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jabberwockyreferences · 1 year ago
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“Friends are the best.”
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themintman · 7 months ago
Oarfish vos for @dragonbma 😋🩷🩷
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Kill them with kindness? WRONG. FISH LAZER 💥💥💥
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dragonbma · 4 months ago
What are some scrapped concepts from any of your AUs?
Oh boy I wish I had seen this ask sooner because I have SO MUCH to say. Can of worms has officially opened! The peak 2023 brainrot I had last year spawned countless (around 20) MC:SM AUs. Most of which were one-off ideas where I just wanted to design something without thinking too much about a story. Since then, I’ve whittled it down to a handful I still doodle and write for behind the scenes. (Listed below)
Scrapped design/plot concepts:
Starting off with my favorite AU, Possession!Vos had a plethora of designs before I decided I didn’t want his looks to change much and that just surviving the plot was deviation enough. He almost looked like this whenever Romeo was in control: (essentially Romeo’s side profile would manifest and obscure half of Vos’ face, mirroring whatever expression the other half had)
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If I had to think of which AU had the most scrapped scenes, that award goes to the Drowned!Vos AU. The poor aftermath of that story was reworked so many times (mostly because I was indecisive just how antagonistic Romeo would be to the man he cursed to be a soggy zombie forever.) In the first draft, Romeo was so mad that Drowned failed to kill Jack that he completely abandoned him, but that since changed to the Admin being an ongoing antagonist who teleports over when Drowned is alone to belittle him. (Slight gore warning for this next bit.) In one of the more devious scrapped scenes, Romeo enchants his boots with Frost Walker and partially freezes Drowned solid before stomping his leg and breaking it off.
Oarfishposting, while also going through three name changes throughout its time (cod help me), also did a complete 180 in plot. It was almost a basic mad scientist plot where Romeo captured and experimented on any “losers” that couldn’t win his challenges. The adventure trio of course lost the temple, but since Sammy was too far gone and Jack got the hell out of there, Vos was all that was left. Oarfish!Vos was very close to resembling a Frankenstein amalgamation. Of course I am much happier with the final story because a world where everyone is half animal and there is a god trying to trap the rarer hybrids in temples is much more unique and fun to play with.
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For the last scrapped plot point I’ll mention, there was a fun idea I was playing around with in the Fantasy Trio AU where instead of Mage!Vos getting turned to solid obsidian, he is instead trapped in a mirror dimension. The mechanics of the challenge were as follows: adventurers enter a large, circular room in the castle and are presented with a myriad of doors along the walls. The floor is a giant mirror which reflects everything above it… albeit slightly different. Anyone one who enters the room has a moving statue reflecting their actions; So long as the statues are not shattered, they can swap places with their statues to enter the mirror dimension. (Their statues would then exist in the real world until they swap back.) Doors in the main room have no knobs so Mage opts to swap places with his statue to start opening the doors in the mirror dimension which do have knobs. Most doors lead to nothing, but some spawn enemies. TLDR: They eventually find the boss of the room, a large drake with a key around its neck, but it headbutts Mage and shatters his statue, rendering him unable to swap places back to the real world after the drake is defeated.
Scrapped AUs:
One AU I scrapped entirely (because Jack doesn’t die from the mess cliff fall) was a Death Trio AU where once Jack re-enters the Sea Temple, he’s haunted by ghastly apparitions of his old friends and how they died until he too eventually meets his demise in the Underneath. Vos’ skin is entirely obsidian and he can cry lava. Sammy bears resemblance to the elder guardians, now sprouting fins, scales, and their one giant eye. Though he doesn’t actually die in game, Jack’s downfall would have been the mesa cliff he falls off if Jesse refuses to give Porkchop their swords. His dead form gets a desert face covering and he leaves a trail of sand he coughs up.
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Mercraft: Fish Mode started out as an AU where all characters were merfolk, but I decided it would work better as just a drawing challenge instead of Mermay.
