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nalidyne · 8 months ago
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More Amelia cosplay pics? yep ⚾✨
my lovely friend took these amazing photos and I gotta show her off!!
Nyo!Uk &PH: Sasha.jpg | Narmayae
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corviddemeanor · 12 days ago
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nyo usuk save me, save me nyo usuk...
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netsue101 · 18 days ago
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Day 1: confession
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coralcatsea · 1 year ago
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Day 7: Plaything
Based on the meme.
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fireandspiceland · 1 month ago
With USUK, do you think there'd be any big diffrences in its dynamics and kinks if its Amelia x Arthur or Alfred x Arthur?
Oh anon, the short answer is yes.
The long answer is that first of all Arthur generally treats men different than women and of course that difference is present in these ships.
Arthur sees himself as a gentleman and he does act like one when he's allowed to (more like allows himself to/doesn't let his emotions boil over). Classic gentlemanly behavious includes being the guy who treats a woman like a queen so towards Amelia he is respectful, considers her every wish and pleasure with his actions and (and this is the cruicial part for me!!) willingly lets her take the lead if that is what she desires. Particularly with a woman like Amelia who is headstrong, knows exactly what she wants and needs and isn't shy to articulate it, even a man like Arthur, who is usually confident in his role as the dominant partner, can let his inhibitions go and comfortably submit to her.
She's the mommy type, wants to please and nurish her partner. A gentle mommy "dom" - though not particularly dominant. She doesn't have to be as Arthur naturally relaxes into her and lets her take care of him and his (sexual) needs.
If you want to know more about how I see Amelia and Arthur's sexual relationship you should check out the endless trust AU tag, cause I basically have an AU revolving around how they explore the kinky parts of their relationship. Cw for age play/agre regression/pet play though.
Now Alfred and Arthur, I have so many different version of them and some of them dabble into very hardcore kinks, but I'll behave for this lol. What's important about their relationship to me is that Alfred is young and eager while Arthur is more experienced and refined in his technique - and this goes for pretty much every situation they are in, be it work, dinner, or sex.
With Alfred I always let canon play more into my headcanons than with Amelia which means Arthur has learned to keep his possessiveness under control, but given the chance, he can and will let Alfred feel that he is his and no one else's to touch. This can be through tying him up, making him repeat who he belongs to over and over again while barely being able to speak while his prostate is hit again and again. Alfred doesn't really care either, he's a people pleaser with an oral fixation and he gets off on doing whatever Arthur wants him to do.
Alfred's main kink is servitude + whatever Arthur is into. Which is. Most things. I love to play the Erotic Ambassador Card to remind people of Arthur's canon status as a perv, because that's exactly what he is - horny and unashamed. He gets off on embarassing Alfred too, teasing him and putting a hand on his butt in public, pulling him in a heated kiss in the middle of a crowd. It's yet another way how Arthur can show off his ownership of Alfred.
Okay I digress a little, I'm sorry. tldr Amelia mommy dom with her baby/pet Arthur. She fucks him with a strap sometimes. Experienced dom Arthur x eager virgin Alfred who is willing to indulge in every kink Arthur presents him with.
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usukweek · 10 months ago
USUK Week Prompt Survey
Hello all! We once again wanted to apologize for the delay in getting the USUK Week 2024 prompt survey out, and we wanted to thank everyone that stuck with us during the unprompted radio silence. That being said, we are up and running again!
The link above is for the prompt survey for USUK Week 2024! We will keep the prompt survey open for two weeks and close it on June 1st, 2024, so please make sure to get your votes in by then! Thank you all so much again and we look forward to seeing what lies in store for this year's event!
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charlotte--kensington · 2 years ago
I started working on a new USUKUS fic about a princess (Amelia) falling in love with the moon (Arthur) and honestly, everything about this idea just feels incredibly pretty to me? Then again, I am clearly biased. But astronomy is beautiful and so are the things I have planned - at least in my opinion.
That being said... Snippets, anyone?
The first night
Amelia was alone. All was peaceful as she lay there on the roof, the skirts of her dress splayed around her and the near endless darkness of the night sky spread out above her like a blanket. It was no different from any other time of day, really. The stars gleaming above were the same as the ones that she’d seen at noon, the moon shone down onto her skin the same way it had done in the morning. All was dark, as it always was.
The princess folded her arms beneath her head, getting a little more comfortable. It had become something of a nightly ritual to her, this short while she spent up on the roof of the highest tower of the palace each night. Her parents still thought her mad for her love of the skies, and had they known of Amelia’s nightly activities, they surely would have done whatever was in their power to stop her from returning. But they hadn’t, and so she was up here once more, watching the tapestry of glittering lights in the distance.
With ease, she made out the asterisms sprawling across the inky black, connecting individual stars until she saw what had always been like a storybook to her. A book of creatures and giants, gods and heroes, tales written down in the world itself. Above her, a red star shone. Antares, she thought with a small smile, reaching out as though to draw the image of the scorpion that the star was a part of.
She had never understood how her teachers or her parents could not appreciate the sky this way. It was beautiful, unlike anything she had seen elsewhere. When Amelia had been younger they’d told her the stories of when the sun had first disappeared, but none of her teachers had been able to tell her why that was meant to be a bad thing.
