#nri corner
kotakrdm · 2 years
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thecliffgarden · 2 years
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some useful insights by one of the premium retirement homes for NRIs
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jedimordsith · 3 months
Deleted Scene from Latibule
Luke looked up from his reading when the door to the Organa-Solo apartment slid open. Han wandered into the sitting room a moment later. His sense was warm and relaxed, and his attire matched. His formal jacket was slung over one shoulder, his shirt sleeves were rolled up, and his spavat had been untied and hung loose at his collar.
“Hey, kid,” he greeted. “Pretty quiet in here. You didn’t sell my kids to the circus, did you?”
”Not for lack of trying,” Luke quipped back, marking his spot and tossing his data pad on the lounger beside him. “Ringmaster said they were too small yet. Since I have to wait and try again next year, I dropped them back in their beds. They’ve been out cold for an hour. How was the event?”
“Just like every other one,” Han shrugged and flung his jacket over a nearby chair. “Lots of fancy people who like to listen to themselves talk eating fussy hors d'oeuvres and drinking wine that’s more label than taste. Leia had a good time until she and Winter got cornered into a hush-hush meeting with Mon over something.” He frowned. “Why didn’t you go, anyway? You like museums.”
“I’ve already been,” Luke said casually, rolling to his feet and grabbing his glass from the side table.
”This was the grand opening,” Han objected. “What, did you get some kind of special Jedi tour?”
“Something like that,” Luke offered noncommittally, angling past his brother-in-law toward the kitchen.
Han’s demeanor turned smug. “Let me guess — it was one of your excursions with Jade.”
“It might have been,” Luke shot a sly look over his shoulder. “But I’d keep that suspicion to yourself if I was you.”
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?”
”Because you have a life day coming up, and if you don’t do anything to bring unwanted attention to Mara, a bottle of Whyren’s gold might find its way into your gift pile.”
“Gold label?” Ambling after him, Han whistled. “How’re you affording that on a Jedi’s salary?”
”Mara’s getting a couple cases at a pretty serious discount,” Luke confided, rinsing his glass and putting it in the cleaning unit. “Someone at the distillery owes her a favor.”
”That’s some favor.” Han cocked his head. “She seems like the type who knows how to collect ‘em, though.”
The Omega in Luke bristled. He immediately quelled the reaction, but not before Han caught it.
“Hey,” he said, lifting his hands, palms out. “You know I’ve got nothing but respect for Jade. The NRI might jump to tawdry assumptions, but that’s just because they lack imagination. Me,” he lowered his hands, pointing at his chest. “I’ve been around the system. Flesh is easy and cheap. You want to collect real favors, you have to get into the weird stuff.” Raising his eyebrows, he held his hands a short distance apart, palms parallel to one another. “Saw a guy trade a whole moon once for this ugly little statue — this big, looked like it oughta be a doorstop at a tacky cantina.”
Amused, Luke felt the tension in his shoulders ease. He clapped a hand on his brother-in-law’s shoulder as he passed back toward the sitting room.
He’d known, intellectually, that it would take a while for the NRI to warm up to Karrde and, by extension, Mara. The Intelligence community was skeptical of smugglers as a whole and less than thrilled at how deftly Karrde’s organization had shoe-horned its way into the respectable echelons of the New Republic government. The fact that they couldn’t find a single record of Mara’s existence prior to her work for Karrde only exacerbated their frustrations. He didn’t begrudge them their caution, really.
But after three heats spent in Mara’s bed, the Omega in him had unavoidably begun to think of her as his, and he couldn’t entirely suppress the instinctive resentment that flared when she was disrespected.
Their secret Force-healing and training sessions didn’t help the situation. Mara was intensely careful about her shielding, only ever letting him into one small section of her mind or body at a time, but the anxiety singing at the edges of his touch each time left him profoundly aware of the risk she was taking, entrusting him with even that much. There was something incredibly intimate about extending his own control over the Force into her body, knitting together the fine sheathing around ravaged nerves or unraveling knotted scar tissue and seeing her entire body soften as a long-borne pain slipped away. About the way she smiled when they finished, as if he could see a little more light behind her eyes, a little more spaciousness in her breath.
Then there were their “excursions” as Han called them. Mara had grown up on Coruscant and, much to his delight, Luke had discovered that she had a mischievous streak. When the mood struck, she would appear from nowhere with a glint in her eyes that made his heart rate kick up with the same bright anticipation he’d known as a youth when he raced his skyhopper toward the canyons to Thread the Needle or when sneaking round bases during the early days of the war with the Rogues, intent on pranking another squadron. Ditching whatever he was supposed to be doing, he’d follow her at all hours of day or night. It was through those stolen moments that she introduced him to all the intriguing places that existed beneath the surface —often literally — of Coruscant’s glittering cityscape. Private libraries. Greasy cantinas whose menus were as obscure as they were mouth-watering. Junk shops whose backroom shelves mysteriously stocked the most hard-to-find parts for anyone willing to ask no questions about their provenance. And, occasionally, secret tunnels and camoflaged peep holes through which they accessed yet-to-open museum exhibits or dress rehearsals of the most in-demand new performances.
In her determination to prove her independence from her former master and the life he’d shackled her into, Mara was steadily, and entirely accidentally, achieving the one goal she’d believed wholly out of reach: capturing Luke’s heart.
It’s fine, he told himself for the hundredth time, gathering his data pad and bidding Han goodnight. It wasn’t like they slept together outside of his heats, and Mara was genuinely the perfect Alpha. She would never claim him, would never try to bind him or prevent him from keeping his vows of independence and service to the new Jedi Order that he was building. As an Omega, it wasn’t like he could claim her, and her traumatic past meant that even at his weakest he would never ask her to claim him. If she ever found another Omega to bond with, the loss might kill him. Unless or until then, however, he intended to enjoy every moment he could manage with her.
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lakemojave · 3 months
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This afternoon at 1:30pm pacific: Tales From the Rambler Episode 5!!!
DM'd by Bill @gabajoofs, starring Dot @radiofreederry as Janica Halcyon, Sebastian @lakemojave as Bhuri'Hssyngig, Jordan @brucebocchi as Ced Saverem, Heather @chansaw as Val Griv'ir, and Julia @thottacelli as Caitvuna Conu!
