#nsr jun won
instantartific · 2 years
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WIP of the soldier but with flesh, now.
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cloudsrust · 4 years
Patchwork Care (Part 1)
A gasp of relief and excitement left Neon J, his radar speeding up. “Oh, it’s open again! Thank goodness, I was starting to worry if the newer generation would ever get to experience it!” The veteran stated, motioning excitedly to Ben’s Toy Store.
Nova, accustomed to the cyborg’s broad gestures and bombastic body language, ducked before his head could be swatted by a metallic hand. “It’s to be expected; after all the changes NSR is implementing, the local business are starting to bloom once more. Quite pleasing to see I must admit.”
“Yes, yes, but are you seeing what I’m seeing? This is a treat to the eyes and soul!”
“Jun, neither of us have eyes and we don’t have any religious beliefs-”
“Can you stop being literal for one second and enjoy the finer things in life?”
“… Like a toy store?”
“Not a toy store, the toy store! I remember when I used to be an apprentice to Ben before I started off on my own!”
Now that piqued Aster’s interest. Sure, he had been listening intently before; Neon J was a dear friend of his and despite their differences, they just worked well together. However, this was now new information, unlike the manager’s war stories. “You made toys?”
“Yes, just before I got drafted. You know, this store really brings me back to those days. Simpler times. Seeing the kids happy made me content with life.” Jun Won said with a wistful tone, his screen dimming as he reminisced. “Sometimes I wish to go back to that; to making toys I mean. I love what I’m doing now, don’t get me wrong. Wouldn’t trade my troops and my duty for anything else. But…”
“But toys will always have a place in your heart.” The astrophysicist concluded. He could understand the sentiment. With how busy he had been for the last three years of his life, he had rarely gazed up at the stars anymore.
However, times were changing. Now that new artists were popping up everywhere, the energy crisis was not that big of a concern anymore. The Megastars of NSR had more time to themselves. Aster could gaze up at the cosmos once more at his leisure and he had a vacation lined up to Shellac Beach for some necessary stargazing and constellation mapping. Well, that and to visit friends and family that he missed dearly. Not that he would openly admit to it.
“Have you considered going back to it? As a hobby?”
With a defeated sigh and a unnecessarily dramatic pose he answered “I have, but I simply don’t have the time! The boys schedule is pretty tight and the fixes I have to make in Metro are plenty. Concerts, marketing, paperwork, distribution of funds- I cannot slack off for even one second! But for the sake of Vinyl City, I will work myself to the bone! No matter the sleepless nights or the heavy, the citizens will thrive~.”
The DJ simply began to walk away from the cyborg. “I’m telling Tatiana you’re overworking yourself. Again.” He said with an exasperated tone, his phone already in hand.
“Wait no- Nonononono, don’t do that- Aster come on- Stop!”
“Are you going to take it easy from now on?”
“Well, no, but-”
“I’m calling her.”
“Well I’m telling her that you’ve been drinking too much coffee and that you refuse to sleep at a reasonable hour!”
An offended gasp escaped Nova. “You wouldn’t.”
“Try me.”
They stared each other down, neither of them daring to move. The younger of the two weighed his options and the probable outcomes of said options. After little deliberation, he decided on what to do.
They both needed to be scolded for keeping up with their terrible habits anyway. He ran as if he were running from a pack of dogs, using the terrain of Festival Plaza to gain some distance from Jun. He was well aware that the cyborg wasn’t going to allow him to make the call in the first place if caught.
As he avoided a flustered veteran with surprising agility, he couldn’t help but form a plan in his mind. For someone that kept on harping about the finer things in life, Neon J rarely participate in said things. Perhaps a reminder was in order.
“How are you this fast?!”
The perplexed tone of Won’s voice made Aster crack up. As if he would reveal all the aces up his sleeves. As silly as this entire situation was, it made him feel youthful. He could only hope that the manager felt the same. Although given he could hear synthesized giggles not far behind him, he didn’t need to hope that much.
Now what was he thinking about again? Ah yes, a reminder to J to slow down and enjoy himself more often. How was he going to achieve that? Why, it was simple really. He would make a plush doll for the toy maker. Brilliant plan, easy execution. Probably. His mother used to make clothes and plush dolls all the time, and she did them effortlessly. He was one of the most brilliant minds of the century, a trailblazer for the development of astronomy, music and qwaza energy production.
How difficult could it be to make a doll, especially for someone like him, the great DJ Subatomic Supernova?
-Bug Anon
{AHHHHH thank you for answering my ask! It was so sweet;;;; Your answer did give me some great inspo, so I decided to write a small fic and gift it to you! I hope you like it so far! And no worries, I am comfortable being off anon for the time being :> } ——————————————
Chapters Index: You’re here! | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5  | Part 6  | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 ——————————————- Aaaaaa omg omg,,, I was never gifted a fic before I’m-,,, A. But you’re absolutely welcome as always!! And- aaa gonna write in the tags since I don’t want to clutter your amazing fic with what I want to say,,! The author is @inkedfeather9 btw!! (I feel like submission’s automatic credit thingy doesn’t do enough justice;; so I’m specifying here-!)
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