#nyx 8 preview
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skullcat23-blog · 1 month ago
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@newx-menfan @thestomping-ground
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romicat · 1 month ago
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I keep saying this, and I'll continue to do so, but this girl is so fucking whipped it's not even funny 🤣🤣
"Ok, but don't tell my wife." Sophie, girl. You never stood a chance.
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dispatchdcu · 29 days ago
Nyx #8 Preview
Nyx #8 Preview #nyx #MARVEL #marvelcomics #comics #comicbooks #news #mcu #art #info #NCBD #comicbooknews #previews #reviews #xmen #hoxpox #houseofx #powersofx #wolverine #reignofx #trialsofx #fallofthehouseofx #riseofthepowersofx
Nyx #8 Preview: THE THIN LINE BETWEEN LOVE AND HATE… Powerful. Troubled. Intense. He was HELLION and she was X-23 – two kids, more similar than different, battling a cruel world. Now Julian Keller’s calling himself THE KRAKOAN, the proud new face of mutant terrorism. Laura Kinney is WOLVERINE, stalking silently from the shadows trying to keep mutants safe. They’re about to come face-to-face: with…
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amateurrider · 2 months ago
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Another NYX issue #8 preview from Francesco Mortarino. Not as much as the last one but the friendship and love hashtag?
I also dislike the Laura fringe…..
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newx-menfan · 25 days ago
NYX #8 Review
*Spoilers!!- it’s finally here guys!!!*
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The issue starts with the Preview that I’ve probably shared like five times- Hellion remembering Krakoa and wanting to be free.
The guards are asking him about the bodies (this’ll be important later!) when Laura’s rescue team arrives…
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Sophie enters his thoughts/psychically invades his mind …(It’s a nice call back to Jean entering Emma’s mind after the affair, in Morrison!) 
Honestly the whole scene is lovely and wonderfully done! Julian lecturing a dead and recently returned Sophie that life is pain is a really nice choice! This whole scene was really carefully done and I applaud Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly fully for it- this is why people read and love X-Men! 
Sophie realizes Manuel ISN’T controlling Hellion and can’t find the information they need.
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Laura then tells Julian “SO you want to be a supervillain…” (someone is going to electrocute themselves with all those sparks from the crash btw!) and decidedly takes a more brutal approach instead of telepathy. (So basically foreplay… just LOOK at his smile 🤣🤣🤣)
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Julian calls her bluff, saying that Laura doesn’t kill anymore. (It’s a good thing he didn’t try this during the KYOST years… there IS a chance she would have stabbed him😳🤣)
Sophie threatens to leave him to Graymalkin and Julian rightly says “that’s not very X-Men-y”…. Which is kind of true. (I really need to invest in “Hellion IS RIGHT” t-shirts!)
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Laura finally gets fed up and threatens to just take his hands again! (that’s a REALLY LOW BLOW Laura to someone just got their hands back!… just kidding, Julian LOVES it… just look at his grin!) 
Julian says what pretty much EVERYONE has been saying for YEARS- Laura is a crappy friend. (BINGO!! 🤣)
Laura responds to this epiphany by tearing up an entire forest. 
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Kiden basically does the  “what did you even see in him” (I mean… there WAS short shorts Kiden… 🩳).
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Laura finally admits she was in love with Julian and that Hellion was the first one that was truly there for her. Again, this is really nicely done- this issue is as much Laura’s as it is Hellion’s, in that we finally see Laura facing how much she’s changed and grown since her “X-23” days. 
As much as Laura dwells on how “different” she is from everyone else…”Pinocchio instead of a real boy”… you see the harsh truth that everyone must eventually face, the truth of time- that we often have completely changed from who we were during our first innocent “love”.  That we all are forced to change from who we were… often several times in life…
(Also… when did they kiss besides in Liu…I really HOPE it wasn’t when Julian was sleeping?? Oh god!) 
Laura admits she idealized him- she made a version of Julian in her head that isn’t completely him.
