I hope you find your pen ☺️
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drippingviolets3 · 3 years
so,,, what does Viveka look like? I would like to make fanart as soon as possible
Okay so I’m not a super good artist, so when it comes to trying to create my characters I’ll either a, straight up draw them traditionally to practice, or B, just use a picrew.
Unfortunately all I have are very old drawing of Viveka (like reeeaaaally old, before I even decided to make her a goddess. Trust me you don’t want to see them they’re cringe and are hidden away for a reason-) so here’s a a few picrews I made.
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(This one I was going for something that looked like the RAD uniform with elements that she probably added herself, like the fur lined cloak for example)
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And then there’s this one, where I was really just trying to make her kind of dolled up janakdmsm
Although I will say this: Due to her royal nature and slightly spoiled personality, I imagine she would change up her outfit and hair a bit! But her usual style is one that’s very royal/regal and just SCREAMS power. Gotta show off on the mortals somehow.
I’m happy you want to draw her though! Honestly I’m just glad you like her period. I’ve gotten a few comments where people say they like Viveka, but they clearly haven’t seen my previous posts and don’t know that she’s a simp for the reader and NOT going to be a 2 dimensional bully, which kinda hurts as someone who’s been working on her for a book I want to publish, ngl. (No offense to those people though, with the tags saying “replaced AU” and the amount of content they’d have to dig through to see the original posts talking about my AU, I can’t blame them for not knowing 😅)
Anyways you can also find a description of her in the first chapter (which I have linked in my master list) in case you want any minor details to take note of! Again, thank you so much you literally don’t know how happy this makes me oaksksmfknwjdjdj
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drippingviolets3 · 3 years
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drippingviolets3 · 3 years
Oh, you wrote about viveka! In your Obey me AU! I loved that au and character!
Yep! I love her kandksnfn and I love writing for her!
I will admit I have my insecurities about her and the story, but I’ll try my best to make sure the story comes together nicely!
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drippingviolets3 · 3 years
Me: Okay I need to focus on my Attempted replacement AU for obey me since that’s what made my blog explode and where a lot of my followers come from. Plus Viveka has simps now I have to feed them, so what do you think brain?
Brain: ……
Me: Braaain? What are you doing
Brain: Genshin impact Self aware + cult AU.
Brain: Reader forms a group with some of the teens who are trying to help them survive and prove they’re the real god
Brain: Xinyan will be in the group
Me, now sitting down and preparing to write this AU: GOD DAMMIT BRAIN YOU FUCKING TRAITOR-
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