#nysm smut
jb3islife · 1 year
Love is Like a Playing Card (J. Daniel Atlas) Chapter XXI
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After Lula left, Sutton looked over at Danny, still engrossed in his thoughts as he sat on the chair. She walked towards him, crouching down in front of him. Sutton placed a hand over his phone. Danny looked up at her, his eyes showing his confusion. His lips parted to speak, but he was unable to.
“Just… let me do this, okay?” Sutton told him. Danny nodded, unsure of what she was about to do. Sutton sucked in a breath. She moved to her knees, making herself taller and eye level with Danny. Slowly, she scooted herself closer to him, her hands on his knees for support, afraid that she may pass out from her rapid heartbeats. Sutton sucked in another breath, moving her hands to Danny’s cheeks. She looked into Danny’s eyes, searching for an answer of some kind, whether she should or shouldn’t do this. With all the confidence she had, Sutton kissed Danny, their lips quickly finding their missed places, like two puzzle pieces.
Danny sat in shock for a moment. Once he finally realized what was happening, he pushed himself off the chair, sitting on his knees in front of Sutton. Danny’s arms wrapped around Sutton’s waist, drawing her as close to him as possible, missing the feeling of his body next to hers. Sutton’s body molded into his, her arms snaking around his neck.
After what felt like only meer seconds, Sutton pulled away from Danny. He stared at her, confusion, shock, and utter disappointment from the loss of her lips evident on his face. Sutton shimmied herself out of Danny’s arms, standing up. “Goodnight, Danny,” she smiled.
Sutton turned, heading toward one of the two bedrooms left, leaving Danny to his own thoughts. She put three fingers to her lips, smiling at the moment the two shared. Happiness tingled throughout her body from Danny’s touch.
Danny ran a hand over his face. He found himself laughing at the event that had just occurred. He shook his head, feeling his heart beating fast. Sutton just showed Danny how much she missed him, and how much she still wanted to be with him. She poured her heart and soul into one kiss, and it was everything Danny needed at that moment. It was everything he needed to become the man Sutton knew he truly was.
The next morning, Sutton awoke to the sounds of others talking outside her room. She rubbed her eyes, groggily standing and walking out of the room.
“Shit!” she shouted as she bumped into someone.
“Good morning to you, too,” Danny smiled as he held Sutton’s elbow to support her.
Sutton smiled. “Seems like yesterday I was tripping over you to get to the bathroom.”
Danny chuckled. “Yeah. I wouldn’t trade those bruises for anything in the world.”
The two stood there for a moment, grins plastered on their faces. Danny brushed a few strands of hair out of Sutton’s face. “I always loved your bedhead.”
Sutton involuntarily leaned into Danny’s touch, his thumb absentmindedly grazing her cheek. “I always loved your morning voice.”
“Alright, who wants pancakes?” Merritt announced.
Danny and Sutton turned to see a large stack of pancakes on the counter, Jack and Lula already scarfing down their helpings. The two smiled at each other, walking over to join the group.
“Since when did I lose my cooking job to you, Merritt?” Sutton asked as Merritt poured her a glass of orange juice.
“Since I realized Jack and I couldn’t survive on your meals alone anymore,” Merritt answered. “And, well, those late night calls to you helped, too,” he winked.
Sutton giggled as Danny said, “Ah, yes, the “Merritt emergencies.” How could I have forgotten?”
“Hey, some of us weren’t blessed enough to move in with Sutton,” Jack retorted with a mouth full of pancake. Lula hit him, telling him to not talk with food in his mouth.
“Yeah, she’s pretty amazing,” Danny murmured, just loud enough for Sutton to hear. She smiled at Danny as he patted her bare leg in the shorts Walter “generously” supplied.
As the five of them ate, Danny looked over at Sutton. She pushed the last few bits of pancake around her plate, obviously becoming full. She elbowed Jack, telling him to finish it off, which he happily did. Sutton sipped her orange juice, scrolling through her phone. Danny smiled to himself, realizing that now was the perfect time to tell the others what had been happening and to show her he is trying to get better.
“So,” Danny said, pushing his plate away from him, “there’s something I need to tell you guys.” Sutton locked her phone as the others looked at him. Jack was still engrossed in his food, so Sutton slapped his hand to listen to Danny. Danny glanced at Sutton who looked at him in confusion. “I have been in contact with someone. Someone I believe to be The Eye.”
Merritt and Lula shouted as Jack murmured, “I already knew that,” and shoved another bite in his mouth. “I arranged for them to pick up the stick from us once we have it.”
“How could you not tell us that?” Lula questioned Danny.
Danny sighed. “I’ve been in contact with them for a while now. I’m not proud of it, okay? I thought I was doing what was right for the team. You know, taking charge, getting us out of hiding.”
“Controlling the situation,” Merritt scoffed, “as usual.”
“Guys, just listen to him,” Sutton pleaded, “please.” Jack and Merritt glanced at one another, nodding in silent agreement as they always did at Sutton’s request.
“I agreed to meet with them a few weeks ago, back in New York. I only did it because we,” he looked at Jack and Merritt, “agreed that we were only letting Dylan lead us on for another month, then we were done. We were taking matters into our own hands, remember?” Jack and Merritt sighed, recalling the conversation the three had without Sutton, but her being their soul focus. “I-I was afraid Sutton was going to leave me, leave us, next, if I didn’t do something.” He glanced at Sutton, her smile showing him how proud she was to hear him tell the truth. “So, when I got a message from The Eye, I took the chance. I wanted to help us. I did it for the team, I promise.”
The Horsemen sat in silence for a moment. “So, why didn’t you tell us, you know, when you got the first message?” Jack asked.
Danny sighed heavily. “I don’t know, honestly. All I could think to do was talk to these people, save us, save our sanity.”
