#npc: andros
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indigo--montoya · 20 days ago
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doodles of my boi (gender neutral)
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meirimerens · 2 hours ago
what are your thoughts on patho 1 vs 2? what aspects from each game better suit your preferences? your art and writing is magnificent i'm giving your brain a platonic kiss
omgggg so I've probably talked about this before but it's no surprise to the people that I'm A P1 Defender. She's my sweetie darling she's my most beloved. I Vastly prefer her over P2 in most points besides a few. as a list, in no particular order,
What I prefer of P1
the character designs for the vast majority of named NPCs, mostly the adults. I adore P1 Yulia and Eva, I basically never draw them as their P2 selves. I Pretend I Do Not See It. P1 Yulia is basically perfect and I will never P2 for what they've done to her. they striped her of all her more andro features (same hair as dankovsky [the other character who has that haircut is Aspity, who's also very uh. Naked-Women-Minded], THE ONLY WOMAN OF THE ENTIRE CAST WEARING PANTS) and of her over lesbian lines. they withheld her line of being spoken of like an invert (Bachelor route), which is a line which To Me in combination with how she looks, how she Is with Eva, is a solidification of ⭐️🌷YEAH THATS A LESBIAN CHARACTER WE CANT REALLY USE THE L WORD⭐️🌷. Eva is also Only Ever P1 Eva to me. her p1 design Already Is orientalisant/orientalist visually and already Does imply a fantasm of The Other without looking like Toddler Who Got Into Mom's Craft Bin like she does in P2. Excited to see her in a dress for P3 though there's still hope. I prefer P1 Maria because her blue eyes make her unsettling in a way the warmth of the brown eyes she has in P2 does it, and her Peculiar dress gives her a magical aura that the more classic-constructed red dress of P2 does not. I prefer P1 Viktor with his equally unsettling firefly-green eyes. I prefer P1 Simon with his wizard's attire. I prefer P1 Anna with her tragic tightrope-walker attire that makes her stand out eerily. I prefer P1 Grief with his unsettling eyes and his garb that looks way more movable-into than his P2 cocoon. Makes him look way more like an active dangerous mouse-like thief. His P2 labia-collar coat got him looking so cozy and vulnerable [which to be fair vulnerable he becomes. just think of it now I'm realizing how that pussy collar looking like Damocles' sword around his neck prefigures the crushing hold of the inexpectedly-female Inquisitor. Okay I see how it is. Still prefers his p1 self] and also slow, molluskesque, very "hermit crab shell". I prefer p1 clara. I've mentioned before how her p1 self looks more believably like a child, her haircut very Jeanne d'Arcesque (and I fw Jeanne d'Arc), it gives her a youth which makes her vulnerability and fear believable and yet makes her Scariness that much more surprising. P2 Clara could shank me and I'd be like Saw that coming (even though I understandddd what they're doing with her #bald [sickness and monk]). I prefer P1 stakh's fit, all leather, I fit it suits him better as a follower of Isidor's teaching. I draw the twins equally as p1-looking than p2-looking but their p1 FACES, with AUDREY'S SCAR and their BUMP ON NOSE and UNIBROW means so much to me. I also prefer Peter's fit of p1. 50/50 on Andrey, I like his p1 knuckle rings & his p2 bandaids so I give him both lol. Also I prefer how Peter looks way more drunk in p1 because he's so much more red and has bloodshot eyes lol. I prefer capella's face and hair in p1 but MOSTLY based on her portrait. Like give her her waves. The fuck.
the interiors. P2 really fucking dropped the ball on the interiors. The overwhelming amount of rugs, patterns, colors that never quite match, it all made for a surreal, poisonous almost environment. The weird trees in the houses..... so so so sad. I also love p1 Farkhads Grave I love how it's surrounded by pillars with that ridge on top, looking like they're holding the grave back... so Prometheus Bound coded... loooove the writing on it too. Smilesssss
The music...... she's unmatcheddddd she's unparalleled. Whoever said "Half-Life meets Genghis Khan" I have no way of agreeing because I haven't played half-life (nor have i met genghis khan but it's never too late. I guess) but it's so true. Always fucking raving about the music. You hear a p1 OST and your ears perk up in the way p2 OST, bar a few, do for me. Andrei Kabak so good they didn't even have to change it #slay
A loooot of the characterization as well as character Bevahiors. I've already mentioned Eva and Yulia but Eva And Yulia AGAIN. I prefer p1 Anna, her underlying dangerosity (in no small part aided by her venomous-looking attire). Most of the characters are #weirder, more wordy, more opaque and occult in ways p2 lacks. The twins especially p2 truly deweirdified the twins a lot. Like bring back Peter's suicide attempt wailing over the blue flame. Waiting on p3 to bring this back. The threefold bullet line you wouldn't find thag in p2. That part of the Bachelor’s route where the Kain started bodyhopping. Bring that back in p3 or I will riot. Bachelor route again (they come to mind because I've been going over it for Fic Endeavors but that's an ongoing theme across the routes) where WOMEN CONSPIRED TO COVER LARA’S ASS DURING AN ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT TO SHE DIDNT GET IN TROUBLE. #WOMENSUPPORTINGWOMEN. Also laras assassination event. Bring that back in p3 or I am not even watching a playthrough of your game. (Jesting. Unless?)
