#nuclear safety indemnity
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creativemedianews · 5 months ago
Australia covers US and UK ‘against any liability’ for nuclear submarine hazards
Australia covers US and UK ‘against any liability’ for nuclear submarine hazards #Australia #liability #USandUK
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dangkimnganha1990 · 9 days ago
TÔI sẽ đi khảo sát hết, thu thập hết. Sau đó, ngồi lì 1 chỗ lên thiết kế! Tôi có nhiều office, đa số lên thư viện trường, đọc chùa! Khỏi tốn tiền mua sách! Vì não tôi đọc sách tôi nhớ, tôi còn lên b��ng thiết trong não, tôi không ghi gì trong phone, hay laptop ... đ�� khỏi bị ăn cắp! SUNDERLAND là cây nhà lá vườn, có gì tôi sử dụng cái đó, vì nguyên tắc tạo LEGACY, phải tận dụng cái người khác cho rằng TOO SERIOUS, TOO SOON, TOO FAR, TOO EMOTIONAL
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Many are asking – is flying becoming more dangerous?
Statistically speaking, flying is still very safe. When you compare the number of people who travel in relation to the number of people involved in accidents, it is still true that the most dangerous thing about flying is driving to the airport in your car. Of course, the consequences are always very dramatic, as many people die when an aeroplane suffers an accident.
How is an aeroplane normally insured?
In aviation insurance, we make a distinction between
Hull insurance – for the aircraft itself
Passenger legal liability – if passengers are harmed
Third party liability – which covers damage caused by the operation of an aircraft, for example if it crashes on the ground.
There is also the aircraft hull war market, where special cover can be bought for losses arising from acts of war or terror against an aircraft. This insurance protection also covers civil war, sabotage, strike, civil unrest, internal commotion, hijacking, etc. Losses caused by nuclear weapons are always excluded. Liability policies generally exclude war, terrorism and similar situations. Cover can usually be restored in full with respect to passenger legal liability against payment of a corresponding premium, but sub-limits are set for third-party liability. Airline insurance policies usually cover the whole fleet and are typically concluded for a period of one year. The sum insured for an aircraft varies greatly – depending on type, age, and technical equipment. Coverage is also offered on the basis of an "agreed value" – this means the airline decides on the amount of the sum insured. This may reach US$ 250 million or more. Insured indemnity limits for personal injuries also vary greatly, and may reach up to US$ 2.5 billion.
How are aviation risks assessed?
Many factors play a part in our assessment of airlines. For example, we consider the size of the fleet, the age of the aircraft, and how much they are still worth. Other matters to be considered are: How often are they serviced, and by whom? What claims have there been in the past? What routes are flown and – above all – where will the aircraft be starting and landing? Starts and landings are the most risky part of a flight. But soft factors are also important. We want to know which pilot training an airline prefers; whether it sends its pilots to the simulator as often as stipulated, or more often; and whether the airline attempts to create an open culture in which it is possible that the pilot listens to the co-pilot when he tells him they are flying towards a mountain. There are varying cultures when it comes to dealing with risk. All of these things go into our calculation of the premium.
How important is the age of the aircraft?
Age is not at the forefront in assessing risk – the most important thing is how the aircraft is maintained, inspected, and the overall safety standards applicable at the airline in order to maintain the technical safety of the aircraft.
Aircraft accidents are very expensive. How are such large risks spread across the insurance community?
There are three main constellations:
A primary insurer takes on 100% of the policy, and then divides that part of the risk that it does not wish to hold between other insurers, who all then technically act as reinsurers.
Several primary insurers are involved in the policy, with one acting as lead insurer. When there is a loss claim, it is handled by the lead insurer.
Some countries have a statutory requirement that insurance policies — such as for an airline – should be issued by a local insurer. When this local insurer has neither the financial strength nor the specific know-how to take on this transaction, the risk is passed on to the international aviation market in the form of reinsurance. A lead reinsurer then often takes over the administration and claims settlement.
