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futurecantbereal · 5 months ago
Tulee se tulva
Ne luulivat, että se oli vuosisadan pahin rankkasade, mutta oikeasti kyseessä oli suruni. Suruni siitä, että olin itselleni valehdellen aiheuttanut sinulle tuskaa. Suruni siitä, etten ymmärtänyt aiemmin kuinka syvällä olin ja kuinka olisin vetänyt sinutkin kuopan pohjalle. Kaivoin kuopan seinämiin paljain käsin reikiä joita pitkin voisin kiivetä ylös, kunnes käteni olivat verillä. Veri sekoittui mutaan joka kirveli haavoissa ja teki minut sairaaksi. Haavani vuosivat tuhatjalkaisia, joiden jalat olivat selityksiä ja tekosyitä vuosien varrelta. Rumia pieniä otuksia. Ne purivat minua terävillä hampaillaan kaikkialle pyrkiessään ulos maailmaan ja takaisin sisälle. Hutkin verta, mutaa ja tuhatjalkaisia kuopan pohjalle tehdessäni hidasta nousua pitkin murenevaa seinämää, kohti yläpuolellani häämöttävää lemmikinsinistä taivasta. Ja minä itkin.
Itkin niin, että kyyneleeni täyttivät Näsijärven ja Pyhäjärven välisen kaistaleen. Pian pinnan yläpuolella pilkotti vain Pyynikin näkötornin huippu ja tornin huipulla pidit sydäntäni panttivankina. Nouseva vesi kannatteli minua. Jokainen kyynel nosti minut hieman ylemmäs. Sumeiden silmieni takaa en kyennyt näkemään miten taivas tuli l��hemmäksi ja lähemmäksi. Ei enää lemmikinsininen vaan metallinharmaa, mutta taivas yhtä kaikki.
Ennen pitkää minussa ei ollut enää kyyneleitä mitä itkeä. Suruni ei ollut kadonnut minnekään, mutta se oli muuttunut kehoani hallussaan pitävästä demonista pieneksi surkeaksi päästäiseksi, joka peloissaan käpertyi rintalastani alle ja uikutti kuin emoaan kaipaava koiranpentu. Kykenin uimaan näkötornille nyt kun kehoni oli minun. Toivo siitä, että pian näkisin sinut ja voisin tehdä kaiken paremmaksi antoi minulle voimaa kauhoa suolaista vettä raakileiksi rievotuilla käsilläni. Jätin jälkeeni verisen vanan. Hait ja jättiläishauet haistoivat veren, lähtivät perään. Kirin vauhtia kun tunsin kuinka ne alkoivat näykkiä jalkojani. Potkin niitä vimmatusti päähän. Viimein kosketin punaista tiiltä ja kiipesin näköalatasanteelle. Huhuilin sinua, mutta kukaan ei vastannut. Ilma oli edelleen raskas ja kostea. Oli täysin hiljaista. Vesi oli hukuttanut alleen kaiken elävän. Edes linnut eivät päästäneet ääntäkään, roikkuivat vain harmaata taivasta vasten kuin marionetit.
Hiivin sisään torniin ja näin sydämeni kylmällä kivilattialla tallottuna ja ruhjottuna. Sinä et sitä pidellyt. Sen vieressä lepäsi sikiöasennossa pieni polkkatukkainen lapsi, tuskin kuutta vuotta vanhempi. Hän nyyhkytti kasvot käsiin haudattuina, hauras keho nytkähtäen jokaisella hengenvedolla. Istuin hänen vierelleen ja silitin sileää, ruskeaa tukkaa. Lapsi kääntyi puoleeni ja silloin näin hädän hänen silmissään ja ammottavan aukon rinnassaan. Hän laski päänsä syliini ja itkimme yhdessä. Kyyneleet pisaroivat lattialle kauniina helminä jotka keräsin taskuuni. Nostin sydämeni lattialta ja puhalsin siihen ilmaa kunnes se muistutti taas itseään. Asetin sydämeni lapsen rintaan ja suutelin ammottavan aukon kiinni. Lapsi hyppäsi selkääni. Lupasin uida meidät kotiin.
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cybette · 2 years ago
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Let's see how these split panoramas look on Tumblr...