There 3 last points indicate to me that p2 toned down a lot of stuff because it has the explicit goal to be more grounded. This makes sense with Burakh's affiliations; stripping down the houses of ornaments to show a more earthy/down-to-earth view of the events, stripping down the music of its Weirder sides for something again more "realistic" and down-to-earth, toning down the general weirdness of the people so the weirdness of the land shows through... etc. I understand it narratively and logically, but that don't mean I have to like it equally. Smiles.
now onto the stuff I do prefer of P2:
most of the children's character designs and general lore. Murky and Sticky barely change #alreadyperfect but I do love what they did with Khan, Notkin, Grace, Taya to a lesser extend (I miss her little curls soooo bad it's not even funny). I also really like the town NPCs (kids and adults). I also think their ages (13-16) fit more than the 10 of P1 — while p1 insisted on children So Young and yet So Bloodthirsty, I think their slight aging up in P2 is a pragmatization done right. it takes away from the So Young Yet So Brutal but it makes for a more compelling (to me) "teetering on the verge of adulthood [15 is historically an age where Responsibilities Come To You, and in the modern age it's still true to some extent [but age-appropriate Teenage responsibilities such as learning to drive, picking a line of study for your last years of high-school which will shape your future, etc] and yet wrestling with both terribly adult responsibilities and yet vulnerable like a small child". Also like. I Remember Being 15 In That Situation I Too Might Have Asked A Guy To Kill Someone. I believe it. I believe gang violence for 15.
As far as other character designs go, I don't mind Lara [elaborating below], I prefer Katerina's [i_play_pathologic_2_for_the_plot_🍈🍈👀💧.png. sorry I don't know what came over me], I like Aspity's anisocoria. Aglaya Lilich I Um Starts Fanning Myself. I also like p2 Burakh and Dankovsky, and typically draw them in these fits (fond of Burakh's sweater. Never-ending source of gay scenes also). Dankovsky keeps his p1 unibrow though you cannot make me take it away from him.
some new characterizations, most including the kids [cf above] but also I Like that the apple basket gang is a thing now. smiles. makes me happy. I don't mind Lara changed from her p1 self to her p2 more "girl next door" vibe, I think that crossed with an assassination attempt is kinda slay. I fucking love how aggro Rubin is in p2. Truly the Cain to Burakh’s Abel. smileeeesssss loves it sooooo much. Attack kill. even if I still go by p1 lore for him of Army previous guy + was about to be formally adopted by Isidor, I think crossed with his p2 beef it makes it even more compelling.
The herbs and their Finding mechanics. I prefer the variety of herbs of p2 and their designs, very lovely, and well. Love When It's Easier To Fucking Find Them Now Is It. Like hate to say it it makes more narrative sense too so. Don't even regret saying this.
The Abattoir. I love its redness. P2 Abattoir Inspires me way more than p1's does, in atmosphere, sounds, designs.
The Herb Brides. Hate to say it. You know I've bitched and bemoaned and grumbled at the treatment of the Brides #hater but listen. I live the variety of them in P2. They endlessly inspire me as One Might Have Noticed. I do like their movement of head when you try and talk to them, that knowing look they have. They have potential. They have potential. They have potential. They have potential.
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the actual game mechanics lollll I think p2 does well with Burakhs Surgery mechanics. I also love the dice throw of midnight for tomorrow's infected, it keeps you on your toes, it genuinely despairs you, and you're directly responsible for most of them..... smilessssss the suffering and wickedness the evil the evil the wickedness. Equally, I like the "mind map" of the unfolding, it sometimes is really funny.
I like that Theodor Bastard is on the beat for the OST I fw Theodor Bastard
I am aware the list of things I prefer from P2 is numberably longer but it's more like.... of P1 I prefer Her Whole, in P2 I prefer bits and pieces of it which, in a better world, I could just inject into P1 to make a beautiful third game. P3: meiris version.
Thank You For Read...[sic] feeling the kiss in my mushy squishy wrinkly brain
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vexwerewolf · 1 year ago
Question about IGF from a new GM! Ive ran DnD5e before and have been generally running resting as such with players fully healing between encounters this seemed to keep combat challenging without making the players lose (I had almost 1 reactor meltdown in the fight with signal and 2 mecha destroyed in the first andros fight) but taking a closer look at comp/con it seems that your not intended to heal between every fight and instead spend repair capacity while resting, I was hoping to get an answer on how you intended players to rest and restock, and if you intended for players to use downtime actions as in the book or just rp and muck about with the NPCs on Hell's Gate
So I structured the fights like this. Slight spoilers, I guess.
In Mission 1, there's three fights, all of which get rests in between so that players can spend Repairs to fix lost structure or reactor stress, damaged weapons, etc. After the second fight, if they win it, there's a small injection of extra Repairs if they've taken a serious beating in the last two fights. After all three fights are done, they get a Full Repair and then downtime actions.
In Mission 2, there's two sets of two fights. Between sets, players get a Full Repair, and between fights in one of the sets they get a rest; in the other set, the second fight happens so suddenly after the first that there's only enough time for PCs to Stabilize twice. That was an experimental decision by me which I might revise when 1.03 drops.
In Mission 3, players will potentially be in new mechs for the first time, so they get a mostly consequence-free first fight to acclimatize to their new mechs, with a Full Repair immediately afterwards. Then, there's a long sequence which has a couple of optional fights, and there is the option for players to secure an extra Full Repair between the optional fights and the story-mandated fights. There are between 3 and 4 story-mandated fights (depending on the choices PCs make), each separated by rests, with a Full Repair at the very end.
In Missions 4 and 5, there are three fights each, each separated by rests, with a Full Repair at the end of the mission.
In general, I try to structure my chapters such that there will be either three fights of reasonable difficulty with rests in between, or two fights of significant difficulty with rests in between. Occasionally I throw a curveball - there's the back-to-back double-feature fight in Mission 2 with no rest between, and there is feasibly a total Nightmare Difficulty Mode for Mission 3 in which you go six fights with only rests and no Full Repair, although that particular scenario would require intentional action on the part of the players.
