#now where 18~ pages deep only for part one of the event...
not-a-seagull · 3 months
the Sunburst Fever transcript doc is looking to be about 50~ pages... lord what did i get myself into...
8 notes · View notes
tearsofcaravel · 1 year
Chemistry: Part 3
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Jake x Danny x (F) Reader
Word Count: 13.3k 
Warnings: 18+, This is a slash fic! Oral (f & m) receiving, fingering, handjobs, spanking, unprotected penetrative and anal sex, dirty talk,
Summary: After the previous nights events, its time to lay things out in the open. Smut smut smut.
Part 1
Part 2
Jake, Danny, and yourself spent the night out at some local bar. Along with Josh and Sam of course, but the only ones that you could focus on happened to be Jake and Danny. You each spent the evening shamelessly flirting with one another.
 After what happened in Danny’s dressing room your mind was clouded completely, not only with inappropriate thoughts, but how this would change things. There was a clear tension between you. The tension was mostly sexual, but you knew each of you were a bit nervous about how this would affect your friendship and what it all meant. It was a lot to process. You knew you had to talk to Jake before anything else happened.
You woke up the next morning in your hotel room with a slight pounding in your head. Jake was still sound asleep next to you. It was still pretty early, you were probably the first awake for the day. The only plans for the day were to explore the different city. You decided to go out and get you both some breakfast from a bakery you had seen just down the street from where you were staying.
You took the time to drag your short trip out. You wanted a clear mind when you talked to Jake about everything. You knew for a fact it was what you both wanted, and you were almost certain that Danny felt the same way. You just didn’t want any risk for a miscommunication on a topic this serious. You just wanted to lay everything out on the table with Jake and then the three of you could sit down and discuss matters.
When you walked through the hotel doors you were so deep in your own little world that you ran smack into someone. Thankfully they were paying attention and grabbed your arm before you hit the ground. You began apologizing profusely when you looked up to see the person that you had collided with was in fact Danny. He still had a loose grip on your arm. 
“Are you okay there Y/n?” he said with a grin on his face.
“Yeah yeah, sorry Danny I wasn’t paying attention,” you said trying to hide your embarrassment.  
“I was uh, I was hoping to talk to you and Jake today maybe?” Danny stuttered.
“I was thinking the same thing. Maybe we can get lunch a little later, just the three of us?” you said.
“Sounds good, I’ll see you guys in a bit then,” Danny said as he walked off.
He was acting weird. He seemed nervous, a little off maybe. Maybe he was just hungover, not fully awake yet. Something was definitely different. He never looked you in the eye. Maybe he didn’t feel the way that you and Jake did. Had you been reading it wrong this whole time? You definitely had to talk to Jake before lunch and get your own feelings sorted out in this short time. 
When you got back to your room Jake had just stirred awake. He was still laying groggy in bed. He sat up when you brought over breakfast. “Goodmorning Doll.”
“Goodmorning Jakey,” you said as you plopped down next to him. You both desperately needed some food in your systems.
Neither of you spoke much until you were done eating. You figured now was a better time than any. “So babe, I think we should probably talk,” you began.
He didn’t say a word, just nodded nervously and let you continue. 
“There’s a few things that we definitely should go over for sure, but this is a bit of a deep conversation we need to really get into okay? Danny asked me this morning if the three of us could talk together and I wanted you and I to talk beforehand to be sure that we were on the same page.” 
“I agree babe, you want to go first?” Jake asked. You knew he was nervous and just wanted to understand how you felt about everything.
“I think that it has been made clear that there is a sexual attraction between the three of us. But I also think that it is more than that. I believe that there are emotions involved as well. I think we all have feelings for each other,” you scooted closer to him to rest your hand on his leg.
“These things don’t really have to be complicated as long as we get everything out in the open in the beginning and set some ground rules,” you paused to give him a chance to speak.
“I agree, I think that it’s more than sexual. I think there are feelings involved at this point. I honestly never would have admitted it or acted on it until you brought it up,” Jake said. He paused to gather his thoughts. He seemed so anxious about everything.
“I’m really sorry about last night.. It just happened, we just-,”
You cut him off, “No, no Jake I’m not mad about last night, really I’m not. It happened fast I get it, plus it was very fun. There’s nothing to be sorry for, but this is why if we are going to pursue this that ground rules need to be set and we all need to be on the same page about everything.”
He brought his hand to meet yours and you gave it a reassuring squeeze to let him know everything really was okay. 
You both sat in silence for a few minutes to think about what your next steps were going to be. You knew that Jake was yours and you his. You had no reason to feel insecure or jealous. Especially not since the way that you had been included. They had no intention of leaving you out of whatever this was. 
“I care about the both of you. I have feelings for the both of you. I didn’t realize or even really understand how I actually felt about Danny. After last night though, I do have feelings for him. I think that he feels the same way,” Jake blurted out, with a slight blush of his cheeks.
“Jake, I think that I have feelings for Danny too. More than just sexual feelings. Last night made me see that too. I think that what happened last night was the beginning of something much more than just fooling around. So this lunch with Danny, I mean I’m pretty certain that he has the same feelings as we do. We should just be honest with him about how we feel and what we want out of this.”
“What exactly are we saying that we want from all of this?” he asked curiously. 
“For the three of us to be together, in a relationship,” you said with a giggle. 
Jake reached over and gave you a reassuring kiss. You knew that this was the right thing. This was what you both wanted. 
Danny POV
You were a ball of nerves and anxiety. You kept thinking about how awkward you were this morning with Y/n. You just didn’t know if it was the same for them as it was for you. That’s exactly why you just had to talk to them as soon as possible. You had a feeling that they felt the same way as you, that they wanted more just like you. You just had to be honest about how you were feeling. 
Jake had sent you some restaurant that they had found and said to meet them there. Of course you got there about thirty minutes earlier than they said, so naturally you were the first to arrive. You were just so nervous that you left way earlier than planned. You paced back and forth outside of the restaurant gathering your thoughts.
Getting there so early gave you enough time to get into your own head and begin to make yourself panic. When they got there everything was business as usual. You were all sharing looks and smiles at one another.
Finally, Y/n had the guts to speak on the matter first. ‘Thank goodness.’ you thought to yourself. You knew that you nor Jake would speak up first. You could always count on her to speak her mind. 
“I think we each know why we wanted to talk in private today. I know we are all a little, maybe a lot nervous to actually talk about it together. I think it is just best to be honest, we’re all friends, we all care about each other no matter what,” Y/n said so confidently. You just adored her confidence.
You and Jake were still silent. Y/n gave you a few minutes to clear your head and prepare whatever you had to say. When neither you or Jake still spoke she started again.
“Okay I can see that you’re both nervous, it’s okay really. On that note I can speak first if you guys would like?” she quizzed.
You and Jake slowly and nervously nodded at her, thrilled that she was taking the reins.
“So Danny, Jake and I talked a little bit this morning. We just laid it all out, how we both felt, what we thought, etc. I’m just going to speak for myself though, we will each get a turn to say what we feel. I do have feelings for you, more than sexual feelings. Last night I realized that I really do care for you and that I’m attracted to you. I have feelings for you both. I think that this could turn into more, like a relationship.” Y/n directed her statement more towards you.
Jake started right after, “I don’t know that I can say it in as many words as Y/n, but I'll do my best. Danny I also have feelings for you, more than just being attracted to you. Like Y/n said, I also think that this could be a real relationship between the three of us. I deeply care for the both of you.”
You watched as Jake took Y/n’s hand under the table. It was so odd to see him nervous, he was always so confident in everything that he did. Especially when it came down to his true emotions. 
They were both staring at you, waiting for you to speak your mind. It was your turn now, no going back. You felt much better after hearing how they felt, and knowing that they felt the same way. It made your confession all the easier. 
“In the spirit of honesty, I can say that I’ve had feelings for you both for a bit now, more than just sexual attraction. I just wasn’t sure if this was something that I should admit. I could see this being a serious relationship between the three of us. I’ve been so nervous about how to go about this, but after hearing that you both feel the same I feel much better now,” you said, finally feeling like you could take a deep breath now. 
A huge weight had been lifted from your chest after your confessions. The three of you sat in silence for a few moments once again, just to process it all. 
“It is a lot to process. I think that we all feel much better now getting things out in the open and knowing we each feel the same way. Being on the same page is a huge first step. It’s all new territory for each of us. I would like to say that I think it is important that some ground rules be set,” Y/n spoke with her confident tone.
You all agreed to this and enjoyed the rest of your lunch. You knew where you stood with them now. You spent the rest of your afternoon by joining Sam and Josh touring the city. The five of you wandered around small shops and sightseeing areas. 
The entire time Jake and Y/n would send a sweet smile or wink your way. You knew that you were right, this was turning into more.
Jake POV
That whole conversation went much smoother than you could have hoped. You had a good feeling about it to begin with, but after the three of you talked any and all nerves you had seemed to melt away. The two people that you cared about the most felt the same way about you. What a relief. 
Of course there were still a few things to discuss and figure out. You wanted to make Danny feel included, you wanted him to be a part of this relationship. It would be difficult to navigate at first. You and Y/n had a home together. How would he fit into your bubble? You each had to figure out a way that you could all blend and function together for this to work. You would each have to put in the effort to make sure that no one felt left out. 
You felt free, relief, happiness. You thought it would be weird, hearing your girlfriend admit that she has feelings for your best friend, him having feelings for the both of you as well. You thought you would feel guilty about having feelings for him. You felt the complete opposite. 
You thought after the conversation there would be awkwardness or weirdness. Instead, everything felt right, just the way it was supposed to be. You pondered on your love triangle for the rest of the day.
The next day Sam and Josh had some interviews that would end up taking all day to do. You wanted to stay in for the day, but of course Y/n was up bright and early ready to explore some more of the city.
You had both agreed since Sam and Josh would be gone that today would be the perfect day to spend just the three of you. You needed some alone time together to get your bearings on things. 
It would be the first time you would have an outing as a throuple. You hadn’t exactly labeled anything yet, it wasn’t a date. It was something of a test run you guessed. The three of you had spent many times alone throughout the years, but this was new territory, different. You were just as excited as you were nervous. 
You called Danny to meet in your room to start your day. Y/n could see the anxiety that you felt. She placed her delicate hands on your face, lightly brushing a few loose strands of hair behind your ear. “I know that you’re a bit nervous, but it’s just me and Danny. We’ve been hanging out alone for years. I know that this is new and different, I’m a little nervous too. I’m sure even Danny is as well, but we both care about you. You know if your feelings change that’s okay, we would understand. We just have to go about this with an open and honest policy. Everything will work out, I’m sure of it.”
She always knew exactly what to say and you knew that she was right, as usual. Just then you heard a light tap on the door. You, almost too quickly, whipped the door open to find a tall, dark haired man standing before you. He nervously chewed his bottom lip, “You uh gonna invite me in?”
You had been so distracted with how delectable he looked that you had just left him out in the open. “Of course, of course. Come on in Danny.”
He sauntered in swiftly, confidently. You knew he was just as nervous as you, but trying hard to cover that up. You were shocked with electricity when his hand just slightly brushed yours as he walked by.
“Hello Y/n, you both are looking lovely this morning,” Danny slyly said to you both with a blush on his face.
“Hm, ever the flirt Danny. So boys, what are we thinking today?” Y/n spoke, clearly happy that Danny was calming the nerves you each felt. He could flirt his way out of anything, you were sure of that.
You finally spoke, “I was just thinking about taking it slow today, with all of this newness. Just a few tourist things around town, nothing too crazy.”
“I agree Jake, Danny how does that sound?” Y/n said.
“I think that sounds great. I’m excited to start this, but if I’m honest a bit nervous,” Danny said.
“I think we’re all a bit nervous. This doesn’t have to be like our first date. I also think at some point today we should discuss those ground rules among other things ya know? Not to pressure or rush things, I just want us all to be in a comfortable state with all of this and to know where we all stand,” Y/n spoke with her confident tone. 
You loved that about her. No matter how nervous she was in a situation, she always knew how to control the situation in the best way. She made sure to ease everyone else, as well as speak her mind. That is one of the things that made you so sure that this relationship between you three would work very well. 
Y/n’s comment had gotten you excited that within the next few days you would be having your first date. Your heart jumped when the words left her mouth. You couldn’t wait.
You spent the day getting street food, exploring little shops, and sightseeing. You weren’t all sure about the physical aspect of things, how to hold hands, or kiss. The flirting came naturally it seemed. You all talked just like normal, like three best friends who had feelings for each other. 
Once it got late you decided you should all be treated to a nice dinner. You sat down at your table, Y/n next to you and Danny across. After a few drinks you were brave enough to slowly stretch your legs out to rub against Danny’s, which he welcomed eagerly. 
The day went very smoothly. It was incredibly eye opening to see each of you in this new element. It meant the world to you to see your boys so happy. To know how they felt for you and each other. 
At dinner you noticed that you had all calmed down a tremendous amount. You had found a nice flow to everything. You even noticed that Jake had a newfound confidence and was rubbing against Danny’s leg under the table and in turn Danny had begun rubbing the opposite leg against yours. You knew there would be no issues with anyone feeling left out. They made sure of that. 
“I’m thinking now would be a good time to talk about these ground rules, if you guys are up for it?” you spoke.
They both nodded their heads in agreement, of course letting start off the conversation. 
“So feel free to speak your minds please, this is the only way that this will work. I guess I'll just jump right into things. How do you feel about fucking when one of us isn’t there?” 
They both chuckled and Danny spoke, “I’m okay with that if you are.”
“I think so too sweetheart,” Jake said.
“I’m good with it too, as long as we communicate. I would like to know about it, but of course things do happen. What about Josh and Sam? How do we go about being openly together? Or is this something that we’re keeping to ourselves?” you said.
“You know that Josh picks up on these things, he would figure it out pretty quick. Sam is pretty oblivious. He wouldn’t figure it out for a while atleast. I don’t think that it’s necessarily their business, but I don’t think that I want to hide this,” Jake blushed.
Danny agreed, as did you. 
“So I feel like I should bring this up. Like I told Jake earlier, I’m not at all mad that you guys did something without me, but I would like to know how I fit into this? We all admitted to having feelings for each other, so I know how you feel. I just wonder if this is just a Jake and Danny thing?” you said. 
You felt almost silly asking. They had both just admitted how they felt for you and that they both wanted you included. You weren’t at all the jealous type, you just wanted some clarity, or maybe some reassurance on the matter. You wanted to be a part of this, that you were sure of. You knew Jake loved you, you knew where he stood. And Danny wasn’t one to lie or not speak his true feelings on something this serious. 
Everything was happening quickly. None of you had really had time to process everything. But still, the feelings were there. You knew you would all regret it if you didn’t give this a shot. Even though it was early, you just had a feeling that this was very real. That this was the beginning of a very serious relationship. 
As you watched the handsome men in front of you, you could see the wheels turning in their minds. They were trying to figure out their places just like you, trying to figure out what to say and do. They were trying to read each other. 
“No baby, no, this is an all of us thing for sure. It just sort of happened…” Jake trailed off.
“Really Y/n, it did just happen and you made it much better by joining in. I know that I have real feelings for you. I want the both of you. I know this may be a bit tricky at first trying to figure out our dynamic. I really do think we can make this work, I want to make this work…” Danny said certainly, but nervously. 
The reassurance from them both made you feel much better. It made you feel certain about the whole thing. 
“Uhm, one more thing I think. I know this is early of course, not to jump the gun. But you guys live together, have a place, a home. Not right away of course, but what about me staying over sometimes or things like that?” Danny said cautiously.
You and Jake shared a nervous, but excited look. Jake tapped your thigh happily. You knew exactly what his answer was.
“Like you said not right away, while we get our footing on the relationship. But I think we would both like for you to stay the night sometimes, and maybe even something more permanent in the future. I mean you stay over a lot anyways, this would just come with a few perks,” you flirted.
Danny looked more than happy with your answer. You were all giddy over everything.
“Oh wait wait, one more thing, again. So are you uhm, my boyfriends now? I mean how are we going about labels?” you chuckled at your own question.
“We don’t have to do labels. It’s not necessary, but I like them. I think that I have a boyfriend and a girlfriend,” Jake said smiling.
Danny took Jake and your hands carefully, “I like the idea of calling you my boyfriend and girlfriend.” 
“If you guys ever want to bring anything up, please do. But I think that it’s safe to say that we covered basically everything,” You said very happily.
You ended the night with a newfound confidence. You all felt a sense of peace and excitement. You had each found your place. You toasted your boyfriends to your newfound relationship. 
Danny POV
Your heart was racing. Your palms were clammy. You were filled with joy and happiness. You were understanding your own feelings now. It was like this was the missing piece to the puzzle. You felt whole. 
You couldn’t wipe the smile off of your face. You felt a spark you had never felt before while holding Y/n and Jake’s hands. This is how things were always meant to be. 
Jake shot a wink to Y/n and licked his lips, “Sooo, what do you guys say we continue this celebration back at the hotel?”
“I think that is a wonderful idea,” you said. Y/n squeezed your hand, showing that was exactly what she wanted too. 
Your heart was fluttering all around. At first you honestly thought that things would be weird. They were your best friends after all, but they were more than comfortable. It just felt right.
You were also thrilled at how blunt Y/n could be. It made the conversation that you thought would be uncomfortable flow easily. 
The three of you walked down the street holding hands, with Y/n in the middle. You all made it back to Y/n and Jake’s room later that night. You felt like you truly fit with them. They welcomed you into their relationship with open arms. Which now was your relationship. 
You walked in and Jake immediately fixed the three of you a drink from the mini bar. If you were being honest you needed it for your nerves. You were no longer nervous about the relationship side of things, and you could tell that neither were they. But you could tell now the tension was sexual. 
You and Jake had done a little exploring. This was very new to the both of you. You had never been with a man until Jake. 
The three of you sat on the couch in the suite. You talked and flirted playfully for a while. You sat in between them for a change. Normally it was Y/n who sat in the middle when it was just the three of you. 
Y/n delicately placed her silky smooth legs over your lap to show her comfort. Jake gently placed his hand on your thigh, rubbing his fingers slowly in circles. You could feel your cheeks begin to turn into a crimson red. You knew this was Y/n’s way of comforting all of you. 
You had wondered who would make the first move, and you figured that it would probably be her. You and Jake had proved to be a bit shy when making first moves. She waited a few minutes to feel you out. You were just about to place a hand on her legs when she took them away. You didn’t have enough time to be disappointed before she swooped over you. Her knees dipped onto each side of you on the couch. She was straddling your lap perfectly.
Her sudden take on authority lit you up. Jake had a smug look of pride across his face, like he knew something that you didn’t, but you were surely about to find out. To anyone else Y/n came across as a sweet but shy woman. But to those who knew her, she was a ball of light and joy, she was someone who took charge in situations. 
This Y/n however is one that you haven’t met yet, one that you weren’t even aware existed, but you were about to be formally introduced. Her breathing was a bit heavier now and her eyes were darker as they glared into you. All of her attention was focused solely on you now. 
Her attention made you feel like you were the only person in the world. She seductively licked her lips and cupped your face. Her other hand swept some loose strands of hair behind your ear, twirling it around her fingers playfully. Scratching her fingernails on the back of your neck, sending chills down your spine. 
She lightly lifted your chin up, bringing you eye to eye. You caught a hint of mischief on her face. She leaned forward and pressed her lips to yours. You let out a breath that you didn’t even know you had been holding. The kiss was captivating, her lips were pillowy soft. You kissed her back gently, not being able to hold back the smile against her lips. 
She pulled back, seemingly reluctant, “Hi Danny.”
“Hi Y/n, I’ve been wanting to do that for ages” you both giggled.
You felt Jake’s hand move farther up your thigh teasingly, giving you a gentle squeeze. Y/n showed her authority again, “Come here baby.” You watched as she cupped Jake’s face just as she had yours, pulling him into a searing kiss. She lightly began to grind onto your lap, showing you both equal attention. 
“I’m almost jealous that you got to taste him without me Jakey, he’s so sweet. I’m sure you wouldn’t mind replaying the night events for me,” she said toying with you both.
With her still on your lap grinding, Jake smiled sweetly at you both. He seemed to enjoy the show she was putting on for you. He leaned forward meeting your lips with his in a soft kiss. Jake quickly deepened the kiss, swiping his tongue over your bottom lip. You happily invited him in. He groaned lowly into your mouth. 
Y/n attached her lips to your exposed neck. You were shocked at the sudden contact and moaned directly into Jake’s mouth. This only provoked them even more. 
Jake pulled away from the kiss reluctantly. Both of them paused their actions for some reassurance. They were very considerate with every move they made. They made sure everyone was feeling safe and comfortable. You felt such a strong sense of adoration for them both. After making sure you were all still on the same page, it was right back to business.
Y/n addressed you both in a sultry tone. Her voice was tearing you and Jake to pieces and she had hardly laid a hand on either of you. “I want both of you. But I want Danny first since you had him first last time. If you want that of course Danny?”
“Oh fuck yeah.. Mhm,” You responded pathetically. She was unraveling you quicker than you had expected. 
She was wearing a light green sundress, leaving you to want more. Everything that you had imagined was coming to life, but so much better than you could have ever dreamed up. Between you and Jake you had each side of her dress bunched up at her thighs. She leaned back to capture Jake’s lips. This movement gave you just enough sight to see the damp spot that had started to form between her legs. 
Jake pulled from the kiss to catch where your eyes were staring. When Y/n noticed she leaned back just a little further and spread her legs a bit more. She knew exactly what she was doing to you and it was working.
You glanced over to Jake one more time, looking for any indication that your invitation had been rescinded. He grabbed your calloused hand that was previously intertwined with his and placed it directly onto her soaked center. 
“My god, you’re so wet. Is this all for us?” you said wide eyed. 
She responded by grinding onto your hand. It took everything in you not to rip off of her clothing and take her right there. But you wanted to drag this out. You wanted this to last as long as you could make it. You planned on taking your time with them both, and they clearly had the same idea.
You could feel your hard on straining against your jeans and you knew she felt it too, the way that she was grinding down on you. The attention from them both was overwhelming in the best way. You had never experienced anything like this. 
Jake POV
Y/n was reveling in this. She was toying with the both of you, playing a game that you knew oh so well. But Danny seemed to be shocked by her behavior, but he clearly loved it. You had watched his sweet and flirting demeanor change in the blink of an eye to lustful and needy. 
You watched happily as your girlfriend played with your new boyfriend. Your lips were attached to Danny’s neck, his skin was sweet and soft against your tongue. One hand on Danny’s hand, pressed into Y/n’s center, the other running under the hem of his shirt. His skin was burning hot. You and Danny waited patiently for Y/n to show her next move. She was getting a read on Danny, seeing how long it would take for him to break. 
You thought maybe the first few times that you were together it would prove to be a challenge. That you would struggle to all be attentive to one another or someone would feel left out. You’d barely gotten started and that was clearly not going to be the case. 
You watched in awe as Y/n continued to seduce you and Danny. Even though that wasn’t necessary, you had both been practically drooling over her all day. 
“Feel her, she wants you inside of her. I know you’re dying to please her,” you cooed into Danny’s ear.
He let out a moan as he dove his hand smoothly into her soaked panties. 
You wanted them both to take you. You loved toying with them, you were overstimulated in the best way and you had barely been touched.
Danny slid into your panties effortlessly. Running his fingers through your folds a few times to gather your slick. He worked into you gently at first, welcoming the sting of his thick fingers stretching you out, finding your sweet spots. A whimper fell from your lips when Jake began circling his fingers slowly over your clit, spreading you open to give his boyfriend more access to you. Danny continued to fuck into you with you still on his lap, while Jake started to put on a show of his own for you. 
“You’re fucking her so good. The noises she’s making are all for us, those beautiful sounds. Making our girl feel so good. Don’t stop, keep giving it to her,” Jake said as he brought his lips to Danny’s. He was actively trying to challenge his focus. To see just how long he could fuck you while entertaining Jake. 
Hearing those words again in such a setting made your heart and your cunt flutter. ‘Our girl’. This was something you were easily getting used to. 
Jake removed his hand from your soaked cunt and brought them to Danny’s kiss swollen lips. He rubbed your slick over his lips slowly like a lipgloss. “Open, eyes on her,” Jake instructed.
Danny obliged this request with no hesitation, his eyes darting to catch yours. Jake swirled his slick covered fingers over Danny’s tongue. “Doesn’t she taste so sweet, so divine Danny, taste her,” Jake commanded. 
“Don’t we feel so good sweet dove? Hm?” Jake said bringing his fingers once again to circle your clit, but this time with determination. 
“Let’s make her cum, just like this on your lap, with our fingers. Make a mess of our girl,” Jake continued on.
You let out the most pathetic whimper. The sounds of your heavy breathing and slick noises echoed through the room. 
“Yeah baby? You like that, our fingers fucking you? You want to be a good girl for us and let us take care of you?” Danny caught on, finally playing the long game with you both. Jake’s fingers were quickly added into you alongside Danny’s, while still circling your clit.
“Look at Danny while you cum, I want him to see that beautiful face, can you do that?” Jake ordered. 
“Yes-fuck, Yes Sir, just like that..” you barely said over your own moans. 
You were thrown into your first orgasm, Danny's eyes boaring directly into yours. He hardly blinked in fear of missing a moment. You fought to keep your eyes open and on him. The sounds of their voices could have simply sent you over. You came hard, squeezing around their fingers with your cunt. Your entire body was tingling. They were both groaning right with you. 
“You were right, she does make the most beautiful face when she cums,” Danny said to Jake. 
They slowly slid out of you. You winced at the loss of contact. Your mind was fuzzy but focused. 
“I think we should move this party somewhere a bit more comfortable,” you suggested. 
Still straddling Danny’s lap, he swept you up as if you were a feather, wrapping your legs around his waist, and laid you gently onto the bed. With an open hand he guided Jake along with you. 
