#obey me takeover! Mc au
misty-purple-haze · 3 years
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TW: none that I could see but please do let me know if I missed something!! It would be really appreciated thank you <33
Taglist: @ashielle
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You were busy in your pjs sleeping soundly when suddenly you were summoned or sucked into a void when you suddenly landed on your ass on the hardwood floor harshly. You looked around processing your situation only to be met with the glowing golden eyes in the dark staring at you that scared the crap out of you. This is how you found yourself in hell with the son of the devil glaring down at you while explaining that you were an exchange student in hell while you were still trying to process the situation going on in your head. The man called himself Diavolo, his butler, the green haired man called himself Barbatos. “Atleast they are handsome.” You whispered to yourself upon which they suddenly stopped and smirked at you. “Don’t tell me…” “anyways!” Diavolo clapped “you will be staying at the house of lamentation Mc! Hope you enjoy your stay here!” He said cheerfully while you merely nodded. You wanted to get this over with so you could sleep. “Oh my, seems like our student is sleepy Barbatos, take them to a spare room won’t you?” “Of course my lord.” The butler nodded and picked you up. “Comfy…” you drifted off to dreamland on the butlers chest. He tucked you in one of the guest rooms and left leaving you to rest in peace for the day to come.
“Mc? It’s time to wake up.” You opened your eyes to find the handsome butler close to you with a smile on his place. “Huh?” “Come on Mc, we have to go to RAD. The young master wants you to be there on time. Freshen up and wear this uniform and join us for breakfast okay?” You nodded and got ready and opened the door and saw Barbatos waiting outside for you. “Almost scared me there” he merely chuckled and offered you his hand to take which you took with a small smile. As he escorted you to Diavolo, you noticed the gold linings on the wall and the hyperrealistic portraits. You stared at the architecture in awe. Barbatos’s voice pulled you back to reality “we’re here Mc.” “Cool.” You nodded and sat in the chair he pulled out for you. You looked at your plate and gulped. “So Mc, how was your sleep?” “Ah it was good my lord, slept soundly in a long time.” You said nervously. You immediately looked down and started eating your breakfast. “Do you like the food?” “Yeah! It’s good!” You smiled and focused on your plate. God this was awkward. What are you even gonna talk about to a prince. The prince of hell , nonetheless. You finished your breakfast and set your spoon down and looked down to avoid any awkward atmosphere from building up. “Well, Mc? Are you ready to go?” He offered his hand which you accepted and walked up with him. “I’ve got to say Mc” “Hmm?” “That uniform looks good on you!” “Ah! Thanks my lord!” “Oh do call me Diavolo Mc.” “Well, thank you Diavolo!” You smiled. He smiled back “well? Is the uniform correct Mc?” “It’s a bit tight my lord but it’s okay, it’s manageable my lord.” “Ah, I see. I’ll fix it for you as soon as possible Mc” “it’s okay my lord! I can alter it on my own” he sighed looking at you “if you say so Mc…” the rest of the carriage was silent with you staring out at the greenery on the way. “Like the scenery Mc?” “Oh yeah. In my place we never had these many plants as people keep cutting them off to construct buildings and stuff” you sighed “oh, is that so?” “Mmhm” you nodded and looked back out he looked at you for some time and stared right back out with a smile on his face. The ride stopped in front of a castle. It was huge and well lit in the dark. “This is RAD. The school you will be attending as an exchange student.” “Woah. Huge campus.” You nodded and looked around in awe. “Like it Mc?” “Yea. It’s amazing my lord!” “Well, come on Mc the others will be waiting for us.” “Okay.” You nodded and followed the prince into a huge room with 9 men and 1 little boy and another human. A girl. She glared at you. You smiled back at her and focused on the prince instead. “My lord…” a black haired man with red eyes spoke up looking down at you. You unconsciously hid a bit behind the prince’s back which caused the prince to chuckle. “Lucifer, they are the new exchange student I was talking about.” “They seemed nice and suitable for the second season of the exchange program ” He looked at iris and smiled at her “iris?” “Yes dia~” she replied smiling at him “you will be incharge of Mc here. They are my newest priority along with you and I expect you to take it seriously okay?” “Okay!” She piped up and looked at you with a faker smile. “I hope we shall get along Mc~” you smiled back at her. That’s when Diavolo gently hugged you and looked at you with a relatively softer look and a gentle smile. “They will be staying with you all and iris at the house of lamentation.” They all looked even more gloomy than before. You smiled at them “I hope we all can get along?” You laughed nervously only to feel the black haired man’s glare on you. “Well, it’s time for introductions!” Diavolo interrupted the awkward moment.