Some crossovers I really didn’t do much with were MC:SM x Flight Rising, Night at the Museum, Wings of Fire, Pokémon, and The Odyssey. Most of these were me wanting to design stuff so I’ll try to sum them up quick. The FR and WoF AUs were excuses for me to draw the cast as dragons. The NatM crossover spawned from a dream where I found a modded version of MC:SM where you play as Jesse, Petra, or Lukas (all night guards) and tended to the museum. Other characters were museum exhibits such as Gabriel being Teddy, Reuben being Rexy, and the Admins as the Egyptians; In all honesty I remember very little from the dream save for Romeo (Kahmunrah) shaking Vos (Jedediah) around in a brita filter. Pokémon AU spawned from me rewatching “Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea” and realizing there’s a character named Jack whose partner is a chatot. The main premise is the basic “everyone has a partner Pokémon” AU where the adventure trio visit the Sea Temple (guardians are huntails, elder guardians are gyarados, colossus are regice… and there’s also a type: null there for uhh plot reasons.) Lastly, I just love The Odyssey so making Jack, Vos, and Sammy > Eurylochus, Odysseus, and Polities was too good to pass up. Plus Polyphemus works perfectly as an elder guardian + Romeo as a very pissed Poseidon.
Main AUs: Vos Possession AU, Drowned!Vos AU, Oarfishposting, ‘Neath!Vos AU, Champion Vos AU, and most recently Admin Accomplice
Secondary/Hiatus AUs: TempleSwap, Fantasy Trio, Abyssal Symptoms, Chipped!Vos, Angel, and Sentry
Honorable mention to the one-off crack AUs that I scrapped immediately because they were just for giggles. Holepunched AU: the obsidian cage does not open when it falls and uh just lands on Vos. 💥 Rip. It was nicknamed Holepunched because Sammy’s ghost has a gaping hole in her chest from the guardian beam and Vos’ is just sliced in half. Feather Falling AU: Vos survives all those years on one heart, but ultimately takes fall damage when Jesse releases him. Funnily enough, that one was made on a whim where I was just trying to cause a friend psychic damage, but she did me one better by saying it would be worse if he didn’t poof upon hitting the floor, but only dissipated when Jack tried to hug him. :[
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dragonbma · 4 months ago
Dude the Scientist!Romeo AU sounds badass! Or maybe my weird butt just plays way too much Resident Evil. Was there any other snippets of lore you might have of this AU? How would Vos handle all the experiments?
Yes! There was quite a bit of lore for this storyline before it was scrapped. The plot mainly followed Vos falling asleep in the obsidian cage and waking up on an operating table in some weird lab with no memory of how he got there. It’s all downhill from there as he is subjected to experiment after experiment and slowly turned more and more into a fish. Jack does eventually find him, but things go awry-
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Enjoy some old rambles I found which I’ll add onto below: (TW: human experimentation)
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I’ll try to sum up the AU as best I can. Romeo isn’t fully an Admin, but he does LOVE to play god. Specifically, he enjoys crafting challenges and nabbing any “losers” to toy with and experiment on. Most subjects were turned into mindless brutes that patrol the lab and make sure the other experiments stay in their rooms. Vos is one of the first human subjects and is Romeo’s FAVORITE. As “the loser of the Sea Temple,” Romeo saw it fitting that Vos would be turned half fish as a constant reminder. He also just wanted to see if it were possible to successfully graft gills onto someone to breathe both air and water. (Spoiler: it’s NOT! Vos ends up having difficulty breathing either.) All cells are custom-tailored to their patient’s needs. Vos’ is literally just half iron floor, half swimming pool that can be viewed by the glass walls. It’s very cold and he hates it. :[
As for how Vos specifically handled the experiments… uhh not well. The first few were extremely traumatic; suddenly having altered vision, a tail that makes you off-balance on land, and no longer being able to talk requires getting used to. He was most upset at Romeo for cutting his vocals. (“Fish don’t talk” was the Admin’s reasoning, but in reality he just preferred his subjects not scream the entire surgery.) After he lost his voice, Vos became paranoid and reclusive. The botched gill surgery only furthered that. He spent most days leaning out of the pool; whenever it became too difficult to breathe air, he would submerge himself and whenever water breathing was too harsh, he’d pop back up for air. Some experiments I forgot to mention above: hand/foot webbing, one of his eyes was replaced with a guardian’s, and he has a heart of the sea. Fun patient fact: all patients have a lodestone tracker; Vos’ is a clamp on his tail.