They both seemed to loom over you, you suddenly felt so small beneath them. You could see them both straining against their jeans. You sat up onto your knees on the mattress. You took your hands to both of them, slowly palming them over their pants. After a few moments, you decided they were deserving of some relief. 
You undid Danny’s jeans first, pulling them down his waist to his ankles. Doing Jake the same way. They both stood before you in their boxers, as they removed their shirts. They watched you articulately, not wanting to make the wrong move. You pulled their boxers down to their ankles, instructing them to remove them completely. They couldn’t let you be the only one still dressed, they dipped down and pulled your dress over your head, leaving you only in your tiny soaked thong. 
You spit into each of your palms and grasped their lengths. You began to slowly jerk them. They both let out a groan from the sudden contact. You took extra time to admire Danny, to take in every inch. The other night with Jake you hadn’t been focused enough to take in all of the details. He was glowing, his muscles flexing almost identically to Jake’s when you made certain movements. You took mental notes of his tiny whimpers that he tried to hold in from you. 
While you stroked them, Danny reached for Jake to pull him into a kiss. It was different from the others that they had shared, this one was deep and meaningful, intimate. You knew that they were falling apart right before your eyes, they were holding onto each other in hopes of hiding this from you. But you knew Jake all too well and you were figuring out Danny faster by the moment. They were giving away far more than they realized. 
You took Danny into your mouth while he was distracted from Jake’s. Giving him kitten licks at first, licking up and down his shaft. This clearly took him by surprise by the gasp he let out straight into Jake’s mouth. You savored his taste, tucking this moment into the back of your mind for later. You started by slowly taking him inch by inch, then suddenly taking him fully down your throat. 
You kept your eyes open and directly on Danny’s. He seemed in awe of you, seeing you in this new light. You could see him struggling to keep his own eyes open, they were hooded and dark, but he didn’t want to miss a moment of this. 
His knees threatened to buckle out from under him. He grabbed Jake’s shoulder and the back of your head as an anchor. You heard Jake chuckle and you felt his hand join Danny’s on your head. Gathering up your hair into a ponytail and helping Danny guide you along.
Jake used this to his own advantage and pulled you off of Danny and onto him. You mimicked the same motions as you had with Danny onto Jake’s length. You felt Danny’s hand stay on your head as he guided you just as Jake had onto him. 
“Doesn’t her mouth feel so good around you, like velvet. You’re taking us both so well darling,” Jaked egged you both on. 
You hummed around them adding to the pleasure. The tears began streaming down your reddened cheeks. In an act of intimacy Jake swiped them away lovingly. 
The moans pouring from their depths were orgasmic. They were like beautiful melodies mixed together. 
“Are you trying to make us cum already? Naughty girl, that just won’t do,” Danny spoke in a deep tone. 
“No, not quite yet. There’s still so much fun to be had. I’m just getting started,” you said just barely stroking them now. 
“Whose cock do you want first, hm?” Jake asked, already knowing your answer. 
You stopped all movements and gave them both your sweetest doe eyes. Jake knew exactly what you wanted without you speaking a word. 
You sat up and wrapped your arms around Danny’s torso and led him down on top of you. You laid perfectly in the center of the bed. He wasn’t expecting you to take him like this, he had a look of surprise and excitement on his face. He caught your swollen lips in a heated kiss. His hair cascaded around you as he looked into your eyes caringly. 
He carefully began trailing sloppy kisses down your body. He wrapped his lips around one of your hardened nipples sucking lightly. He brought his hand up to gently massage the other. He licked a stripe from your chest to right above your center. He paused to catch his breath. He peppered kisses up and down your inner thighs. Finally making his way to your aching cunt. Even though you’d already been offered some relief it wasn’t enough for all that your boyfriends were making you feel. 
Jake had taken this as a sign to watch the events unfold before him. He always did enjoy a good show and you knew he didn’t want to miss a second. He sat directly beside you on the bed. You looked over to him to see him lazily stroking himself and watching every movement that Danny made with your body.
He had a new look on his face now, one that you weren’t familiar with. But you knew it was a look of happiness and joy. He was happy to be sharing this intimate time with you both. 
You could feel Danny’s warm breath on your center now. He was eager to dive into you. He licked a slow stripe up your cunt, making sure to capture all of your taste. He lapped at you causing pornographic moans to erupt from your throat. He was rutting his hips down onto the bed below you. He had made himself at home in between your thighs. He was showing you all that he had to offer. Which was clearly exceptional. 
His nose rubbed against your clit perfectly as his tongue swirled around you. You grabbed his hair roughly and began to grind onto his face. He didn’t care how hard you pulled his hair or even about breathing, you were sure you were smothering him. But he took it willingly. 
He threw you straight into your second orgasm with no warning. He worked you through it effortlessly. Jake grunted words of encouragement at you both, proud of the way that Danny had unraveled you. Watching as your legs shook around Danny’s face and you praised him for it. 
Danny was glowing as he emerged from your center and made his way back to your lips. You and Jake simultaneously licked his face clean from the mess you had made. 
“You were so good for her, she came so hard on your face,” Jake continued to praise him. 
“Hm Jake, we should reward him don’t you think?” you said. 
Jake shook his head eagerly. You sat up swiftly swapping places with Danny. He sat up halfway in the middle of the bed. Still glowing, but curious as to what you had in mind. Jake was waiting to follow your lead. 
“I told you that we were only just getting started,” you winked at them.
You imitated the same kisses down Danny’s body as he had you. Once you got to his cock, you motioned for Jake to join you. He moved down with you cautiously. Together you licked up his shaft, causing Danny to groan deeply. He was surprised at your boldness. 
You and Jake took turns teasing and tasting him, dipping down to his hole every so often to spark his interest. Danny’s hands were gripping the sheets so roughly you thought they may rip. You halted all contact with Danny and brought Jake’s swollen lips to yours for a deep kiss. 
“I need you, please, something…anything,” Danny pleaded to you. 
You instructed Jake to stop and take his place. Danny reluctantly stopped and followed your orders. You knew you had to enjoy your time in charge. Once they got a bit more comfortable in this setting they would ruin you and you would happily let them. Your chances to be in charge in the bedroom would be few and far in between. 
“It’s Jake’s turn to be rewarded. He’s been so patient,” you cooed to Danny. 
Jake laid out in the middle of the bed. You and Danny placed directly in between his thighs. You mimicked the same moves on Jake as you had Danny. Danny had taken from your own boldness and dipped between down to his hole. Neither of the men were used to this yet, but very clearly enjoyed the act. He swirled his tongue around teasingly while you worked his hard cock with your mouth. Jake’s eyes were rolled to the back of his head at this point. 
You could feel the mess that your cunt was making running down your thighs from these sinful acts. You had never been so aroused. The adrenaline was pumping furiously through your veins.
You knew they couldn’t take much more and if you were honest neither could you.
“I want you inside of me,” you said, directing towards both of them, lifting your head up from Jake’s center.
 “Who baby, who do you want? You know we both want you,” Danny said, pausing his actions. 
“Both, I need the both of you inside of me. Take turns, at the same time, just fuck me,” you said sitting up, waiting for one of them to make the next move now. 
You had to give up some of your control now, but not all. You made sure they knew that. You wanted to see how they would run things. They were both full of confidence now, all the nerves had melted away hours ago. You had guided them this far.
As they sat up, you once again laid out in the center of the bed. You could practically hear their hearts pounding out of their chests. Their eyes heavy, faces red, a light sheen of sweat lined their torsos. They looked beautiful in this element. You could get used to this view. 
Danny grabbed Jake by the throat and licked up and down his neck. Jake let out the most beautiful moan you had ever heard. He threw his head back and fell into Danny’s arms. You could watch them like this forever if you had the chance. 
You had gotten so aroused by the act that you started to rub up and down your own body, your cunt was begging for contact. Danny pulled away releasing Jake’s throat, tugging his bottom lip in between his teeth. He turned his attention to you. He moved into a comfortable spot between your legs, spreading them to make room for his body.
“You said you wanted to take Danny first sweetheart, gonna be good for him?” Jake slurred into the shell of your ear. 
Danny smirked at you, grabbing his length and running it through your folds, coating him in your slick. He entered your hole gently at first, giving you time to adjust to his size. You welcomed the stretch he gave you. He buried himself in you in one swift move. 
You noted how different he felt from Jake. They were about the same size, but Danny felt thicker, he was hitting different spots. You couldn’t take your eyes off of him. The way that his muscles flexed and the faces that he made while plunging into you. He wasn’t gentle for long before fucking you wildly.
Jake was taunting you with his words and it was working like a charm. He was praising Danny for how well he was fucking into you. But he didn’t let Danny have you to himself for too long, just long enough to let you feel each other privately. 
Jake and Danny were speaking to each other without words. You would’ve caught onto what they were planning, but you were far too indulged in trying to hold your eyes open so you wouldn’t miss Danny’s performance. Danny flipped you over expertly without ever removing himself from you. 
He pulled you into the straddling position, your thighs sticking to his hips. He looked up at you with doe eyes. You felt the weight shift on the mattress behind you as Jake situated himself. 
Jake pulled your back flush with his torso. He wrapped a hand around your throat, you could hear the smile he was wearing as he spoke, “Are you going to be a good girl and take us both? You think you can handle that?”
His hand met your ass sharply reminding you that it was his turn to be in charge.
“Yes Sir,” you quickly corrected, even though you loved being corrected. 
Jake pushed you back down with force, Danny quickly catching you and holding you up. Your body was quickly turning to jello. The sweet, shy boys who entered this room were long gone. Jake pulled your ass up for better access. He rutted against you a few times teasingly. 
You took the time to admire how Danny looked below you. You planted your lips firmly on Danny’s in an open mouth kiss. You heard Jake spit into his palm and rub his length. He slid in ever so slowly. His cock rubbing against Danny’s, causing Danny to groan into your mouth. His hands squeezed from their place on your thighs, letting you know how good it felt. 
Your brain short circuited. This pain was nothing like you had ever felt before, the stretch of both of their cocks inside of your cunt. It was electrifying. 
You clamped your eyes shut and let out a deep breath. Jake leaned forward and placed small kisses down your spine. He moved up farther pushing into you even deeper, pulling Danny up to him kissing him sloppily. As they were both inside of you, your head in the crook of Danny’s neck, you admired where you were now. Sandwiched between them in ecstasy. 
You watched as a string of saliva still connected their mouths when Jake pulled away. Moving to kiss you in the same manner as he had Danny. You peeped your eyes open to see Danny admiring you. 
“I love you,” Jake whispered into your ear. He always said that just before he was rough with you. You shuddered knowing what was coming next.
Jake fell back to his place behind you and began fucking you softly and slowly. Danny didn’t move at first in fear of hurting you. Jake only gave you a minute to adjust to the feeling. 
Danny began fucking up into you. He started slowly just as Jake did, but once Jake picked up the pace Danny caught on. They started to pound you brutally. 
You were screaming both of their names like a prayer. You didn’t care about the neighbors or anyone hearing you. That was the last thing on your mind. Your nails were buried in Danny’s chest, leaving red marks in their wake, like artwork. His own hands lifting your hips up and down onto their cocks. Jake’s hands halfway holding Danny’s and your hips. The grip that they had on your hips was certain to leave bruises. A sweet reminder you would be looking forward to seeing tomorrow. 
You felt the grip loosen slightly when Jake reached between your and Danny’s body to stimulate your clit. It took moments for you to come undone around them. Your cunt squeezed around their cocks buried inside of you. They fucked you right through your third orgasm, never slowing down once. You were on the verge of overstimulation, but you didn’t care. 
You knew that your boyfriends had stamina. From the way they performed on stage, from your own experience with Jake in the bedroom. But it seemed like there was no end in sight and you were happy with that. You would let them play with you and each other as long as they liked. 
You were a whimpering mess, hardly able to hold your eyes open or even hold yourself up. 
“I think we wore her out. Is that all you can take, baby?” Danny taunted. 
“I guess me and Danny can finish by ourselves if you can’t take anymore,” Jake played along, knowing this would only rile you back up. He knew you wouldn’t tap out.
“Is that all you can give me?” you played back.
“Greedy little thing hm,” Danny groaned.
Jake slid out of you while Danny flipped you over onto your back again. He only removed himself from you for a moment, plunging right back in. His arms on either side of your body, holding himself up. 
Jake played out the same movements with Danny he did with you. He pulled him back by his throat, his back was flush with Jake’s torso. Danny had paused his movements with you while Jake had his fun. 
“You want me to fuck you now?” Jake said as he rutted into Danny’s ass. 
“God yes,” Danny breathed out eagerly.
You were just as desperate as Danny was, it was all over his face.
“You want me to fuck you right into her tight cunt?” Jake said as his hands roamed Danny’s body.
You reached over to the hotel nightstand fumbling around, while they were distracted. While shopping today you had wondered upon a little sex shop. The boys had gotten distracted down the street so you snuck off by yourself. You had purchased a bottle of strawberry lube, you knew it would come in handy.
You silently thanked yourself while presenting it to the boys. Their eyes lit up and they both smiled. Jake looked between the two of you and took the small bottle with nervous hands. 
You heard the ‘pop’ sound of the lid opening. Danny leaned back down to you, giving Jake better access. You began tracing your fingers along his back. You could hear the wet noises as Jake slicked up his cock. “Are you ready for me?” Jake asked.
“Yes,” Danny hardly spoke.
Jake slid a lubed up finger inside of Danny’s hole. Danny noticeably tensed up at the new feeling. “Just relax, I’ve got you,” Jake said, while massaging his ass. 
At the sound of Jake’s voice Danny almost immediately relaxed into him. Jake slid in and out a few more times, adding more fingers as he went. Jake was giving every bit of his attention to Danny’s pleasure and comfort. While Danny groped at your skin, sucking at your nipples, trying to figure out where to put his focus. 
Once Danny gave the okay, Jake removed his fingers and grabbed his cock. He jerked himself a few times, slapping it against Danny’s entrance. Jake pushed the head of his cock slowly into his hole, letting Danny get used to the stretch before fully bottoming out in him. 
They groaned almost in sync with each other. Both sets of eyes fully blown out and rolling into the back of their heads. Danny burying his head into the crook of your neck, biting the sensitive skin. His cock twitching inside of you. With Danny’s head to the side, you had a perfect view of Jake now. The way that he looked buried inside of Danny, the pleasure that covered his face. His muscles flexing and eyes wide. His jaw was hung open. He waited a few minutes to move an inch. 
The sound of Jake fucking into Danny was causing arousal to pool in between your thighs. The harder that Jake slammed into Danny, the deeper he was pushing into you. Your legs were spread wide open. It didn’t take long to find a rhythm that worked between the three of you. Once Danny had found his own rhythm he began backing into Jake and pounding into you. 
No one spoke for a while. It was all whimpers and pornographic moans, the pleasure that you each were feeling was insane. 
“Danny, baby, fuck you’re so tight,” Jaked breathed out. 
“You both feel so fucking good,” Danny respsonded. 
Jake had a rough grip around Danny’s hips, pushing deeper into him with every stroke. In return slamming Danny harder into you. 
“I don’t think I can last much longer, I need to cum. Please let me cum…” Danny cried out to you both. 
Danny’s eyes pleaded with you for his release. You knew by the look on Jake’s face he was fighting his own ending, his hips were faltering their pace. You wrapped your legs around Danny’s waist, “Cum in me, fill me up baby.”
Within seconds of your own plea you were unraveled. Danny had covered your chest in purple marks, his own moans shook your body. You felt him coat your walls in his thick release, twitching inside of you, crying out. Jake fucked him through his orgasm wildly, you knew he was trying to hold off a bit longer. But the sight of you and Danny cumming sent him over. He coated the walls of Danny’s tight hole. 
When Jake pulled from Danny they both let out a hiss. Danny finally found the strength to pull out of you. You whimpered from the loss of him. You and Danny both having cum dripping from you. You both were a whimpering mess. 
The three of you laid tangled up and out of breath. You were still in the middle of them, they both had a leg draped over you, holding hands over your stomach. Exhausted from your dirty dance in the sheets. You couldn’t help but blush and giggle. It was everything and more than you had hoped. 
As exhausted as you were, the adrenaline was still coursing through you. You felt relaxed and happy. You wanted to savor this moment for as long as you could. 
“That was fucking amazing,” you finally broke the silence. They both hummed in unison. 
You moved to place a kiss on Jake’s plump lips. You heard Danny whimper from behind you. You turned over to do the same to him. You sunk back to your place in between them. Jake sat up slightly to kiss Danny next, sweet and gentle. Both of them blushing, as if they hadn’t just been deep inside of one another. 
Jake was the first to move, bringing you and Danny a warm washcloth. Knowing that neither of you had the intention of moving for a while. He cleaned you both off caringly. 
The three of you scooted yourselves under the covers and fell sound asleep not long after. All of you being drained physically. You had stayed tangled up all night long. 
Danny POV
You woke up the next morning in the same position that you had drifted off in. You took a deep breath into your lungs and your senses were filled with Jake and Y/n. Your head nuzzled in Y/n’s neck, a leg draped over her body, and your hand intertwined with Jake’s. 
They were both still asleep, their chests slowly rising and falling. The morning light was beginning to peek through the curtains, adding a slight glow to their bare skin. You took this time to admire how peaceful they looked. You also took this time to gather your thoughts of the past two days' events. 
Within the recent days you had finally admitted not only to yourself, but to your best friends that you had feelings for them. As much reassurance as they had both given you, you still couldn’t help but worry that they would wake up and have regrets. You hoped they still felt the same way when they opened their eyes this morning. 
You now found yourself tangled in the sheets with them, as their boyfriend. You could have stayed like this with them forever, but of course you had a full schedule for today. You felt Y/n begin to stir awake, her eyes slowly peeking open and meeting yours. You couldn’t help but smile at her. She looked so delighted to see you. 
“Good Morning boyfriend,” she giggled and squeezed your hand.
“Well good morning girlfriend,” you replied. 
It felt so right to be here with them like this, domestic even. She rolled completely over to you, snuggling up to your chest and met her lips to yours. Your movement must have woken Jake up. You glanced over to see him rolling towards you and Y/n. His eyes were only halfway open, but a grin spread across his face. 
He sat up slightly and kissed Y/n on the cheek, greeting her for the morning. Then turning his attention to you as Y/n had, repeating her actions.
“Good Morning boyfriend,” Jake said blushing and kissing you lightly.
“Good Morning boyfriend,” you repeated back. 
The phrase just sounded right. Their actions had whipped the fear from your mind immediately. You couldn’t control the smile on your face. You stayed in your own bubble for a few minutes longer. Of course someone began pounding on the door, bringing you back to reality. 
You all stared at each other, maybe a hint of nervousness behind your eyes. You had all agreed that you weren’t hiding this, but it was a bit soon. When no one moved to answer the door you heard Josh’s voice, “Rise and shine! The bus will be here in the next thirty minutes guys!”
“Okay, we’ll be down soon,” Jake yelled back, never moving from the bed. 
All of you were still unclothed, nothing but the sheets covering you. You all reluctantly dragged yourselves from the bed. Jake was the first to get up, you couldn’t help but gawk at his naked form. You heard the shower water begin to run as he disappeared into the hot steam.
 Y/n caught your stare, “Why don’t we join him?” 
The hotel shower allowed just enough space for the three of you. You and Y/n entered on either side of Jake. You pressed to his back and Y/n to his front as you let the warm water soak your bodies.
Your sore muscles thanked you. Your hands ran along the length of Jake’s body. He leaned his head back onto your chest. You looked over him to see Y/n stroking his cock. You wrapped one hand around his throat and one around waist to hold him steady. She was pumping him furiously. 
You sucked at the skin on his shoulder. You and Y/n coaxed him along eagerly. You watched her grope at herself with her free hand. She had purple marks down her front and her hips slightly bruised. You took pride in admiring your artwork. Her eyes stayed on yours, she wanted you to see the way she unraveled him. 
You could feel Jake’s muscles tightening underneath you. His eyes were clamped shut and his forehead creased together. You added a little more pressure around his throat and lifted his head up a bit. “Watch her. Watch her while she makes you cum for us,” you demanded.
You watched as he struggled to keep his eyes open and on her. But he followed your instructions like he was told. He held onto you tightly. He groaned and his hips bucked up wildly as he spilled into Y/n’s hand and her stomach.
She brought a finger to her mouth, groaning and licking it clean. You brought your hand to her stomach and swiped up the rest of Jake’s mess. You mimicked her movements by licking your hand clean. “You taste so good babe. You did so good for us,” you said.
After your shower you were left with little time to get ready. The three of you were rushing around to get dressed. You threw on last night's clothes and kissed them both swiftly. You made your way back to your own room. 
You noted that your bed was still perfectly made. Your room looked as if you had hardly been there. You wondered if this was how it would be from now on. 
You met everyone else downstairs. “Where have you been all night?” Sam quizzed you.
“I was in bed, what do you mean?” you said, seeing Jake look at you happily.
“I came by twice and called you to see if you wanted to go out? You never answered,” he snipped back. 
“Oh uh, I must’ve been in a deep sleep,” you said lying through your teeth.
The day was busy, as it usually was before a show. You still found the time to sneak looks and touches at Jake when you could. The day went by quickly and on schedule. 
The show went without a hitch. You and Jake were completely in sync with one another. Everything was falling into place.
It had been one month since you had entered your throuple of a relationship. You had been able to stay with them on tour. Your job had been able to secure you a position of working from home, or in this case the road. But at least this meant that you would be able to spend more time with your boyfriends. 
You couldn’t keep your hands off of one another. You were growing a bit nervous. There was a break coming up in the tour soon. This meant that you would be going back to your shared home with Jake. You were thrilled about the break and time off. You had missed your home.
Danny had his own home, only a few minutes away from yours. You had discussed the living situation a few times, but never dug too deep. Things would flow naturally you figured. It was still very early in the relationship. But still you didn’t want Danny to feel left out.
You wanted him there with you and Jake. You wanted him to be there for all of the moments. You had worried that you would miss alone time with Jake, but that didn’t last very long. You had all become attached at the hip. 
Being so attached to one another you hadn’t been with Danny alone, nor Jake with Danny alone. All of your dates had been shared, the mind blowing sex, even sleeping. Danny had rarely stayed in his own room. 
You had managed to keep the relationship to yourselves for over a month. It wasn’t intentional, there just hadn’t truly been the right time. You still hadn’t been hiding it however, no one had really caught on. Everyone was so busy all of the time, but it was nice to stay in your bubble. You all found it sexy to have this secret. 
You figured your bubble would soon be popped with the off time coming up. You would be spending time together more often and in a different setting. They would definitely catch on soon enough. 
After the final show of the tour you were headed home. Danny opted to go to his own home. He wanted to get settled in and had a few things to tend to. 
You and Jake got yourselves settled in quickly. It had been so long since you had been alone together. It was different, it felt normal since you were home. But you knew that both you and Jake were missing your other half. 
You ordered in and watched a short movie. Before long you had decided to take a bath together. You soaked together in silence. You were both so exhausted you climbed into bed and fell sound asleep. 
The next day you woke up close to lunch time, Jake was still asleep peacefully next to you. You had thought you heard something, but the house was quiet. You were almost back asleep when you heard it again, much more clear this time. Jake was having a dream, a sex dream at that. 
His brows were furrowed and his hips were rutting lightly into you. He groaned and softly whispered Danny’s name. A smile spread across your face. You knew after last night that he missed him. You had both been living comfortably with Danny as a big part of your live’s. 
You didn’t feel so bad about waking him from his dream. His whimpers and whispers had caused a wave of excitement to your center. You rolled him onto his back and straddled him. You grasped his hard cock and sank down onto him. 
His eyes shot open, he hissed through his teeth. Once he was fully awake he began pounding into you. You knew this was exactly what he needed. His hand collided with your ass hard. 
He brutally slammed into you, he was certainly not going to last long. The dream had already gotten him halfway there. “You miss Danny hm?” you spoke.
He didn’t respond with words. He flipped you over roughly, pushing your legs behind your head. The new angle caused you to cry out from the pleasure. You squeezed around his cock. “Fill me up baby, just like you do Danny,” you moaned.
Your words sent him over into a wild orgasm. His release coated your cunt. “Goodmorning love,” he said, pulling from you.
“Sounded like an interesting dream that I interrupted,” you said.
You had decided to have a lazy day. Since it was already past lunch time now, the day was halfway over. You showered and took your cozy places on the couch. You didn’t plan on seeing anyone for the day. 
Oddly enough neither of you had heard from Danny. Maybe he wanted some alone time or was even still sleeping. Later in the evening you realized that neither of you had eaten. Your stomach growled loudly. At that exact moment your doorbell rang. 
You hadn’t bothered even getting dressed today. You had on an oversized t-shirt that came to your knees and that was all. Jake was only wearing boxers. You had taken this lazy day to a new level. You cracked open the door, given your state of undress, and revealed Danny standing there with two boxes of pizza. 
It’s like he read your mind. You and Jake had been silently hoping that you would hear from him soon. “Gonna invite me in Y/n, or just leave me out in the cold?” he joked.
You opened the door wide enough for him to enter. “Who is it?” Jake asked. 
Danny placed the food in front of Jake on the couch. “Oh, hey Danny,” Jake said nervously.
Danny leaned down and kissed him softly. You brought in plates and drinks to the living room. You squeezed in between the boys on the couch. Danny leaned in to kiss you sweetly. You immediately blushed. You had missed him more than you thought and it had only been a day. 
You spent the evening cuddled up on the couch. No one really talked, you simply sat in comfort. You had truthfully forgotten about how little clothing that you were wearing. The blankets had kept you covered. You were reminded when Danny moved his hand further up your thigh. When he realized there was nothing there but your naked skin he looked down at you with a devilish grin. 
He never said a word, he just began rubbing slow circles around your clit. It took him only moments to have you squirming under his touch. He moved his fingers to your soaked entrance, you felt his breath catch in his throat, a small groan was let out. He plunged them into you. You could hear your own wet sounds over the movie playing right in front of you. 
