#nyla harper gif pack
lavsgifs · 1 month
☆ mekia cox gif pack
by clicking the source link, you will gain access to #497 gifs of mekia cox as nyla harper in the rookie (2018) [season 6]
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⭑ mekia was born on november 18, 1981 in saint croix, u.s. virgin islands.
⭑ she is of crucian heritage.
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deeg9 · 2 years
CH.2: There's something that tells me (that life has changed)
Thank you everyone for the feedback on Chapter One! Chapter Two is up - I may add an epilogue set in the future in the next few days. Comments and engagement on AO3 is always appreciated - Enjoy!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: F/M Fandom: The Rookie (TV 2018) Relationship: Tim Bradford/Lucy Chen, Nyla Harper/James Murray, Wesley Evers/Angela LopezCharacter:Tim Bradford, Lucy Chen (The Rookie), Nyla Harper, James Murray (The Rookie), Wesley Evers, Angela Lopez, Wade Grey, Celina JuarezAdditional Tags:Chenford Canon, anon request, Post 5x10 by 3 Months, Pregnancy Scare, see notes for TW, Drama & Comedy & Heartfelt Goodness, Secret Relationship, Medical Inaccuracies Language: English Published: 2023-01-07 Updated: 2023-01-08 Chapters: 2 Words: 6025
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[If you missed Ch 1, it's posted on Tumblr and AO3]
“I’ll go pick up another pack of tests,” Lucy offered as they stared down at the one test in question, but nobody tore their gaze away from the faint pink line on the test. 
“No, I’ll call my doctor,” Angela said, breaking the spell. “I know she’ll fit us in for a blood test. If we get this over by the lunch hour, then we might even have results by tonight.” 
Lucy continued to stare at the test while she absentmindedly followed Angela’s phone call. 
When she woke up that morning, it had been just another day. She and Tim took Kojo for an early run in which halfway through, Kojo plunged belly first into a muddy puddle and rolled around.  While Tim hosed him off in the backyard, Lucy made breakfast: Salmon for Kojo and an omelet for the two of them. 
She loved the pace they’d been taking their relationship. They had found their rhythm. Nothing felt forced and they organically began to spend more and more time together. 
Part of that meant spending time with Tim’s sister and her kids. Both Tim and Lucy had gotten involved in the boy’s baseball team earlier in the year and it had been more fun than she could have imagined. These days, Genny and Lucy didn’t need an excuse to hang out.
Tim pretended to be annoyed by the two of them colluding, especially when Genny told embarrassing stories from Tim’s past in painstakingly clear detail, but she knew he secretly loved the friendship they were developing. 
And on the flip side … Tim now (unwillingly) knew everything about Sabrina Carpenter after spending many nights and mornings at their apartment listening to Tamara prattle on about her favorite female artist. Tim would tease Tamara and ask if there was a friend she could call to discuss the latest Sabrina celebrity news with instead, to which she’d reply that she preferred the challenge of converting Tim to her way of thinking much more. Tamara even set a New Year’s Resolution of dragging Lucy and Tim to a Sabrina Carpenter concert, not having the slightest clue that they’d already purchased a set of VIP passes to an upcoming show for Tamara’s birthday. 
It all felt natural. It felt right. 
Would this fracture that feeling? 
“Thank you so much, Dr. Stone,” Angela gushed into the phone. “Yes, we will head over right now. See you soon.”
“Do you want to ride with us?” Nyla asked. 
“Yeah,” Lucy swallowed. “Let me just tell Tim I’m taking an early lunch and then I’ll meet you in the parking lot.” 
“Okay,” Angela nodded. “Be quick.”
Lucy should have anticipated that Tim would be waiting in the hall outside of the locker room. It wasn’t lost on him that Nyla and Angela rushed out from behind her and she was sure he noticed their flustered expressions. 
He waited until the other two women were out of earshot before bringing it up. 
“So?” Tim asked, drawing out the end of the word into a question. 
“The result was … inconclusive,” Lucy said. “I’m going to take an early lunch and pop over to the doctor’s office for a blood test. Can you manage for an hour without me?” 
