houseofzoey · 1 year
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Pardon the extremely long quote, but it's necessary to get the full scope of what Shaunee is arguing here.
Nyx doesn't take away people's gifts when they mess up and hurt others because that would be controlling, and she loves unconditionally. Unconditional love means supporting people through all their decisions and letting them find the right path on their own. Just like a parent with a children.
Except this doesn't make sense because the author didn't engage with this metaphor in its full scope. Yes, vampyres and fledglings are Nyx' children. Yes, your children will make mistakes, and often learning from those mistakes means you can't rush in and rescue them from the consequence. That's all true and fair... if you're talking about a kid drawing on the wall with crayons. That's not what this situation is, though.
To make an accurate comparison, if Detective Marx gives his eleven year old a loaded pistol and she shot off her sister's ear, as a loving and responsible parent, he needs to take the gun away. Letting her keep the gun and preaching that she has to learn from her mistakes is not only extremely dangerous, but it's literally abusive to the wounded child.
Moreover, Neferet isn't a child. She's over 100 years old. She absolutely knows better and should face consequences accordingly. Nyx swooping in and dealing with her isn't cleaning up Neferet's mess for her; it's making her face consequences. The interference is the consequence! And as a grown-ass woman, Neferet should face full consequences for the harm she has done, up to an including having all magic power stripped from her.
Whether someone is an adult or a child, if they have a weapon and they maliciously hurt someone with it, the responsible and loving thing to do for the community as a whole is take away the weapon.
This sounds like the rest of the world is being punished for Neferet's mistake. If Nyx saves them from the actions of her child, then she's spoiling everyone else and letting them turn into brats. So they need to buckle up and fix this mess themselves. Do you hear how messed up that is?
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ruindunburnit · 11 months
LightBringer Ch. 9 is up, starting with the perspective of a certain High Priestess who just won't quit!
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applesauce567 · 6 years
I dunno if I’m being overly insecure about this, or I’m just vain or something, but I’ve noticed that my friends generally all say nice things about me. And it’s helped with my image of myself, cuz I have always up until recently completely hated everything about myself. And even then I’m still pretty insecure about it. But yea so all my friends are pretty great, and generally try to build me up within reason, but there’s this one who seems physically incapable of saying anything nice to me. I’m not even talking about appearance stuff, tho that too, I just mean they’ve said like 2 nice things about me in all the time I’ve known them. And it’s not like they’re mean or anything, they just seem to have an incredibly low opinion of me. And normally I wouldn’t care. Whatever, I get plenty of insults, rude comments, and weird looks from people everyday. But like this is one of the people who I’m actually close to. One of the like 4 or 5 people who’s opinion actually matters to me. Like sure they may not even be the person I’m closest to, but it feels like their disapproval overshadows everything else sometimes. Like no matter what I do or say, or how much I try to improve myself they’ll always look at me with disdain and mild disgust. And I can’t get any of what they say out of my mind. And as I write this out, it feels kinda weird that I care so much about them. Cuz like I said they aren’t shitty towards me, like other humans I have, they’re generally polite and fun to talk to, and we have good conversations. But there’s always that look behind their eyes, that flash of colour around them whenever I’m around that puts me off. Maybe I need to reevaluate a bit
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sodrippy · 4 years
quick update!! this Will remain mdzs nation for the FORESEEABLE future bc theres 50 episodes and im only on 15 and it takes me 3 times as long as usual (which is already about twice as long as it normally should) to watch a single ep bc im rewinding literally every minute and pausing to positively screech into ellians DMs about it so like. good luck everyone this is literally the only content ive got now :)
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maternal-nyx · 4 years
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NYXIGENDER - coined by me {dewy-nox}
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nyxigender is an non-binary gender used to describe a draw to the stars. it is the euphoric feeling of being one with the stars, being lost and infinitesimal in the galaxy. we feel the stars and their beams on our skin in the deep of night, and we feel the darkness drawing us in. we love to be perceived  as mysteries, like the galaxy, and we are inspired by everything to do with astronomy. some of us feel a pull to the goddess nyx, or mother nyx. we love to be loved for our outward identities, with hard to break shells. nyxigender feels like the cool of night, the blare of the stars, and the loneliness of space.
