#nxt uk rp
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mayhempro · 4 years ago
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In honor of the official   MPW FATALES CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT   kicking off tomorrow night, we thought it would be fitting to give a shout-out to some of our most wanted, badass women from around the wrestling world. While we would be thrilled to receive any muse, below are some names that have been requested by our members! :
io shirai toni storm miyu yamashita yuka sakazaki jessica mckay cassie lee ruby soho riho hikaru shida bianca belair sasha banks anna jay maki itoh emi sakura kris statlander mina shirakawa mei suruga dakota kai arisa hoshiki
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breatheswitchblade · 6 years ago
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you poisoned me just for another dollar in your pocket. now i am the   violence,   i am the   sickness. won’t accept your silence, beg me for forgiveness. we’ll never get free, lamb to the slaughter. what you gon’ do
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shallowcorea · 6 years ago
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❝  Fast asleep, it's all in your head now. Past the street where they CURSED MY NAME but I won't be FORSAKEN. Craven my revenge from the SHALLOW grave where I went down in f l a m e s. THE BEAST HAS BEEN AWAKENED.   ❞            independent and selective KAYFABE multimuse & cherished and adored by SAMI
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egobuilt-blog · 6 years ago
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                            ✧   YOU GOTTA BE SO COLD TO MAKE IT IN THIS WORLD
independent, selective, and mutually exclusive roleplay blog dedicated to four original characters. && created and scripted by sami.
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itsstillrealtomerpg · 5 years ago
Our own Marcel Barthel would love to see more members of the NXT UK locker room join us--Fabian Aichner and WALTER in particular! And we would love to see that as well!
See our main for rules and to submit an application!
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nvgi · 6 years ago
I need a Rp partner to play Pete Dunne please help
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oneworldprorp · 6 years ago
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ONEWORLDPRORP : a non-au efed rpg welcome to anyone and everyone; bad past, canon muses or original characters, new to the scene. We want YOU. Operating around a weekly show and monthly Chapters, all the storylines and matches that take place will be crafted by you and our other members. With our second year under way, we're looking to adopt new, talented, and passionate writers into our family to make the next twelve Chapters even better than the last, while also introducing new concepts such as the Grand Grimoire briefcase and the 1WPW tag league on top of the 1W Cup and the second annual Warrior's Crown.
There's TONS of popular roles still available, but we'd especially love to see faces such as JON MOXLEY, ROMAN REIGNS, WALTER, KEVIN OWENS, HIROSHI TANAHASHI, SASHA BANKS, PAIGE, ALEXA BLISS, TAMA TONGA, TESSA BLANCHARD, ALLIE, SU YUNG, and many, many more! What's stopping you?
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rickygoldman34 · 3 years ago
Hey everyone Ricky Goldman here.
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It's TNT:All Eyes On Me.
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Kameron Solas comes out, he's injured and has to relinquish the title but here comes JJ Webb,Danny Proper and Sam Bailey. Out comes Joe Kessler to make the save Kameron asks Joe to defend the title on his behalf.
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1st match is Simon Miller Vs Big Guns Joe Vs Chase Alexander Vs RP Davies in a number one contender fatal four way match. This was a good opening match the story here being Simon attacking Joe at a past show they both brawled outside the ring Simon certainly turned all his attention on Joe hitting a power bomb on him as he drove him into the other 2 men. Joe did have Chase in a Boston crab that RP quickly made sure Chase didn't tap out with a super man punch to Joe. Joe and Simon battle to the back leaving RP and Chase in the ring they both go at it but RP ultimately gets the upper hand and puts Chase away for the victory.
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Next match is Aurora Tevez Vs Gia Adams. This was another good match. Tevez the smaller of the 2 did all she could to fight and stay in this. Both women with close pin falls here but Gia took over at every turn here as she over powered her oppenant. Gia making short work of Tevez as she put her away. After the match Gia turns heel and puts down Tevez with a leg drop.
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Next up it's Tu Byt Vs Soner Durson. My 1st look at Tu here. This was certainly a fight as they took it to each other and brawled outside the ring. Soner sending Tu right into a wall and the merch area. This was certainly hard hitting and fast paced. Both men wanting to put the other away,some very close pin falls here. This was certainly a story telling match that saw fists fly and alot of hard shots. Tu forces Soner to tap out for the win.