The introduction session was long. You all got time to get along and know each other and you were also told certain rules that you had to follow during the exchange program. Currently you were walking home with the brothers and iris. Mammon was the first one who approached you as he was supposed to be your guardian for the rest of the year. “So since I’m supposed to be your guardian for the full year you better not cause me any trouble. Ya hear me human?” “Uhhh sure…” you nodded and walked alongside him. The walk was awkward. Not one person made a peep of a sound. You got to your “home” for the year and was led by Lucifer who took you to your room. “This is where you shall be staying for the rest of the year Mc. Hope you have a nice stay here.” “Ah thank you Lucifer! Have a nice night!” You called out to him only to have a door slammed to your face. “Anger issues much?” You shook your head and walked in your room. You looked around at the room which had a purplish hue, maybe due to the night sky? None the less, it was beautiful. You unpacked your bags and suitcases and started setting up your room. It was then Lucifer entered the room and noticed that you were unpacking your clothes, and belongings. “Need any help?” “Ah! You startled me there! And I’m good Lucifer” “I see. Well, dinner is ready. Be there early. Wouldn’t want Beezlebub to eat your food.” “Ah sure, be there in a minute” he nodded and left your room. You put the last of your belongings away and went to the dining room. You then took a seat near Satan and Asmodeus and started eating your dinner. You were exhausted and just wanted to sleep. You ate fast without looking at anyone, put your dishes away, washed them and made your way to your room. You took a bath and set up your bed and prepared to sleep when suddenly your door swung open. You turned around and saw iris. “Listen up, Mc.” “Oh hey iris! Need anything?” “You are not welcome here.” “Pardon?” “Honestly, these guys hate you already. Don’t get your hopes up Mc.” You looked at her in confusion. She merely slammed your door so hard you flinched on her way out. “What is her problem…” you shook off all that happened that day and went to bed.
Iris was sitting in her room wondering why had the prince hugged you gently while folding clothes with Mammon sitting by her side. “Mammon?” “Hmm?” He looked at her “you seemed to get along well with Mc.” “Yea they are fun I guess.” He sighed and got up. “Where are you-“ “I promised Mc that I would show them around RAD as their guardian.” And with that he left. “What has gotten into him?” Iris stared at the now closed door. She noticed how distant all the brothers were with her ever since you’ve arrived and it hasn’t even been 24 hours. “Must be nothing but their excitement. They will all come back to me when they’ve gotten bored of Mc. After all they are one boring bitch.” She smirked and continued folding her clothes. Little did she know that her stay would only worsen with your arrival…
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misty-purple-haze · 3 years
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TW: Mentions of scandals, mentions of scandalous stuff on behalf of iris, nothing else I could find. If you find something please do let me know(it would be appreciated <3)
Note: This idea belongs to @bitchyhuman (once again thanks for helping me out <3)
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It had been exactly a year since Diavolo had introduced the exchange program. He was sure he would like it. Nothing would go wrong. Or so he assumed. Iris was a good exchange student. Better than he thought. She had a few friends during her 3 year stay here, her grades were good, they were at 90% consistently, but he felt the need to introduce another student in hopes that it would be as successful as this one was. He didn’t know how and where to find a suitable candidate for the program. He also didn’t know how to convince his courtiers and the brothers or the other exchange students, how will he convince them? This was important. His dreams to unite the three realms. The very dreams he worked so hard to convince and get everyone’s support for… maybe he should introduce another human? That’s it. Maybe the new human will learn and be better just like iris so he could achieve his dreams. However fate had other plans for Diavolo. All his impressions about iris would be crushed when he noticed the message from Lucifer he was avoiding for so long only for him to find a viral sex tape of iris and one of his courtiers. That was it. The final straw. The biggest scandal. He didn’t know if it was photoshopped or real. He needed to fix this. And how? you may ask. He needed to bring another human there to erase the bad reputation this might bring along with the endless controversy. That’s when a gust of wind caused your information sheet to land on his desk. He smiled. Seems like he finally found the perfect candidate for the second season for the exchange program.