Most primary and reinsurance policies are placed by specialist brokers, and the London market plays a major role in aviation insurance.
2014-12-23   作者:鲁世伟  来源:国际空港信息网   点击量:1441    打印本页 关闭
  一是发展较快。上述数据显示,国际航空货运在过去相当一段时间内的增长是快于旅客运输的��近年来,由于受到世界金融危机的较大冲击,国际航空货运正处在一种缓慢恢复之中。据国际航协统计,2014 年1月~8月份与2013 年同期相比,全球国际货运吨公里增长了4.7%。未来5年,在世界主要贸易国家的共同引领下,受区域交通、快递业和新兴经济体增长的拉动,航空货运仍将保持4%以上的增长。
  一是规模较小。据国际民航组织统计,2013年,在国际航线上美国,完成了217亿吨公里货物运输, 阿联酋完成139亿吨公里,韩国完成117亿吨公里,中国完成104亿吨公里。由此可见,尽管中国货邮总周转量居世界第2位,但是国际航线位居第4位,甚至排在阿联酋和韩国之后。扣除在国际航线的运输量后,我国国内航线实际只有56亿吨公里周转量。当年,我国的全货机数量仅有101架,其中70架为窄体机型。而相对于美国800架大型全货机而言,我国全货机架数还不及它的12%,运输能力则不及其10%。
  我国国民经济��续健康发展,进出口贸易快速增长,对国际航空货运产生很大需求。2013 年,中国货物进出口4.16 万亿美元,增长 7.6%,一举成为世界第一货物贸易大国。其中,出口2.21万亿美元,占全球比重为 11.8% ,连续5年居全球首位;进口 1.95 万亿美元,占全球比重为10.3% ,连续5年居全球第二。另据中国海关统计,2014年1月~9月,以空运方式实现的进出口额为5381亿美元,占全国进出口额的17%,与去年同期相比,增长了16%。由此可见,我国民航货运发展前景十分广阔。
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《中国民航报》、中国民航网 记者钱擘 通讯员顾铖迪 报道:近日,东航数科公司和东航股份飞管部联合研发的东航飞行绩效管理平台正式上线运行,以此提高东航飞行人员运行能力和飞行机队安全管理水平。
该平台通过数据化、可视化技术,对飞行员的综合能力进行全面动态掌握,及时提醒能力提升并开展专项训练,确保飞行员各种能力素质符合实飞需求。东航飞行绩效管理平台还为飞行员全生命周期纵深管理提供技术支持,对飞行员岗位晋升、培训、评优、调岗、人才选拔等进行绩效考核,有效提升绩效管理的规范性和科学性。同时,平台发挥绩效考核对飞行训练的激励促进作用,提高飞行技能和知识水平,促进员工成长,助力企业高质量发展��该平台还能对飞行人员航前准备、航班按时签到等生产运行过程进行绩效积分管理,充分调动员工的积极性和创造性,形成良好的职业道德和严谨的工作作风,并以绩效积分管理增强��行员遵章守纪意识。(编辑:李海燕 校对:张彤 审核:程凌)
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사장 장기 공백에 방향타 잃은 공항공사...국토부 인사 사장 내정설에 내부 불만 폭주
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추천 기사지홍구 기자 [email protected]입력 :  2024-11-20 13:27:30뉴스 요약쏙언어 변경하기글자 크기 변경하기인쇄하기공유하기스크랩 하기
문재인 임명 윤형중 사장 중도 사퇴 후 7개월째 공석 대통령실·관저 이전 총괄 ‘김오진 내정설’에 장기 공전 한동훈도 낙하산 반대...국토부 차관급 출신 인사 고개 “부사장 이어 사장까지 국토부가 차지하나” 반발 기류 자회사 임원 4자리도 공석...성장 모멘텀 ‘시계 제로’
갈 길 먼데 한국공항공사 조직 운영은 기형적
사장 공석이 장기화한 한국공항공사는 방향타를 잃었다. 같은 공항 공기업인 인천공항공사는 코로나19 사태로 가라앉은 항공 수요를 완전히 회복해 훨훨 날고 있다.
