#obey me cyn'
eveledoze · 6 months
spoilers for ep7 ! things about N and Uzi i wanted to point out 1/? I may sound stupid and naive going into all these details, so I'm sorry
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we all thought that he was looking at Uzi worriedly, but in reality he was shocked because the elevator was broken and because now the path to V was blocked. he's really worried and angry about it (and it's so unusual to see him like that)
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Tessa tells him to look back and at first he looks angry, but then his face softens. for a moment he simply forgot what state Uzi was in cuz he was worried about V (we know that now this Tessa is not exactly Tessa, but I will call her that cuz it’s convenient for me and so as not to get confused)
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Uzi realizes that she has poor control over her powers and bitterly admits that she cannot do anything. she sincerely apologizes and you can hear that she feels guilty from her helplessness + exhausted from pain this short moment honestly killed me- their voice intonations, words and music, it hits so hard (thank you AJ Dispirito! /mega pos) also i find it strange that at first there was no blood, then it appeared cuz of something (even though she doesn’t even have a crack in her visor like Doll) and then the blood disappeared
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but well okay-
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he sincerely apologizes, feeling guilty for his inattention to her well-being, and he comes to comfort her, his body language shows this but Tessa interrupts them
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Tessa calls him to explain to Uzi what's going on (lmao his face)
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he rubs his hands together, which indicates his nervousness, as he realizes that his words will make her more worried and terrified of what they might find out and see, so this will make the situation worse
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you can hear from the tone of Uzi's voice that she is beginning to suspect that they know more than she does, and for some reason they are not telling her this. she seems annoyed at the withholding of information, causing her to lose trust in Tessa and N
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he looks at Tessa as if doubting whether he can be frank in his words, since in essence Tessa is still his boss and he should not contradict her (why does the reflection of his eyes in her spacesuit look funny to me lol)
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he says this in a determined voice, while frowning. the words “we're not gonna hurt you” are addressed to Uzi while N’s gaze and gestures are interpreted as “WE'RE not gonna hurt HER” (while pointing his hand at Uzi) and this is addressing to Tessa. he clearly expresses his position and does not intend to obey Tessa in this in fact (he is rebelling)
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with this "Okay?" he tries to reassure Uzi that they really won't hurt her honestly, the tone of voice with which he said it reminded me a lot of the way he said "we'll ask Tessa, okay?" in ep5, when he addressed Cyn. in both cases, his "Okay?" sounds sincere, kind, letting them know that he will keep his promise
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she is scared and barely audibly says it, losing more trust in them while the fear grows
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Uzi is nervous, she loses control and creates a null, everyone moves back, by the way Tessa takes out her sword
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they repel each other. despite the falling stones, N reaches out to take her hand and pull her towards him
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he takes a step forward, "we'll figure this out, together?.." but she steps back, losing trust in him
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stones fall and block the passage, separating them from each other she closes herself off from him in every sense
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when he woke up, he immediately called her and it sounded quite desperate and creepy cuz of the echo
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N sees that his hand is crushed by stones. with a cold look, he takes out the blade and approache it to the hand, saying that he "deserved this", since he offended Uzi and believes that it would be right if he was punished for it. she experienced pain - he will experience pain, justice
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Murder Drones - TessaJ Posthumous - Her Blessed Remains
(takes place during the events of Episode 3)
J awoke in the pod. She gasped for air as her internal compressor kicked on. She had some burn marks on her legs where the railgun had injured her that were starting to fade. J wrapped her tail around herself for comfort, her footsteps making the tin floors of the space-ship let out a metallic 'tap' with every step.
Once J reached the control helm, she looked upon the girl in the spacesuit. Normally around Tessa, she would be herself and more loosened up, but she felt something was wrong, she could tell something was wrong, but her memory was too foggy. She stood back, hunched slightly to appear more apologetic, she greeted somberly, "I'm sorry for what happened back there... That you had to repair me."
The Aussie voice came through the helmet with a slight metallic echo, "S'alright, J. We are heading there now to take care of things."
J sat at the second-in-command seat to the left of the woman in the spacesuit. She sighed, looking away, not wanting to make eye contact.
The woman released the pressure from her helmet and took it off.
J heard the hiss of the nitrogen escaping the helmet, she dreaded the next part, but she had to look, she had to face her boss. If she had a stomach and a gag-reflex, J would've retched at the sight, it wasn't fully Tessa anymore under the helmet, it was a twisted amalgamation Cyn and Tessa.
The deceased looking woman trilled in a monotone voice, "[giggle] and what were you ex-expecting, J? Your little princess?"