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engbergsinfinland · 10 days ago
Hello everyone; happy Wednesday!
I am writing this before embarking on yet another full day, though this one starts off with a nice treat of going to Jormo at the hair salon. Then, I will go teach and then after that I believe I have several hours to work and then a meeting at 8:30 p.m. All of these meetings with US-based colleagues are necessary but, despite how much I enjoy talking to those colleagues and students, they do cramp my style. I'm just so exhausted after spending a whole day here working and then some days, like yesterday, having 3 hours of meetings with US people in the final hours of my day.
Anyway, enough complaining. Well, maybe not all the way "enough" -- haha. We've really been having some strong emotions lately. One: it's been a joy to start seeing the sun rising earlier each day and staying up later. Yesterday, there still seemed to be some glimmers of daylight around 6:00 p.m. And this morning, before 7:00 a.m., I could see the horizon line lighting up before the sunrise. The other feeling has been sadness and a feeling of the fleeting nature of an experience like this, as we face the fact that we have only four months left. We bought our tickets back to the US a few days ago. We will return to the US on the 26th of June and Cece will head right to her weekend-long Girl Scout camp with her troop the very next day. We wanted to try to be home in time for her to do that, since she is so looking forward to it.
Anyway, I did do one thing on my Finland to-do list this last weekend. I went to a public sauna, Kaupinojan. This one is co-ed and people wore swimsuits, which was key because I am such an American prude raised by an Irish Catholic mother 😆 And I found out when we were leaving this sauna that it is the hottest one in Tampere, and you could tell. It was so incredibly hot. Eric and I went together during the day on Saturday and we went in and out of the sauna about four times. We had four cycles of "in the sauna, out of the sauna," and there is a lake there, Näsijärvi, that has a swimming hole cut out of the ice so people can go from the sauna into the lake. Eric did that three times, the second of which he got in all the way up to his neck! How Finnish of him!
This last weekend also included another visit to Kahvila Runo for Rowan and me and Alex. While there this time, however, I didn't get to read one of the biographies I'm reading (I just finished one on Hannah Arendt) but rather I had to work on my required ethical training, the CITI training, but thank heavens I finished it on Monday.
On Saturday night we went to the house of some friends who live more on the outskirts area of Tampere. We stayed there for about 5 hours, it ended up! We had so much fun. And on Sunday, my colleague Maija and her daughter Eeva came over for brunch. I made what we call "Lori Eggs," which are scrambled eggs baked in the oven like my cousin makes, and blueberry pancakes and a fruit salad. The day before I had made three apple cakes with the apples that Eric got from The 5-Euro bucket deal at the K Market. I know I mentioned this apple cake recipe before. So we had some apple cake for brunch too. It was so fun having Maya and Ava over.
There are only a few days left to go in this week, and then it is the winter holiday, or as it's known, the "ski holiday" (Hiihtolomia). On Sunday night, we are taking the overnight train to Rovaniemi, and we are staying in a glass-roofed resort cabin at Apukka resort on Monday night, for one night. This was another thing on my goals list: to stay in a glass igloo or glass dome while in Finnish Lapland. Of course, another goal of mine is to see the Northern lights, and hopefully staying in a glass-domed cabin in Finnish Lapland will help make that happen, but of course it's all weather dependent and we will probably be socked in with clouds the one night we are there (that is actually what the forecast currently says). Anyway, we're staying two more nights in Lapland, but in a cabin outside of Rovaniemi, which, much to my delight, has an outdoor wood-heated hot tub. I plan to spend lots of time in it. Otherwise, we're going to do a husky tour and perhaps some skating on the lake, which Eric has already done here in Tampere, and maybe either some downhill or cross country skiing. There's apparently also lots to do in Rovaniemi itself. We come back on Thursday, with a few-hour stop during our train journey in Oulu, to visit a Fulbright colleague who is there.
I will write again over this coming weekend. It looks like there will be some fun things in our schedule, including a hockey game that Rowan and I will go to, a movie brunch at a theater here where we will see The Sound of Music, and an ice skating promotional show at one of the malls, which the kids will take part in to help their team promote their spring performance of Pippi Longstocking. I will report back on how all these things go!