You were sleeping when you found yourself suddenly in front of a tall man glaring down at you. “Uh hello? Where am I?” You asked. Indore of your location. “The man gave a sigh of relief “you have been selected for the second season for the exchange program here. Hope you have a nice time here!”
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misty-purple-haze · 3 years
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TW: minor cusses, mentions of abandonment on iris’s part, please let me know if I missed something else (it would be very appreciated <333)
Taglist: @ashielle , @hajimeslover , @venus-armote , @night-of-silence , @axewh0re, @rubsgolikiol , @swan-chan
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It had been a week since iris had spat those venomous words at you. The brothers stuck by you and tried anything they could do to make you happy again. Shopping trips, self care days, gaming sessions, expensive gifts, nothing got to you. You tried approaching iris but neither she would even breathe in your direction or the students would allow you to even stay in the same place as her. Your patience was wearing out. You miraculously found her alone in the hallways taking books out of her locker when you dragged her to an empty classroom and locked the door behind you. “Mc what the fuck are you doing?!” She screeched. “I want to fix things with you.” “No. This is nonsense Mc. We are done, remember?!“ “Iris please-“ “no.” “Iris please.” You breathed out. She sighed and stopped and stared at you crossing her arms. “You have 10 minutes.” She stated and continued staring at you waiting for you to talk. You took in a deep breath and started. “I wanted to say sorry…” “Hmm? Now you’re apologising, Mc?” “Look I really didn’t mean to make you feel like this. To make this situation happen…” her glare softened up and she looked down at the ground. “I don’t know Mc… I’ve just been hurt too much during your stay..” “look Iris.” You held her shoulder tightly. “I did not mean to make your family life horrible too. I mean- when your mom and dad took me in I wanted us to get along…” “then why didn’t you defend me everytime they…” “I didn’t know how to, Iris. Maybe it was my selfishness that I didn’t help you, but I sincerely want to apologise.” She looked at you with tears in your eyes. “I never meant to replace you, I never meant to make them all hate you. I never hated you. Infact i wanted to get along with you…” she looked surprised. “What?” “Yes. I tried to talk to you but ever since that day you slammed the door on my face I stopped trying. I didn’t want to trouble you since you always avoided me… and just when I wanted to fix things between us you tell me you’ve been expelled and say all those hurtful words to my face….” She stood quiet. “Iris?” She suddenly hugged you. Not a word was shared between you two but you two just stood there hugging each other for dear life. You smiled. You both finally made up with each other after a long time of nothing but pain. It felt good. “But I can’t excuse you manipulating these demons though” you stated with a smile on your face. “Ah right… I do have to apologise before I go-“ “that won’t be necessary Iris.” “Mc?” “I’ll talk to the prince, he won’t expel you. I won’t allow it.” You shook you head. Iris laughed and ruffled your head “still stubborn aren’t we? You have really never grown Mc” she joked. “It took time for me to get it this way you know!” She merely laughed and grabbed your hand “now that everything’s fixed, let’s exit the humid classroom okay? Wouldn’t want our skin to be damaged now, wouldn’t we?” You nodded and followed her laughing. It was then you both stopped In front of a door with a gold plaque on it. “The prince’s office.” Iris sighed. “My last time here was shit.” She cracked a nervous smile trying to reduce the tension in the air. You grabbed her hand and rubbed circles on her wrist. “Well sis? Let’s go fix this matter okay?” She nodded. You both took a deep breath and opened those doors at the same time.
“Ah Mc! And who have you brought along….” Diavolo’s face twisted into a frown. “Mc? Didn’t I tell you to stay away from her? She hurt you.” “We’re here to fix things. Iris is not going home. She’s sorry about what she did and she will make up for it.” The prince and his butler quirked an eyebrow and so did Iris. “Well?” The prince stated looking at Iris. She hung her head and apologised sincerely for all the hurtful words she spat at you, for all the things she said in the video. For the sex tape. For the unnecessary scandal she caused. For everything. And she apologised to you one more time in front of the prince which made you realise that she was being sincere. The prince hummed in satisfaction. “That seemed sincere enough, you shall not be expelled.” Iris relaxed. “However” she tensed up again which caused you to rub soothing circles on her hand. “I don’t think anyone will trust you again, Iris.” “That’s fine by me my lord. I know I’ve done mistakes that cannot be taken back and I’m willing to take any punishment or I am willing to restore your trust in me again.” She replied. The prince smiled at her “very well then, Iris. Do apologise to the brothers and all those you have hurt due to your selfish desires.” She nodded and you both were about to exit the room when “Iris?” She turned around to see the prince smiling at her. “I’m glad you took the chance to apologise and set things right. I hope the others forgive you.” And with that you both exited the office. “See? You did it! Now you just have to say sorry to all those you hurt okay?” She smiled and nodded and that evening, apologised to everyone. People were skeptical of her but your reassurance calmed them down.
