#number one Ricky Potts defender mannn
casin0table · 2 months
soo like you guys do realize that a big point in SABM is that, unlike how Ocean has been treating him Ricky is a LOT more than the “disabled boy” who needs to be sheltered 24/7,
the vulgar or sexual ideas and themes that encompass that song aren’t just for comedy nor are they just for shock value, they’re—in my opinion—supposed to highlight Ricky’s capability as a person, from his incredibly elaborate fantasy world, to his ability to grasp and tackle mature themes (both in sex and in war), and his capability to be wise, to see past everything so horrible and love.
Even if his ideas aren’t super perfect or realistic, they are still his work, they are still proof that he isn’t stupid, just like everyone else this song is meant to show that he is so much more than what people see.
In my opinion, it’s really shitty that people tend to dunk on him, infantilize him, or diss him for the nature of his song just because it holds provocative themes in contexts that differ from norm.
Quite literally the opposite of what the song was about, and in a sense what Ride The Cyclone encompasses as a lesson!
Again, yes. RTC is flawed, and I’m willing to admit that. Of course I have bones to pick with it as anyone might. But I’m not gonna keep sitting here listen to anyone say “OHH RICKY IS SO DISGUSTING!” or continue to make him less than what he is, or what he’s supposed to be. Grow up, be better, learn.
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