In Act 2, we're gonna space it out in a similar way - 3-4 regular fights with rests (and maybe options for scrounging up extra repairs), or 2 balls-to-the-wall fights with rests, and then a Full Repair either way.
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succubunsvent2 · 2 years ago
real fuckin tired of succubuns lore saying that gender is less important to succubuns than they are to humans, but nobody fucking listens to it. everyone wants 'male' succubuns even though that isn't supposed to matter in-lore. most 'female' succubuns i see have huge tits & present more femininely. if the species is supposed to be so 'beyond' gender then why aren't they? even the npcs are deeply gendered w/ hutch & mercy's secondary pronouns & the one fully they/them npc presenting full andro
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spellnbone · 4 years ago
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Wards, Protection and Defense
March was the month where Edgar’s self-doubts began growing and growing. While most Order members seem willing to entrust him with quite a few secrets, he doesn’t think he’s the right person to ward them, and in result he begins trying to control the little things around him. Warding, protecting and defending become his priority and it does not help that he sees himself as the danger most people need protecting from.
1st Like My Own Mind - Arabella and Edgar meet at Hogsmeade for a coffee. They discuss Branwen snooping around Hogsmeade and Fabian having gotten a job at Hogwarts, with Edgar showing himself reluctant to reach out to him there as Hogwarts is meant to be a safe place for Fabian, and Edgar is only the bringer of war-news.
2nd At The Sweets’ Shop - Edgar goes to buy some sweets, but Dedalus, who Edgar has held a grudge against since school, keeps him for much longer than expected by talking and talking. For them, it’s a rather typical encounter -- until Dedalus mentions that he sees no point in joining the Fighting Club, despite needing to learn how to protect himself better. Edgar asks how he fights in battles, then, and Dedalus replies that he isn’t a great fighter and that if he finds himself in a battle, he simply removes himself. Edgar sees himself in this answer, as he too is anything but a strong fighter and used to run away, trying to find clever solutions out of situations rather than facing the battle head on. Remembering such situations, especially those that have gone wrong, he explains that sometimes you can’t remove yourself, either because of the circumstances or because there’s a person you love who’s still fighting, and that everyone thus needs to know their place on a battlefield. That if Caradoc wanted Dedalus in the Fighting Club, it’s not just to remove his weaknesses, but also to make use of his strengths, emphasising that Dedalus has a sharp mind which could be of great asset. But Dedalus misunderstands and thinks Edgar’s implying he’ll leave those he loves behind and says he’ll just do as Edgar does, and this is the last straw for Edgar. The idea someone might do as he did, copy all his mistakes, when all he wants is to protect and ensure the very opposite, it’s one of his greatest fears. With his poise lost, he lays all those mistakes out for Dedalus to see, as a warning and as a question: How could anyone think Edgar thinks himself faultless? Why would anyone possibly want to copy him? 
Uncapitalist Shopping Spree - Agitated by having reminded himself of the many deaths he has caused, he goes to find Amelia. The two haven’t really talked ever since February 14th, ever since Amelia had been brought to the Potter Estate, seeing the Order in action, and a lot of stuff built up. So after they go steal some books just for the rush of it, the twins blurt out all their fears at each other, opening themselves up completely. Ainsley. Mundungus. Rigby and the heritage. Caradoc. It ends with Amelia demanding to join the Order and Edgar knows better than to fight her stubbornness. Thus, he brings her to Caradoc.
At Strongarm - Edgar tells Caradoc Amelia wants to join the Order and they need to procure a Tag for her as fast as possible. Caradoc says it’ll take time but he’ll work on it. Amelia leaves and Caradoc and Edgar are left alone together, which is where Edgar breaks down. It’s the first time in six years (since the day he caused the death of the other Order members, which he implied to Dedalus) he cries. Amelia being in the war means putting her in danger, a danger Edgar can’t protect her from. He reminds Caradoc that if Amelia dies, so will he.
3rd On/Off Duty - Needing to take his mind off things, Edgar goes to the theatre, where he meets their newest recruit, Annalise Fawley. They talk all things theatre and Edgar finds himself fairly charmed by her.
6th Dignity and Love to not Blend Well - Severus and Edgar are just done discussing all that there is to know on the spy-front, as every Saturday morning, when they mention the Fighting Club. Severus explains that he did pass the sorting test and made it into the good group, but would rather die on the battlefield than train with Sirius Black. Edgar however -- seeing his younger self in Severus’ arrogance -- reminds Severus that he’s way too valuable to die. Anxious that his explanation might be met with misunderstanding again, like with Dedalus, he explains more clearly that the Fighting Club is more than just curse-training, it’s also a way to find out about your fellow members’ strengths and weaknesses. The main take-away, however, is that Edgar feels like he has once again gotten to know his partner a little better.
8th Calendrical - Maddy Warren is initiated into the Order. Afterwards, Mary and Edgar discuss the newest updates: Maurice, the DTF, Maddy. They also discuss that it’s time to leave their position of defense behind and start attacking first, which is something Edgar has only been waiting for for quite some time now, waiting especially for the right person to pick up a wand and go for it. In a way he knows that defense can only go so far, and attacking first is, in the long run, the best way to protect everyone.
9th It’s the big moving day. Most everything that can be transported, is brought from the Potter Estate to the House of Bones.  The Map, the Minutes, all Tags, all plans and lists and artifacts of value are moved, leaving behind mostly the things that wouldn’t have a safe place to store yet, namely various items from the infirmary, as they want to leave what they don’t understand to Emmeline and her expertise and system. 
Dripping Water Hollows Out Stone - Afterwards, Edgar has Amelia and Fabian meet -- without letting them know beforehand -- and forces them to make up. He tells them that he belongs to no one and if he gets hurt, it’s his own fault, and no one should feel responsible for having to protect him.