Back to the lore… Jesse, Petra, and Jack eventually try and solve the mystery of people vanishing and that’s what leads them to the lab. (For the record, disappearances are rare but noticeable. Think one person from each town.) Upon entering, the three steal and don lab coats and keycards to try and figure out what’s up. Jesse is actually the one that stumbles across Vos whilst exploring. I’m just imagining him unknowingly unlocking the door and sneaking into a patient’s enclosure to see… nothing remarkable! because a certain fish is hiding at the bottom of the pool. After finding nothing interesting in the room, Jesse turns back around to see a large, scaley figure struggling to open the door he came through. And upon realizing they’ve been spotted, the patient panics and flees back into the water, giving Jesse a look that says “please don’t tell anyone I just tried to escape I won’t do it again.” Meanwhile Jesse is just thinking “ohmycodthat’saperson.” But it’s all good because Jesse lets him out and he’s reunited with Jack who explains to the group that this goliath grouper is his bestie, Vos. Some hijinks ensue when they are spotted by the Warden and Vos flees, but Jack and Petra get to the file room and find out the truth of what happened to everyone and Romeo is defeated by Jesse and the lab falls apart yay!
Bonus: my favorite sequence in the AU is during the escape. Upon being caught by the Warden, instead of detaining everyone, he merely just creates distrust among the group by stating that the Vos they’re harboring is a failed and dangerous clone. He’s very much NOT a clone, but Jack becomes worried for Jesse and Petra’s safety and threatens that if “the clone” won’t go back to where he came from, he’ll turn Vos in to Romeo. Vos cannot talk and thus can’t defend himself and when Jack draws his sword, he panics and flees. Now trying to escape the lab by himself, Vos stumbles into a random cell and is immediately caught in a spiderweb. Xara is revealed to have been meshed with the spiders from the Sunshine Institute maze. Oh and she’s huge. She promptly picks Vos up and is like “oh I wonder how pissed off Romeo would be if his prized subject were to die…” but after looking closer, she feels bad that such heavy experimentations were done on a human and decides that Romeo would be even MORE upset if his prized subject were to escape and be happy so she lets him free. (Don’t worry guys- Jack does realize that OOPS that WAS his buddy when Petra finds Vos’ patient file. And they reunite and it’s all good.)
That’s most of what I can remember for now. Resident Evil is cool as hell and I hope you enjoyed. 🐟
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dragonbma · 2 years ago
It’s that special day of the week again… 🌊
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If I had a nickel for every time I drew this man as half oarfish, I’d have two nickels… which isn’t a lot, but it will happen again-
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dragonbma · 1 year ago
Happy Sea Temple Saturday! ^^
I come bearing designs for all my Vos-centered Minecraft: Story Mode AUs! (minus Imperial!Vos)
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Choose your fighter-
[Find the current list with AU details here!]
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dragonbma · 4 months ago
Awesome, thanks for telling us more about the Scientist!Romeo AU! <3 Poor Vos' legs can't get a break (no pun intended). How'd he lose it in that AU? Aside from Vos and Xara, were there any other losers that became science projects too? Also, how's life for Vos after the rescue?
When knee surgery is tomorrow-
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Funny story- In the original scrapped AU, he never lost a leg. It was only when sketching him for the first time I didn’t feel like drawing another foot and decided a peg leg would be neat. Sorry, Mr. Vossenidae… Since then, I have thought a bit about how he’d lose it… After the botched gill surgery, the guards forgot to lock the door to Vos’ cell and he snuck out while the Warden was distracted. While looking for an exit, he had breathing complications and was forced to hide. The Warden eventually found him curled up wheezing in a storage closet and dragged him back to the cell. Romeo did not take kindly to the news and scheduled our fishy friend for another surgery where you guessed it! Knee surgery is tomorrow! Rip his leg and any other chances of a successful escape attempt. Because he swims like an alligator, his swimming was not impacted much. But on land he is very off balance, and having a constantly wet floor is a recipe for disaster…
I had the guards in the lab be Romeo’s most loyal science experiments, however I never thought too hard on who exactly they’d be. Perhaps Tim, Cassie, some Neathfolk or Sky City residents too. (And apologies I haven’t thought much on what their experiments would be.) Carmine is probably an experiment too, but is too insane to be a proper “sentry.” Even the Warden himself had one tiny experiment (implanting a tracking device over his eye.)
As for life after the rescue, I never got that far before I rewrote the entire story. If I had to guess, Vos would probably stay with Jack and Nurm and learn sign language because he doesn’t get his voice back. I’d imagine the residents of Beacontown would be unnerved at first until the rest of the experiments show up and then it becomes a normal thing.
