#oathbreaker streak is continuing strong
ohhhhhhhhhh the armor of moonbasking fucks so hard........
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darkelfshadow · 5 years
Session Summary - 62
AKA “A Tale Of Two Brothers”
Adventures in Taggeriell
Session 62  (Date: 4th May 2019)
Players Present:
- Rob (Known as “Oloma”) Human Female.
- Bob (Known as “Sir Krondor) Dwarf Male.
- Travis (Known as “Sir Lee”) Human Male.
- Paul (Known as “Labarett”) Elf Male.
Absent Players
- Arthur (Known as “Gim”) Dwarf Male. <Played by Bob>
- (Known as “Naillae”) Elf Female. <Controlled by DM>
- (Known as “Nac”) Half-elf Male. <Controlled by DM>
- Wealday, 10th Calistril in the year 815 (Second Era). Spring.
- The party begin this session, in the early morning, leaving on the Red Scale Company Transport Company wagon convoy, to continue their journey following the Cultists and their stolen loot. The party notice that the Cultists seem to be paying them a lot more attention and have become visibly cautious of them.
- The first two days goes uneventfully, with Brumohn constantly checking for Orcs with his Spy Glass. The party enjoy the change of scenery, leaving behind the arid and dry lands for more green and living country side. On the second night, during the first watch by Oloma, Leda, Tyjit and Sir Lee mounted on his horse, the wagon is suddenly attacked from the south by a small group of orcs riding worgs and a dire wolf.
- The orcs have chosen the wrong wagon convoy to attack as the seasoned party quickly respond, moving to engage the threat. Sir Lee immediately charges into the orcs and forces the orc boss off his now dead mount. The orcs try to force their way into the center wagons, jumping off their worgs.
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- Oloma kills their waiting worgs, whilst Sir Krondor, Gim, Labarett, Sir Lee and some of the wagon guards dispatch the orcs one by one. Soon, the band of orcs, is all killed, proving no match for the party at all.
- The party examine and search the orcs. Only a small amount of coins is found and a yellow banner with a skull on it, the symbol of the orc tribe, which the party take. Brumohn is not familiar with the different orc tribes but the party talk to Geppert, the historian travelling with the convoy, but unfortunately he does not know about this tribe. He is aware that one of the largest orc tribes in this area are the Black Daggers.
- The rest of the night and next day proceed without incident.
- At noon, on the forth day of travel, just as Brumohn calls a stop for the midday break, a small dark object is spotted further down the road. The party and Leda ride up to see that it is a head. As they get closer they see that a male human has been buried in the middle of the road, up to his neck, with only his head visible. His skin is badly burnt from sun exposure, he barely moves, but in a weak voice he asks for help. Written in ink on his forehead, in crude in letters, is “Oathbreaker”.
- The party speak to the near dead man and he tells them that his name is Carlon Amoffel. Apparently he broke a vow to marry a girl by cheating on her and her family buried him in the road to die. Sir Lee and Naillae start to dig him out, whilst they continue to ask him questions. The more questions they ask him the more his story seems like a lie. Just as Sir Lee decides that this man can’t be trusted and stops digging, Naillae sees a tattoo on his now exposed upper arm, a tattoo of a Harp.
- Sir Lee deduces that this man is Harper and when he challenges the man, he changes his story and admits to being a Harper. Carlon reveals that he was following a group of hidden Cultists on a small wagon convoy of four wagons. The convoy had come from Crescent Moon, dropping off three of the Cultists whilst in Delcal, and had continued to Sabi. The Cultists had grown suspicious of Carlon and had stolen some supplies and expensive gear from the other wagons and planted the items on Carlon, accusing him of the theft. When he was searched and the stolen items found on him, the wagon master was pressured by the Cultists to bury the “thief” in the road. Carlon could not reveal his true story. Begging the party to return him to Delcal, they finish digging him out and he joins the passenger wagon. Carlson recognises Sir Lee’s name, as many people were taking about a mighty warrior called Grumnish that had bested many warriors in one on one combat. Sir Lee’s name was one the vanquished foes spoken of. Sir Lee is beside himself in rage at the lie and slander against his good name. The four wagons never passed the party’s convoy and they surmise that the Orcs must have gotten to them.
- The rest of the day and evening proceed without incident.
- Moonday, 15th Calistril in the year 815 (Second Era). Spring.
- On the mid morning of this fine day, the wagon convoy finally arrives in Delcal. After Brumohn pays the party for their guard duty they decide to head into the large town. Delcal surrounds a large lake, feed by a wide river, and sits at the edge of a large wood that is at the base of a hilly wooded area to the south.
