#nw: edict
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nosewitch · 4 years ago
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i finished the family tree, @motherwitch​, the only one i can’t account for is agnes.
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tracksterman · 4 years ago
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The deaths implied in this graphic are all personal tragedies for the individuals and families involved – but this isn't a graph you scupper your economy over, blighting the lives of future generations who are at little or no risk from what is a very specific threat.
There are clearly sensible precautions we could and should take: social distancing, mask wearing, vaccination, effective testing regimes, the proscription of  certain indoor activities. Individuals and, perhaps more importantly, corporate entities, should be held accountable if they fail to adhere to common sense measures that can mitigate against viral spread.
But I'm done with the stay at home and stay local edict. The final straw for me has been the recent events on Clapham Common, when police piled into women holding a peaceful outdoors vigil for a woman who, it seems, had been murdered by a police officer - all in the name of Covid security. It's an interesting contrast to events in Glasgow the previous weekend, when the police largely stood by while football fans took the piss in the city centre.
Sorry, I'm oot.
I no longer consent to the restrictions being placed upon our liberty by a government that has lost all sense of proportion. Research is starting to confirm that being overweight or obese is a massive risk factor when it comes to poor outcomes from Covid infection. So: a bit like the rest of life, really. Over-eating and idleness has killed, is killing and will kill far more people than the blip that is Covid. Obesity and the chronic ill health associated with it places a continuous, ongoing stress on the NHS that, in the long run, far outweighs the short term problems experienced over this winter.
I'm no longer prepared to restrict my activities to compensate for the poor lifestyle choices of a nation of overweight slobs. I'm going to protect the NHS and save lives by doing what I've always done: eat healthily, keeping myself mentally and physically fit riding my bike and walking in the UK's upland hill environment. It seems to have worked OK for the last 50+ years. I must admit, though, I'm somewhat perplexed that, as a man in his mid-50s working in a frontline key worker role with an almost comical lack of Covid security, I've yet to hear anything about being vaccinated, while at the same time the authorities are encouraging fat people half my age to get jabbed because they're 'vulnerable.'
I'd probably be more concerned about this situation if it wasn't for the following fact: I'm a postie, working in an urban area of NW England that was hit hard by Covid. Of the 125+ posties in my delivery office who've been working flat out over the last 12 months, quite a few have been a bit poorly or tested positive for Covid. I find it inconceivable I haven't had it asymptomatically myself given our working conditions. Yet the number who've been seriously unwell or developed long term problems? Zero. Of course, you don't get many obese octagenarian posties...just an observation, like.
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bigskydreaming · 5 years ago
Question which do you rec more: Rebirth nightwing or new 52 nightwing?
Umm, neither really? Idk. Like, there have been good moments and stories here and there, but as a whole package, neither jumps out as the superior choice because like.....the problem isn’t the book itself in either case, so much as the constant interference because of DC’s obsession with big events and organizing what happens in Dick’s solo book as an afterthought to whatever they’re having Bruce doing.
Like....there was some good stuff or at least the potential for good stuff in the 2011 Nightwing new 52 book.....but for me its all kinda squandered because ultimately that series was cut short by Forever Evil and the bullshit of NW #30 and what Bruce did there, and transitioned into Grayson, which I have...issues with. Entitled ‘Tom King you suck so hard,’ ‘Why Does Tom King Suck, An Examination,’ ‘What if Tom King Wasn’t The Worst’ and ‘How Is Tom King Awful, Let Me Count the Ways.’ (I don’t like TK, can you tell? Sorry, I can be overly subtle sometimes, its a problem).
But like, New 52 Nightwing could have at least been a not terrible book, but it never really had a chance to find its legs because in its little more than two year run it was plagued by delays, interference and editorial mandates and having to steer Dick into situations that allowed for the ‘big picture’ stuff DC wanted to do, that was mostly at the expense of his character, IMO.
And then you have Rebirth Nightwing, and again, I’d say its just more of the same. Good stuff or the potential for good stuff here and there, but it mostly wasted due to shit writers, and the occasional decent writers who are stuck playing clean up duty with the shit left or caused by the shit writers...and again, editorial mandates. 
Like, it essentially began with Dick having to restart from scratch in a lot of ways, after returning to his old life after the events of Grayson....so a lot of the problem in the early issues is that it essentially was just recovering ground that longtime readers had all seen before (and done better), while new readers....eh, I’m honestly not sure how many new readers Rebirth brought in for Nightwing, specifically, because the Dick Grayson Apology Tour that they embarked on after Grayson, wherein they had Dick take the blame for everything and be considered by most everyone to basically be the worst for ‘what he did,’ like....what part of that was ever gonna appeal to new readers and make them be like oh yeah, this guy, I gotta go check out his stuff now. Y’know? 