That evening Iris and you spent you time with each other trying to catch up on what you all missed. It was fun, hearing about her experiences in the Devildom. You also told her about mom and dad and how they missed her. At the end you both had the best time of your lives in a while. It was a time where you siblings bonded freely. It felt… good, free, like a breath of fresh air. There were still some misunderstandings to be clarified, some mistakes to repair, and some people to apologise to. But that could wait. All you wanted to do right now was to spend time with your sister who also seemed as eager as you were to be with you. And that was enough. For now the bond you both shared after this was enough for the time being. Other things could wait.
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misty-purple-haze · 3 years
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TW: Minor cusses, mentions of abandonment on iris’s part, please let me know if I missed something (it would be appreciated <33)
Taglist: @ashielle , @hajimeslover , @venus-armote , @night-of-silence , @axewh0re, @rubsgolikiol , @swan-chan
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The day went by slowly. Way too slowly. Iris tapped her pen on the bench. The video of her ranting about you, the brothers had gone viral that morning. She couldn’t ignore her gut feeling that was telling her to leave immediately and head for the house of lamentation. She ignored all the glares and whispers directed at her and looked at you enjoying your time here with the demons surrounding you. The bell brought her back to reality and she quickly hurried to the prince’s office only to find a pit of golden eyes, a pair of green eyes, and a pair of red eyes glowing in the dim lights of the office glaring at iris. She gulped knowing exactly what was to come. “Iris. I hope you know what we called you here for.” She gulped and nodded. Diavolo then started playing the video of her ranting in the bar. She hung her head in shame as she heard the vile words come out of her mouth. “Is this really what you thought of us, Iris?” He asked her but she gave no reply. She merely looked down and her head hung low as she felt ashamed. She then looked around to see you sitting next to Diavolo. Her eyes widened. She hadn’t seen you there a minute ago. “I’m disappointed in you Iris. To think that you were using us, taking advantage of our loyalty and what’s even worse, is the way you talked about Mc. Your fellow exchange student who just wanted to get along with you and befriend you as a fellow human. I’m disappointed.” He stated rubbing his temples. You looked at every one in confusion. “Uh… I know I should not interrupt…” “Mc? Is something wrong?” Asked Diavolo. He gave you a small smile. Lucifer too, turned to look at you with a softer look on his face. “Is everything okay Mc?” Whereas Barbatos set the plate of treats in front of you and looked at you with concern in his eyes. “My lord, I don’t know what am I called here for, is something wrong? What did Iris do? Is she okay?” Your DDD had been broken on an accident you were caught in along with mammon. You were oblivious to the situation and all the mean things she had said about you. “Lucifer? They don’t know?” “Their DDD was broken, or to be correct, smashed in an accident my lord. They still need a new DDD.” “I see. Barbatos? Please explain what Iris has done while Lucifer and I handle this situation privately.” The butler nodded and explained everything to you outside the office. Of course you were shocked and most importantly sad. “I understand your situation Mc, Iris hates you and I don’t know why….” “It’s fine Barbatos, I need to go home anyways” and with that you walked with your head low with the butler staring back at you with visible concern in his eyes. The butler collected himself and walked right back in the office to inform the demons and the human about you.
“Ah Barbatos! Where is Mc?” “They… didn’t want to stay any longer my lord. They went back to the house of lamentation.” He replied only for the other 2 mens faces to darken even more. “Iris.” The prince stated, drawing the human girl’s attention. “You will be expelled from RAD for not only using pacts for your own personal gain, but also bad mouthing your fellow human. I want you gone by the end of this month.” And with that the meeting was dismissed as Diavolo got out of his chair and made way to the House of Lamentation with Iris and Lucifer in the office alone. “I’m disappointed, Iris.” And with that Lucifer left too, to check up on you. Iris was left alone in the office left alone with her own racing thoughts.