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Next match is Manc union Vs MVK and Tom Thelwell. Yet another good match. Frequent tags in and out from both tag teams and plenty of pin attempts. Manc union targeted the bigger man MVK but Tom quickly tagged in and almost gets the hitting some high flying moves and getting a close win. MVK back in and Manc union with a close win also. Multiple spears from Tom buy to no avail. Tom back in on the action,MVK with a dive onto JJ Webb outside the ring as Tom hits a DDT on Sam Bailey for the dub.
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Next match is Alexxis Falcon Vs Lana Austin for the TNT women's title. Alexxis did very little from the offset as Lana struck her from behind with the title. Lana stayed on Alexxis trying to put her away and getting angrier and angrier the more her oppenant kicked out she certainly knows how to heel it up. Alexxis did finally get back into this but Lana wouldn't stay down,Lana distracts the referee with a steel chair she then clocks Falcon with the title but Alexxis kicks out she then knocks off Lana to retain.
Next one is Tate Mayfairs Vs Dynamite Lee Dawson. Nice back and forth action from both men here. Both men looking on point for this one. This was another good one. Tate does indeed keep getting better and better each time I see him it's no surprise he's in NXT UK. Lee tried many times to take over but Tate just beat him back down. High flying action from both men but it was Tate Mayfairs coming out on the winning ways.
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It's MAIN EVENT! time. It's Shreddy Vs Joe Kessler for the vacant TNT Ignition title. Shreddy the bigger man of the 2 in complete control ofcourse over powering Joe at every turn. Every time Joe built momentum Shreddy was right there to put him back down. Joe did manage to turn the action around for himself,he got close pin falls but didn't get it done. The ref takes a bump he gets knocked over by Shreddy,in comes a guy in a mask to help Shreddy but Joe takes care of him this distracts Joe so Shreddy then clocks him with a chain,gets the ref and tries to count the pin himself but Joe kicks out. Shreddy then hits Joe with the title, covers him he's new TNT: Ignition champion.
It was a good show and I give it 6.5 stars out of 10.
Don't forget to add me on Facebook Ricky J Pate,follow me on Twitter @ricktherock30,go and check out WWA world wrestling alliance on Facebook and go to my YouTube channel the people's wrestling channel and like and SUBSCRIBE for month long shout outs.
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Ricky Goldman out.
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totalwrestlinghq-blog · 6 years ago
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Thanks for submitting to TW HQ! You have been accepted for the role in which you applied for and will be given 24 hours to submit your blog before the role is reopened.
AGE: 28
TRIGGERS: ooc drama
ISLA DAWN, also known backstage to, HER friends as COURTNEY STEWART. And currently working for the WWE on the NXT UK brand. SHE HAS the reputation for being UNCONVENTIONAL & AMBITIOUS. While also having the reputation for being EMOTIONAL & CLINGY. I wonder how they will end up dealing with TW.
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mayhempro · 4 years ago
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                                  THUNDER IN PARADISE.
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breatheswitchblade · 6 years ago
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                        PLOTTING CALL.      so, basically give this a like if you’d like to plot something with jay. if you’re a sideblog, feel free to just reply to this instead. and i’ll go hop into your ims to chat. ♥
this call is open to   non–mutuals   as a way for me to explore and meet new people.
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takeoverhq-blog · 6 years ago
takeover hq: application !
OOC NAME:  OOC AGE: (lying about your age will result in a permanent ban) doe. ACTIVITY: 1/10 (with a small description). about an eight bc of work and i’m mostly mobile till i get my new laptop ! RP EXPERIENCE: about nine years. TRIGGERS: n / a.  ANYTHING ELSE?: this is the blog i’ll be using !
The takeover has begun, and TONI STORM better be ready. At only TWENTY TWO, this superstar representing PROGRESS & NXT UK and has had HER time to prepare for the clash to come. In the locker room, they have been described as DETERMINED and HELPFUL, but also VENGEFUL and NAIVE. Do they have what it takes to survive amongst the best? But that’s not all, HSHE is also known for MOVING TO ENGLAND ON HER OWN AT ONLY THIRTEEN YEARS OLD. Only time will tell if they can break through the glass ceiling and capture the brass ring. 
