#nuts plays ff7r
imustbenuts · 9 months
ff7r thoughts so far on the narrative between it and og (am also slightly drunk plus at wall market before the crossdressing scene so make of this what you will. also typos and all that lol this suntory STRONG ZERO is no joke)
im. super vibing with this so far
tifa's motivation in R makes sense and is less ambiguous than her PSX version. theres def restrictions in animation holding certain aspects of story telling back but she was always meant to be this supporting almost waifu like character to her. but in remake this is fucking chef kiss bc of how much they focused on how cloud is essentially a dumbass chuuni with a very uwu core that it makes every chemistry flow better
cloud is the mother fuckin otome protag and he doesnt even know it lmao
aerith too!! her cuckoo tendencies of being cute yet somewhat violent has always been there but here its just buffed and pushed forward. and i cannot stress enough that aerith is legitimately naturally cute AND airheaded enough shes so good ooogh people who like her have excellent taste. mad respect
and the turks get extra screen time that now suddenly makes sense why they were big in FF7AC. before that they've always looked like the random assassin class characters who pop up for no reason so im actually super happy for Reno and Rude.
too bad about what will happen in the temple bc HAHAHAHAAA lets see theres some fuckery going on with the ghostly owos that its hard to tell.
but most importantly
they're all funny and entertaining. they know despite the seriousness its important to laugh at shit and celebrate the flair of artistic fun and bursts and thats reflected in Wall Market. just amazed. so happy for the team for creating this. so much respect. wowe. i think in a way ff7 came from a very personal place to the og team who made this and thats just helping this remake team in fleshing things out. fuck capitalism, and yeah slums are still ultimately populated by people who also want to have fun. good.
anyway uh its kinda giving me gintama vibes. the whole underdog uprising and red light district disenfranchisement, plus the extra peppering of how capitalism and patriotism takes advantage of those passionate to serve the whims of the ultra rich to gain ever more profit
(the word patriot was surprisingly used and dropped in that one segment in sector 5 and heidegger. despite midgar being ultra capitalistic lol. and the upper plate going down to enjoy Wall Market reminded me of the real life place known as Piss Alley. the staples of alcohol and street food are in both too, except with waaay more yakitoris and less shumais + xiao long baos. good shit.)
i wish jp devs have more space to openly criticize their systems, their politicians and capitalism bc japan's politics and history are a goldmine of wild shit, and is far removed enough to many anglo speaking audiences that it can be introspective
11/10 so far choo choo
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pagerunner-j · 4 months
On the eve (almost) of FF7 Rebirth's release, I suddenly felt compelled to bring back the best thing about the remakes thus far:
The Happy Turtle songs from INTERmission.
To explain, because you really need to understand what's going on here: the music team wrote a series of songs that function as commercial jingles (but which are too substantial to write off as merely jingles) for a bar called the Happy Turtle. Every song has a wildly different style. Every one of them will get stuck in your head forever. One's a perky pop song; one sounds like classic doo-wop; one's flat out heavy metal. And there's more. There's much more.
But let's be explicitly clear: although this does factor into a minor sidequest where you collect advertising fliers, the songs themselves are purely there for flavor. It's a massive in-universe advertising campaign for a bar that YOU NEVER EVEN GO TO.
Nobody needed to go this hard.
I'm still glad they did.
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fraldarrius · 4 years
ok listen i love both aerith and tifa’s theme’s dearly, they’re both gorgeous pieces of music in their own different ways and i’m literally trying to learn aerith’s theme on the piano rn
but idk man, tifa’s theme just feels like coming home, as corny as that sounds. aerith’s has that beautiful, gut-wrenching, bittersweet tone to it, but tifa’s is so warm. i literally can’t think of a better word to describe it—it just immediately makes me feel calm when i hear it
that’s just my random two cents jdkddkfnjd don’t mind me
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silver-wield · 3 years
honestly ff7r was the first game i played since i never got the original or any compilation games. so from the perspective of a new player aerith's "you can't fall in love with me" line just perplexed me. i was sitting there like: lmao we've known you for like 2 days or smth, but okay?
That's the reaction Nojima wanted from people. Cloud’s known Aerith for like 12hrs at that point and she's acting like that? If that was a real situation the people involved would be all "Are you nuts?" because that's the normal reaction to a total stranger telling you not to fall in love with her and that if you already have then it's not real.
Stalker alert.