So...it wasn’t off to a great start to begin with, and then ultimately you ended up with the Ric Grayson storyline, which I’ve talked a lot about my feelings about....that it had a ton of potential but that nobody really seemed interested in examining a lot of the more relevant aspects of the storyline....because again, it was kinda just a paint by numbers sort of thing, wherein Lobdell came up with this ‘super cool nifty idea’ but he sucks at execution so it was given to others to do, when it wasn’t even necessarily a story they would have written on their own....and like...tbh, my sense of it has always been that like I said at the start.....this was one of those times when Dick’s book is essentially shaped by what they’re doing with Bruce elsewhere. 
Like, my take is this storyline was mostly greenlit to keep Dick occupied and out of King’s magnum opus City of Bane story, like it was essentially manufactured to make it impossible for Dick to come running to Bruce’s rescue because if he were in his normal frame of mind, literally nothing would have kept him from trying to join Bruce in taking on Bane. And that of course would have interfered with King’s attempted deconstruction of Bruce and breaking him down to his lowest where he’s basically all alone and bereft of all his allies and blah blah blah *snore* sorry, I fell asleep just writing that synopsis of the ‘seminal’ Batman story arc we’ve seen done a dozen times and counting.
So when you’ve got Dick’s book essentially playing second fiddle to whatever other people are doing with Bruce elsewhere, with that factored in before people even get around to deciding what stories to write or greenlight for Dick himself.....that’s how you end up with the clusterfuck we’ve had with the Ric Grayson storyline, where it was building and building for months, and then voila, just when things reach the ignition point of the big plot that’s been slowburning for over a year and Ric becomes the Talon....well, now writers have to turn on a dime and throw out whatever that was all building towards anyway, and we end up with that year long plot being essentially over and done with in a single issue. 
Because elsewhere, King has been fired off Batman and his plans have been drastically shortened, and new writer Tynion wants to bring Dick back into the fold and back to Bruce’s side, which means he has to be available for when Tynion starts HIS plans....and over here in the Nightwing book, everything has to be quickly and unceremoniously wrapped up fast fast fast, so that he can be hurried up back to his status quo and Bruce and the Batman books don’t have to wait on him or take a detour in their stories to get Dick back to his normal self.
*Shrugs* LOL so, I mean I guess my recommendation would be wait to see what Tynion’s takeover of the Batman book shakes loose and what Dick’s book looks like in a few months, and then consider the current Nightwing title, and in the meanwhile...eh, I’d go back to the pre-Flashpoint Nightwing book, to be honest. LMAO. Sorry, I have no idea if that’s helpful or not. I just....have a lot of aggravation about DC’s lack of interest in letting one of their oldest and most popular characters be prioritized on his own terms in his own book, instead of being ping-ponged around based on the whims and edicts of other writers who aren’t even the ones writing him.
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hail-to-the-republic · 5 years ago
The White House • November 6, 2019
JUST CONFIRMED: 158 judges and counting ⚖✓
As of this afternoon, President Donald J. Trump has appointed—and gotten confirmed—158 life-tenured federal judges who will defend our Constitution, personal freedoms, and the rule of law. A few of the highlights:
President Trump’s nominees alone fill one-quarter of the seats on our nation’s Circuit Courts of Appeals.
His nominees fill two of the nine powerful seats on America’s Supreme Court.
He has seen more Circuit Court judges confirmed by this point in his presidency than any past president in United States history.
“Few legacies will be longer lasting than this judicial one,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) wrote today. “These new judges are principled constitutionalists who have demonstrated excellence and professionalism throughout their legal careers.”
 President Trump: More than 150 federal judges—and counting!
Once elected, this President wasted no time fulfilling his pledge to nominate judges who put impartiality and independence above activism from the bench. On day one, the Trump Administration went to work with the Senate to fill crucial vacancies. Fast forward to now, and the result is nothing less than a historic transformation of the judiciary.  
The American Founding was built on the idea of separation of powers, President Trump said today. “This system was designed to protect citizens against the unjust concentration of governmental power . . . [but] when judges assume the role of a legislature, the rights of all citizens are threatened.”
What that means today: “The impartial and objective judge, who is a faithful servant of the law, is essential to the survival of American liberty.”
In just three years, President Trump has nominated and had confirmed two Supreme Court justices, 44 Circuit Court judges, and 112 District Court judges. Today, that historic pace is only accelerating: The President is set to have more judges confirmed this year alone than in all of 2017 and 2018 combined.
The average age of these new circuit judges is less than 50 years old—a full 10 years younger than the average age of former President Obama’s circuit nominees. That fact is important. President Trump understands that appointing good, fair judges is one of the most important legacies a President can leave. And thanks to the extraordinary number of young, talented judges he’s selected, that legacy is likely to last for decades to come.
