nohkalikai · 6 months
hello <3 for the concert asks:
4. which concert is coming up next for you?
9. have you ever been to a concert in the rain?
19. do you scream and lose your damn mind or do you quietly sing along to yourself?
4. which concert is coming up next for you?
if i'm back in the UK by then,,,, i will be going to see Crosses!! literally so excited i fucking love their new album (but i'm lowkey terrified of their fans bcs they're all rabid deftones likers)
9. have you ever been to a concert in the rain?
i have not :o
19. do you scream and lose your damn mind or do you quietly sing along to yourself?
i like recording bits and pieces of concerts so i can relive them – that's when i just lipsync. otherwise u can bet that i will be losing my goddamn mind screeching out the lyrics or riffs absolutely besura.
concert asks
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bloodkeep-escape · 1 year
happy birthday :D hope u have a lovely day and lots of favourite food/beverage/both!!
i'll send more later if the braincell cooperates, but a favourite line is Efink Murderdeath's "shit indeed" (e1 i think). Efink Murderdeath's name is one of the best running gags in the history of comedy <3
also Lilith's dynamic with her children is the best. we stan villainous gentle parenting and coparenting in this evil fortress :')
thank you thank you!!
and YEAH. her first name is knife backwards. her last name is murderdeath. i've talked about trans efink before but that's truly the most trans shit i've heard in my life and i love that for her <3
and lilith!!! she's such a good mom!!! that bit at the end where she tries to send her kids away and jason and jessa insist on staying and helping her... ugh it kills me. they're family :'')
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hello! i'm not sure if you've seen this clip but
i am on a Disney semi-rabbit hole (which i don't approve of for myself, don't worry) and i just found the first 30 seconds of this interview hilarious.
it's like—he enjoyed the gig and did well at it (clips of him BTS are much more lively than these ones) but he just can't be arsed to be corporately passionate about it for promotional purposes.
My response to this is so fucking late, I'm so sorry my dear
Firstly, here's the video:
I also adore how much bullshit he's spewing out in these clips, and how he is actively to the camera's face saying that he's doing these as a promotional requirement. The bold faced lie of John watching The Lion King as a kid was also absolutely hilarious. (For background, The Lion King came out when I was a kid, and I'm fifteen years younger than John.)
I do like this quote from John, which is very much the ethos he pretends he has with comedy: "We tend to favor structure in lieu of having an emotional reaction to anything." Much like John claiming to be "allergic to sincerity", this isn't entirely an accurate view of himself.
Thank you for the ask <3
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metamatar · 4 months
On why exit polls were probably broken in Ayodhya
Nobody spoke because of the fear factor. They were worried if they complained over their shop being demolished the authorities will come and demolish their homes too for no reason.
Residents also feared that if they speak they will have to face court cases. Police ka bhaiya (fear of the police) ensured the people did not speak out so nobody reported too about such incidents.
cc @nyomkitten
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a-majus · 2 years
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sundry sidney for @nyomkitten ^_^
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I've had a terrible day full of significantly elevated anxiety for no discernible reason (aside from, it's too fucking hot and this always happens when it's too fucking hot, also a number of other things but the level of anxiety is disproportionate to any of those real situations, probably because it's too fucking hot). I looked around my room to see some things I like to cheer myself up. I have don't quite a good job of making my bedroom into an over-decorated museum of things I like, which is convenient on a day when I want to just look around and quickly see something nice. Anyway, here are some pictures of my comedy-related collections.