하지만 한국공항공사는 아직도 2019년 실적을 회복하지 못하고 있다. 코로나19 이후 세계 공항 업계에 지각 변동이 일고 있지만 이를 딛고 퀀텀 점프할 획기적인 전략과 사업을 내놓지 못하고 있다.
해외 공항 직접 운영 등 공격적인 해외 투자는 물론 첨단 기술을 활용한 혁신적인 공항 서비스, 지방공항 활성화 사업도 제자리걸음이다.
전임 사장이 추진하던 김포공항 비즈니스 전용 패스트트랙, 프리미엄 라운지·공유 오피스·복합문화공간 조성, 김포공항 명칭 변경, 김포공항 국제선 확대, 신공항 대응도 사실상 멈췄다.
조직 운영도 기형적이다. 전임 사장이 추천한 상임이사 2명을 정부가 거부하면서 임금피크에 들어간 간부들이 핵심 본부를 맡아 고군분투하고 있다. 부사장도 지난 4월 국토부 출신 본부장을 승진·교체했지만 이사회 의결 정족수를 채우기 위해 전 부사장 등 2명이 보직 없이 상임이사직을 유지하고 있다. 이러한 상임이사 운영은 역대 공사에서 볼 수 없던 장면이다.
한국공항공사가 100% 출자해 만든 자회사의 주요 임원 자리도 상당수가 비어있다. 보안 분야 자회사인 한국공항보안과 남부권 10개 공항 시설 관리를 하는 남부공항서비스 임원 자리가 각각 2개씩 비어있다. 이 가운데 일부는 공석 기간이 1년에 달한다.
공사 관계자는 “사장 자리와 공항 고유 기능을 담당하는 자회사 임원 자리가 오랫동안 비워지면서 일상 기능외 경쟁력 확보를 위한 고도의 의사결정은 사실상 멈춰있다”면서 “이러한 기형적 조직 운영은 역대 처음”이라고 토로했다.
정치권에는 이러한 혼란한 틈을 타 국토부가 자사 고위 관료 출신 인사를 후임 사장으로 밀고 있다는 뒷말이 나오고 있다. 후임 사장으로 거론되는 인사는 국토부에서 차관급인 행정중심복합도시건설청장을 지냈다. 국토도시실장, 종합교통정책관, 교통물류실장 등을 지낸 국토·교통 전문가다.
공사 관계자는 “국토부 출신이 사장으로 온다면 사장과 부사장 모두 국토부 출신 인사로 채워진다”면서 “2022년에 창사 42년 만에 첫 내부승진 여사장이 나와 사기가 높아졌는데 다시 과거로 회귀하는 것은 아닌지 걱정”이라고 했다. 같은 공항 공기업인 인천공항공사는 최근 김범호 경영본부장을 부사장으로 임명하는 등 내부 승진이 뿌리내려 대조를 이룬다.
공사의 한 간부는 “공기업 사장 임면은 대통령 권한이기 때문에 뭐라 할 수 없지만 부사장까지는 규정대로 공사 사장에게 실질적 권한을 줘 일하는 조직으로 만들어야 한다”면서 “또한 지금 겪는 사장 장기 공백 사태를 막기 위해서는 대통령과 공공기관장 임기를 일치하는 법안 처리가 시급하다”고 밝혔다.
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matrixagencysblog · 4 years ago
Fire Insurance Under Indian Insurance Law
A contract of Insurance comes into being when a person seeking insurance protection enters into a contract with the insurer to indemnify him against loss of property by or incidental to fire and or lightening, explosion, etc. This is primarily a contract and hence as is governed by the general law of contract. However, it has certain special features as insurance transactions, such as utmost faith, insurable interest, indemnity, subrogation and contribution, etc. these principles are common in all insurance contracts and are governed by special principles of law.