- The party head out into town and they hear numerous locals mentioning this Grumnish, who is apparently a Half Orc warrior. They learn that he is camping in an old watch tower, two hours south of Delcal. Sir Lee demands that they go to the watch tower now so he can deal with this coward and liar. The party do so, only stopping for a brief time so that Oloma can speak to the local priest of Pelor, Brother Kaste. Brother Kaste excuses himself, after Sir Lee, impatiently knocks a bowl of food out of his hands, so eager to get away. Oloma promises to come back and see the Brother tomorrow.
- The party leave the town and head south into the hilly woodland, always heading south for the tallest hill. As they get closer they can see smoke rising from a campfire. Slowly and cautiously the party ride forward on their horses and see four tents circle a campfire, which sits near an old ruined watch tower.
- Four Half Orcs are standing around the fire. Most of the Half Orcs are wearing clean chain mail but one of them is wearing gleaming platemail, with clean combed back long black hair, obviously this must be Grumnish.
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- Sir Lee, impatient, rides forward whilst ignoring Labarett who has sensed strong magic coming from the four figures after casting a Detect Magic spell. The rest of the party move to join him, except the two Dwarf cousins who remain behind and keep watch.
- Sir Lee challenges the Half Orc to a duel, who in return smiles and waves the party forward. He welcomes the party and invites them to rest before accepting Sir Lee’s challenge to a duel to avenge his honour. There is something not quite right with the situation, as Grumnish speaks very well and his manner of speech is very familiar to the party.
- Grumnish keeps asking Sir Lee about the virtues of being a Knight and what is required. Honour, bravery, skill, loyalty and honesty. Grumnish hammers this last point, his once friendly tone changing to anger, as he presses, “Yes Knight, what about honesty? Must you be honest to your friends? Companions? Family? Your step brother?”
- Sir Lee’s face changes to confusion and surprise, “What …. what is the meaning of this? Who are you really?”
- One of the Half Orcs waves a hand and dismisses the spell that was disguising them all. The Half Orcs, including Grumnish, are now all gone. In their place stands two male Elves, one human String Wizard and the familiar charming face of Trenchant Kincaid, their former travelling companion and step brother to Sir Lee. The newly revealed figures can be seen to wear pendants of a Harp, openly visible. Harpers!
- Sir Lee’s face pales and he takes a step back.
- Trenchant lowers his rapier, “So brother, do you still wish to duel? Or will you tell me why you have lied to me and these good people here? Our oldest brother is not in danger, he does not need nor asked for my help. Why did you wish me to return to the family estate and why did you take my place?”
- Naillae, seeing Trenchant, runs immediately in front of him and turns to face Sir Lee, with menace in her eyes. She raises her rapier, pointed directly towards Sir Lee, “You’ll have to come through me knight to get to Trenchant!”
- Labarett, and old friend of Trenchant, moves forward to try to calm the situation.
- Sir Lee regains his composure, “I demand to know the meaning behind this! What is this deceit!”
- Trenchant scoffs, “I knew that if I insulted your precious name you would race up here like a storm. You are very predictable brother.”
- Oloma and Sir Krondor hear a small branch breaking behind them, coming from the direction of Delcal, and both turn around to look. Only Sir Krondor can see a figure slowly moving through the trees, wearing a purple face covering. A Dragonclaw Cultist! The figure darts out of view behind a tree, and in Draconic shouts, “We’re seen! It’s them!”
- In an unexpected turn of events, the party find themselves under attack by a large group of Dragonclaw Cultists, lead by one Cult Officer, and supported by three Dragonfang Cultists. Trenchant and the Harpers join the party in the defence against the Cult.
- The party hear a shout, and then a red orb of light streaks upwards to explode in a large flash of light and sound high up in the sky. The flash of light and booming sound would be obvious to anyone within 6 miles. As if to confirm to the party’s fear, they hear the distance sound of a loud roar in the sky.
- Sir Lee shouts, “Dragon!”
- Trenchant looks at his brother, “The Cult, they must have followed you here!”
- The party know they have little time before the Dragon appears and throw themselves towards the Dragon Cultists. The Cultists and their Officer, a blue Dragonborn, are fanatic. Attacking without mercy, The Dragonfangs leap up into the air, hidden wings unfurling from their backs, and hurl down energy balls at the party.
- The Dragon arrives and are just dealing with the last few Cultists when from the south, rising into the air, from the crest of a near by hill comes into view a large winged figure. An Adult Blue Dragon. The Dragon opens his jaws and a long line of electricity arcs out towards the party. It strikes the String Wizard standing atop the ruined tower, killing him and turning the top half of him into ash. The electricity continues and just hits Nac, sending him onto the ground, badly burnt and barely alive. Nac’s master work Wolfskin cloak and hood, and his backpack, took most of the blow and they are instantly destroyed, falling to the ground as black ash.
- The Dragon then sweeps down to perch upon a part of the ruined tower.
