#nuest male reader
kpopfanboy · 3 months
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Your reaction to Baekho’s Waterbomb performance…
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daybreakx · 4 years
ep. 4: kissing a pout away.
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➱ 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: 𝘬𝘸𝘢𝘬 𝘢𝘳𝘰𝘯 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳, 𝙝𝙤𝙜𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙨 𝙖𝙪.
➱ 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 260 words
➱ 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: food.
a/n: final part of this series! finally. 
◁ go back to series index
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“You have to try this one!” Aron urged, opening the small package with clumsy fingers. He was always overly excited about getting gifts from home, especially if they were his favorite muggle snacks.
“It’s nine in the morning, Aron,” you whined, pushing your breakfast plate away. Sour candy didn’t seem like the best thing to complete your morning meal, but your boyfriend would insist. 
“You’ll love them!” he promised, shaking the box on the table and making multi-colored candy roll across. 
“Alright,” you agreed quickly because you knew he would end up eating them by himself and by the time classes ended, he’d have no candy left and would be on a terrible sugar-high. Picking out some green and blue gummies, you eyed Aron sideways before dropping four of them on your mouth. Your face twisted immediately, cheeks hurting from the acid taste as Aron bursted out laughing.
“What the heck is this?!” you rubbed your cheeks, “You did this on purpose!”
Aron chewed on a couple gummies, still grinning. “Told you you’d like them,”
“I hate you,” you laughed, reaching for your pumpkin juice and regretting it, it would probably taste awful with the sourness still lingering on your tongue. 
Aron pouted, popping another red gummy into his mouth. “You love me,”
With another short laugh, you leaned into him, kissing his pout softly. The remnants of sugar and the acidic taste of the candy were present on his lips, and you chuckled at the taste. 
“See, I told you,” he laughed, his pout supplanted by a cheeky grin.
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Hello everyone and welcome to my new blog where I will be writing and posting smut for various Kpop stars (mostly male). They will all be using (r/n) as the main female character (r/n literally means readers name) and they will involve at least one or more (up to 3) male idols.
Here are the groups that I write for
EXO (except for Chen because he has a pregnant girlfriend)
Monsta X (all 7 members)
UP10TION (I really like this group and they need more attention)
The former group Wanna One (I miss them so much!)
NCT (all units, however I do NOT write for Chenle or Jisung)
Please give me a scenario with a kink or two (kinks are optional) and I will write based off of your scenario.
I already have some oneshots that I wrote in the past so eventually I will be getting those up soon.
I will take asks and submission post from anyone above the age of 17. If you are 16 or younger, I will not fulfill your request.
I can’t wait to start writing!
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daybreakx · 4 years
‘I hope I’m never stuck on a deserted island with you’
NU’EST Ren. x neutral reader.
Prompt list
Rating: PG
word count: 793
Warnings: feelings of anxiety.
a/n: this was requested with Nu’est and I chose Minki! I hope you like it. 💓
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“I hope I’m never stuck on a deserted island with you!” you sneered, hands tapping against the wall for the hundreth time in the last half-hour that you’d been stuck inside the room. 
“What is that supposed to mean?” Minki asked as he crossed his legs above the table. He’d given up leaving the place as soon as you got trapped inside and he failed to open the door by simply pulling on it.
“That I would die the second I set foot in there! We’re probably gonna be stuck here forever and you don’t care!” with a sigh of frustration, you kicked the door, probably making your situation even worse.
Minki laughed and shook his head. “We’re not gonna be here forever, just until someone comes to get us. I texted Jonghyun but he checks his phone once every three hours, so...”
It had been your fault for agreeing to go with him to get whatever supplies Minhyun insisted he needed to keep painting the mural, that was your group project. Minki had basically been ‘supervising’ and since they didn’t trust your skills with a brush enough, you had also been on the sidelines. So you two got ordered to make something of your time and get supplies from the art classroom, without having any idea the door was broken and you’d get stuck inside.
“Can you calm down? Minki sighed once again “I’ve tried calling them twenty times. They will come to get us soon”
“How soon?”
“Do you really hate being in here with me that much?” he snapped then, getting up from his seat. Once you looked at him a little alarmed at his tone, Minki decided to take a deep breath, plopping back on the chair, he ran a hand through his hair. “Listen, just try to calm down, okay? We’re not going to be here for long”.
“Sorry,” you muttered, walking away from the door and sliding down the wall, a few feet away from where Minki was sitting. “It’s just making me nervous, being stuck in here, I’m not a huge fan of knowing I’m locked somewhere”.
The boy got up and walked towards you, “It’s okay” he assured leaning down to meet your eyes “But we’re not getting anywhere if we keep fighting. I promise I called everyone I know”
You had left your phone on your bag where you’d been painting so that was a lost case anyway. “So we just wait?”
Minki nodded, “We wait”.
You couldn’t believe how long it was taking them to notice you were missing, or to check their messages since calling was useless as the connection got lost immediately. But after seeing how nervous you’d gotten, Minki had taken upon himself to make you relax a bit, filling every awkward silence with a joke or a comment that would distract you, until you two were laying on the floor, you holding your middle to soothe the pain from laughter. You felt a little regreful for snapping at him at first, but grateful that he hadn’t been pissed about it and was still in the mood for talking.
“Minki? y/n?” A voice that you recognized as Jonghyun’s called from outside.
“Yes, we’re still here!” you yelled, scrambling to your feet to run to the door.
“How the hell did you get stuck in there?”
“Just open the door, Jonghyun!”
“Okay, give me a second”
There were noises of pushing and pulling, some complaints, and finally the door burst open with Minhyun and Jonghyun tripping inside the classroom. 
“Huh, our heroes” Minki grumbled, getting up “What took you so long?”
“I realized I had more paint on my bag” Minhyun shrugged “And we didn’t check our phones. We thought you’d just wandered off”
It took all of Minki’s willpower not to smack Minhyun or Jonghyun as he giggled at your expressions. Minhyun handed you your bag, it was already late and the mural was done. 
“Hey y/n!” Minki called as the four of you left the building, rushing to get to your side. “W-would you like to get some coffee or something?” he smiled “I mean maybe not today since it was a a long day but someday, if you want to—” he rambled. You’d never seen Minki anxious and you’d never heard anything from him that wasn’t a sharp response that he controlled so well, but you realized he would have kept going if you hadn’t started talking.
“Sure, I’d like that” you smiled “It’s my treat, I closed the door” you waved Minhyun and Jonghyun goodbye, as Minki suggested some places you could go. 
Who would have thought Minki would need a defective door to finally have the nerve to ask you to hang out?
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