According to S. 2(6A), "fire insurance business" means the business of effecting, otherwise than incidentally to some other class of insurance business, contracts of insurance against loss by or incidental to fire or other occurrence, customarily included among the risks insured against in fire insurance business.
According to Halsbury, it is a contract of insurance by which the insurer agrees for consideration to indemnify the assured up to a certain extent and subject to certain terms and conditions against loss or damage by fire, which may happen to the property of the assured during a specific period. Thus, fire insurance is a contract whereby the person, seeking insurance protection, enters into a contract with the insurer to indemnify him against loss of property by or incidental to fire or lightning, explosion etc. This policy is designed to insure one's property and other items from loss occurring due to complete or partial damage by fire.
In its strict sense, a fire insurance contract is one:
1. Whose principle object is insurance against loss or damage occasioned by fire.
2. The extent of insurer's liability being limited by the sum assured and not necessarily by the extent of loss or damage sustained by the insured: and
3. The insurer having no interest in the safety or destruction of the insured property apart from the liability undertaken under the contract.
There is no statutory enactment governing fire insurance, as in the case of marine insurance which is regulated by the Indian Marine Insurance Act, 1963. the Indian Insurance Act, 1938 mainly dealt with regulation of insurance business as such and not with any general or special principles of the law relating fire of other insurance contracts. So also the General Insurance Business (Nationalization) Act, 1872. in the absence of any legislative enactment on the subject , the courts in India have in dealing with the topic of fire insurance have relied so far on judicial decisions of Courts and opinions of English Jurists.
In determining the value of property damaged or destroyed by fire for the purpose of indemnity under a policy of fire insurance, it was the value of the property to the insured, which was to be measured. Prima facie that value was measured by reference of the market value of the property before and after the loss. However such method of assessment was not applicable in cases where the market value did not represent the real value of the property to the insured, as where the property was used by the insured as a home or, for carrying business. In such cases, the measure of indemnity was the cost of reinstatement. In the case of Lucas v. New Zealand Insurance Co. Ltd.[1] where the insured property was purchased and held as an income-producing investment, and therefore the court held that the proper measure of indemnity for damage to the property by fire was the cost of reinstatement.
A person who is so interested in a property as to have benefit from its existence and prejudice by its destruction is said to have insurable interest in that property. Such a person can insure the property against fire.
The interest in the property must exist both at the inception as well as at the time of loss. If it does not exist at the commencement of the contract it cannot be the subject-matter of the insurance and if it does not exist at the time of the loss, he suffers no loss and needs no indemnity. Thus, where he sells the insured property and it is damaged by fire thereafter, he suffers no loss.
The date of conclusion of a contract of insurance is issuance of the policy is different from the acceptance or assumption of risk. Section 64-VB only lays down broadly that the insurer cannot assume risk prior to the date of receipt of premium. Rule 58 of the Insurance Rules, 1939 speaks about advance payment of premiums in view of sub section (!) of Section 64 VB which enables the insurer to assume the risk from the date onwards. If the proposer did not desire a particular date, it was possible for the proposer to negotiate with insurer about that term. Precisely, therefore the Apex Court has said that final acceptance is that of the assured or the insurer depends simply on the way in which negotiations for insurance have progressed. Though the following are risks which seem to have covered Fire Insurance Policy but are not totally covered under the Policy. Some of contentious areas are as follows:
FIRE: Destruction or damage to the property insured by its own fermentation, natural heating or spontaneous combustion or its undergoing any heating or drying process cannot be treated as damage due to fire. For e.g., paints or chemicals in a factory undergoing heat treatment and consequently damaged by fire is not covered. Further, burning of property insured by order of any Public Authority is excluded from the scope of cover.
LIGHTNING : Lightning may result in fire damage or other types of damage, such as a roof broken by a falling chimney struck by lightning or cracks in a building due to a lightning strike. Both fire and other types of damages caused by lightning are covered by the policy.
