myrc3lla-a · 1 year
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Perhaps   it's   because   she   is   not   used   to   such   journeys,   so   much   time   at   sea.   The   long   way   he   had   said   and   he   didn't   lie.   At   least   there   was   that.   Part   of   it   could   also   be   the   natural   rivalry   that   had   ruled   between   the   Lannisters   and   the   Ironborn   ever   since   the   time   of   the   Dance   of   the   Dragons,   when   Lady   Joanna   defended   the   stronghold   from   ironborn.   Or   just   that   he   seeks   to   vex   her   constantly,   and   how   easy   it   seems   to   get   a   rise   from   her.   "I   don't   like   you,   Captain."   She   speaks   up,   despite   how   her   heart   beats   up   as   he   returns   her   gaze   and   she   finds   herself   weak   on   the   knees.  
"And   you   don't   like   me."   He   had   said   it   himself,   right?   That   she   was   a   prissy   highborn   princess   who   thought   herself   too   good   for   anyone.   He   is   always   so   close   to   her   and   she   doesn't   find   it   in   her   to   push   him   away   everytime   (   her   mother   would   claw   his   eyes   out   with   her   bare   hands   ).   Instead,   emerald   eyes   stare   with   intensity,   her   breath   caught   up   on   her   throat.   "Why   do   you   insist   on vexing   me   through   the   entire   journey?"   A   short   pause   as   the   young   lady   raises   her   chin   up,   in   an   act   of   defiance,   or   perhaps   to   prove   she   is   not   backing   down.   "Keep   this   through   the   days   and   I   will   start   to   think   you   enjoy   my   company."
@nxthero asked: our muses claim to hate each other but there is palpable tension between the two (harry) 100 INDULGENT TROPES .
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her0tale · 1 year
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"I   don't   have   a   father.   Everyone   keeps   talking   about   him.   .   .as   if   he   is   some   sort   of   god."   But   he   is   not,   is   he   now?   David   knows   that.   Though   a   part   of   themselves   figures   that   maybe   he   is   a   God   among   men,   The   Shadow   King's   words   creeping   into   his   mind,   and   the   powers   they   have.   David   knows.   he   knows   too   much   at   times,   his   mind   overwhelming   him.
  Charles   Xavier   is   your   father,   he   built   a   school,   to   help   students,   to   help   children.   A   voice   calls   inside   his   mind,   and   he   laughs   out   loud   for   the   other   to   hear.   "They   tell   me   he   has   a   school.   Ironic,   considering   he   has   a   son   and   he   did   nothing   to   help   me."   Gave   us   up,   David.   Left   us   for   the   King's   taking.   Bitterness   spills   into   his   words.   "I   want   nothing   to   do   with   him." @nxthero ft. david.
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punishcrime · 1 year
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arched   eyebrow   stares   at   the   woman   with   amusement.   it   seems   everytime   their   pass   cross,   they   have   this   conversation,   the   push   and   pull.   "if   you   don't   plan   on   giving   it   back   to   the   original   owner,   then   yes."   lips   threaten   to   turn   into   a   smirk,   hands   on   the   pockets   of   his   suit   as   he   walks   closer.   "if   it   looks   like   a   thief   and   acts   like   a   thief.   .   ."
@nxthero asked: “Is it stealing if you steal from another thief?“ (from sel <3) Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice {Sentence Starters}
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kaediisa · 11 months
sideblogs: @raegiina & @baestiia
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queencvbra · 1 year
-ˏˋ 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢'𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥 ˊˎ-
(updated September 16th, 2023)
▶ @queencvbra​​​ // Tory Nichols // main blog           ↪ @teachdance​​ // Kumiko // low activity // sideblog           ↪ @ncmcrcy​​ // CK multi // low activity // sideblog
▶ @khalesci​​ // Daenerys Targaryen // high activity
▶ @rosecrowned // Margaery Tyrell // medium-high activity
▶ ​​@dcviline // multi // high activity
▶ @nxthero​​ // multi // medium-low activity
▶ @daedriic​​ // Daeris Urzara (OC) // low activity
▶ @kaediisa​​ // Skarlet // low activity
▶ @sl2yer​​ // Buffy Summers // low activity
▶ @harvhell​​ // Jo Harvelle // low activity
▶ @athicf​​ // Felicia Hardy // low activity
( non rp blogs: @rcsea , @marichive )
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r1gers · 2 years
what's your role in a found family dynamic?
