#nurturing quinn is not something i've seen of a lot
tuiyla · 2 years
Brittana fics tend to present a version of Santana that is the closest to how she is in canon, and SimpTana makes sense in that particular context. It's admittedly been a while since I've read Quinntana but the fics I've read tended to present a nurturing post-Beth side of Quinn (almost on the border of paternalistic). Honestly Pezberry is the least appealing because I have to suspend my disbelief that Santana would willingly simp over Rachel (sorry).
Each to their own, also that is the point of fanfic I guess to create something new. For me, people wouldn't have to warp canon too much to have Santana love Rachel. I don't think she'd need to be a simp to be true to a canon version of herself and also unabashedly be into Rachel.
Canon Santana already shows an astounding willingness to again and again "go after Rachel" in the sense that she constantly puts herself out there and tries to prove herself as a friend. And like, why would she do that for someone she doesn't genuinely, wholeheartedly like? The intensity of their relationship is just a stone's throw away from romantic, to me, and Santana already seems to want it quite desperately/earnestly. Honestly the biggest suspension of disbelief in Pezberry fics, again for me, tends to be their feelings being evenly matched because I just get this impression most of the time that Santana would be more in it than the other way around. Not to be that Pezberry angst person again but if I were to write a Glee "canon complaint" Pezberry midgame, it'd end with Rachel leaving Santana heartbroken. Not the other way around.
I mean again this is all just my pov but I think, in a way, Santana is already a simp for Rachel in canon just not romantically.
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