“While I hate that you did this on your own, I do respect it,” Merritt told him, receiving surprised looks from everyone. “Sometimes, Atlas isn’t always the asshole we all know he is. Sometimes, he’s a little more like Sutton.” Merritt smiled at his young partner as she mouthed, “thank you.” Merritt nodded.
“So, these are definitely the same people you plan on giving the stick to, right?” Lula asked.
Danny nodded. “Definitely. They’re going to help us stay out of jail.”
“Thank God because this pretty face wouldn’t last a day in the slammer!” Lula exclaimed, pointing at Jack.
The others laughed. Sutton grabbed Danny’s hand, pulling herself toward him. “I’m proud of you,” she whispered, their fingers entwining like they once did.
Danny smiled, staring down at their hands. “That kiss last night,” he whispered, making Sutton bite her lip to hold back a smile, “it made me realize that I needed to tell them. I need to learn to trust them with everything that’s going on. I’m not in this alone.”
Sutton smiled. “You never were,” she reminded him, kissing his cheek.
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bobawitch · 1 year
Welcome to my blog <3
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my name's faede
i'm 18
my pronouns are they/them
i write for: Criminal Minds, NYSM (1&2), Stranger Things, Sturniolo Triplets, and many more to come
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giving birth
i won't write:
rape or suicide scenes
gay characters in straight relationships (and vise versa)
i will write:
angst and fluff
character x character
romantic and platonic
mental health issues to a degree
don't send requests over messages, i won't check them
plz be patient, i'm still in school and preparing for college so i will be busy sometimes
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some of my fav writers:
prompt list
master list
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castielli · 10 months
Okay so I‘m in my NYSM era and there are literally no Merritt x reader stories…
So I have a request:
Reader (f) is also a magician and Dylan recruited her as a horseman. She meets Merritt and they instantly have a weird yet romantic connection. They have quite an age gap. I‘ll leave the rest up to you…but I wouldn’t be mad if there’s a little smut if you’re comfortable with that.
Love NYSM but ahah, funny enough I write for male readers only. Max I can do is write it with a gender neutral reader
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lokis-little-witch · 4 years
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The closer you look
( this is my first some what smut on here also I only own the character Jane and the character Emery just adding that incase I include Emery)
Jack wilder and Jane Atlas had gotten close when the the horsemen first met. Jane is only 2 months younger than jack which made it obvious that they'd end up talking to each other a lot. But lately they'd gotten even closer.
Jack looked at the crowd and gave his famous smirk " for our next trick please welcome to the stage our very own queen of hearts and the emperess herself, miss Jane Atlas " he threw a card which cut down a curtain revealing Jane.
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Jack bit his lip and made his way over pulling her closer to him "you look absolutely fucking gorgeous" he whispered in her ear before placing a kiss on her shoulder.
Jane rolled her eyes " you're gonna get me in trouble and then Danny won't let us be around each other anymore " she huffed.
"I'd personally love to see him try " Jack smirked.
After the last trick the horsemen made their exit and went back to the apartment where Jane and Jack sat in Jack's room watching fifty shades and when the first sex scene started Jane squeezed her eyes shut. Jack looked at her "you ok doll?" He asked grabbing one of her hands.
Jane looked at him and moved closer "have you ever..." she trailed off and glanced at the screen for a second before looking back and seeing him nod "ive never..... I mean do you think you could " she stuttered.
"You want me to have sex with you?" He questioned causing her to nod. " jane baby you don't have to do this if you don't want to"
Jane looked at him "but I do want to. But only with you "
Jack undressed them both and kissed her gently " try to relax ok. It might hurt a little at first but it gets better as you adjust " he whispered in her ear before pushing his dick into her cause her to tense up and cry a little from the pain. Jack placed kisses on her face and chest " it's alright princess, you're ok, he assured her before pulling out and then pushing back in. Jack grazed his teeth over one of Jane's nipples causing her to whine and jerk her hips " be patient. I'll give you what you need " Jack assured her before plowing her until she came all over him making him cum as well as he watched her drift off while he cleaned up the both of them " goodnight Jane" he smiled pulling her against him and dozing off as well.
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minsugapie · 5 years
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Now You See Me: part 3 - not like sexy thangs
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You’re a content creator that is wanting to change up your brand a little bit.
Yoongi is a faceless musician. Well, he’s two people at once. He’s Agust D online and while performing, but he’s Min Yoongi in real life.
Who will he be to you?
• • • • • •
PART 2 // PART 3 // PART 4
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daenerys1417 · 6 years
Drabble Tag Challenge
If you’re tagged on this, you’ve been challenged to write a 100 words or more drabble of Jonerys!
You then earn the right to tag 3 people on your drabble and challenge them to do it as well. Not mandatory, but this is a fun and easy way to encourage creators and spread more fan content!  
Pick from the dialogue prompts -OR- Free choice drabble.
Tagged by @muttpeeta and I am challenging @thescarletgarden1990 @meisiesmut and @ellimomo
Bonus: @iamthewatcheronthewall (a little birdie told me you wanted the tag)
Bonus again: @fourtrishea (one of my fave writers!) who is very busy with her lovely Vampire fic but just may squeeze in a drabble too!
My prompt: “Come over here and make me.”
Slamming the door behind him, Jon stormed into his chambers, his body still shaking with anger.  He was angry not just with the northern lords for their foolish pride and stubbornness but also with himself for daring to hope that they could look past their prejudice and realize the truth – Daenerys was their only hope, not their enemy.
 “Fookin’ idiots,” he muttered to himself as he unstrapped Longclaw from his waist and leaned it against the wall.  Sitting down in a chair by the fireplace hearth, he put his head in his hands, a dejected frown on his face as he stared into the orange-red dancing flames.
 A soft knock at the door jarred him from his thoughts.  “Come in,” he called, praying that it wasn’t Sansa coming to berate him once again for handing over the North to a “foreign queen.”
