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raisongardee · 9 months ago
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"La force de cette surveillance est de s’ĂȘtre installĂ©e partout, dans n’importe quel support, dans nos poches et nos maisons, jusque dans nos crĂąnes. Elle s’immisce sous forme de slogans dans chaque conversation et traque la mauvaise conscience de Monsieur Moyen jusque dans l’isoloir, voire jusque dans la mort "digne", sans haine, sans se faire remarquer, sans mĂȘme rĂ©agir. On pense Ă©videmment Ă  l’Ɠil de CaĂŻn. Le fameux chantage Ă  l’extrĂȘme droite, notre damnation, se traduit par des alarmes mentales, de vĂ©ritables flics dans nos cerveaux, quand viennent sur la table les sujets "dĂ©licats". Quand notre pensĂ©e nous menace de mort sociale, on apprend vite Ă  ne plus penser
 Nous sommes des ĂȘtres sociaux, aisĂ©ment culpabilisĂ©s, notre rĂ©putation dĂ©pend du jugement des autres, de nos pairs, de notre groupe. Notre premiĂšre terreur est celle de l’ostracisme, arrĂȘt de mort de l’animal domestique, trop dĂ©pendant pour survivre seul. Nous avons donc tendance Ă  faire nĂŽtres des jugements conformes, prudents, Ă  suivre l’opinion qui semble dominante, celle de Big Brother. Quand untel dit "pas d’amalgame", il rĂ©pĂšte un slogan appris, comme une publicitĂ©, un dressage. Ce n’est pas une pensĂ©e. Une simple posture de supĂ©rioritĂ© morale. Et quand la correction sociale se fait menaçante, peut vous coĂ»ter vos proches, votre emploi, votre compte en banque, ou encore un bon lynchage en rĂšgle sur les rĂ©seaux sociaux, il est Ă©vident que beaucoup en perdent leur dĂ©but de courage."
Laurent Obertone « La dictature est proche », in la revue éléments n°206, février-mars 2024.
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lesparaversdemillina · 1 year ago
Utoya de Laurent OBERTONE
Un témoignage troublant sur un acte terroriste réel, Utoya de Laurent Obertone suscite des sentiments mitigés en raison de sa narration clinique et macabre. Découvrez l'ambivalence de cette exploration sans compromis de la réalité.
Utoya de Laurent Obertone par le menu : Utoya, un abandon pourquoi ? En rĂ©sumĂ© Note CitationSynopsis D’autres avis sur la toile Des livres tĂ©moignages, sans ĂȘtre voyeuriste : Image de Une Temps de lecture Utoya, un abandon pourquoi ? Un abandon, mon avis sera court et portera seulement sur ⅕ du bouquin ! Une amie de mon groupe de lecture de la Fac m’a prĂȘtĂ© son roman. Utoya de Laurent Obertone

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a-room-of-my-own · 1 year ago
D’ailleurs doublement contente de voir que ça Ă©nerve les cons d’extrĂȘme droite tout comme les cons d’extrĂȘme gauche.
Environ 100k pour la marche à Paris c’est pas mal
Oui c’est bien!! Surtout vu la rapiditĂ© de l’orga, la mĂ©tĂ©o et les craintes niveau sĂ©curitĂ©. C’est un beau symbole je suis contente.
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aurevoirmonty · 2 months ago
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« Parce qu’ils sont nĂ©s vermines et le resteront, les rats et vautours rĂȘvant la mort du vieux lion n’ont pas compris qu’il n’est pas de ceux qu’on enterre ».
Laurent Obertone
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tye-zine · 3 months ago
Contributor Spotlight: Chloe Obertone
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Here's our mysterious artist, Chloe!
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crazy-so-na-sega · 1 year ago
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La critica al sistema non basta. Per distruggerlo devi inventarne uno migliore.
-Laurent Obertone
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sortanonymous · 9 months ago
WALK-OFF WALK! LOL! And to the same guy who tied it!
Talk about an epic collapse!
There's ugly collapses with everything on the line in sports.
And then there's Louisville.
They're lucky college baseball isn't too huge or else "6-0" will be draped across every part of campus for the next decade.
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iranondeaira · 10 months ago
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"Comme bien d'autres, il avait oublié jusqu'au nom des astres et des plantes. Les hommes du temps des écrans ne contemplaient plus le ciel, et n'avaient plus comme les anciens le culte des choses."