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yoyohappy123 · 4 months ago
赫爾辛基是芬蘭的首都,擁有現代化的建築、藝術氛圍以及豐富的歷史遺跡。赫爾辛基大教堂(Helsinki Cathedral)和烏斯彭斯基東正教教堂(Uspenski Cathedral)��地標建築突顯了這座城市的建築風格和多元文化。此外,著名的岩石教堂(Temppeliaukio Church)是由天然岩石雕刻而成的,呈現出極具特色的設計。赫爾辛基的設計區(Design District)集中了藝術畫廊、手工藝品商店和時尚咖啡館,適合喜愛文化探索的旅客。
推薦行程: 赫爾辛基大教堂—烏斯彭斯基教堂—岩石教堂—設計區
羅瓦涅米位於北極圈上,是聖誕老人的故鄉,每年吸引成千上萬的遊客前來朝聖。在聖誕老人村(Santa Claus Village),可以見到聖誕老人,體驗純正的聖誕氛圍。這裡的極光觀賞體驗也是一大亮點,冬季時的夜晚經常可見極光漫天,浪漫而夢幻。此外,您還可以參加狗拉雪橇、駕雪地摩托等北極特色活動,享受冬季的北極探險。
推薦行程: 聖誕老人村—極光觀賞—狗拉雪橇體驗
坦佩雷是芬蘭第三大城市,充滿活力的文化和工業歷史。這裡擁有多座博物館,如坦佩雷藝術博物館(Tampere Art Museum)和間諜博物館(Spy Museum),為旅客提供豐富的文化體驗。芬蘭最大的內陸湖納西湖(Lake Näsijärvi)也位於坦佩雷附近,您可以乘船遊湖,感受清新的湖光山色。坦佩雷還以其傳統芬蘭桑拿文化聞名,是體驗芬蘭生活方式的好去處。
推薦行程: 坦佩雷藝術博物館—間諜博物館—納西湖遊船
推薦行程: 極光觀賞—滑雪體驗—冰屋住宿
五、芬蘭湖區(Finnish Lakeland):湖光山色的天堂
推薦行程: 湖泊划船—遠足—湖畔桑拿體驗
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months ago
Events 9.7 (before 1930)
70 – A Roman army under Titus occupies and plunders Jerusalem. 878 – Louis the Stammerer is crowned as king of West Francia by Pope John VIII. 1159 – Pope Alexander III is chosen. 1191 – Third Crusade: Battle of Arsuf: Richard I of England defeats Saladin at Arsuf. 1228 – Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II lands in Acre, Israel, and starts the Sixth Crusade, which results in a peaceful restoration of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. 1303 – Guillaume de Nogaret takes Pope Boniface VIII prisoner on behalf of Philip IV of France. 1571 – Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of Norfolk, is arrested for his role in the Ridolfi plot to assassinate Queen Elizabeth I of England and replace her with Mary, Queen of Scots. 1620 – The town of Kokkola (Swedish: Karleby) is founded by King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden. 1630 – The city of Boston, Massachusetts, is founded in North America. 1652 – Around 15,000 Han farmers and militia rebel against Dutch rule on Taiwan. 1695 – Henry Every perpetrates one of the most profitable pirate raids in history with the capture of the Grand Mughal ship Ganj-i-Sawai. In response, Emperor Aurangzeb threatens to end all English trading in India. 1706 – War of the Spanish Succession: Siege of Turin ends, leading to the withdrawal of French forces from North Italy. 1764 – Election of Stanisław August Poniatowski as the last ruler of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. 1776 – According to American colonial reports, Ezra Lee makes the world's first submarine attack in the Turtle, attempting to attach a time bomb to the hull of HMS Eagle in New York Harbor (no British records of this attack exist). 1812 – French invasion of Russia: The Battle of Borodino, the bloodiest battle of the Napoleonic Wars, is fought near Moscow and results in a French victory. 1818 – Carl III of Sweden–Norway is crowned king of Norway, in Trondheim. 1822 – Dom Pedro I declares Brazil independent from Portugal on the shores of the Ipiranga Brook in São Paulo. 1856 – The Saimaa Canal is inaugurated. 1857 – Mountain Meadows massacre: Mormon settlers slaughter most members of peaceful, emigrant wagon train. 1860 – Unification of Italy: Giuseppe Garibaldi enters Naples. 1863 – American Civil War: Union troops under Quincy A. Gillmore capture Fort Wagner in Morris Island after a seven-week siege. 