I always thought Aerith was pretty creepy with Cloud tbf. She barely knows him, hangs off him like he's a coat hook and never listens to a single word he says and the fandom is all "hE lOvEs HeR fOrEvEr" and I was always like okay...*backs away slowly*. The fandom is what made me not want to engage more with FF7 cause the story as I understand it is Cloud loves Tifa, so hearing all this very loud, obnoxious contradiction just made me not care much about the game. Which is a shame cause it's a great game and a great story with fun characters. All these hateful shippers do is put people off it.
But judging from how part 1 went, the rest of Remake is gonna be hella fun and so cloti we'll need a trip to the dentist from sweetness overload lol
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incarnateirony · 4 years
Considering the fact that I adore your ds posts, and seeing you now are playing ff7r (oh my, my 3 fave things in one! Haha), I'd definitely like to hear your take on the game overall vs OG (if you played), the love triangle debate, Real!C vs SOLDIER!C. I guess I'd like some fresh insight? I like hearing multiple opinions, even if I do have my own.
Well a few notes: - I actually finished the remake already, I just didn't leave commentary on it, and my verbal commentary the whole way through was mostly fallen on the ears of my wife and adoptive mama (depending on if you go to twitter, you may recognize them respectively as the Honeybadger and Doris Helmick)
...actually this is gonna be long and touch on spoilers so I'ma put it behind a cut. 
- Yes, I played the original. In fact it has an anchor point in my life, I think, as to how I consume media, as it was the first game I ever played on my own console. My mom was one of those “video games rot ur brain” moms and my experiences until then were being loaned a game boy by a friend and a few of their games and playing under the blankets when I was little, smashing things with Link or playing pokemon or whatever here or there.
- It’s also one of the best memories of my late mother, who eventually slid into major opiod addiction due to mismanaged health issues. She was a disabled single mother and I was the illegally-working-way-too-young-to-stay-alive kid. She eventually cracked and, around when the PS2 was being freshly released and everybody was selling off their PSX, she went to a pawn shop. 
- It’s fresh in my mind to this day. First she had me open the box and I lost my mind, and then, huddled up in her pained position she had, she held out a plastic bag to me that christmas, apologizing because she didn’t know anything about video games but the nice man at the store said they were all very popular. Inside were a spyro game, a Star Wars game, and FF7-9. My jaw dropped. I told her she did better than she could ever understand. Hearing the most about FF7, I grabbed it and ran to the playstation to put it in, and started crying at the initial cinematic sequence.
- I 100% approve of this reboot. It's designed in a way where it maintains the full spirit of the original, and hit on speculation points my wife and I had through the course of the game. (Eg, I hadn't spoilered myself but started addressing the whispers of fate, and the chance to change the course of history, maybe even saving Aerith. She countered with the fact that Advent Children would then be moot. At which point I said, yeah, but isn't that the very point of showing us the fates and making an alternate timeline? And then the ending dickslaps you repeatedly at the Crossroads of Destiny). They made it true to the *full body of work* while still making sure that just because you played the original you don't know what's coming.
- To avoid public spoilers being too specific despite the cut, there is literally a "death” around the Jenova fight I yelled THAT ISNT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN, WHAT THE FUCK, NO, WHY, WHAT THE FUCK and poor Doris was like "????????? what what what???? I mean that's sad but WHAT" because she never saw the original and couldn't figure out why I was flipping out.
- Despite knowing better with the way they were arranging the fates, they arranged it so dramatically that in the moment I completely forgot about that and started panicking and losing my nut. I was yelling it the entire fight too, like, BUT WHY, WHY HIM, THAT ISNT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN while doing dramatic dodge flips avoiding tentacles shitting all over me. Timing and execution is A+.
- While augmenting parts of the narrative, it really just emboldened the original rather than writing over it. I can’t emphasize enough how this game, from 1997, is so politically on point for today, right down to the blackmask avalanche cell, the propaganda, corporatism, controlled government, and the goddamn antifa flag painted in one of the fucking sewers lmao wtf
- when it comes to the love triangle debate, I’m actually not the kind to say, pick one side or the other. As I mentioned in my previous post, I see both sides of the discussion (eg Tifa, Aerith) as valid. Because the weird competitive ship warring in fandom is as hilarious to me in any other place as it is in SPN fandom tbqh.