Laurent Obertone
Guérilla-Le temps des barbares.
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fardell24b · 1 year ago
Spider Quinn 07 Ashes to Ashes Part 4
Even so, Sandi continued to spread her rumors

“I heard that you and Stacy are together,” Brooke said to Quinn as they met between classes.
“Who told you that?” Quinn asked. She definitely didn’t like Stacy that way. She was also sure that Stacy didn’t lean that way.
“Sandi,” Brooke answered.
“Well, it’s not true,” Quinn said.
Brooke just smirked before making herself scarce.
Quinn grumbled and turned towards where her next class was.
Indeed, Daria and Jane heard one rumor at the end of the next period.
“What was that?” Jane asked.
“That Quinn is just using Dad’s passing as an excuse to act out,” Daria said.
“Sandi!” Jane said, annoyed. “Just like her!”
“It is likely to be her, right?”
“I know, but there is more.”
“Later, after school.”
Quinn, Stacy and Tiffany met Tori at their usual table, at Lunch.
“So, Sandi is maliciously spreading rumors,” Stacy said, in a dejected tone. “What else is new?”
“This has happened before?” Quinn asked.
“Yes,” Tori said. “She did it to me, in middle school.”
“And me, for a while,” Stacy said.
“But, I fought back,” Tori said. “By insisting on the truth.”
“And I thank you for that again,” Stacy said.
“You’re welcome,” Tori said.
“So, we insist on the truth,” Quinn said.
“Yes. I have already been doing that,” Tori said.
“Good!” Stacy said.
“When we become aware of a rumor, we must act on it,” Tori said.
“Obviously,” Quinn said.
“So, what rumors haven’t you told us?” Stacy asked.
And so, Tori told of what she had heard, shocking the other three with some of them.
Quinn made up her mind as she went to the next class. Sandi was going to get a visit from SpiderGirl. ‘But is that responsible?’ She wondered. ‘Would I be using that Great Responsibility the way Daddy would want?’ she wasn’t sure.
Rumors or not, Stacy had already made up her mind to join the Anime Club, and so she went to the classroom where they met as soon as the final bell for the day rang.
“Stacy?” a person asked.
“Hi!! Stacy said.
“You’re joining the club?” he asked.
“Yes, and you are?”
“Koichi,” he said.
“Great!” Stacy said with a smile.
“Jenna will be here soon,” Koichi said.
“Jenna Oberton-Schwartz. She’s the president.”
“Oh, right.”
It wasn’t long before Jenna and a few others arrived.
“Hi,” Stacy said.
“Stacy Rowe?” Jenna asked.
“You’re joining today?” Jenna asked. “I heard about what happened with the Fashion Club.”
Stacy nodded. “Sandi isn’t understanding that Quinn is still grieving her father.”
“That’s not all is it?” Koichi said.
“Not really. I do like Anime,” Stacy explained. “And science fiction in general. The latest rumors are in response to what happened on Monday.”
“I just wanted to be sure,” Jenna said. She took out a piece of paper from a folder. “Here.”
Stacy filled out the form. “Favorite anime film? I suppose Whisper of the Heart, I guess. I like the way Shizuku goes about her goal.”
“Good choice,” Jenna said, being a big Ghibli fan
Stacy smiled.
Daria and Jane got to the Pizza place. Once they had placed their orders and taken their seats Daria said; “OK, spill.”
“About Sandi?” Jane asked.
“We were friends in Elementary school,” Jane said. “Not particularly close friends, but friends.”
“Go on.”
And so Jane explained that as she and Sandi did activities together, that the latter slowly grew more controlling, until Jane had had enough of her behaviour and told her off. Sandi then spread rumors about Jane in retaliation.
Daria wasn’t that shocked.
“I knew you wouldn’t be,” Jane said. “But I’m sure you’ll say we’ll need to help Quinn and the others.”
After a patrol, SpiderGirl arrived back at the Morgendorffers’. She listened as she approached the kitchen door. Linda wasn’t in the kitchen. She then swung up to her side window.
Quinn changed into one of the other suits. Not the one she had worn to Freemont, but one she had made just after the Agents’ visit. ‘With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility,’ she thought. She then put the all red mask on and was soon webslinging towards the Griffin’s.
Sandi was dressing up in her room. She had a date with Joey that night. Or at least she had asked him out, but he didn’t exactly say ‘yes’ straight away. She had changed into clothes similar to Quinn’s, just with shorter sleeves, when she heard tapping at her window.