 To his relief, it was Daenerys who walked inside, a pensive look on her face and her hands clasped together as she watched him.  “You’re angry,” she said softly.
 “Aye,” he said, his dark eyes gazing unflinchingly into hers.  
“Don’t be,” she said after a moment of silence.  “We both knew this would happen.  It will take time for them to trust me – to see that I am not my father.”
 Jon stood up suddenly, fists clenched and jaw tightening as he paced to the other side of the room.  “We don’t have time, Daenerys!  The Night King and his army of the dead are coming for all of us!  Why can’t they understand that?”
 “They will,” she said encouragingly.  “We will make them understand.”
 Jon sighed heavily, the weight of the world seemingly resting on his shoulders as he took a seat on the edge of his bed.  “I hope you’re right, my love.”
 “I hope so too,” she said, a small smile gracing her lips.  Jon smiled back, a tender moment passing between them.  “You should smile more often, my lord,” she added in a teasing tone.  “It becomes you.”
 “I don’t smile very much?” he asked playfully.
 Daenerys snorted a laugh.  “No, not much at all.  When I first met you, I thought you were the grumpiest man on earth.  You should really stop brooding so much, Jon Snow.”
 He smirked as his eyes swept over her in a lingering caress, taking in the curvy hips, trim waist, and sweet, succulent breasts that the heavy material of her dress failed to hide.  
 “Come over here and make me,” he said, his gravelly voice thick with desire.
 She sauntered over to him slowly, her violet eyes gleaming mischievously as she settled between his parted thighs. His eyes darkened, his hard length straining against the leather of his breeches as she slowly disrobed, revealing her perfect body in all its naked glory.
“Mercy, you’re beautiful,” he murmured, his tongue teasing and tugging at her delicate flesh as he cupped her luscious ass in his hands.  
She mewled softly and it was his undoing, the sweet sound echoing everything he felt.  Everything he wanted...
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Are you still writing NYSM fanfiction and smuts? I miss them! 😩
Hii!! Yes! Yes! Yes I will continue writing them! Actually, me and @jb3islife​ exchanged some smutty ideas and they’re just waiting to be written *_* Sadly, I’m really busy at the moment, cause I quit my job and it turns out to be harder than I thought to find a new one... The stuff I’ll post at the moment is pre-written, so thankfully I don’t have to take an official break yet (Until I run out of one shots)... As soon as this mess clears up, there will be more NYSM stuff, I promise xx Until then, check ou @jb3islife! She’s got an amazing series going on I’m sure you’ll absolutely love!! xox thank you for understanding xox- Sharon
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Hey I was wondering what is on your request list?
I have so much different things: smuts, fluffs, fluff smuts and what not. From characters from all my shows I watch. I could use some more Riverdale, Shameless, and NYSM smuts tho. And a lot more one shot requests for every show and movie.
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Repost, don’t reblog.
NAME: Thalia
PRONOUNS:  she/hers
SEXUALITY:  Biro/ace
ONE: There are five dogs in my house (mine is named Thor)
TWO: I plan weddings
THREE: I’d never heard of the Archies before Riverdale
HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): 7 roleplaying, I guess about 3.5 years on tumblr ?
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED:  handwritten shit, email, forums, skype, instant messenger (wayy back when), facebook, tumblr... ?
BEST EXPERIENCE: oh jeeze honestly i love both this fandom and the nysm fandom, probably the Best of the Best !!!!
FEMALE OR MALE: typically female, but i have a lot of male muses too
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: i mean  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
PLOTS OR MEMES:  plotting. please, i adore plotting. after we’ve got a basic setup, i’m hella down to throw them in any situation with memes.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: i answer short ones faster, but i tend to get more invested in longer ones.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: late at night or in the morning at work.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): probably not so much like cheryl, i’m way more lowkey. the muse i’m probably most like is clara oswald, aka short, bossy, hella bi, and ready to fight.
Tagged by: @fatethrown
Tagging: @hallfhearted | @seraferi | @peaceific | @fcrsythe | anyone who wants to !!!
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jb3islife · 3 years
Love is Like a Playing Card (J. Daniel Atlas) Chapter III
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“So,” Sutton stated, her knees pulled up to her chest and her head resting on them, “it’s just like that?” Danny kissed the top of her head to comfort her.
Henley sighed, along with Jack, Merritt, and Dylan. “Yeah, Sutton,” she said, “it is.”
Sutton bit her lip, deciding how best to respond. “I won’t lie to you, Henley. I never have. And using Danny and I as a reason for why you’re leaving…” She shook her head. “That’s low.”
“But I-” Henley started, silenced by Merritt’s hand on her arm.
“No, don’t,” Sutton stated. “I need to do this. First, I was in denial and ran away. Now, I’m angry. I need to say this.”
Henley sat in shock, never seeing this side of Sutton come at her before. “Um, yeah. You’re right. That’s fair.”
Sutton sighed heavily. She placed her feet on the floor and took Henley’s hand in her own. “I need you to know that I am angry and hurt that you are choosing to leave us. However, I don’t blame your reasons for wanting to.” Henley let out a breath at Sutton’s words. “I don’t want you to leave, but I don’t want to hold you back. You deserve a happy life. You deserve to have a family. You know, not a criminal one,” she smirked. Henley choked out a laugh. “Please, don’t abandon me. I need to know you’re safe.”
Henley smiled at her younger cousin, amazed by how much more mature Sutton seemed compared to herself. “I’ll never abandon you, Sutton,” Henley comforted her. “But, it’s me that will always need to know that you’re safe. After all, you’re living your life as, well, a criminal.”
“Actually, I’m dead,” Sutton joked, receiving a laugh from the others.
“Awe, shit!” Jack shouted. “I am too!”