10th The Cursed Disco - Frank brings sneakoscopes into the House of Bones, which all go off as the house is filled with potentially mistrustful objects and energies. But Edgar reminds Frank, that it’s not the Order who needs to mistrust the House, but the House needs to mistrust the Order; the people of the Order brings danger with them (once again thinking of the idea of ‘Illness’ as well as his plans with Caradoc to test their fellow members in the future), and they should find a way to ensure trust amongst the Order soon.
12th Hide and Seek -  After their night together on January 6th, Edgar has done his most to avoid Mundungus Fletcher, while Mudnugngus did his most to cross paths with Edgar. The pettiness resolves now in Edgar’s old room, where Mudndusgus goes to steal something and instead finds more than two dozen posters of himself plastered on the walls. Edgar, more than embarrassed, promises to take them down, but Mudnugngus quickly has a new objective: Edgar’s key-earring seems like something marvelous to steal. The key-earring made of many keys holds one key, which Edgar is keeping safe: it opens the cabinet to Caradoc’s heart, his warmest memories, and when Edgar realises it’s gone, he panics, fearing he has failed to protect his best friend.
13th - 18th Edgar and Caradoc begin preparing their Test, while Edgar also studies James’ plan on how to find out the spy, which he gave him exactly a month ago. It feels like much longer.
18th Another One Knows - On the night of the 17th, Severus finds Edgar and tells him that Peter is the spy. Edgar meets with Peter and orders him to wait for an opportunity, when that opportunity arises, he will fake his death and hide in the House of Bones for protection. Peter is grateful, but Edgar doesn’t do this out of friendship or pity. He’s doing it like this because he knows that Peter is worth more alive than dead right now, and that if he scares the boy away now, he’ll go to the Other Side forever, and his friends will have to grieve yet another friend. It’s those friends, Lily, Sirius, Remus, that Edgar thinks of when he dismisses Peter and tells no one about it, wanting to believe that if only Peter will be shown enough love, he will make the right decisions in the future. 
21st The Battle of Diagon - Actually, Edgar meant to meet up with Marlene and show her a tour of the House, so when the battle news break, he’s with her. She’s the one who keeps him from going upstairs to the Map room and apparates him to Diagon Alley instead. He thinks of all the conversations he’d had this month about trust and battle fighting, and how little time they had to prepare, and it’s only when he sees the young Efa Chittock that he snaps out of it. 
Protection - Running into a battlefield isn’t always the smartest choice, even if it’s to help her friend Dorcas, and while Efa isn’t too pleased by being held back at first, she quickly realises that Edgar’s plan sounds indeed like she’d be able to protect more people more easily that way. So they run into a house and up to the third floor, from which they defend their fellow Order members downstairs. Because Efa is doing well, Edgar leaves her not too long after, ordering her to stay where she is. 
Inside the Sweets Shop - On his way to the side streets, to which the battle is slowly spreading, he sees Dedalus and Fabian inside Dedalus’ shop. He hurries to enter and ward everything, but not before giving Fabian his protective coat and sending him out into battle, telling him to show up for a date tomorrow night. Punctual. Alive. Then Edgar and Dedalus take care of the kids caught inside the shop, as well as the knocked out Death Eater, before, suddenly, Voldemort appears. 
Voldemort is targeting Dorcas and Annalise, and Edgar pushes Dedalus deeper into the shop. But realising that Dorcas being in danger will draw Efa down from her hide-out, Edgar runs back into the street as well, and together, from opposite sides of the road, they ward off any attempts of making it even harder on Dorcas and Annalise. 
Aftermath - Once back at the HQ, Edgar takes notes on everything that happened, on everything they lost.
Rigby and the Phoenix Part I - During the Debriefing, someone knocks on the door. It turns out it’s Rigby, who has just learnt today that this war is real, that the Death Eaters are really real, that the Order is really real, and who is now learning that his own siblings are in fact part of the Order. 
In This Play, We Reveal What Type of People We Are - Edgar works late into the night until he sees Peter Pettigrew watching him from the shadows. He learns that Peter faked his own death and now requires Edgar’s protection. 
22nd When Preparation Meets Opportunity - During the Battle of Diagon, Edgar gave his Phoenix Tag to Efa, aware that the Other Side already knows of him. He told her that once all of the veterans will be gone, they’ll need fresh faces to surprise the Other Side, which wasn’t a very comforting thought but at least had Efa accept the Tag. Now she is bringing it back to him, and Edgar, who worked all night through on the hostage and the List they found again, allows himself a moment of smiles: he is proud of Efa for how she fought yesterday and invites her to a breakfast. Perhaps also to charge her with some secret tasks.
The Inevitable Catastrophe - Peter has to pretend he’s dead. But Edgar doesn’t want his closest friends to go through the grief of losing another friend, so he brings them in to allow them to know he’s fine. He makes them promise not to ask questions and finds himself disappointed that wanting to know what happened is all that’s on their mind anyway, believing that if Peter doesn’t feel loved, he might betray them again. When Remus offers to stay over, he’s relieved. Afterwards, he burns the plan James made to find out the spy, as it could now risk Peter’s life but also out of disappointment for not having been of more use. He asks the question: Protecting Peter, giving him a second chance, it’s smart, but is it fairness or weakness?
The End of Alcott Avery - Artem and Bran brought in a hostage, which is being interrogated all through the night and the next day. After the thing with Peter is taking care of, Edgar joins Severus for a last interrogation, but Avery brings barely any new information to the table, and before they can do anything, Bran kills him with a knife. 