J glared at her boss, she didn't want to talk. "Let's just get back to Copper 9 and finish the job like you want." She felt like crying, she wanted to be sad so badly, but, she couldn't cry, not in front of the current CEO of JC Jensen.
Cyn smiled a wicked grin, the greying skin on her face made her smile look even more twisted and deranged. She mimicked in the Tessa voice, "Oh come on, Jaybird, aren't you happy to see me?"
J hiccupped in sorrow, she barely made eye contact with the Tessa and Cyn amalgamate. "I... I am, just... I want to be done and over with this. I want to go back and kill that purple toaster. Then we can move on to the next one..." She scorned as she insulted bluntly, "That is if you don't wipe my memory again."
Cyn teased again in the Tessa voice while tapping her fingers together wickedly, "Why, because you think then that I'm your precious Tessa, so you obey and treat me better?"
J was more dulled to the memory resets now, and she had faint memories from them, even if it was fuzzy.
Cyn saw this now as a game, she stated in her normal voice as she picked up a knife, "[Grab] [giggle giggle]" She laughed as she held the knife up to a matted onyx section of her vessel's hair.
J slapped the knife out of Cyn's hand. She growled defensively, "Don't you fucking dare."
Cyn laughed before saying in a slightly-less monotone voice, "What? Does it bother you?"
"It does, a lot!" J screamed back, she couldn't hold her emotions in check any longer, her eyes streamed LED tears.
The cyborg mocked with a sickening laugh, "Did it bother you when Tessa made that precious wig you wear every day?" She teased cruelly as she reached to the back of her head and pulled a small chunk of ebony hair out and threw it at J's face, she heinously smirked at J's dismayed expression before she taunted, "I thought you had a thing for Tessa's hair, right?"
The disassembly drone leader growled with vendetta, she couldn't stand the complete disrespect for Tessa's body. The emotionally wrecked J exclaimed, her core aching with sorrow, "You killed her, Cyn! You killed the only person I cared about! She was my everything! TESSA WAS OUR EVERYTHING! SHE SPARED YOU, AND YOU COULDN'T SPARE HER!"
Cyn smiled wickedly as she picked the knife up again, she now pointed it at J's throat.
J didn't flinch, she was too distressed to care. "Go on, do it then! Kill me off, see if I care!" J shouted, her LED eyes going into the oval light mode, she shook slightly as she was consumed with sobbing and tears. She breathed heavily, her insides were running hot now, and there was no oil to drink.
"Are you done your little tantrum?" Cyn teased in the Tessa voice as she set down the knife.
J breathed heavily and responded, "While I have to obey you... just know if something happens and you perish... I WILL give Tessa a proper burial." She admitted nobly, despite her shaken emotional state, "Her blessed remains deserve respect and rest. My princess deserves that at very least."
Cyn was tired of J's noble streak and stabbed a USB flashdrive into J's hand.
J screeched in pain as she held her hand. She felt dizzy and started to sway before she collapsed onto the floor.
Cyn mocked once more in the Tessa voice to her strongest disassembly drone that was losing consciousness, "Sweet dreams, Jay-bird, let's hope you forget this by the time we get to Copper 9."
The End
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md-confessions · 5 months
a very specific pet peeve i have about n's mischaracterization in writing. his guilt about killing.
it's not that he feels bad in the sense of "oh no, oh my god, i just killed someone, i just did something terrible" he feels bad in the sense of the fact that he might be annoying. he could do something to piss someone off. it's not that he feels bad over taking lives its that he feels bad over the reaction.
in pilot, n apologizes for causing uzi to have an awkward moment with khan and over ruining the workers card game. he doesn't mention anything about killing until uzi points it out. thats such an interesting part to me about his character!!! though his squad kept their original personalities as cyn said, they took the humanity they had before. you see n panicking over that stuff in home (not over HIM killing anyone, i just mean death in general) but dd n doesn't show that same level of sadness over death atleast in my opinion. i don';t know if theres more proof past what i already listed but???yeah :)
DOUBLY INTERESTING TO ME ABOUT V ACTUALLY. because v... remembered all that went down at the mansion, she also remembered and retained her 'humanity' which makes the way she kills/treats wds much more interesting. i think its a way to cope atleast in how i viewed it. you HAVE to kill, you have to obey, or else everyone you love will die, so you might as well disconnect yourself as much as possible from the things you have to kill. basically. if she has to, why not try and have fun with it? I DONT KNOW its just very interesting to me how v changed so drastically from what we saw of her wd self to her dd self; i think its a front. we see how panicked v is when she thinks she's about to die in cabin fever (and promening too), versus n getting his ass beat continuously and acting like it's nothing crazy... BUT THEN AGAIN if we're going by my logic of "drones who remember their humanity/old selves are able to retain that sense of fear/grief versus drones who DONT just. not feeling bad/scared in that sense" then after n remembered stuff he should have started feeling that way... which he didnt, cause of him getting disemboweled in ep6 and not giving too much of a shit outside of it Tickling . lol . but THEN AGAIN if we go by that logic then its possible that v has just . never lost her memories. and n never FORGOT anything when he regained his memories in home so maybe he's just so used to it andOK IM RAMBLING
DOUBLE TL;DR; v and n parallels through the way they respond to pain/death and also because of how much each of them remembers.