1864 – American Civil War: Atlanta is evacuated on orders of Union General William Tecumseh Sherman. 1901 – The Boxer Rebellion in Qing dynasty (modern-day China) officially ends with the signing of the Boxer Protocol. 1903 – The Ottoman Empire launches a counter-offensive against the Strandzha Commune, which dissolves. 1906 – Alberto Santos-Dumont flies his 14-bis aircraft at Bagatelle, France successfully for the first time. 1907 – Cunard Line's RMS Lusitania sets sail on her maiden voyage from Liverpool, England, to New York City. 1909 – Eugène Lefebvre crashes a new French-built Wright biplane during a test flight at Juvisy, south of Paris, becoming the first aviator in the world to lose his life piloting a powered heavier-than-air craft. 1911 – French poet Guillaume Apollinaire is arrested and put in jail on suspicion of stealing the Mona Lisa from the Louvre museum. 1916 – US federal employees win the right to Workers' compensation by Federal Employers Liability Act (39 Stat. 742; 5 U.S.C. 751) 1920 – Two newly purchased Savoia flying boats crash in the Swiss Alps en route to Finland where they were to serve with the Finnish Air Force, killing both crews. 1921 – In Atlantic City, New Jersey, the first Miss America Pageant, a two-day event, is held. 1921 – The Legion of Mary, the largest apostolic organization of lay people in the Catholic Church, is founded in Dublin, Ireland. 1923 – The International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) is formed. 1927 – The first fully electronic television system is achieved by Philo Farnsworth. 1929 – Steamer Kuru capsizes and sinks on Lake Näsijärvi near Tampere in Finland. One hundred thirty-six lives are lost.
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postcards-and-postcrossing · 11 months ago
Thursday Postcard Hunt: boats, ferries,
“Boats, Ferries” is this week’s theme for Thursday Postcard Hunt. Postcard from Finland. S/S Tarjanne was finished and launched in the year 1908. The steamship Tarjanne has been serving as a passenger and a freight ship on the lake Näsijärvi. Nowadays the ship operates the route between Tampere via Murole canal to Ruovesi and Virrat. Its route from Tampere to Virrat is also known as the Poet’s…
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kivikunnas · 1 year ago
Cafe Siilinkari, Näsijärvi, Tampere Finland
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pitkospuulaiturit · 2 years ago
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skrubu · 2 years ago
Lake in November
Lake in November by Pekka Nikrus
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teenangeloutsider · 3 years ago
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My grandpa took me to see a beautiful place meaningful to him
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hervantagraphy · 4 years ago
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Naistenlahti Night
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entertainmentnerdly · 5 years ago
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Näsijärvi, Tampere, Finland 🇫🇮 via /r/natureporn https://ift.tt/38FCEJ2
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alluneedissunshine · 5 years ago
Floating ice by Juuso Oikarinen Via Flickr: I found some of the last ice remaining floating on the the lake caught in this small bay.