On the wall - the old Josie Long poster that I got her to sign when I saw her in Montreal, and then I got Grace Petrie to sign it when I saw her live a couple of months later, even though I was so anxious about approaching either of them at all, much less giving Josie Long the weird request to have her sign a poster from ten years ago, or giving Grace Petrie the much weirder request to have sign Josie Long's poster from ten years ago, but I explained to her how it's because I already have Josie's signature and I'd love the idea of both their autographs on one thing, and I did also buy Grace Petrie's CD and have her sign that too, even though I already owned that album off Bandcamp, I just felt obligated to buy it rather than only say "Hi could you sign something that isn't even yours?", and to pay her money for the CD as a bribe to briefly talk to me. Anyway, as nerve-wracking as it was to get, I love that I get to look at it every day now. I have it on my wall next to the lovely quote from The Bugle episode 66 that @nyomkitten made in fancy fonts, and that I jokingly said I want on my wall, and then realized I actually do so I went and had it printed on cardstock.
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Books on my shelf. Most of my Britcom books are in ebook or audiobook form, but some are on a shelf.
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CDs and DVDs. The top one is Grace Petrie's Connectivity, which I bought to bribe her to talk to me long enough so I could get her to sign Josie Long's poster. There's also Kitson's Shenaniganagain CD, and the Lucksmiths CD that I bought on eBay because Kitson wrote the liner notes on it. Then we have John Oliver's stand-up special, Flight of the Conchords, Thick of It and In the Loop DVDs that I picked up at a Celtic music festival once, couple of Monty Python movies, a hard move away from comedy in the BBC House of Cards, some DVDs purchased back when Joss Whedon was still cool, and I did used to be a big hockey fan and follow the Edmonton Oilers really closely. Haven't cared in years; they made the Stanley Cup finals this year and I didn't give a fuck. But I used to.
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Stickers on the side of my book shelf. The Taskmaster seal and Nish Kumar with a coconut on his head, both gifts from my then-girlfriend, attached to a Christmas card she gave me a couple of years ago. Now a somewhat painfully tainted memory, but I still like the stickers. A couple of other stickers that I took off the packaging from Daniel Kitson's CD, the official seal of Higgldy Piggldy Enterprises, which is how he incorporated himself. And a couple of playing cards that Ed Gamble threw into the crowd last year during the Max & Ivan pretend wrestling event, as his thing was "Ed The Gambler Gamble" so he had a bunch of cards. Cards that audience members could just pick up if they wanted to, and one of the people who did that happens to be a friend of mine who sent a few of them to me, which is fucking cool.
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And finally, this weekend I moved some stuff around from my old hard drives to have more things in one place, on the big comedy folder that's on my 5TB hard drive. I've actually bought two 5TB hard drives this year, which might not be the best use of my limited funds, but I don't want to risk losing all that. So I have the one hard drive that lives in a pocket on the back of my laptop and is always connected to it as a working drive with this massive comedy folder on it, and another with a second copy of that folder. Part of why I bought the second one was I think I'm going to take the first one with me when I got to the UK so I can put stuff on it there, but if I don't have a backup at home, I'll be too worried about losing it.
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(Note: I do not endorse the views or work of every comedian who has a folder on my hard drive. Most of it is there because I like them, but please do not assume I am a fan of all things expressed by, to pick 2 examples just in the As, Alfie Brown or post-2019 Alun Cochrane. Technically there are three people in the As whose views I do not share, because Alan Partridge has some ideas about immigration policy that just wouldn't be feasible. Oh and I don't like how Adam Hills got an MBE a couple of years ago and suddenly started expressing monarchist sentiments a lot. Only one letter in and I'm already disagreeing with plenty. On the other hand, I'm almost sure that Alice Fraser has never said anything wrong in her entire life.)
Of course, the hard drive lives on the back of my laptop next to my other Nish Kumar sticker, which I got because of the laptop that Nish had in season 4 of The Mash Report, which got filmed in his home due to lockdown:
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I've definitely posted all of this before, but collecting those things again put me in a slightly better mood, which was the goal. Hope everyone's having a nice week and they solve climate change soon.