‘What’s that?’ she wondered. “Better not be you, Joey!” she said. If wasn’t often that boys climbed up to her window, the most recent time being not long after that disastrous party she had held in competition to the school dance earlier in the Fall. She turned the window and opened it. But it wasn’t Joey! “SpiderGirl!” she exclaimed.
“Hi, Sandi!” the vigilante said in a low voice.
“You know my name?” Sandi asked.
“Everyone at Lawndale High knows it.”
“So, you go to Lawndale High?”
“Did I say that?” SpiderGirl asked.
“No, but you implied it.”
“Right,” SpiderGirl said. She shook her head. “That’s not why I’m here.”
“I can guess,” Sandi said, crossing her arms.
“Rumors about former friends of yours,” SpiderGirl confirmed.
“What is that to you?” Sandi asked.
“Rumors, whether it’s about History teachers being arrested, or about the reasons why a club was dissolved, aren’t good! They can cause more problems at the school than it’s worth.”
“So what?” Sandi said. “Focus on stopping muggers!”
“That’s not all. After all, with great power, comes great responsibility.”
Sandi paused. She wasn’t sure why SpiderGirl was arguing with her, but she didn’t like it. “Get out!”
“Or what? You’ll spread rumors about me?”
SpiderGirl had thought about that and figured that she could deal with it. She also saw that she was getting nowhere. She sighed. “Got to go! Remember what I said. She then swung out the window and headed back towards Glen Oaks Lane, noticing that the Griffin’s backyard was a mess. ‘Did Sandi take out her frustration there?’ she wondered.
Sandi was annoyed. SpiderGirl had vanished just as mysteriously as she appeared. She looked out her window but saw that she was gone. “Fine! I’ll say that you’re a menace, rather than the ‘friendly neighborhood SpiderGirl’ you want to be seen as,” she said as her powers activated. She fired a burst into the sky before deactivating them again and closing the window.
Stacy had enjoyed the Anime Club meeting. “I had a good time,” she said.
“That’s good,” Jenna said.
“We are heading to the Pizza place. Would you like to come?” Koichi asked.
Having changed suits again, Quinn also arrived at the Pizza place. As she entered, she almost ran into Daria, who was leaving. “Sorry Daria.”
“It’s alright,” Daria said. “I know that you have been preoccupied lately.”
“That wasn’t what I thinking of,” Quinn said. “Something more recent.”
“Of course,” Jane said.
“Yeah, we’ve talked of that,” Daria said with a look at Jane.
“Jane?” Quinn asked.
“We were friends in Elementary School. Not close, but friends,” Jane said quietly.
“Then what she is doing now happened then,” Daria added.
“Right,” Quinn said. It wasn’t surprising.
When Stacy arrived at the Pizza place with Jenna and Koichi, she saw Quinn waiting. “Quinn!”
“How did it go?” Quinn asked.
“Quite well. Here are Koichi and Jenna. The latter is the president.”
“Hi!” Quinn said to Jenna and Koichi. She had seen them around school.
Jenna sat. “I heard about what happened,” she said.
“Thanks,” Quinn said quietly.
‘She probably wondering how long people are going to commiserate with her like that,’ Stacy thought.
Quinn thought as she and Stacy left the Pizza place. Hearing Jenna and Koichi as well as Stacy talk about anime was a good way to get her mind off things. “That was a good talk,” she said.
“So, you want to watch something?” Stacy asked.
“Not tonight, I have to be at the Gupty’s,” Quinn answered. “Maybe this weekend.”
Quinn arrived at the Gupty’s just after 6:30. “Welcome, Quinn,” Lauren said as she entered.
“Good Evening,” Quinn said.
‘You look well,” Lester said. “And a little different.”
“I hope that’s not a problem,” Quinn responded.
“Not at all, just a surprise,” Lauren said.
“We’re going now, you know where they are.”
Quinn came up onto the second floor.
“Quinn?” Tricia asked as she entered the room.
“Your parents have left,” Quinn said. She looked more closely at Tricia. She had changed since Daria had taken her spot after she had double booked nearly a year earlier. She had shorter hair for one thing.
“Great!” Tricia said, as she brought out a chess set. “You want to play?”
“I’ll try, but I haven’t been practicing. I’m sure you have been with Tad and your friends,” Quinn responded.
They played as Tad watched as he read from a copy of The Hobbit.