You gripped his arm tightly in an attempt to ground yourself. You looked up to find his attention still on the movie. He knew exactly what he was doing to you. You looked over to find Jake’s eyes on you. 
“Danny I think she missed you today,” Jake said playfully.
Now Danny’s attention was on you. “Is that true love? Couldn’t even go a day without me?” he toyed with you. 
“I might have missed you, just a little,” you confessed. 
“From the way your pussy feels, I would say it’s more than just a little,” Danny said.
Your cheeks turned bright red. He was right. Your cunt gave you away instantly. You took another glance over at Jake to see him palming himself over his boxers. Danny removed his fingers from you and dropped to his knees below the couch. He sat directly in front of your needy cunt. 
He didn’t waste any time though, he dove right into you. He made a mess of you in no time. He had clearly missed you just as much. He had you seeing stars and calling out for him in minutes. He firmly placed his palms on your thighs to hold you steady.
You gripped Jake’s cock and lazily. Danny made sure to put all of your focus on your pleasure. He swirled his tongue around your clit, forcing cries from you with every move.
After a little play time you all sat foggy minded on the couch. A few minutes of relaxing and Danny spoke, “Well I guess I should be going then.” 
Jake looked at you with worry as if to say ‘don’t let him go’. 
“You’re leaving already?” you said. 
“Yeah I guess so, it’s getting late,” he said, hardly looking at either of you.
“You could just stay, if you wanted I mean,” you said touching his arm. 
“Oh, uh, yeah sure. I just wasn’t sure that you guys wanted that,” Danny said, clearly nervous. 
“Danny, of course you can stay. We missed you last night and today. We were worried when we didn’t hear from you at all,” you said reassuringly. 
“I just didn’t want to intrude or seem overbearing,” he said, still not looking at either of you. 
“We’re in a relationship now. There isn’t anything for you to intrude on. We want you here with us,” you said cupping his cheek.
His demeanor changed immediately. His eyes lit up. “I want to be here with you guys too. Our first real sleepover!” 
After your talk you went to bed. Danny slept in the middle this time, you and Jake snuggled up on either side of him. It was the first time he had stayed at your home like this. You could tell how happy it made the three of you to be like this. 
The next day you woke up around lunch again. You peeped over to see Jake sleeping deeply and Danny just waking up with you. 
“Goodmorning beautiful,” Danny whispered, kissing you on the lips. 
“Want to go make some breakfast? I’m starving,” you replied. You both got up quietly and made your way to the kitchen. You slipped on yesterday's oversized shirt and a pair of panties. Danny had on a pair of Jake’s boxers. He insisted that he cook for you. So you sat at the bar and talked a little while he did so.
You weren’t ashamed to say that you had hardly heard a word that he spoke. He was standing there cooking for you and Jake, in basically no clothing. He looked so pretty like this. It was definitely something that you hoped you witnessed more often.
You considered waking Jake up, but you figured just to let him catch up on some sleep. This was also a good time as any to have some one on one time with Danny. After you ate you laid together on the couch.
He massaged your scalp, tugging at your hair the way he had learned you liked. His hands began to roam up and down your half naked body. Until they found their way to the hem of your shirt, he lifted it over your head. He wrapped a hand around the back of your neck and pulled you into an open mouthed kiss. Your tongues fighting for dominance.
His heavy eyes found your bare chest. He scooped up your breasts, gently massaging them. He wrapped his lips around your right nipple, biting down softly. The sensation caused you to cry out for him.
You had no clue what came over him, but you liked it. He ripped your soaked panties from your body. The fabric shredding to pieces. This sparked something in you. You pulled his boxers off in one move. He kicked them to the side quickly.
“Danny, I need you to fuck me,” you moaned into his mouth.
He ran the head of his weeping cock through your folds a few times before burying himself deep inside of you. He was fucking you rougher than he ever had, which was certainly saying something. He had your hands pinned above your head, your legs up in the air, spread fully for him.
You were sure you would wake Jake up from the pornographic sounds that you were both letting out. Danny pulled out of you and when you protested his actions he delivered a sharp smack to your cunt and another to your ass.
You moaned and begged for more. “Oh my girl likes the pain huh?” he played.
This only spurred him on further. He plunged back into you. The sounds of your now sweaty skin smacking together echoed through the house. He brought his fingers to your mouth and instructed you to open. You obeyed his every request happily. Once he was satisfied he brought them to your clit, rubbing fast circles around it.
“Danny, I’m gonna cum, please,” you cried.
“Then be a good girl and let go for me. I’ve got you,” he said.
Your entire body convulsed around him. Your legs trembled and you moaned in pleasure, he didn’t slow down at all. As soon as he fucked you through it he flipped you over onto all fours. Your ass was in the air, your face was buried into the couch pillows.
He propped one leg up and grabbed your hips and pounded into you. Your eyes clamped shut, you were beyond overstimulated. You had never seen Danny like this. You were sure that you had red handprints covering your ass. He grabbed your hair and pulled you up to his chest. His other arm wrapping around your torso and snaking down to your clit. He rubbed fast circles again. “I’m so close Y/n, cum for me. I know you can,” he groaned into your ear.
You came hard together. His cock twitching and emptying inside of your cunt was the most euphoric feeling as you came around him. He didn’t pull out of you. He sat down onto the couch and guided you to straddle him.
You sat for a few moments in silence. Both of you with the after sex glow coating you. You and Danny’s mess leaking from you. You reached down and collected a few drops of your mess, bringing it to both of your lips. You both released a groan, “Danny we taste so sweet together.”
“Fuck Y/n, that was amazing,” he said brushing your hair back.
Before you could speak back you heard the front door burst open. Weird, you never saw Jake come through the living room. He certainly would have joined or at least watched if that was the case.
You heard a voice similar to Jake’s booming through the house. Only it wasn’t Jake.
To be continued…
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Morpheus x Reader High School AU
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A little High School AU where the reader gets stood at prom, but once her charmingly awkward classmate gets the wind of this, he decides that he just has to be the one to save her evening.
No warnings apply
author's notes: in this au Morpheus and his siblings moved to the US with their dad after their parents got a divorce. I headcanon them to be around 17-18 for Morpheus and Death, and around 15-16 for Desire. I had to adapt their names for the modern world so Death is Desna in this AU and Desire is Desirée.
For now, it's just a little oneshot, but if I have any good ideas for this AU I might write another part in the future.
When I was writing this I headcanoned that reader has pink hair, but you can imagine any other eye-catching haircolor you prefer ;)
Title inspired by Steve Lacy's Bad Habit but the song is not particularly relevant to the story, I just liked the vibes
Hope you enjoy!
“Morpheus!!” Desna—once again—barges into his room without knocking. She is the only one of his siblings to be granted such a privilege. Desirée on the other hand has learned the hard way to always knock and to never enter Morpheus’ quarters without an explicitly extended invitation.
“Sister dearest,” Morpheus acknowledges flatly, without looking up from his book.
“Do you have a suit?” Desna asks with a somewhat manic edge to her voice.
“Indeed I do,” Morpheus replies absentmindedly, engrossed in his reading. “For funerals and such.”
“Great!” Desna claps her hands. “You always look nice at funerals.”
Morpheus sighs, places a bookmark on the page he was reading, and carefully closes the book. Once he looks up, he can immediately tell from the look on her face that Desna has her mind set on some sort of questionable scheme and that Morpheus will be dragged into it regardless of his opinion on the matter.
“You’ll need to buy a corsage too, and fast,” Desna mumbles to herself, pacing the room back and forth.
“Not this again,” Morpheus rolls his eyes with a sigh. “Desna, I have repeatedly informed you that I am not going to prom. I have been asked out on multiple occasions and I refused as I do not wish to attend.”
“That’s because you were asked by the wrong people,” Desna scoffs dismissively.
“The only person I would like to take already has a date,” Morpheus grunts.
His sister clicks her tongue, exuding some type of emotion Morpheus struggles to interpret. “Not anymore,” she says.
“I beg your pardon?” Morpheus asks, raising his brow skeptically. “There is,” he checks his watch, “less than three hours left till the start of the main event, so unless Trevor Birghin’s lifeless body is lying somewhere in a ditch, I can’t imagine a good enough reason for him to not show up.”
“Well,” Desna starts hesitantly, as if she's approaching a wild animal. “It’s not that he won’t show up exactly…”
“Desna,” Morpheus presses with a chilling edge to his tone.
“It’s just that I overheard Trevor and Danny yesterday, and they were talking about who’s taking who to prom and all that…” 
Desna takes a deep breath and proceeds to explain—in the most convoluted way imaginable no less—the trite and simple fact Morpheus was always all too well aware of: Trevor Birghin is a fucking asswipe.
“...and that’s when I remembered that at the start of the term,” Desna continues with her tortuous explanation, “Trevor said that he would love to take Christina to prom because, like, the whole quarterback/cheerleader thing, but she told him no because she wanted to ask someone else,” Desna gives Morpheus a pointed look, “but then she got rejected by that someone.”
“Are you implying any of this is my fault?” Morpheus asks, offended. “I have met oatmeal more capable of a riveting conversation than that girl. Can you blame me for not wanting to spend an entire evening in the company of her and her degenerate friends?”
“It’s not what I'm—” Desna starts. “I’m getting to the important bit, Morpheus, I promise. So Christina said no to Trevor, so he was forced—his words, not mine—to ask y/n because they kind of have a thing or whatever, I’m not entirely sure. But now that you rejected Christina, she decided to go with Trevor after all and so that leaves y/n dateless.”
Morpheus’ blood is boiling with righteous anger. He is not usually a violent person, but for someone like Birghin, he will be more than happy to make an exception.
“And I’m afraid that’s not the worst of it, love,” Desna adds quietly, almost apologetically.
“I’m struggling to come up with something that could possibly make this situation worse,” Morpheus grits.
“I’m like 99.9% confident that Trevor didn’t have the guts to actually tell y/n.”
Morpheus inhales sharply. “So, just to be clear, you’re saying that she is about to show up there without knowing that her date stood her up for another girl?”
“Mhm,” Desna hums, not meeting his eyes.
“Why the hell didn’t you tell her?!”
“And how exactly would that look, Morpheus?” Desna bites out. “I’m not even supposed to know about any of this. I don’t want to look like some nosy busybody.”
“While being one beyond any reasonable doubt,” Morpheus grumbles under his breath.
“Plus,” Desna adds, “I honestly think that y/n needs to clearly see the piece of trash that he is once and for all. She’s always trying to see the best in people, even when there isn’t anything decent there in the first place!”
Desna sounds genuinely distraught so just this once Morpheus decides against reminding her about maintaining personal boundaries of the people she barely knows. It’s not because he has a personal stake in all of this or anything like that, no.
“Why are you telling me this?” Morpheus asks, surrendering to the idea that there is no way he’s not going to involve himself now that he has all the facts.
Desna tsks, like she’s disappointed he even has to ask. “Morpheus, you know perfectly well why I'm telling you all this. You’ve been mooning over y/n since our first day at this school.”
“And she was evidently not interested,” Morpheus points out bitterly, “seeing how she went and got herself a thing, as you so eloquently put it.”
Desna flops down on the bed next to him, throwing her hand around his shoulders in a half-hug. “Morphey, darling,” she says softly, “that’s a load of absolute fucking bullshit. Anyone who had the misfortune to witness the two of you debate against each other in AP Lit felt like the biggest third wheel on this side of the Atlantic. This unresolved romantic tension makes people around you viscerally uncomfortable. Though I can’t exactly blame y/n for not asking you out. You did quite rudely reject—how many was it again, four or five—girls our first semester alone. I think you even made Mary Waylan cry.”
“Wonderful insight,” Morpheus deadpans. “Still doesn’t mean y/n likes me back.”
“Morpheus,” Desna sighs. “She always sits next to you in classes you share. Even the ones Trevor is in too.”
“Well, he’s an idiot and we get a lot of group projects as homework,” Morpheus argues weakly.
Desna rolls her eyes more dramatically than usual. “She remembered your birthday after I mentioned it once in passing, she got you an old-ass Lovecraft anthology for the said birthday, which made you possibly the happiest I have ever seen you in my entire life. She brings you coffee every Monday when you have calc together first thing in the morning because she knows you never go to bed before two am. She remembers all your odd opinions on Shakespeare and can refer to them months later, just to make a point to you about some poncy literary concept. She always says hi to you in the hallway even though you never reply and most people just think you’re just a pretentious brat, but I’m pretty sure she cracked you like a week after she met you and she’s in on the secret that you’re just painfully awkward when it comes to human interaction—”
“Okay, okay, I get it!” Morpheus stands up, throwing Desna’s hand off himself. 
“I’ll need to borrow your garment steamer later,” he grumbles, grabbing his wallet and car keys.
“I’ll see you at the venue, sweetie!” Morpheus hears his sister yell after him as he leaves the house and heads for the flower shop.
You stand in front of the entrance to a fancy-ass hotel, staring at your phone with a mix of incredulity and rage. This piece of human garbage only deigned to inform you that he can’t be your prom date mere fucking minutes before you arrived at the venue.
from: Trev🏈
hey quick change of plans
decided to go with the boys as a group
hope there’s no hard feelings, see ya at school😜
What the fuck is that even supposed to mean? All his friends from the team had dates last time you checked. 
You open Instagram and swipe through the stories of a few girls you know from his friend group. Just as you expected, they all are still very much going with Trevor’s teammates.
If you’re being completely honest with yourself, it’s not like you’re even all that heartbroken over Trevor’s general shittiness right now. He hurt your pride, obviously, but not really your feelings. Right from the start of your situationship with him, he was barely more than a poor substitute for the person you actually wanted. Going with Trevor felt like a safe bet at the time because the idea that the person you actually wanted to go with would say yes seemed like an absolute pipe dream.
But you didn’t even ask Morpheus, the treacherous voice inside your head reminds unhelpfully. You convinced yourself you were doing the smart thing here, avoiding guaranteed heartache and embarrassment of being one of the girls he rejected. Right now, though, it becomes harder and harder to ignore the fact that you might've just been a coward.
Morpheus is probably sitting in some high-end coffee shop right now, reading Kaffka, or something equally pretentious, being all dark and handsome and utterly unapproachable. Definitely not caring about your inner turmoil about a stupid high school prom.
Someone goes in at that moment and through the open door you hear a faint reverberation of the song playing in the main hall.
“Yeah, I am an idiot with a painted face indeed,” you say to no one in particular.
“Waiting for someone?” A calm deep voice behind you asks.
For a second you genuinely believe that thinking about Morpheus so much gave you some sort of hearing hallucination. You whip your head so fast, you hear a crack in your neck. 
It’s not a hallucination.
“What are you…? How…? You… I…” You ask very eloquently.
The corners of his lips crawl upward as he rather unsuccessfully tries to hold back a smile.
“My sister has informed me of the unpleasant predicament you have found yourself in this evening and I simply couldn’t stand to see a lady wronged in a manner so galling and distasteful.”
“Really?” You ask skeptically, raising an eyebrow at him. “Since when do you care about chivalry of random people's prom dates?”
“I care only about one,” Morpheus says quietly, looking down at his beat-up doc martens. Under the harsh neon lights of the hotel’s facade, you notice the faintest trace of blush on his sharp cheekbones. “About a girl with a hair color so aggravating, my eyes can’t help but be drawn to it the second she enters the room, the girl who can’t help but argue with me over every single stupid little thing, like a font for our biology presentation—”
“Hey! Comic Sans is dyslexia friendly!”
“The girl who completely overestimates the influence of Tolkien on English classical literature.”
“It’s impossible to overestimate!!” You shriek, mentally returning to the argument from two weeks ago that landed the both of you in detention, when Mr. Stevens accused you of purposefully disrupting his class and told the two of you to “get out of his classroom and go flirt in the principal's office”.
Morpheus looks up, meeting your eyes. You can tell he’s thinking about the same thing.
God, why does he need to be so beautiful?
“What I’m getting at here,” he continues, unperturbed, “is that you're not some random person in my life, and I would like nothing more than to be your date tonight. Would you be agreeable to that?”
He holds out his hand and you look down to see a beautiful black rose corsage. Very on-brand for him, you can’t help but smile.
“You’re so stupid, Morpheus,” you sniff, willing your eyes to dry before the tears ruin your makeup. “Of course I fucking want you to be my date, I've never even wanted anyone else to be my date except you in the first place.”
He seems taken aback by that but recovers quickly and starts carefully fastening the corsage onto your outstretched hand.
While he’s busy with it, you try to take a closer look at him. To be fair, even if he showed up in a Hello Kitty onesie, you would still think he is the most gorgeous bastard you’ve ever laid your eyes on, but he’s wearing a tailored black suit with a black turtleneck underneath and—oh god, his little pocket square is baby pink to match your dress!! This is literally the first time you see him wear something not black and he wore it for you. You just might explode from feelings™ right now.
When he’s done with the corsage, he doesn’t let go of your hand, but intertwines his fingers with yours and pulls the door open for you with his other hand. “After you, m’lady.”
This doesn’t fucking feel real. Maybe, you think frantically, you just inhaled too much hairspray while you were getting ready and this is all a delirious dream. Except the warmth of his hand in yours is very real and so are the double takes from your classmates milling around in the hotel lobby.
“Do you want to take a photo before we go in?” Morpheus asks, nodding at the huge full-length mirrors along the wall.
You blink at him dazedly before the question registers. “Yeah! Sure, yeah, let me just—”
You start rummaging around your purse in search of a phone when you realize it’s literally in your hand.
Morpheus smiles, amused.
“You enjoying this then?” You want to sound irritated but it comes out more…petulant. “Me making an idiot out of myself entertains you?”
“I just like looking at you,” Morpheus says simply. “Is that such a crime? Your emotions are always so…scintillating. I find it impossible to look away.”
How can he just say shit like that and be 100% serious while doing it, you think, while desperately trying to will your face into not going red as a fucking firetruck.
What a beautiful, brilliant weirdo.
“Yeah, okay, Mr. Thesaurus, we get it, you like me,” you croak awkwardly, opening the camera app. “Let’s take some pictures, I’ll need them for the PowerPoint presentation my mom will expect on how I ended up going to prom with a completely different guy than I initially told her.”
“I hope there’s a word amelioration somewhere in the title of that presentation,” Morpheus teases as he stands behind, wrapping his arms around you to pose for the picture.
You snort at the implication, relaxing into his embrace.
The photos come out very nice. Though with a face like his, there’s hardly a chance Morpheus could look bad in them. You don’t always like taking photos of yourself, but surprisingly you like most of the ones you took together Morpheus. Some of them are silly, with the two of you making faces, some are very prom-ish looking, perfect for showing your parents, and then there’s…
“This one,” Morpheus catches your wrist before you can swipe to the next photo. “I like this one. Can you send it to me?”
In the photo, you’re looking past the camera, at Morpheus’ reflection as he holds you gently in his arms.
“I look silly in this one,” you pout. 
Bessoted would be a better word to describe your expression in the photo, but you’d rather lick chalk than admit it to him.
He doesn’t need you to, though. Morpheus looks at you knowingly, “No you don’t.”
You look down at your phone, feeling your cheeks going hot again. “How would I even send it to you?” You grumble just to be contrary. “With pigeon post? Gosh, who even has a phone with buttons anymore, aside from, like, grandpas? No, you know, scratch that. My grandpa actually has an iPhone 7.”
Morpheus just smiles at you indulgently. “Send it to my sister, she’ll print it out for me.”
Ridiculous. He’s absolutely ridiculous, you think as you type out the message to Desna.
to: Desna 🌸🔪
Local elderly citizen requires your assistance in procuring a photograph
attached file: ridiculousman.png
from: Desna 🌸🔪
you guys are so cuuuuuteeee!!!! 
٩(❀ •̀ᴗ•́ )۶~♡
Desna has a tendency to text as if it’s 2010 and her enthusiasm can be terrifying and a bit overwhelming sometimes but she’s one of the sweetest people you’ve ever met. You’re tempted to ask how the hell did she know Trevor was gonna bail on you tonight, but in the end, you decide that you don’t really give a shit. The only thing that matters is the outcome and looking at Morpheus fumbling with the tickets—he printed out the QR codes on an actual piece of paper because he’s a literal grandpa—you think that the outcome has literally exceeded all your expectations. Come to think of it, you should probably send Desna a fruit basket or something. 
author's note: I'm still not over the fact that Tom Sturridge has a phone with buttons and without access to the internet😂 Good for him though, I hope he's thriving
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abibliophobiaa · 2 years
Another Love - tasm!peter parker x f!reader (3/3)
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a/n: well, here we are. almost 50k words later and we are at the final part of this crazy brain-child i had one day after i knew i would be doing an april au event over on @spidervee’s page. i've loved every minute of it. also, definitely the first time i've written this much in a long time. or ever, for that matter.
warnings: 18+ to be safe - minors dni. blood. gore. typical time period violence. i've also mentioned pregnancy multiple times in previous chapters, so just want to throw out that it is mentioned. briefly. and peter and reader are parents by the end. also mentioned only briefly, as i know not everyone is into that. but it is a royal!au and heirs are a thing. 
cross-posted on my ao3. 
“holy water cannot help you now,
see i’ve come to burn your kingdom down.”
seven devils - florence + the machine
Time was a fickle thing. One moment, you were careless and free. Troubles all a faraway memory. Thoughts pushed far from your mind, focused instead on the present. 
Of running through fields. Dancing beneath firelight. Whispering poetry against wine drunk ears. Playing chess in no more than a fur cloak to cover your form. Hot eyes trailing along bare flesh. Of plush pillows and heated hands. Of pleasure so deep, it made your head swirl. Dragged beneath the depths of it. A breathless surrender. 
Even then, you knew it to have been limited. Merely shards of sand falling through an hourglass. Counting down until this very moment. 
You had two months. Two months of wedded bliss at last. Selfishly, it wasn’t enough. 
You kept repeating those words in your mind as Peter dragged you back to the garrison. Lifting your armor he had fitted for you when you began training. Helped you into it as you stared off into the distance. 
Not enough time. 
I am out of time…
“I need you to try to avoid battle as much as possible. Your primary goal is to assist the other healers.”
You barely heard him. Eyes drifting to his face to look at him. Taking in those kind eyes, full of assurance toward you when all you felt was dark, cold dread. It swallowed you in those inky, black tendrils. Till all you knew was breathlessness. 
“Did you hear me?” He asked. Curled his finger around the tip of your chin, turning your head to him. “Hey. Hey…look at me. I am here. I am right here, please do not go where I cannot follow you.”
Your fingers reached up to cup along his cheek. Memorizing every feature. Every line and sharp angle. The thickness of his brows. The curve of his nose. The gentle slope of his jaw. The indent just above his top lip. The way his bottom one jutted out just so. Perfectly made for your own. And his honey brown doe-eyes. Always so full of emotion; your favorite as of late being the love he so deeply bore you. 
“I heard you.”
Your words were so soft, you weren’t even sure you’d truly spoken them. Hollowed, just as your chest felt at the reality etching its way into it. Replacing every shred of joy and replacing it with bitterness and fear. 
“You got a little quiet on me. You are generally very outspoken.”
You forced out a laugh. Your lips dragged downward once more, eyes trailing over your breastplate. Over the family crest; the name you shared with your husband, emblazoned on the metal. 
“We are out of time.”
“Do not say such things.” He demanded, forehead pressing forcefully into yours. 
“What if it is true? What if we have been given a short glimpse at eternity and that is all we get?” Your eyes watered, pinching shut as you shuddered on an exhale. 
“Then I will die happy knowing it was spent with you,” he said, tugging you to your feet.
“Please…do not speak of death like it is an option.”
His hand smoothed down the side of your neck. Your shoulder. “Love, it is not an option. As I said, we will see the sunrise again. I am certain of it. We have many years yet, all of which we will spend with one another. You may even grow to tire of me.”
“I would never tire of you.”
He leaned forward and kissed you once more. Lingered for a bit before Lord Bartrand cleared his throat, hand crossed over his chest. Peter quickly dressed himself and turned to the man, clasping your hand in his. 
“You must address the army, Your Grace. Morale is high—though Carstell soldiers have still not arrived.”
“How many soldiers did Hollowhall bring?”
Lord Bartrand glanced down. “It looks to be thousands. Likely three—maybe more.”
“We are outnumbered,” you whispered out, feeling your heart stutter in your chest. 
Peter turned to you then, smiling. “It is the hearts of the soldiers that matters. Not the number.”
You believed him. Had to believe him. And it was hard not to when he looked into your eyes with an assurance that made you feel like every inch of you glowed. His words inspired. That heart of his steadfast and brave. You loved him. Reminded him of such, as Lord Bartrand looked away for a moment to give you the privacy of a whispered affection between the two of you. 
“I am sorry your honey moon has been cut short,” Lord Bartrand said, as the two of you fell into step beside him. “But your people need you more than ever, Your Graces. We may lose many lives before the battle is over.”
The reality of it settled on you then. Knowing that many of the soldiers here today might meet the end of a blade today, dying for something they believed so fiercely in. Brave soldiers who had a heart for their country—and those of your father’s, coming to defend their once gilded Princess. 
As you stepped out and into the open fields near the garrison, you were met with the countless soldiers standing pressed together in a sea of bodies. Their swords were already in hand, raised with their fists as they shouted their love for the King. And for you. 
You remained at Peter’s side, never allowing your hand to part from his as he tugged you nearer to his chest. Ran a hand along your armored side as Lord Bartrand moved to attach a billowing red cloak to your husband’s armor. The wind made it trail behind him. Stark against the midnight sky, illuminated by torch light. 
Those faces staring up at you made your breath catch as it settled in the back of your throat. So many of which you didn’t even know the name of. Faces you might find buried in a few days time. Whispering words to console to grieving widows, to their children…loved ones. They lived and breathed for Ayelandia. For the hope of a long reign to come. You would not disappoint them. 