Even more important than how long judges serve, of course, is what they do once they get on the bench. President Trump has always nominated judges who have a proven track record of standing up for the rule of law as written, not as imagined. 
This quote from President Trump’s speech today may be the most important: When judges write policy instead of applying the law, they impose sweeping changes on millions of Americans without the benefit of legislative debate, public rulemaking, or the consent of the governed. As a result, these highly political rulings inflict painful damage on our security, society, and economy—imposing unworkable edicts on businesses, workers, families, and law enforcement. 
His promise: “I will do everything in my power to halt judicial activism, and to ensure the law is upheld equally, fairly, and without political prejudice for all of our citizens.”  
Ted Cruz: “Trump has achieved historic impact with THIS action.”
Watch and share: The left imposes with judges what it can’t at the ballot box.
Photo of the Day
Official White House Photo by Joyce N. BoghosianPresident Trump, Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, and Anthony M. Kennedy, retired Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, in the East Room of the White House | October 8, 2018
Privacy Policy | Contact the White House | UnsubscribeThe White House · 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW · Washington, DC 20500 · USA · 202-456-1111
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mofodopoulis · 6 years ago
Some ideas on how to move forward with your investigation of the phony Trump-Russia witch hunt hoax!
The Honorable William Barr Attorney General of the United States U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530-0001 (via U.S. mail) May 24, 2019 Dear General Barr, I was overjoyed today to hear that President Trump has granted you unprecedented access to American intelligence agencies in the cause of ferreting out the malefactors who attempted to depose our duly elected President of the United States, the greatest leader in our union's history. As you move forward with that investigation, I hope you will consider the following very important points: 1. There is an open question as to how much "real" investigation is necessary, given that President Trump already has ruled people such as James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page guilty of treason. Thus, it's unnecessary to waste any time and manpower and taxpayer dollars on those specific players. But some investigation may be necessary with regard to John Brennan, James Clapper, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Robert Mueller and perhaps even Rod Rosenstein. I would urge you to add your predecessor, Jeff Sessions, to that short list because Sessions enabled the plotters by "conveniently" recusing himself. That awful little Munchkin must not be let off scot-free! 2. You should not use FBI agents, or any sworn federal law enforcement officers, in your probe. ALL of them are suspect; no doubt many of them have been infected by the same Deep-State mentality that the people listed above subscribe to. Instead, I suggest you hire Sean Hannity, the popular Fox News prime-time host, to lead the investigation. He has already assembled a crackerjack team of investigators such as John Solomon, Sarah A. Carter, and Gregg Jarrett. Between them, they already know where all the bodies are buried. This will save millions of taxpayer dollars. 3. I pray you will reopen the investigation into the murder of Seth Rich, the former DNC aide who was the source of the purloined DNC emails that wound up in the hands of Wikileaks. Sean and his crew have developed a large cache of evidence implicating Obama and Clinton and perhaps Brennan in Rich's mysterious assassination. The killers should NOT be allowed to get away with this! 4. All of the above persons deserve a fair trial by a jury of their peers, of course. I suggest you hold that in a rural place in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, Idaho or another region where President Trump enjoys strong popularity ratings. This will assure a fair verdict for President Trump, who has been grievously injured by the attempted coup. The plotters STOLE the first two years of his presidency and prevented him from doing many great things to Make America Great Again. They have also denied him his rightful place in U.S. history. 5. Regarding the edict of "treason" that President Trump issued Thursday, I believe you're aware that, in a time of war, the death penalty is a potential punishment -- and that we ARE at war, in Afghanistan. For that reason, death should be the minimum penalty for any of the above who are convicted. 6. Although I am sensitive to the Sixth Amendment prohibition of "cruel and unusual" punishment, I hope you'll keep in mind that treason is an unusual crime, and the schemers were very cruel in the way they went after the president. Those facts justify punishment that's harsher than the typical lethal injection, hanging, electrocution or firing squad. 7. I suggest you install a series of sturdy, 25-foot (above ground) creosote-soaked wooden poles deep into the dirt of Lafayette Park, across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House. After the convictions of Obama, Hillary, Comey et al, each of the convicts should be singly manacled to a different pole and covered in honey to attract insects, which would slowly eat them alive. Perhaps the National Endowment for the Humanities could cover the costs of this installation as a type of "Execution Art." Or, the National Park Service could cover the costs of the poles by selling tickets to members of the general public that wished to travel to Washington to jeer at and abuse Comey and the rest. I would certainly pay $100 for the opportunity to urinate, spit and vomit on the evildoers, and I'm sure I'm not alone. This would also provide an opportunity for youngsters to earn summer spending money, by selling rotten fruit for onlookers to hurl. 8. I hope you'll agree that only punishment of this nature is sufficient revenge for what the plotters have put our nation and President Trump through. And it will have a great deterrent effect in the future, lest anyone else get ideas about attempting to undermine our wonderful President. Thank you for reading this letter. I hope you will take it under consideration in the great cause of persecuting the perpetrators behind the phony Trump-Russia witch hunt and hoax! Sincerely, Arthur Mofodopoulis 4604 Kenbridge Drive Greensboro, NC 27410
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nosewitch · 4 years ago
bewitched had so many comics that some seem to be lost in miss penelope magazines apparently.