Kiden admits she used to watch Laura sleep too… that Kiden ALSO “made a version of Laura in her head” and that their dynamic has changed to time as well… (also everyone is apparently watching each other sleep now…)
During her conversation with Kiden, Laura realizes she needs to treat Julian like a person…like a friend.
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That Julian has trials and tribulations too… he isn’t some “perfect person or violent monster”, but an individual that has his own set of issues…that Laura isn’t the only person caging herself. Caging her pain.
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Julian of course blows up with this change in their little têtê a têtê… saying that he’s tired of people dying. That they should be angry over everything they have suffered and it’s the human faults.
Laura tells him that the reality is he gave up his hands to save people (and when put Karima in a coma! Laura didn’t mention that, but I will add it in…); that ultimately he is still a hero.
Laura calls Julian’s bluff- the reason no one can find the bodies is because he didn’t kill anyone (well at least not any politicians… maybe people on Subway… but we’re going to ignore all that…)
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The issue ends with Julian remembering the “Crucible”, knowing that the return of his hands won’t truly fix the pain. That Julian has to do that himself.
There’s also a hint at Xavier… but no one really cares about that.
First of all… some housekeeping…I will now not be changing this blog to literary and film rants … so you can all breathe a sigh of relief that I will not be posting long winded think- pieces, such as “Is Mr. Thornton from “North and South” better than Mr. Darcy?”… (Spoiler- He is.) 
This issue is wonderfully done- I know I have been critical of NYX… but this is one of the best issues of X-Men that I have seen in a while (and I am not just saying this because Hellion is my favorite!).
It was just nicely thought out- start to finish. 
WHEN people ask me- “Why do you like X-Men?”… this right here, is the answer.
It’s not the messy “mutant metaphor”. Or the action scenes. Or the “Xavier Institute”. Or the “cool island”. Or the “ big speeches about Phoenix destroying the planet”…
It’s the characters. It’s the heart.
I really appreciate Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly remembering that and taking the time to consider the characters- to consider the story… because this has been what has been missing from X-Men.
This was just a GREAT issue, start to finish! 
It considered all the point of views from each character. It took the time to tell the story. It considered prior canon. 
The art was beautiful. I especially loved the “back and forth” cat and mouse between Laura and Julian and the representation of their dynamic and tension.
It’s obviously going to be “Kiden and Laura” as endgame… but I’m honestly okay with that. 
I am just happy that after fourteen years, “Misadventures in Babysitting” and the KYOST friendship with Laura and Hellion was finally addressed and how Julian was represented- not as an unredeemable monster and abuser… not as perfect… but a person… 
Julian has made peace with Wind Dancer in “X-Factor” and now Laura in “NYX”… things are truly looking up for Hellion…
Which probably means he will die soon (I’m just kidding, I swear!! 🤣) 
Sigh- I really don’t care about the Xavier issue. The only version of Xavier I have ever actually liked is the “Patrick Stewart/James McAvoy one”. 😐
Kamala isn’t going to be happy. Julian is probably going to be rearrested and Bilal will try to kill him.
But Julian got his moment in the sun guys! 
Let’s SEE how I did…
I almost checked off “Laura steps on his face” because the arm thing was kind of close… but “Hiketeia” it is not…
Kind of wish I had “Laura uses her foot claws” on there (DID NOT see that coming 🤣🤣🥵😭)
Julian DIDN’T actually cry, that I saw… but Kiden WAS jelly (never bring up NIN when trying to hit on someone Kiden… doesn’t work 😔)
Came really close to a bingo… but I’m way happier it WASN’T “Misadventure 2.0” 🤣🤣🤣
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heckcareoxytwit · 28 days ago
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A preview of NYX #8
NYX #8
Powerful. Troubled. Intense. He was HELLION and she was X-23 — two kids, more similar than different, battling a cruel world. Now Julian Keller’s calling himself THE KRAKOAN, the proud new face of mutant terrorism. Laura Kinney is WOLVERINE, stalking silently from the shadows trying to keep mutants safe. They’re about to come face-to-face: with each other, with the past and with what they’ve become. And one thing is for sure: They’re not kids anymore. NYX #8
Written by: Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly Art by: Francesco Mortarino, Raúl Angulo Cover by: Sara Pichelli Page Count: 32 Pages Release Date: February 19, 2025
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dewyatt · 1 month ago
NYX #8 Preview
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Oh no. I have a very, VERY bad feeling Laura's about to get a rude awakening, and it's going to HURT. :-(
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February 19 2025 comic reviews
Here's my reviews for this week, February 19, available over at my other blog, @pedrocomicreviews.