“People of Ayelandia! People of Glendhaven! Hollowhall soldiers stand at our doorstep. They would hope to overtake our lands—to take what is ours. But we will not let them. Our hearts beat for our home, and we will do whatever we can this day to preserve it!” Peter began, his voice loud and clear over the din. “In the words of late Queen Gwen, ‘No matter how buried it gets, or lost you feel, you must promise me that you will hold on to hope and keep it alive. We have to be greater than what we suffer. My wish for you is to become hope.’ So we will do that. We will be a hope for our people. A beacon. We do not surrender!” 
Shouts of Long live the King and long live the Queen permeated the air. A chant that beat loudly in your ears as you stepped down the stairs leading toward the swelling crowd. Greeted the soldiers with an arm across your chest as you passed. Reminding them tonight you were one with them. Golden ring twined in your hair, symbolic of your training and acceptance from the Guard. 
So, with your heart beating wildly in your chest, your husband gripped your hand in his own and led his army toward the fields of Ambrosen. 
To war. 
A healing tent had been prepared some weeks ago on the fields of Ambrosen. Lined with numerous cots, bandages, linens and herbs and ointments which you knew would be vital in the hours to come. As soon as you entered, you counted everyone within. Ten healers. You hoped it would be enough. Hoped none of them would come in the line of battle. 
Bronwynne appeared at your side, wearing only a slip of chainmail over her simple frock, and an apron overtop. You reached forward to wrap your arms around her neck, drawing her near to you. She trembled beneath your grasp, eyes leveling with yours. 
“This is really happening?” 
You nodded, biting your lip. “Yes. You go ahead and make sure everyone is prepared. I am to join my husband briefly, but I will be right back.”
Bronwynne, with a newly secured assurance, began making her way about the room. Distributing orders to the rest of the healers. You had argued with Healer Agatha to stay behind with the other women and children of Ayelandia, despite her many protests. But she had conceded eventually, understanding it was in her best interest. 
“We are all well equipped thanks to you, Healer Agatha.”
Her eyes had burned with unshed tears. Her palms coming up to clasp your forearms. “We are so very blessed by you, Your Grace. Lion heart. Ayelandia will see you and your husband reign for years to come.”
You brushed at your eyes, slipping from the tent to join your husband where he stood on the rampart. Overlooking the field of soldiers baring torches, ready to fight. His fingers tangled with yours, lips pressed against your cheek. 
“Archers, prepare the first volley!” 
Peter shouted, archers all around you moving their arrows into position. You had gripped a bow as well, alighting the tip with flame. You met his eyes briefly, before he gave the order to release the first wave of flaming arrows. 
The results were immediate. Soldiers at the front line screaming and shouting their agony. Some silenced immediately with a bolt to a head or a throat, while others screeched in their pain as fire licked at their forms. Your breathing halted, hands trembling as you reached for another arrow, watching your husband move into position as he prepared one as well. 
The second wave was released a moment later, and all hell broke loose on the battlefield. Hollowhall soldiers rushing forward toward those of Ayelandia and Glendhaven on the lower levels. Swords clashing in a flurry of rage and ferocity. The sound elevating itself up and over the ramparts, amplified only by the screams of the dying men and women below. 
You shuddered beside Peter, preparing to grab another arrow as his hand curled around your wrist. You gazed up at him, understanding settling over your face. You pressed your forehead against his, nodding slowly. 
“I will go join the other healers. Strike lucky and true, husband,” you whispered. 
The teased title curled his lips. Memories of your earlier days flashing across your minds. Of banter and displeasure at first. And then a companionship…melting into curiosity. Morphing into love—a love so deep and so certain. You had never known anything like it. Would never again, you were certain. 
“I love you,” you reminded him. 
“As I love you,” he said softly, kissing you one last time before you began running toward the stairs leading toward the battlefield. 
Nothing prepared you for the sights within the healing tent. You had seen wounded men before. Had witnessed death. Watched a man lose his life for treason many months ago now. But experiencing the men and women struggling on cots in varying degrees of distress eradicated any experience you had thus far. 
People moaned and cried around you. Healers flitting in and out of cots, tending to each of their patients. Deciding what methods might be used to save one—and what methods might bring another relief in their final hours. 
You held the hands of the dying as they slipped away from the world. And whispered words of comfort to others as you stitched their wounds back together, before bandaging them and sending them back into battle. For what felt like hours, bodies kept filtering in and out of the healing tend. Each one worse than the next. Each making you feel all the more helpless. 
Your breath halted when one of the familiar faced recruits you had trained with was brought inside and presented on the bed nearest you. His face twisted in pain. Hand pressed against a bleeding wound on his stomach. Charred marks scoring his body, where a Hollowhall soldier must have gotten him with a flaming arrow or a burning spear. He reached out for your hand, breathing coming out in short, puffed breaths. It wouldn’t be long now, you assumed, from the amount of blood seeping from the wound. 
“Please…please, Your Grace. I do not want to die alone.” 
Bronwynne glanced up from where she stood with her own patient. Bloody palm print scored across her face. Stained there by the woman who had died under her care only minutes ago. You glanced back down at the young man, settling down on the cot beside him. Hand clasped around his own as his murky eyes raised to yours. 
In the distance, one of the other healers began to sing. An unfamiliar Ayelandian tune. Of crossing over into freedom—of passing beyond into death. A comforting tune of a life outside of this one. Of a peace in death. A hopeful thing to ask for as you watched the man’s eyes slowly begin to close. His breathing becoming slower as you pressed your fingers against his throat. Counted the far and few in-between heartbeats beneath your skin. 
“You are not alone, my friend,” you whispered, inhaling through your tears. Brushed your face against the sleeve of your shirt. “You have served well. You can rest now.” 
His head nodded once slowly. 
Then again. 
And the beating against your fingers stopped. 
You slipped away in your mind for a moment, then. Like a phantom in the night as you stood to your feet, wiping your bloodied hand on your pant leg. Watching as soldiers lifted the body from the cot and replaced it with another. Watched as soldier after soldier met the same fate. Bleeding from wounds no medicine would ever be able to heal. 
It seemed futile. Your capabilities limited. More—you wanted to do more.
“You need to take a moment, Your Grace. You look as pale as death,” Bronwynne muttered, stirring you from your stupor. “I will tend to this patient.”
You nodded, walking over to grab a canteen of water. Sipped it briefly before your stomach churned and betrayed you into the nearest bucket you could find. You pressed the back of your hand to your forehead, breathing slowly in and out of your nostrils. Trying to block out the moaning around you. The grief-filled cries. The requests to tell loved ones of their dying family members last words. 
You took another sip of water and returned to your patients. One after the other, passing in and out like the waves on the Ayelandian shores. Cleaning and tending to wounds until your fingers ached. Until you felt you were unable to do anymore. 
It was on your second break to grab water that you smelled the fire. Rushed out of the tent to watch the smoke billowing high above the ramparts separating Ambrosen fields from the gates of Ayelandia. The white cloud unfurling into the sky, and the amber glow radiating beneath it. Your heart lurched. Icy, cold dread spilling into your gut. 
Your eyes searched around the battlefield to find your husband. Your sword drawn and poised at the ready. Commander Ayla spotted you first, rushing over to your side as you walked across the fields. 
“You are not meant to be in the heat of battle,” she grunted, intercepting a Hollowhall soldier with her sword. Kicked him backward and sank her blade deep into his chest. 
You gasped at the way his blood bubbled in his throat. “I need to speak with the King.”
“I will take you to him, Your Grace. Stay close to me.”
Nodding, you rushed after her. Eyes trying to not focus on the people battling around you. Men standing over one another as they dealt final blows. Throats being slit from behind, spraying arcs of blood into the winter air. Arrows sinking into flesh and silencing life. It was chaotic. Constant movement resulting in death. 
Multitudes and multitudes of death. 
There, in the distance, you finally saw him. Red cloak flowing behind him as he struck down a soldier. That golden crown on his head catching your eye. Muscular arms hewn from years of training flexing and moving with each swing of blade. He was a vision on the field. The true king defending his kingdom. 
His eyes darted toward the two of you as you approached, his hand immediately rushing out to grasp yours as he rushed you away from the heat of battle. Pressed you against the trunk of a tree once distanced enough.  
“It is the healing houses,” you gasped, clutching at Peter’s arm. “I must go. Someone has lit them aflame—you can see the fire from here.”
“You will absolutely not race headlong into a fire.”
You squeezed the hand around his forearm tighter to draw his attention, ducking as a Hollowhall soldier ran toward the two of you. Stabbed straight and clean through the heart by your husband as you tugged him along behind you. Gasping for breath, hand tugging at your increasingly too-tight armor. 
“Our storages are there. I cannot help anyone if we run out of supplies. Do you understand?” You pleaded with him, glancing up into those horrified brown eyes. “I have seen so much death; we will experience even more if I do not do something.” 
He nodded. Understanding the reality of the situation you were presented with. Either run and try to save whatever you could or remain on the battlefield and suffer many more casualties. There was no easy decision—though Peter leaned down and kissed you all the same. 
“You come back to me. That is an order from your King.”
“Giving me orders now, love?” You smirked, pressing another kiss to his mouth. “I will be right here as soon as I am able to. I will bring Bronwynne with me; we can bring along sacks and try to salvage as much as we can. I fear we will lose many preventable deaths if we do not.”
“Promise me.” It was a whispered plea. Anguish deeply set on that handsome face. 
You imagined he was thinking of Gwen. Grown cold in death. You would not leave him this night. He had promised a lifelong love. A love that continued even after death. You would find him. Your heartbeat in tandem with his…its perfect partner. 
So you nodded, turning on the heel to find Bronwynne fending off a soldier with a tiny dagger, before Lord Bartrand ended his life. Shouting for the both of you to make a break for it while you had an opening. 
You rushed along with her toward the gates. Only to find them already lifted. That wasn’t right. Your heart picked up in your chest, fear pumping into your blood. There were supposed to be guards posted. 
Where were the guards? 
“Wynne, something is amiss.”
Her eyes drifted to the distance. Unfocused and rounded. “The men were slain. Look.”
You trailed your gaze to where she was looking. Hand coming to cup over your mouth at the sight of the guards with their throats slit on their posts. 
“There are women and children here. We must help them evacuate—”
“The healing houses, Your Grace!” 
“These are our people, Wynne. We will search the healing houses first and then help the people. Have you ever held a sword? You will need it.”
“No,” she muttered, as you reached to grab one from the ground. Settled at the booted foot of the soldier slain before you. “But I will do what I must.”
You made your way through the streets on quiet feet, entering the healing houses. Coughing at the cloud of smoke billowing from the highest point of it. Fear propelled the two of you forward, rushing down toward the lower levels before the fire overtook them. Packing as many supplies you could carry into slings positioned at your back. 
That was, until you heard the coughing from the corner of the room. Lifted your head in the direction it had come from, feet drawing you nearer. There, in the corner, you spotted Healer Agatha. Hand splayed over her stomach. Covering a bleeding wound beneath her apron. 
Bronwynne’s footsteps echoed behind you as you moved the healer’s hand aside and lifted the edge of her apron. Saw the blood pooling beneath it. By your estimation, she did not have long now. Mere minutes separated her from death. Your hand clutched in her own, eyes boring into hers, pleading. 
“What happened? People were supposed to be evacuating to the tunnels. There were boats docked at the ports to rush the women and children to Carstell—to stay with our ally.”
She gasped out a breath. Eyes searching for your face. Clouding. “It was if someone informed them. The Hollowhall soldiers. They cornered the civilians. Cut them down in the streets—”
“No,” you breathed out. Holding back a sob as you glanced over your shoulder to Bronwynne. 
She didn’t meet your eyes. Only stared off into the distance. 
“They…lit the houses on fire. To draw out the other healers. Killed them, too. I tried to fend them off—” 
She broke off into a fit of coughing. Blood dribbled at the corner of her lips, your thumbs coming up to brush it away. 
“You fought well,” you said, noting the dead body of a Hollowhall soldier near to her hip. 
“Your Grace, you must leave here. You must…I fear there is a plot…”
Her head rolled to the side. Eyes staring up into nothingness. Gone now from this world. You lowered her eyelids, pressing your fingers to your lips before positioning them in the middle of her forehead. Standing straight on wobbling legs. 
Too much. You had seen too much death today. But you could not shake the sinking feeling her words had instilled. Someone had warned the Hollowhall soldiers the citizens of Ayeladia would be escaping to the boats. 
An informant lived in your midst all this time. 
But who?
“Your Grace, we can still help the surviving women and children to safety. There is hope to be had yet,” Bronwynne reminded you, pulling you back to reality. 
You slid your eyes toward hers. Noting the blood all over her hands. Her dress. Her face. You were certain you looked the same now. Unrecognizable. You supposed war did that. 
Wondered if anything would ever be the same. 
But she was right. There were lives to still be saved. Death still capable of being prevented. 
So the two of you worked to do just that. Searching through the homes to find the living. Greeted time after time with loss. Grief settling like rocks in a pool in your gut. Each door darkened by the Hollowhall soldiers who had already managed to get there before you had. 
You prayed many had already made it to the tunnels. Knew the courtiers likely already had, spilling from their chambers to rush to Carstell aid. But these people were just as deserving. Your people. The blood of your husband and therefore your blood as well. Spilled in vain, for a nefarious king’s selfish gain. 
Your fingers brushed across the forehead of a woman, sprawled out in the street. Rage pooling violently in your chest. 
You heard it then. The faint cries of a young babe coming from the tavern. The door cracked ever so slightly, you questioned you had seen it properly. 
Gesturing for Bronwynne to follow, the two of you slipped inside and your heart leaped at what you saw there. Dozens of your people filled the room, wielding chairs and knives and tankards in their hands. 
“It is the Queen!” Someone whispered, and the room began to grow louder in volume. 
You stood atop a table. Drawing their attention to you.  “We must make haste. The castle is not far from here. I promise you that you will be safe yet. The tunnels are still opened and there are ships prepared to take you away from here. But we will need to be brave—to fight. Are you all with me?”
Those faces which greeted yours were full of uncertainty. Many already grieved by loss—you could see it in your eyes. They were tired; you did not blame them. Were tired yourself. All seemed lost already. But there was hope. 
A little boy stepped forward first. Gripped an empty tankard in his hand and walked over to your side. His tiny hand reached upward to touch yours dangling at your side. Fingers curling into your own. You glanced down at him, heart shattering with the weight behind his young gaze. 
“I will fight with you, Your Grace.”
“As will I,” a woman said, stepping forward, clutching an unlit torch in her hand. 
“And I,” said another, wielding a broken off leg of a chair. 
Your eyes watered as the room erupted in an endless sea of children and adult alike coming forward and taking up arms. Bravery so gallantly displayed before you in the face of uncertainty. 
The unlikely band of soldiers walked behind you through the streets of Ayelandia. Defending themselves to the best of their ability as enemy soldiers attempted to attack. Thrusting lit torches at them. Throwing chairs. Goods in the market. Anything they came in contact with at them.
The Hollowhall soldiers were met with skirmish after skirmish as they attempted to attack the Ayelandian citizens. Your people rising up to defend one another, even if it meant laying down their own lives to do so. These were you people. This was what your husband had meant. About it not mattering that you were outnumbered…because it was the hearts that truly matter.  
Bronwynne walked beside you at the front, hands curled around the hilt of her sword. Shaking and uncertain, though she had no time to think as a soldier rushed toward her with his sword at the ready. 
You rushed forward to defend her, grunting as his blade slammed hard against your own. Gasping at the weight of him, you pushed as hard as you could forward. Screaming in your rage as another woman came forward and crashed into his side, knocking him off his feet momentarily. 
You seized the opportunity. Slid your blade through his chest, striking that vital organ within. Stomach immediately curling inward on itself at the realization. That you had ended a life. His eyes growing wider as his blood pooled around you. 
Felt yourself growing sick as you vomited onto the cobblestones below—uncaring of those around you. Shrugged off Bronwynne’s hand as she reached forward to console you. To tell you everything was okay. 
Because it was not. Nothing about this was. 
Still, you could only push onward. The castle itself was eerily quiet. Still luckily guarded by soldiers. Unaware of what had occurred in the town only a mile or so away. You loathed to think of it as the men settled their eyes on your bloodied form, shouting for the doors to be opened for the Queen. 
Parted them to allow the people of Ayelandia safe passage. The halls were nearly emptied inside—many of the people already evacuated. Save for the few who trickled here and there toward the tunnels. 
The pace of the people behind you picked up. Certainty beginning to imbue every footfall. Of safety being within reach. You noticed Bronwynne’s disappearance soon thereafter as you ushered the women and children toward the doorway to the underground tunnels. Bidding them safe travels as they rushed onward with torches lit in their hands. Muttering their thankfulness toward you. 
Only saw Bronwynne once more some time later. Her eyes rounded in fear. “There are children hiding in the library!”
Bronwynne’s words struck fear in your heart. There are children hiding in the library! 
Yelling at the others to run and make their way down the underground tunnels, you raced back the way which you came. Legs burning as you darted up a flight of stairs and sprinted through the halls of the castle. Berating the decorator for placing the library so far from anything else. 
Gasped out loud at the sight of the guards who had been posted at the doors to the castle now in bloodied pools on the ground. Prayed that there were no enemy soldiers chasing the women and children through the tunnels—that they would find safety at the end, and not the end of a sword. 
Panicked breaths reached your ears. Mind only recognizing they were yours as you raced after Bronwynne. Not understanding why she wasn’t slowing down for you. 
The door opened in the distance, her form slipping inside, as you slipped in behind her. Searching for her familiar, slender silhouette as you worked your way through the unfamiliar stacks. 
“Bronwynne, I do not hear anything,” you whispered in the night. 
Wondered, briefly, if the soldiers had already silenced the young ones. Shuddered to think of the dozens of broken bodies you might find, slain before their time. Only there was nothing. No light was visible, save for the few candles left lit earlier that evening. Now nearing the end of their wick, flame flickering dully from their containers. 
“Wynne, where are you?” You asked, frustrating rumbling in your gut. “This is not funny. There are ships awaiting our arrival. We must get the women and children out and rejoin the battle. There are people dying.”
You stepped down another path. Noting the brighter flicker bouncing off the wall. Casting the shadow of a form against it. A man, you presumed, by the width and height of it. Slouched against what looked to be a plush couch. He shifted to stand, silhouette growing as he moved in the night. 
Exhaling shakily, you gripped Poison at your thigh and slowly slid it out from its sheath. Pressed the blade to your lips for good luck as you crouched down into a hunter’s position. Heart thudding in your chest like a drum beat. 
Your foot skidded on something beneath you. The object slid across the flagstones at your feet. Your hand clapped over your mouth, trying to hide the rapidly increased breathing. Air trying to escape your lungs. Every inch of your body trembled in panic, dreading the moment someone might find you unguarded and exposed in the library. 
Bronwynne appeared to your left, then. Her eyes trained on your face. Rounded and bright and full of…tears. Your resolve crumbled. A raw awareness replacing every bit of worry had spun you into a panic only moments ago now. 
“You should be heading to the ships, Wynne. You need to get far, far away from Ayelandia for now.” You whispered the words. 
Heart splitting into two as the familiar form of Prince Harry slipped into view. Icy blue eyes and slick brown hair. A silvery crown sitting lopsided on that proud head. He twirled his dagger in his hand, looping it around and around as he whistled. Eerie smirk curling those lips upward. Eyes roving your form as he stood there, taking in every inch of your being. Enjoying every second without remorse. 
“Wynne…go to the ships,” you pleaded. It sounded like your throat was being scraped by shards of glass. Felt like it, too. 
“I cannot.” 
It was a mere beg.
A last resort.  
Betrayal spilled into every beat of your heart. The downcast eyes. The forlorn expression. The way her teeth chewed miserably at her bottom lip. It throbbed in you. Ate at you, until it became every fiber of your being. You thought back to every encounter. All those moments spilling together in front of you like pieces of a puzzle. Tried to distinguish the moments you might have known. Moments where she had shown her hand. Pieces of a deeper deception you had never seen coming. 
Those early days in the storage room. Secrets shared. Stories of your childhoods told. Jokes exchanged with hysteric tears in both your eyes. Problems worked out from the struggles in your marriage. Her desires. Her many wishes. Her dreams. The inner workings of your own thoughts. Machinations of your mind. 
As of late…war planning—war planning.
An informant; you had supplied an informant. 
The way she positioned herself at his side. As if he drew her to him by some invisible force. They were lovers; had been, for some time now. All those memories of her writing to an unnamed man. Her wondering if she would see another spring. The fear and guilt imbuing her every word. You hissed to yourself, reaching toward your hip to draw your sword. A last, futile attempt at freedom. 
A careless swirl of metal against his own. Grunting as he blocked yours and kicked your wrist. Your blade clattered into the corner of the library. Books tumbling as you threw yourself forward and tossed some sitting atop a bookshelf behind you, making a break for it. Screamed as Prince Harry gripped you by the back of your head. Fingers wrenching you to him. 
“Do not hurt her!” Bronwynne shrieked. 
You snarled at her. How dare she even try to save herself now? You roared at him. Kicking limbs furiously from the tight grip he held you in. Dug at his flesh with your fingers. Whimpered as he hooked an arm around your neck, pressing something into your nose. You inhaled, eyes growing heavy at the scent of the ether. Your eyes grew hazy around the edges. Color seeping into darkness, swirling and blending behind your eyelids as they drooped. 
“So happy I did not marry you. I wanted a tamed wife, not this beastly thing he turned you into.”
Your legs tumbled from beneath you. Fingers growing limp around his forearm. His breath fanned along the shell of your ear. The scent of the concoction and liquor filling your nostrils. Your limbs grew heavy and useless. Head fuzzy, like there were thousands of bees buzzing within them. You opened your mouth to speak—but your mouth came up dry. Tongue like cotton, swollen and unable to form speech. 
“Sleep, Your Grace. You are going to need your rest.”
There was darkness. You surrendered to it. 
You saw Peter. In the wispy fog billowing around the floor. His form bent over, hand cupped around his eyes. 
Searching…searching for you. 
You worked your mouth into a scream, only to find no sound came out. Why wasn’t Peter seeing you? Where had he gone? 
Wasn’t the field of Ambrosen littered with the dead now? All the gore and decay of battle marked earth. This couldn’t be, and yet with further clarity, you knew it was. Your feet moved forward. Carried you toward him. Toward those beautiful arms extended toward you. Waiting for you. 
He called your name and you raced toward him. Fingers reached out to touch him. Gripping onto the fabric of his tunic, his eyes widened as they took you in. Hands reaching up to brush the hair away from your cheeks. Kissed you soundly. 
The taste of iron spilled into your mouth. Bitter and acrid. A coughed whisper of your name spilled into your flesh. Peter’s breathing shallowed. Blood seeping past his lips. Down his throat. Pure, unfettered horror lined those features as he stumbled forward. Crashed down onto his knees, blood spilling from a wound in his gut. 
You glanced down and saw it then. The dagger embedded there. 
Poison, streaked with his blood. Red. So red. Life spilling onto the grass before you. Growing, growing…growing. Spreading in a deep, dark pool beneath him. There was so much. Too much. Life draining home him rapidly. Horror lining his features. 
“Why?” He asked you. 
Eyes trailing downward. 
“How could you do it?”
You followed the line of sight. Gasping. Screaming, as you pulled your dagger from him. 
Watched the life seeping from him. Pulsating from him as his own heart gave out. 
As if the blade were the only thing keeping him alive. 
“I love you.” He tried to whisper, only blood bubbled against his lips. 
Perfect rosettes spilled onto the grass. 
Dropped. Dropped. Dropped. 
Bled into the puddle. Joined together like a marriage. 
In the next moment, you were nestled beneath Peter beneath a canopy of leaves dancing in the wind on branches above. One hand cradled against your cheek as he rocked into you. A slow, steady movement. Sending you closer and closer to completion. 
Gasped pants against skin. His lips against your chest. Fingers rubbing at that highest point between the apex of your thighs. 
Each thrust another promise. 
He loved you. He cherished you. He worshipped you. He adored you. Would spend every day for the rest of his life reminding you. 
A memory, yet also not. 
“Open your eyes, dove.”
Tendrils of sleep curled in your vision. Noting the way the scene warped around the edges. The heaviness of your mind as you stared up at him. Those kind, longing eyes only for you. 
“I do not want to. Just want to stay here forever with you.” 
The words were yours, and yet they weren’t. Muffled somehow. As though you hovered inches from your body and the words took some time to form in your own mouth. 
“Open your eyes…”
“Just a while longer. Please.”
“Only a little while longer,” he whispered, pressing his forehead into yours. “I will never tire of you like this…”
You rolled up and over Peter. Pinned his hands against your hips. Watched his irises turn black as you rose above him and sank down against flesh. Moved. Slowly at first, and then with abandon. Chased that string of webbing closer and closer to the brink.
When you woke, Peter wasn’t there. Instead, the darkness of the tent filled your gaze. Hand locked into place by a chain. Tethered off at the end to a rig in the ground. Tugged at it. Screeched until your throat rubbed raw from the strain. Begged for someone to come. Anyone. Shouted his name over and over again until you rocked forward on your knees and sobbed into the earth. 
There was a moment of silence before you tried once more. Screaming for help. Shouting your husband’s name in the dark. Bronwynne’s. You remembered, then. The way she curled at Prince Harry’s side. Her comfortability in his presence. The way she looked at him with love. In a way you had never seen her before. Driven enough by it to betray you. 
The memories of your dearest friend in Ayelandia stricken by it. Bitter anger burned in your gut. The thought of retribution howled in your veins. Revenge for the betrayal. For so blindly trusting her these many months. You felt stupid. Screamed once more at the reality of those dead because of Bronwynne’s betrayal. 
Healer Agatha. Those soldiers. Women. Children. Did she grieve at all for them? So blinded by her adoration toward the Prince. 
“No one is coming.” 