The group laughed together, feeling like the family they had been for the past two years. Henley looked around the room at the smiling faces before her. She looked at Sutton, so strong even when she was hurting. She looked at Danny, so in love with her cousin that he couldn’t even see it for himself. She looked at Jack and Merritt, ready to put themselves in harm's way to protect Sutton. She looked at Dylan, the person who could see the great potential Sutton had within her to change the world.
“Henley?” Sutton said. “You okay?” Danny wrapped an arm around Sutton’s shoulder, pulling her toward himself to place a kiss on her temple.
Henley gave her a side smile. “I am,” she responded. “I think I am finally becoming okay with the idea of leaving you with them.”
Sutton put a hand on Henley’s. “You aren’t,” Sutton told her. “You’ll be with me in more ways than you think.”
Henley stood, pulling Sutton up with her. “I love you so much, Sut.” Henley pulled her into a long, tight hug.
“I love you more, Hen.”
As the two pulled away from one another, Danny cleared his throat. “So, what’s next?”
“You’re moving in with Sutton,” Jack and Merritt commanded. Danny cocked an eyebrow. Sutton smiled at the irony of the situation.
“What’s so funny, Sutton?” Dylan asked her, his smile showing that he was ready for her shenanigans.
Sutton giggled. “Merritt and Jack think they are being protective of me as if Danny and I haven’t had sex all over this apartment when Henley would stay with the boys.”
Danny spit the water he was drinking out in surprise at her comment. His face was already turning bright red, and it wasn’t from choking on the water. Jack, Merritt, and Henley started to yell their own profanities about the comment as Dylan sat and laughed harder than Sutton had ever seen.
“Oh, my God!” Jack screamed. “All over? Really? The kitchen?”
Sutton bit her lip as she sat down next to Danny, avoiding Jack’s deadly stare. She tousled her hair to hide her smile from the others as she gave Danny a wink. Danny bit his lip and looked away from her, his mind already going to the first day he threw Sutton up on the counter as she made dinner for the two. He ran a hand up and down Sutton’s upper thigh, the friction burning a hole in her jeans.
“Fuck my life,” Jack huffed, his hands covering his face. “Why not just stab me in the back? That place is my sanctuary when I visit your apartment, Sut! God, those poor leftovers. The things they’ve heard.”
“We can all be grateful,” Merritt started, patting Jack on the back as he pretended to choke up, “that those helpless leftovers never had to see a thing.” Sutton and Danny rolled their eyes.
Henley laughed loudly. “I raised you well, young Reeves.”
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jb3islife · 3 years
Love is Like a Playing Card (J. Daniel Atlas) Chapter IV
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~~ Three Months Later ~~
Danny pulled up to his destination. He let out a frustrated grunt as he stood and marched up to the building in front of him. His fists slammed against the door.
“Who the hell pounds on a fu-” the voice cut itself short when the person opened the door. “Oh. Danny.”
“Dylan,” Danny stated through gritted teeth.
“Uh, come in?” Dylan said, unsure of what to do. 
Danny stepped inside the cold apartment that Dylan used as his FBI coverup. It was dull, completely free of decorations. It was nothing like the home Sutton had made their apartment.
Dylan walked around Danny, flopping down on his couch. “To whom do I owe this pleasure to on my day off?” he asked, picking up his laptop and typing quickly. Dylan claimed he had recently been working on finding The Horsemen an opportunity to make their big return.
Danny took a minute to collect himself before answering. He thought about his conversation earlier with Jack and Merritt. The three were, for once, in agreement with each other- if Dylan didn’t find them something, anything, to do within the next month, they were taking matters into their own hands, even if it meant bringing Jack and Sutton “back from the dead.” Sutton, on the other hand, was still adjusting to life without Henley. Sometimes, Danny caught her looking at old photos and programs from their shows, or overheard their phone conversations. The sighs Sutton heaved after she hung up a call were starting to get to Danny, slowly eating away at his sanity. 
“Look,” Danny finally said, “we are done waiting.”
Dylan sighed. He closed his laptop and sat it down on the coffee table in front of him. He steepled his fingers in front of his face, letting out a deep breath. “I know,” he said, turning his head to Danny.
Danny looked away from Dylan, ashamed of the vulnerability he was about to show. “I’m afraid if it takes any longer, Sutton is going to leave, too.”
Carefully looking at the illusionist, Dylan replied, “I can’t see Sutton ever leaving.” Danny gave him a look, one filled with hope. “She loves you too much. Hell, she loves Jack and Merritt too much. That’s her Achilles heel that will get her in trouble.”
“What do you mean?” Danny questioned him, his eyebrows furrowing.
Again, Dylan sighed, choosing his words carefully. “The more a magician, especially one in our position, cares, the more likely they are to mess up.”
Danny scoffed, disgusted by Dylan’s words. “The size of Sutton’s heart doesn’t affect her magic. She is still the same person she was when performing with Henley.”
“Is she?” Dylan questioned with a cock of his eyebrow.
Danny’s jaw clenched and unclenched, anger building within him at Dylan’s clear betrayal of Sutton’s talents. “Maybe it’s time that I put my trust in my team and do something you haven’t been able to do.” With that, Danny walked out the door as Dylan scoffed his disapproval.
When Danny reached his motorcycle, he took out his cell phone, prepared to call Sutton. Instead, a text message popped up on his screen from a secured number.
Prove yourself, the message read. The Eye is always watching.
~One Week Later~
“Yes, Merritt,” Sutton mumbled into her cell phone as she walked back into the living room. She handed Danny his bottle of water as he read yet another mystery crime novel. “We will be there. I promise.” Sutton sat beside Danny, her body instinctively curling up to his. “What do you want me to do? Pinky promise? I can’t do that over the phone.” Sutton threw a leg over Danny’s outstretched ones as her arm wrapped around his torso. Danny welcomed her body next to his as he wrapped an arm around her, his eyes never leaving his book. 
