s-h-sarah · 3 months
To live in a memory...
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Hello guys! I've been busy with life (*coughprocrastinatingcough*) these days that I missed out on the manga premiere. The art gave me inspiration so I decided to recreate it in my style. And regarding the colour schemes, because I drew lots of OMORI fanart I have a palette made from swatches from the in-game scene so I decided to stick with that rather than swatching the colour from the page.
The manga art was cute but not gonna lie, the pacing kinda throws me off. Like in the game you kinda take your sweet time to figure out whatever the plot is but uhhhh..... the manga grabbed me by the back of my head and smacked down my face on its knees, breaking my nose and all. But it's just the first chapter! Who knows what the future chapters hold!
Let's see.... Life updates!
Well I'm pretty much jobless now. Currently looking for a job but uh not doing any work is nice! I've spent my entire school and college years in clubs and extracurriculars that I can def say never enjoyed, being lazy feels nice.
I continued to learn more embroidery (learn it majorly for the sole purpose of mending clothing) and baking things and it was lots of fun!
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Chocoflan! Really easy to make and easy on the money but tasty nonetheless.
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