“Of course,” Tim said. He looked around the room. “How is it inconclusive? Isn’t it just like an aim and pee thing with a yes or no answer?”
“Yes, usually,” Lucy whispered, “but something went wrong.”
“What went wrong?” Tim asked, confusion sewn into his expression. 
“I can’t go into the details right now,” Lucy said, blushing. It wasn’t like she could tell him what happened without revealing that Angela and Nyla were in the same boat and she wanted to respect their privacy. “Just trust me on this. If I don’t get the results by tonight, we can try taking another test at home after shift.”
“Okay,” Tim conceded. “Let me just get Grey to cover for me and I can come with you.”
“No, he’ll be too suspicious,” Lucy pointed out and Tim’s face dropped. “But I think after today we should make a plan to tell Grey and to tell our friends. It’s time.” 
“Alright, if you’re sure?” Tim prodded, his eyes full of concern. He could always tell when she was putting on a front.
“Yeah,” Lucy said with a soft smile. “I’ll see you in a bit.”
She stopped herself from reaching out to him. She really wanted to hug him, but she couldn’t. Not here, not when they were at work and near so many prying eyes. Not when she knew she’d break as soon as his arms slipped around her. 
She knew the honeymoon phase of their relationship wouldn’t last forever but to have it potentially shift so abruptly because of this new, incredibly big thing was too much for her to absorb. 
She loved Tim and his reaction in the shop earlier had made her love him even more. She wanted to start a family with him eventually but she’d give almost anything to be able to do it their way and on their timeline.
Angela spotted her as she walked through the parking lot and waved her over to the unmarked vehicle. Lucy took a steadying breath and tried to push away the sinking feeling in her gut. 
As they were wrapping up at the doctor’s office, Angela got a call about a homicide scene that they were needed on. After they arrived, Lucy immediately jumped into the action to help Officer Jan set the perimeter and begin canvassing for witnesses while Nyla began to interview the person who’d called in the DB to 9-1-1. 
Tim gave Angela the official readout of the scene and she diligently took notes, but she couldn’t help checking her watch every few minutes. The doctor promised to put a rush on the bloodwork and said she’d call each of them with the results as soon as possible. 
Angela wanted to know those results so badly. She needed to know.
“Are you okay?” Tim asked after repeating the answer to a question she already asked. “You seem off.”
She sighed despondently.
“You can’t say anything to Wes until I know for sure,” she warned and he nodded apprehensively. “I might be pregnant again.”
Tim blinked. 
”For fuck’s sake, is there something in the water? ” He muttered it quietly under his breath and if she didn’t have freakishly good hearing, she would have missed it entirely. 
“What?” Angela whispered irritably. “Oh my god, did Lucy tell you?”
“What? No,” Tim stammered. “Unless … What did she tell you?”
“Timothy,” Angela warned, “what did Lucy say?”
“She told me she’s late,” Tim whispered defensively. “That’s it. I had no idea you were going through the same thing.”
“Oh.” Angela shook her head, surprised that Lucy would share something so sensitive with Tim. “Forget about that. We’ll circle back to me in a second.
She knew they were close, but Lucy had to know on some level that Tim had feelings for her. 
“I’m just so sorry, Tim,” Angela said with a sigh and gave his arm a light squeeze. “I didn’t even know Lucy was seeing someone.” 
Tim’s jaw hung open temporarily as she watched him find his words again. Poor guy. He must be reeling.
“I’m fine,” Tim said slowly. “Really, I am. You don’t need to worry about me. Are you ok with this? You were just telling me you were pretty sure Jackson was going to be an only child.”
“No, I’m not ok,” Angela admitted. “And I feel like a terrible person saying that out loud.”
Tim slung his arm over her shoulder. 
“How can I help?” 
“Just moral support,” Angela said. “And let me vent and complain if this test is positive about how hard my life is, even when it might seem unreasonable.”
“Of course,” Tim said. He gave her shoulder a quick squeeze and then let her go. “What are friends for?” 
“And Tim?” Angela turned so she was facing him. “I am sorry about Lucy. I really thought you two were heading in the same direction.”
She watched Tim’s expression change. She expected him to look sad, maybe a little lost, but instead she found a mixture of guilt and … something else on his face.