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techniktagebuch · 20 years ago
Irgendwann zwischen 2001 und 2005 (wahrscheinlich 2004)
Es ist nicht alles New York - oder: Ich denke ĂŒber den Einfluss von Technik auf Kultur und RĂ€ume nach und jemand teilt mir einen Gedanken mit, der mich noch jahrzehntelang beschĂ€ftigt: Vom Schmelztiegel zum Einheitsbrei
Ich bin auf Heimaturlaub. Der NDR nimmt ein Konzert und anschließend Korrekturschnitte von uns auf. Ein Aufnahmewagen steht vor der Kirche, ein grĂ¶ĂŸerer LKW, vollgestopft mit (mich beeindruckender) Technik. An den WĂ€nden des Aufnahmewagens hĂ€ngen Monitore, darunter Tische voller Schieberegler, Knöpfe und LĂ€mpchen. Von dem Wagen laufen fast armdicke Kabel zu der Kirche, in der wir musizieren. Rechts neben dem Eingang der Kirche ist ein portabler Schaltschrank aufgebaut, so ca 1 m x 2 m GrundflĂ€che und ca 1,50 m hoch. In diesen gehen die armdicken Kabel aus dem Aufnahmewagen hinein. Heraus kommen andere Kabel, die deutlich dĂŒnner sind. Diese fĂŒhren zu kleineren KĂ€stchen auf dem Boden und von dort zu ganz vielen Mikrofonen, die im Kirchenraum auf Stativen verteilt sind.
Der Aufnahmeleiter sitzt die meiste Zeit mit der Partitur des StĂŒckes in dem Aufnahmewagen. WĂ€hrend der Probe vorher und der Korrekturschnitte hinterher bekommen wir von ihm ĂŒber Talkback-Lautsprecher, die in der Kirche platziert sind, RĂŒckmeldungen, zum Beispiel so was wie: “Können wir bitte Takt 74 bis 93 nochmal haben. Wir brauchen eigentlich nur den Takt 89 noch einmal, weil die Absprache nicht prĂ€zise war, bitte achtet auf die ĂŒbermĂ€ĂŸige Quarte, die war unsauber - aber in Takt 74 mĂŒsste ein guter Einstieg fĂŒr euch sein.” Mir fĂ€llt die hohe Kenntnis und das extrem geschulte Ohr des Aufnahmeleiters auf.
Ich muss an ein GesprĂ€ch, das ich mit dem Aufnahmeleiter in einer Pause fĂŒhre, immer mal wieder und auch jetzt, zum Aufschreibezeitpunkt 2023 (aus Anlass vieler Kommentare zu kultureller Aneignung), zurĂŒckdenken:
Ich frage ihn sinngemĂ€ĂŸ, ob das fĂŒr ihn nicht nervig und kĂŒnstlerisch unbefriedigend sei, so kleine lokale "KĂŒnstler" mitschneiden zu mĂŒssen, wenn um uns herum so viel großartige Musik verfĂŒgbar ist. Wie viel spannender es doch sicher sei, auf den großen Konzerten toller, berĂŒhmter KĂŒnstler tĂ€tig zu sein. Er antwortet:
Nein! Er halte das fĂŒr eine ganz wichtige und total zentrale Aufgabe seines Jobs, die kleinen lokalen KĂŒnstler mit ihren regionalen Eigenarten zu dokumentieren und zu stĂ€rken. Durch die großen Massenevents und die ĂŒberall verfĂŒgbare Ă€hnliche Musik trete eine Vereinheitlichung des Kunstgeschmacks ein, die er fĂŒr besorgniserregend halte - soweit ich mich erinnere sprach er dabei gerade nicht ĂŒber QualitĂ€t oder das Niveau der Kunst, sondern wirklich nur ĂŒber so was wie "IdentitĂ€t".
Er sehe eine große Gefahr darin, wenn die ganzen kleinen, unbedeutenden lokalen Radiostationen und die kleinen, auch qualitativ gar nicht so bedeutenden, Plattenlabel usw wegfallen wĂŒrden, weil dann genau das: regionale Eigenarten - verloren gingen. Es wĂŒrden sich ĂŒberall die Kunststile einander annĂ€hern.