Currently while the other brothers were being informed about the situation, you were in your room trying to process the information that Barbatos had conveyed to you. You shook your head and went to take a bath to clear up your head only to find a fuming Iris in your room. “So, your finally happy huh Mc?” She asked “Iris what-“ “please shut up Mc. I lost everything because of you! You don’t realise don’t you?” “Iris I don’t know what I did.” “Oh of course you don’t know. You would never know, you are the “picture perfect human” after all aren’t you? You ruined my life back then and you really think you can just walk into my life and ruin it now? Wow indeed!” She clapped her hands and sneered at you. “Thanks to you I got expelled. Thanks to you they all hate me, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME HUH? EVER SINCE WE WERE KIDS, MOTHER LOVED YOU FATHER LOVED YOU AND WHEN I FINALLY THINK THAT I HAVE FOUND SOME PEOPLE TO MANIPULATE AND MAKE THEM LIKE ME AND THIS IS WHAT YOU DO?! RUIN EVERYTHING I TRY? DO YOU ENJOY MAKING ME CRY ? MC?” You were stunned at her outburst. You couldn’t find any thing to say to her. “So now you’re speechless huh, NOW you think about what you have done huh? You’re a fucking joke Mc. Wonderful.” It was then the brothers bursted in your room as they heard Iris screaming at you and saw you in your bath robe in the star of tears with Iris glaring at you. “Mc?! Darling are you okay?!” Screeched Asmodeus while hugging you and wiping your falling tears. Since when had you been crying? You didn’t know. You didn’t want to know. You just wanted to fix things between you two. You didn’t mind the commotion around you. You only focused on Iris and the venom in her eyes as she spat all those hateful words at you. You needed to fix things between you and Iris. That’s how Iris would finally find peace and you too, would be relieved from the heavy burden on your shoulder.
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misty-purple-haze · 3 years
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TW: Minor cusses, mentions of Alcohol, drinking, mentions of abandonment on iris’s part, please let me know if I missed something (it would be appreciated <33)
Taglist: @ashielle, @hajimeslover, @venus-armote, @night-of-silence, @axewh0re, @rubsgolikiol
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It had been 1 month of your stay in the Devildom. Literal hell. Guess hell was much different than you thought. The demons here were friendly to you and sometimes even casually proposed the pacts to you as they claimed you would be a good master to them. They helped you on your way to classes, in tests, and basically were there for you if you needed some help as your friends. Thanks to this, you were doing great in your studies. Lucifer helped you in your homework and studies, Mammon and you played pranks on Lucifer. He even took you to casinos regularly, gaming nights with Leviathan were a thing ever since he found out you were good at games. Satan and you had reading sessions with iris but he mostly paid attention to you and engaged in conversations and debates with you and was overall pleasant to you. Asmodeus always invited you to self care sessions and was always around you claiming you were fun to be around. Beezlebub was a nice guy to both you and iris. He invited you to the kitchen to give you little tidbits incase you felt hungry. Belphegor would always be around you in some form. Be it draping himself over your lap or on your bed next to you or just in general. He claimed it was because of how nice you were to Beezlebub and everyone in general. Simeon and Luke were always sweet to you. Luke gave you some of his sweets and Simeon always ruffled your hair anytime he saw you. Solomon always cracked some jokes around you and put an arm around your shoulder anytime he saw you. Diavolo and Barbatos invited you to tea parties and outings. They showed you all the famous spots and their favourite spots in the Devildom too. Iris, on the other hand, started to feel left out. She watched with jealousy as you were having fun with the boys. She felt forgotten and left behind. All those feelings of jealousy and anger turned into anger towards you. What did you have that she didn’t? Was she not good enough? Why wasn’t she given the attention and care you were given? She soon turned to drinking and isolating herself. She rarely even came down to dinner. Not that anyone noticed. Everytime you asked about her the topic was always diverted to something else.
You were busy walking down the hallways of RAD when you suddenly bumped into iris “watch where you’re going, Mc.” “Ah! I’m sorry! Are you okay iris?” You extended a hand to the girl who brushed your hand off. “I don’t need any help. Especially from you.” She spat and walked off bumping your shoulder hard enough. You looked back at her retreating figure in confusion. “Mc?” You turned to Diavolo. “Hmm?” “What happened?” “Ah I accidentally bumped into iris and offered to help her but she brushed me off? She also stated she’d rather not take any help. Especially from me…” “Oh.” He stated looking at the direction iris went in. He sighed. “She really ought to be polite to you Mc…” “it’s okay my lord, she must’ve had a bad day.” He just smiled at you. “Well, I’ve got one more class to attend to my lord, I’ll see you later?” “Of course! see you later Mc!” He waved at you and watched as you left to your next class. You seemed to be doing good here. Infact you looked so much better than the day you got here. Guess he did make the right choice after all.