Art by @bijillion, recap under the cut! See y'all then!
THE STORY SO FAR: It has been years since the end of the Galactic Civil War. The New Republic struggles to rebuild the galaxy after decades of Imperial rule, locked in a cold war with the remnant Pentastar Alignment. All the while, in the dark corners of the galaxy, organized crime groups compete with each other to gain power in the galactic underworld after the collapse of the Hutt Cartel. Now, the crew of the transport ship the Rambler have been thrust into this gritty, cutthroat world...
LAST TIME: The crew of the Rambler gave chase to the assassin who had attacked the Jedi Journeyman who had spoken at the Coronet City parade, keeping pace as the assassin sped through crowds and even through traffic. After Janica and Bhuri emerged unscathed from a speeder crash, the crew confronted and subdued the assassin, who was aligned with Mas Amedda's Imperial Royalists. The Jedi arrived with Val, who had healed him of his wounds, and introduced himself as Oftun Ahrimaz before collecting the unconscious assassin and inviting the crew to a feast the next week to thank them for their help.
Back at HTS headquarters, Janica put Bhuri in a kolto tank before catching up over a drink with her mother. Caitvuna met up with a friend from the Rebellion at the local cantina as Ced finished repairing and reprogramming the HK droid he'd taken from Hoth. The droid, now named Hank, greeted Ced lovingly as his father. Janica visited the Toydarian used speeder salesman called "Wacky" Worro and purchased a pirate HoloNet array and a used speeder bike to tinker with, then returned home to finish the repairs to the Rambler. A week passed, in which the crew learned that Hank was fiendishly good at dejarik, and the crew dressed their best for dinner at the Corellian Jedi Temple. Janica and Bhuri were reunited with Wedge Antilles of Rogue Squadron at the dinner, and afterward, back at headquarters, the crew received a call from NRIS agent Mal Olrads, who hired them for a job which would take them to the town of Mos Shuuta, amidst the shifting sands of Tatooine...
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priestessame · 10 days
Sumeru Men during Ganesh Chaturthi.
♥♥♥Okayy this might be a little too niche but for that 1% desi genshin fans pspsppspspps. ♥♥♥
A/N: Ganesh Chaturthi is a festival we celebrate in india, where we bring an idol of the popular hindu deity Ganesh home.
﹆ꕤ⊹Desi Sumeru Head cannons: Ganesh Chaturthi special.﹆ꕤ⊹
.. ♥Kaveh, Al Haitham, Cyno, Wanderer, Tighnari ft. Kaeya ♥ ..
Kaveh Head of decorations. Art child of the house forced into becoming the head designer for the festival. The entire responsibility of the decoration is pushed onto him, whether he's okay with it or not. By the end of it he'll be sitting on the ground with flower garlands and fairy lights around his neck. STRESSEDDD, he has to get the space ready before they actually bring the Ganpati idol home and right now nothing is sticking to the wall, the lights look ugly and Al Haitham is getting on his last nerve. 
Cyno SELLOTAPE MAN, bro cannot be trusted with anything other than cutting small pieces of sticky tape and holding them ready for kaveh. He might even start sticking them on Scara's hat so that they're easier to peel.  He has a little shop of every type of sticky tape available- the double sided one, masking tape, the yellow coloured one for the light arrangements and the clear see-through ones, whatever you want. Will offer bad jokes with every piece. Also primarily here for the spiced milk.  
Tighnari The environmentalist that goes on about how they should use eco- friendly decorations and ban polystyrene but does nothing to actually help. Will bring all the raw material for the flower and fruit arrangement and that's his only contribution. The rest of the time he'll play music and and give Kaveh bad advice. Also the kind to get modak edibles for the gang so they're all high as hell during the ceremony. The kind of soft launch his s/o to his fam by inviting them to the festival. 
Wanderer The non-native that's experiencing it for the first time. Let's be honest, his mom forced him to be here. He could not give a flying fuck about what the festival is and why its celebrated. But apparently its important to socialize, so fine he'll show up. He's given the huge bundle of fairy lights, pulled straight out of the attic so he can sit in a corner untangling them while the others conceptualise the decorations. Eventually has to work with the sellotape man. His hands hurt from holding the lights up because kaveh can't make up his mind on where they look good. The wires are old so might get electrocuted accidently. Also complains about the noise pollution outside, then dances his ass off during Visarjan, after eating Tighnari's edible. Al Haitham The critic. Exists solely to shit on all of Kaveh's ideas. He'll lounge around the room, not involving himself in anything, but the moment Kaveh assembling things he'll point out everything he's doing wrong. Will give random pointers until Kaveh rips his hair out. 100% will start fighting. "WHY ARE YOU HERE THEN? JUST WHY ARE YOU HERE? GO HOME" "I'm here because you're incompetent." ♥ "Yeah, that is not going to hold."  "Stfu Al Haitham, I'm the architect here, you think i don't know how these things work? I know what materials work with what kind-  The entire decoration crashes down on him the moment he says this, its 3am in the morning and kaveh is on the verge of tears.  "Told you so."  ♥ Kaeya The one NRI cousin that lives abroad and cries on Instagram over how much they miss the festival. Will dress up regardless to take pictures, attempt to make the sweets on their own and video call their fam all the time. Somehow finds an university club, or local desi community that celebrates the festival in that country and spams on socials.
bwhahahaah this was so much fun to write, i was actually imagining them as me and my cousins.
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IPKKND OS: To Years & Laughs
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Holi at Shantivan was a grand affair. From a noisy household with four generations under a roof to loud music, colors and a mouth watering buffet set by the lovely Mrs. Raizada.
Not the Mrs. Raizada who religiously attended satsangs, nor the Mrs. Raizada who was loyal to her Bollywood themed kitty parties, nor the fresh from America NRI Mrs. Raizada who held an air of grace and a besotted husband beside her.
No, it was the jovial Mrs. Raizada who was instantly written off by the elites for being loud, opinionated, stubborn, steadfast, witty, charismatic and openly critical of the socio economic status of the city. It didn't help that Mrs. Raizada was stunning as well.