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sivavakkiyar · 11 months
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lololol my god you’re right, my eyes must be shot I actually didn’t notice
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eriong-inactive · 2 years
what's the last book you read/are reading? <3
'funeral nights' by kynpham sing nongkynrih.
i've barely gotten through it but i really like what i'm reading so far! incredibly rich descriptions and meandering narrations that are so delightful. i'm learning about practices and folk tales of the khasis beyond what my mother and grandma know, which is always nice.
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nohkalikai · 1 year
ok first thing: i was mentally screaming SAME at everything in ur recent posts—need to overexplain!! feeling so uncertain about faith because of *gestures at evangelical fundamentalist world* yet so incapable of leaving it!!
and feeling so fED UP & WEIRD at being a national minority + (supposedly) part of a global cultural imperialist majority. it is FUCKED UP sir
also omg i did not know u were not out at church aaaa. all this time i thought u had found a cool affirming and reasonable church outside home and u were being cool there. somehow this helps with my near constant crises of identity + struggling with The Church. anyway ilu i hope better things for us
HELLO i hope you don't mind me posting this publicly.
but yes to everything. it's such a strange sort of cognitive dissonance at best and actively endangering at worst! to have to come to terms with white ppl not wanting you till you subscribe to the racist ways they do religion, hindus not wanting you either bcs you're better dead to them or completely secularized, and our own community at large, rife w islamophobia and all sorts of incredibly right wing beliefs.
i don't have a proper analysis to offer wrt how to make sense of minority in the sheets hegemony in the streets, i'm sure many people who have come before me have already done that LMAO.
i like (love) this personal essay by a friend of mine:
also yea lmao i stopped going to church. i was going mostly out of compulsion and to maintain a sense of familiarity in a completely new place. but something about going to centuries-old churches that claim to be inclusive and welcoming made me laugh. like, come ON. no matter how political the pastors are or how inclusive the community is, i can't shake away feelings of discomfort and anger. and i suppose that's been my brain's cue to remember all of paul's letters regarding the body being people instead of a building blah and blah. but i can't be fussed atm.
i guess that juggling all this cognitive dissonance is a lifetime thing, very much mediated by the outside world. i've long reconciled that my faith cannot be amorphous immaterial faith that i learnt of in bible studies; it HAS to be a material faith (thinking of Ambedkar and mass conversions).
and it's like yea, we grow up being critical of christianity in all its forms but it refuses to let u go. and that can be incredibly stifling sometimes or incredibly comforting.
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nohkalikai · 1 year
∞ :)
i love cix's music but these lyrics are like. alright. :P still i like BX's verse in the bridge more than the rest:
내게 다가 온 이 운명의 고리 다 정해져 버린 듯 해, 우리 길이 Lights, camera, action 짜여진 direction 이끌린 채 여기로 달려왔어, uh
끝이 없는 터널 속 내게 비친 한 줄기, 마치 맘이 술래가 된 듯해 나 상처 속을 걸어 매일
This circle of fate approached me It's like our path has already been determined Lights, camera, action A scripted direction Something led me here, I was drawn here, uh Inside an endless tunnel There was a reflection of light My heart feels like I've become a tagger Every day I walk through my wounds
put a "∞" in my ask box and I'll shuffle my music player and give you my favorite lyric from the song that comes up.
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nohkalikai · 1 year
hlu friend! song for u <3
omg this is a yummy song thank u
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nohkalikai · 1 year
hlu sir, solidarity from another indian christian from a marginalised background re. the randos in your ask 🤧
for what it's worth—i agree with what you said; christianity in South Asia is a COMPLETELY different power structure from US/western Europe vibes... so much so that while reading (rightful) anti-evangelical rants i have to keep reminding myself this isn't targeted at us, a literal minority in our country
and while there's a lot of crap that's filtered into indian christian networks from fundamentalists and bigots, there is so much power and solidarity in unlearning that crap and respecting & learning from other religious groups and i love doing that on tumblr!
anyway—blessed Easter ignore the internet warriors
idk what else to add bcs u said it all!! and a blessed good friday n easter week to you toooooo!