There's way too many comics out this week I'm not gonna do all of that this is a hobby lmao
There is also a discussion for NYX #8 that includes spoilers which you can check out here or in the reblogs. Didn't want to link it normally because the preview spoils the twist in the issue.
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artemiseamoon · 2 years ago
Preview: Queen of Poisons 8
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Werewolf Ezra x Nyx (huntress)
Read on A03
Words: 4,259
Fic info & warnings
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Ezra checks his phone, quickly replies to a text from Julien who's a couple of hours away, then sets his gaze on Nyx. In a stark difference from the early sultry hours of this morning, she was anything but relaxed.
Her curvy black clad figure paces the room. Her signature high ponytail moving along with her and each sharp turn she takes. Her finger is to her chin as she thinks to herself silently with tense brows.
Nyx groans, then throws her hands in the air, “Why is this taking so long? All signs pointed to him arriving days ago?”
She didn’t make eye contact with anyone, the questions more self-directed than the to the room.
Aja briefly took her eyes and hands off the altar she’s building. “You ‘bout to burn a damn hole in that floor baby, take a breath. Sit. You makin’ me dizzy.”
Ezra laughs, then stops, trying to hold it in as Nyx crooks a brow at him, then looks at Aja.
“He should have been here by now - “
Ezra raises his hand in the air, speaking in a calming tone, “Darlin’ I know it's frustrating. But this is clearly part of his game. We’re expecting him. He adjusted accordingly. We just need to be prepared and wait. Especially since seeking him out first -”
She cut in, “The pack? They come up with anything?”
“Not anything we don’t already know -” Ezra sighs, frustrated too but trying to keep his head level. A second later, Ezra stands, goes over to her, then grabs her hand, “look at me.”
Nyx takes a deep breath then looks him in the eyes, “yeah?”
“Julien is on the way. So is Jett. Aja is about to see what she can gather. We’re doing what we can right now.”
Nyx nods. Ezra hugs her.
“Ezra, “she starts, “I’ve tracked all kinds of people and creatures before. Nothing has ever taken this long or been this elusive. It fucking sucks.”
Aja jumps in, her back still to them, “Every damn thing we find out, there’s three times as much we don't know. This guy, he’s veiled. There’s magic involved."
“I figured as much,” Ezra admitted, holding Nyx close to him and caressing her back, “think we’re dealin’ with a sorcerer?”
“Don’t know Ez, but I’m sick of this asshole - “Aja shrugs, then starts lighting some candles, “you two get out of here. Best if I do this part alone.”
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artemiseamoon-updates · 2 years ago
Next chapter dropping tonight! 10 pm edt!!!!
On A03!!!
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Update preview here
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graphicpolicy · 27 days ago
Preview: NYX #8
NYX #8 preview. Hellion and X-23 are about to come face-to-face: with each other, with the past and with what they've become. And one thing is for sure: They're not kids anymore #comics #comicbooks
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skullcat23-blog · 1 month ago
Preview is out!!!
@newx-menfan @thestomping-ground
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comicbookclub · 29 days ago
Marvel Preview: NYX #8
Read a preview of NYX #8 from Marvel Comics, written by Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing, with art by Francesco Mortarino.
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comicbookclublive · 29 days ago
Marvel Preview: NYX #8
Read a preview of NYX #8 from Marvel Comics, written by Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing, with art by Francesco Mortarino.