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you  love  your  friends,  but  the  truth  is,  you  go  through  most  of  the  real  things  alone.  it's  better  that  no  one  sees  you  like  this.  you'll  be  fine,  really,  because  you're  used  to  feeling  this  way.  it'll  pass.  it  always  does.  that's  what  you  believe,  anyway.  you're  more  likely  to  give  someone  advice  on  a  lesson  you've  learned  without  telling  them  how  you  learned  it.  you've  come  to  realize  that,  if  they're  coming  to  you  for  advice,  they'll  be  too  preoccupied  to  ask.  it  stings,  but  it's...  that's  just  the  way  feelings  work  sometimes.  when  you're  around  others,  most  of  these  problems  seem  to  vanish,  and  you're  better  able  to  love  the  person  you  are.  only  on  the  worst  days  do  you  continue  to  hear  that  insistent  whisper  that  it's,  "all  a  lie  because  they  don't  know  what's  *really*  going  on."  it's  not  a  lie.  you  are  loved.  those  moments  together  are  real.  there  are  times  when  you  can  afford  not  to  be  so  strong.
tagged by : @klaeus tagging: @divienity @ourvendetta @nxthero @queencvbra @svpe @spinxeret and anyone else
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nxtheromoved · 2 years
>>> @nxthero​
did a little reboot to start fresh after over a year on this blog besties, feel free to follow the new blog <3
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myrc3lla-a · 1 year
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"the   princess   was   taken   from   her   safe   hold   as   she   parted   from   dorne   by   the   ironborn   bastard   son   of   euron   greyjoy.   meant   to   be   traded   for   coin   and   acceptance   of   a   father,   there   was   talks   that   the   princess   and   the   captain   spend   most   of   their   time   together   with   quick   banter   and   wits.   a   princess   of   the   realm,   myrcella   had   always   been   quit   of   wits   and   of   a   sharp   mind.   he   did   not   daunt   the   princess   for   she   grew   up   around   her   eldest   brother   but   she   found   that   he   did   vex   her   in   many   other   ways."
with @nxthero ft. harry.
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taiinted · 2 years
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FIRST MEETINGS MEME A meme for first meetings and introduction threads, aka a ‘What you will notice about my muse first’ cheat sheet. Repost, don’t reblog. Bold what applies. Fill in details. (Please do not remove the credit + blank meme link)
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tagged by: No one.  tagging: @demonstigma @khozmoh @captainperoxidespike @maliignant @absentmotive @count-v-dracula @conzierge ( Moa ) @lunatempus @itsagentzero @blccdharmonyx @hellsurvivr @nxthero @dhampirslays @creelsclocks @perfectanguish​ @townwxtch​ and anyone else who sees this. 
blank meme: x
Sex: Masculine. Feminine. Non-Binary. Notes: He is masculine in a sense but he is attracted to feminine fabrics/ items like lace/ velvet/ silk and fruity scents. He is never seen without makeup ( dark eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara, black nail polish ) it is a part of his image and he will never change it for anyone. 
Race: White ( ethnicity: Australian, Romanian, Italian ) 
Complexion:  Ashen pale/ pale olive
Height: 6′0 
Body Type: Endomorph. Mesomorph. Ectomorph. Other / More Details: Previoulsy a mesomorph before he decided to build up his muscle mass and increase his exercise regime two years ago. He has a high metabolism which means he needs to consume a extensive amount of calories. 
Body Build: Small. Medium. Athletic. Muscular. Soft. Curvy. Voluptuous. Other / More Details: .
Body Hair: None. Shaves/Waxes. Trims/Grooms. Untamed. Color: Dark brown. Notes: Morgan since he was badly burned in a tree house fire when he was eleven years old is unable to grown any hair on his chest, the backs of his arms and hands
Head Hair: None. Buzzed. Short. Medium. Long. Very Long. Asymmetrical Cut. Color: Dark brown
Eye color: Crimson red
Scars:  Several long lacerations cover his back that run down from the length  of his spine to  to his bum from when he was whipped during his sexual assault. One long claw like a scar above his left eye. Burn scars on his hands, wrists and left side of his chest, no body hair grows in these places. H e is still  highly self conscious of the burn scars on the back of his hands and always wears leather fingerless gloves to hide them, even in hot weather but is slowly coming round to the idea of removing his gloves when in a public setting and perhaps one day he will be able to walk down the street shirtless.   Two on his neck.
Fashion Style: Vintage. Traditional. Casual. Artsy. Vibrant. Geeky/Nerdy. Tomboy. Sporty. Trendy. Preppy. Girly. Bohemian. Elegant. Formal. Grunge. Punk. Rocker. Gothic. Other:
Color Palette:(   For Example: neutral colors, bold colors, only black, etc) Red, black, white, burgundy, ox blood. 
Typical Clothing: Leather jackets, fingerless gloves, white t-shirt, red checked shirt,  leather trousers/ ripped black jeans, combat boots.
Piercings: N/A
Tattoos: Black wolf sleeve tattoo on his left arm. Cluster of dark red roses tattoo on his upper left thigh. Red rose tattoo with thorns dripping in blood on the right side of his chest. Tribal  green sea turtle tattoo on the back of his right leg. Hummingbird watercolor inspired tattoo on his left thigh. Snake tattoo on his middle left hand finger. Red, black hearts on  some of his fingers. Single rose tattoo behind his left ear. Cluster of bats on his right ear. 
