nrowesims · 8 months
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So after a fairly brief period of rather intense 'study' Ryan was able to successfully reconnect with his beloved.
Furthermore, his new magical contacts had revealed the existence of a wishing well, hidden away, which could perhaps restore Natasha to life again.
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The couple journeyed to the garden and found the well. Rather than resurrect Natasha, it revealed to her the secret of ambrosia which, when prepared correctly, would indeed do the trick.
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Ryan was so proud to assist in collecting the necessary ingredients.
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Then they had to find someone with the knowledge and skill required to make the ambrosia. Magical contacts in Glimmerbrook directed them to Sabrina Cooke.
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Sabrina's aid was enlisted. Natasha watched with great anticipation.
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At last it was ready!
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Game Mechanics:
Ryan gained acolyte spellcaster level and was able to study the tome to learn 'necrocall' (never mind Natasha's ghost had appeared anyhow..)
The wishing well (placed in a specially built National Park in Glimmerbrook) only gave Natasha an angelfish, one of the ingredients of ambrosia
Death Flower (second ingredient) can be purchased in the magic realm. Potion of youth was legitimately from the rewards store.
Sabrina Cooke is a previous Sim of mine, whom I cheated the requisite cooking and gourmet cooking skills to introduce to this story. Of course, she had to be temporarily moved into the household, but no real matter.
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nrowesims · 7 months
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Alanna's First Christmas.
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nrowesims · 7 months
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Family moments.
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nrowesims · 7 months
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Alanna's very first visitor. Sabrina here is the reason your mummy was alive to make you little one!
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nrowesims · 7 months
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She's finally here!!!
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nrowesims · 7 months
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These two really are VERY different. He is active, she is (especially now) sedentary. He's a goofball, she takes life rather seriously. He's magical and she's a scientist at heart.
However, they still work beautifully. Ryan was (eventually) able to reassure his love that he wouldn't dream of straying and that they were as solid as always while preparing for these huge changes.
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nrowesims · 7 months
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First Christmas together. ❤️
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nrowesims · 8 months
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Big News.
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nrowesims · 8 months
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They also moved apartments. After all, if you've been dead (and magically resurrected), you can hardly just pick back up and explain to the neighbours
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nrowesims · 8 months
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nrowesims · 8 months
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Yeah, so, September came and Natasha began university. She got a student loan, a small scholarship and enrolled in the economics program. Then one morning on her way back from her early shift as a barista, Natasha collapsed.
Ryan was devastated.
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He went through the motions in his new job as a dishwasher. Played a little ball, alone. Though his heart wasn't really in it. He felt empty inside without his Tasha.
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As people sometimes do, he turned to drink. He'd sit at the bar, his face like a storm cloud and barely tasting what was put in front of him.
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It was here, at the hangout made of old shipping containers, that his friend Grace found him. She was shocked at the news.
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They sat and they talked. Grace asked probing questions about Ryan's past. He was so sunk in the grief of the present that he only numbly and half-consciously answered. Ryan didn't know his mother, or her family. Some of the questions Grace asked were really odd. Childhood memories, reactions to everyday phenomena, his favourite foods. As the conversation progressed, Grace seemed to become more and more animated. She smiled broadly.
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Two nights later, Ryan received a text from Grace.
Meet me at the old quarry building at 11. Don't be late.
How bizarre! Well, Ryan made the rendezvous at the appointed time.
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Next thing Ryan knew, Grace was leading him through an archway which shimmered very peculiarly. They stepped out together into a nightscape with a completely different quality of light than that they had just left. The air even smelled changed.
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Before Ryan could ask what was going on, or where they were Grace pulled something from the pocket in her skirt. She backed up purposefully, made some nonsensical exclamation and there was a fantastic burst of light. Ryan was knocked completely over. Had Grace attacked him?!
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In short, Grace explained that they had crossed into a magical realm. One which few people knew about and even fewer had seen. Ryan had the unmistakable attributes of magic and Grace had just "kick started" his abilities, as it were. With a little training, he would be able to do many things, not the least of which was talk again with the spirit of his beloved Natasha.
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She introduced him to the rather enigmatic Morgyn. A sage old in years though young in looks. Morgyn heard Ryan's story of loss and agreed to train him.
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Ryan was sent to what was the retail district of this strange place. At first he thought the shop was manned by a ghost! However, he was told (in mildly disgusted tones) that the proprietor was an astral projection, thank you very much.
The snippy shopkeeper supplied Ryan with a broomstick and a wand (could this get any weirder?) made of what seemed to be bone.
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As Ryan woke in his darkened bedroom, he was almost certain the whole thing had been a very peculiar, if vivid, dream. Feeling something hard under his pillow, Ryans hand caressed the long smooth surface of the bone wand!
Game Mechanics:
Natasha died of cardic explosion (from her high maintenance trait). Ryan was specifically created in CAS as a spellcaster but had never used any magic. Upon socializing with Grace, she autonomously invited him to a duel (where she promptly knocked him on his rear end of course).
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nrowesims · 7 months
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Ryan has been putting in the hard work and now he (finally) got his promotion to the minor leagues. 😎
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nrowesims · 7 months
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A little family vacation back to Sulani. ❤️
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nrowesims · 7 months
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Alanna and Holly.
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nrowesims · 7 months
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nrowesims · 7 months
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First solid food.
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