#o captain! my captain! 🕆; main verse
l-capitan · 2 months
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Capitano is ever on guard, never once letting it down, not even for those whom he’s ‘close’ to. Especially not for some strangers.
However, when this person approaches him and beckons him to come down to their level, he levels his voidlike countenance at them. If they could see his expression, it’d be one that expresses his incredulity in the form of, ‘really?’
And so, he doesn’t budge. Regardless, it doesn’t seem to deter the stranger, as his hand was taken in both of theirs, before being given a kiss upon his knuckles. The Harbinger freezes up completely, unable to form any words while his entire being was filled with one thing and one thing only: pure, unadulterated, utter confusion.
No words left him. Instead, he just stood there and was the epitome of:
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l-capitan · 2 months
@grimulf-of-the-wilderness | cont'd.
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Capitano must hand it to this stranger, they’ve been rather audacious in their romanticisms and flirtations, and it left him utterly stupefied.
Not once has he ever been caught off guard the way he has been by this…admirer, and while it does somewhat make his hackles raise, he had to give them credit where credit was due. After all, indeed, audentes Fortuna iuvat.
Fortune favors the bold.
The Harbinger made no move to slay the stranger where they stood. No, instead, it just stared at them ever silently, the oppressive aura that it always carried upon its shoulders having quieted considerably and was even replaced by something else entirely:
Their playful yet almost taunting words intrigued him, hues of cerulean glinting within the void of his mask as he regarded the newcomer carefully. The Captain’s lived for a little over five centuries now. He has seen many things when it came to humans and their customs, even those when it came to gestures indicating courting. He’s certainly never seen anyone lick another’s knuckles, however. It was strange—and yet, somehow, mildly amusing?
He's confused. Terribly so. He’s never been at the receiving end of any sort of attention that was not fear or reverence. Or both.
As the wanderer rose to their full height, Capitano was subtly taken aback by the fact that they are tall; much taller than him. He’s never encountered any human that passed him in stature, and just that alone further solidifies the assumption that they’re anything but—or at least, no longer are.
Only when they pushed back the hood and revealed everything did he truly understand. Understand, yet grow all the more bewildered at the fact that of all beings, it was a Hilichurlian Rogue that had courageously stepped forward and gave him his affections.
It’s not often that the Harbinger comes across Hilichurls, no less rogues, as he tends to keep his distance from them in order to leave them with what little peace they have left. So, to be face-to-face—or rather, mask-to-mask, with one was utterly novel. It’s not unwelcome, even as the Hilichurl reiterated his words from before.
Devastatingly handsome paired with a beautiful soul…as though he wasn’t baffled enough.
However, Capitano was snapped out of his reverie the moment a passerby screamed in terror at the sight of the rogue before him, his head turning almost mechanically towards the source of the exclamation before chaos erupted around them.
His attention remained on the crowds of people that scattered and hollered to get away from the rogue that had revealed himself, however it returned towards the Hilichurl once he spoke again and dismissed himself before the guards could step in.
“… Wait.”
These are not Capitano’s people—they’re not a group that he could easily calm with a simple gesture. What he can do, however, is to bring back that oppressive nature that weighed heavily around him as he turned his attention towards the guards and the few stragglers that remained. He has no jurisdiction here in Natlan, of that he is aware, yet he is still a Fatuus.
He is still a Harbinger, and one that demanded respect by his mere presence.
“Leave this being to me and return to your people. Assure them that all is well, as there is nothing to be afraid of,” it said, its voice unwavering and stalwart. Should they listen or should they not mattered little to him as his attention fell on the rogue once more if he did actually listen and stay, motioning with his head for him to follow.
There was no need to continue causing unnecessary stress on the inhabitants of Natlan, so the two of them may as well find a more secluded place so they could have a talk.
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l-capitan · 2 months
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When presented with a rose, Capitano stood frozen like a deer in headlights.
… What is happening?
He’s never received a flower before, at least not one fully bloomed. Packets of seeds so he could plant his own? Sure! However, never a lone rose.
“Ah…thank you,” he eventually managed to say, accepting the flower and handling it very delicately with his fingers. “I will be sure to cultivate it properly.”
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l-capitan · 2 months
"just help me with this, and i'll be out of your hair for good."