And what had started as a loud party where none of the elites wanted an invite to, turned into a media and fan favorite affair where none of the elites were ever invited. So, despite all the money and jewels thrown by the snobby neighbors, Shantivan had the grandest Holi celebration in town.
"We are betters than everyone Saasuma! These page 3 articles about our parties are only written because they’re jealous of our perfect phamily!" Manorama huffed, throwing the paper aside. Devyani laughed at her daughter-in-law’s antics. They were far from perfect - but with Khushi and Payal’s blessed entry in their household, Devyani realized that walking with the time was the way to sustain the family and be with the new generations. 
“Arrey what are you all doing here?” Speaking of the new generation, Aarav quickly touched Devyani’s feet and ushered the family to a corner. 
“There is time for Phati-,” Aarav raised an eyebrow at Manorama, “humara matbal Khushi bitiya to be here.” It was eight o’clock. In any minute, Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada would leave the kitchen - after supervising all the food to be laid out for the festival - and go to her bedroom.
And it was the only day Arnav Singh Raizada slept in - hence there was no obstacle in coloring Khushi from head to toe. Last time the Razada brood (Khushi’s Aarav, Kairav and Kainaat, follower by Payal’s Kushal and Anjali’s Ratna and Maan) thought it was an excellent idea to throw colors in the kitchen.
With a thousand sweets getting contaminated and thrown in the bin, the kids didn’t venture near any kitchen for a year.
“Khushi bhabhi, relax. The food will be perfect. You take some rest - there’s still a few hours until the party.” Hari Prakash smile, unaware of the turmoil his dearest Khushi bhabhi was facing. One of the upsides of Arnav indulging her to do anything on Holi was that she spent the next seven years terrorizing everything with pranks, bhaang and colors.
On the downside, she was the number one target of getting colored first thing in the morning. Even Aarav, who was on the quieter side like his father, chose to wake up early in the morning to plan with the rest of the family in pranking her.
Two years ago Khushi was shocked to her bone when Aarav walked up to her in a white kurta - haye her beta was so handsome! - and touched her feet, wishing her a happy Holi. Tears rolled down her cheeks as he called her Amma - otherwise Angrez Ki Bete preferred Mum. 
That should’ve been an indication that something was up his sleeve.
But never to judge her own child, Khushi was lured by Aarav and his sanskaar right into the middle of the garden where she was greeted by three buckets of colored water.
“Bura na mano Holi hai!” All her traitors grinned.
Since then Khushi had realized that on Holi no one was family - especially one’s own family! And out of all the days her Laad Governor found the perfect day to sleep in. Otherwise no one could touch him - and in lieu - touch her!
The Raizada family, though, had one strict rule. If anyone genuinely said ‘no’ to colors and loud music - that was to be respected. It was Payal’s attempt of teaching and establishing boundaries to the younger generation that finally exonerated Arnav from loud noise.
Not that he needed a rule, one glare and all the kids - including NK - would run away.
Think Khushi! Try to spot the family! Khushi had cultivated her Arnav Antenna - or Nannav Network (as NK put it) - into the Raizada Roundup. After two consecutive failures she could finally sense where all the sixteen members of her family were.
Hmph! Nani-ji was being extra devotional to Devi Maiyya. But if you look at her eyes then they constantly looked sideways - so much for a morning prayer. Thus, the temple was eliminated.
Behind the sofas there were the K’s of the Raizada - Kairaav, Kainaat and Kushal. Haye the babies grew up so fast! So couldn’t they realize she could see their heads even from the kitchen? 
Aarav was tuned to the latest football match with Maan and Ratna by his side, but why were all of them sitting with one liter bottles? Amateurs. Khushi surveyed the living room, Mami was seated - staring into her makeup kit. When did that get twice the size and... why wasn’t Mami doing any touch upiya to her makeupiya! Even Lakshmi was conveniently roaming by the corridors - bleeping a ‘meeeee’ in warning.
NK hadn’t made his entry yet - thank God he and Lavanya were ten hours away from India - and Mama ji seems to be rehearsing something under his breath, a box of sweets in his hand. Could Khushi see a flicker of green in those laddies? BHANG! Payal and Akash made themselves useful at the dining table but she knew that with two steps Akash could clearly throw a water balloon aimed at her.
Khushi had seen her Jija-ji play basketball. Oh, that reminded her of her other Jija-ji. Aman Mother. Anjali and Aman were truly terrible actors as they tried to their smiles in between reading newspapers and entertaining the Guptas.
Now how could she run to her room before anyone? Every zone had an eye! 
Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada had only two rules for Holi. She would be the first to color everyone and the last to have bhang. Two, the great Arnav Singh Raizada would be the first to color her.
One could argue that Khushi could simply walk up to her family and state “Don’t color me, I want my husband to color me first!” But what a could a naturally bashful woman do if it led to incessant teasing by sixteen family members? Like her full name, her family was too big and enjoyed embarrassing her to bits - they still played clips from Akash and Payal’s wedding and begged for details of the fiery Teri-Meri. 
“I have to ask, how were you all so blind?” Aarav once commented, snickering as all the Raizadas and Guptas matched Khushi’s red blush for once. Even as a child Aarav saw the way his parents were enamored by each other. Something he hoped to have one day.
Khushi was stuck. Perhaps ten years gave her family the perfect training to corner her.
“Hey Devi Maiyya,” Khushi whispered and jogged in her spot. Every day she complained, religiously, when Arnav pulled her to join him for a run but today she realized how beneficial it was. Not that she’ll admit that to him. Honestly, she’d rather go for a job with Arnav than be ambushed by her family when she had nothing planned for them!
And there were other incentives when running with her husban- focus Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada!
Now was not the time to get distracted! It was time to invoke Devi Maiyya’s strength and make an impossible sprint from the kitchen to her room.
Taking a deep breath, she targeted the stairs, unaware of the fact that Maan had tied the end of Khushi’s white saree to a twelve foot long rope attached to a kitchen counter to give the family enough time to catch her!
“Hey Devi Maiyya, shakti dena!” Khushi prayed for the final time.
No one expected Khushi to literally run through the living room. Their faces turned from amusement to horror as her pallu tore, rope split and pulled her back causing Khushi to fall head first into the floor.