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whywhywhymoney · 1 month ago
the preview for NYX 8 is out and i don't want to give compliments to NYX but it actually seems kind of promising
hmmmmmmmmmmmm okay anon you've convinced me to hold judgement
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romicat · 28 days ago
I mean it's pretty straightforward and a solid evil plot I think. The problem with it is that literally everything else in this book. . . it is a poorly executed narrative.
The fact that we only find out what their plan was in literally the same issue they stop is like, lol what?
Up until that point it's just like, mysterious bad guys meeting mysteriously and talking about how awesome their mysterious plot is.
And like, Empath didn't have a plan B? Or contingencies?
The writers talked about how they wanted to build Kamala and Laura's dynamic as a "superman and batman" type (they are noticeably the only two of the main cast wearing hero/villain outfits along with Julian at the start of the series.) And while I don't completely agree with that narrative direction there is something there.
Like, you could've just had those two in an initial buddy cape story as a running subplot/main plot. With Prodigy and Anole mostly staying in the sidelines for their own reasons initially.
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I feel like it makes sense for both Kamala and Laura to recognize Julian almost immediately but still want to try and confirm it before making any assumptions.
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Especially when they realize he's not just committing property damage and having superhero fights in the streets to make a point, but is at least complacent in murder so you introduce that doubt and emotional conflict from Laura earlier instead of literally issue where they'll probably resolve it (#8).
It feels like you could also just fold the Mojo plot in with the QC, because of that whole "huddled masses yearning to breath free" part. Have them also exploit the homeless mutant population by promising them security and community, a number of disfranchised mutants who they can radicalize, the foundation of their glorious "mutant revolution". Homeless people are already dehumanized and painted as dangerous and undesirable, so it would take next to nothing to get 24/7 fear mongering about the "growing dangerous unhoused population of mutants."
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So they think this is Julian's plan, start a "Neo Brotherhood", except it doesn't all add up. They realize he's covering up/burying news of the politicians deaths. Weirder still, they were all pretty hard-line defenders of Mutant rights. They investigate further and learn their replacements are part of the push for the mutant ghettos. So what's his end game? Is there someone else behind the scenes?
During it Sophie tries to throw them off, tries to steer them in the wrong direction. "Maybe Julian just doesn't think there are any good humans anymore." Maybe even actively sabotage them once.
For pacing sake and to raise the stakes you could have Sophie/Cuckoos make Laura indisposed/take her out temporarily when they get too close. Leading to the start of the issue where Kamala tries to ask Prodigy for help since not only has she and Laura uncovered the entire plot (or think they have), but now Laura's gone missing too.
The events of issue 4 play out mostly the same (except maybe its issue 5 or 6 now, the mid point to the QC arc instead of the lead up to the finale.)
The main characters can still ruin their initial plot early when Sophie makes the turn, but you can then just have Empath turn out to have had contingencies and secondary plots in case any of the people he's working with (who are all former heroes. . . ) turn on him.
I think the most frustrating thing about NYX is that there's a good story in here. You wouldn't even have to change a lot, just execute those ideas better. It has some good bits in it but they don't always feel earned.
Like that scene in the preview would be so much better if you had more build up leading up to it. The angst. The betrayal. The confusing emotions. The anger. The denial.
Having the QC represent the problem with the mutant metaphor that a lot of writers run into would've been amazing for this series. Making the fictional discrimination be the only type of discrimination that matters and ignore the intersectionality of mutants who don't look like them. Making them basically the mutant version of terfs or white feminists. Mutant nationalists of a nation that doesn't exist anymore. Who like you said, are just done with humans all together. All humans. Good or bad. Black or white. Immigrants or citizens. Gay or straight. Muslim or Christian. All humans are the same to them. Those are human concepts and human religions. The only identity that matters is Mutant.
TL;DR: Unfortunately this book is just mostly unrealized potential with the occasional hype scene that makes different sections of the fandom go wild. . . Also I need to learn to make shorter posts.
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