AIRCRAFT DAMAGE: The loss or damage to property (by fire or otherwise) directly caused by aircraft and other aerial devices and/ or articles dropped there from is covered. However, destruction or damage resulting from pressure waves caused by aircraft traveling at supersonic speed is excluded from the scope of the policy.
RIOTS, STRIKES, MALICIOUS AND TERRORISM DAMAGES: The act of any person taking part along with others in any disturbance of public peace (other than war, invasion, mutiny, civil commotion etc.) is construed to be a riot, strike or a terrorist activity. Unlawful action would not be covered under the policy.
STORM, CYCLONE, TYPHOON, TEMPEST, HURRICANE, TORNADO, FLOOD and INUNDATION: Storm, Cyclone, Typhoon, Tempest, Tornado and Hurricane are all various types of violent natural disturbances that are accompanied by thunder or strong winds or heavy rainfall. Flood or Inundation occurs when the water rises to an abnormal level. Flood or inundation should not only be understood in the common sense of the terms, i.e., flood in river or lakes, but also accumulation of water due to choked drains would be deemed to be flood.
IMPACT DAMAGE: Impact by any Rail/ Road vehicle or animal by direct contact with the insured property is covered. However, such vehicles or animals should not belong to or owned by the insured or any occupier of the premises or their employees while acting in the course of their employment.
SUBSIDENCE AND LANDSLIDE INCULUDING ROCKSIDE: Destruction or damage caused by Subsidence of part of the site on which the property stands or Landslide/ Rockslide is covered. While Subsidence means sinking of land or building to a lower level, Landslide means sliding down of land usually on a hill.
However, normal cracking, settlement or bedding down of new structures; settlement or movement of made up ground; coastal or river erosion; defective design or workmanship or use of defective materials; and demolition, construction, structural alterations or repair of any property or ground-works or excavations, are not covered.
BURSTING AND/OR OVERFLOWING OF WATER TANKS, APPARATUS AND PIPES: Loss or damage to property by water or otherwise on account of bursting or accidental overflowing of water tanks, apparatus and pipes is covered.
MISSILE TESTING OPERATIONS: Destruction or damage, due to impact or otherwise from trajectory/ projectiles in connection with missile testing operations by the Insured or anyone else, is covered.
LEAKAGE FROM AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER INSTALLATIONS: Damage, caused by water accidentally discharged or leaked out from automatic sprinkler installations in the insured's premises, is covered. However, such destruction or damage caused by repairs or alterations to the buildings or premises; repairs removal or extension of the sprinkler installation; and defects in construction known to the insured, are not covered.
BUSH FIRE: This covers damage caused by burning, whether accidental or otherwise, of bush and jungles and the clearing of lands by fire, but excludes destruction or damage, caused by Forest Fire.
Claims not maintainable/ covered under this policy are as follows:
o Theft during or after the occurrence of any insured risks
o War or nuclear perils
o Electrical breakdowns
o Ordered burning by a public authority
o Subterranean fire
o Loss or damage to bullion, precious stones, curios (value more than Rs.10000), plans, drawings, money, securities, cheque books, computer records except if they are categorically included.
o Loss or damage to property moved to a different location (except machinery and equipment for cleaning, repairs or renovation for more than 60 days).
A fire insurance contract has the following characteristics namely:
(a) Fire insurance is a personal contract
A fire insurance contract does not ensure the safety of the insured property. Its purpose is to see that the insured does not suffer loss by reason of his interest in the insured property. Hence, if his connection with the insured property ceases by being transferred to another person, the contract of insurance also comes to an end. It is not so connected with the subject matter of the insurance as to pass automatically to the new owner to whom the subject is transferred. The contract of fire insurance is thus a mere a personal contract between the insured and the insurer for the payment of money. It can be validly assigned to another only with the consent of the insurer.
(b) It is entire and indivisible contract.