“MAA!” Aarav screamed, leaping from the sofa towards Khushi.
Except she never fell.
She was pulled right into the arms of Arnav Singh Raizada. Khushi’s eyes were screwed shut, hands clutches on his shirt, heart beating loudly. Arnav let out a hard breath, calming his own racing pulse.
“I’m fine,” Khushi said after a moment, reassuring their kids who visibly relaxed in relief.
A few minutes ago Arnav woke up from him sleep, sensing a tense Khushi. Of course, it was Holi. He did enjoy his family’s antics of attempting to color her first. As his Di often said “jaise ko taisa”, he loved hearing Khushi rant about how Nani and NK had planned something for her. He did have to remind her she was no less of a menace!
However, today he couldn’t fall back to sleep. Something bugged him.
He got up, brushed and headed downstairs. He let out a laugh at how concentrated his family was in color Khushi that none saw his coming downstairs!
That’s when he saw the rope tied to Khushi’s saree and her running across the hall.
Oh no.
“HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU ALL TO PLAY IT SAFE? SHE WOULD’VE BROKEN HER HEAD!” Arnav yelled, a protected hand on her nape. The house quietened. Everyone shifted on their feet, unable to answer. 
“Kya zaroorat-”
“Arnav-ji,” Khushi broke out of his grasp and held his tensed face in her hands. His skin had turned hot in anger, his glare softening at her pleasing eyes.
“Please don’t yell. How would they know I’d turn into a P. T. Usha?” Khushi smiled, caressing his stubbled cheeks.
“Don’t try to be funny,” Arnav snapped, “and how many times have I told you to not run around the house? Tum ho ya bacche, nobody listens to me!” He scowled. Khushi grabbed his shoulders and gave him an affectionate squeeze. 
“We do listen to you Arnav-ji. Have I ever not heeded to what you’ve said?” Arnav raise dan eyebrow in response. Khushi cleared her throat, “I mean have I ever done anything intentionally to displease you?” At this Arnav folded his arms and glared at her. The audacity of this woman!
Khushi colored, knowing Arnav was on the verge of staring a list of things she did to displease him. She took his hands and attempted to mollify him. The Raizada stood rooted to the spot, not wanting to distract Arnav. Fortunately his attention was on Khushi, otherwise they would’ve been carrying their own funeral at this moment.
“Arnav-ji, I was just running to meet you soon.” Khushi batted her lashes.
“If you ran a little faster Khushi, you would’ve met your darling Devi Maiyya instead.” Arnav seethed and turned to stare at his family who was attempting to leave the scene.
“Where you do you think you’re all going? Tell me who did this!” Maan closed his eyes. His beloved Bade Mama was going to kill him and even his mum couldn’t save him. Here he was, unbeaten by the pandemic, about to die as a single sixteen years old man or be jailed for attempted murder of his dearest Badi Mami. 
He had thought he’d win the glory for the Mathurs by defeating Badi Mami. But who knew Badi Mami would instantly go ‘Lo Chali Main’ on all of them?!
Anjali and Aman looked at their son who had vocalized half of his thoughts out loud. Aarav stared at Maan in incredulity, his chappal ready in his hand, Buaji started muttering her ‘Hai Re Nandkisores’. 
“-has grown so much, haina?” Khushi grabbed Arnav’s arm, saving her nephew from imminent danger. Maan ran and hid behind Anjali, knowing only his mother could save him. Arman twisted his ear as Maan whispered hushed sorries to everyone.
“Seriously Khushi?” Arnav sighed in frustration. Couldn’t she see how dangerous this could’ve been?
“Arnav-ji, we’ve all learned our lesson. Sacchi. Now please don’t be upset. It’s Holi!” She perked up.
“Toh kya main nachu? (So should I dance?)” Arnav glared. His nose flared as Khushi actually thought for a moment. 
“You should Arnav-ji! And in your bhang waala style. Baccha party, the only reason Laad-” khushi coughed, “-Arnav-ji doesn’t dance in public in Holi is because it introduces his 90s Bollywood B-grade hero avatar.” 
Khushi shrugged her shoulders and did pelvic thrusts. 
“What!” Arnav scoffed as the whole family burst into laughter.
“Poora boliye na! What the!” Khushi winked at him, raising her arms in the air and moving her shoulders left to right. Arnav couldn’t resist forming a small smile at her awkward dancing. Looks like his talents were limited to couple dancing. 
Khushi stopped as Arnav heaved an affectionate sigh and shook his head.
“Buaji, your niece is truly Sanka Devi.” Arnav said.
“Haan Nandkisore!” Buaji smiled, more in relief that her dearest but shot tempered damaad-ji had relaxed. The family dispersed and Maan gingerly approached the couple to receive a slight ear twisting and a whole lot of forgiveness from them.
Arnav and Khushi then headed to their room, her hand firmly locked in his.
“So have I successfully cajoled you?” Khushi asked, walking up the stairs with him.
“Why are you asking?” Arnav asked, taking each step carefully.
“Then we can play Holi together!” Khushi jumped, excited at the prospect of chasing him through the fields - or better him chasing her through the grounds. As Mama-ji had once commented, Arnav had started an opposite ritual where men literally ran behind their wives. 
“Stop jumping,” Only Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada could think of jumping on stairs right after being saved from a bad fall, “and Khushi, we have celebrated Holi together.” Arnav reminded her.
“Haan we have but this is our tenth year. I promise we won’t do anything you don't like. But I’d like to dance with you in front of the whole wide world.” Khushi proclaimed.
“Khushi, our parties have only selected invitees. So it won’t be the whole wide world. Also after the demo I’ve seen, I’ve sworn off dancing. I have no wish to be a 90s B-grade hero.” Arnav visibly shivered from the memory.
“B-grade hi sahi, you’re my hero.” Khushi whispered, giving him a small peck on the cheek. 
“Don’t try seducing me into this.” Arnav warned.
“Why, is it working?” Khushi trailed a hand up his chest. Arnav caught it, his gaze hooded with desire.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish Mrs. Raizada.” Arnav nipped on her earlobe. Khushi giggled, looking around for their family. Fortunately everyone was away.