They had argued that the lightless dark they lived in now made life hard, but Amelia hadn’t understood. Didn’t the stars still light their way? Didn’t the plants all around them, the lanterns illuminating their every home, the glowing fabrics of their clothes, didn’t they all bring light? Didn’t the moon still shine for them?
Again her teachers had claimed that this light was nothing like what it had been like before, but when the princess had asked whether they’d seen the sun, they had only told her no. It had been centuries, they said. Nobody alive today had ever seen the sun, it had been too long.
“And yet they all yearn for it…” she muttered to herself, shifting her attention back towards the sky. Whatever it was that made them all love the sun so much, Amelia couldn’t see it. Perhaps it was because she’d never known the sun, but then again, neither had they. Either way Amelia preferred the moon.
She turned over to where it was wandering across its nightly course, no more than a silver sickle against the vast skies. Not much longer and there’d be a new moon, she realised. There was something beautiful about that, about how the moon waxed and waned, over and over again, starting ever new, even when it had seemed as though it had disappeared. Had the sun done the same in the past?
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alifeasvivid · 2 years ago
The On-Fire Dumpster that Is My WIP Folder
These are more or less in order of priority...
Chapter limits and word counts are for my own guiding reference and are not set in stone.
Thief of Spades Season 2 (30ish chapters in total, 75-80k words) (ukus, detective/thief AU)- found out it's gonna take a little bit longer than I thought to finish it up but BY GOD I WILL DO IT. Nobody remind me that it's already been 8 months since I updated it. I know. I don't wanna talk about it. T_T
A Closer Look (one-shot, 5-6k words) (usukus, human AU) - hung over punk Arthur/stranger on the train Alfred with a tattoo "fixation" I think I can actually get it finished fairly quickly and I'm really enjoying it because it's turning out to be the most "they're both switches" thing I've ever done... and it's got a title now! Woo!
The Benefits of Being a Marine Biologist (working title, 25k-50k words, one-shot, no chapters) (ukus, monsterfuckery or rather, faefuckery) - No I will not elaborate further. ;P
The Floor is Lava (10-12 chapters, 40k-ish words) (ukus, omegaverse) - it's hella cute I'm not gonna spend a million years on it though. It's a romcom, it's gonna be paced more like one.
Expectations (15ish chapters, 50k-ish words) (ukus, omegaverse) - I'm resurrecting this one cuz I've done so much work on it--almost none of that work being actually writing it but the ideas!! I have them! and I need more alpha!Arthur/omega!Alfred and this one's ~sexy~ where FiL is more cute and fluffy.
Special Secret Project (4-6 chapters, 20k-ish words) - No spoilers!
Three-Part Harmony (on-going) (frusuk, human AU) - I've got more ideas for things these three can get up to >.> no plot, just more smut
Untitled (one-shot) (Ame+Can/Eng, canonverse, smut) - America and Canada team up on England. He may or may not survive the experience.
Some things I haven't forgotten about/stuff I lowkey want to do but haven't mentioned; all of which I may never do but WE'LL SEE:
Temptation Acknowledged (MAYBE) (priest!Alfred x demon!Arthur; ukusuk) Fuck it I might continue this. I got thoughts. I got feels.
If It's You: the smut bit
More ftm!Alfred stuff--including some with more heterosexuality (aka Alice). (oh the overly personal self-indulgence)
@ukus-so-much-potential <-- this
The Right Kind of Trouble - that nyo!ukus human AU with burlesque dancer Amelia and bartender Alice
Immortal being/time traveler AU
Stay by Your Side - the EngSey period thing which may or may not (but probably may) devolve into Arthur x Alfred x Angelique because I can (if I can ever be arsed).
*warms my hands near the fire* Does it not burn so brightly?
I'm gonna live forever.
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demonicpiano · 1 year ago
WIP that List
Finally getting around to being tagged courtesy of @coralcatsea and @fireandiceland for the WIP Game List. Feel free to be peek. This could double as a way to get my word-spew organized. Yes, feel free to talk to me/share ideas about any of these.
Assume it's all USUKUS unless stated otherwise. :]
Free Use AU - Humanverse. Circles around a romantically-based found family trope of the Allies and blanket consent + free use kinks onto Alfred, who is a happy, spoiled pet sub. Currently uploading to AO3 with originally 6 fics planned, but I just recently wrote 2 more. The ideas keep coming.
Tsunyotalia piece - Tsunotalia + Nyotalia. NSFW. After writing Love at First Headbutt I just had a craving for more. May or may not already be written. Just deciding whether to keep it the way it is or stretch it out a little.
TOURNAMENT - Cardverse. One of those pieces that have the Kingdom of Spades competing to be the Queen, as well as winning King Alfred's hand. Fully outlined, writing in progress, but on hold for other projects.
Blindfold - Cardverse. AU of an AU. Idea came to me when I was writing Only a Matter of Time (and Waiting). Since the King of Spades has extremely powerful but cursed time magic in their eyes, they must wear a blindfold. Arthur is a woodworker who has been hired to go to the palace and remodel the King's bedchambers, where they meet and (vague gesturing). Particularly excited to work on it, fully outlined and working on this one right now.