What was going on?
“Fuck,” he muttered under his breath. “I really should talk to Lucy before I tell you anything.” 
“Tell me what?” Angela’s pulse kicked up a beat. 
Tim glanced at Lucy in the distance and she saw it in his eyes. This wasn’t a man yearning, this man was adoring someone he already had. 
Oh my god, how had she missed the signs? 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” Tim rushed to say as Angela’s eyes widened. “Lucy and I really just wanted to keep something for ourselves for a while and then I blinked and three months had gone by. Honestly, there were a number of times I was sure you’d already figured it out–”
“Oh my god,” Angela grabbed his arm and pulled him down to her level. He almost tripped over his own foot. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
“If Lucy’s pregnant,” Tim whispered with a smile on his face, “that’s my kid.” 
Angela felt the shout of glee build in her chest before she could contain it. 
“Shhhh,” Tim looked around nervously. She could see several officers looking over at them from the corner of her eye. “You have to keep it a secret. We’re still figuring out the work side of things.” 
“I am going to hug the shit out of both of you later,” Angela said with the biggest smile on her face. Then she punched Tim in the arm. Hard. 
“Ow,” Tim said, rubbing the spot. 
“I have been feeling sorry for you ALL day. You could have told me,” Angela scolded. 
“I know,” Tim assured her. “And I trust you. We just wanted to make sure this thing was real first.”
“Is it?” She asked, even though she already knew the answer.
“Yeah,” Tim said with a deliriously happy smile. “As real as it gets.” 
Angela was gearing up to tell Tim how happy she was for him when Nyla walked up and narrowed her eyes at the two of them. 
“There is literally a dead body twenty feet from you,” she scolded. “Could you stop smiling so much? The other cops are starting to think you’re both sociopaths.” 
“Tim was just cheering me up,” Angela explained. “What do we have?” 
Angela worked to switch her brain back into work mode, but only managed to quell her excitement down to a half smile on her face as she walked the crime scene with Nyla. 
Her best friend was finally happy and she knew it was the forever-kind-of-happy. She had a second-hand happy high that she just couldn’t shake. 
Nyla reached for her phone after the ding indicated she had a text message. They were getting close to wrapping up their day and had a few more solid leads to run down but it was nothing that couldn’t wait until morning. 
From: Lucy | To: Angela & Nyla  
Just got the call. Mine was negative! Phew! Good luck <;3 
Angela sighed audibly from across the desk. She saw her shoot off a reply and then did the same. Nyla’s pulse kicked up as she realized her chances were now fifty-fifty. 
When Angela’s phone rang next, their eyes met and Angela nodded before stepping away to answer. Around the same time, Tim and Lucy went into Grey’s office. It wasn’t something she would typically notice, but their body language was … strange. 
Grey hung his head in his hands for a moment before looking up at both of them with a huge smile on his face. He rounded his desk and hugged them both. Lucy hugged him back enthusiastically but Bradford looked stiff and awkward. 
Nyla smirked. 
It looked like ‘Chenford’ (as Smitty called them) was finally coming clean. 
“Nolan,” Grey opened his office door and called out. “Could you join us?” 
Nyla leaned back in her chair to enjoy the show. Moments later, Nolan’s jaw dropped in complete disbelief and Nyla chuckled in her seat. She wasn’t surprised that Nolan hadn’t suspected a thing. She’d noticed Lucy and Nolan slowly drift apart after Jackson’s death. Whether that was due to their respective lives getting busier, or a subconscious decision to distance themselves from painful memories, she wasn’t sure. 
Regardless, Nolan seemed genuinely happy for them. 
“Nyla,” Angela said from behind her. She spun around in her chair.
“What’s the word?” Nyla asked, trying to hide the hope in her voice. 
“My test was negative,” Angela said slowly. “Which means–”
Nyla’s heart pounded in her ears as her phone rang. She answered it right away. 
“I’m calling for Nyla Harper.” Nyla recognized Dr. Stone’s voice from earlier. 
“Hi, Dr. Stone,” Nyla said. “Thank you for rushing the test results. Lay it on me.”