“On the contrary Mr. Raizada, I’m knowing for finishing off rather well,” Khushi winked. Arnav’s eyes turned wide,
“Have you already had bhang Khushi?” Arnav chuckled.
“No, but I want to - with you - if you’re okay with it. Do you know how adorable you become? I still remember everything you told me ten years ago.” Khushi sighed, a soft smile playing on her lips. Arnav grew quiet, watching her face intently.
“You know, when I had asked-”
“Why does your heart beat fast when you’re near me? Why couldn’t you forget these feelings despite trying your best? That your tried to understand why it happened but you couldn't?” Arnav completed. Khushi stared at him in surprise. She hadn’t expected him to remember, word to word. 
Arnav drew her closer, resting her palms on his chest.
“And I told you that when we come close, then it’s not just your heart that’s beating fast. Mine beats just as fast too. Humari dhadkane-”
“-ek ho jaati hai.” A single tear of happiness rolled down Khushi’s eyes. Arnav frowned, brushing the stray tear with the pad of his thumb. Khushi sniffled and smiled, touched by his memory.
“Arnav, I…” Khushi sighed, she couldn’t find the right words to express the happiness she felt every time he reminded her that even in the worst days love had prevailed.
Despite not being one for regrets, Khushi found herself revisiting the moments. But upon recounting what she thought was a forgotten memory, a wound she didn’t even remember closed.
“I understand,” Arnav whispered, brushing his nose against hers. In his ten years of marriage there were only a few moments when he was surprised that Khushi was with him. The past, although peacefully asleep, would bother him once in a bluemoon.
He never doubted their love, not even for a second, but when Aarav would ask poignant moments about his parents’ lives - why was there a double wedding - or watch Aman and Anjali have a fuss free fairytale wedding, Arnav would look at Khushi’s happy eyes and wonder, how did it all work out?
Khushi looped an arm around his neck, closed her eyes and caressed his cheek. She could feel his dimple under her fingertips. She loved feeling his smile rather than seeing it.
“Alright then,” Arnav broke the hug, “to commemorate our ten years of Holi I’ll celebrate, drink and dance publicly.” Khushi jumped in the air and grabbed his wrist, “COME ON ARNAV-JI I HAVE TO GET YOUR SHIRT AND JEANS-”
“Khushi!” For a small woman her enthusiasm brought strange strength as she dragged him to their room and opened the door when a big bucket of water turned and splashed water on them.
“HAPPY HOLI KHUSHI-N-Nan-Nannav?” NK paled seeing who received his surprise. The Raizadas and Guptas quickly assembled and found NK hiding behind Lavanya.
“Arnav-ji,” Arnav snapped out of his shock and caught a reflection of him and Khushi in the mirror. They were soaked to the toe in green.
“This colour suits you too.” Khushi completed.
The Raizadas and Guptas nearly closed their ears but were caught off guard by Arnav’s laugh. 
A carefree, loud laugh.
This was going to be one of the best Holis. 
– – –
A/N: Hello lovelies, I had written this as a Holi OS for the Holi Celebration and thought why don’t I post it here? Enjoy this snippet of Raizadas in current times. 
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suryaprabisha1 · 11 months
Global Indians: Uniting Cultures and Making Waves Worldwide
The Indian diaspora has a rich history of making its mark across the globe. These individuals, often referred to as "Global Indians," play a pivotal role in bridging cultures, contributing to economies, and influencing various aspects of the global landscape. In this blog, we explore the significance of Global Indians and their remarkable impact on the world.
Who Are Global Indians?
Global Indians, also known as Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) or Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs), are individuals of Indian descent who reside outside of India. This diverse and dynamic group includes Indian expatriates, professionals, entrepreneurs, students, and their descendants. They have established themselves in various corners of the world, contributing to the societies in which they live while maintaining strong connections to their Indian heritage.
The Impact of Global Indians
Economic Powerhouses: Global Indians have become a driving force in the economies of their host countries. They hold prominent positions in various sectors, including technology, finance, healthcare, and education, and have launched successful businesses, contributing significantly to their adopted nations' economic growth.
Cultural Ambassadors: Global Indians are instrumental in sharing India's rich cultural heritage with the world. They celebrate festivals, share traditional cuisines, and promote art, music, and dance, fostering a greater understanding and appreciation of Indian culture.
Innovation and Technology: Many Global Indians have played a pivotal role in advancing technology and innovation. Silicon Valley, for instance, is home to numerous Indian tech entrepreneurs and professionals who have shaped the tech landscape.
Political and Social Advocacy: Global Indians have been active in advocating for social and political issues, both in their adopted countries and in India. They often participate in charitable and philanthropic activities and support social causes.
Education and Research: Indian students and academics abroad have excelled in diverse fields, making significant contributions to research, innovation, and academia. They further strengthen international educational institutions.
Building Bridges
Global Indians act as bridges between India and their host countries, fostering better international relations. Their experiences and relationships can lead to collaborations in areas such as trade, education, and technology. These connections serve to promote mutual understanding and cooperation on a global scale.
Global Indians are not only a testament to the success of the Indian diaspora but also a reflection of the world's increasing interconnectedness. They embody the notion that talent, knowledge, and culture know no borders, and their influence continues to grow, making them a powerful force for positive change on a global stage.
Global Indians exemplify the spirit of global citizenship, transcending geographical boundaries while preserving their Indian heritage. Their contributions to economies, cultures, and societies worldwide are a testament to the strength and resilience of the Indian diaspora. As this dynamic group continues to flourish, their impact on the global landscape is sure to grow, fostering unity and understanding among diverse cultures and nations.
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top10bharat · 4 months
Best Residential and Commercial Properties for UAE NRIs in india
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Investing in real estate is a significant decision, especially for Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) residing in the UAE. With India’s booming real estate market, there are numerous opportunities for NRIs to invest in both residential and commercial properties. This article provides an in-depth look at why Investment4NRIs is the best choice for the best residential and commercial properties for UAE NRIs in India and highlights the top trending projects and necessary procedures.
India’s Leading NRI Realty Channel: Investment4NRIs has established itself as India’s leading realty channel dedicated to NRIs. This platform provides exclusive services tailored to the needs of NRIs, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free investment process.