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A slow sigh escaped the tall Harbinger as he looked at the empty coffins that were lined up along the floor. “Madame Hu Tao, I would have expected you to have employees to assist you with this,” he stated, turning his head to regard her. If she could see beneath his mask, she would be able to see him giving her a Look.
A look similar to that of a disappointed father.
Still, he moved over towards the coffins anyway, and one by one, lifted them as though they weighed absolutely nothing. As though they weren’t hundreds of pounds of wood and metal. With three on one shoulder and one tucked beneath his other arm, he shifted to place them up along the walls in a proper display. The way he held them up and put them in their rightful spots was completely effortless, as there was not a hint of exertion.
He has all this strength to use for the greater good…and he’s using it to assist a young lady with her funeral business.
“Is this an acceptable spot for you, Madame Hu Tao?”
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l-capitan · 2 months
no one:
kaeya: I can take you ;)
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What is with these odd people today? First it was that stranger that called him devastatingly handsome, and now it was a young man claiming he can take him. He’s not even sure what that means.
Either way, “… No.”
He is not going to fight someone all willy-nilly, that’s just silly.
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l-capitan · 2 months
Please refrain from being so devastatingly handsome and far too beautiful for this realm, we cannot handle it.
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Even with his mask covering the entirety of his face, it was clear he was visibly confused. Terribly so.
“Admittedly, I fail to understand your words, as I always wear a mask—and who’s ‘we’?”
Capitano tries not to scratch his head, but he fails in his attempt. He was stumped.
“… I suppose beauty is subjective, but perhaps you should not focus on such things and instead make sure you are taking care of yourself and your priorities.”
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l-capitan · 2 months
❛ here, give this a try and tell me what you think. ❜ ( rattles harbinger crepus in your face )
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Capitano glanced down at whatever it was that Brighella was offering out to him. Even though no one could see his face, those who have come to know him even slightly would slowly begin to learn what expression he may have through little tells in his body language. Right now, it was in the form of a slightly tilted head, as he took in the sight of what appeared to be a small tart.
“… Brighella, should I be worried about someone’s kitchen being on fire?” it inquired, its tone a little monotonous despite the somewhat amused inquiry.
Still, it did as requested and took the tart, bringing it up to where its mouth should be—before a maw full of sharp, shark-like teeth appeared as he took a rather delicate bite from the pastry. As he began to chew, those teeth were quick to disappear back into the void of his mask.
A soft hum escaped him as he tasted the treat and took a moment to really savor it, before he slowly nodded in assent.
“It’s good. Did you make it, or did you purchase it?”
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l-capitan · 2 months
pantalone, retracting all of capitano’s funds for calling implying he is a cunt: “how dishonourable.” //he infact is a petty cunt
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Even beneath his mask, he was visibly confused.
“I am not the one who made such implications. You are only exacerbating their claims, Pantalone.”
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l-capitan · 2 months
there's columbina , slowly making her way over to him . there's no hesitation from her as she literally climbs up his back , wrapping her arms around his neck to keep herself stable before resting her chin against one of his shoulders so that she can go back to sleep . ❛❛ carry me ? ❜❜ ( :3c )
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Capitano didn’t even need to look back once to know exactly whom it was climbing his back. In fact, there was only one person who had the audacity to do so, and that was the Damselette.
Mild amusement lined his voice as he spoke, “As though you ever give me any choice, Columbina.”
With a gentle sigh, he reached behind himself, adjusting her a bit so he could better support her while he went about his business. His business of training the new recruits, that is. It was obvious they were confused and perhaps even nervous to suddenly be in the presence of two Harbingers—yet there was also some form of endearment in a few pairs of eyes, as they bore witness to a somewhat soft side to the Captain.
How odd.
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l-capitan · 2 months
this was the last place i wanted to go. \ something something kaeya trying to get in touch with pierro but doesn't know How because he's trying to keep diluc from being murdered bc of what he's done smth smth
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Cerulean eyes flashed from within the void of his mask as he gazed down at the young Khaenri’ahn coolly. Capitano was not foolish. He knows full well who the young man before him was—the likeness to the Director was not lost on him. The only thing that was is the exact relation between his boss and the boy before him.
The fact that the Khaenri’ahn was also blessed by Her Majesty did not escape him, either.
However, he was curious…
“You are far from home, boy,” he stated, his voice steady and not giving way to anything in particular. He was only pointing out facts. “You mention this is the last place you wanted to go, so that leads me to believe you are in search of something. Or someone.