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A 40+ yo mom comes to her Devildom w/her two kids pt 4 @mepsratchild12
A couple days later MC was pissed. Ty and Levi actually kept each other on track, making sure grades stayed up and school work was done, all be it from home online school, Ty still came to her for help with History, she went to Satan for help with that. What books she should read to catch up quick.
That wasn't what pissed her off. Mammon has promised to make sure Cyn was okay getting to and from her classes as she got lost easily. And they didn't put Cyn in the same classes as her mother because of her mental age. Luke found the child crying and scared surrounded by bullying demons and no Mammon to be found.
MC loved that little Angel and now Cyn wouldn't leave the boy's side at school. Thankfully Luke and Simeon didn't mind. They happily took over watching her while MC did her schooling.
She matched her ass home to the HOL promising Simeon and Luke she'd come get Cyn in a couple of hours. She opened the door, fire in her eyes, Ty took one look at their mom and ran for Levi's room to get him.
"Someone is up shits creek, my mom is fucking pissed and doesn't have Cynthia with her, who was in charge of the brat again?"
Levi's eyes got huge "Oh SHIT Mammon." They both ran back downstairs and then followed MC as she walked up the stairs with deliberate steps. Normally MC knocked, not today, she threw open Mammon's door and saw him just laying on his bed.
"How dare you?" Her voice as quiet as the grave, the boys behind her exchanged looks, they heard steps behind them and moved over for Lucifer who had sensed something was wrong."
"What ya mean how dare I? How dare you just barge into my room?!"
"You were tasked with protecting Cynthia while going in between her classes, YOU TOLD ME you would protect her. So why did Luke find her sobbing in a stairwell surrounded by demons bullying and hitting her?"
Ty pulled themself to full height standing up perfectly straight and came up next to their mom, "I'd answer her if I were you." The quieter she gets the more fucked you are. And not just from her, you let people hurt my sister." The kid cracked every joint in their body and glared at Mammon.
"Mammon, I have never in my existence been more disappointed in any living being than I am now, and I will never trust with anything or anyone important to me in the future. You have proven yourself unreliable. Until you can prove to me you aren't the selfish beast your brothers say you are, do not come near me or my kids."
She spun on heel and ran right into Lucifer who was looking at her curiously, "Excuse me Lord Lucifer, I am having dinner at Purgatory hall and will be staying there tonight by invitation of the Angels and Solomon.
She went to her and Cyn's room and packed an over night bag, then left the HOL. Shutting the door as quietly as she had opened it.
The others looked at Mammon who's face had gone pale, his hands were shaking, eyes wide with unshed tears. Lucifer didn't even feel the need to punish him, MC's words had been enough.
"Fuck Mammon, that's..."
"Mom is deadly pissed right now. I haven't seen her this mad since Dad... Best to leave her be. Let her go calm down and you, get my sister hurt again, and we're throwing down." Kid took off their flannel showing they were wearing a sleeveless, form fitting top and the kid was almost as built as Beel. "My mother taught me how to use a sword at 5 years old and in protection of the Brat I will use it."
Kid matched back to Levi's room and flopped on the floor, Beel followed him. "Come on, let's burn that anger out."
"Gym, I also have staves to practice with."
" I don't know staff work. That's my mom"
"I'll teach you."
They were in the gym for hours, Beel helping Ty over come the rage they felt at Cyn being put in that kind of danger. Mammon never left his room all night, Levi sat in the gym and watched Beel and Ty work. Kid had STAMINA. Beel asked about it.
"Marching band, I am low brass, play trombone." He took a breath, "I lightsaber train, I made a FFVii buster sword, and train with it. It's just cardboard but I used scrap metal I found as the core. It weighs a good 20lbs. It's a good workout. I ride my bike to school and back again."
"And MC staff trains."
"Yeah, mom really wants to learn Naganata, but we can't afford one, she also wants to learn spear work. Like I said she started my sword training. She was practicing with her little sister with bokken swords while pregnant with me." The pride in his voice was evident to those who had gathered in the gym.