INR 1500 Crores Worth Stock Sold In Last 5 Months: The impressive figure of INR 1500 Crores worth of stock sold in just five months demonstrates the trust and reliability NRIs place in Investment4NRIs. This achievement underscores their expertise and market presence.
Serving NRIs All Over The Globe: Investment4NRIs serves NRIs globally, making it a trusted partner no matter where you are located. Their widespread reach ensures that you can access their services from any corner of the world.
NRI 24x7 Assistance: Understanding the different time zones and busy schedules of NRIs, Investment4NRIs offers 24x7 assistance, providing round-the-clock support for all your queries and needs.
Events In Your City: Investment4NRIs organizes regular events in various cities, allowing NRIs to gain firsthand knowledge and insights into the latest real estate trends and opportunities.
DLF & Birla Group No.1 NRI Channel: As the preferred channel for top real estate developers like DLF and Birla Group, Investment4NRIs offers exclusive access to premier properties, making it the number one choice for NRIs.
Trending Residential Projects in India for Investment
Adani Samsara Gurgaon: Located in the heart of Gurgaon, Adani Samsara offers luxurious living spaces with state-of-the-art amenities. It's an ideal investment for those seeking a blend of modern lifestyle and convenience.
Birla Navya Gurgaon: Birla Navya is a premium residential project in Gurgaon that promises a contemporary lifestyle with sustainable living solutions, making it a top pick for discerning investors.
DLF Sector 77 Gurgaon: DLF Sector 77 in Gurgaon is known for its strategic location and high-quality construction, providing a perfect investment opportunity for NRIs looking for robust returns.
Trump Tower in Gurgaon: Trump Tower Gurgaon stands as a symbol of luxury and exclusivity. Investing in this iconic property guarantees not only a prestigious address but also significant appreciation potential.
DLF Camellias - Gurgaon: DLF Camellias is a premium offering in Gurgaon, known for its ultra-luxurious residences and world-class amenities, making it an excellent investment option.
Trending Commercial Projects in India for Investment
Lodha Trump Tower: Lodha Trump Tower is a landmark commercial project offering state-of-the-art office spaces, ideal for NRIs looking to invest in high-end commercial real estate.
Lodha Park: Lodha Park in Mumbai provides prime commercial spaces in a thriving business district, making it a lucrative investment opportunity.
Lodha Adrina: Lodha Adrina offers modern commercial spaces with excellent connectivity, catering to the needs of growing businesses and ensuring high returns for investors.
Birla Niyaara Worli: Birla Niyaara in Worli is a premier commercial project, offering cutting-edge office spaces in one of Mumbai's most sought-after locations.
Procedure for Qatar to Invest in Property in India
Research and Select Property: Begin by researching and selecting the property that meets your investment goals.
Legal Due Diligence: Conduct thorough legal checks to ensure the property is free from encumbrances.
NRI Account: Open an NRE or NRO account in India for smooth financial transactions.
Home Loan: If needed, apply for an NRI home loan through a reputable bank.
Registration and Documentation: Complete the property registration process with all necessary documents.
Payment and Handover: Make the payment as per the agreed terms and take possession of the property.
Document Differences and Eligibility for NRI Home Loans
Passport and Visa: Valid passport and visa copies.
Employment Contract or Appointment Letter: Proof of employment.
Labor Card/ID: If employed in the Middle East, translated and countersigned.
Salary Certificate: Details of your employment status and earnings.
Recent Bank Statements: Last six months of bank statements.
Passport Copy with Valid Visa Stamp: Essential for verification.
Business Profile and Trade License: If self-employed.
Bank Account Statements: Six months of overseas bank account statements and NRE/NRO account statements.
Investment4NRIs provides a comprehensive solution for NRIs looking to invest in Indian real estate. With their extensive experience, round-the-clock support, and exclusive partnerships with top developers, they are the ideal choice for your investment needs. Whether you are looking to invest in luxurious residential properties or lucrative commercial spaces, the opportunities are vast and promising.
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kailash-parikrama · 5 months
Witness Majestic Nature Uniting with Spirituality on Kailash-Manasarovar Yatra
The Kailash Mountain is located in the remote south-west corner of Tibet at an altitude of 21778 feet. The satellite pictures have placed this mountain in Earth’s center. This mountain is believed to connect several global locations known for paranormal activities. Its position has turned it into the center of spiritualism. Every year, thousands of people throng to this area for spiritual enlightening. Its heavenly beauty with azure sky, pristine-white summits, transparent lakes and serpentine passes also attracts tourists from all over the world. You may visit the Kailash Parvat on Kailash-Manasarovar Yatra. It will take you 14 days to complete this journey. You will get to visit several other places on this tour.
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Touring Expenses
Indian Travellers
Coming to Tibet ex Kathmandu via Lhasa will cost you INR. 2, 45, 000
Coming to Tibet ex Lucknow via Helicopter will cost you INR 1, 65, 000
NRI Travellers
NRIs need to pay extra $450 (per person) for VISA and permit.
DAY-1: Move into a hotel after landing at Tribhuvan International Airport of Kathmandu.
DAY-2: You may visit the Pashupatinath and Budhanilkantha temples. The statue of ‘Sleeping Vishnu’ in Budhanilkantha temple will spellbind you. You may proceed to Kodari border after lunch and stay at Tatopani for the night.
DAY-3: You may proceed to China after an early breakfast. You will cross the renowned Friendship Bridge on your way. You will reach Nyalam (3750 M) after crossing the China border.
DAY-4: You may hike to the Nyalam village. This will help you acclimate to the new atmosphere.
DAY-5: You need to drive to Dzongba at 4500 meters. On your way, you will pass through Lablung-La Pass at 5100 meters, Ganesh Parvat and Peiku Lake. You will reach Dzongba after crossing the Brahmaputra River in Sega.
DAY-6: You will reach Manasarovar Lake through world’s highest motorable pass. You can witness the elegance of Mother Nature along with the glimpse of Kailash Parvat.
DAY-7: You need to reach Darchen by evening after driving round the Manasarovar Lake.
DAY-8: You may drive to Yama Dwar in the morning. Your driving route will end here. You need to start trekking to Drira Phuk. It is the north face of Kailash at 4920 metres altitude. You may continue your journey on horse or via porter from this point forward.