Bronwynne glanced up at you from the other side of the tent. Positioned behind a desk, feet propped up on the wooden surface. You growled at her low in your throat, clambering to your feet to rush at her. Clawed at her face with your hands, only to come up a few inches short. Whimpered as your wrist screamed in protest. 
She had sealed her fate. There was nothing you could do to save her now. Either she died by your hands or by your husbands, treason against the crown was punishable by death. Even in Ayelandia, where there were lesser rules and regulations. Order needed to be maintained. Yet it grieved you still; despite her betrayal. To watch the young woman who had been a confidant, always present at your side, lose her life would leave an irrevocable scar on your heart. 
There was, however, the matter of getting yourself free from your bindings. The rig buried deep into the earth as if it had been prepared for you. You knew it was likely it had been. That this, too, was planned months ago. During the stormy season in Hollowhall, before death marched onto your doorstep. 
“Whatever you are planning, it is not going to work,” Bronwynne said, shifting on her chair to better look at you. 
Those sad, rounded eyes met yours. 
You found hatred there in your heart burning for her. 
“Do not look to me with pity,” you hissed, tugging once more on the chain for emphasis. “I am your Queen, I cannot help you in this. You will be beheaded, Wynne. You understand that, do you not?”
“I will be far away by then,” she said, waving her hand in the air in a mindless circle.
“And where do you expect to be? We are in the middle of a war. There are only two ways this can go. Either Ayelandia or Hollowhall wins.” 
Bronwynne’s lips quirked upward. Wistful. “Prince Harry said he will marry me. Can you even think of it? Me, a Princess.”
You tampered down the desire to snort. To roll your eyes at the careless nature she carried. That there weren’t the sounds of clanging swords and dying men filling the campsite that very moment. Instead, the woman stared far off into the distance. As if recalling a memory, or conjuring a fantasy in her mind. 
“Do you honestly think King Norman will allow you to wed his son?” You pleaded the words with her. Crawled across the tent and sat before her. “King Norman. Do you know what his desire was and has always been for as long as I have known that man? He wants to rule not just one country but many. His son intended to marry me, but my father would not have it. Did Prince Harry tell you that?”
“He did not wish to marry you—he loves me.” 
“Wynne, what he feels for you likely is a form of love. But people like Prince Harry…people like me cannot afford to love. Not truly. It is not the way; we are often bought and bartered, like sows on a market. It is how it has always been!” You cried out, just as Bronwynne slammed her palm down on the desk. 
“What do you know of it?!” 
You inhaled slowly, shaking your head. “Prince Harry’s marriage contract to me was drawn up before I ever married King Peter. His father, King Norman, wanted Glendhaven to join them. We have a large army. We have skilled soldiers. We are next in weaponry only to them. A marriage bond between Hollowhall and Glendhaven would have amounted to King Norman having dominion over large portions of the world. It was his goal.”
“What does this have to do with me?” She asked, narrowing her eyes.  
“Prince Harry will not marry you, as he cannot marry you. You cannot offer his father anything to advance his kingdom. You have been used—”
The slap echoed in the tent. You felt like you’d been dragged over hot coals. Cheek burning as you reached up to touch it. The woman sitting before you bore you no love. How had you ever thought of anything otherwise? There had always been a goal. Some secret mutterings in the dark; an ulterior motive driving passion. A ringing clanged in your ears, eyes pinched shut against the blinding pain. 
How far the two of you had come, now. From two giggling women in a storehouse to enemies. Thought back to that day in the clearing when the two of you had played like children. Minds focused on nothing but the warmth of the sun and the joy elevating your hearts. 
Only now it was tarnished by blood and ruin and death. Lives lost by her hand, and in some part for trusting her, your own. You loathed thinking of it. Swallowed the pain burning in your chest at the memory of Healer Agatha bloodied and open-eyed at the moon. Ripped from the world. Those children and their mothers, frozen in horror where they lay. Mouths rounded in silenced screams.
“He will marry me. He told me himself countless times. I am to be his wife.” 
The words sounded frantic in your ears. As if even she struggled to believe it. Wanted to believe it herself. You turned from her then, stalking over back to your crumpled-up bedroll in the corner of your makeshift jail cell. Ran a hand against your stricken cheek as your eyes rolled up to her once more. 
“What is King Norman’s plan for me?”
“You will be used as a bargaining chip. The acceptance of Hollowhall as ruler over Ayelandia, so long as King Peter turns himself over for you.”
You laughed. A horrifying low and chilling sound. Disbelief rattled you to the core. “A bargaining chip? Even if my husband rescinds the throne to King Norman, they will take him as a prisoner and murder him. And then after that, I will be killed as well.”
Bronwynne shook her head. Those blonde curls bounced over her shoulders. Reminding you she was still a young girl. Hadn’t seen much of the world, yet harbored such darkness in her heart if she would have sold you over for a lie of lover’s affection. So innocently foolish. You almost pitied her for it. To be so doe-eyed and captivated with a man you failed to see how deep the poison in his family ran. 
“He will not. That was part of the deal. They told me you would be left unharmed.”
“They lied, Wynne.” You shook your head, standing to your feet. “Even if they take Ayelandia, there will be people who will rise up for my cause. Those who would see me still on the throne. Loyal supporters of my husband. There will never be a day of peace again in my country. There is also the chance I am with child. If that is so, do you not think my child would have a claim to that crown that threatens Prince Harry’s? They will have to kill me, too. To silence any chance of unrest.”
Bronwynne shook her head. Eyes watered. “No, he promised me.”
“You have sold me to my death, Bronwynne. I know you now to be cruel, but never knew you to be a murderer as well.” 
“No. You are wrong,” she rushed over to you, clasping your hands in her own. You hated the fact she was touching you. Felt burned by it. Yet met her gaze anyway, tears brimming on her lashes. “He will not kill you.”
“What else did he promise you?” You asked, breathlessly. 
“He said once King Peter rescinded the throne King Norman would declare Prince Harry as the King of Ayelandia. We would then marry.” 
“And of my role?”
Bronwynne’s mouth worked on the words. Eyes dropping. As if she finally understood. Pain bloomed in her features. Stark as death, in the way she looked at you. As if already picturing you in a grave beside your husband. Gone from this world. 
“He…he never mentioned it.”
“Do you understand now, Wynne? What he intends to do? I know you care for me…in a way that is hard to grasp in this very moment; but please know his intent was never for me to survive this war.”
She swallowed. Your own chest burned as she squeezed your hands tighter. Her bottom lip trembled. “He p-promised.”
“He lied,” you whispered. The sorrow in your voice was genuine this time. “You must help me. Free me from these chains…please.”
Bronwynne shook her head, teeth pinching her bottom lip. “I cannot do that. You know I cannot.”
She exhaled, running a hand through her blonde curls. “I do not have the key. I am not even certain of where it is held.”
You returned to the other side of the tent, dropping down onto the bedroll. “Then I am as good as dead yet.”
You weren’t certain of how long they kept you there. Locked away without so much as food or drink. You could tell the sun was beginning to rise, the darkness dissipating into golden light. Your wrist ached where you’d tugged against it for the past few hours. Skin already bruising around the edges. 
You hung your head low. Wondered if you might yet start screaming again. Maybe earning the pity of a defecting soldier, fueled by a sudden desire to honor Ayelandia’s royals. Sighing, you curled up onto your side and brought your knees upward toward your chest, hugging them. Pictured your husband’s face in your mind. Prayed he was still alive this very moment. 
Wondered if you’d ever be able to run your fingers through his hair ever again. If you’d ever be able to reach upward onto your toes and press your lips to his. If you’d ever even hear his voice. You wished you could hear him now. If only to comfort you—remind you that everything would be okay, when in all actuality it felt like everything had fallen apart around you. 
“Oh good, you have stopped your incessant screaming,” Prince Harry said, sauntering into the tent with a dagger in hand. 
You jolted upward onto the bedroll. Feeling his eyes on you as you shifted onto your knees before him. Bronwynne entering a moment later, taking up residence once more at the desk. 
Prince Harry leaned down toward you. Pressed his pointer finger and thumb to your chin. Pinched it as he shifted your jaw toward him. Wincing, you met those icy blue eyes. 
“Things are going to get exciting soon,” he said, smirking. “Are you going to be a good girl for me?”
“I am a Queen,” you hissed out. 
“For how much longer is questionable, my dear.” He released your chin. Twirled that dagger around in his hand. “You know, it will be fun seeing King Peter. The last time I saw him…he was in a bit of distress. So sad what happened to his wife. It is such good luck for him he found a new one.”
Ice spilled down your spine. “What did you just say?”
His lips only turned further upward. Those eyes closing as he tilted his head upward, laugh spilling from his lips. You knew then. You knew his intended meaning. Screamed and raced for him, his cackling only strengthening as he dodged your attack and stepped away far enough you were met with empty air. 
His wife. Peter’s wife. He had been there. Harry had been in the room and…no. 
“You did it. You killed her.”
“See…that was quite an unfortunate event. I had intended to kill your husband instead. She had gotten in the way, but it weakened Ayelandia all the same.” He laughed again. “We could have avoided a war if it had been him that day. But this is more fun, do you agree?”
You thought of Queen Gwen in Peter’s arms. Body broken and bleeding onto the stone floor as he held her to him. Begging her to stay with him. To hold on just a while longer. Until a healer could come—until he could put her back together again. As if his love might have stitched her mortal wound.
You thought of your people on the battlefield. Fighting for their lives this very moment, while a coward of a man stood before you. Taunting you.  
You hated him. Hated the both of them. All of Hollowhall. Screamed at him, incoherent words spilling from your lips. He had taken so much from your husband, and now he intended to rip him from you as well. You wanted to kill him. To watch Poison slip between his ribs, right in the spot Peter had shown you would kill a man, and watch as his own life seeped from him. 
“I had help, of course. How do you think I slipped out of the castle so easily after?” Prince Harry said, running a hand down the side of Bronwynne’s neck. “Thank you for that, my love.”
She glowed under his affection. Like a flower blooming beneath the sun. 
So even then Bronwynne had been dreaming of sitting beside her Prince on the Ayelandian throne. Had pictured it for years now. Waited for the perfect moment and was willing to commit regicide to do it—had actually committed regicide, despite the intention being for Peter to have been the one to die that day. And she was willing to attempt once more, solidifying her rule once and for all. 
Your stomach heaved. Limbs carrying you to the nearest bucket, emptying out the contents of your stomach there. Prince Harry wrinkled his nose, tossing you a dirtied rag. 
“Clean yourself up. We have a gathering to attend.”
“The two of you, then. All this time…?” 
Prince Harry’s lips dragged into a smirk. “Ayelandia was always our ideal first step. Some of its land resides close to Hollowhall’s border. Technically it should already be ours. But we had planned on Glendhaven helping us invade it.”
“It is why you intended to marry me,” you said, grimacing. 
He nodded. “Your father’s army is impressive. And I would have had a pretty wife. There are worser things a man of my station could be given.”
“You are disgusting,” you hissed at him. “You killed an innocent person.”
Prince Harry paused in his pacing, head turning to look your way. ���It is the cost of war—of ambition. Lives will be lost along the way. You and your husband are no better. You beheaded one of my soldiers as well.”
“They attempted to kill us—”
“Fighting for something they believed in! Do not look down upon me for the loss of human life when you have ended lives in the name of your kingdom. We are no different, Your Grace.”
“Darling, this is a waste of time. Let us eat before we begin the negotiations.” Bronwynne reached up to press her hand to Harry’s cheek.
“So today, then.” Your words were soft. Laden with fear at the prospect of watching Peter be killed.
Prince Harry reached down and pushed a strand of hair away from your face. Tucked it behind your ear. You trembled as he leaned down and pressed his lips to the hollow of your ear, inhaling slowly as he whispered. 
“Oh, but we would have been so happy.” He said, and you shivered against him. “You certainly would have kept your pretty little head if you had married me instead.” 
And then the two of them were gone. Slipped out of the tent leaving you trembling in their wake. Wondering, at last, if you were finally running out of time. 
Bronwynne returned sometime later with a bucket and fresh linen. Some sort of delicious smelling soaps had been dropped into the water, and you nearly sighed into the cloth as she reached up and pressed it to your cheek. Wiping away the smell of sickness. 
Neither of you spoke for some time. The discomfort between you thick in the air. Her recognition over the fact you were no longer friends hanging in the air. The woman before you wanted your throne. Would be willing to put you and your husband to death to do so. It wasn’t something you could or would ever forget. 
“I am sorry. I know you do not believe me, but you must understand I was mistaken. He assured me nothing would happen to you.”
“He lied to you. You see that now, do you not?” You whispered, staring up at her through your lashes. Frowned. “What else might be be lying about? Think of it, Wynne.”
She exhaled, pressing the damn cloth into your chest. Grimaced to herself. “I looked for a key while he was distracted by some of the other men. Believe me when I say I tried to free you.”
She had no reason to lie to you now. You were likely to be placed in a jail cell in a few hours time depending on how the evening rolled out. 
“I did grieve Queen Gwen, I hope you understand that. I am not this unfeeling woman. She was never meant to die; it was a needless death. Harry told me there were things we needed to do…obstacles we needed to overcome to ensure we could be with one another,” she said, brushing near your lip. “I never meant to like you, though. Becoming your friend—that was all real for me, Your Grace. I love Harry, yes, but I love you too.”
“Then help me,” you begged. 
She glanced down at the bucket. Tossed the linen inside. “I am trying. I will do whatever I can.”
You nodded, understanding she was limited by what she might do in order to help. Without a key, the only person able to free you was the very man who intended to become King of Ayelandia after the bargaining took place. 
“I know we can never be friends. But I never wished for him to hurt you.”
“I know.” 
The words were a forced out lie. But the uncertain smile lining the girl’s lips before you brought some peace to your aching heart. You stood up then, running your fingers through your hair. 
“When will they begin negotiations?” You asked. 
“Prince Harry had a Hollowhall informer speak with Lord Bartrand. King Peter has been summoned.” She exhaled softly. “You will be brought before the King in an hour’s time.”
So soon. 
In an hour you would see your husband. Very likely for the last time. Your heart twisted at the notion of it all. Of seeing those eyes fall on you one more time before he was taken from you. 
You had a year—twelve months with him. 
It hadn’t been enough. Though part of you understood that no amount of time would have been enough for the man who had earned your heart. The person who filled those crevices and filled them with himself. Entwined his soul with yours, in a way only two people made for each other could. 
Your hand wiped at your eyes. A sob spilling unwillingly from your mouth. “Then it is to be done.”
“It is to be done,” Bronwynne whispered, glancing off into the distance. 
Part of you wanted to blame her. To shout at her and remind her this was all her doing. That when the life slipped from Peter and you lost your love, it was because of another woman’s selfish ambition. But you reminded yourself there was still some time yet. A possibility Prince Harry revealed his hand and Bronwynne was able to free you once and for all. 
There would be no negotiations without anything to bargain for in the first place. If Prince Harry lost his captive, Ayelandia still had hope yet. All was not lost. Your kingdom not yet fallen. 
The two of you settled into uncomfortable silence as Bronwynne returned the bucket into a far corner of the tent and kicked her feet up onto the desk. Leaned back in the chair and tilted her head to the ceiling. Your fingers plucked at the earth, finding it so strange now to sit in a room with her and want nothing to do with her. 
There had been a time Healer Agatha would have raced down into the storehouses to reprimand the two of you for causing a ruckus. Now, it was as if you both were strangers; in a way, had always been so. 
Sighing, you tilted your head up and took in Bronwynne’s profile. Her pretty jawline. That slender nose which upturned at the edges. Freckles dotting the highest points of her cheeks. You’d loved her once. Part of you still did. 
You played on her sympathy toward you. 
“Do you know where he put my dagger?” 
Your sword had been discarded somewhere in the library. But if you managed to get your hands on some sort of weapon…there was an opportunity to attempt a final attack. A last ditch effort before submitting to whatever fate had planned for you these next hours. 
“Your Grace…you know I cannot.”
“You can, Bronwynne. You can.”
“It is not beyond me to think you might try to kill him. I cannot let you do that.” 
You toyed with the chain at your wrist. “Your lover is going to kill my husband.”
She had no words for that. The silence which greeted you bringing no comfort. Countless lives already lost. How many mor sufficed? To what end would one go for absolute power? 
“At least there is comfort in knowing I will join him soon thereafter.” 
You thought back to the moment in the alcove. Basking in the afterglow of simply being with him. The way his words had burned into your skin. That he would love you long after you departed the earth. How foolish to imagine you had a whole lifetime stretched out before you. 
It almost came as a relief when Prince Harry and Bronwynne entered the tent after slipping out for some time. Ignoring Bronwynne’s affection as she reached forward to press a kiss into his cheek. Her face dropped as his footsteps carried him over to you and unhooked the chain from the post. Before moving to lock both your hands together, despite your protesting. 
“So you do not stab me in the back,” he said coolly, dragging you by the arm in front of him. 
“My love, you promised,” Bronwynne reminded him, voice shaken. 
“Will you mind your tongue, woman? My father already has half a mind to leave you behind in Ayelandia.” He grumbled out, your eyes narrowing at him as Bronwynne paused in her footsteps. “Let their people do whatever they wish of you once they have heard word of your actions these years.”
“Do not speak of such things,” she whispered. The sound seemed choked on your ears. 
“Then do not pester me so incessantly and I may not be inclined to listen to him.” 
He whirled on her, face inches apart as his eyes bore down into hers. His lip curled up a moment afterward, ire slipping into something sensual. Something wicked which made your stomach churn as his hand spanned upward and around her throat. Fingers pressed into flesh, her eyes blown out in fear. 
“This is what you wanted, is it not?” He leaned forward and pressed a slow, forceful kiss to her cheek. “Then mind your tongue and do not question what I am doing.”
“Can I have a moment? With my friend before…” Bronwynne asked. Voice low. 
“I suppose. Make it quick, we have a meeting to attend,” Prince Harry grumbled, slipping out the parted flap of the tent. 
“What is it—”
Bronwynne cut you off with her palm flush against your mouth, finger pressed to her lip to try and shut you up. Understanding, you watched as she pulled her hand away, moving toward the top of her corset to pluck what looked to be a key. You nearly cried with joy as she pressed the metal piece into your palm, leaning closer to you to speak, so as to not alert the guards posted outside. 
“Too many are near us now for you to run. But as soon as there is an opportunity, you run. I cannot save your husband, but I can at least try to wipe some innocent blood from my hands this day.”
“How did you?” 
She smirked. “There are ways, as you know, a woman can obtain exactly what she wants.”
“Thank you for this kindness. Wynne, I cannot save you from punishment. But…my husband may yet be merciful,” you whispered, leaning forward to wrap your chained arms around her neck. 
This time, the affection was not forced. You could not deny the life laid on the line for a chance at your own safety. Exile was a kinder punishment than execution; Peter might be inclined to allow her life outside the walls of Ayelandia, instead of forfeiting it completely. 
“Now this might hurt a bit—”
“My love, we are ready to move!” Bronwynne called. 
You reeled back as Prince Harry entered the tent once more, Bronwynne’s hand connecting with your cheek. You grimaced at the feeling of your already bruised face burning once more. The split lip you bore parting as blood dribbled onto your chin. The moan which spilled from your lips brought a smile to Harry’s face, those cool, blue eyes trailing your features as he tugged you beside him. 
“Wynne, you did not have to ruin her face more than you already have,” he cackled, giving her a playful shove as you walked through the campsite. 
“I needed to remind her of what her place will be when you come into your power, My King.”
Your heart lurched at the title, though you steeled your face into an unfeeling mask. Eyes narrowed. Jaw hardened. Shoulders tucked back. You imagined a string from your belly button to the top of your head, pulling your spine straight. Tilted your head up, imagined you were sitting on your throne back at the castle. You were fierce. You were lethal. A beautiful, deadly thing as your husband had called you. You would not break. 
Not even as soldiers parted around you. Blood staining their armor. Some missing limbs. Some groaning in the throes of agony, bleeding from sword wounds. So many Hollowhall soldiers. You knew Ayelandia had to have been depleted. Carstell delayed for battle due to choppy seas. You whispered a silent prayer there was still hope yet. Glanced up at the sky and saw the beginnings of the sunrise starting to form. 
It had been at least one day since you had seen your husband. You anticipated as much, given the fact you had been drugged and left to sleep for hours. 
You had lived through another sunrise. 
And today you had lived to see another. 
You kept your eyes locked on the ground as you walked toward the fields of Ambrosen. Heard the comments from jeering men as you passed. Of being the foreign bitch. Of what they would have liked to do with you had you given them the chance. These men, who viewed women like possessions. Objects to be attained. You wanted to kill every last one of them. Nearly screamed it at them all. 
Instead, turned toward the crowd and growled out, “I cannot wait until my husband and his men repay you for every atrocity you have bestowed our lands.” 
Prince Harry tugged you along harder at that. Your feet skidded beneath you as you were whipped against his side, your heart pounding as the battlefield stilled at the sound of a horn blowing. Men and women soldier alike separated. Every eye turning your way as Prince Harry pushed you forward. 
It was then you saw him. Peter, in all his battle regalia, whirling toward you. That red cloak billowing about his shoulders. Blood seeped from a wound on his forehead. Dirtied features on his face dropping as he beheld you. His relief rushed across his face, ignited something within your chest. You wanted to run to him. To wrap your arms around his neck and never let go—slip away from the brutality of war for just a moment. 
King Norman approached Prince Harry on your path down the battlefield. His voice echoing on battle scorched land as he shouted. “King Peter, it seems you have lost this battle. You are outnumbered. We have your wife. Give us your word of concession of your crown and we will end this war. There need not be anymore bloodshed.”
Prince Harry allowed you a brief moment, muttering, “I am not so cruel as to not give you a moment to say goodbye. You get one minute.” 
Your feet stumbled to reach Peter where he stood. The two of you dropped to your knees before one another. His hands coming to press against your cheeks. Fingertips running across your bruised face. The split lip. The burns from the fire at the healing houses. 
Those eyes—his beautiful, kind eyes watered as he took you in. As if he were seeing a ghost; in many ways, you felt the same. Sitting before him, your forehead pressed into his as you sobbed against his mouth. Disregarding the men and women standing around you as you kissed him. Over and over and over again. Aware it may very well be the last time. 
“I am here, dove.”
“So scared…I have been so scared.” You leaned forward to kiss him once more, whispering, “It is him. Prince Harry. He killed her.”
He nodded then. Understanding. “Everything is going to be okay. And look, my love, we made it to sunrise.” He swallowed, standing to his feet and bringing you with him. “I did promise you.”
“I love you.” 
You whispered the words. Heart splitting as he mouthed them back to you and turned to look over your shoulder at Prince Harry. 
“It has been some time, my friend. And what a situation you have yourself in,” he laughed, twirling that annoying dagger in his hand. Leather jerkin rippling as he moved. “You know…to lose one wife is a tragedy. But to lose a second one? Well, that is simply irresponsible. Which is why you must give up this fight. You do not need her loss on your head as well.”
You turned to Peter. The short jerk of your head meant to be a screaming ‘no’ from your own lips. But you found you could not form words. Only began working with the bindings at your wrist as Lord Bartrand and King Peter began talking amongst themselves. Prince Harry and King Norman a few paces away. Leaving you there in the center, trying to gauge who was nearest to you. 
Commander Ayla and a small group of your fellow recruits were nearby. Enough so, that if the opportunity presented, you could run and find cover with them long enough to obtain a weapon and fight. You saw another group a little further away. You could even form a shield wall under your command if needed. 
Sighed in relief as the latch around your wrist popped. Pushed the links together enough so no one would be likely to notice you’d managed to free yourself. Glanced over to Bronwynne as she stood there. In her too large armor. 
Many things happened in tandem then. The glint of metal was the first. Your heart pounded as Bronwynne approached the Prince, her small knife hidden up her sleeve. No one saw it coming as she sunk it into his side. Her screamed ‘RUN’ coming out garbled as Prince Harry slashed a blade across her throat in the next second. 
You tumbled over your feet as you raced toward your husband. Him and Lord Bartrand calling for defense against oncoming arrows beneath the veil of a shield wall. Body crashing into Peter’s as he tugged you into the center of the group, chains around your wrists at last clattering to the ground.
Through the little gaps you could see in the shield wall you saw it then. Bronwynne’s body on the floor. Her hand stretched out toward you. The other cupping the ugly wound scoring her throat. 
To stop the inevitable. 
To plead with her lover as the life and love seeped out of her. 
Your first friend in Ayelandia. Your betrayer. Now gone from the world before she turned one and twenty just as she feared. You thought back to her words. A hoarse sob at the time. She had thought she might never see another spring—and your heart lurched at the notion she had not.  
“S-she—he killed her. Peter, he killed her…they were lovers—”
“It is not the time, my love. Right now you need to pick up a sword and prepare to fight. Hollowhall outnumbers us, but Ayelandia and Glendhaven are strong. We will not submit to their rule, do you hear me?”
You nodded your head, standing to your feet as a soldier tossed you an extra sword. Your body ached from the hours of captivity, but will ruled out. The world exploded around you in a flurry of steel and blood and destruction. Your movements limber as you ducked and rolled away from oncoming soldiers. 
Striking down foe after foe as you fought for your kingdom. Hollowhall soldiers dropping every where you looked. A newfound strength pumping in the hearts of your soldiers. In your own self. 
Your husband battled nearby. His back turned to you as he blocked and swung at his enemies. Slaying them as they drew closer to him. Your heart battering in your chest as you moved closer, breathing easier once his back pressed against yours, the two of you striking down your enemies in tandem. 
Until, that is, Prince Harry snarled and rushed at the two of you. Breaking past the soldiers littering the field around you. You brought your blade down to attack him, grunting as his sword clanged against yours. His foot came up then, kicking you backward onto your rear as Peter attacked the Prince. 
Rage burned in his eyes. Unbridled and terrifying. The knowledge of one wife’s murder fresh in his mind as his blade came down against Harry’s again and again and again. Paired with the fact he had captured you and held you hostage. Used only as a bartering piece for a kingdom he would never rule over. 