Lucifer was messaging Simeon, who sent the other man images of the scratches and bruises on Cynthia, he shook his head. "thank you for giving her space to calm down. Mammon is pale, shaking, and crying just from her words. I think they not need to be in the same house for a bit."
"No problem Luci. The girl is attached to Luke right now. He is teaching her how to make something in the kitchen. She's okay and Solomon is treating her wounds."
They hung up. Lucifer poured a glass of Demonus, leaned back in his chair, "Mammon what in the hells was more important than keeping this child safe?"
AO3 link for those who want to read it there. She has an actual name on AO3
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myddle · 1 year
Aight, time to go off about Murder Drones
Okay so Episode 6 dropped a little bit ago so I'm just gonna share my thoughts on where the show might be going in some regards
Warning: Big Post, Spoilers, Opinions
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Okay, first up: "Effective drones were cloned more."
While framed like a throwaway line, this has important implications. It's interesting that J doesn't seem disturbed by this fact; she's presumably the original J since she's with Tessa and remembers her. N and V (maybe?) didn't fully remember their past until "Home", and since they were with another J, they're probably not the originals. But does Tessa know this? Does she think they're the originals because they remember her? Or does she know they're clones, and is just using their memory of her to get what she wants? Either way, I don't see this little alliance lasting.
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Second: Cyn/Solver's Voice
Was the GLaDOS-ass voice originally Cyn's, or the Solver's? Uzi talks in it when she's possessed, as does eldritch J in "Heartbeat", which implies it's the Solver's, but Past N acts like it's normal when he's talking to Cyn in "Home", which implies it's Cyn's. Did Cyn have a different voice before she turned, or did the Solver take her voice due to not having one of it's own? Are Cyn and the Solver one or two entities? I got nothing.
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Thirdly: How Everything Is Fucked, Actually
If you thought V's sacrifice was tragic, ponder me this: How the hell is the gang even gonna get out of there? V just destroyed the elevator out, and even if she didn't, it's swarming with Walking Dinos/Dino Walk Cycles. Between being trapped in the Labs, down a fighter, N being traumatised, Uzi getting possessed, the black box of Tessa's motivations, Doll being totally fine with leaving their asses to die, and whatever the fuck else is down there, things look bleak. The only thing I can personally see being the key to survival is...
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Finally: Uzi's Administrator Status
At the end of "Home", Uzi replaced Cyn as the administrator of N and V, seemingly purging their minds of the Solver's influence. This, to me, means two things.
The Solver can't control N and V anymore - I definitely think this will come up; Something like Solver Uzi beckoning N to obey, and getting hit with the "[ACCESS DENIED]", maybe with a funny Windows error sound or something.
Uzi can do Administrator ThingsTM - Uzi is smart, and knows her way around drone programming, enough to enter someone's memoryscape and POSSESS a motherfucker. Cyn was N and V's original Admin, and the Solver has done both of these things too.
Uzi has the potential to be Cyn's equal, and with whatever equipment there is in the Labs, I reckon she'll be able to brainhack her way into turning the tables on the Solver. Hell, as V's Administrator, she might even be able to recover her conciousness remotely, or something.
I don't know what's going to happen, but I hope I'm right, because the key to victory being Uzi's own hyperfixation, rather than the powers she inherited, would make for a great character arc.
Image source: Murder Drones Fandom Wiki
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admiral-anime · 1 year
I've seen the theory that Tessa is not who she wants to appear to be popular right now. It's often said that she might be CYN.
It's a very interesting theory, but I don't think it's quite right. Most importantly, if Tessa turns out to be CYN, it devalues the pressure on N. The "universe or one little drone" choice he's being forced to make by someone N trusts.
Here are a few things that indicate that Tessa is Tessa after all:
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When she arrives on C9, we see the things she brought with her. I don't think that's what the CYN godlike machine needs. At least not ordinary human stuff.
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It's also the same way she grabs N as she did in the Gala episode.
About her saying she's "human" too often. I think there's a couple reasons for that. First of all, she says it when the fact that she's "human" or not affects a character's abilities. Like in the case of sentinel control. In the second place, I think it further demonstrates that she clearly separates humans and robots. (As she says about N: "my robot"). Yes and in the past she has said "humans" are coming.
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I'm not sure about the toxic atmosphere at all. I don't think it would affect both the robot and the man in the spacesuit. I'm just going to assume that the writers did it so that UZI could bite Tessa's finger without jumping up.