“They were negative for pregnancy,” Dr. Stone cut to the chase. “But I did see something interesting in your bloodwork that makes me think you could have gotten the false positive on the take home test.”
“I didn’t know that was possible,” Nyla responded, letting the news wash over her. So she wouldn’t be a mom again. At least, not yet.
“It’s very rare, but sometimes a UTI can trigger a false positive. You do have minimal hCG levels present for detection but if you were pregnant, those levels would continue to climb throughout your first trimester and then level off,” Dr. Stone explained. “For at home test to be positive, the levels would have had to be much higher earlier today since those tests are far less sensitive than blood tests.”
“Okay,” Nyla said. “What does that mean for me?”
“I see an elevated white blood cell count in your CBC panel, which indicates an infection is probably present,” Dr. Stone said. “If you can come back in tomorrow or later this week, I can run a urinalysis to confirm it. Then we can send you home with antibiotics to treat it.” 
“Other than that, I’m fine?” Nyla asked. 
“Yes, as far as I can tell, you’re very healthy,” Dr. Stone confirmed. 
Nyla stayed on the phone long enough to schedule an appointment and then hung up. She jerked in her seat when she realized Angela was standing right behind her. 
“Jesus, wear a bell,” Nyla chided. 
“So you’re–”
“Not pregnant,” Nyla finished the sentence. “Doc says I might have triggered a false positive. I probably have a UTI and I’m going back tomorrow to confirm.”
“So none of us are pregnant?” Angela asked.
“Not a one,” Nyla confirmed.
“Then maybe we should all go grab celebratory drinks?” Angela suggested. 
“Rain check,” Nyla smiled politely, wishing she could match Angela’s level of relief. “I am wiped.” 
“Okay,” Angela said and gathered her things. “Have a good night. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“See ya.” 
Nyla sighed and let the disappointment sit with her for a minute. It’s not the right time , she told herself, and she could be okay with that. 
There was a silver lining to all of this. Now she knew how she really felt about adding to her family. She made her way home to James to see if he felt the same way. 
Lucy walked across the parking lot with Tim by her side, grinning from ear to ear about finally having their relationship out and in the open. 
“How are you feeling?” Tim nudged her softly with his elbow.  
“About telling Grey?” Lucy asked.
“That too,” Tim nodded, “but more so about the negative pregnancy test.”
“Honestly?” Lucy bit her lip nervously. “I’m relieved. You?” 
“Me too,” Tim said with a sigh. 
“Really?” Lucy prodded. “I know you’re ready to start a family but–” 
“Eventually,” Tim corrected her. “But right now? I’m so happy with exactly where we are.”
“Me too.” Lucy smiled up at him and grabbed his hand. 
“Wow,” Tim brought her hand to his lips and pressed a quick kiss to her knuckles. “I can’t believe we can actually do this now.”
“It’s almost like we’re a normal couple,” Lucy agreed with a laugh and swung his arm playfully as they walked. 
Once they at his truck, Tim twisted her in his arms. 
“What are you doing?” Her voice was husky as his face neared her own. 
“What normal couples do.” He slid his hand behind her neck and brushed his fingers into her hair before closing the distance between their lips. His kiss felt like a vow, holding the promise of all the amazing milestones yet to come. 
“I could get used to this,” Lucy mumbled against his lips.
“You better because I’m planning to keep doing it.” 
“Fine by me,” Lucy said with a smirk. “Because I’m planning on keeping you forever.”
“Forever, huh?” Tim smiled teasingly and leaned back a hair. “I’m going to need to check my schedule first.”
“Oh, do I need to call your gofer so he can pencil me into your calendar?” Lucy said with a snort. 
“That would be great,” Tim tossed back but she could see the corner of his lip creeping up. 
“Don’t make me hurt you,” she warned lightheartedly, swatting his chest. 
He captured her wrist swiftly and pulled her in close until her arm was wrapped around his neck. She rested her other palm on his chest, inhaling sharply in anticipation. 
“You know what I think?” He teased, the grumble of his voice vibrating against her wrist. 
“Hmm?” Lucy hummed, her gaze dropping from his eyes to his lips. 
“Forever is a really good place to start.” 