“You will never touch another person I love, if that is the last thing I do,” Peter shouted at him, swinging upward with his blade. Meeting metal. 
You whirled on your feet, parrying an oncoming attack from a Hollowhall soldier. Grunting as you kicked him square in the chest and ducked below his blade, before stabbing upward in a deadly arc. Grimaced as blood poured onto your wrist. Dark and final, as his body slumped forward at your feet. 
It was then you heard Peter’s strangled cry as Harry’s blade sunk into the vulnerable gap in his armor. Your own scream deafening on your ears as Peter pulled out a dagger and jabbed it low into Harry’s neck. Silencing him immediately. You rushed to his side then, pressing your hand into his wound. 
“I am okay. I am okay…” He ground out, covering your hand with his own. 
You heard it then. All of you did. The thunderous pounding of what sounded like a drum beat. Faraway at first, before it became deafening. Echoed on every ear on Ambrosen fields. The pounding, you realized, of hundreds upon hundreds of Carstell soldiers, led by King Eugene bearing the Carstell flag. 
He whirled it around above his head, the Hollowhall soldiers shifting in the direction of their newest enemies. Uncertainty filling their gazes, searching for their king to direct their steps. Their now decimated ranks clearly outnumbered. 
Your hand pressed tighter to Peter’s side as soldiers from your newest ally’s began pouring onto the fields. Their swords and arrows finding purchase in enemy Hollowhall soldiers. Screams of ‘THE PRINCE HAS FALLEN’ and ‘RETREAT’ bellowed from King Norman and the garrison commanders. 
The world swirled around you in a flurry of chaos. Soldiers rushing back to their encampments. Hollowhall men retreating with haste, carrying the dead body of their cruel Prince as they escaped back to their camp. Carstell soldiers chasing them down,  ending their lives before they might slay yet another. 
Only you remained at Peter’s side, grimacing at the way his breathing had changed. Becoming ragged. Face breaking out into a sweat. Cheeks flushed as you lifted his chainmail and inspected the wound below. A wound that would not normally kill a man—thankfully. But you knew right away he needed to lie down and rest. 
“You are okay,” you whispered, pressing a kiss to his cheek as Lord Bartrand appeared at your side, requesting to know the health of the king. “He has been wounded. We…the storehouses have been depleted, but I will need fresh water, linen and thread. Anything to sew up his wound. He has lost a bit of blood.”
“Bind it for now,” Peter grunted out, squeezing your palm as he stood to his feet. “I must address our ally’s.”
“Please, my love. I will be a quiet patient after I thank the people for allowing us to see another day.”
You hated the suggestion, but still rose at his side as he did. Winced as his form hunched over as he stepped toward the center of the field. His voice rang out clear above the crowd as a horn sounded. An Ayelandian flag erected in the middle of Ambrosen. Cheers ringing out as Peter declared Ayelandia free from Hollowhall influence. 
It was a sight to behold. The thousands of soldiers coming to crowd around the King, awaiting to hear what he had to say. Adrenaline still pumping in all the hearts of the men and women standing around you. Those who had fought and lived to see another day. To bring peace back to your country. 
You stood beside Lord Bartrand in the distance, stained with the blood of the many lives you had slain in the past two days, glancing over toward the woman left behind by Hollowhall soldiers. 
Bronwynne, who had betrayed you and spared you all in the matter of days. Stirred by love into betrayal, only to find the love she bore Prince Harry was contingent upon what throne he sat upon. 
As Peter gave a speech of bravery and of friendship, crowd raising their voices in victory, you found yourself stepping closer to Wynne’s body. Dropped onto your knees and closed those beautiful eyes once and for all. Pushed her bloodied blonde hair from her face, wiped at the dried blood on her fingers with the hem of your tunic. 
“Sleep now, Wynne.”
And as the cheers around you lifted toward the sky, your gaze drifted upward. 
To the sunrise. 
To the promise of spring to come. 
You were, at last, free. 
As requested, you were brought supplies to your bed-chamber. Husband currently sitting in a bathing tub filled with soaps you knew to carry healing properties within them. You kept the needle and thread on a nearby tray, presently focused on the task at hand as you rubbed a lavender scented concoction into your husbands hair, cleaning the bloodied strands as he sprawled backward leisurely into your touch. 
He’d been like this for some time now. All honeyed moans, happiness and comfort radiating from him despite the fact his skin appeared paler than you would have liked. His under eyes a blueish hue, veins straining against skin. You knew he needed sleep, but there would be time for that yet.
Your fingers roamed through the strands once more, before sliding down the sides of his neck and settling over his shoulders. Fingers pressed into the highest point there and began rubbing. Slow circles along muscular flesh.  
“You are a dream, my love.” He sighed, gripping your hand mid massage to press a kiss into the inside of your wrist. 
At your shudder, he tugged you closer to him. Tilted his head back so your lips would press against his. Moved against his mouth slowly, still grateful you were reunited with him once more. As his mouth opened beneath yours, you trailed your tongue along his bottom lip. Heat making your toes curl as a moan rumbled against your flesh.
“There is more than enough room for you to join,” he said, smiling up at you with hooded, blown out eyes.  
“You are in no condition for any of that.”
“A man cannot enjoy a bath with his wife without it leading to something else?”
“Precisely, my love.” You pressed another kiss to his lips, reaching to grab a cloth and run soap along your husband’s bloodied face, grimacing at the cut on his forehead. “This one should not need to be stitched.”
“I will keep my looks then?” 
He teased, tugging you closer still. You groaned in acquiesce, stepping into the bathing tub in your thin sleep shirt you had slipped into. He shifted to allow you to sit between his legs, back pressed against his chest. Careful to not aggravate the wound on his side. 
“You will keep your looks yet,” you murmured sleepily, smiling as his arms slid around your abdomen and settled there. Hugged you close. You closed your eyes, humming quietly. “I could sleep for ages.”
“And we will once we have dinner with the soldiers and citizens.”
You shifted in his arms, glancing upward at his face. His profile was on full display,  your fingers inching upward to trace the slope of his forehead. The line of his nose. Brushed along his bottom lip as he opened his mouth against it. Pressed a slow kiss to your flesh before reaching over with his palm to cup your cheek. 
Those dark eyes met yours before fluttering shut, lips slanting over your own. A slow, sensual kiss that promised more. Your breathy sigh fueled him onward, hands coming to shift your hips over his. Slotted your thighs on either side of his, careful to not aggravate his wound. Pulled back as a stuttered breath slipped from his lips. 
“You should be resting,” you whispered, eyes rolling backward as his fingers curled around your throat. A nip and scrape of teeth against your collar bone. “Your wound—”
“I do…” He pressed you flush against him, rolling your hips in a circle onto his. “Not care…” Awareness building in your stomach at just how little he truly did not. “About the wound.”
He kissed you once more, fingers brushing beneath your sleep shirt. Trailing around the side of your rib cage. “I am a man who just wants to make love to his wife. Will you have me?”
Your nodded reply was all he needed. The two of you became a mass of tangled limbs, lips, fingers and teeth against skin. Of panted gasps as you allowed him to tug your sleep shirt up and over your head, before you lowered yourself down onto him. Watched his head roll back with his eyes as you began to move, his fingers trailing up your spine. 
You came together a second time after Peter had finally allowed you to stitch his wound and bind it with a new dressing. His smile warm as his form shadowed your own, fingers hooking around a knee as he parted you to him before settling himself there. Swallowed your gasp as he moved over you, and then within you. 
And in a way…it had become like that. All the parts of him you loved most, woven intricately in your own heart. Stitched into the innermost parts of your own self. 
And you knew, simply in the way he looked down at you, he felt the same. 
Creating a moment so infinite...so wholly yours. Untouched and unmarred by the world. 
Hours later, as soldiers drank and celebrated in the vast courtyards of Ayelandia, you walked around the exterior of the party with your husband. Arm looped through his own as you went. Your heart soared at the idea of another day within his love. Of being so cocooned in it, you might never resurface. 
Today, he had told you, you would celebrate the war won. Tomorrow, you would come together as a country and mourn the lost. To remember those loved and now gone. 
“When I heard you were taken…I did not think I would ever see you again. I nearly lost myself when they informed me. Having you here now, I find that I never wish to let you go,” Peter whispered, brushing his lips against your own. 
“Every moment I was gone it was your love which kept me grounded.” You cupped your hands in his own, squeezing them. “We will never be parted again. Promise me.”
“I promise you,” he breathed out, drawing you closer and kissing you deeper still. 
Wrapped his hands in the back of you gown and bunched the fabric there, pressing himself further into your body. Breaking off in a pained moan. His hand moved toward his side, palm clutching where he had been stabbed. 
“You need to rest.” You admonished. “You have already exerted yourself too much.”
He smirked down at you. “If I remember correctly, my wife, you were very happy to participate in such exertion.”
“You are very…persuasive.” You teased, drawing him alongside you. “There is something I wish to tell you, however...”
He turned to look at you then. Curiosity brimming in his gaze. “What is it?”
“Your Graces,” Lord Bartrand said, approaching the two of you on the walkway. 
“Lord Bartrand, you fought bravely, my old friend,” Peter said, chuckling as his drew the older soldier toward him in a hug. 
You lingered behind, palms smoothing along the bodice of your gown as the Lord in question looked over your husband’s shoulder in your direction.
“Your Grace, the people are already singing your praises. Said you led a band of women and children through the castle like a true commander.”
“Now…I would not say that,” you mused, coming to stand beside the soldier as the three of you continued on your stroll. “Though some of the women did smack Hollowhall soldiers over the head with chairs. And that was the bravest thing I have ever seen.”
“You must tell us all about it,” Peter said. 
And so you had. News you wished to share with your husband placed aside as you recounted the stories of what happened when you rushed to the aid of the healing houses. How you had found the women in the tavern. Their bravery as they took up arms with a willingness to fight for what they believed in. 
Shared the story of Bronwynne’s betrayal. Of Harry’s plotting. Your eventual capture after leading the people to safety. The true confession of Gwen’s murder. And even the too-late redemption of Bronwynne coming to your rescue. The sadness in which you regarded her love gone cold. How it must have felt in those final moments as her lover ultimately murdered her. 
So foolish. 
And yet your husband gripped your hand in his own. Brought it to his lips and kissed it slowly. Thanked Bronwynne for the sacrifice that had led you back to him. 
You carried on for what seemed like hours. The firelight basking the soldiers in an orange glow as you eventually joined them. Joining in the celebrations and drink with your husband. Until your eyes began to flutter closed at the table you were settled upon, Lord Bartrand seated on your right as Peter jested with your step siblings and King Eugene by the fire. 
“Does he know yet?” Lord Bartrand asked, eyes sliding toward yours. 
You lifted your head from your palm, sleep clinging to your vision. “I do not know what you speak of,” you said, barely containing your smirk. 
The next morning you woke curled against your husband’s chest. Uncertain of how you had managed to end up there. Could vaguely remember the events of the night before. Sighed and stretched your arms above your head as you shifted out of his arms and walked over to the mirror in the corner of the chamber. Sliding your eyes to your face there. The purpled cheek. The split lip. Burn scoring your forehead. You had survived. 
You shuddered, pinching the bridge of your nose as you pushed memories of the battle and death from your mind. Instead, searched through your wardrobe to slip on a simple black gown. A Queen garbed in black to honor the dead. 
You were midway through brushing a comb through your hair when your husband appeared over your shoulder in the mirror, fingers sliding along the side of your neck. He held out his hand for the brush, gripping the cool handle as he ran it through your strands. Stopping every so often to press a kiss into the skin of your neck. 
“Today we will honor the lost. I just cannot help but to be overwhelmed with gratitude that you were not one of them,” he whispered, voice shaking as he spoke. 
You tugged him down onto the chair beside you, smoothing your palm up his chest. Rested it over his heart. “It was you who promised me we would live. Prince Harry is gone now. He cannot hurt anyone else we love now.”
He pulled you against his chest then. Fingers threading through your hair as your arms slid around his waist, ear pressed over his swiftly beating heart. Squeezing him tighter as he cried into the crown of your head. Remaining there as an anchor. In whatever way he needed you. 
“I am here, Peter. You have me…for the rest of our lives you have me.” 
“And even beyond that,” he echoed, kissing your forehead. 
“Even then, my love.”
You stayed like that until the two of you were required to join your people for the mass funeral to be held for all those lost. Soldiers had begun to gather the dead in the wee hours of the morning, lining them across the fields of Ambrosen. A mass grave was dug out, and bodies were settled within to be laid to rest. 
Bronwynne, naturally, had been left on the field. Traitors were not buried with the fallen, you knew this. But she had saved you in her last moments. Changed her mind before time had run out. A fact that Lord Bartrand repeated to two soldiers as they grabbed her fallen form and laid her within. 
You walked beside Peter onto the fields. Both of you donning black mourning clothes to honor those killed to see your throne secured. Sacrifices not in vain. 
“You said you had something to tell me,” Peter said as you approached the grave, looping your arm through his own. “What is it, my love?”
“Now is not the time. I will tell you later.” You promised, coming to stop before the freshly filled grave. 
Lord Bartrand stepped forward to raise his voice above the crowd. Speaking of the lost. Of lives so bravely lost. Of lost loved ones. Fathers who would never see their children. Sons. Daughters. Children to parents. Wives. Friends. Simply put—people. Innocent people. 
Memories of those who would never be forgotten. Even as winter turned into spring. And spring into summer, their memories would linger in the hearts of those who loved them. 
You brushed at the tears in your eyes as soldiers began to filter away from the burial site. As men and women alike clasped arms around shoulders with the promise to grab ale together and toast to life. To celebrate the dead. You lingered behind with Peter, dropping to your knees in the grass. 
Glanced over to him as he settled down beside you and watched you grip a handful of fresh soil in your palm and tossed it onto the pile. For the women. The men. The children. 
For Healer Agatha. 
For Bronwynne. 
He did the same. Fingers curling around dirt and tossing it over the grave. Pieces being swept across in the wind as it whipped your hair about both your faces. 
And in the fading sunset, the two of you walked back to the castle. Looking ahead. 
To the future and to restoration. 
To a new beginning. 
Ayelandia celebrated that night. Instead of sitting shrouded away in the shadow of death, the people toasted to life. The women and children carried off into the safety of sea retuning as the moon grew to the highest point in the sky. 
The joy of seeing loved ones reunited bringing a smile to your lips as you sat beside your husband, a goblet of wine pressed into your palm as he stroked a slow circle along the back of your palm. 
You watched as the little boy who had grabbed your hand in the tavern ran over to his father, jumping into his arms and giggling as he spun him in a great circle. As parents were reunited with their sons and daughters. Joyous crying as they wrapped each other in warm embraces. 
The weeping of new widows and widowers as they found comfort within the arms of friends and other family members. 
You looked over to him then, placing your goblet of wine on the table as you extended a hand to him. Grinned as he led you onto the dance floor. Spinning you round and round in a circle as the people flitted about the room. Your step brothers raising a glass in salutation. Father beaming as he clasped hands with King Eugene. Lord Bartrand dipping his head to the two of you. 
To success in the Battle of Ambrosen as many had now titled it. To your marriage. To your lives. To your reign. 
And later, as your feet had begun to hurt from dancing and your heart felt lighter in your chest, you settled back down beside Peter as your guests continued in their feasting and celebration. 
At one point, reached over and gripped his palm, pressing it over the lower portion of your bodice. His eyes rested there, realization dawning across his features. Eyes widening as they glistened with tears—of joy unbridled. You reached up with your free hand and brushed at the tear that rolled down his cheek. 
Nodded in answer to his unspoken question. 
“I was not certain at first, but it seems flowers will not be the only thing blooming come summer.”
“I am upset with you, husband!” You grumbled, walking into your bed-chamber to find Benjamin and Peter nuzzled up together beneath the downy furs on your bed. 
“Can you be upset with me a little bit more quietly? Benjamin just went down for a nap,” he asked from the bed, eyes closed as his son curled up against chest. 
Your smile grew at the sight. Their dark hair spilled over both their foreheads. Peter with his arm curled around the one year old prince, as the little one pressed his hand into his father’s chest, thumb in his mouth. 
Sighing, you lifted your skirts a bit as you climbed onto the bed beside your two favorite boys, running your hand down your husband’s arm before curling up beside your husband and son, running your fingers down his little cheek. The curve of those chubby arms. 
“I have been informed you picked out a dog for our son. A son who is not even old enough to appreciate or understand the responsibility of having something living to take care of.”
“My love, how could I not? One of the stable dogs had puppies and Lord Bartrand thought it would be a great gift—”
“You are not blaming Lord Bartrand for getting yourself a puppy.” You teased, batting your husband’s hand away as he reached over to run his fingers through your hair. “Where is this puppy, then? If I will be a mother again, I would like to see the little one.”
He pointed toward your bathing chamber door. Your feet immediately moving to take you over to it, opening the door wide and watching as a blonde haired pup with massive paws came barreling out. Jumping up onto the bed and plopping down beside your husband and sleeping son. 
At your crossed arms and unamused expression, Peter chuckled uneasily. “What can I say? He loves me already.”
You groaned and settled back down on the bed. Watching as the pup wiggled over to you, paws toying at your dress clad thigh. Nose bumping your hip. You reached out tentatively and giggled as the thing leaped in response and swiped his tongue across your cheek. 
“Okay…okay. He is cute. We can keep him.”
The months after the war proved to be challenging. Those first months of winter some of the most grueling you had experienced since becoming Queen of Ayelandia. The alliances forged through your marriage had become a blessing. Goods being sent from Glendhaven as your country rebuilt. 
Many had come together to start the process of fixing the destroyed homes and burned healing houses. Roofs being rebuilt as the lives of those affected within learned to continue on. The streets those first weeks were empty. Somber in nature. Nobody seemed to truly mill about until the spring arrived and the weather started to warm. 
Lady Cecilia and her children had revisited as new buds began to form on the trees in the gardens. Her little girls now talking and excited over the prospect of their new ‘cousin’ coming in a few months time. 
Lady Cecilia overjoyed at how much had changed in the months since you had last seen her. Over the way your husband seemed only that much more in love with you. Worshipping the ground you walked on.  
Hollowhall had grown silent, King Norman’s throne now unsecured with the loss of his son. Though there were whispers of those who still hated King Peter and wanted to see him uprooted. Those whispers squashed, however, before they could come to any fruition. 
You continued your work at the healing houses for some time, despite Peter’s many worried of you working yourself too hard. Those first few weeks of walking in without seeing the familiar faces of Healer Agatha and Bronwynne breaking your heart all over again. You still mourned them both, and were certain you would for many years to come. 
But time healed the lands, just as it did anything. And before long you found the people settled into a new routine. Found new things to be grateful for—to be happy about. 
Peter had found that in the gift you kept nestled away beneath your heart. In the first cries of your son as the spring turned into summer. Would never forget the way he had settled down on a chair that day, looking down into Benjamin’s eyes with a love so deep it had split your heart in two. 
You were finally at peace. 
Sighed against the downy pillow as you reached over to grip Peter’s palm in yours and twined your fingers with his. The puppy coming to rest his snout across his new father’s forearm. 
But you did have to admit he was adorable. What with those floppy golden ears and sagging lips as his mouth puffed in his sleep. 
“We should be getting ready. The court is practically buzzing at the prospect of celebrating Benji’s first cake day.” You mused, watching as Peter lifted himself and the sleeping prince into a sitting position. 
“They just wish to use it as an opportunity to drink and be merry,” he said, pressing a kiss to the little boy’s forehead as he stirred. 
“Precisely,” you said, circling around the bed to kiss your husband soundly. “So let us drink and be merry, my love.”
The prince in question did not care for the party. Only enjoyed spending time within Lady Cecilia and Queen Freya’s arms with his fist in his mouth. 
Had thanked Lord Bartrand and Lady Cecilia when they offered to take the boy for a while when you and Peter eventually decided to slip out into the gardens, giggling as he laid you down on a his fur cloak beneath a tree on a patch of grass. Watched as the leaves danced above your head. Dappled light casting shadows over your husband’s face. 
“I had dreamed of this once—or something like it,” you muttered dreamily, reaching up and untying the leather keeping his now shoulder length hair tied behind his head. Toyed with the strands as they fell forward. 
He snorted, blowing a strand away from his face. “Did you now?” He curled you up against his side, arms circling your waist. “And what exactly happened in this dream.”
You tugged at the strings of his britches. Freed the shirt from within and ran fingers along bared flesh. Gasped as he leaned down and pressed open-mouthed kisses into your skin there. 
You reached forward and guided him where you wanted him. Skirts tossed up around your hips as he moved against you. Peppering kiss after kiss against your lips. 
“It started just like this…” You whispered, back arching as his finger brushed against that sensitive bundle of nerves. 
“And then?”
“And then…” 
You shoved him over onto his back, palm pressed against his chest to keep his back rooted to the ground as you moved above him. 
Like in your dream, each roll of your hips another promise. 
You loved him. You cherished him. You worshipped him. You adored him. Would spend every day for the rest of his life reminding him. 
When you parted in a panting tangle of arms and legs, you curled your arms around his waist. Nuzzling your face against his chest as you settled down with him. Basking in the fading summer sun dancing along your skin. 
“To think, when we met we were mere strangers,” you said, thinking back to those early days. 
To your wedding day. Standing before him as a quiet princess, uncertain of who she was. 
“I was a beast to you.” He brushed a hand along your cheek lovingly. 
You remembered those early dinners. The clanging of silverware as you danced around one another. Figured out how to navigate the murky waters of your relationship. 
“We became friends, though.” 
“We did become friends.” 
He kissed your nose as you pictured him. So long ago now in that tent, looking at you overtop your makeshift pillow barricade to separate the two of you. 
“And then there was a flirtation,” you said, running your hand along his chest, moving toward the waistband of his pants. Then lower still until he shuddered against you. 
Your mind conjured up the sight of him in your bathing chamber. Looking over at you with heat swirling in his gaze. And even after still, to those first exploring kisses over a game of hangman’s noose.
“I was a beast again,” he groaned, chuckling. 
You felt your skin as it flushed at the memory of sparring with Peter at the garrison. Mere moments before he confessed he had done the unthinkable and fell in love with you. 
“And now you are my heart,” he said, kissing you soundly as he rolled back over you. 
Making love to you anew in the grass as images of the last months continued to flit across your mind behind your closed eyes. 
Those first moments of new intimacy. The moment you were reunited on the battlefield after the war when you had feared you might never see him again. The first time he had learned he was to become a father. The tentative way his palm had settled over yours that day when you had felt Benjamin quickening for the first time. When he looked at you for the first time with his son in his arms, as if he had fallen in love all over again. 
And even still, as he looked at you now, reverently. Like he had been searching his whole life for a treasure and found it within you. 
The two of you ventured back to court some time later, earning the curious gazes of the other royals who would dare not say anything of what you had gotten up to. Instead, you pushed past them and lifted Benjamin from Lady Cecilia’s arms, as Peter bid the rest of court good night. 
You settled the little Prince down in his bed and smiled at the pair of arms that had come to slide around your waist. Leaning into the warmth of the man leaning his chin against your shoulder. His fingers brushed along the mop of brown hair on Benjamin’s head, your sighs echoing in the chamber. 
“I love you, you know?” You whispered. 
He turned your head to the side, your eyes locking with his. “And I you. I am yours. Until my dying day.”
“And even then.”
“Even then.”
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tag-list: @rae-gar-targaryen @spidervee @withahappyrefrain @mrshipsmcgee @squiddtheekidd @ambivalence-is-me @levylovegood @novaalexander @spideysfav @wolfiepirate @withahintofpestoaioli @basicrese @andrews-lovr @nxstalgicnxbxdy @daisiesandinvasives @namoreno @liz-allyn @mysticfluffyness @thrashc4n @dovesandorchids @ouralcohol @bijleegiregi @itsfloorcry @mad-elia @decadentpaperduck @iprobablyshipit91 @aa-li-yxh @ethereal-lovers @standarizedpumpkins
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Attraction and Reaction - Wanda Maximoff x Dom!Reader - Part 2
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Prompt based “ WandaXReader where they're always arguing and being sarcastic to eachother but it's just sexual tension. Maybe smth with the lines "why are u laghing did I tell a joke?" "why don't u look inside my head and find out". I think it would be pretty cool. It doesn't have to be smutt though, only If u fell like it (also a dom!reader would be nice)" > Link for part One
Notes: Some people asked me to write a part 2 of this one, and i took me a while but I finally did it. Nobody specified whether they wanted part two for the smut or for the story so I put a little of both.
Warnings>  18+, Smut, language, mentions of past abuse.
Words:  6.243 (Complete)
Marks (I keep forgetting to put this but hope people don’t hate me haha) > @mionemymind​ @wandamaximoffpuppy​
AO3 (Complete / Two Parts)
Maybe you guys had been in the room for a long time.
But you didn't care about the time as you had Wanda riding on your face, and you were licking and sucking her, while she moaned loudly with her mouth open as she forced her hips down and held on to the headboard.
- Fuck! Right there. - She said breathlessly - Don't stop.
A few strokes later and she came apart in your mouth, for the fourth time in a row. The taste only seemed to get better.
And then she was throwing herself on the bed trying to normalize her breathing, and you leaned over to rest your head on her belly while your fingers trailed up her thigh.
But a knock at the door caught your attention next.
- Wanda, is everything all right? - That was Bucky on the other end. - I made dinner, I was wondering if you would like some.
- No, Bucky, thank you. - Wanda shouted back a moment later, disguising her current state well. You let out a giggle, and ran your fingers down her skin, penetrating her pussy afterwards, and she bit back a sigh.
- That's fine. Do you know where Y/N is? I haven't seen her since this morning, and she's not in her room. - He then said and you chuckled softly, as Wanda held back a moan at having you inside her.