24th Beginnings are Endings - The attack on Diagon brought more attention to the Order than ever before -- it seems -- and with that attention comes a new recruit: Lucinda Talkalot. On the 24th, Edgar finds her snooping around the House of Bones, and so Edgar gives her a little tour to test her.
25th The End of Alcott Avery Part II - At the office of the Daily Prophet, the news break that the family of Alcott Avery has fled, and Edgar realises quickly that it’s got to do with the murder of Alcott. He writes Caradoc to tell him, though he doesn’t quite know for which goal, and sees Ainsley across the office also reaching for stationery, possibly to inform the Other Side of the same.
28th Rigby and the Phoenix Part II - Edgar goes to meet Rigby at his apartment, finding Andros instead. The two have a pleasant conversation until Rigby comes home and bans Edgar from ever talking to his family again, as Edgar is ‘dangerous’. 
Omnia Muntantur - After this, Edgar’s mental health deteriorates and he begins warding everything more intensely, the intrusive thoughts forcing more and more patterns into his life. Meeting with Marlene after the fiasco at Rigby’s brings him at least some relaxation.
30th The End of Alcott Avery Part III - As Edgar watches the Fighting Club to figure out new battle strategies, Caradoc finds him and hands him a Muggle paper from Liverpool. In it, the death of the Avery family is reported. Edgar’s not sure if it’s a victory or a failing on their part, but what’s certain is that the Other Side will kill everyone who dares to desert. It at least reassures him that keeping Peter being alive a secret was the right decision.
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theliterarycooks · 4 years ago
Look at my Babyyyyy
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So my best friend convinced me to start playing Dungeons and Dragons, and it really is kind of my only creative outlet right now-- anyway, I’ve been drawing the NPCs for my PC’s background and it is SO FUN! I missed drawing a lot. His character design is kind of an amalgamation of many other creatives’ character designs, and I haven’t quite figured out the physics of drawing horns yet, but I’m very pleased overall. 
His name is Andros and I love him <3
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katamaruu · 5 years ago
Katamari Damacy Online cousin list
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Katamari Damacy Online is a game that was released only in Korea whose servers were shut down in 2011, making it very hard to come across of material of it.  The following is a list of every katamari character and cousin original to the game we could find at least an image. The pics were taken from the internet though image searches and korean blogs browsing.  Many informations of them is still missing but we are still hoping someday to fnd more and/or get someone fluent in korean to help us out! Disclaimer: I’ve put unknown under anything that wasn’t 100% confirmed despite having plausible names and possible status as npcs for some
A big thanks to @lycanthrofee and KatamariParty whose help was crucial for this list!
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Name: 민트 Mint Appearence: A girly cousin wearing a white and green dress with pink legs. Status: Playable
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Name: 멜로 Mello Appearence: A cousin looking like a sweet Status: Playable
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Name: 엘리제 Elise Appearence: A cousin wearing a black frilly dress and with a long head like Odeko Status: Playable
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Name: 윙크 Wink Appearence: A cousin with freckles wearing overalls Status: Playable
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Name: 에어  Air Appearence: A buff cousin with a cloud pattern and binoculars. It seems his antenna is broken. Status: NPC 
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Name: 캔디 Candi Appearence: A cousin whose head resembles a wrapped candy Status: Unknown
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Name: 체다 Cheda Appearence: A cousin shaped like a cheese slice Status: NPC
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Names:  쿨드 Cold (Blue), 호루루 Horuru (Cyan), and 판도라 Pandora (Red) Appearence: Three cousins resembling chests Status: NPCS
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Name: 장 Jang Appearence: A cousin looking like a wooden cabinet with a drawer on the back of his head Status: Playable
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Name: 둥둥이 Dongdongyi Appearence: A cousin with a drum as a head Status:Playable
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Name: Unknown Appearence: A cousin resembling a planet section with the face on the core Status: NPC
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Name: 요링 Yoring Appearence: A cousin resembling an onion Status: Unknown
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Name: 레이스 Reis Appearence: A cousin wearing a blue dress and a laced head cover. She’s also barefoot Status: Playable
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Name: 하트 Hart Appearence: A pink cousin with heart patterns Status: Playable
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Name: Unknown Appearence: A cousin that looks like a round ice cube Status: Unknown
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Name: Unknown Appearence: A cousin whose head and body looks like a terranium Status:  NPC
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Name: Unknown Appearence: A katamari-like cousin Status: NPC
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Name: 프리지아 Prisia Appearence: A cousin resembles a blooming yellow flower Status: Playable
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Name: 센시 Sensi Appearence: A cousin whose head looks like a pin cushion. They also have a measuring tape on their shoulders Status: NPC
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Name: 모모 Momo Appearence: A pink and green cousin with a peach shaped head Status: Playable
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Names: 피스 Pis Appearence: Puzzle piece shaped cousin Status: NPC
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Name: Unknown Appearence: A cousin in a round shape. Could look like a dark orb, a black hole or even a vinyl disc Status: Unknown
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Name: 앤드로  Andro Appearence: A cousin that looks like old electronics and holding a keyboard Status: NPC
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Name: 큐브 Cub Appearence: A cousin with a rubix cube for a head Status: Playable
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Name: 와이어 Waier Appearence: A cousin whose body is made of metal wires Status: Playable
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Name: 부르다 Burda Appearence: A dark skinned cousin with a head resembling a microphone Status: Playable
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Name: 웰던Welldon Appearence: A cousin who looks like a t-bone steak Status: NPC
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Name: 김밥이Gimbapi Appearence: A gimbap shaped cousin. Gimbap is a korean dish similiar to sushi rolls Status: Playable
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Name:  티거 Tiger Appearence: A cousin with a striped pattern much like a tiger Status: Playable
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Name: 마늘짱아치 Maneljjangyachi Appearence: A cousin in the shape of pickled garlic Status: Playable
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Name: 루즈  Ruz Appearence: A cousin whose head looks like a pink lipstick Status: Playable
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Name: 체리  Cheri Appearence: A cousin that wears a red dress and has a round red head resembeling a fruit Status: Playable
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Name: Unknown Appearence: A cousin whose head looks like a calendar Status: NPC
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Name: 서킷 Circuit Appearence: A cousin with two antennae who has a wave graph on their body. Status: NPC
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Name: 소소 Soso Appearence: A cousin whose head resembles a seesaw Status: Playable
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Name: Etude character (presumed) Appearence: A collaboration beetween Etude House and Katamari Online. She is pink and white with the Etude House logo on her dress Status: Playable
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Name: 8비트 8 bit Appearence: A robotic cousin with a computer for a head Status: Playable
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Name: Unknown Appearence: A cousin wearing an all-black oufit with hair covering one eye Status: NPC
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Name: Unknown Appearence: A completely red cousin with yellow features Status: Promotional art
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Name: Unknown Appearence: A red cousin who resembles a super sentai Status: NPC
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Name: Unknown Appearence: A cousin with a flat face resembling a road responsible for the parking area in the game. Status: NPC
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Name:비비디 Vividi Appearence: A cousin with a head resembling a stereo Status: Playable
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Name: Unknown Appearence: A cousin covered in rainbow stripes. Status: Unknown (presumed prop)
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spxritguardixns · 6 years ago
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A little blurb about a recurring NPC.