DAY-9: Your uphill trekking will continue till Dolma-La (5600 meters). You will continue descending after this point. You need to trek to Zutulphuk at 4820 meters. On route, you will see Shivasthal and Gaurikund.
DAY-10: You will be going back to Lake Manasarovar. Trekking is easy on the flat surface of the valley until Darchen. You may drive to the east side of Manasarovar from Darchen.
DAY-11: Return to Dzongba.
DAY-12: Return to Nyalam through the same route.
DAY-13: Drive back to Kathmandu through ZhangMu.
DAY-14: Board your flight for home. The journey to Kailash-Manasarovar generally begins at the first week of May and continues until first week of September. The Mt. Kailash nurtures four different religions – Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Bon. This journey will not only amaze you with nature’s enthralling beauty. It will also let you witness the unification of multiple religions.
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krishnasingh2762 · 6 months
Your Gateway to Opulence: Raymond Realty Showcases Elite Property in Thane for NRI Investors
Step into the realm of luxury living with Raymond Realty's latest showcase in Thane, tailored exclusively for NRI investors seeking opulent residences in Maharashtra's vibrant real estate landscape. Mumbai and Thane stand as prime investment destinations, renowned for their dynamic property markets catering to diverse needs.
In this thriving environment, Raymond Realty presents an unparalleled opportunity with its prestigious project, Ten X Habitat. Boasting Towers A, B, & C, this development sets new benchmarks in urban living, delivering unmatched comfort and sophistication.
Nestled amidst Thane's burgeoning suburbs, these residences offer not just homes but a lifestyle of convenience and connectivity. From luxurious high-rise apartments in Mumbai's elite neighborhoods to meticulously designed flats in Thane's emerging locales, Raymond Realty ensures a wide spectrum of choices to suit every preference and budget, including property in Thane that embodies elegance and modernity.
With the occupancy certificate secured well ahead of schedule, Raymond Realty reaffirms its commitment to excellence, providing NRI investors a gateway to unparalleled opulence in the heart of Thane. Discover your dream abode with Raymond Realty, where luxury meets lifestyle seamlessly. Property in Thane awaits your discerning eye, offering a blend of comfort, convenience, and sophistication in every corner.
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himanshuverma0627 · 6 months
Your Gateway to Mumbai Living: Raymond Realty Presents Apartments for Sale, Perfect for NRI Investors
Embark on your quest for exquisite living with Raymond Realty's distinguished range of apartments for sale in Mumbai. Our meticulously curated residences cater to the discerning tastes of homebuyers and savvy NRI investors alike, offering a blend of elegance, comfort, and prime location.
Situated in the heart of India's financial capital, our apartments encapsulate the essence of luxury living amidst the vibrant pulse of Mumbai. Boasting superior craftsmanship, impeccable quality, and meticulous attention to detail, each residence exemplifies opulence and sophistication.
Mumbai's thriving real estate market presents unparalleled opportunities for investment, and Raymond Realty stands at the forefront, providing a gateway to lucrative ventures in the city. Whether you seek a serene retreat or a lucrative asset, our apartments for sale in Mumbai promise an unparalleled living experience that transcends expectations.
Discover the epitome of luxury living with Raymond Realty, where every corner is a testament to elegance, and every moment is infused with comfort. Experience the allure of Mumbai living at its finest with our exclusive range of apartments for sale.
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aryaan125 · 7 months
Discover Your Next Investment Gem: Raymond Realty's Mumbai Properties
In the bustling metropolis of Mumbai, where every square foot holds immense value, investment in Mumbai can be daunting and exhilarating for NRI investors. However, with Raymond Realty’s Mumbai Property Portfolio, investors, including NRI individuals, can tread the path of real estate with confidence, particularly in sought-after locales like Bandra. Bandra, often referred to as the Queen of Mumbai, offers a unique blend of charm, luxury, and investment potential that makes it an irresistible destination for property enthusiasts, including NRIs.
Bandra is synonymous with sophistication, boasting a harmonious mix of quaint Portuguese-style architecture nestled amidst contemporary skyscrapers. It’s a locale that caters to the diverse needs and preferences of its inhabitants, ranging from the glitz and glamour of Bollywood celebrities to the hustle and bustle of corporate elites, including NRI professionals. This vibrant neighborhood is home to “The Address by Gs- Truely Bandra,” a prestigious project that epitomizes luxury living in Mumbai, attracting attention from both local and NRI investors.
“The Address by Gs- Truely Bandra” is a testament to opulence, offering lavish 2, 3, and 4 BHK apartments adorned with private sundecks, appealing to NRI investors seeking high-end living spaces in Mumbai. With four magnificent towers, each standing tall at 23 stories, this project redefines urban living in Bandra, presenting an attractive investment opportunity for NRI individuals looking for premium property in Mumbai.
When considering property to investment in Mumbai, location is paramount, and Bandra shines brightly on the real estate map, making it an attractive option for NRI investors seeking to invest in India’s bustling real estate market. It’s a microcosm of Mumbai’s cosmopolitan culture, blending global influences with quintessential Mumbai vibes seamlessly, offering NRIs a slice of the city’s vibrant lifestyle.
Raymond Realty’s Mumbai Property Portfolio encompasses a diverse range of options tailored to meet the discerning tastes of investors, including NRIs looking to invest in Mumbai’s real estate market. Whether you’re looking for a luxurious or a cozy corner in the heart of Bandra’s heritage precincts, there’s something for everyone, including NRI investors seeking diverse investment options in Mumbai’s real estate sector.
In the dynamic real estate landscape of Mumbai, opportunities abound, presenting NRI investors with lucrative prospects in Bandra and beyond. Raymond Realty’s Mumbai Property Portfolio not only provides access to premium properties but also offers comprehensive support and guidance throughout the investment journey, catering to the specific needs of NRI investors navigating Mumbai’s real estate market.
As the demand forproperty in Mumbaicontinues to soar, investing in Bandra emerges as a lucrative proposition for astute investors, including NRIs looking to capitalize on India’s thriving real estate sector. Whether you’re seeking long-term capital appreciation or rental income, properties in Bandra hold immense potential for growth, making it an attractive option for NRI investors seeking investment opportunities in Mumbai’s dynamic real estate market.