- No. - She answered half breathlessly, and forced herself to sound less affected in the next sentence. - I have no idea.
But then you began to rotate your finger against her clit and she sank her face into the bed, gasping for breath. It took a moment, then Bucky spoke again.
- You guys are fucking, aren't you?
- Trying to! - you retorted impatiently, beginning to kiss Wanda's skin.
You can hear Bucky let out a chuckle before his footsteps move away. But your attention was focused on Wanda, coming on your fingers again.
- Fuck. - She mumbled breathlessly, running her hands through her hair. - I don't think I can go on. - She commented with a smile, her gaze lazing on you.
You smiled as you lifted your face to meet hers, and kissed her slowly and sensually, but she really looked tired, even though her hips moved toward you.
- Get some sleep, dear. - You whispered to her, trying not to be startled by how easily the nickname slipped out of your mouth. Wanda smiled, closing her eyes. When her breathing became deep, you pulled back the blankets to cover her naked body, then stood up.
You picked up your clothes from the floor, and when you finished dressing, you left the room.
Bucky was reading something when you entered the room, and you went around the counter to get some coffee.
- Sorry for getting in the way of your conflict resolution. - He said ironically, his eyes still on the paper. You giggled.
- No problem, Barnes. - You replied before taking a sip of coffee.
You walked over to the couch where Bucky was sitting and looked curiously at the papers on the table as you sat down in the armchair next to him.
- What are you working on anyway? - you asked, crossing your legs. Bucky let out a sigh.
- On you guys, actually. - He said, and you frowned in confusion. But he didn't look angry, just busy. - Steve worries that the team works as a whole. He asked me to study your training results and try to find a way to solve your problems.
- I think that's been taken care of. - You sneer, but Bucky keeps a serious expression.
- Sex doesn't solve your problems. - He says and you blink in surprise. - It's just an escape valve.
You laugh ruefully, putting your coffee cup on the table.
- What are you talking about? Wanda and I just needed to vent our anger somehow. There is nothing to work out.
Bucky shook his head in denial, placing the pages he had in his hand on the table.
- Look, do you remember how it used to be with me and Sam? - He asked, and you rolled your eyes, nodding in agreement.
- We're not like....
- Listen first. - he asked with a smile, and you sighed, nodding. - Sam and I used to fight because we couldn't accept the nature of our relationship. - He explains. - And we both looked up to Steve and wanted him to be proud of us. And then we would fight to see who got his attention.
- That's very gay. - You comment humorously and Bucky chuckles lightly before continuing.
- The relevant thing is that when Sam and I first started having sex, we weren't communicating. - He says and you blink in surprise. - Angry sex is no substitute for conversation. It took a while, but we managed to talk about how we really felt, and now we are doing just fine. 
You sighed thoughtfully, leaning your back against the chair as you entwined your hands in your lap.
- I don't know what to tell you, comrade. - You say. - I have no quarrel with Wanda. We're fine. 
Bucky looked at you for a few seconds, and then shrugged his shoulders and turned his attention back to his papers. You began to think that you were repeating that things were fine for yourself and not for him.
Everything was fine.
The day after the events of the past morning and afternoon, you only met Wanda over breakfast. She smiled and waved you good morning, and you did the same.
And when you two got up to leave the dishes in the sink, she enjoyed being put on the countertop while you stayed on your knees with your head between her legs. Or at least you understood that she did, when she came in your mouth and moaned your name.
Everything was fine. Until it wasn't.
Bucky requested another therapy session with you two, and at the moment you were sitting in an armchair facing Wanda in an empty room, waiting for the soldier.
You were trying not to let your mind wander to the image of the redhead squirming with pleasure beneath you as you looked at her but you were failing miserably.
You cleared your throat, looking away and then Bucky entered, apologizing for the delay and saying that the rest of the team should be back in the tower soon.
- Can we try talking today, girls? - He said as he sat down, and you crossed your arms, shrugging. Wanda twiddled her fingers slightly. - I'd like to try the questions again.
You and Wanda exchanged a look before nodding, and Bucky smiled, pulling his small notepad from his pocket and reading briefly before speaking.
- Y/N let's start with you today. - He says. - Can you tell me something you like about Wanda?
You bite your lip.
- The way she moans my name.
Bucky blinks in surprise and discomfort but lets out a giggle, Wanda blushes softly looking away.
- Great, we've gone from immense hatred to unrestrained horniness. - He wryly chuckles. - Please girls, let's try to make this work.
You let out a sigh, getting thoughtful for a moment. 
- All right, Bucky. - You say. - I... I like how caring Wanda always is.
Wanda blinks in surprise, and Bucky looks happy. 
- That's nice. - He comments with a smile. - And you Wanda, can you tell us what you like about Y/N?
Wanda looks at you for a moment, and then looks away from you to Bucky.
- I like how protective she is of everyone here. - She confesses and you look at her attentively. - Even with me, and even when we are fighting, when we are in the field, she cares about everyone.
You swallow dryly as you look away from Wanda, wanting to ignore the feeling in your stomach.
- That's great, girls. - Bucky comments and you almost forget that he was there. - I would like to ask how this conflict started.
And then you shift uncomfortably in your chair. Because you remember it so well. Clearing your throat, you stand up.
- I don't want to do this anymore. - You say, looking at Bucky, who looks very surprised. He closes his notepad, but before he can say anything, Wanda says.
- So you're just going to run away again?
- Yeah, Wanda, I'm just going to run away. - You retort angrily as you move your feet out of the room, slamming the door on your way out.
You had been training for a few hours, your muscles ached and your body begged for a rest, but you kept punching the bag in front of you.
- Someone is angry. - sneered Natasha as you entered the gym. You blinked in surprise.
- I didn't know you were back. - You retorted without stopping your punching.
And then Natasha was climbing onto the mat, smiling at you.
- A little bird told me that you resolved your conflicts in the best possible way. - She teased, coming closer and tapping your fists to make you stop. You sighed breathlessly, your body reacting immediately to the lack of movement.
- I don't want to talk about it. - You retorted as you took off your boxing gloves, and walked away. 
- I figured as much. - She said, following you around the gym as you left the ring and looked for a bottle of water. - But you need it, so we''ll talk.
You let out an impatient grumble, and then Nat was touching your shoulder and you turned away abruptly.
- No. - You warned with clenched fists, but Nat was not intimidated.
- I know what happened to you. - She said and you closed your eyes tightly, trying to control the boiling anger rising in your chest. - I know because I saw the red room when she was in my head. But you have to understand that Wanda is on our side now and…
- I know that! - you retorted angrily. - I know that she's just a victim in this whole thing, okay? I just... I don't... - You paused, trying to normalize your breathing, and control your tears. - I haven't seen my family in twenty years. And I don't think about them, I can't remember their faces. I wasn't ready to see them that day, and I can hardly breathe when I remember. I just need time.
- You can't take out on Wanda the anger you had for them. - Nat replies seriously, and you sigh, sitting down on the bench next to you, your face buried in your hands.
- I know. - You say. - I just... God, she is probably the only person who knows everything. I wasn't ready to tell anyone, or deal with it alone, and she just came in and she just knows everything.
Nat sat down next to you and put her hand on your thigh.
- You need to talk to someone about this. - She said. - Not with me, not with Wanda. With a professional who can help you.
You nod, squeezing her hand. 
- I know. - You say with a sad smile. - I will, I just... It all seems so recent.
- You've been burying your traumas pretty well, that's all. - She jokes, and you laugh weakly.
You stood for a moment in silence before standing up. Nat let go of your hand to give your shoulder a squeeze before she left the gym. You sighed, deciding that you should call that contact Sam had told you about.
When you returned to your room, you had an appointment. You went into the shower, and took too long, trying to calm your nerves under the hot water. 
And then you were startled to get out and find Wanda waiting for you.
- I want to talk to you. - She declared as soon as you came out of the bathroom, sitting on your bed.
You let out a sigh, moving toward your closet. You didn't mind being naked in front of Wanda, it was nothing she hadn't seen before. And then you threw the towel on the bed and put on a loose T-shirt.
- You can talk. - You retorted, turning to her, and bit your lip when you noticed Wanda's gaze and flushed cheeks. - Earth to Wanda? 
Wanda grumbled at your teasing and looked away, you smiled as you picked up the towel from the bed to take it to dry off.
- I don't know what's bothering you. - She says after a moment, and you swallow the discomfort in the pit of your stomach. - But I've talked to Bucky, and he doesn't think it's healthy for us to continue with, well, whatever it is, before you can talk about your feelings.
You hang up your towel and then turn to Wanda with an impassive face.
- Okay, then. Good night. - You tell her sharply, and Wanda blinks in confusion.
- That's all you're going to say? - she asks incredulously, and you let out a dry laugh.
- You're the one who came here to say that you don't want us to happen anymore. 
- I didn't say that.
- What difference does it make? - You retort. - It's not going anywhere anyway.
Your statement leaves your mouth bitter, and Wanda stares at you for a long second before turning and leaving the room. You feel your body boil with anger, but you're tired. So you just throw yourself on the bed and hope to sleep soon.
Your fights with Wanda stop, mostly because you just don't talk to each other anymore. But Bucky seems to accept this as progress, and releases you from the sessions. And then you are seeing the psychologist that Sam recommended, and things are getting better for you.
She asks about your family, and teaches you to control your anger attacks with breathing exercises and focus. It is enough for weeks, until you have to really face your memories as you use Tony's technology to remember what your parents did to you. Of how they gave you your abilities. 
It is suffocating, and painful, but you survive. And it feels good to breathe normally again. 
You want to ignore the feeling that there is something missing, mainly because you believed that once you were healing, you wouldn't think about Wanda anymore. But now that the anger is gone, you just miss her.
Many weeks after your discussion, you are in the Caribbean, trying to investigate an abandoned Hydra base, and you have Wanda as an exploration partner.
- Did you find anything? - you asked as you two walked together into yet another empty room of an abandoned compound. Wanda was going through some drawers, going through their contents.
- Nothing that Tony hasn't already hacked. - She said, and then you turned around when you heard a noise at the door behind you. Raising your pistol in the direction of the sound, you let out an exclamation of surprise when the door suddenly opened, and a man jumped at you. Clearly a soldier, judging by his clothing. You fought back his blows, and were ready to fight, but Wanda simply used her magic to throw him across the room and he blacked out. You looked at her, and she shrugged. - Sorry, did I step on your moment?
- That sentence is mine. - You heard Natasha's voice interrupt, probably joining you as soon as she heard the sound of conflict. You shook your head, laughing lightly as you stood up. - I'm taking our friend in for interrogation, so finish up here. - She said before dragging the man across the room and out. You were dusting off your clothes as you walked toward Wanda.
- Since we can't find anything around here, I guess we can go. - You grumble, and then let out an exclamation of discomfort, which attracts the attention of Wanda, who raises her eyes in your direction.
- Are you all right? - She asked, coming closer and raising her hands to where you were pressing yours, above your shoulder.
- Yes. - You retorted with mild surprise at her concern. - It was just the impact. 
You watched as Wanda's eyes ran quickly to your mouth, and you felt your heart race in anticipation. 
- Okay, then. - She grumbled, lowering her hands and placing them behind her back, looking everywhere but at you. You bit your lip, bringing your bodies closer together, as Wanda attempted to move away, but slammed her back against a cabinet, and let out a gasp.
- Are you nervous? - you ask quietly as you approach, watching Wanda's chest rise and fall out of rhythm. - I just want to thank you for helping me in the fight. - You whisper as you lift a finger to caress her cheek, Wanda holds her breath. Then you let your mouth come up to her ear. - Thank you, Wanda. You've been a good girl.
Wanda closes her eyes tightly, and her hips thrust forward. You smile smugly, as you turn your face to kiss her deeply. She moans against your tongue, and you push your body against her, pressing her into the cabinets.
Your hands move down her thighs, and as you kiss her hard, you push up the fabric of her skirt, and let your fingers run over her skin.  When you push the fabric of her panties aside and penetrate her, she breaks the kiss with a loud moan, and you sigh as you feel her all wet.
- Wanda, you're dripping, baby. - You whisper against her lips as you move your fingers across her swollen clitoris. - How long have you been waiting for me to touch you?
Wanda whimpers, burying her head in your neck. You swallow dryly, trying not to be carried away by the feeling of having her so hot, and concentrate on keeping the movements steady. And then you pull out of her only to insert another finger, and she bites your shoulder.
She is making delicious sounds as her hips push against your fingers, and you want to kiss her again, so you use your free hand to hold her neck and make her look at you. Wanda gasps in surprise, but matches your tongue in her mouth, moaning against you.
A moment later, she begins to quiver in spasms against you, whimpering as she tries to stand upright. You take your hand from her neck to hold her waist and keep her steady as you increase the speed of your fingers, and then Wanda comes, a loud moan with her mouth open as she digs her nails into your arm.
- What the hell is taking you guys so long? - You hear Steve's question on your communicator, and let out an impatient grumble. 
- We're coming. - You say raising your hand to the device in your ear and look at Wanda trying to normalize her breathing. - Wanda already did actually.
Wanda slaps your arm as you laugh lightly, but Steve doesn't seem to understand. And then you are hurrying out of the room. You like it when she kisses you deeply on the stairs, before you join the team.
When you all return home, Steve requests a meeting with you. After showering and putting on comfortable clothes, you go to the room where he is waiting.
- Hey, Y/N, what's up? - he asks, sitting in one of the chairs. You smile, nodding.
- Why did you want to talk to me? - You ask, and he lets out a chuckle at your impatience.
- I'd like to know how your appointments have been. - he says after a moment. - You have shown progress in your training. And it's been over two months since you've had any anger episodes.
You shift the weight on your feet, slightly embarrassed.
- It's all right, I guess. - You say. - I've learned to deal with things in a healthier way.
- I'm glad to hear that. - He smiles, and then he hesitates for the next second. - And how is your relationship with Wanda?
- We don't have a relationship. - You retorted snidely, your heart racing slightly. But Steve let out a little laugh.
- Bucky told me that you two have found a way to resolve your conflicts. - He said, getting up. - And you two are not fighting anymore.
- That's what you wanted, isn't it? - You say impatiently and Steve frowns at your hostility. - I don't know what else you want us to do.
- What's going on anyway? - he asks tenderly. - You seem upset about something.
You let out a humorless laugh, running your hands through your hair.
- I am great! Fucking spectacular. - You retort impatiently.
- Y/N...
- Can I go now, Rogers? - You interrupt and he sighs, nodding, and you turn, quickly leaving the room.
As you are crossing the hallway, you bump into Wanda. She looks at you in surprise, ready to apologize, but then you are moving forward and kissing her hard.
Wanda sighs, responding as you press her to the wall. But you slow the kiss and let your foreheads rest against each other.
- I'm sorry. - You say breathlessly. - I can't keep doing this.
And then you pull away, and Wanda calls out to you as you walk away, trying to breathe. 
Wanda catches up with you outside. You are trying not to punch anything, while focusing on your breathing. 
- Why won't you talk to me? - she shouts as she reaches you. - Tell me what's going on.
You let out a dry laugh, and turn sharply and walk toward her.
- Do you want to know what is going on? Great! - you retort angrily. - This is all happening because of you!
Wanda has a confused expression when you stop in front of her. 
- If you had just stayed out of my head, I would be fine! - You accuse angrily, but don't let her interrupt. - And if you'd stayed out of my bed, I wouldn't be in love with you!
You sigh breathlessly as you sit on the floor, your face wet with tears. Wanda is in shock, and remains standing. You feel terrible.
- Damn it, Wanda, I'm sorry! - you mumble, wiping away your tears, trying to remember your breathing exercises. - It's not your fault what happened to me. I'm being an idiot.
- You are in love with me? - She repeats, staring straight ahead without moving. She seems to be talking more to herself than to you. You let out a humorless laugh.
- Yeah, I... I have been for a while actually. - You tell. - I guess I didn't want it to be true.
But then Wanda is kneeling beside you, and she looks at you with watery eyes. 
- You are a stubborn idiot. - She says, laughing lightly, and you frown. But then she moves in and kisses you on the mouth, and you think nothing more of it. When she separates your mouths, she's as breathless as you are. - We'll make it work, okay? I'm in love with you too.
You smile, and then you are hugging each other. It takes a moment for the rest of the team to get to you two.
- Does this mean we will now hear them having sex instead of fighting? - Tony comments wryly, and you watch as Wanda raises her fingers and casts magic at him that pushes him back slightly.
You laugh, letting your happiness replace your anger completely.
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mxpothos · 2 years
Drawn To Each Other: Chapter 2
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"Thanks again, Steven, I’ll see you later."
She forced herself to let go. She looked up at Steven, their faces only inches apart.
Steven reluctantly loosened his grip and stepped back from her. He didn’t try to hide the slightly dazed expression on his face.
A look passed between them, and a feeling that things were different now.
She smiled, waved, and headed out the door into the rain.
Pairing: Steven Grant/Original Female Character, Steven Grant/Reader  Word Count: 7.7k  Rating: General, future chapters will be 18+  Tags/Warnings: Slow Burn, Mutual Pining,  Getting Together, Getting to Know Each Other, Eventual Romance, Eventual Fluff, Eventual Smut
Read Chapter 1 here!
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[Image ID: A text conversation with a contact named Fatima. The first message from Fatima says "Hey J - I'm staying over with Toni tonight. Can you feed Roxy when you get home? 🐩" The reply message says "For sure, have fun!" Then two more messages from Fatima say " Cheers" "Say hi to museum boy for me lol" The final reply message shows 3 emojis making the same exasperated face - 😑😑😑" End ID ]
She isn’t sure exactly when it happened, but at some point in the last few weeks Jess’s lunchtime museum visits had, more accurately, become Steven visits.
She went back to the museum the day after their first meeting. Steven seemed surprised, but very happy, to see her. She did her best to keep it light and casual. A brief greeting on the way in, and a quick sketch show-and-tell chat on her way out.
At first, she attempted to stick to her usual routine of 2-3 museum visits a week. She forced herself to eat in the office cafeteria the rest of the week and definitely did not think about Steven the whole time, of course not.
Then she started putting off her cafeteria days in favor of museum days. Oh, I'll go see Steven today and just eat at the cafeteria tomorrow. Then tomorrow would come - Well it's such a nice day, it would be a waste to spend it indoors. May as well walk to the museum. Pretty soon, Jess was visiting Steven every day. Their chats got longer, and her time spent sketching got shorter. Though, of course, she still kept up with her sketching. For plausible deniability, if nothing else.
Jess was flipping through her recent sketches when she realized she had documented her own descent into crush-land. Each page gradually became less detailed and more impressionistic. At first she wandered deep into the exhibits in search of a drawing subject, but then started sketching artifacts that were closer and closer to the shop. Eventually, she started sketching still lifes of museum merchandise and portraits of visitors within sight of the gift shop counter while listening to Steven wax poetic about whatever subject was on his mind that day. 
Their chats meandered from topic to topic. Steven loved to tell her about the history behind the artifacts she drew. Their religious or political significance, where they were discovered, how they came to be part of the museum's collection, and the fight for repatriation.
Steven often told her about the latest book he had read, which seemed to be a new one every day she saw him. He also sheepishly shared his wish to become a tour guide, and Jess encouraged him not to give up on it. He was too good to be cooped up in a gift shop all day.
Jess talked to him about music, movies, and events she went to around the city, with the occasional political rant thrown in. They swapped stories about their pets, her cat and his goldfish Gus. They also both loved to trade workplace gossip and bemoan their work commute struggles.
Steven always listened to her intently and asked insightful questions. Jess had grown used to having fairly one sided conversations with men, many often seemed to wait their turn to speak instead of actively listening and engaging with her thoughts. It was refreshing to have such a generous conversation partner like Steven.  
At first, Jess worried she was reading too much into things. Maybe she was taking it too far by visiting him every day. After all, he’s at work, right? He can’t very well leave, or tell her off if he doesn’t want her there. He’s always nice to her and seems happy to see her, but that’s his whole job isn’t it? He has to be like this with everyone.
Jess quickly realized that Steven wears his heart on his sleeve and his feelings on his face. Like, all over his face. If he didn’t want her around, he would not be able to hide it.
Jess learned this the first time Steven’s boss dropped by the shop while she was visiting him. One moment Steven was as bright and animated as could be, but then the second he caught a glance of Donna his whole demeanor deflated into one of pure distaste.
Today, Steven watched Donna with a deeply unimpressed look on his face as she prattled on about inventory, and scolded him for not selling more of the jelly scorpion candies.
“I mean c’mon Stevie. How many families with children come through here every day? Would it kill you to push the sweets when they’re checking out their purchases? Honestly.” Donna she tapped her pen on the counter for emphasis.
Steven gave her a grimace that only barely passed for a smile.
“Alright, sure thing, Donna. And for the hundredth time… it’s Steven. Not Stevie.”
Donna rolled her eyes as she marched off to harass someone else.
Jess had been taken aback at Steven’s directness with Donna. She had only ever seen him be sweet and chatty, or bashful and a bit awkward. She had assumed he was like that with everyone.
Jess leaned forward to rest her forearms on the counter, and looked back at a now exasperated Steven.
“Wow, she seems insufferable. Good on you for telling her off about getting your name wrong, though.” Jess said, trying to lift his spirits again.
Steven looked up at Jess, slightly surprised, and waved off her comment.
“Ah it’s nothing, I swear I have to remind her nearly every day. I’ve been working here for how long, and she still can’t get it right? Ridiculous. And JB, the security guard? He’s even worse.” he scoffed.
Jess felt a mixture of sadness that these people thought so little of Steven they didn't even try to get his name right, and admiration that Steven refused to be worn down by their thoughtlessness.
“No, that's seriously impressive, Steven," she insisted. "There’s this VP at work who always calls me Jen, and I’ve never bothered to correct him. I don’t know why… It’s intimidating I guess. He’s way higher up than me.”
Steven looked at her in confusion.
“What’s his position got to do with it? It’s not your fault that twit can’t remember your name, you don’t have anything to feel bad about.”
Jess gave a wry laugh.
“I mean, technically, no. But he’d probably get offended if I corrected him. I dunno. It doesn’t feel worth it. It’s not like I’m going to stay at that company for the rest of my life.” Jess rubbed her arm self consciously.
Steven furrowed his brow and moved a bit closer to her.
“Well, so what if he gets offended? That’s not your problem, yeah? He’s calling you by the wrong bloody name. Why should you be expected to coddle his feelings?”
When he said it like that, it suddenly seemed so simple. Why should she feel bad about it? Why did it feel so big and scary to assert herself in such a small way? Steven was here doing it every day, apparently. Why couldn’t she?
Jess folded and unfolded her arms where they leaned on the counter. She looked back into Steven’s eyes for a moment and smiled shyly.
“I hadn’t really thought about it like that… thanks.”
Steven gave her a small grin. He gently reached his hand out to rest on her forearm and squeezed it reassuringly. Before her mind could process his gesture, Steven jerked his hand back and started stammering out an apology.
“S-sorry, I didn’t mean...I wasn’t trying to -”
Jess could still feel the warmth of his hand on her arm as he stepped away from her.
“Hey, you’re fine, it’s okay.” Jess tried to put him at ease. Thankfully it was a particularly slow day at the museum, so there wasn’t anyone around to notice them.
“No, I'm sorry, that was inappropriate. I’m an employee, you’re a visitor… I shouldn’t have…” Steven trailed off and fiddled with a stack of keychains behind the counter.
“Steven…" Jess felt herself approaching the invisible line at the end of the casual acquaintances zone they were occupying, and hesitated to cross over into what lay beyond. She looked at Steven's disheartened face, and took the plunge.
"Steven, seriously. I appreciate your concern but I didn't find that inappropriate.”
Jess weighed her next words carefully.
“I’d like to think we’re….friends? By now? "
Steven lifted his head to look at her, an unreadable expression on his face.
"You would?" He said it questioningly and hopefully at the same time.
"Of course, I mean… we’ve been hanging out a lot. We’ve seen each other nearly every day for over a month, right? We talk about all kinds of stuff. That’s a little more than just acquaintances or a customer/employee relationship, right?”
The word “relationship” felt so loaded as it came out of her mouth. Jess tried not to think about it and barreled ahead.
“It’s normal for friends to be... well, friendly with each other, yeah?” she offered hopefully.
Steven looked at her thoughtfully, his eyes softening.
“I…yeah, heh, I s’pose so.” He fidgeted his hands together.
Before she could stop herself, Jess reached across the counter and gently gripped Steven by the forearm. She squeezed encouragingly, returning his earlier gesture. Steven looked down at her hand on his arm for several seconds before looking back up at her. She smiled at him warmly, and gave another squeeze before letting go.
Steven felt like he could cry.
They stood in a blooming silence for several moments, gazing at each other.
Jess’s phone timer abruptly pierced the quiet, signaling that her lunch break was nearly up.
“Goddammit… I need to get going” Jess muttered as she silenced her phone. She looked at Steven apologetically.
“O’course, o’course. Back to the old grind, eh?” Steven replied a bit too quickly, straightening up his posture and smoothing down the front of his button up shirt, “I probably ought to work on whatever the hell Donna was telling me about the inventory, earlier” he said with an over-dramatic eye roll for emphasis.
Jess giggled at his expressions.
“Good luck with that, I think you’ll need it.” She chuckled.
“Nah, nothing I can’t handle. I’ve dealt with far worse.” Steven said with a teasing grin.
Something about the way he said it made Jess think he wasn’t joking.
“Well, see ya tomorrow then.” Jess made sure to catch his eyes one more time before turning to leave.
“Cheers. And… thank you.” Steven replied.  
Jess paused and turned back to him.
“What for?” She queried.
Steven shrugged his shoulders.
“For being a friend. I've… not had very many.” He said plainly.
Jess held his warm gaze and grinned back at him.
“Glad to.” She said softly.
She turned to leave again and walked back to the office in a happy daze.
As she neared the building entrance, the company VP was walking out. He held the door for Jess as she approached.