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- Half the party, the closest to the Dragon, are overcome by the Dragon Fear. They start to shake, unable to approach the Dragon. Sir Krondor yells, “We’re doomed!”
- Around the neck of the Dragon is a thick black metal collar, and just behind that is a leather harness, upon which sits a female rider in purple armour. The party recognise both the Dragon and the rider.
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- Nac looks up at the Dragon and sees the scar along its face, the one he put there back in the defence of Anwich, “Lennithon is back! And her rider too, Solana Venrel.”
- The Dragon, Lennithon, looks directly at Nac and bellows out in Draconic, “Scar giver!”
- Labarett, still a distance away from the Dragon pulls out a small silver heart shaped box and opens it to reveal The Hero’s Heart. He places the small, mummified heart within his mouth and concentrates on a memory. He sees himself placing his late father’s head piece, the symbol of his tribe, within the bowl of offering of the Temple Of The Weave. A tear rolls down Labarett’s check as he remembers the sacrifice of giving away the last piece he had of his birthright. A wind begins to form around Labarett and the spirit of the Hero’s Heart is satisfied (Successful Wisdom check). Labarett feels a strength flow over him and looks at the Dragon. The Barbarian is now without fear, energy flowing through him. He carefully places the heart back into the box and then begins to move toward the Dragon.
- Sir Lee begins to steer his loyal steed, Particeps, towards the broken ruined stair case, intending to use it to gallop up it and leap towards the Dragon, his enchanted lance forward, but as the Knight comes closer Lennithon turns to look at the approaching threat and again opens his mouth, letting loose a line of electricity. The blue arcing line hits Sir Lee and Particeps and continues through to hit one of the Harpers. Sir Lee hits the ground hard, the electricity arcing and burning him badly. The force of the electricity burns his enchanted Ring Of Mind Shielding to black ash. Barely able to move, the Knight looks up to see Particeps’s body turn to ash and its four legs falling to the ground. Beyond, the same fate that has also befallen the Harper hit by the electricity.
- Sir Lee bellows out, “NO!” Tears of anger rage in the Knight. He looks around at the party, half are cowering in fear, unable to move from the Dragon Fear. Nac, badly wounded, has crawled to hide away. Black ash hangs in the air, blown by a slight breeze, the remains of multiple fatalities, including his beloved Particeps, lay on grassy ground. His wet eyes look up into the sky, as the large blue form, moves across the sky, “What have I done? My pride has brought this upon us.”
- Trenchant moves over to his stunned and burnt brother, and grabs Sir Lee to help him up. They both turn to look at the Dragon, which is now hovering in the air, its mighty wings pushing air down onto the ground. Sir Lee looks at his brother, “I only wanted to prove myself brother. All the people back home sing your praises and speak of what you have done. I was jealous. I wanted to take your place and prove I could be the hero. I have doomed us all. I am not worthy of being a Knight nor your brother.”
- Trenchant smiles, “You shall forever be my brother. We are not done yet,” and then the Bard looks up at the Dragon and at the figure of Solana riding upon it. He starts to casts a spell, pointing towards the rider. Suddenly a twisted jagged Crown Of Thorns appears around the head of Solana, and her eyes go blank. Trenchant speaks, “Attack the dragon!”
- She immediately grabs a long halberd and begins to swing it downwards into the neck of the Dragon, again and again and again. The Dragon howls in pain and confusion and launches higher into the sky as it blindly claws at the rider now attacking it.
- Sir Krondor, still suffering from Dragon Fear continues to fire arrows at the beast, whilst mostly hidden behind a tree a far distance from it. Gim too is firing crossbow bolts. Oloma is using all her psionics to damage both Solana and Lennithon. Nac has managed to make his way to a hidden spot, trying to keep out of sight of the vengeful Lennithon, casting spells when he can.
- Sir Lee stands up, having regained his composure, “Excellent work brother but that will only buy us some time before she breaks your spell. Our attacks are doing too little. We must injure them quicker.”
- Trenchant nods, “I have a plan” and then yells out to the whole party, “There is a Sending Stone on the String Wizard killed above in the ruined tower. We need that stone to call in the other Harpers back in town. It’s our only chance!”
- Sir Lee starts to climb up the outside of the ruined tower. Nac, still hidden, shouts towards Oloma, “Teleport to that stone now Oloma or we’re all dead!”
- Olama the Mystic looks at the top of the ruined tower. Once there she will be in the open, and if Solana breaks the spell, she will be the Dragon’s first target. She hesitates until the ancient and familiar voice within her head, her constant companion, speaks, “You must risk it else all is lost.”
- Oloma concentrates her mind, focusing her psionics, and an instant later she suddenly appears on top of the ruin tower in a gust of wind. She immediately begins to search the dead Wizard, who is now only half a body, the top half having been burnt to ash.