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dragonbma · 1 year ago
River Monsters s8 e1 looks a little different…
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I have so many ideas for this AU except a name for it. Oarfish!Vos my beloved-
For now he is eepy. Let him rest.
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dragonbma · 22 days ago
For your Oarfish Vos AU, how long is he stuck in the sea temple for and does he eventually get rescued? What keeps him from going nuts from boredom? I'm sure a guardian can only provide so much entertainment. Who else has Romeo 'collected'?
Oarfish!Vos lore my beloved… 🐟 Oar resides in the temple for 15 years before being rescued. Jack finds him when Jesse drags him back to the temple to get the structure block.
As for entertainment… there isn’t much. Oar is terrified of the elder guardians despite their purpose being his companions; watching them kill Sammy was enough to keep Oar from getting anywhere near them. For the first five-ish years in the temple, the Admin unlocked all inner doors of the Sea Temple so Oar could roam around without leaving, but there are only so many times you can walk around five rooms without getting bored. And it doesn’t help that any time the Admin visits, Oar constantly whines to go home. The last decade in the temple is spent crammed in a teeny waterhole after Oar complained of homesickness one too many times and Romeo snapped. There is truly nothing to do there but watch the few stalks of kelp grow from the floor. At least the Admin was gracious enough to give him a sea lantern for company though. It gives off faint warmth…
Bonus: in the years living in the guardian room, Oar would sleep curled up on the floor and use his tail as a pillow. ^^
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I don’t think I’ve ever showed young Oar’s ^ palette before but he has shorter, red hair and brighter frills. Of course his hair and scales pale with age and stress.
As for Romeo’s collection. It’s rather small. Vos was one of the first. Word of mysterious temples popping up has been going around, but there haven’t been many recorded disappearances yet. (Aside from Xara and most of the Neathfolk who were captured before the creation of the newer world…) If I had to guess, he probably made a desert-redstone temple to lure Harper or something for Tim. Oh and he ALMOST caught Jack in a desert temple after Oar mentioned his friend loved deserts. (Oar was NOT happy to hear of this the next time they spoke.)
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dragonbma · 1 year ago
Minecraft “but I assign some of my favorite animals to characters” Story Mode:
Jack - pangolin
Vos - oarfish
Sammy - golden eagle or red-tailed hawk
Nurm - secretary bird
Romeo - red-eyed crocodile skink
I barely have references done for any of their canon designs and I’m already thinking about AUs 💀
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dragonbma · 1 year ago
// All my Vos-centered MC:SM AUs & concepts: //
(Can’t remember how many I’ve shared here already, but I’m making a masterpost nonetheless.) Find all reference designs here!
Possession!Vos (Vos Possession AU) 👁️
(My prized AU:) After the adventure to the Sea Temple goes awry, Sammy is killed, Vos is left trapped, and Jack flees. Vos survives being caught in the obsidian cage, and Romeo has more in store for him… if he agrees. Unfortunately for the Admin, our favorite Sea Temple adventurer is incredibly homesick and declines his offer to be a champion. A decade later when Jack finally returns to the temple with Jesse, Vos is overjoyed to see his friend again. However it would seem the Admin isn’t quite done with him yet… Chaos and shenanigans ensue as the brita filter man is puppeteered by god himself!
—Full masterpost: here!
—Read here!
Oarfish!Vos (Oarfishposting AU) 🐟
Set in an AU where most characters are half-animal, Croco!Romeo is a ‘collector’ of rare hybrids. His challenges are all secretly traps to ensnare anyone he finds interesting. Unknown to Jack, the Sea Temple was specifically built to catch Vos… and it worked perfectly. Finding Oarfish!Vos and Pangolin!Jack intriguing, Romeo designed the temple to split the trio, kill Hawk!Sammy, and snare Oarfish!Vos in obsidian nets. Jack escapes and Romeo later lets Vos out of the nets while he quietly brainstorms traps for Jack. Without the gauntlet, Vos is able to explore the rooms, but can’t open the main entrance doors. The Admin still checks on him every now and then even if Vos doesn’t seem to enjoy his new home. He gets along well with the guardians at least so that’s a plus.
—Land, Sea, and Sky trio my beloved
—I love him.