Name: Darkina.
Age: Unknown
Notes:  Same species as Darkonda, some might even claim relation.  A bounty hunter in space who carries on the rivalry between her family and the family of Andros. Parisa is her enemy.  Works for a so far unknown evil force.
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wilshirehq · 7 years ago
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people who were expecting a calm and happy halloween night were oh so wrong. can’t any party in los angeles filled with shadowhunters and downworlders ever go off without a hitch? everyone loves an innocent murder mystery game, right? well, not if there is a real murder. during the murder mystery game going on at august zhao’s party, one unlucky party-goer at first thought they had solved the mystery but instead were met with a true and real corpse located in a guest room only accessed by the winding hallway of the loft, largely untouched until now. however, things got much more interesting than that. there was a note on the wall, written with even real blood - it was not too hard to understand that the blood belonged to the corpse. everyone could read the words, some were terrified, some were confused and the others had mixed emotions. “ i present you, adrian andros. the warlock each and every one of you wanted dead. don’t stop the party now, this is not the end of the game. it is actually starting now. ” the victim’s was heart torn out of his chest, his eyes wide and open staring up at the ceiling where his heart dangled with run written in blood.
something more surprising happened a few minutes later - due to being distracted by the corpse of the warlock, no one noticed that some of their downworlder friends disappeared. with the help of a mermaid, they were lured through a separate hallway way around the corpse and the crowd into one of the back rooms in august zhao’s loft. the warlocks that worked for the person behind the murder and kidnapping put a quick, yet strong spell on the downworlders, causing a change to their personality and behaviors. they suddenly started to feel hatred towards those shadowhunters and downworlders who they once considered friends causing them to attack those they would have never hurt in the first place. on top of that, intruding mundanes that august certainly hadn’t invited arrived - mundanes who have been part of an experiment, making them much stronger and must faster than your average mundane. how could a mundane, a person generally thought of as weak by shadowhunters, lift three people at once and hurl them into a wall without even breaking a sweat?
- you can start new threads / continue ongoing ones according to the given information. - at this point your characters should/could be reacting to the corpse or the violent downworlders & mundanes. - if you don’t want your character to be a part of this, please feel free to continue your threads saying they left the party before everything began or start new threads saying they weren’t at the party and didn’t know what was happening in there. you can also feel free to continue your ongoing threads which takes place in other locations. - these will take about an hour in rp time, but we’ll post a new plot drop explaining how everything ended tomorrow. - the downworlder characters who volunteered to take part on this plot drop are celeste devereaux, lorelai fell and delilah henderson. the other downworlders and mundanes are npc. if you’d like to volunteer now, don’t hesitate to message us! - the downworlders won’t attack people like animals - they can do it silently, they can have a plan, or they can also attack with words if that’s what the players desire. but keep in mind that the mundanes and some of the downworlders will try to kill shadowhunters and their friends. 
if anyone has any questions don’t hesitate to ask !! and please like this post once you’ve seen it !!
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ortadunyacom · 8 years ago
LotRO Update 20: Battle of the Black Gate Yayınlandı!
Lord of the Rings Online oyuncuları bugün çıkan Update 20 ile kelimenin tam anlamıyla Sauron’un kapısına dayandı.
Battle of the Black Gate oyuna 90’nın üzerinde yeni görev ve Wastes diye bir bölge altında Noman-lands, Dagorlad ve Slag-hills’i ekliyor. Macera Camp of the Host’ta başlıyor ve oyuncuları epic book’ta Volume IV, Book 8’e, Kara Kapı Savaşı’na götürüyor.
Yeni hikayelerin yanı sıra, oyuncular 2 yeni kaynak instance’ına kavuşuyor, bu instance’lar solo veya fellowship ile yapılabiliyor. Bu instance’ları yapan oyuncular Host of the West’e yaklaşmakta olan savaşta yardımcı oluyorlar. Oyuncular her bir faction için item toplayıp bu sayede güzel ödüllere kavuşabiliyorlar. Ayrıca, update çok sayıda oyunu geliştiren özellik getiriyor ve sorunları çözüyor.
Oyuna update ile gelen yenilikler:
Kara Kapı Savaşı’nı bizzat yaşama şansı.