In conclusion, property to investment in Mumbai, particularly in Bandra, is a decision that promises substantial returns and unparalleled lifestyle benefits for NRI investors. With Raymond Realty’s Mumbai Property Portfolio, NRI investors can embark on this journey with confidence, knowing that they are backed by expertise, reliability, and a commitment to excellence, ensuring a successful investment experience in India’s vibrant real estate market.
Note: This article is already posted on Medium – Where good ideas find you. Ref URL: https://medium.com/@aryansharma.02mumbai/discover-your-next-investment-gem-raymond-realtys-mumbai-properties-251203132bda
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aryansharma672 · 7 months
Discover Your Next Investment Gem: Raymond Realty's Mumbai Properties
In the bustling metropolis of Mumbai, where every square foot holds immense value, investment in Mumbai can be daunting and exhilarating for NRI investors. However, with Raymond Realty's Mumbai Property Portfolio, investors, including NRI individuals, can tread the path of real estate with confidence, particularly in sought-after locales like Bandra. Bandra, often referred to as the Queen of Mumbai, offers a unique blend of charm, luxury, and investment potential that makes it an irresistible destination for property enthusiasts, including NRIs.
Bandra is synonymous with sophistication, boasting a harmonious mix of quaint Portuguese-style architecture nestled amidst contemporary skyscrapers. It's a locale that caters to the diverse needs and preferences of its inhabitants, ranging from the glitz and glamour of Bollywood celebrities to the hustle and bustle of corporate elites, including NRI professionals. This vibrant neighborhood is home to "The Address by Gs- Truely Bandra," a prestigious project that epitomizes luxury living in Mumbai, attracting attention from both local and NRI investors.
"The Address by Gs- Truely Bandra" is a testament to opulence, offering lavish 2, 3, and 4 BHK apartments adorned with private sundecks, appealing to NRI investors seeking high-end living spaces in Mumbai. With four magnificent towers, each standing tall at 23 stories, this project redefines urban living in Bandra, presenting an attractive investment opportunity for NRI individuals looking for premium property in Mumbai.
When considering property to investment in Mumbai, location is paramount, and Bandra shines brightly on the real estate map, making it an attractive option for NRI investors seeking to invest in India's bustling real estate market. It's a microcosm of Mumbai's cosmopolitan culture, blending global influences with quintessential Mumbai vibes seamlessly, offering NRIs a slice of the city's vibrant lifestyle.
Raymond Realty's Mumbai Property Portfolio encompasses a diverse range of options tailored to meet the discerning tastes of investors, including NRIs looking to invest in Mumbai's real estate market. Whether you're looking for a luxurious  or a cozy corner in the heart of Bandra's heritage precincts, there's something for everyone, including NRI investors seeking diverse investment options in Mumbai's real estate sector.
In the dynamic real estate landscape of Mumbai, opportunities abound, presenting NRI investors with lucrative prospects in Bandra and beyond. Raymond Realty's Mumbai Property Portfolio not only provides access to premium properties but also offers comprehensive support and guidance throughout the investment journey, catering to the specific needs of NRI investors navigating Mumbai's real estate market.
As the demand for property in Mumbai continues to soar, investing in Bandra emerges as a lucrative proposition for astute investors, including NRIs looking to capitalize on India's thriving real estate sector. Whether you're seeking long-term capital appreciation or rental income, properties in Bandra hold immense potential for growth, making it an attractive option for NRI investors seeking investment opportunities in Mumbai's dynamic real estate market.
In conclusion, property to investment in Mumbai, particularly in Bandra, is a decision that promises substantial returns and unparalleled lifestyle benefits for NRI investors. With Raymond Realty's Mumbai Property Portfolio, NRI investors can embark on this journey with confidence, knowing that they are backed by expertise, reliability, and a commitment to excellence, ensuring a successful investment experience in India's vibrant real estate market.
This article is already submitted on Medium.com
Link - https://medium.com/@aryansharma00672/discover-your-next-investment-gem-raymond-realtys-mumbai-properties-c5addc4af8a0  
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yashkamble2672 · 7 months
Explore Raymond Realty's Thane flats for sale - luxury awaits NRI buyers.
Embark on a journey of luxury and sophistication with Raymond Realty's exquisite Thane flats for sale. As a renowned name in the real estate industry, Raymond Realty has set the standard for elegance, craftsmanship, and quality. Our flats for sale in Thane epitomize excellence, offering NRI buyers a chance to experience urban living at its finest.
Discover the perfect blend of aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability in our meticulously designed projects. Each residence is crafted to perfection, creating an oasis of comfort and serenity amidst the bustling city life. Raymond Realty's commitment to excellence is evident in every detail, ensuring that our residents enjoy an unparalleled living experience.
With Raymond Realty, luxury awaits at every corner. Whether you seek a cozy apartment or a spacious penthouse, our Thane flats for sale cater to every taste and preference. Don't miss out on the opportunity to own your dream home in one of Thane's most sought-after locations.
Explore Raymond Realty's Thane flats for sale today and elevate your lifestyle to new heights of opulence and sophistication.
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rakeshkumar267 · 7 months
Raymond Realty Luxurious NRI Apartments in Mumbai: Your Gateway to Modern Living 
Introducing Address by GS Bandra, where Raymond Realty unveils a haven of luxury NRI apartments in Mumbai, promising a modern lifestyle like no other. Nestled in the vibrant neighborhood of Bandra, these residences redefine elegance and comfort, catering to the discerning tastes of global citizens.
Immerse yourself in the allure of contemporary architecture and refined interiors, where every corner exudes sophistication and style. From expansive living spaces to breathtaking views of the cityscape, each apartment is a testament to luxury living at its finest.
Indulge in an array of premium amenities, including a fully-equipped fitness center, lush green spaces, and serene relaxation zones, offering a sanctuary amidst the urban hustle. With seamless connectivity to key business districts and entertainment hubs, Address by GS Bandra provides the perfect blend of convenience and exclusivity.
Experience the epitome of cosmopolitan living with Raymond Realty's NRI apartments at Address by GS Bandra – where luxury meets lifestyle, and every moment is a celebration of opulence.
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