- I do see them ~possibly~ setting up a potential of even changing or revising Zack’s fate and letting him reunite with Aerith which, long term, would probably slide Cloud -- awakened to his truth and self -- towards Tifa’s court. Original I’d say both are equally valid, despite nobody doing any kissing, love confessions, etc. Because again, when I talk about not holding my queer pairings to unequal bars, this is exactly what I’m talking about -- and I think part of what I said about sculpting how I receive media at a young age. Not only was I buried in mountains of classic literature my entire life, but my engagement with modern media still showed that you don’t HAVE to have some giant make out session or perfectly poised I LUFF YEW to be valid in romance, the same as old books. Hell, this even applies to the few animes I watched, like X. They were always orbiting around complex interpersonal relationships, nonphysicalized romance be it het or queer, whatever else. I don’t know what kind of media diet people grew up with to act like every straight pairing ever gets a humpa-dumpa-horny-scene or perfectly poised confession or whatever the fuck, tbqh.
- In the end though, I do consider it unfair to say, OG!Cloud rather than Soldier!Cloud to also infer any and all attachments he had to Aerith were manufactured. Cloud gained patched over memories for Zack, sure, but he wasn’t really witness to Aerith and Zack to just take that on. Aerith definitely saw the ghost of Zack in Cloud, too. But you’re really not gonna get me to say “Cloud/Aerith > Cloud/Tifa” or the other way around, even if personally, Cloud/Aerith hits on a far more emotionally impacting level to the point I started crying again any time I heard her theme play in the remake, or her being cute, or whatever, or even saw the fates swirling around her because I knew what inevitability they were driving home.
- There’s also other reasons that hits very truly home for me that I can’t even get into in a public post tbh
- I think I answered everything for this but IDK?
- I will type Aerith to appease the nerd crowd but I refuse to say it out loud and I’m sorry. After decades of saying Aeris, I feel like I have a lithp if I thtart thaying aerith. Like no offense to people who have lisps and no judgment but it theriously metheth with my head.
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imustbenuts · 9 months
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Laughing at this bc that price is kinda... cheap in 2023. And the arial font print out on the right, that's so on point for a small business owner and yet Im kinda shocked it got approved for final game
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Also Midgar is totally bilingual aren't they? The chances of Cloud being fluent in JP isn't 0 considering he got into the company as a grunt. Shinra's adverts are written in JP too.
Wutai is a mix of old Japan and Chinese. The word isn't exactly (modern) Japanese, it sounds TOO much like 舞台 in Chinese, often referring to a theatre stage. JP will render that as butai instead. Lmao
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imustbenuts · 9 months
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imustbenuts · 9 months
It looks like Cloud is picking up both Barret and Tifa's tics the more he interacts with them
Uh did cloud die bruh what is this cutscene after fighting Metal Gear number 3
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imustbenuts · 9 months
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Cloud just read this
The idea that cloud is billingual and fluent in JP tickles my brain good
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imustbenuts · 9 months
????? What's the whispers' deal. Did they cap Jessie in her feet to prevent her from going into the mission? ???? And to force Cloud into the mission he was dropped out of?
Also the whole planet lifestream being the planet's memory and how it's a living thing is an extension of the original idea.... are these whispers some NG+ echoes of people? Are they jenova clones?
Tell me your secrets I'll trade u boba
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imustbenuts · 9 months
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silver-wield · 4 years
I'm not sure if SE and the devs gonna end LTD in the remake. They should just end it for a long time if they really want to. but sadly they didn't do that. instead of make everything clear they just bait and give hope for both sides for a very long time. It make me feels like they're playing with people's emotion. that's why I lost my respect for SE and the devs every time when I think about the LTD in FF7.
There is no LTD in the game, it's just salty dumdums propagating their headcanon as fact and being loud and gaslighting the fandom for decades that make people think there ever was one.
The concept of wavering was part of the illusion vs reality of Cloud's arc and idiots fell for the illusion and never got over it so they had to force everyone else to believe they were right. FF7R is FF7 and in that we see Cloud isn't wavering and never did. It was Jenova forcing him to go after Aerith because of his memories of Zack. FF7R has further killed this confusing concept since people didn't understand it. They have Aerith outright telling Cloud his feelings are fake, not to mention it's obvious she's only interested in him because he reminds her of Zack. And that's not even including all the cloti goodness thrown at us. Cloud is so into Tifa it's really only idiots who still deny it.
But salty dumdums can't be wrong. How embarrassing for them to not even understand a basic concept in the game. Not to mention how dare SquareEnix, a Japanese company, so obviously favour an Asian styled character as the heroine and have her get the blond haired, white guy. How dare they show a mixed race couple over their preference for a white girl and guy? 🤦‍♀️🙄🤦‍♀️🙄
So yeah, racism and the desperate need to be right are the only things driving the LTD because most of the dumdums haven't even played the game and even their own side thinks their queen is idiotic, but because she's so forceful with her opinions they follow her. Honestly, sounds like the biggest nut in the house is in control instead of orderlies.
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