Level 105 oyuncular için 90’nın üzerinde yeni görev ve deed.
Yeni Roving Threat’ler, Flora görevleri ve yeni haftalık instance’lar.
Yeni Store Item’ları.
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[spoiler title=”Update Detayları���]
Here are the Release Notes for Update 20, released on Tuesday, March 21st.
Of Special Note:
Journey through The Wastes!
Update 20, The Battle of the Black Gate, features more than ninety quests in three new regions: the Noman-lands, Dagorlad, and the Slag-hills. Discover new adventures beginning in the Camp of the Host.
The Black Gate
Epic Volume IV, Book 8 is now available. Experience the Host of the West’s climactic confrontation with Sauron’s forces at the Battle of the Black Gate, as Aragorn seeks to draw Sauron’s Eye away from his true peril…
Resource Dungeons
Two new dungeons are now available! Explore Carchost, the Towers of the Teeth and Skoironk, the Maggot-holes, each with its own landscape, solo resource instance, and group resource instance.
Prepare the Host of the West for Battle!
Players can acquire supplies, provisions, and armour to prepare the Host of the West for the Battle of the Black Gate! Collect enough items to assist each faction of the Host of the West, and receive unique rewards. Supplies, provisions and armour can be earned through solo and group resource dungeons, Roving Threats, Landscape monsters, and Crafting.
News and Notes:
Burglar – Using Track Treasure will deactivate an active resource tracking skill and vice versa. Only one type of item may be tracked on the mini-map at a time.
Captian’s Reform the Lines skill has received a visual update.
Captain – Elendil’s Fortune buff is no longer removed when the Captain is healed.
Captain – Five stacks of Elendil’s Fury will now cause your next Blade of Elendil to consistently grant a defeat event.
Captain – Last Stand Heal legacy will now properly increase the Last Stand heal.
Captain – Increased initial value of Defensive Strike Armour Buff legacy.
Champion – Riposte now unlocks on partial parries.
Champion – The Physical Mastery Buff from Battle Frenzy now refreshes reliably.
Guardian – Guardian Follow Through now increases Shield-Smash targets to 8 when fully traited. Follow Through increases Shield-Smash targets by +2 at rank 1, +2 more at rank 2, and +3 more at rank 3.
Hunter – Archers Mark now properly reduces a target’s critical defense.
Hunter – The Blood Arrow heal over time duration has been decreased from 20s to 10s without changing the overall magnitude of heal, so each tick is larger.
Lore-master – Enfeeble-modified debuffs should properly account for other sources of debuff strength.
Lore-master – The Fellowship Friend buffs from the Bear and Raven now properly reduce incoming damage.
Lore-master – The Firm Grasp trait now works with the daze effect that Lightning-storm can gain from certain items.
Minstrel – Follow Up now works out of combat.
Rune-keeper – Essence of Storm no longer removes the “Charged” buff which makes Sustaining Bolt free.
New crafting recipes for endgame tokens: Two Host of the West recipes have been added to the Anorien crafting tier for each profession (Cook, Jeweller, Metalsmith, Scholar, Tailor, Weaponsmith, and Woodworker). You can also acquire 2 additional recipes per profession via rep barter, and there is a 1-shot recipe that drops for each profession.
Featured Instances
The Featured Instance rotation has been updated. The new Featured Instances are the Lost Temple, Glinghant, Fornost: Wraith of Earth, Seat of the Great Goblin, Sword-hall of Dol Guldur, and Flight to the Lonely Mountain.
Featured Instances can now drop Wastes crit crafting items and reputation token bundles for the Host of the West Quartermasters.
The T2 challenge Throne of the Dread Terror now offers an “Ornate Inlay” which can be bartered to update existing Throne of the Dread Terror equipment.
Skirmish – The price of the Small Reputation Acceleration Tome is being increased to better reflect Mark and Medallion acquisition rates.
Return to Arnach travel skill scroll now properly requires Friend standing with Rangers of Ithilien, not Kindred.
Older and scaling instances received a large scale pass to provide/improve Beorning specific container drops where they were missing or not class appropriate.
Nanu has finally come out of hibernation and started moving again! The turtle’s hiding place has been updated.
Dyes – “Dark Purple” and “Deep Purple” were used in different places to refer to the same colour. All references to this colour have been unified to “Dark Purple.”
Sigileth’s daggers are now appropriately flagged as daggers, not swords, in the wardrobe.
Auction House – Cosmetic Pets – The Aurochs Calf, Stowaway Rat, and Sand Flies cosmetic pet items now properly post to the “Cosmetic Pets” Auction House category.
Pet Collection
Pet Collection has received an overhaul. The UI now displays every pet available in the game. Players can now preview pets, summon pets they own, and drag a pet skill to a quickslot from the Collection UI. The old pet collections and associated titles can now be found under Social Deeds. To complete these Deeds, summon each pet in the Collection.
Two new Pet Collection Deeds are now available: Best Bugs and Fetching Foxes.
Quests and Adventure Areas
Two new Flora repeatable quests for the Wastes have been added. These quests count towards Assisting the Herbalists: North Ithilien, and are bestowed by Arador after completing the Noman-lands quest content. Phials of Golden and Violet extracts can be collected from Flora in the Wastes, and traded for rewards at the Herbalist.
Players with the vector quest “Incubated by the Flaming Deeps” underway (incomplete) will have to re-obtain the quest from the NPC.
You can now perform emotes on the stages in Belfalas premium housing areas.
The Bree Scholar’s Hall no longer has a visible exterior.
North Ithilien – Cair Andros: The Captives – fixed Maushlak occasionally not entering combat.
Instance: The Reclamation of Talath Anor – Typo/wrong voice over in instance entry dialogue and background dialogue has been fixed.