Pirate Cardverse series - Cardverse. PIRATES. Pirate Queen for the Throne of Spades, yes! The series is almost already done. There's definitely one more fic to write, one for nyo!America/nyo!England since I did the other combinations for USUKUS. Not written yet, but planned. I'll have to perish before I don't write it.
✨Might squeeze out another Arthur/Amelia fic, something small and smutty as an epilogue to 'cap' the series.
Vampire Cardverse series - Cardverse. And vampires. Vampire Cardverse. This bastard. This has been in my brain since 2019, and I have so little to show for it. I had a whole giant story/backstories/series to go with it. Rumors are rising in the Kingdom of Spades of vampires, anything to explain inexplicable homicides. Is it really the vampires, or something trying to pin the blame upon the vampires? I got past 20 chapters/100,000 words and I lost the progress I made by doing some stupid overriding save mistake. I still have the outline but have hardly touched it since. Still mourning over it.
ABO Cardverse - ...Cardverse again. Probably typical but too bad—Alfred is an omega but gets the mark/power of the King of Spades. Omega King Alfred, yessir. Outlined, but not yet written.
Skyrim AU - It's Skyrim AU with Canada as the Last Dragonborn. One of the ones with no USUKUS as main focus. Two fics already written, taking place after the main events of the game, but when I continue this series, I plan to go back to the beginning to explore how it all started. Planned, not outlined, not yet written.
Spider-Man AU - SPOOOODER-MAN YES it's all just vibes right now, vibes, vibes, vibes. I have no idea what's gonna happen, no idea where it's going to go BUT ALFRED AND ARTHUR ARE SPIDER-PEOPLE AHHHHHH THWIP THWIP WEB SLINGING KA-POW, KA-POW! Not planned, not outlined, not yet written.
Two RusCan furry fauna bear things - 1) In the city, Matthew works for a sanctuary helping monsters make their way into society and/or out of abusive situations and other harmful situations. One of the people he helps is Ivan, a polar bear guy who is absolutely shut about his past.
2) Matthew is a fisherman who is told not to go through the woods on the outskirts of the village, but circumstances cause him to have to find a new spot, so he risks it and heads through the woods and learns the exact cause of the warnings. Both not outlined, half written.
Everything else is just ideas so far:
-Next part of monsterfucker series, probably going to be a plant-monster/dryad
-Cardverse RUKUS threesome fic
-Nordic 5 Christmas fic that's been in my head for 4 years but haven't gotten to it yet
-Mermaid/Naga USUKUS
Want to play the tag game? Start talking. 🔫 Yeah, @ you. This is your chance to yap about your WIPs, artist, writer, or otherwise!
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fhroggg · 3 years ago
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they will fall in love one day, but for now the King and Queen are simply keeping up appearances.
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nalidyne · 5 months ago
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My piece for @usukustwiceperyear “Cards, with Spades to Start”!
> Link to the full collection
The Queendom of Spades is calling for a king to be crowned, only the stronger fighter will succeed. Many men try to fight the Queen's soldiers and many fail, until a mysterious knight challenges the most skilled fighter in all of the land: Queen Arthur of Spades.
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cinemairon · 3 years ago
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For @usukweek
Ink sketch based on a scene I loved from しまなみ誰そ彼 but in the framing I just improvised wanting to be more creative
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netsue101 · 7 months ago
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She kinda looks softer if she covered her eyes like this
Based on this
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coralcatsea · 3 months ago
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Edited this to match my nyo designs for fun.
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fireandspiceland · 1 year ago
imagine a couple sleeping, one wakes up, and that person slowly slips their hand inside the others underwear to slowly finger them. Maybe they get all the way to fisting before the other wakes up
Someone’s having some sweet dreams for sure huh
I’m basic af so my first thought for this was Maddie (nyo Canada) with whoever she trusts enough to let them fuck her while unconscious as well as usukus in pretty much any constellation. But also my hot take is Liechtenstein. She’s the innocent-looking type who’s actually kinky af and unexpectedly experienced.
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usukweek · 2 years ago
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Hello everyone and welcome back (officially) to USUK Week! This years event will be held from July 3rd to July 9th. I can’t wait to see what everyone will create!
July 3rd       - Arranged Marriage - Historical AU July 4th:        - Stars        - Canonverse July 5th:        - Sins        - Pirates & Cowboys July 6th:        - Long Distance Relationships - Human AU July 7th:        - Immortality        - Unusual Professions July 8th:        - Academia        - Cardverse AU July 9th:        - Free Day
Posted pieces must contain the following: the tag #usukweek and/or @usukweek, the proper tagging for any triggering or mature content, and an indication of the prompt(s) being fulfilled.
You are not required to fulfill both prompts, nor are you required to make a piece for all of the days in the event.
Be respectful of others and of their pieces they have created. We are all here to have fun and celebrate USUK, don’t ruin it for someone else.
Additional Rules can be found HERE
Be on the lookout in the future for some inspirational posts inspired by our prompts for the week!
If anyone has any questions, don’t be afraid to ask!
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