State your business. What, or whom, brings you to these frigid lands?”
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l-capitan · 2 months
❛ do you mind if i smoke? ❜ \ signora ( tho tbh lbr she'd do it anyway )
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“Rosalyne, we both know that regardless of what I say, you will simply do whatever you want anyway,” Capitano responded, his tone just a little tired.
“Just try to be mindful on where you decide to smoke. Preferably somewhere with open air, so as not to suffocate any plants or passersby. Surely on that we can come to an accord?”
If any expression could be seen through the void of his mask, it’d be one of utter exhaustion with a hint of pleading. Hopefully his voice alludes to the same.
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l-capitan · 2 months
❛ i was wrong about you. ❜ 
( bitch just u wait until im well again !!! woe !!! )
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A low, curious hum resonated from the Harbinger as he gazed down at the young man that stood before him. Capitano knew very well whom it was facing.
Diluc Ragnivindr, elder son of Crepus Ragnivindr. The young master from Mondstadt with lineage that ran so deep, whose family line was known for the brilliance of their fiery hair and those wickedly righteous eyes. The former Cavalry Captain who went out on a conquest for vengeance in retaliation for his father’s untimely demise.
Snezhnaya’s number one most wanted criminal, and persona-non-grata. However, they were not in Snezhnaya currently. No, oddly enough, the two were face-to-face in the Nation of Justice.
Capitano was visiting Fontaine briefly in order to check on the Knave and the children at Hotel Bouffes d’ete, as well as to see if Tartaglia was still around. He took some time here and there to visit the kids and to see how they are growing, calling them the Knave’s ‘little soldiers.’ He had a soft spot for them and found it prudent to visit whenever he had the chance to. Although, it certainly didn’t expect to come face-to-face with the very same man that had razed their camps only a few years back, standing in the middle of a field off the beaten path. Better here than in the city, it supposes.
There was tension in the air that crackled and practically permeated the air with the scent of ozone as it gazed towards the Ragnivindr. From his stance, it seemed he was preparing for an altercation—for Capitano to lunge at him and tear him asunder.
Yet, such a thing never came.
Instead, the Harbinger merely raised a hand in a show of assurance, palm facing the young man as it inclined its head slightly. “At ease, boy,” he stated, his voice resolute and calm. “If you thought I would draw my blade at a man in a nation neither of us are citizens of, then you thought wrong. It is clear to me that we are both here for personal reasons, and I intend for us to keep it that way rather than clash blades with someone I have no jurisdiction to take into custody.”
Capitano kept its distance from Diluc and gave the young Master plenty of space for himself to try and relax, while it then lowered its hand, soon swallowed by the coat that was wrapped around it.
Upon hearing the young man’s statement, the Harbinger grew quiet and was admittedly mildly surprised to hear such a thing from the redhead. He is fully aware of the absolute vitriol Diluc feels towards the Fatui. He does not blame him, nor does he blame anyone, as he is fully aware of what some of his fellow Harbingers have perpetrated across Teyvat, as well as some Fatui delegates that acted out of their own selfish accord. So, to hear such a declaration from one who vehemently hates the organization and everything about it, it is just a little surprising. How interesting.
“Everyone has their priorities, Ragnivindr. Apprehending you in a country outside of my own is not one of them. However, do not mistake this as me ignoring the crimes you have committed. Should we ever find ourselves face-to-face again within her Majesty’s lands, then I am certain that you are aware our meeting from today will not be repeated then.”
Even now, as he spoke, there was not even a modicum of tension or upset of any form that lined his body nor words. It was merely stating a fact.
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l-capitan · 2 months
❛ if i have to think about one more thing today, my head will explode. ❜ ( from 'bina ! )
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Honestly? Capitano had to agree with Columbina, for once.
The two had just left one of the Harbinger meetings together, and normally they’re rather productive! However, sometimes…
Sometimes, some of the Harbingers got rowdy. Sometimes arguments exploded from the smallest of phrases, sometimes snarky comments, and even hands, would be thrown at one another. It was rather rare, as more often than not, Pierro, Capitano, and Pulcinella were able to tamper down the tension.
Today, neither of the three could, as instead they had to try and wrangle Dottore, Tartaglia, and Scaramouche.
The remaining Harbingers usually got a kick out of the clown show, but it seems that even Columbina was exhausted from it today, especially from Dottore’s remarks. It, at one point, was afraid that even she was going to jump into the fray, and it’s truly counting its blessings that she didn’t.