In the last three months, this had become a normal occurrence for the couple, spending time with one another in comfortable silence. However, there were plenty of moments when Danny began to rant on and on about The Eye. He was getting tired of being cooped up all day. Sutton had talked him into reading crime novels to help get his mind off of the magical crimes he would rather be committing. Sometimes, this backfired and caused Danny to then rant about how he could pull off the crime “much more efficiently by using magic.” More often than not, Sutton was quite persuasive in getting him to drop the topic quickly.
Sutton huffed, bringing the phone down from her ear and holding it to her chest. “Merritt needs us to pinky promise.”
Danny rolled his eyes, sitting his book down. “You miss one take-out movie night for a roll in the sack and it all goes to hell.”
Sutton giggled. “No one says that anymore, babe.” She gave him a quick kiss and stuck out her pinky to Danny. He smiled, wrapping his pinky around hers. 
Sutton quickly snapped a photo of their entwined fingers and sent it to Merritt. “Did you get it?” she asked the mentalist. “Good. Now, we will see you tonight at ten. What?” She rolled her eyes. “Tell Jack I am not baking cookies. When you’re the host, you make or buy the food. I don’t make the rules. Bye, boys!” Sutton huffed, ending the call.
Sutton snuggled closer to Danny’s side, her arm wrapping tight around his torso. Danny ran a hand through her hair as his other hand gripped her thigh, pulling her leg up more.
Danny placed a light kiss to the top of her head. “You already made the cookies, didn’t you?”
“Chocolate chip, yeah,” Sutton laughed, tilting her head up to see Danny smile. They kissed, their lips moving as one, a feeling that neither one had yet to get tired of.
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jb3islife · 3 years
Love is Like a Playing Card (J. Daniel Atlas) Chapter II
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“Sutton? Sutton?”
Sutton heard the voices, as fuzzy as they sounded. Her vision was still spinning. She felt herself moving, standing on her feet. Her legs lifted with a weight she never felt before.
“Sutton, honey! Please!” Henley’s voice choked out. 
“No.” Sutton felt the words leave her throat, not sure if they actually made it past her lips.
Sutton felt the cool sensation of the doorknob in her hand. She felt her wrist bones crunch as she turned it, every involuntary movement suddenly aware to her. She heard the crash of a door behind her, her body turning to lock the door. Her body slid into a sitting position on the floor, the soft feeling of the mattress hit her back. Arms wrapping around her legs, she felt her body suddenly fall to the side.
“Maybe it will all go away,” Sutton whispered to herself, her eyes closing, “and Henley won’t leave me.”
“I can’t leave her alone,” Jack stated, getting up to follow Sutton after the door crashed shut.
“No, Jack,” Henley told him. “Let her sleep through this.”
“Excuse me?” Danny yelled, annoyance and anger laced in his voice. “You’re going to leave without actually speaking to Sutton? Your cousin? The one person in this room who loves all of us unconditionally?”
Henley huffed, wiping at her tears. “Maybe it’s for the best, Danny.” She stood, moving toward the door. 
“Like hell it is!” Merritt exclaimed, standing in her path. “I told you I respected your decision, Henley, on one condition- give Sutton the closure she deserves. If you walk out this door without doing that, I promise you, that girl is never going to speak to you again.”
Henley turned around, tears in her eyes once more. She looked at Danny, his hands in a ball in front of him, his jaw clenching and unclenching. Despite her better judgement, Henley sat beside him. 
“I’m sorry,” she told Danny, her voice small. When Danny didn’t look at her, Henley placed her hands on his. “Danny, I have my reasons. I’m not doing this to hurt Sutton.”
Danny swallowed, shaking his head. “What reason could be great enough that you would leave Sutton, Henley?”
Henley glanced at Merritt and Jack. They nodded, signaling her to tell Danny the truth. Henley huffed. “I want more, Danny. There is more to life than magic and secret societies. I want to find someone who loves me the way that you love Sutton.”
Danny looked at her, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. “I-I’m not even sure what that is supposed to mean.”
Henley chuckled lightly, smiling to herself, amused by Danny’s inability to see how great his affection for Sutton is. “Danny, how can I find someone who loves me if I’m in hiding? You and Sutton have known each other from the start of this crazy journey. What am I supposed to do? Tell the guy, “Oh, by the way, I robbed a bank,” on the first date?”
“You know,” Merritt interjected, “that’s really like a fifth date thing. Even better, I already know your history!” He opened his arms for a hug. Jack laughed.
“Anyway,” Henley said, rolling her eyes, “it’s just not possible. After watching you and Sutton these past two years, I have really fallen in love with the idea of having someone to love me, maybe even a family.”
“But, we are a family,” Danny stated, not even registering what he was saying
Henley put her hand on her heart, tears threatening to fall once more. “You will always be my family.” She looked at Jack, Merritt, and Dylan. “You’re all my crazy, messed up, criminal family.” They all chuckled. “And maybe,” she looked back at Danny, placing her hands around his once more, “maybe someday, we will be a family in that official-type of way.”
Danny looked over at her, a smirk crawling across his lips. “Yeah, maybe someday.”
“Sutton? Sutton?” 
Sutton threw her hands over her ears. She was hearing the voices again. A hand touched her shoulder, forcing Sutton’s eyes open.
“Hey, beautiful,” Danny smiled down at her. “How are you feeling?” he asked, sitting down on the floor beside her.
Sutton rubbed her eyes and let out a heavy sigh. “It wasn’t a dream, was it?” she asked, sitting up beside Danny. 
“No, baby,” Danny stated, moving the hair out of Sutton’s face. He kissed her forehead. “I’m sorry.” Danny took Sutton’s hand, rubbing the back of it with his thumb. “You need to hear Henley out.”
Sutton lifted her eyes to Danny’s. “Did she tell you?”