Where the insurance is of a binding and its contents of stock and machinery, the contract is expressly agreed to be divisible. Thus , where the insured is guilty of breach of duty towards the insurer in respect of one subject matters covered by the policy , the insurer can avoid the contract as a whole and not only in respect of that particular subject mater , unless the right is restricted by the terms of the policy.
(c) Cause of fire is immaterial
In insuring against fire, the insured wishes to protect him from any loss or detriment which he may suffer upon the occurrence of a fire, however it may be caused. So long as the loss is due to fire within the meaning of the policy, it is immaterial what the cause of fire is, generally. Thus , whether it was because the fire was lighted improperly or was lighted properly but negligently attended to thereafter or whether the fire was caused on account of the negligence of the insured or his servants or strangers is immaterial and the insurer is liable to indemnify the insured. In the absence of fraud, the proximate cause of the loss only is to be looked to.
The cause of the fire however becomes material to be investigated
(1). Where the fire is occasioned not by the negligence of, but by the willful
(2) Where the fire is due is to cause falling with the exception in the contract.
Indemnity insurance was an agreement by the insurer to confer on the insured a contractual right, which prima facie, came into existence immediately when the loss was suffered by the happening of an event insured against, to be put by the insurer into the same position in which the accused would have had the event not occurred but in no better position. There was a primary liability, i.e. to indemnify, and a secondary liability i.e. to put the insured in his pre-loss position, either by paying him a specifying amount or it might be in some other manner. But the fact that the insurer had an option as to the way in which he would put the insured into pre-loss position did not mean that he was not liable to indemnify him in one way or another, immediately the loss occurred. The primary liability arises on the happening of the event insured against. So, the time ran from the date of the loss and not from the date on which the policy was avoided and any suit filed after that time limit would be barred by limitation.[2]
Only those who have insurable interest in a property can take fire insurance thereon. The following are among the class of persons who have been held to possess insurable interest in, property and can insure such property:
1. Owners of property, whether sole, or joint owner, or partner in the firm owning the property. It is not necessary that they should possession also. Thus a lesser and a lessee can both insure it jointly or severely.
2. The vender and purchaser have both rights to insure. The vendor's interest continues until the conveyance is completed and even thereafter, if he has an unpaid vendor's lien over it.
3. The mortgagor and mortgagee have both distinct interests in the mortgaged property and can insure, per Lord Esher M.R."The mortgagee does not claim his interest through the mortgagor , but by virtue of the mortgage which has given him an interest distinct from that of the mortgagor"[3]
4. Trustees are legal owners and beneficiaries the beneficial owners of trust property and each can insure it.
5. Bailees such as carriers, pawnbrokers or warehouse men are responsible for there safety of the property entrusted to them and so can insure it.
One who has no insurable interest in a property cannot insure it. For example:
1. An unsecured creditor cannot insure his debtor's property, because his right is only against the debtor personally. He can, however, insure the debtor's life.
2. A shareholder in a company cannot insure the property of the company as he has no insurable interest in any asset of the company even if he is the sole shareholder. As was the case of Macaura v. Northen Assurance Co.[4] Macaura. Because neither as a simple creditor nor as a shareholder had he any insurable interest in it.
As all contracts of insurance are contracts of utmost good faith, the proposer for fire insurance is also under a positive duty to make a full disclosure of all material facts and not to make any misrepresentations or misdescreptions thereof during the negotiations for obtaining the policy. This duty of utmost good faith applies equally to the insurer and the insured. There must be complete good faith on the part of the assured. This duty to observe utmost good faith is ensured b requiring the proposer to declare that the statements in the proposal form are true, that they shall be the basis of the contract and that any incorrect or false statement therein shall avoid the policy. The insurer can then rely on them to assess the risk and to fix appropriate premium and accept the risk or decline it.