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rickygoldman34 · 3 years ago
Hello everyone Ricky Goldman here.
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Its TNT: After Shock.
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1st match is The Ava vs Gia Adams. My 1st look at The Ava here who very much heeled it up here getting on the mic and saying people in Liverpool are thieves and she feels unsafe here. She was very much in control really taking it to Gia pulling out some good moves which were very acrobatic. Gia did get back into this. This was a fairly quick match here. Gia hits a samoan drop and pins The Ava for the win.
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Next up its Tate Mayfairs vs Soner Durson. Tate ofcourse of NXT UK fame. Soner got a good pop from the crowd on his entrance. Tate being cocky here and taking cheap shots he tries to get the easy win with a rake to the eyes but to no avail. Soner now back in it and takes it to Tate the action goes out the ring and Soner sends Tate crashing into the fruit machine. Now back in the ring and Tate has took over he sends Soner right into the turn buckle twice but Soner survives this and tries to get back in it but Tate stops him. Soner has a bloody mouth caused by Tate. Tate really is a good heel and definitely the future of British wrestling. This was a good match. We saw high flying action from Soner and even a bump on the ring apron from Tate. Back in the ring now but Tate gets the upper hand he hits a big boot followed by a swinging neck breaker to defeat Soner. After the match Soner said hes done with TNT but then Tu Byt absolutely destroys him.
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Moving on with the next match Issac North vs MVK in a knock out or tap out match. This was very hard hitting from the get go. 2 big bulls going at it. The action got brutal from the very start it spilled out the ring and MVK throws a drink in Isaacs face and then sends him crashing into the bar. the action gets taken over to the merch area where MVK picks up a foam head and hits Issac with it. Issac gets back into this a uses a steel chair on MVK but the big man wont give up. Now back in the ring and theres a brawl between both men,we see a super plex from the top rope but still neither man will give up. Issac uses the chair again and hits MVK on the back of the neck with 2 elbows from the top but MVK will not give up. MVK gets Issac in the ropes and applies a sleeper hold making him pass out for the W.
Out comes Brian Aidenson he calls out Hustle Malone who trys to blind side Brian.
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Now for the next match it is Shreddy vs RP Davies. Shreddy very much dominated this match with power moves and just throwing RP around but RP kept kicking out he though. There was little offense from RP,Shreddy squashed him and had fun doing it hitting a Jack hammer and then a dominanator to put RP away and is new Number one Contender for the ignition title.After the match Chase Alexander attacks RP and Big Guns Joe makes the save.
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It's now Big Guns Joe vs Chase Alexander.it was meant to be Big Guns Joe vs Simon Miller but I'm guessing Simon is still injured. This was an Ok match but way to many botches from Chase. Back and forth action between both guys with Chase controlling most of the action in this one. I'm not sure if Chase was injured or just couldn't be bothered but lots of botching from him. Hes much better heel I think. Joe back in it with a hip toss to Chase from the top rope he then takes it to Chase with power moves and sentons. Chase fights back delivering some big moves of his own,he takes off his belt but RP Davies is here to stop him. Joe hits a power bomb and put a Boston crab on Chase making him tap.
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Now we have the MAIN EVENT! Kameron Solas vs Sam Bailey. Kameron grabs the mic and demands Sam comes out but instead JJ Webb and Danny Proper come out they beat up Kameron with a steel chair,Tom Thelwell is here to make the save it's now tag team action. Tom with a suicide dive onto JJ and Danny outside the ring but JJ then dumps Tom onto the ring apron and takes over. Both JJ and Danny with frequent tags in and out. So the story of this one is Sam stole the title but isnt here tonight so Danny has it instead. Tom finally tags in Kameron. The action quickens and Kameron looks to get this done here. Tom tags back in,hits Danny with his finisher and pins him to win the match. After the match Tom kept looking at his briefcase hinting a cash in.
It was a good show even though a little rushed and I give it 6 stars out of 10.
Dont forget to add me on Facebook Ricky J Pate,follow me on Twitter @ricktherock30,go and check out WWA world wrestling alliance on Facebook and go to my YouTube channel the people's wrestling channel and like and SUBSCRIBE!!
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Ricky Goldman out.
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