About the sentinels not recognizing Tessa as human and the weird-looking blood. Well, as hinted at in episode 5, Tessa has some kind of arm problem:
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It seems to me that this "something" required future intervention. Probably using technology like DD regeneration or just prosthetics. So the sentinel broke down trying to follow two contradictory orders. Obey the humans and kill the drones.
Just because she cooperated with Doll but wants to kill UZI doesn't stop her from wanting to kill Doll too. After all, she wants a list of all the drones associated with AS. Certainly not for a census. And she wasn't looking to kill UZI here and now.
And the blood. It was written somewhere that the blood disappears when she talks to N. And it does. But I'm sure it's a mistake in the animation.
Here she is talking to N (no blood):
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Then V comes in and there's still no blood:
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Blood appears:
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And then it's gone again:
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Those are probably the most meaningful arguments to me. If I'm forgetting something. maybe I'll write about it later.)
Oh, yeah. The timeline thing. To be honest, I haven't really figured it out yet. We don't have the exact dates of Gala, the destruction of Earth, the destruction of the people on C9, we don't even have Tessa's age. (Maybe in this universe, people live 400 years?)
Tessa's weird theory comes from this post:
Actually, I saw more than just this post. But I couldn't find the others.
Tessa's suspicious theory is very interesting. I'm really looking forward to seeing what this story turns into in the next couple episodes.
And if Tessa actually turns out to be CYN. Huh. Her shoulder patch could be considered a kill counter. Brutal.
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cynthinesia · 2 years
— “Take thy hand, allow it to guide you to your path.” —
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[Request Rules]
Hello! My name is Cynthia, and I’m more than pleased to meet you all! I write for Twisted Wonderland, and you are all free to interact with me! Though I am a slow writer, I’m getting it done in the end! If you see anything that’s out of character, feel free to tell me and I’ll do my best to fix it.
Occasionally, I do small edits and even draw stuff!
Again, very pleased to meet you!!
🌹 [OC Masterlist] 🌹
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Tag Guide:
#cyn talking — This tag is used whenever I talk or scream into the void :)
#cyn's answers —This tag is used when I answer an ask :)
#requested — Self explanatory -- This is the request tag ^^
#mind mirror — This tag is used when I share my writing on my own! It could be random stuff like Floyd eating takoyaki in front of Azul, or where Riddle confessed and reader and him starts dating :)
#oc stuff — Self explanatory again, this is the tag I’ll use for when I post something about my ocs!
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Request Status: Open!
Inbox Status: Open!
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— Want to see the writer’s other works?
@yuuniee — Fandom: Twisted Wonderland. (OC Blog) || Blog Status: Old. || Interaction Status: Open.
@twisted-udderland — Fandom: Twisted Wonderland. (Shitpost Blog)
[Obey Me Blog] — Fandom: Obey Me! Shall we date? || Blog Status: New. || Requests: Open.
@myx-it-up — Fandom: Blush Blush || Blog Status: New. || Request Status: Open.
✧ Last Updated: 17th May 2024
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But don't pagan pantheons have a single god ruling over the others like a king? Doesn't that nullify your whole point?
no, it's not the same. i really hate the term "king" because it's such a confused term.
the christian god rules as an absolute monarch. his word is law. his will is unilaterally imposed on the world. he has a "court" of attendant angels who obey his every command without question or complaint.
the indo-european gods, on the other hand, are ruled by some "king" of the gods, yes. but his kingship is qualitatively different. he has a /lot/ of power but it isn't unlimited. for the greeks specifically, the myths are littered with suggestions that zeus, while mighty (the most mighty of all the gods), he is still under threat of being overthrown (as his father was, and uranus before him) and largely depends on the support and consent of the other gods to maintain his rule.
which leads me to my next point: the "court" of zeus is composed of a bunch of mostly-independent gods (major and minor) and spirits with their own wills and desires and agency. sometimes their wills are in direct opposition to other gods' (including even zeus').
and then we have the whole thing about fate (and all of the related concepts i mentioned in my answer to that ask -- and the ones i didn't mention) and how even the gods are subject to it. which sounds a lot like being subject to the rule of law, instead of being a king who is himself the source of law (and therefore above the law). even as far back as the iliad we have at least a couple scenes where zeus resigns to fate; the scene where he considers saving his son from death and hera reminds him of how unwise it would be to do so (even warning that other gods wouldn't approve -- again: consent is important), and the scene where he lets the golden scales decide whether achilles or hector would die.