Danny nodded. “She has her reasons, Sut. Just listen.”
Sutton sighed, leaning her head into the crook of Danny’s neck. “But are they good reasons?”
Danny gave a slight chuckle, running a hand up and down Sutton’s spine. “Better than I would have thought.”
Sutton leaned back, studying Dann’s expression. Deciding he was being sincere, she pecked his lips. Danny helped Sutton up off the closet floor, wrapping her tightly in a hug.
“Whatever it is,” Sutton spoke, “it won’t change us. Right?”
Danny was caught off guard by her question. Sucking in a breath, he said, “Never.”
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jb3islife · 5 years
A Magic Trick Gone Wrong (Horsemen)
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Request: Reader is in the hospital after a magic trick goes wrong and the Horsemen are concerned.
“Imagine…”: You are a Horseman and a magic trick winds you up in the hospital.
 “I can’t just sit here and wait like this,” Henley said, shoving herself up from the chair. She made her way over to the receptionist for the umpteenth time in the past six hours.
The other Horsemen watched her careful, their eyes following her movements. Fixated once again on the lips of the receptionist, they whispered, “Damnit,” in unison.
Henley’s shoulders slumped farther yet as she sat down in her seat. “She said there are no updates since I last asked.”
“Maybe if you wouldn’t ask every fifteen minutes, they would tell us something,” Danny whispered.
“Fuck you, Danny,” Henley snapped. “At least I’m trying to find out what is happening behind those doors to (Y/N)!”
“You two need to relax,” Merritt pointedly stated. “Why don’t we go for coffee and some food? I think we all need a break.”
“What if (Y/N) wakes up?” Jack asked, groggily rubbing his eyes. When he removed his hands, his eyes were bright red with dark circles becoming even darker underneath.
“I’ll have the receptionist call for us over the intercom if there are any updates,” Henley stated simply, rubbing Jack’s shoulder as she walked over to the counter. The nurse kindly agreed to her request.
In the hospital cafeteria, the group ordered their food and slid into the seats of their table. They ate in silence, taking sips of coffee every so often. Once finished, the team sat, the steam from their coffees seeming to speak the conversation they did not want to have.
They had practiced it hundreds of times, making sure everything was in place. It worked every time, (Y/N) safely escaping with no issues. It was too easy that the Horsemen were not sure if the audience would believe it was actually magic.
“What happens if they find the escape fake?” (Y/N) asked, whipping her hands on her pants.
“They won’t,” Henley consoled her. “You make it look easy which makes them think it really is magic.”
“Besides,” Merritt spoke, “who is really going to question the Horsemen at this rate?” The group laughed, the tension slowly rolling off them.
“Let’s go, my money makers!” Arthur Tressler called from the stage. “Time to get you all looking pretty for your audience!”
The Horsemen waved to Tressler. “Anyone else want to punch him in the face?” Jack asked, a fake smile plastered where his usual real, pleasant smile would be.
“Face?” Danny questioned. “I was thinking along the lines of kicking him right in his-“
“Woah!” Merritt exclaimed, hands shooting up in the air. “A little too graphic, even for me, Daniel!”
That night, the stage was set. Everything throughout the night was leading up to this point in the performance- (Y/N)’s escape.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” Danny’s voice echoed, “it is now time for the moment you have all been waiting for!”
The audience’s cheers roared throughout the building. (Y/N)’s heart pounded to the beat of the roars. Adrenaline was already pumping through her veins along with her nerves. Shaking out her limbs, (Y/N) continued to listen to the words of her fellow Horsemen.
“This is a new trick we have been practicing for some time now,” Merritt explained.
Danny continued, “This is a trick you need to think about before you judge it.”
“Hey,” Jack’s kind voice whispered behind (Y/N). “Nervous?”
(Y/N) chuckled. “What do you think, Wilder?”
Jack smiled, the light bouncing off his beautiful teeth. “I know you have everything under control. Just stay calm like I know you can and everything will be fine.”
(Y/N) nodded. “Thanks, Jack,” she said, pulling him into a tight hug which Jack gladly returned.
“If you can all put your hands together for the bravest of our group, (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!” Henley announced.
The lights shifted over toward (Y/N) and Jack. The two waved toward the crowd. Jack helped (Y/N) into the standing wooden box. As she stood inside, Jack gave her a kiss on the cheek. “I love you,” he whispered. “You got this.”
(Y/N) breathed in and out deeply, nodding her head. Jack closed the wooden door, locking it tight.
A crackle came from above the Horsemen. “Will the family of (Y/N) (Y/L/N) please come to the waiting room? Thank you.”
The Horsemen looked at one another knowing that this could go either way. Regardless, they hustled to the nearest elevator. When they reached the floor, they rushed out, meeting the receptionist who pointed them toward the doctor.
“The surgery went better than expected due to the amount of burns (Y/N) suffered,” the doctor explained. “Right now, she is sleeping. She may be asleep for a little bit yet but you are more than welcome to go in and stay with her if y-“
There was no waiting for the rest of the doctor’s spiel. The Horsemen were getting in that room and not leaving until they saw (Y/N)’s eyes open. When they entered the room, the escape artist was hooked up to IVs and other machines. (Y/N)’s body was wrapped in bandages from head to toe.
As if it were planned, the Horsemen each swallowed back their fears. (Y/N) was alive, yes, but she would not be the same when she woke up.
“How are we going to help her when she wakes up?” Jack spoke, his voice cracking.
Henley wiped her tears. “We are going to take a break from magic, that’s what we will do.”
“How is that possible?” Danny asked, his voice filled with concern for both the plan and (Y/N)’s life.
“I have a plan,” Merritt spoke. “We do the last show as it is written out.”
“No way!” Henley and Jack yelled, angered by the fact that Merritt would even say such a thing.