When his lips crashed down on hers this time, she felt giddy butterflies take flight in her belly. Their future played like a movie on the back of her eyelids but she blinked them away. The future could wait. She was focused on the here and now with the most important person in her life.
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rainydayhues · 2 years
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I posted 342 times in 2022
That's 188 more posts than 2021!
118 posts created (35%)
224 posts reblogged (65%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 337 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#chenford - 147 posts
#the rookie - 128 posts
#chicago fire - 71 posts
#and driving me insane - 64 posts
#they're insane - 62 posts
#hawkami - 50 posts
#brettsey - 34 posts
#fic reblog - 33 posts
#hawkami rising - 31 posts
#magnum pi - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
#and don't even get me started on how he knows lucy is taking care of chris because she's done the same for tim so many times
My Top Posts in 2022:
time is wasting (so why wait for eventually)
I was spiraling over the party BTS content with the lovely @heatherelf77 and had a "lololol this would never happen but just imagine if it did" moment. The very barebones thought wouldn't leave me and so I had to flesh it out and this little thing happened.
Title from from Unthinkable (I'm Ready) by Alicia Keys.
time is wasting (so why wait for eventually)
Look, Tim knows he’s late. He can only hope Harper’s giddiness over her wedding keeps her from noticing just how late and how underdressed he and Angela are when they finally stroll in. Given the day they’ve had, it’s honestly a feat they made it here at all. He grabs his glass of whiskey from the bartender, scanning the room for his friends when he sees her. Her. It could only be Lucy (because when is it not?). He doesn’t know if it's tunnel vision or just a natural inclination to zone in on her in any given room but that’s just where he’s at these days.
She’s tucked away in a corner of the outdoor patio, the strands of twinkling lights reflecting just so off her metallic dress. It reminds him of another dress, another day, another moment. It somehow feels like just days and yet a lifetime ago. He makes his way across the edge of a crowded dance floor over to her corner, feeling an inherent pull into her orbit.
“Hey, you guys finally made it, thought you’d miss the entire night.”
“And deal with the wrath of pregnant Harper? Not a chance, we’d have to hear about it til the kid’s high school graduation, at least.”
At the bride’s name, Lucy glances over to the dance floor where Nyla sways with James, the newlyweds alternating between the softest glances and full out belly laughs. Their demeanor, the truest sense of bliss that only ever settles when you’re feeling entirely at peace.
And yeah, Tim knows every micro expression she makes and so he can confidently say it’s a look of wistfulness that comes over Lucy’s face. He sips his drink, she’ll talk when she’s ready - he knows her well enough to know she always does.
“I want that someday.”
Short and to the point, honest. And it packs a whole punch. Tim pauses, twists his glass, trying to come up with a response, any response. One thought immediately springs to mind and he can’t help himself before blurting out “you see yourself and Sanford like that someday?”
Now it’s Lucy’s turn to pause. She glances away, hesitant in a way she usually isn’t before replying, “no, that, it…actually, we broke up. I just, I guess I just didn’t see it working out.” She waits a beat before adding, “I didn’t see us here, like that.”
At that, she turns to look up at him and when he looks at her this time, it hits him all at once. He can absolutely see himself here, like that, and he knows exactly with whom. And while his mind is imploding and his heart is racing, Lucy stares up at him, her eyes open and honest, laying down something that he just can’t quite place.
And yet it’s at this exact moment that Tim knows something has shifted. He knows he’s been avoiding acknowledging this thing, this thing that always exists between them. For months, if not longer, he’s ignored its existence. But when he looks at Lucy now, he knows denial is no longer an option.
He’s the first to break eye contact, he has to be.
“Okay” he says simply, but he hears the promise he’s pouring into that one word. He just needs time.
“Okay” she whispers, with a hint of longing but a promise of her own. She can wait.
And as Angela and Wesley call over to them from the bar for a round of celebratory shots (they’re having a baby free, parents night out and taking full advantage, okay?), the moment ends, the spell lifts.
“You go, I’ll catch up” and at her nod, he watches her walk towards their friends, a hint of her bare back peeking through the layers of shimmering silver. He’s overcome with a renewed sense of action.