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blogbytanja · 2 years ago
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Alkaa ruska oleen ohi. Syysmysrkyt on lehdet puista pois lennättänyt. #syksy2022🍂 #lokakuu2022🍂🍁☔ #tarkonpuisto #talviaika #kellotsiirretty #autumncolors🍁 #autumn #näsijärvi #koirankanssalenkillä #walkingwithdog (paikassa Tampere, Finland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkVHpo7IBB5GZUVcQwEIkkq9WnufQjZHlnNvto0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year ago
Events 9.7 (after 1900)
1901 – The Boxer Rebellion in Qing dynasty (modern-day China) officially ends with the signing of the Boxer Protocol. 1906 – Alberto Santos-Dumont flies his 14-bis aircraft at Bagatelle, France successfully for the first time. 1907 – Cunard Line's RMS Lusitania sets sail on her maiden voyage from Liverpool, England, to New York City. 1911 – French poet Guillaume Apollinaire is arrested and put in jail on suspicion of stealing the Mona Lisa from the Louvre museum. 1916 – US federal employees win the right to Workers' compensation by Federal Employers Liability Act (39 Stat. 742; 5 U.S.C. 751) 1920 – Two newly purchased Savoia flying boats crash in the Swiss Alps en route to Finland where they were to serve with the Finnish Air Force, killing both crews. 1921 – In Atlantic City, New Jersey, the first Miss America Pageant, a two-day event, is held. 1921 – The Legion of Mary, the largest apostolic organization of lay people in the Catholic Church, is founded in Dublin, Ireland. 1923 – The International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) is formed. 1927 – The first fully electronic television system is achieved by Philo Farnsworth. 1929 – Steamer Kuru capsizes and sinks on Lake Näsijärvi near Tampere in Finland. One hundred thirty-six lives are lost. 1932 – The Battle of Boquerón, the first major battle of the Chaco War, commences. 1936 – The last thylacine, a carnivorous marsupial named Benjamin, dies alone in its cage at the Hobart Zoo in Tasmania. 1940 – Romania returns Southern Dobruja to Bulgaria under the Treaty of Craiova. 1940 – World War II: The German Luftwaffe begins the Blitz, bombing London and other British cities for over 50 consecutive nights. 1942 – World War II: Japanese marines are forced to withdraw during the Battle of Milne Bay. 1943 – A fire at the Gulf Hotel in Houston kills 55 people. 1943 – World War II: The German 17th Army begins its evacuation of the Kuban bridgehead (Taman Peninsula) in southern Russia and moves across the Strait of Kerch to the Crimea. 1945 – World War II: Japanese forces on Wake Island, which they had held since December 1941, surrender to U.S. Marines. 1945 – The Berlin Victory Parade of 1945 is held. 1953 – Nikita Khrushchev is elected first secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. 1963 – The Pro Football Hall of Fame opens in Canton, Ohio with 17 charter members. 1965 – During an Indo-Pakistani War, China announces that it will reinforce its troops on the Indian border. 1965 – Vietnam War: In a follow-up to August's Operation Starlite, United States Marines and South Vietnamese forces initiate Operation Piranha on the Batangan Peninsula. 1970 – Fighting begins between Arab guerrillas and government forces in Jordan. 1970 – Vietnam Television was established. 1977 – The Torrijos–Carter Treaties between Panama and the United States on the status of the Panama Canal are signed. The United States agrees to transfer control of the canal to Panama at the end of the 20th century. 1979 – The Chrysler Corporation asks the United States government for US$1.5 billion to avoid bankruptcy. 1984 – An explosion on board a Maltese patrol boat disposing of illegal fireworks at sea off Gozo kills seven soldiers and policemen. 1986 – Desmond Tutu becomes the first black man to lead the Anglican Diocese of Cape Town. 1997 – Maiden flight of the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor. 2005 – Egypt holds its first-ever multi-party presidential election. 2008 – The United States government takes control of the two largest mortgage financing companies in the US, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. 2010 – A Chinese fishing trawler collides with two Japanese Coast Guard patrol boats in disputed waters near the Senkaku Islands. 2011 – The Lokomotiv Yaroslavl plane crash in Russia kills 43 people, including nearly the entire roster of the Lokomotiv Yaroslavl Kontinental Hockey League team. 2017 – The 8.2 Mw  2017 Chiapas earthquake strikes southern Mexico, killing at least 60 people. 2019 – Ukrainian filmmaker Oleg Sentsov and 66 others are released in a prisoner exchange between Ukraine and Russia.
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makelatanja · 3 years ago
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Rikin mielestä ei ole liikaa lunta, mutta mun mielestä alkaa paikoitellen olemaan. Onneks kengät ei ollut nilkkurit. #järvenjäällä #talvenihmemaa❄️ #paljonlunta #koirankanssalenkillä #riki💗 #näsijärvi #tammikuu2022 #talvi2022❄️❄ #winter2022 #snow #walkingonfrozenlake #lentävänniemi #jalatmaitohapoilla (paikassa Tampere, Finland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYQzl3dIIEUkH-gvKhCEDCkITeGc4-rqKDp3VY0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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