The questions in the proposal form for a fire policy are so framed as to get all information which is material to the insurer to know in order to assess the risk and fix the premium, that is, all material facts. Thus the proposer is required too give information relating to:
o The proposer's name and address and occupation
o The description of the subject matter to be insured sufficient for the purpose of identifying it including,
o A description of the locality where it is situated
o How the property is being used, whether for any manufacturing purpose or hazardous trade.etc
o Whether it has already been insured
o And also ant personal insurance history including the claims if any made buy the proposer, etc.
Apart from questions in the proposal form, the proposer should disclose whether questioned or not-
1. Any information which would indicate the risk of fire to be above normal;
2. Any fact which would indicate that the insurer's liability may be more than normal can be expected such as existence of valuable manuscripts or documents, etc, and
3. Any information bearing upon the more; hazard involved.
The proposer is not obliged to disclose-
1. Information which the insurer may be presumed to know in the ordinary course of his business as an insurer;
2. Facts which tend to show that the risk is lesser than otherwise;
3. Facts as to which information is waived by the insurer; and
4. Facts which need not disclosed in view of a policy condition.
Thus, assured is under a solemn obligation to make full disclosure of material facts which may be relevant for the insurer to take into account while deciding whether the proposal should be accepted or not. While making a disclosure of the relevant facts, the
Where more perils than one act simultaneously or successively, it will be difficult to assess the relative effect of each peril or pick out one of these as the actual cause of the loss. In such cases, the doctrine of proximate cause helps to determine the actual cause of the loss. Proximate cause was defined in Pawsey v. Scottish Union and National Ins. Co.,[5]as "the active, effective cause that sets in motion a train of events which brings about a result without the intervention of any force started and working actively from a new and independent source." It is dominant and effective cause even though it is not the nearest in time. It is therefore necessary when a loss occurs to investigate and ascertain what is the proximate cause of the loss in order to determine whether the insurer is liable for the loss.
A fire policy covers risks where damage is caused by way of fire. The fire may be caused by lightening, by explosion or implosion. It may be result of riot, strike or on account of any, malicious act. However these factors must ultimately lead to a fire and the fire must be the proximate cause of damage. Therefore, a loss caused by theft of property by militants would not be covered by the fire policy. The view that the loss was covered under the malicious act clause and therefore .the insurer was liable to meet the claim is untenable, because unless and until fire is the proximate cause f damage, no claim under a fire policy would be maintainable.[6]
The steps involved for taking a fire insurance policy are mentioned below:
1. Selection of the Insurance Company:
There are many companies that offer fire insurance against unforeseen events. The individual or the company must take care in the selection of an insurance company. The judgment should rest on factors like goodwill, and long term standing in the market. The insurance companies can either be approached directly or through agents, some of them who are appointed by the company itself.
2. Submission of the Proposal Form:
The individual or the business owner must submit a completed prescribed proposal form with the necessary details to the insurance company for proper consideration and subsequent approval. The information in the Proposal Form should be given in good faith and must be accompanied by documents that verify the actual worth of the property or goods that are to be insured. Most of the companies have their own personalized Proposal Forms wherein the exact information has to be provided.
3. Survey of the Property/ Consideration:
Once the duly filled Proposal Form is submitted to the insurance company, it makes an "on the spot" survey of the property or the goods that are the subject matter of the insurance. This is usually done by the investigators, or the surveyors, who are appointed by the company and they need to report back to them after a thorough research and survey. This is imperative to assess the risk involved and calculate the rate of premium.
4. Acceptance of the Proposal:
Once the detailed and comprehensive report is submitted to the insurance company by the surveyors and related officers, the former makes a thorough perusal of Matrix Insurance Auto and the report. If the company is satisfied that their is no lacuna or foul play or fraud involved, it formally "accepts" the Proposal Form and directs the insured to pay the first premium to the company. It is to be noted that the insurance policy commences after the payment and the acceptance of the premium by the insured and the company, respectively. The Insurance Company issues a Cover Note after the acceptance of the first premium.
