theartmatrix007 · 2 years
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a2achannelcom · 5 months
Sudan's Secret: More Pyramids than Egypt #SudanPyramids#AncientKush#Mero... #AncientKush #MeroePyramids #NubianCivilization #SudanArchaeology #DesertTreasures #LostCivilizations #PyramidsOfAfrica #HistoricalWonders #SudaneseHeritage
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afrikanlibrary · 9 years
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Daily Life of the #Nubians (Greenwood Press Daily Life Through History Series): Until recently little was known about #ancientNubia and day-to-day lives of the Nubian people aside from knowing it was a #civilization contemporary with, distinct from, and living under the shadow of #AncientEgypt. #Nubia existed from about 3500-300 BCE, close to 3,000 years. Thanks to recent massive #archaeological surveys, we now have a much clearer picture of #Nubiancivilization, what they ate, how they dressed, how they cared for their dead, their #military triumphs and defeats, where their cities were built, and what they looked like. Of course they underwent dramatic changes over time, and these are noted where appropriate. Though often confused with the #Ethiopians of #Greek lore, little doubt remains that Nubians were in fact black #Africanpeoples, and their civilization has been claimed by many as proof of a sophisticated and ancient #blackAfrican society.For ease of use by students, the work is organized chronologically. CONTINUED BELOW
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