Four additional custom Chat Tabs are now available. These tabs can now display across two rows at the top of the Chat Window.
In the Fellowship Mini Panel, fellows buffs and debuffs will no longer disappear after a fellow is defeated.
The accelerator button should no longer appear on the Deed panel for reputation deeds.
Mount skill icons should now all appropriately grey out when the skill cannot be used.
Added a Stable-masters Collection button on the radar.
The Mordor map should now more correctly display fellow member locations.
Fixed a display problem that would cause effects icons to jump around and flicker. This should also be a small performance improvement for the client.
The following emotes now have animations: assist, attack, blush, brb, curtsey, drool, fight, grumble, hug, innocent, mumble, pat, ready, resist, rest, stare, stretch, succumb, sweat, tear, wait, & wink. “Nothing” should be the only text-only emote remaining for all races now. The /pat emote chat text has been changed to reflect the new animation. The hug emote will now show hugging self animation.
You will no longer see any mobs above level 105 (until Update 21).
The French and German Mordor maps have been updated.
NPCs standing with crossed arms will no longer show held items.
Beleriand weapon particle effects are now more noticeable.
Sauron'un Kapısına Dayandık! LotRO Update 20: Battle of the Black Gate Yayınlandı! Lord of the Rings Online oyuncuları bugün çıkan Update 20 ile kelimenin tam anlamıyla Sauron'un kapısına dayandı.
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spellnbone · 4 years ago
Rigby and the Phoenix | Part II
Time: Night, March 28th Place: Ladbroke Terrace, London Status: Closed, Self-Para
[ Part I ]
“And she’s still okay with giving it up?”
“Oh, yes, she is just the darlingest,” Andros smiled, sipping on his coffee. “She’s so eager to study law, I don’t think she would’ve kept the baby even if we hadn’t been there.”
Andros nodded. “She’s got a scholarship for Cambridge.” 
Edgar raised his eyebrows. “That’s one of those … Ivy League schools, isn’t it?”
Andros laughed. “Ivy League is for the US, but yes, it’s similar to that.” A pause. “Better, of course.” 
Edgar took a sip of his coffee as well, not trying to hide how impressed he was. “Your child will be terribly smart then. I suppose by the age of four it’ll have surpassed Rigby’s reading level.” 
Andros nearly did a spit-take. Collected himself. Swallowed. Smiled. “She.”
“It, the baby, it’s probably a she.” 
“Oh, you’ve finally went to find out?” 
Andros shook his head. “But Rigby brought in one of your brujas and had her throw dirt at Evgenia’s belly, so-...” He stopped himself, taking in a sharp breath. “I’m sorry, was that offensive?”
Edgar only raised a hand in a semi-shrug.
“I was surprised that Rigby went for such a method. But I guess fatherhood is supposed to change people.”
“Laura was the same,” Edgar said, softly. “She left England and all its traditions the moment she turned 17, but the moment she learnt about being pregnant, with Dell, she was all about freshening up on British traditions. I suppose something in us, deep down, always knows they’re traditions for a reason, and never stops believing in their effect. Or at least their beauty.”
Andros smiled. 
The door opened. Both their gazes jumped up and found Rigby, dressed in a raincoat and confusion.
“Mátia, your brother-,”
“What are you doing here?” Rigby cut into Andros’ words.
“I’m here to see you.”
“I don’t want to see you. And I forbid you come anywhere near Andros and me ever again. You’re dangerous.” 
“Rigby!” Andros exclaimed, appalled. He knew of course that Edgar and Rigby hadn’t been on the best terms since Yule, but this was a tone he had not yet witnessed.
Neither had Edgar. He rose to his feet. “I just need to make sure you won’t tell anyone.”
“Do you think I have a death wish? Now leave.” 
Edgar sighed, set his cup on the table and turned to Andros to thank him for the coffee, but before he could even open his mouth Rigby thundered out a: 
And Edgar, the startle only in his bones but not on his features, nodded and left. 
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whois-this · 7 years ago
we check out the treasure room, which is another extended puzzle. At first there’s a hallucinatory guard who attacks us when we approach. Nobody strikes, and the first blood he draws dispels him but it was a test of will for sure. Next we find a chamber where various gems activate it, which creates a hologram asking us to find another gem which does not appear to be here. The prize is a staff we can see. Other rooms contain hieroglyphs we don’t understand, and some puzzle trinkets. Party exits, and then follows the lead of our talking sword to find an armory containing other talking swords,  which we gouge upon.Exiting, we make for a neighboring town, Jacob-andria. We seek out Nafatu the mage, which contracted the earlier party to travel with him. The party gets the deal again and agrees because our gem is on the mainland.I make it public knowledge I want to kill the mage guild clerk and Andro from the past (actually the clerk is dead, because I killed him in this time by warping him here..) Thief wants to join the thieves guild, DM cleverly improvises that his initiation task is to rob Andro. I check out the monastary to find Oran the navigator/thief but he isn’t summoned as has been.  I think this ends the session?
We stock up on inventory basics, and then I head to the mages guild, initiating a dialogue sequence. Cyril & O’ryan, again! They are on edge and I menace to kill them again. They give us everything we need, and we pact. They speak of a cursed zone on the mainland as well for us to explore. Verda senses evil in the room, and Blade shows up as an invisible bastard again. He kills Jacob-Aryan the NPC I’d protected, and when we try to kill blade we hallucinate or get the damage reflected. Fuck you, blade! Examination of Jacob-Aryan reveals he has the evil cult symbol though, so he was probably an informant and blade was protecting us or something. I have the mages send us Zandro (former npc mage) as my new apprentice, and finally the session ends on the note of Thief and Fighter going off to recon Andro.
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