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associacaoesoa-blog · 8 years ago
Rejections causes Rio Doce to become totally lifeless Largest Environmental Impact of Brazil in MARIANA
Dams break and flood pure waters with contaminated waste with heavy metals. Killing fish in mass, making the waters brown, lacking land and pure water for the population, for consumption, agribusiness, riverside, places to resettle the homeless of the contaminated place (receiving fertile land today is like winning the lottery, you have to have lots of Fortunate, and indemnities cannot pay for preserved land, and so claim that the immeasurable environmental impacts with losses forever because: no insurance covers fertilized land lost forever with the biomes, because humanely.
It is impossible to redo a biome with your hands, replacing all species lost forever, with the expulsion of riverine and native people who have knowledge of fauna and flora and who are immeasurable wealth, with the knowledge of applications of natural inputs in all types of Products daily and globally.
The sites with the tailings of the mining companies: - and the fragility of the security of the current productive process - with state-of-the-art cutting-edge technology; - with extremely high productivity;
The importance of the safety of industrial processes and their losses in the industry, by lack of total monitoring and quality of environmental management and environmental and social cost guarantee.
Waste with loss from lack of monitoring, continuous, daily maintenance for all dams, because there are natural seismic, prolonged drying and infiltrations also impact on the mega infrastructure system construction. An operational failure or bed production process management results in effects many of the same time adverse: parts, products and services outside the specific standard; Interruption of the production process, generating onus and damage to productive performance; Dissatisfaction on the part of the functional and managerial body, with bad indicators, often occurring work accidents, the death of totally innocent people.
Everything MAN does has a certain useful life. The cements and materials of dams have a specific technology to support the life inside the waters, and this requires continuous monitoring, and this also for the hydroelectric, and for that reason the decommissioning of the COMPANY ENERGETCS OF SÃO PAULO that practiced practically in the whole country with the Monitoring in deployments, maintenance, monitoring and training of highly specialized labor with tradition since this type of energy development in the country was started.
First must be done work always preventive as the case, fitting the nuclear, as the case of dams that bring great environmental impacts, extinguishing species forever, insured no copper such losses. Why the highest cost with resolution of critical situations of dangerous, fatal and random occurrence, which can occur at different levels of impact. Environmental emergencies endanger human, animal, soil, water, air, and atmosphere hazards. In the case of MARIANA with the spillage of tailings, many families have lost their hopes of being able to see the sweet river which was totally polluted, several residents say that only God can save the Rio Doce than by the highly qualified need and guarantee in the quality of management in the highest RISK processes in industrial enterprises has made the river so polluted that it will take a long time to normalize its life cycle again, like the mass fish that have disappeared, the potability of the water.
More than 18 months. And corporate responsibility has not yet approved the pilot project necessary to be developed and conscious to life again again for the river Doce.
THE ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ORGANIZATION ESO-A presented a pilot project with the Company Vale do Rio Doce for the necessary decontamination WORK - 150 km of Rio Doce, with lower cost processes and in several cases with tailings leakage, mainly in the States United States and Europe, develop methods such as that presented in the project for environmental emergency.
Presented rejection to the project, hence reflected about people who can no longer fish, swim, keep their normal life, cannot survive.
But the Stakeholders themselves of the companies that own the tailings have their share of environmental and social responsibility.
And even after 18 months, there are still totally polluted and lifeless places, and the area responsible for the safety of the area did not receive the low cost project to decontaminate 150 km from the Doce River at a cost of 300,000 reais.            This represents a minimum of application in recovery, having in view of the push and pull of Blows between law, defense lawyers, public prosecutors, municipal government and state government and environmental bodies such as IBAMA and even no organization submitted project For renaturation of the Doce river. Why does the company have operating license, and have not even decontaminated the Doce River? That's the most affected - all the loss of your life, after thousands of tons of heavy metals stored in the funding damn that needed total safety for the excellent quality of management by preventing that it could have never been occurred.            And as environmental and social entity we do not know why the company rejected the process of low cost to give life to the Doce River.
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