And as Tim finds himself inside the covered patio, away from the crowd and the music and the joy of his friends and colleagues, he makes the call a part of him has always known he’d need to make.
“Hey, Ashley, you home tonight? I was thinking I could come over. We should talk.”
114 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
Chenford Week 2022 - Day 2
title: but i'd marry you with paper rings (you're the one i want)
prompt: “you're mad at me?!"
“I know firefighters aren’t your favorite but you have to admit - Bailey can throw a party, that dessert table was next level.”
“And who knew Wesley had moves on the dance floor - you might have some competition.”
His hands clenched over the steering wheel at that. They were in Tim’s truck, driving back from Nolan and Bailey’s proposal turned engagement party, but even with the windows shut and AC blasting, you would’ve still heard crickets. 
“It’s supposed to rain all day tomorrow so we might have to skip the hike. Maybe we should catch a movie?”
“Tim, come on seriously? You’ve got me talking weather, what is going on? You were fine before we left for Nolan’s.” 
And he had been, he’d been in a good mood, even better once he saw Lucy’s dress. He’d normally whine about having to spend his evening at Nolan’s with their friends but deep (deep) down inside, he knew he’d have a good time. He’d never admit it but somehow these coworkers were his friends turned family (even Nolan). Besides, it was impossible not to be happy these days, with Lucy at his side, their relationship rock solid. It was a new chapter, one he’d started making plans for.
Tim pulls his truck into the driveway, parking and letting himself out, turning to walk up to the house, leaving Lucy scrambling to follow. 
“Okay, seriously, what is with you tonight? It’s like you don’t even want me here. But newsflash, Tim, I moved in 5 months ago so I can’t exactly leave.”
He's already let Kojo out into the yard and is halfway into their bedroom now but at her words, he whips his head back, “what are you talking about? Lucy, it’s your house too, you’re not going anywhere.”
Yeah, okay, her heart melts a little at that. He was always trying to make sure she felt at home, felt that his home was in fact her home too. But still, this attitude -
“Well I’m not trying to but you’ve got to give me something to work with - you’ve barely said a word since Nolan’s proposal and I - what is that look? Is this about him proposing? Because we’ve known that was coming for years and what does it even matter?”
“It doesn’t, I don’t care about Nolan, that’s not the point, Lucy!”
“Then what is?”
“I…look - I just - we should be celebrating our engagement, not Nolan’s!” 
Oh. OH. 
She sinks down on to their bed, but doesn’t have a second to process his words before Tim continues and honestly, it’s giving her whiplash. She couldn’t get him to say a word in the car and now all of a sudden, she can’t get him to stop. 
“To be clear, you spent weeks helping Nolan pick out the ring, set up this fake dinner party and even took Bailey out for a manicure and it never once occurred to you to maybe mention it to me?”
Wait, what?
“Are you mad at me?!”
“Yes! Or, no, not exactly. I mean, no, not mad, I just wish you’d - okay, look, I am annoyed.”
“Because I helped Nolan plan his proposal?” she asks slowly, still trying to piece together what exactly is going through his mind right now. 
“Lucy, it’s just - I want that for us. To be engaged, planning a wedding and thinking about our future. Sometimes, it is literally all I can think about. But you’ve been in wedding mode for weeks and you never mentioned it. So either you’re a hell of secret keeper and I know that’s not true, or you didn’t bring it up because you’re not ready.”
“Wait, Tim, hang on.”
But he barrels right on, “and look, that’s fine Lucy, I am not trying to pressure you at all. It’s not like I’m saying we need send out save-the-dates but I guess I just thought that we were a little closer to making plans of our own.”
See the full post
114 notes - Posted July 12, 2022
The way Tim was so proud of himself for that little baby peck and thought "job well done, yes? I kiss good, right?" and Lucy was like "huh, was that it?" and then (probably) thought "oh no no we can absolutely do better than that, you idiot" ?!
Her hands grabbing his face (the emotion right before she does, SWOON!) and the way his hand goes to her shoulder and hers drops from his face to his shirt/heart and then they could've almost broken apart (maybe to breathe?!) but instead kind of lean into it again to fully make out just before Tamara walks in - it just....broke me?! I am floored and I live here now. And I'm never leaving.