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nosewitch · 5 years ago
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“That’s fair.”
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nosewitch · 5 years ago
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elizabeth montgomery as samantha stephens
bewitched: s01e09 - witch or wife (1964)
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nosewitch · 5 years ago
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fire looks
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nosewitch · 5 years ago
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elizabeth montgomery as samantha stephens
bewitched: s02e31 - follow that witch pt. 2 (1966)
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nosewitch · 5 years ago
headcanon that the bewitched series is just a self-memoir written by samantha about her life with darrin while he was still alive and that the tabitha series was a series of letters sent by tabitha to her mother about her adventures that had also became a short-lived show, hence the sudden age-jump. and that the darrin actor/gladys actress switch of the seasons was canonically due to those actors deaths.
and when it comes to the bewitched movie, it just a witch’s experience acting out another witch’s experience that grew more into a legend than anything. hence why everyone in the film believes that samantha and darrin and endora were all fictional. believing that they were real and that samantha is the only one still alive (aside from every other witch in that show that is) would break them.
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nosewitch · 5 years ago
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when your muse (canonically) was the one that made the tower of piza lean when she was only 100 years old in the 12th Century and knowing said muse can control the elements and make small earthquakes without saying a spell or a word?: yo its plausible she made the ground how it was when the tower of piza was being built and here i am sweating over outfits.
samantha out here having bde, making even the ground weak in the knees. just. she made a landmark on a whim. ugh.
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nosewitch · 5 years ago
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elizabeth montgomery as samantha stephens
bewitched: s01e09 - witch or wife (1964)
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nosewitch · 5 years ago
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headcanon for sam and darrin: this. they did this.
“If I can go back and do it [Bewitched] all over again, here’s what I’ll do for a two-hour Bewitched reunion twenty years later; Well, it goes something like this:
Darrin and Sam are still happily married. Adam’s away at school while Tabitha’s at New York City and she works in Advertising just like her dad. They’re still living with this secret, still thinking he’s the only mortal - in the whole world - that’s married to a witch. Somewhere, along the way, he meets another mortal who’s married to a witch and then a mortal woman who is married to a warlock and then another 
and another and ... Darrin has a brainstorm.
He forms a support group for the mortal spouses of witches and warlocks. Word gets out and he’s surprised to find out just how many there are - actually are. At least 10% of the population
Darrin worries though that Tabitha’s and Adam’s friends won’t accept the fact that their father is mortal but, that’s telling them - he finds out they suspected all along. [Darrin] never disappeared or time-traveled on his own, he couldn’t wiggle his nose but, they [Tabitha and Adam/Their friends] don’t care! They like Darrin just the way he is.
And finally: when Darrin merges with the first Mortal Pride Day Parade - his still-beautiful wife at his side - turns to words, tells her that he should have done this years ago. Be proud of who he is and proud of the fact that he’s married a smart, talented witch. They kiss. Yeah, it’s a wonderful moment until he catches a glimpse...
...of Endora. In front of the crowd. Holding a sign that says: I’m proud of my mortal son-in-law, Durwood.
Well, tch, it’s a nice dream.”
                                                                                         - Dick Sargent.
I just think it would be neat. Just having that as an episode. So, in my canon they did. Plus, Danger O’Reily could comeback with her warlock husband, I dunno, I think it would be cool. Plus, when Darrin passes away, the parades will continue on.
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nosewitch · 5 years ago
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samantha was born on june 6 by endora, on the eve of the galactic rejuvenation and dinner dance while her dad was on the planet venus.
meaning on june 6, samantha was born on the eve of the andromeda galaxy and then brought up as a baby around earth customs.
they never said exactly how witches are born by warlocks so, i’m guessing its different than how humans are born. from how the other witches/warlocks treat humans, it seems as if they aren’t exactly born the way humans are born. most of the way they talk about/act around darrin and any other human act as if this is just meeting a form of extraterrestrial life.
which explains how sam quickly adapts to aliens and how (when going back within her timeline in certain eras) she experiences memory loss until someone from her present day life bring her back. she wouldn’t be taking part in those events because she either wasn’t born yet or was never on earth during that time.
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nosewitch · 5 years ago
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elizabeth montgomery as melissa morris
who’s been sleeping in my bed? (1963)
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