Drowned!Vos 🔱
AU where Romeo curses Vos to become a Drowned and hunt down Jack. The Admin is upset that Jack threw away the gauntlet and abandoned the challenge after the Sea Temple adventure went awry and aims to use his presumed dead friend to take care of the problem. After filling the obsidian cage with water and uh… waiting, Romeo inflicts Drowned!Vos’ goggles with curse of binding that warps his mind into believing Jack left him there on purpose and fills him with blind rage. He is also given a prismarine compass that always points to where his target is. Not sure if a potion of weakness and a golden apple will cure this one, Jack…
—He might also get a trident if I’m feeling extra silly.
—Read here!
‘Neath!Vos 🥀
A spin-off of the Possession AU where Vos again rejects Romeo’s offer. Rather than simply locking him back up in the cages to rot, Romeo instead teleports him to a secluded part of the ceiling in the Underneath and traps him there via obsidian roots. The scavengers come across him and inform Binta who helps him escape and he becomes well acquainted with the Fred Folk after everything. Jesse and Jack eventually find him when they go to the Underneath with Xara.
—Based on a fever dream I had
—More here!
Champion!Vos (Champion Vos AU) 🗡️
A second Possession AU spin-off where Vos loses hope in being rescued from the temple and accepts Romeo’s offer to be his champion. Our favorite Sea Temple adventurer is trained as his apprentice until the Admin sets his sights on another, a certain “Slayer of the Witherstorm.” After things don’t go to plan, Vos may be reunited with an old friend… just not in the way he was hoping.
—Jack gets the clock :[
Mage!Vos (Fantasy Trio AU) 🪨
—Fantasy/DnD AU where the adventure trio (Barbarian!Jack, Mage!Vos, and Archer!Sammy) explore a magic castle in search of ancient artifacts. Rather than killed by guardians, Sammy is felled by drakes. Vos is afflicted by a tipped arrow he blocks and slowly turns to obsidian much to the horror of Jack. Nowhere near the entrance, Jack is forced to leave his friend until he can come back with a way to break the enchantment. But that may be a few years…
Ailment!Vos (Abyssal Symptoms AU) 🪸
It would appear the guardians and colossuses are not the only weapons hidden within the temple’s walls. A mysterious illness may befall any unfortunate enough to make it too far into the Sea Temple. In this AU, one unlucky adventurer will be one of the first to face an ancient ailment that affects both body and mind: the Abyssal Symphony.
Chipped!Vos 🏜️
A portal-hopping AU where the adventure trio find the enchanted flint and steel and make it to Crown Mesa. Computer chaos ensues as Jack and Sammy must save their friend from the clutches of technology beyond their understanding. “Welcome, Vos! Yay!” :]
Sandwaste!Vos & Treescape!Vos (MC:SM TempleSwap AU) 🗺️
AUs where the adventure trio visited alternate temples made by the Admin (instead of the Sea Temple.) Depending on the biome, they will face the harshest challenges both desert and jungle have to offer. Sand and vines aren’t as harmless as you’d think.
—This AU was mainly an excuse to design alt outfits for Vos.
Angel!Vos (MC:SM Angel AU) 🪶
AU where the angelic trio find out just how dangerous an abandoned shrine can be. Though the shrine that killed the Witherstorm was thought to be dormant, a quick venture around proves otherwise. In other news, someone comes into contact with the Witherstorm remnants and becomes biblically accurate! ^^
—Witherstorm laid waste to the land and killed everyone, making them all into angels. Admins remained Gods.
—The shrine was constructed as the angels’ last stand and it proved successful. After the storm’s defeat, the creature’s body fell and caved in the structure, leaving the place in ruin and littering its lowest levels with dangerous remnants.
Imperial!Vos (MC:SM Flight Rising AU) 🐉
—I have a WHOLE STORY about this lad but that’s a post for another day… Flight Rising my beloved ^^
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jabberwockyreferences · 1 year ago
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Oar staying cozy too 🐟
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Had a snow day yesterday; Hope y’all are staying warm where you are! ^^
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dragonbma · 10 months ago
My finals week is almost over and Mermay is still upon us so… 🐟
I’ll be doing a little of all options, but more of whichever is most requested! Feel free to request a character if you pick option 3 ^^ or any Qs about my AUs are greatly welcomed! Hope you all are enjoying this fishy month :]
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dragonbma · 7 months ago
I wish I could accurately depict the emotion I’m feeling atm-
Oarfish vos for @dragonbma 😋🩷🩷
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Kill them with kindness? WRONG. FISH LAZER 💥💥💥
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dragonbma · 1 year ago
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“Love… having friends.”
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“Friends are the best.”
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