Dieser Gedanke erklĂ€rt natĂŒrlich auch noch einmal den kulturellen Wert von so etwas wie z.B. sprachlichen Dialekten, Oberton-Gesang, einer kleinstĂ€dtischen Blasmusik-Kapelle und was weiß ich alles:
Auch ein musikalischer Schmelztiegel wie New York, in dem so viele großartige neue musikalische Dinge geschehen, kann nur funktionieren, wenn eben auch verschiedene Stile sich unabhĂ€ngig voneinander entwickeln können und dann irgendwann wieder zusammenkommen.
Wenn ich jetzt, zum Aufschreibezeitpunkt 2023 darĂŒber nachdenke, gibt es also einerseits das Internet als neuen Schmelztiegel. Das Internet ermöglicht es uns, jederzeit und ĂŒberall Zugriff auf nahezu alle Musikstile zu haben. Immer ist alles in der höchstmöglichen QualitĂ€t sofort verfĂŒgbar. Im Internet kommen all die Kulturen und Stile zusammen. Anders als New York ist es ein global verfĂŒgbarer Schmelztiegel. Durch den Austausch und die Vermischung dieser Stile entsteht Neues, Tolles, wie ja wahrscheinlich die meisten und spannendsten kĂŒnstlerischen neuen Stile durch Durchmischungen und gegenseitige Inspirationen entstanden.
Was der Aufnahmeleiter - glaube ich - sagte, war: Auch New York kann als Zentrum der Neuen Musik und des Jazz nur funktionieren, weil nicht alles New York ist.
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yeswearemagazine · 2 years ago
Everything's Gonna Be Ok.
To briefly keep on after my 4 texts of two days ago that have made run away half of you : I don't wait anything from any of you. I have been trying for ten years to wake you up and THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE. Along the years several persons have had the bravery to like some of my texts and fact reports. Globally they haven't been cancelled by the neo-fascists. But who knows ? Have they missed professional opportunities ? France is literally dying. It's now been ten years that many people fear the civil war. Or sometimes hope it, "to end this shit". In June during the riots we have been very close to plunging into civil war. All this has been described by several authors included me in an unfinished novel (Lise) that I had published on Fb slightly before the disappearance of my wife and collaborator. I was particularly proud of this novel, the first one I was about to finish after about 5 unfinished novels. But Anne's disappearance literally cut my wings, on all planes, and obviously the novels' one - except one which hopefully will be published soon -.
Guerre Civile Raciale by Guillaume Faye and the Guerilla series by Laurent Obertone are the two novels/saga that describe what could happen. OBVIOUSLY they have been described by neo-collaboration as "far-right". But the facts are here. Barbarian, each day. Boroughs ravaged by drug deal, gun violence, often kalachnikov one, street rapes, street assaults, murders, burglaries, assassinations, diverse stealings and vandalisms, kidnappings, forced prostitution often upon minors.
Migrants high in this lovely prize list but the invasion HAS to go on and if we protest we're "racists". It's not only France but as said two days ago this is the eye of the cyclone. Don't worry. We're here for art. I know. Basile Pesso - YWAMag director Placebo, I know
P.S : and OBVIOUSLY, the only reactions I get are unfollowings. I told you, it's been ten years that I have been knowing you.
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jloisse · 2 months ago
« Parce qu’ils sont nĂ©s vermines et le resteront, les rats et vautours rĂȘvant la mort du vieux lion n’ont pas compris qu’il n’est pas de ceux qu’on enterre ».
Laurent Obertone
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yespat49 · 3 months ago
Breizh-Info, acteur majeur de la réinfosphÚre
Breizh-Info se dĂ©finit comme un mĂ©dia indĂ©pendant traitant de l’actualitĂ© bretonne et internationale. Son fondateur, Yann Vallerie, publie ces jours-ci un livre, « Breizh-Info – 11 ans de combat mĂ©diatique » (Éditions Breizh-Info, 190 pages, 19,90 euros), prĂ©facĂ© par Laurent Obertone, dans lequel il relate la naissance et l’évolution de ce mĂ©dia « impertinent et politiquement incorrect », tout en

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bremont · 3 months ago
(via (108) Guerre : se réarmer face à la secte parasitaire qui détruit notre pays - Laurent Obertone - YouTube)
Guerre : se réarmer face à la secte parasitaire qui détruit notre pays - Laurent Obertone
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jakez19 · 5 months ago
"Sois un attentat vivant contre la médiocrité" - Le Zoom - Laurent Obertone - TVL
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aurevoirmonty · 5 months ago
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Laurent Obertone.
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