“Hear me out,” the mentalist begged. “The last show has us going into hiding. The world thinks (Y/N) is dead from a magic trick gone wrong. Jack was supposed to “die” anyway, so we can go on with everything as planned.”
“And what about (Y/N)? Where will she be this entire time?” Jack asked, concerned for his best friend. The team sat in silence for a moment, knowing fully well that (Y/N) would not be able to be alone.
“Go now,” a small voice spoke. The Horsemen looked up. Despite the bandages and the amount of pain she must be in, the team saw (Y/N) smiling back at them.
“(Y/N)!” the Horsemen yelled, crowding around her bed. They were careful not to touch her out of fear they would hurt her.
“As much as I love you all,” (Y/N) spoke, “I need you to go and finish the plan. Jack can come get me when his part of the plan is over.”
The Horsemen chuckled. “You never stop thinking about magic, do you?” Merritt asked.
“Not as long as I have a family like you guys,” (Y/N) smiled.
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jb3islife · 7 years
100% The Father (Dylan Rhodes)
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“Imagine…”: Dylan realizing he is your father.
 “(Y/N) (Y/L/N),” an agent with curly black hair and scruffy facial hair. “So, what is your ‘magical ability’?”
 You smirked at the agent as you balanced the metal chair on its back two legs. With your arms crossed and shoes on the table, you had made yourself at home. “I do it all. I’m all four of my fellow Horsemen in one body.”
 “I find that hard to believe,” the agent mumbled under his breath.
 The woman with him made a clicking sound with her tongue. She extended her hand. “Alma Dray,” she introduced herself. “Dylan Rhodes,” she gestured toward the man. You shook her hand, eyeing up Agent Rhodes as he took a seat.
 “So, exactly what was your role in the bank robbery?” Dylan questioned, sliding your manila folder across the table. Catching it beneath your hand, you slammed the chair to the ground, a loud echo ringing through the small room.
 “Not much. I mean, as far as I understand, the French guy just put on the helmet,” you demonstrated the motion for the two agents’ understanding, “pushed the button, and poof! Money everywhere.” A grin spread across your face as you recalled the ever-so-clear memory.
 “Don’t be a smartass,” the annoyed agent squinted. You rolled your eyes, opening your file to a picture of yourself. The mugshot you were forced to take when you arrived stared back at you. You swallowed, not believing that you would never be able to check ‘no’ on applications that asked, “Do you have a criminal background?”
 “Hey,” Dylan’s voice yelled, his fingers snapping in your face. Your head shot up, his eyes meeting yours. “Stay with us, huh?”
 “Um, sure,” you mumbled, pushing the folder his way. “W-What exactly do you have in there?”
 Dylan raised an eyebrow at you. Amusement pulled at the corner of his lips. “Oh, a little of this. A little of that.”
 “If you are wondering how much we know about you,” Alma confirmed your thoughts, “we know just about everything.”
 “Everything?” You echoed, refolding your arms across your chest.
 “From the accidental fire in the chemistry lab in high school to the deadbeat of a father-“
 “Step-father,” you reminded him through gritted teeth. “Emphasis on the step.”
 Dylan nodded. “Understandable annoyance in your voice. I noticed there isn’t a father listed on your birth certificate. How come?”
 You shrugged. “My mom always said she didn’t want people to make fun of her. She said something about him being a magician, always rambling on about how he could escape any trick with ease.” You laughed, the irony settling in. “Imagine her shock when I started to practice magic.”
 Alma smiled at you, a twinkle in her eye reminding you of your mother. Dylan, on the other hand, had rested his chin on the palm of his hand, studying you. “What year were you born in again?”
 “1992.” You scrunched your eyebrows at him.
 “And your mother’s maiden name is what again?”
 “The same as my last name. She never changed it, even when she married.” Dylan stood from the table frantically. “What does any of this have to do with the bank robbery?”
 “I-It doesn’t,” Dylan told you, his fingers combing through his hair. He moved his head from side to side a few times before closing his eyes, breathing deeply, and settling back down on his chair. “So, you have no idea who your father is?”
 “Nope,” you said, popping the ‘p’. “All I know is what I told you, and that he was 20 when he and my mom had their short fling in New Orleans. He was gone before she could even tell him she was pregnant.”
 Dylan folded his hands, his forehead settling on them as he breathed. “Miss (Y/L/N), you’re free to go,” he mumbled.
 “That’s it?” you questioned, eyes wide in surprise.
 Dylan nodded as Alma fumbled with her French words, possibly swearing. You shrugged, standing to make your getaway.
 “Oh, my God!” Merritt exclaimed. “I did not see that coming. That’s impossible!”
 “No way,” Jack muttered beside you.
 “That was actually, uh, pretty good,” Danny admitted.
 “Thank you,” FBI Agent Dylan Rhodes smiled. “(Y/N)?”
 “Um, uh, y-yeah?” you stuttered, not sure if you were even speaking out loud.
 “I know who your father is,” he smiled at you, stepping closer.
 “Really?” you shouted your surprise, excitement and ear running through your veins.
 He nodded, taking your hands in his. “I’m sorry I didn’t know before.”
 You furrowed your eyebrows. “It’s okay. I mean, it’s not your job to worry about my past.”
 Dylan chuckled lightly. “No, (Y/N). I’m sorry I didn’t know back then, back when I woke up after one amazing night with your mom.”
 Your eyes grew in shock, mouth falling open to speak. All that came out was a mix of unfinished words. You looked at your fellow Horsemen, them blurry from the tears forming in your eyes. Henley’s hands had covered her mouth, keeping her own sobs under control. “You-You’re my…”
 Dylan nodded. “I had no idea until you said that your mother describing your father as a “magician” during the interrogation. That he always said he could escape anything. As if this all doesn’t sound crazy enough, I took a DNA sample of yours. Um, there was a hair on the table in the interrogation room when you left. I sent it with one of my own. I am 100% your father.”