Other Information: Wears gloves outdoors on most occasions to conceal his burn scars but he is slowly not wearing them. 
General Facial Expression: Highly expressive. Always has a unsure, somber expression on his face when he thinks no one is looking.  There are times where he is known to scowl and become hostile this happens when he is trying to figure out if you are friend and foe but mostly he is very welcoming to strangers
Default Body Language: Brooding, but relaxed
General Movements:  (Example: Do they have a limp? A unique walk?) Has a long, loping stride
Presence: (Example: Are they a calming presence? An antagonizing one?)  Approachable but guarded, has been known to be a target to those who are intolerant of his  hybrid status, gives off a caring vibe
Appearance: (Example: Tidy, Unkept, etc) Somewhere between unkempt and tidy. His clothes are always immaculate and vibrant but on his sad days he tends to grow a slight beard.
Scent:Black cherries, strawberries ( from his moisturizing cream, always applies it regularly on his burn scars ) mixed with blood, menthol, peppermint cigarettes  and coffee. He always has a constant lingering smell of sulfur on his skin that he tries to mask with strong red berries scents. 
Voice Description:  Deep, but at the same time honey like with a sultry, seductive quality to it. Has a strong Australian accent running through it. Becomes more gravely and distorted when revealing his demonic voice.
Accent: yes / no.
Anything else to add? He’s friendly but known to be quite hostile to those he deems dangerous. 
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seidanguard · 2 years
Where does your power lie?
the legs
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you are rooted. you know where you want to go. your strength is in your resolve, your determination. your power is running, dancing, resolute, trudging. your strength can weather storms and climb mountains. you cannot be moved unless you choose to, but if you so choose, you cannot be stopped.
Tagged by: @fallesto
Tagging: @theoneandonlyhellboy @chxxseyourfighter @therippingtides @bastardsunlight @3rmacs @nxthero and anybody else who wants to
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kaediisarchive · 2 years
Skarlet has been temporarily moved to @nxthero until I have the energy to have her on her own blog again. This blog is staying where it is bc I’ll inevitably move her back, especially as we get more mk content, it’s just the fandom is super quiet on tumblr atm and this makes things easier on me in terms of blog management. ily <3
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nxthero · 2 years
okay so I've figured out which muses are going where, I'll update the rosters soon to match but here is what I've decided.
@/nxthero (this blog) will be primarily game & comic based
All Dragon Age Muses
All Elder Scrolls Muses
Sakura Haruno
Ino Yamanaka
Sarada Uchiha
Selina Kyle
Psylocke / Kwannon
Takeda Takahashi
@/dcviline will be primarily horror / tv / movie / lit based
Sam Giddings
Jessica Riley
Kang Saebyeok
The Lady
Addy Wells
Kate Lockley
Jillian Conway
Katniss Everdeen
Kirie Goshima
Ellie and Buffy are still listed here bc I haven't had a chance to take them off yet, but they will be staying on their own blogs @/infectvd and @/sl2yer respectively.
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queencvbra · 1 year
-ˏˋ 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢'𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥 ˊˎ-
(updated May 25, 2023)
▶ @queencvbra​​​ // Tory Nichols // main blog + highest activity           ↪ @teachdance​​ // Kumiko // low activity // sideblog           ↪ @ncmcrcy​​ // CK multi // low activity // sideblog
▶ @daedriic​​ // Daeris Urzara (OC) // medium activity
▶ @sl2yer​​ // Buffy Summers // medium-low activity
▶ @kaediisa​​ // Skarlet // medium-low activity
▶ @infectvd​​ // Ellie Williams // low activity
▶ @harvhell​​ // Jo Harvelle // low activity
▶ @athicf​​ // Felicia Hardy // low activity
▶ @rang3rs​​ // Power Rangers multi // low activity
▶ @nxthero​​ // multi (more game + comic oriented) // low activity
▶ ​​@dcviline // multi (more horror + live action oriented) // low activity
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sopcreations · 4 years
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Finn Balor icons for @HisRoyalKiller!
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screenviolense-a · 3 years
@nxthero​ sent: " i’m already homesick enough. " (Azra + Gaius)
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           ‘ and here i thought i was making it sound awful. ‘ they were from entirely different worlds, even if they both hailed from orzammar, but some things inevitably crossed over once he rambled enough about the things he missed from home. he still stood over the fire, drink in hand before he sat down across from her. ‘ you know, if it weren’t for this blight, we would have never met even after living all our lives in the same place. isn’t that funny? ‘
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myrc3lla-a · 1 year
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what is your place in the royal court?
answer: the queen.
dignified in your regality, you are a beacon of reason... the true power behind the throne, you take heed of all, cautious in each move you make. some may call you callous in your calculation, but they do not know your heart.
tagged by: @elenaes thank you bb tagging: @khalesci, @nxthero (harry), @onecyed, @denydefeat (robb) and anyone else!
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