- Labarett has now made his way towards the Dragon and is almost directly underneath it. Oloma is franticly searching the body, but she keeps looking up at the Dragon, her gaze drawn to it. Just as Sir Lee climbs over the top to join her she finds the stone, leans over the tower edge and drops it towards Trenchant who catches it. The Bard immediately uses it to send an urgent message to the remaining Harpers to come now to save them.
- Solana has now broken the spell and she commands Lennithon back under control. They descend downwards, Oloma and Sir Lee standing in the open stare into the eyes of death, but suddenly they hear the fierce roar of Labarett, Elf Barbarian, from below who throws a javelin at the Dragon. Lennithon turns his gaze to this insignificant threat and lands onto the ground to deal with the impertinent Elf. Sir Lee and Oloma take the opportunity to quickly get off the tower and into cover down below.
- Labarett and Gim are trying to deal damage to the Dragon but it is so large that their attacks are dealing little to it. Oloma continues blasting psionics at the beast whilst Nac, keeping himself out of sight, fires spells too. An occasional arrow, launched from Sir Krondor, strikes the beast for little effect.
- Sir Lee grabs his enchanted lance and looks at his brother, “Do you forgive me brother?”
- Trenchant nods, “Yes. Now prove to yourself that you are as noble of heart as I already know.” The Bard touches the Knight and casts Fly upon him, and Sir Lee begins to float.
- Suddenly, twelve Harpers Scouts and three Harper String Wizards appear in a flash around the half body of the dead Harper wizard, the Ring Of Tracing upon his hand, directing the Teleport circle. Lennithon sees the newly arrived threat and opens his jaws, electricity arcing in a line to kill two Harper scouts and a String Wizard immediately.
- Now the party and the Harper reinforcements launch everything they have at Solana and Lennithon. Solana, already badly injured from Lennithon clawing at her, finally is killed and slumps forward lifeless in the harness. With one final spell, one of the String Wizards, fires a Cone Of Cold at the beast, killing it and turning both Lennithon and Solana into a large frozen statue. The icy statue falls downwards, the sunlight glinting off it, and as it hits the ground it shatters into small frozen chunks.
- Sir Lee walks though the ruins of the battlefield, again with tears in his eyes as he collapses next to the pile of ash and four remaining horse legs that was Particeps, Trenchant following behind, and speaks, “Look what my pride has brought me. Brother, having walked your path I see now your cause was never to supplant us at home, but to truely save the lands. I have been a fool but I will use my folly. Your enemy eye, the Dragon Cult, was upon me. Through my own boasts and folly, they followed me and I lead them here, to you. Then I shall use that. I shall take the eye of the enemy from you. When we return I shall buy the fastest steed in Delcal. I shall boast of killing the Dragon and the Cult. I shall lead the forces of the Cult away from you to the east whilst you travel to the west to continue your quest once again Trenchant with your friends. But first I shall honour my loyal steed.”
- Trenchant and the others watch as the Knight begins to collect wood to build a small funeral pyre to burn what remains of Particeps.
<And as the party stand in shock, disbelieving what they have survived, thanks only to the arrival of the Harpers, that is the end of the session.>
XP Allocation
Group - Combined (This is equally divided by the number of players who were involved)
Quests (Only quests that are completed or rendered undoable, during this session, are shown here)
- Protect The Wagons (No Loss Of Life) = 1000 XP
- Arrive Delcal = 200 XP
- Free The “OathBreaker” (Carlon Amoffel) = 200 XP
- Return Carlon Amoffel To Delcal = 500 XP
Creatures Overcome
Part A (XP allocated for party PLUS three Wagon guards)
- Orc Leader = 1100 XP
- Orcs = 1200 XP
- Dire Wolf = 200 XP
- Worgs = 1200 XP
Part B (XP allocated for party PLUS Trenchant and 3 Harpers)
- Dragonborn Cult Officer = 1100 XP
- Dragonfang Cultists = 5400 XP
- Dragonclaw Cultists = 2400 XP
Part C (XP allocated for party PLUS Trenchant and 15 Harpers)
- Solana Venrel (Blackguard) Cult Leader = 3900 XP
- Lennithon Adult Blue Dragon = 15000 XP
Individual (This is only given to that person and is not divided amongst all players)
Special Bonus (Outstanding Role Playing)
XP Levels and Player Allocations
Player : Start +  Received = Total  (Notes)
Rob : 66403 + 2138 = 68541
Arthur : 50438 + 1602 = 52040
Travis : 57219 + 2138 = 59357
Paul : 48747 + 2138 = 50885
Bob : 54056 + 2674 = 56730
NPC (Naillae) : + (1069)
NPC (Nac): + (1069)
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