and all of this goes back to my point about "aristocratic egalitarianism" and my issue with the term "king" in general. the "kings" of ancient indo-european civilizations weren't really the absolutist monarchs dreamed up by later christians. indeed, even in ancient times this kind of "despotism" (absolutist monarchs ruling by divine right) was seen as tyrannical and very /oriental/ in nature. the greeks often made it a point to juxtapose their civilized democracy with the despotism of eastern barbarians.
the various terms they used for their "kings" were never so rigid or absolute. their kings were typically elected (even rome's king was an elected position) and were both institutionally and socially limited. and where "kings" did exist the expectation was that the "king" would rule according to law and with the consent of their people or they'd be overthrown. this even goes for the supposed "kings" of the iliad, but i've discussed that elsewhere. i do want to note that the archaic term "basileus" is often translated as king but there's no real evidence for this. the term is applied quite liberally to a variety of people in various positions. actually, even the word "king" comes from the term "cynning" which just means "leader of the people." it doesn't imply that he has autocratic power.
so it seems to me that all of these terms we translate as king originally just meant "leader of the people" and were really more similar to being a chief magistrate or chief executive. though the extent of their powers probably varied from culture to culture, place to place, individual to individual there were definitely some major distinctions between these roles and the roles of absolutist despots ruling over subjects by divine right. hell, if the ancient greeks were able to look at the constitution of the united states i'm sure they were translate the office of our president as "basileus" and the ancient germans might refer to him as "cynning."
so when we talk of zeus, for example, as king of the gods he isn't a despot ruling over them absolutely. but he is undeniably their chief magistrate and, as such, wields a great deal of power. it's just not unlimited and is constrained by the law (fate) and the support of the other gods. very different from the monarchical authority of the christian god for example.
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For the writing wrapped: I'm curious about 5,8,11 &/or 20 if you haven't answered them!! Hope you had a nice new year :>
Hi nonnie thank you so much for asking these 🥺🥺🥺they're so great!!!!
5. Favorite line of dialogue you wrote this year?
5. Ohhhhhhh dialogue is literally my favorite thing. I can't choose between these two so you're getting both!
Since this is my main fic I talk most frequently about, the first one is from the Age 16 chapter of my dabixreader wip, Bury My Ashes At Sea (previously Dolls and Soldiers), aka Hex!fic:
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[Alt text: White text on a black background that reads:
"“Come to think of it, we’re gonna be eighteen in two years. Should probably think about getting you a ring, huh? What d’you want?”
“I’m not listening.”
“You gonna wear a dress or a kimono? I couldn’t care less, you’ll look pretty in either. But if you want the ceremony in a church or somethin’ you better let me know now cause it’ll take at least the full two years to soften dad to it.”
You scoff. “There would be no ‘softening’ your dad to a marriage to me, for a variety of reasons.”"
/End text.]
and the second is from my fic for the game Obey Me--currently on the back burner while I finish the above- Love is A Liar's Game!
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[Alt text: White text on a black background that reads:
"OC’s gaze briefly drifted to the demon friend before it fell to the usual target of her phone screen. She popped her bubblegum while she typed. “All hate mail received is subject to a penalty fee of 11000 Grimm. Will you be paying with gold or DP?”
“Are you fucking kidding me?!”
“Do I look like I’m kidding?”
“Fuck you! I don’t have 11000 Grimm!”
“Bummer.” OC shrugged and popped another bubble before speaking to Beel. “Babe, try to keep some of his bigger bones intact. I bet Mammon can find me a buyer.”"
[/End text.]
The rest will be under the cut!!!
8. Did you have a word you used too often?
I always use 'just' too much. I don't even need to look, I know that's what it is.
11. What was the highlight of your writing/writing career this year?
I got my first full request on my original manuscript, Cynical Chaos!!!! That was really exciting! It also ended up being my first rejection on a full lol, but hey, progress is progress and fuck it we ball.
20. Did you make any Pinterest boards, aesthetics, art, etc., for your writing? Share your favorite.
I actually made a lot of moodboards this year, both for Cyn Chaos and my own selfship project I was doing for fun!!!
Again, I can't choose between two. We have my Dabisa one:
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and then the one I did for the prologue of Cyn Chaos! I'm trying to make a moodboard for every chapter
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(red and blue lol)
Send me a number for Writing Wrapped!!!!!
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nahirdinboon · 10 months
Pomp and Circumstance, Part 1
One year before Ser Lex's Witchlight adventure...
“Squire Ollex, please step forward.”
Oh good gods, this is it. Lex nodded to Herald Lambelin and stepped forward, nervously tugging on his gauntlets as he approached the raised dais in this meeting chamber. He glanced to his left and right at the assembled members of his knightly order, all standing in orderly rows to witness this momentous ceremony. His gaze moved over the collection of knights of varying ranks, trying to avoid meeting their eyes while seeking out one in particular.