Releasing a heavy, exhausted sigh as his frame seemed to sag (yet still managed to keep up the smaller one that draped herself over his back), he then brought his hand up and pinched at what would be the bridge of his nose.
“… Perhaps a good nap is in order.”
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l-capitan · 2 months
❛ i just wanted to say thank you for protecting me. ❜
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“There is nothing for you to thank me for,” Capitano stated, placing a heavy yet gentle hand atop the youngest Harbinger’s ginger curls in a small ‘pap.’
Surrounding them were lifeless husks of the Ruin Grader, Guards, and Hunters, no longer operable as their cores and limbs have been completely severed from their bodies. The older one’s chest expanded as he took a deep breath before expelling it, a slow puff of vapor streamlining from where his mouth would supposedly be. Turning his head to regard the young Harbinger, he soon lifted his hand from their head and gave them a small nod.
“It is merely the right thing to do, Childe. You did well…
However,” he paused, his tone shifting to one more firm, “you should have escaped when things were getting too difficult. When you are fighting on your own, and there is no risk to any others around you—do not hesitate to run away when you realize you are getting overwhelmed. To retreat is a valid maneuver, and one that you may have to rely on every so often. There is no cowardice in trying to live another day, only cowardice in trying to prove something at the expense of your own life and those of others.”
It left no room for debate after it spoke its piece, and instead gestured with its head towards the path they had originally come from. “Let us return to our sojourn and tend to whatever wounds you have gained from this battle.”
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l-capitan · 2 months
❛ how long has it been since you've slept? ❜
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“One must never skip out on a good night’s rest if they intend to maintain a sound mind and strong constitution,” Capitano answered simply, humming lowly in thought.
“So, to answer your question, it has been approximately ten hours since I last slept. I suppose I should be preparing for bed again, soon.”
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l-capitan · 2 months
i had it under control. you didn’t need to do that. // hehes
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There had been a disturbance reported near Zapolyarny Palace, one that reeked of the abyss. Of the Eleven, Tartaglia was the most eager to go on and handle this predicament, destruction ever following its wake. However, Capitano did not find it keen to let it go alone, and without even needing to spare a glance to either Pierro or Pulcinella, silently went along with the youngest of their circle.
It seems that it was prudent of him to do so, as there was a lot more to the disturbance than they had all anticipated. He expected there to only be rifthounds, but no. It wasn’t just the abyss that invaded Snezhnaya, but parts of the Order itself. He could not even begin to fathom the ‘who, what, when, where, how, or why’s, all that it knew was that it’s glad it followed Tartaglia.
Tartaglia is still young. He has no need to exert himself to the point of using his delusion or relying upon the abyss that clung to him. Perhaps the others would complain to him about being ‘too lenient’ on their Vanguard (even though that is far from the truth), but everyone has their limits, even those most formidable. Facing Heralds, Lectors, and Mages…it is bound to take a toll on most, and the Captain wasn’t interested in seeing if, or how, the Order or the young Harbinger’s Legacy would react when faced with one another for too long.
He did not have any qualms regarding Childe’s strength, not one bit. He knows that the ginger was more than capable of taking care of himself and defeating legions of adversaries if he so pleased. However, he didn’t need to. Not today. Especially not when one of the Lectors grew opportunistic and found a way to catch the young Snezhnayan off guard, wounding him in return for the damage done to their numbers.
Admittedly, Capitano was initially intending to simply watch and step in if things were taking too long, until he saw their youngest injured. To Tartaglia, it’s probably nothing, but it is still only mortal.
Thus, summoning his weapon, he stalked towards the remaining numbers and put an end to their farce within a single fell swoop. Within mere seconds, the Order was slaughtered, and reduced to nothing but inky splotches and splatters that stood in stark contrast to the pure white snow of the Cryo Archon’s lands.
Standing amidst the field of carnage, Capitano let out a slow, deep breath from his nose as he pierced the earth with his bloodied claymore. It looked over its shoulder, while a lone cerulean eye glinted through the void of its mask as it took in the sight of the youngest Harbinger.
“Indeed, I did not need to do this. You are a mighty foe, and you could have defeated them all on your own, of that I have no doubt. Yet even you, Tartaglia, Vanguard of the Tsaritsa, are not invincible.
Remember that.”
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