 “Actually, it’s more like 50% because her mo-“ Merritt interjected, trying to break the awkwardness, but he received a hit in the stomach from Jack.
 You laughed, your tears of happiness mixing with the choking sound that erupted from your lungs. You weren’t sure what to do, so you decided on the only thing that you ever wanted to do; you hugged your father.
 Dylan, after receiving a blow to his stomach by your surprise attack, closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around you and settling his head on top of yours.
 “I always imagined hugging my father one day,” you mumbled against his chest.
 Dylan’s body shook with his laughter. “I never imagined hugging my daughter but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
 Again you choked out a sob. Dylan held you at arms length, allowing you to dry your eyes. He stared at you carefully, like he was studying you for a test that he had the next morning. “Wow. I can’t believe I didn’t notice it sooner. You look exactly like your mom,” Dylan smiled, pulling you back into a hug and pressing his lips into the top of your hair.
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jb3islife · 7 years
Here Comes the Plane (Merritt McKinney)
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Request: Hurt/Comfort imagine about Merritt.
“Imagine…”: Merritt comforting you after Henley leaves the Horsemen.
 You could feel yourself slowly drawing away from your fellow male Horsemen. No matter how hard they tried, you did not want to come out of your bedroom and into the apartment that you shared with Merritt, the fatherly figure you have wanted since you were five.
 You could feel the knot in your stomach building larger and larger. It had only been a bit more than 24 hours since Henley walked away from the family that the five of you had created over the past year and a half. It was not the fact that Henley left that upset you so much. It was that she left without a real explanation, or a real good-bye.
 “I’m tired of waiting,” she had told the four of you. “If The Eye believed in us and our abilities, they would have come for us by now. I’m sorry, but I’m leaving the Horsemen.”
 With that, she turned, her hair wrapping around her like a red curtain at the closing of an act, and walked out the door, literally right out of your life. No hug. No kiss on the cheek like she usually gave you in a “be safe” manner. Just… gone.
 As you sat on your bed, legs tightly pulled against your chest, forehead on your knees, you cried. The tears slid slowly down your cheeks, meeting at the base of your chin, and dripping onto your thighs. The loud, shaky, unbreathable cries had stopped after the first twelve hours that Henley was gone. Good thing, too, because you were sure your lungs were about to burst.
 You heard the rasp of a knock on your door but did not feel the need to budge. The door was locked, the boys knew that. This was just another one of their attempts to coax you out.
 “(Y/N),” called the soft voice of the mentalist from the other side of the wood. “Please. Just unlock the door and we can talk.”
 “Go away,” you stated, closing your eyes tightly in hopes of escaping the world.
 The sound of mumbled whispers and metal clicking against metal brought you back to reality too quickly. What were they doing? Jack would not dare to pick the lock.
 “Sorry,” Jack droned out as the door slowly creaked open.
 In the doorway stood the three Horsemen who stood by you, no matter how hard you tried to keep them away. Jack slowly stood from his crouched position while Merritt held a plate of fresh cookies for you. Even Danny, the pain in the ass he was, held a glass of water and ibuprofen. You touched your forehead, now realizing that you had a pounding headache.
 “You need to eat,” Jack reminded you as he came and sat on the bed, rubbing his hand up and down your back.
 Merritt brought the cookies over to you, setting them gently on the bed in front of you. He sat down carefully, taking one in his hand. “Open up the hanger. Here comes the plane,” he smiled, pretending to fly the cookie. You laughed, obeying him, and taking a bite out of the cookie. Your stomach grumbled for more.
 Danny held out the water and pills for you. You smiled at him as you chewed the rest of the cookie. “Thank you,” you said. Taking the items he held, you swallowed them quickly.
 “I’ve gotten used to your headache problems,” Danny smirked. “When you don’t eat, they’re the absolute worst to listen to you complain about.”
 You chuckled lightly, nodding at the illusionist. You thanked the boys for their effort to help you. They smiled lightly, telling you that it is not helping when it is family. You leaned your head onto Merritt’s shoulder, feeling tired but not ready to drift off into sleep.
 “Can we talk?” you asked Merritt, attempting to look up at him from your position.
 He smiled, telling the others he would be out later. “Go ahead,” he said to you.
 “I miss her so much, Merritt,” you cried, the tears building in your eyes again.
 “Hey, I don’t want you to cry,” Merritt told you, pulling you away from his shoulder so you could see his face. “You will not cry, got it?”
 You nodded your head, wiping away any tears that may be there. You sniffled as Merritt said, “I know it hurts, but you can’t let yourself keep crying.”
 “I know,” you told him, playing with your fingers. “I just don’t get why- how- she could just leave us like that. I thought we had become a family.”
 Merritt sighed, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you to lay back on your bed. “I don’t know, baby girl,” he whispered as he smoothed your hair. “I could never leave the Horsemen, especially you.”
 You looked up at him, his eyes filled with concern for you. “You mean that?”
 “Of course,” he smiled, kissing the top of your head. “You’ve become the daughter I always wished I would have. I wouldn’t trade our time together for anything in the world.”
 You smiled, snuggling into his hold. Even if Henley was gone for good, at least you had the boys, especially Merritt. “I always wanted a dad,” you told Merritt. “I’m glad you came into my life, Merritt McKinney.”
 You heard a small sniffle and knew Merritt was becoming emotional. Under all that “too sentimental for me” facade, he was a big teddy bear.
 “Do you think you can start eating actual food?” Merritt asked after a moment, coming back into his fatherly role and grabbing the cookie out of your hand right before it could reach your lips. He bit into it, a whimper sounding from your throat. He smirked at you. “No more cookies until you eat something healthy.”
 You giggled, hitting him lightly in the stomach. He faked a groan, pulling the two of you up and out to the kitchen where Jack and Danny were working on making your favorite food.
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