At last, he found where the other squires were at parade rest and saw the one he was looking for. Lex smiled at the comforting presence of the earth genasi, those sapphire eyes gazing back at him, a warm smile spreading across that chiseled marble-like face that made him smile in return. Though it wasn’t the same as both of them making this walk together, at least he would still be able to share this moment with Ghibrail in some form.
Lex stopped at the steps of the dais, his eyes moving away from his rock and to his mentor. Lady Cynlanil Dawnstrider, Matriarch of the Knights of the Radiant Shield and one of many heroes who fought beside his moms in the Great Undead War, stood before him in her white and gold ceremonial powered armor. A ghost of a smile crossed her face as she looked over his choice in ceremonial vestments, a white linen tabard with a gold circle in the middle, paired with a red cloak. An unmistakable homage to her own attire. The elven artificer-paladin nodded to him, and then it was showtime.
Lex knelt before Lady Cyn, the room quiet as he took a knee, his hands sweaty in his gauntlets as Lady Cyn led him through the words of his oath. It took him a moment to find his voice, but with each word, found confidence and resolve that echoed throughout the hall. “In the name of the Knights of the Radiant Shield, I swear my loyalty to you, Lady Cynlanil Dawnstrider, Matriarch of our Order. As the moon rules the tide, as the rain refreshes the grass, as the sun imparts life to all, so your will becomes my desire. As you command, I will obey. As you request, I will comply. May my service always please you, and may my eyes lose their sight if I invoke your wrath. My heart, my mind, and my axe are yours from now until my final day.”
Lady Cyn nodded and said to him, but in a voice that carried across the chamber, “Do you swear to be the shield of this world, to protect the people who call this material plane home from the dangers that lurk outside its borders?”
Lex nodded and recited the second part of the oath. “Yes, my lady. No matter how long the road, how dark the night, or how dangerous the peril, I shall be their shield until all roads come to an end or the need is over. I shall protect the people who call this material plane home, else may the road cease to lie beneath my feet.”
“Then by the power vested in me by Helm, god of protection, and witnessed by those assembled here this day,” Lady Cyn intoned, drawing her sword Dawnblade and igniting the divine blade to light up the room, “I hereby dub thee Ser Ollex Nahirdinboon, first of his name, son of Drexa Nahir and Thuldia Moordinboon, and knight of the Radiant Shield.” She tapped his shoulder lightly – heh, lightly with a blade of light – then sheathed it as she finished with the words, “Rise and be recognized.”
As Lex stood, the chamber exploded in a cacophony of cheering, clapping, and stomping, causing his already pink-skinned face to turn a brighter shade of red from all the attention. The next few steps were a daze of being handed his letter of knighthood and the shield that every new knight receives on being formally brought into the order, followed by a cavalcade of congratulations from all the knights who had gathered for the ceremony…
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Fright of His Life
@indiavolojones Boom! I’ve done the thing!
Barely two months since they popped up, and Cyn's already letting some of their more theatrical traits out, much to the amusement of the House of Lamentation. Well, most of the House, Samson corrects. Their love of a certain musical is one of those small things that didn't get revealed by choice, however. How they revel in it now. "I want freedom, but to get my freedom, I need 'em, to get a living person to say my name~" Samson and Mammon, "Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice?," right on cue. They've had this song on repeat all morning while they cook breakfast, so he's become familiar enough with the lyrics by this point. "I know that beggars can't be choosers, but did they have to be such losers~ Both of them are deathly dull and lame!~" Beel joins in this time, "Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice." He's already finished the food they brought from work. "Dear God slash Satan," here they point their spatula at the mentioned brother, who raises an eyebrow over his book, "why'd you send these bed-wetters!" They return to their pancakes, doing a little dance while they can't move from the stove. "Even like a tax attorney would've been better!" The music cuts off, but Cyn' pays no mind. "Somebody with gravitas, somebody to fear-" Lucifer clears his throat, wearing the closest to 'casual' he'd probably ever be seen in outside his bedroom. "Some of us are trying to enjoy their days off, without their sleep being interrupted by your caterwauling." Cyn' flips the pancakes before putting them on top of the growing stack, no longer singing, dancing, or even humming. It's quite conversations while Cyn' finishes cooking, with only one loud "BEEL!" from them when he tries to grab the bacon off the griddle.