Also, these two dorks with their "good work/great work". YES INDEED - great work you two!! 😂
118 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
touch me in the way that you do
Promo's got me feeling all the feels! To preface, this isn't what I actually think will happen but a girl can dream! See here and below the cut for a fangirl's dream scene - based on the first Chenford scene in the promo. Title from Zara Larsson's Love Me Land.
touch me in the way that you do
They’ve been sent home, mandated practically, by Grey and Harper to do their due diligence before tomorrow’s op. It was a no brainer for Lucy - Lucy who’s filled pages of journals delving into the psyche of her would-be UC personas - their likes, dislikes, quirks and backstory - no stone left unturned. And Tim, he’s been a cop and seen enough undercover work (for better or worse) to know the merits of being fully prepared for any given moment. 
Which is how they find themselves at Lucy’s apartment tonight. Tamara’s out celebrating the end of finals with friends and Lucy offered to cook. There’s an air of quiet comfort, ease and purpose that surrounds them ahead of tomorrow’s op. And yeah, okay, Lucy may have lit a few candles but they’re just remnants from her pre-dinner meditation, no big deal.
And now with the sink stacked with plates, Tim and Lucy find themselves on the couch fine-tuning the details of their covers. Lucy, meticulous as ever with her trusted notepad, and Tim, studiously listening to the sound of Lucy’s voice as she goes over the details out loud (and yeah, maybe it reminds him of another moment, her voice guiding and preparing him for a different challenge, sure, there’s some comfort in that). 
“….and then of course there’s our body language and how we’ll touch.” His head whips around at the distant sound of her voice and okay, how did he not notice she had gotten up off the couch? Her back is turned and she’s shuffling with the books on her shelf, seemingly casual to anyone else. But because he's not anyone else, he immediately clocks that there's a sudden anxious energy about her.
“Excuse me, our what now?”
“Tim, physical touch and body language are a crucial part of undercover work, the story of how we met won’t matter if someone doesn’t actually believe we’re together.”
“And you think we need help in that department?”
“Well, no offense but it’s not so much we as it is….you?”
“And what exactly is that supposed to mean?” He’s absolutely slightly offended. 
By now she’s turned back around to look at him, exasperated. 
“Tim, come on, I’ve seen you with Ashley, you’re not exactly Mr. PDA over here. You’re a little stiff and you keep your distance when you’re standing right next to each other.” 
“That’s…ahem…okay, no, that is not true.” He’s stumbling now, thinking back to this week’s interactions with Ashley and okay, sure maybe he’s not all over her but he’s a damn professional, sergeant that he is. 
“Hell, you pseudo proposed to her yesterday and then jumped right apart from each other. I’ve never seen that much distance between two people who are supposedly engaged.”
Of course they’re back to this. 
“Okay, Lucy, that’s enough. It wasn’t a real proposal, I saw you standing there, you know that. That was hardly my best effort!”
“And tomorrow’s undercover op won’t be real either but we can’t risk someone not buying that either. Look, all I’m saying is you’re a little uptight when it comes to being physical. I mean next time, you may want to show a little more passion, some sparks, maybe grab her waist or stroke her hair. Honestly Tim anyth-” 
She doesn’t get to finish her thought. Because as Lucy quickly processes, Tim’s hands are in her hair and his lips cover hers and it’s like her mind goes completely blank. But through a haze, she feels her own hands reach for his shoulders while his move further down her body to tighten on her hips. It's like muscle memory that she didn't even know they had.
And okay, yeah, confirming that they do not have to worry about the physical aspect of their covers tomorrow. 
But now what?
150 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So for me, it was the INTENTION behind that conversation in 508.
Lucy showing up to talk, Tim asking her what she was doing in this safe relationship and calling her out for being scared? Lucy immediately knowing and making it about them and how important he is to her? (p.s. his "you're right" was basically acknowledgement that she's the most important to him too, right???)
There was NO pretending it was about Chris or Ashley or work or anything else. This was two people who don't need or want to lie to each other, no more chances for miscommunication.
It was so intentional because it's worth the risk!!
"...unless it is?"
SIGH, the dream.
194 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
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