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The lovely @pollydrawingthings tagged me to answer these questions, and I adore tagging games so let's get to it!
Three ships:
Niles/Daphne from Frasier. I'm almost through Season Five and the tension these two have is so good. This is the first time I've really been invested in a will they-won't they in a sitcom.
Joker/Yusuke from Persona 5. It is a crime that I cannot shove these two into a relationship. Gonna go change some hearts at Atlas
Usagi/Mamoru from Sailor Moon. Does this need an explanation? The manga is so sweeping in its romanticism and damn it they're still my ideal pairing after all these years.
First ever ship: Me with James from Pokemon. This is not a joke, I was very much in love with him as a 9 year old. My friends even held a goddamn wedding ceremony for me on the playground, complete with (Claire's brand) ring and (tissue paper) veil. His stand in was his goddamn Topps trading card. I was, as I've said before, a deeply weird child.
Last song: fair warning, this shit will never leave your head. (Girl's Day - "Ring My Bell")
Currently reading: about to start Nine and a Half Weeks by Elizabeth McNeill
Currently watching: besides LWT Ep. 4 for my writeup and Frasier, O.J.: Made in America
Currently consuming: Starburst jellybeans
Currently craving: inexplicably, a Caesar salad
Gonna go ahead and tag @tellthemeerkatsitsfine, @lavendercoatedangels, @weirdlittleberry, @nyomkitten, @locustmotivus, and @johnoliverstshirtcannon, feel free to ignore if you don't wanna do this!
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tagged by @littlealexhorne! <3
Three ships: only slightly changed from a few weeks ago honestly.
Joker/Akechi (Persona 5). Akechi is the most confusing man on the planet but I deeply love the toxic, deeply and comedically homoerotic dynamic going on in the story at the point I'm at in the game. Aaaaand that's all I'll say bc spoilers.
Usagi/Mamoru (Sailor Moon), the forever GOAT romance ship. To the point that I want a vaguely Sailor Moon themed wedding. (I'm not even close to getting married this is not an announcement.)
Niles/Daphne (Frasier). My partner and I were watching the episode where Donny proposed to Daphne and I was very very NOT PLEASED, WHY MUST NILES SUFFER THIS WAY
1st ever ship: As I have mentioned before, James from Team Rocket/me as a nine year old
Last song: "Silent Running", Gorillaz feat. Adeleye Omotayo
Last movie: The Super Mario Brothers Movie, which was very fun if slight. I am very bad at going to the theatre these days and hadn't seen anything between this and Minions 2, I could use some movie recs.
Currently reading: The Gorillaz Almanac. I'm telling you I fell back hardcore into this shit.
Currently watching: Taskmaster S15, Frasier S7, random old episodes of The Daily Show, LWT S1 Ep 5
Currently consuming: it's honestly too early for me to eat, so nothing
Currently craving: a LaCroix
One media recommendation: I've mentioned it before but the podcast You Must Remember This' series Erotic 80s and Erotic 90s, both of which dive into erotic film from those decades and how they shaped US society... and how they were shaped by social factors, such as the Reagan administration, the MPAA's blatant hypocrisy, the AIDS crisis, and second- and third-wave feminism. Absolutely worth your time if you have any interest in modern film.
tagging @nyomkitten, @lavendercoatedangels, @tellthemeerkatsitsfine, @johnoliverstshirtcannon, @bimwi, @you-pricks-never-walk, @onett64, @archetypewriter, @rymurrsneckbeard, and @katsuobushii, feel free to ignore
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@lastweeksshirttonight @nyomkitten​ because I only know two people on here who have listened to enough episodes of The Bugle to understand the significance of this screenshot from my re-watch of Last Week Tonight, which is nearly at the end of season 4/2017. What LWT writer put this together, and how many members of John’s family did they have to kidnap to get him to look at the camera and tell us that that is a good joke?
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