It's after everyone’s started eating that Cyn' speaks to Lucifer. "You know, that song you cut off's from a musical. A Broadway production, even. And,” they wave their fork at the eldest, “you interrupted a soliloquy." Oh no. They get a sharp grin. Please don’t- "So you're the one who's being rude." Without taking a breath, "Mammon I will give you my paycheck from Hell's Kitchen if you get me out of here now." "Got it!" He quickly scoops them up and bolts out the door. Great. Asmo looks the very picture of offended, Beel’s grabbing the food from their plate, Levi’s snickering, Belphie has this mix of shock and delighted awe on his face, Satan’s coughing, and Lucifer is taking that about as well as you’d expect. “MAAAAAMMOOON!”
Mammon comes back Cyn’-less, saying they were able to crash at work. “Yeah, apparently they’re one of the few who actually come back on a regular basis. Guess that has some perks with the boss.” It’s nearly dinner, and still, no one’s seen them but Beel. “They said ‘hi’ when they came in.” That was about an hour ago, according to Beel’s stomach. So Samson searches the house. Not in the kitchen, the living room, the library, the planetarium, the attic room, the theater, or the music room. Guess he’ll check their room again. Their D.D.D. is still there, playing thunderstorms. There’s a new sound, maybe? Is it coming from the closet? He opens the door, and finds Cyn’ sitting in a ball on the floor. “Everything alright?” Samson sits just outside the closet, facing the door. They shrug. “Just... Had a bad night at work, that’s all. Ran outta energy in the middle of my shift.” Oh. Well, “That sucks.” “Yes, it does. Boss let me take a break though, once I explained what happened.” He nods. “And it got me thinkin’, how it always feels like I’m performing, even when I’m supposed ta be relaxing.” They start drawing in the carpet. “How hard it is, pretending to be normal. Making sure I’m making eye-contact, that I’m not ‘acting out,’ that I’m paying attention to what people are saying.” Samson notices someone’s stopped in the hall, and silently shoos them away. “Just sayin’ I know what it’s like, to make yourself boring on purpose.” Cyn’ adds a dot to whatever they drew. “You don’ gotta do everything yourself, Samson. I can take care of myself.” He honestly doubts that, and he really feels bad for doing so, but if hunkering in their closet is their knee-jerk reaction to being overwhelmed, then how did they survive in the Devildom as long as they claim?
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shslcheshirecat · 3 years
The way I haven’t forgiven belphie and he’s not even r e a l
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prideful-sins · 4 years
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So here’s their tweet, they are going to do it for the other brothers I guess they just decided to start with Lucifer because it’s Lucifer and he’s the eldest lol
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md-confessions · 6 months
the seven cyn souls:
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[im so sorry. for this. thing.]
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longforyesterday · 4 years
Pete did his best to get on with Yoko—he even said she seemed good for John—but according to him, the minute she had achieved her goal, Yoko turned. She started asserting herself and John meekly obeyed. Overnight, he no longer had a will of his own. Yoko had turned thirty-five three months earlier on February 18, 1968, and perhaps she thought she had to do something fast to achieve her ends. Whatever it was that drove her so persistently after John, she finally won. But John did more than open the gates to his estate. He opened the floodgates on the Beatles partnership. Ever since Brian’s death, they had been unsure of their future direction, but they were still together, still best mates. Yoko became a wedge. She went from being “that dreadful woman” to becoming the love of his life, his soul mate. […] At GHQ Apple, we only heard bits and pieces of all this as it went down. Most women whose husbands have betrayed them, get on the phone and call everyone who will listen and then start at the top of the list again. Cynthia was very shy and very private. As far as I know, the only person she fully confided in was Paul, who made her smile and feel better when he said, “Hey, Cyn, how’s about you and I get married?” Paul really lit into John before he sat down and wrote “Hey Jude,” one of his most beautiful and successful songs, to express his love and sympathy for Julian, who was caught up in the middle. Paul, who believed strongly in the family and in family values, told me that he felt as if it was the Beatles themselves who were heading for divorce, not just John and Cynthia. I think that perhaps Paul’s anger and everyone’s disapproval drove John further into Yoko’s arms out of his usual sense of defiance.
Tony Bramwell, Magical Mystery Tours
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cowboy-canoodler · 4 years
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Cynbel of the Third Star (Cyn- Chief/ bel- War)
Deity of War, one of the 4 horsemen, layabout, jokester, 2nd most powerful of the 4.
Once an angel, like The Brothers, but ascended when the previous Deity retired. He was trained and ascended just as Lucifer and His brothers rebelled, he may have been able to turn the tides but War (Cynbel) cannot take sides in a war from The Celestial realm or The Devildom.
My beloved Obey Me! OC. I love him sm 🥺❤️
Drawn by me!
~Likes are appreciated but please reblog!~
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