{pronounced nyx-EE-gender}
base: they/them/theirs/themself
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Despite this series (and its author) claiming not to hate or shame any particular religion, this is clearly positioning Nyxism as superior to any religion that worships in the manner that Christianity typically does. Which is just shitty and uncomfortable.
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cassvoiced-a · 6 years
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tag dump !!
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n0hrian-scum · 8 years
New Master - Nyx
@nyxisms What a gloomy night it was to go about searching for your new master. It was quite a cloudy night, with zero moonlight to light the way. A man clad in formal nohrian vestments made his way around the sullen area, with only the torch in his hand to guide him. And who was this? Up ahead he had spotted a girl with the most miraculous looking hair he had ever seen. Ah that's right, the contract had mentioned his new master was a dark mage of some kind, so of course they'd most likely have an apprentice or two. "Excuse me, young miss, I am looking for a dark mage by the name of Nyx?" The man had calmly approached the girl, wearing s friendly smile. "Might you know of her?"
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@nyxisms continued from here
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    HE STOOD HIS GROUND, MEETING her unwavering gaze with his own, eyes offering A CONFIDENT ASSURANCE.  ❝ I HAVEN’T DONE ANYTHING. ❜ Leon said, his HONESTY BLATANT, but that was what he wanted to display to her: HIS ABSENCE OF LIES, the way HE SPOKE WHAT HE THOUGHT and would bargain for nothing less.  ❝ BUT I PLAN ON EARNING IT AND PROVING IT TO YOU, IF YOU GIVE ME THAT CHANCE. ❜ He smiled in order to lessen the STERNNESS OF HIS FACE, his words sincere. SHE, WHO STOOD ALONE, needed at least one comrade if she were to survive. ❝ ARE YOU WILLING TO HAVE SOMEONE TO RELY ON? ❜
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houseofzoey · 7 months
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Nyx calls all vampyres and fledglings her beloved children. She also openly admits that she picks favourites.
Her habit of grossly overpowering some fledglings while others reject the Change and die gruesomely only gets more sinister.
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ruindunburnit · 11 months
Some more House of Night headcanons and theories for all of you:
I fully believe that when Nyx said that Zoey would be her "eyes and ears" at the House of Night, this was merely a call for her to be a high priestess, and actually all high priestesses are called upon to fulfil this role and function, as part of the goal of Nyxism to emulate the goddess.
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applesauce567 · 6 years
tried making a post on a whim around our super intense insecurity with the word “love” and actually saying it, got super anxious and terrified while writing it out and ended up gutting most of it.
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sodrippy · 4 years
i know this isnt real at all but my folks are watching this mahabharat thing and the disdain karna has for the mother who gave him up at birth, the rejection and abandonment, the ultimately ruinous but unshakable loyalty to his friend....the nyxisms of it...
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houseofzoey · 9 months
Nyx waves her hand and suddenly she, Erebus, and Kalona are right next to Zoey and co. They all greet her with "merry meet". I get the sense that this is supposed to be a touching, reverent moment, but Nyx's appearances are so frequent that it's about as awe-inspiring as encountering your usual barista at the local coffee shop.
Case in point, when Thanatos bows deeply to her, Nyx says there's no need for formalities between them. So, is Nyx a distant but loving goddess who is limited in her ability to directly help her children, or is she a close friend who needs no formality and visits often? 'Cause it can't be both, but the author is trying to make it both.
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houseofzoey · 9 months
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It will be almost a page until we get an actual description of Nyx's eyes.
Also, I have previously harped on about how laughable it is to call Nyx a loving goddess. I don't buy it.
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houseofzoey · 1 year
The wall of fire stops Neferet from following Lynette as she flees with Kalona. As they leave, Neferet shouts threats, saying she will possess Lynette and bind Kalona to her again. Kalona says that she failed to keep him bound to her the first time, and she says she will kill him as Nyx should have.
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I mean, Neferet is definitely petulant and not a real goddess, but I don't agree with this description of Nyx. Nyx plays favourites, picks and chooses when to give necessary guidance and omens, allows Neferet to wreak havoc without depowering her in the slightest, and is just in general incredibly fickle and cruel.
Like, Stark accidentally murdering someone because his affinity attacks symbolic meanings instead of the target he literally intends to hit is deeply messed up. So is making Aphrodite's eyes bleed after visions.
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