That night iris was in the bar drinking her woes away as she would do frequently. That night she had accidentally rambled too much about you. About how she felt about you. And a lot of those things she said wasn’t exactly friendly. “Mc is so annoying you knowwww” she slurred. Drunk out of her mind. Too far gone to even control her tongue. “Honestly they think they can come back and act like this again? They are so fucking stupid you know?” “They ruined my life back then and they ruin my life back now and assume that that can act nice ? Stupid. That’s what they are.” She ranted to the nearest demon. “What do they have that I don’t? Huh? Why are they so fucking special?!” “I hate them. I hate their fucking guts. They stole my boys. My demons!!” “I HATE THEM SO FUCKING MUCH” “honestly I don’t even love those brothers anyway. They were nothing but mere sources of power and popularity to me” she smirked before she suddenly screamed at the top of her lungs not caring about who heard as she poured out the most vile words and thoughts about you. “BEFORE THEY CAME WE ALL USED TO HANG OUT TOGETHER. THEY ALL USED TO FUCKING WORSHIP ME AND SUDDENLY THEY ARRIVE AND RUIN EVERYTHING LIKE ALWAYS. I FUCKING HATE THEM SO FUCKING MUCH. I HONESTLY WISH THEY NEVER EXISTED” she slammed her hands on the bar counter not knowing she was being recorded. She woke up the next day with the worst hangover she had ever felt and noticed bowl of soup, some aspirin, some soothing gel and a note next to her on her bedside table.
I noticed you lying, unconscious in the bar and I picked you up and tucked you in your bed. I’ve left some hangover soup, medicine, a soothing gel to rub on your head to help cure it. Hope you take it. I was really worried. Please don’t drink too much iris… and please take care of yourself
— Mc
She groaned and massaged her head. “Stupid Mc. They were the reason I drink so much. Fucking bitch.” She seethed and reached for her DDD to see the time only to find missed calls and messages from Lucifer and Diavolo asking her to come to the council room after RAD. “What did I do now…” she shook off the uncomfortable feeling around her and opened her Devilgram but closed it due to the increasing migraine. “Guess I have to listen to that bitch.” She sighed and got ready and came down for breakfast and got glares from the brothers. Especially Lucifer who looked like he would kill her any moment. She flinched and tried to sit next to you but mammon suddenly sat next to you. It seemed as if he was trying to guard you? She shook it off and continued her breakfast ignoring the venomous glares sent her way. She made it to RAD fast enough. Ever since you came the brothers preferred protecting you leaving her alone. While walking down the hallways of RAD, she felt whispers and glares sent her way from random demons. Even the prince and his butler looked at her with anger and disappointment in their eyes. A look she had never gotten before. She watched as they shook their head at her and walked in the opposite direction. She heard whispers and taunts coming from many demons who eyes her up and down, laughing at her, while some were glaring at her. Some of whom, were your friends that were protective of you. Rumour has it that you made several pacts with some higher ups and lesser demons already. “Of course they would. They are the “star student” after all.” She thought. The mere thought of you was enough to agitate her.She really didn’t understand what happened. Maybe it had something to do with all those Devilgram notifications in the morning she was too tired to read. She quickly excused herself to the restroom and opened her Devilgram and her eyes widened. Seems like she had said too much that night…
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misty-purple-haze · 3 years
Yall I’m changing the plot of THE SCANDAL. It’s still a takeover! Mc Ah but the names are modified and here the girl is a manipulative little shit that may have some history with our dear Mc. Yes, there is a scandal but I’ve changed some of the plot points and some scenarios in the series! Hope y’all like it!!
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misty-purple-haze · 3 years
Can you all help me for ideas for a fic of takeover! Mc au? Like rather than being replaced by the mean girl Mc replaces the mean girl instead as they are much better than the mean girl. It was honestly inspired by @bitchyhuman’s takeover! Mc au
So uh can y’all help me for uh ideas?
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