“Good afternoon, Jen.” he said magnanimously.
“Afternoon.” Jess mumbled as she passed. Halfway through she stopped, thinking back to her conversation with Steven.
“It’s Jess, by the way.”
“Pardon?” the VP looked at her with confusion.
“My name, it’s Jess. Not Jen.” She looked him in the eye. “Just wanted to let you know.”
The VP nodded.
“My apologies, Jess.” He eyed her for a moment, and turned to leave. “Good afternoon.”
He said it like a dismissal rather than a greeting this time.
But Jess didn’t care. She felt so powerful she could walk through a brick wall.
She couldn’t wait to tell Steven tomorrow.
☾ ⋆。 。⋆ ☽
Steven was actually relieved to be on inventory duty, for once. It let him think about Jess with minimal interruption while he mindlessly scanned items into the system.
He had been overjoyed when she came back to chat with him the day after their first meeting, and again the week after. He didn’t say anything when she started visiting every day, or when she spent more time hanging out at the gift shop than enjoying the museum. But he had certainly noticed.
In truth, Steven was mildly terrified. Good things never seemed to last for him. And this felt far, far too good to last. After everything that had happened with Harrow and Ammit, Konshu, learning to live with Marc, and without Layla…. Trying to find his new “normal” had sometimes felt like an exercise in futility. Jess coming into his life had been an unexpected bright spot he leaned on more than he probably should. But how could he not? She was… lovely. And kind. And endlessly fascinating.
Steven realized he never had someone he could talk to like her. Someone who didn't seem to think he was weird or annoying or make faces when he rambled too much. Someone who actually spoke back to him, unlike Gus or the living statue bloke he used to see in the park. Especially someone who actually sought him out day after day, who remembered everything he told her, and who laughed at his bad jokes. This was all embarrassingly new territory for Steven.
Steven punched in the final bits of information into the inventory system and swiveled around in the desk chair. He technically had 5 minutes left in his shift. He considered sneaking out anyway. Donna would probably be too busy chatting with her buddies in the administrative office to notice where he was.
Steven shouldered his messenger bag with a sigh, and headed for the exit. He gave an obligatory wave to JB as he passed the security desk.
"Evenin', JB"
"Yeh, see ya Scotty." JB didn't even glance away from the wall of monitors in front of him.
"It's still Steven, it's always going to be Steven, JB." He monotoned without breaking his stride.
Steven stepped outside into the cool evening air. He picked up some takeaway from a curry house on his way to the bus, which came on time for once. He sat on the upper level and replayed his conversation with Jess over in his head. He could almost still feel her touch.
Steven couldn't explain what made him reach out to hold her arm like that. It just felt…natural, in the moment. He didn't even think about it. At first, anyway. That she reciprocated and seemed to genuinely consider him a friend….
Steven felt the internal duel between his fluttering heart and his worried mind. What happens now? At the very least, he was happy to have a friend. But he wanted, had long wanted, to be so much more for Jess. Could she ever feel the same?
Steven let his mind wander, imagining what it would be like to hold her in his arms, to bury his face in her neck. He thought about how she looked at him with such warmth and wit in her eyes, and wondered what it would be like to kiss her softly, then deeply.
The bus jolted to a stop and shook Steven from his hazy daydream. Who was he kidding, he'd never even seen her outside of the museum. Or in anything other than office clothes. They'd never so much as shared a meal or taken a walk together. They'd talked and talked but there were so many ways that he still didn't really know her.
I'll say it again, just ask her out once and for all.
Steven looked up at his reflection in the bus window. Scoffing, he pulled out his cellphone and pressed it to his ear to avoid drawing attention to himself.
"Oh sure, just like that, eh?" he attempted to whisper.
Marc shrugged and nodded his head.
Uh, yeah, just like that. Worst case she says no and you move on with your life.
Steven groaned at Marc's glib answer.
"Marc, honestly…" he heaved a sigh, "I don't want to muck things up with her, what if she isn't interested? I don't want to scare her off."
Marc raised an eyebrow.
You're not asking her to marry you, just ask her out for coffee or tea or something.
Steven knew Marc was right, but it felt like such a monumental hurdle to cross he could scarcely imagine it.
Marc shook his head and softened his voice.
I know it feels scary, but I'm pretty sure she's into you too. And if she isn't…we'll get through it. It'll be okay. You'll never know if you don't try, right?
Steven nodded reluctantly.
"I s'pose you're right." He furrowed his brow and looked back at Marc, "How did you know I was thinking about her anyway?"
Marc snorted out a laugh and threw his hands up.
Who ELSE do you think about or talk about anymore?
"Oh sod off, you." Steven mumbled with a grin.
Marc laughed again, and in a flicker Steven's reflection resumed its usual appearance.
Steven stuffed his cellphone back into his bag and looked out the window. After a few more minutes he signaled for his stop, and carried his curry takeaway home to Gus.
His head was still swirling with thoughts of Jess, and Marc's advice, by the time he settled down to sleep.
Maybe tomorrow he could time his tea break to coincide with her lunch break, and ask her to join him in the museum cafe. That's something friends might do, right? Nice and low-key, nothing major. A small step forward in their new friendship.
Steven rolled over and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.
☾ ⋆。 。⋆ ☽
"Motherfuck…." Jess hissed under her breath. She stared at the meeting invite that had just landed in her inbox.
Emergency all-hands meeting, 12-1pm Mandatory attendance
Wonderful. There had been rumors that company layoffs might be coming. Jess had noticed several of her coworkers getting called into meetings with management all morning, and none had come back to their desks since.
This all-hands meeting was scheduled exactly when Jess normally took her lunch break. She supposed a late lunch wouldn't be the end of the world, but it still ticked her off.
"Alright folks, gather 'round."
Her boss's voice suddenly filled the floor.
"I'm afraid I'll need everyone to report back here immediately after the all-hands meeting. We've had some… staffing changes this morning, and we'll be spending the rest of the day reviewing all ongoing projects for immediate reassignment. If you haven't had lunch yet, I would strongly suggest bringing something back from the cafeteria. We'll all be having a working lunch today."
He shuffled back into his office and closed the door behind him.
"MotherFUCK." Jess hissed again. She sank back into her chair and rubbed her temples.
Her irritation gave way to worry.
She hadn't missed a visit with him in weeks. She didn't have his contact info, so she couldn't let him know she was going to be held up at work today.
Fuck. Why did she never get his phone number?  Hopefully he doesn't worry or feel slighted by her absence.
Doubt quickly creeped into her mind. Was she being presumptuous? Why did she assume he'd miss her today? Well, yes they'd sort of had a sweet moment yesterday, but … maybe she was reading into things too much.
She didn't have long to ponder, as her workmates began filing out of their cubicles and over to the mandatory meeting. Jess sighed and hauled herself up from her seat.
☾ ⋆。 。⋆ ☽
Steven checked his watch again.
She would normally have been here by now.
Steven scanned the crowd of visitors for the 10th time in the last minute. Nothing.
He bounced his knee nervously as he sat behind the counter. He tried to convince himself that it meant nothing, maybe she was home sick or something came up at work or she just didn't feel like walking over to the museum today. But he couldn't stop the sinking feeling in his gut that she had purposely stayed away because of what he did yesterday.
"Bollocks…what an idiot." He muttered to himself.
Of course. He had totally misjudged the nature of their relationship, or lack thereof. She'd only been humoring him and now she wanted nothing to do with him. It was too good to be true, he should know this by now. Steven Grant doesn't get to have a nice normal life. He doesn't get to know what it's like to have friends or fall in love or anything like that. He's too broken, too strange… not good enough.
He spent the rest of his shift working in silence and ignoring every reflective surface in his vicinity.
☾ ⋆。 。⋆ ☽
What a terrible day. Jess couldn't decide what sounded better right now, getting wasted or decking the first stranger who looked at her wrong. She stomped down the street towards her bus stop after staying at work an hour later than usual, thanks to all the reassignment fuckery. She'd gotten a couple of projects that at least looked more interesting than her usual duties, but right now she was too frustrated to see any upsides to the situation.
She paused to check her phone, and glanced up to see the museum on the next block. Jess felt the twinge of guilt return. She would love nothing more than to see Steven right now, maybe vent a little, but mostly explain what had happened today. Jess searched her memory. The museum was closed, but she thought she remembered Steven saying he got out of work around this time. Maybe she could wait around the front steps for a little bit and catch him as he left. Or would that be too weird? She didn't want to come across like a stalker. Or, again, maybe she's overthinking this whole thing. He probably just shrugged off her absence.
As Jess debated what to do, she saw her bus approaching in the distance. She sighed and decided to just get herself home before she could make any stupid, stress-fueled decisions.
Jess jogged the rest of the way to the bus stop and made it just in time.
As she climbed on and found a seat, Steven exited the museum.
"Bloody hell, as if I needed today to get any worse." He watched the bus drive away without him.
Steven resigned himself to walking home. He didn't want to stand around waiting for the next bus.
Jess rested her head against the bus window as it rolled down the street.
☾ ⋆。 。⋆ ☽
"Hey girl you're home late - woah, you alright?" Fatima eyed Jess with concern as she gloomily stepped inside their shared flat, locking the door behind her with a bit more force than needed.
"Yeah…just had a rough day." Jess exhaled as she dropped her bag on the floor and yanked off her shoes.
"Uh-oh, did your museum boy do something wrong?"
Jess bristled at her flatmate's mention of Steven.
"No, Fatima. I didn't even see him today. I had to work through lunch and stay late at the office. They sacked a bunch of people, and all of their projects had to get reassigned."
Jess collapsed on the couch next to Fatima and attempted to zone out to whatever reality dating show she was watching.
Fatima slid closer to Jess and threw a friendly arm around her shoulder.
"Aww, poor dearie, I'm sorry you missed him today. I'm sure his memory is better than your last fella. He'll still remember you tomorrow." Fatima jostled Jess's shoulders as she spoke in an exaggerated motherly tone. Jess couldn't help cracking a smile.
"Oh, shut it already." Jess said with a laugh.
Fatima grinned as she rose from the couch.
"That's my girl. Dunno why you haven't asked him out yet, but, as you like to remind me, that's none of my business." Fatima held her palms up in the air as she walked to the kitchen. She paused to turn back to Jess.
"I made dinner by the way, want some?"
Jess smiled gratefully at her flatmate and nodded.
"Yes, you're the best Fatima."
"Damn right I am." she shouted as she disappeared around the corner.
☾ ⋆。 。⋆ ☽
Jess stared at the time on her computer, practically counting down the seconds until lunch. The office was still working through the chaos from the day before, but she was determined to see Steven today.
At the stroke of noon she grabbed her bag and headed out the door. She didn't even bother picking up any food, she just booked it straight to the museum.
She hustled up the front steps and through the entrance doors, dodging tourists and school groups as she made her way towards the Egyptian section. She turned the corner, and over the clusters of visitors she saw Steven sitting behind the gift shop counter. He was busy ringing up a customer and hadn't seen her yet.
Jess realized she was breathing heavily from her brisk walk, and ducked back into the hallway to catch her breath.
Okay, just be normal. Everything is normal. Just be normal.
She peeked back around the corner. Steven handed the customers their bagged purchases and they walked out of the exhibit. There weren't any other customers in line, and the shop was quiet again. Jess took a deep breath and walked in.
Reminiscent of their first meeting, Steven did a double take when he caught sight of Jess approaching the counter.
"You're back, I-I mean, hi!" The relief in his voice was palpable.
Jess felt her heart twinge at the implication his reaction carried. He did care.
"Steven, I'm so sorry about yesterday." She fiddled with the strap of her bag. "My company sacked a bunch of people."
Jess noticed a look of panic flash across Steven's face.
"Oh, no, I'm fine! My job didn't get cut. But my boss made everyone work through lunch and stay late to get things figured out. It sucked."
Steven visibly relaxed as Jess explained her previous day's absence. She wasn't sick of him, she wasn't repelled by him, and she even felt bad that she couldn't see him yesterday.
He didn't say anything after Jess finished speaking. Jess searched his face for any indication of what he might be thinking.
"D'you want to go to the cafe?" Steven asked abruptly.
Jess blinked, "What? Sure, where?"
Steven chuckled nervously.
"Sorry, I mean, I was going to take my break at the museum cafe. Would you… want to join me? They have tea and coffee and sandwiches and things like that." He paused before adding, "You can use my employee discount!"
Jess felt a rush of pure joy crash through her.
"That sounds excellent, yes, let's go!"
Steven beamed at her and stepped out from behind the gift shop counter. Jess realized she'd never been this close to him without the counter separating them. It felt mildly salacious.
He took a few steps before pausing.
"Er, just a moment, I've gotta…" he fumbled for his employee radio and pressed a button.
"Donna, this is Steven. I'm taking my break now, can you send someone to cover the shop till I get back?"
The radio crackled and Donna's voice pierced the air.
"You're killing me Stevie, give me some warning before wandering off why don't y-"
Steven turned down the volume on the radio and shoved it back in his pocket.
"Right, let's go!"
☾ ⋆。 。⋆ ☽
Steven and Jess settled into a table by the windows and chatted as they tucked into their purchases. Steven had tea and a pastry, Jess had a sandwich and sparkling water. The museum cafe was a little pricier than Jess would normally prefer, but Steven's employee discount had knocked their bills down a decent amount.
"So… did you grow up in London?" Jess realized that in all of their conversations, Steven had never mentioned his upbringing.
Steven paused at the question.
"Er, not exactly. I'm technically from America. I was born in Chicago."
Jess certainly wasn't expecting that.
"Really? Wow, I never would have guessed. Do you get to visit home very much?"
Steven looked down at his tea.
"No, not for a while. My family…. Well, we're not very close."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
Steven braced himself for her reaction.
"It's hard when we don't get the families we deserve…or when they can't love us for who we are." Jess tried to offer some understanding without making Steven feel like he needed to elaborate.
Steven breathed an internal sigh of relief. He didn't feel ready to explain everything yet. People could be surprisingly judgemental if you admitted to being estranged from your family. He was glad Jess seemed to understand why it might happen.
"What about you, where did you grow up?" Steven returned the question.
Jess told him about her childhood and where her family was from, and how she came to live in London.
"I share a flat with my friend Fatima, but I think she's going to move out with her girlfriend when our lease ends. They've been together a while now."
Jess absentmindedly stirred her drink with her straw. It was nice getting to hang out with Steven without the looming threat of a customer or Donna interrupting them. She could get used to this.
"Yeah, it's just me and Gus at my old flat. It's nice to be on your own but it can get lonely at times. Don't tell Gus I said that, though."
Steven gave Jess a conspiratorial wink. Jess's brain immediately melted into goo.
"Your secret is safe with me." Jess giggled.
"So, if Fatima moves in with her girlfriend, will you move in with anyone else? Like a girl.. boy…friend?" Steven took a long sip of his tea, trying to look casual.
Jess smirked.
"No, I think I'll probably try to get my own place. Most of my other friends live with their partners. I'm not dating anyone, so, no other flatmate candidates to speak of."
Steven was secretly relieved to hear she wasn't already seeing anyone. He would still be happy being friends with her, but…maybe they had a chance.
The sound of heavy rain hitting the pavement caught Jess's attention. She looked out the window, and realized it had abruptly started pouring outside. Great.
"Ughhh crap, I left my umbrella at the office." She leaned back into her seat with an exasperated sigh.
Steven turned to the rain outside, and looked back at Jess.
"You can borrow mine, I have one stashed in my locker."
"No way, you'll probably need it later." Jess waved her hand nonchalantly, "I'll be fine. It won't be the first time someone got surprised by the rain during their lunch break."
Steven gently, but firmly, insisted.
"I won't be going anywhere besides home later today, I don't mind dealing with a drizzle on the way. But you've got to go back to work and sit in an air conditioned building for a few more hours. Seriously, I'll go grab my umbrella. Won’t take half a minute."
Steven had already started walking out of the cafe before Jess could protest. She sat back and couldn't help smiling to herself. What a sweetheart this man was.
Steven returned shortly, and plopped a medium sized umbrella on the table.
"There you are! And don't worry about getting it back to me."
"Thank you, really. But I'm definitely going to worry about getting it back to you." Jess laughed as she placed a hand on the umbrella. "I'll feel terrible if you get rained on without it."
Steven playfully bowed his head in defeat and chuckled.
"Alright, if it makes you feel better." He felt a flutter in his chest at the thought of her worrying about him.
Jess normally left work a bit before the museum closed, so she was pretty sure she could swing by and return Steven's umbrella on her way home. Steven said he'd wait for her around the front entrance to make things easier.
"I really appreciate it, Steven."
They walked slowly from the cafe towards the exit.
"It's no trouble, don't need you getting caught in a downpour if it can be avoided."
They paused as they neared the entrance doors.
"Well, laters gators!" Steven gave a little wave.
Before she could think it through, Jess impulsively stepped forward and pulled Steven into a hug.
It was brief, but it was easily the best either of them had felt in a long time.
Steven was momentarily stunned, then carefully wrapped his arms around her. He closed his eyes and gave himself over to the moment. He tried to commit it all to memory… the way she felt pressed up against him in his arms, the way she smelled, the way she held onto him.
Jess was surprised at how muscular Steven felt. His strong chest and arms locked her in his embrace. He also smelled incredible. Like a vintage cologne in an old library, with a natural masculine undertone. He felt…safe.
She could stay here forever.
"Thanks again, Steven, I’ll see you later." Jess forced herself to let go. She looked up at Steven, their faces only inches apart.
Steven reluctantly loosened his grip and stepped back from Jess. He didn’t try to hide the slightly dazed expression on his face.
A look passed between them, and a feeling that things were different now.
Jess smiled, waved, and headed out the door into the rain.
Steven stood rooted to the floor for several moments, before finally shuffling back to the gift shop.
☾ ⋆。 。⋆ ☽
Jess fired off one more email and logged out for the day.
She quickly gathered up her things and Steven’s rain soaked umbrella. It was still pouring as she stepped outside to head back to the museum. She checked the time on her phone before plunging back into the downpour.
Shit, the museum closes in 10 minutes. Better hustle.
Jess opened her umbrella and marched up the street.
☾ ⋆。 。⋆ ☽
Steven lingered by the museum entrance. Donna had already passed by once and snarked at him to get back to work. He waved her off with a Sure thing Donna I’ll be right on it and continued pacing the floor, and checking outside from time to time.
“The hell are you doing, Scotty?” JB leaned out from behind his wall of security monitors.
“Just waiting for a friend.” Steven said dismissively, “And for god’s sake it’s Steven!”
“Right, right, sorry Steven.” JB slouched back in his chair and resumed watching cute animal videos on his phone.
Steven peered through the museum doors and down the steps again, but there was no sight of Jess so far. The museum was due to close in 5 minutes. If she didn’t make it in time, it wouldn’t be the end of the world. He didn’t really care about the umbrella. But, he had been looking forward to seeing her again today.
“Stevie! Get down to inventory and finish up right now, you can wander around idly when you’re off the clock.” Donna shouted down the hall, the click of her heels getting louder as she approached.
“Yes, I will in a moment Donna, I’m just waiting for someone -”
“I don’t care, you don’t get paid to socialize. Get going this instant!” She stood with her hands on her hips and popped her gum obnoxiously.
“I know, I just -”
“Donna, ple-”
“Now, and I won’t say it again.” She pointed down the hall.
Steven looked out the doors and back at Donna, heaving a sigh.
“Fine, fine, I’m going.”
Donna watched him with crossed arms.
Steven stopped by the security desk as he headed back into the museum.
“JB, could you please do me a massive favor? My friend was going to meet me to drop off my umbrella. Her name is Jess. If she comes in looking for me can you let her know I got held up with work?”
JB barely glanced up from his phone.
“Sure, sure mate. No problem.”
Steven was not entirely convinced, but he didn’t exactly have much of a choice.
“Thanks, JB.”
Steven took one last glance out the museum doors before heading back towards the shop.
☾ ⋆。 。⋆ ☽
Jess took the front steps two at a time and pushed through the doors with 4 minutes to spare. She closed her umbrella as she looked around the entrance. There were a handful of stragglers making their way out of the museum, but no sight of Steven. She scanned her eyes back and forth as she walked inside.
“Pardon me, miss, the museum is closing. I’m afraid you’ll have to come back tomorrow.”
Jess looked over to see the security guy, she remembered Steven saying his name was JB, holding an arm out to keep her from walking further.
“Oh, sorry. I was just looking for my friend, he works here.”
“Sure miss, I’m sure he’ll be here tomorrow and you can see him then.”
“No, he’s expecting me. I have to give this back to him.” she gestured towards the folded umbrella in her hand.
“Well, I’m afraid I still can’t let you in this late in the day. I suggest you let your friend know and come back at a better time.”
Now Jess was losing her patience.
“Ok, I just need to give this to Steven. You know, Steven? He works in the gift shop in the Egyptian section?”
JB stared at her for a moment.
“D’you mean Scotty? Oh, sure, that’s right. He mentioned someone might be stopping by.”
JB snickered as he looked Jess up and down.
“I’ll be honest, I didn’t quite believe him. Didn’t think the lad had any friends, ‘specially ones as lovely as yourself.”
Ok, now Jess was pissed.
“Look, can I just go give this to him please?” Jess gave JB the most active bitch face she could muster.
JB didn’t seem to notice.
“Sorry, miss. I still can’t let you in. Maybe you could call him and ask him to come ‘round real quick?”
“I… don’t have his number.”
Goddammit, why hadn't she thought to ask for it earlier?
“Alright, if I left this umbrella with you would you be able to give it to him?” At this point Jess just wanted to end the interaction as painlessly as possible.
“Sure, miss. I’ll get it to him, don’t you worry.” JB said with a smarmy grin.
It was all Jess could do to not openly roll her eyes at him.
“Thanks. Do you happen to have any paper and a pen? So I could write him a note?”
“‘Fraid not miss. We went paperless long ago. Digital age and all that.”
“.....great. Well, thanks for all your help.”
Or, lack thereof.
Jess turned and walked out of the museum, feeling extremely deflated.
Well, that’s that. First order of business tomorrow - it was time to get Steven’s phone number. Jess had had about enough of the communication breakdowns this week.
Also, she suspected that texting with Steven would be as fun as chatting with him in person.
☾ ⋆。 。⋆ ☽
“...as you can see on our roadmap for Q3, we’ll be focusing on lean initiatives during this quarter. Our goal for Q4 is to leverage these into -”
Jess logged out of Zoom the second the clock hit noon. She didn’t care that the meeting wasn’t done, it was going over its scheduled time and she had things to do.
She listened to some music on her walk to the museum, trying to amp herself up to ask Steven for his digits. It wasn’t a huge thing to ask, but for some reason everything to do with Steven gave her massive butterflies.
As she approached the front entrance, Jess noticed a fleet of charter buses looping around the block. Crowds of school children and chaperones were scattered across the museum grounds.
Great…. Hopefully they hadn’t infiltrated the museum yet.
When she finally made her way into the Egyptian exhibit she saw that Steven was absolutely overrun with pint-sized customers. A disorganized line of hyperactive pre-teens milled around the gift shop. Steven was ringing up a trio of girls who had each picked out Taweret plushies. He seemed to be regaling them with a story about Taweret’s flooding of the Nile as he finished their transactions. The girls giggled and hugged their plushies as he passed each one over to them.
Jess smiled as she took in the scene. Steven looked up as the girls walked away and saw Jess standing on the other side of the crowd. He grinned and waved at her, then mouthed Sorry as he gestured to the horde of students waiting to make their purchases.
It’s ok! Jess mouthed back to him as she waved.
Since it looked like she was in for a wait, Jess settled down on a bench opposite the shop. She pulled out her sketchbook to pass the time. She did a few quick warm-up sketches of the Amenhotep III bust nearby, but her attention kept drifting back to Steven. He was managing the youthful chaos with remarkable ease and charm. Jess gazed at him for a moment, studying the way his hair fell above his brow, the curve of his nose, his ever-present stubble, and the way his lips lifted into an easy grin.
Jess put her pencil to paper and began sketching. Her brows knit together in deep focus. She did a few practice sketches of Steven’s face, each from a slightly different angle. When she was satisfied, she turned the page to start a more detailed sketch. She laid out the basic shapes,  then gradually filled in the details and shading. After a little while she sat back to look at the page, pleased with the results.
Jess checked her watch and discovered her break was nearly up. The horde of students in the gift shop was still going strong, as more and more groups passed through. It didn’t look like she’d get a chance to chat with Steven today.
Weighing her options, Jess decided on a course of action. She carefully tore her portrait of Steven out of her sketchbook. She scribbled a note at the bottom then folded the page in half.
Rising from the bench, Jess gingerly waded through the crowd until she got to the shop counter. Steven was watching a boy haggle with his mother about how many chores he would do if she bought him a replica Anubis statue.
Steven turned to glance in Jess’s direction and immediately lit up with a big grin when he caught sight of her. Jess felt that familiar flutter in her stomach and steadied herself against the counter.
“Hiya, sorry about all this.” Steven jerked his head back towards the line of customers.
“It’s no problem, hopefully Donna is pleased with the sales numbers for once.” Jess said playfully.
“Right? She better be.” Steven chuckled. "Oh, and JB let me know you stopped by yesterday evening. Sorry I missed you. Donna practically dragged me back to the inventory room."
"Oh, it’s no problem. I'm actually surprised JB remembered to mention it." Jess laughed derisively.
“So was I, honestly.” Steven admitted with a scoff.
Jess glanced back at the boy negotiating with his mother at the front of the line. It looked like they were coming to some sort of chore agreement, so she didn’t have much longer with Steven.
“Well, hopefully tomorrow will be calmer. Um, here, check out my sketch from today when you get a chance later.” Jess handed Steven the folded page.
Their fingers brushed as Steven took it from her. They each pretended not to notice.
“Brilliant, thanks Jess. I can’t wait to see it.” He beamed at her as he carefully tucked the paper into his jacket pocket.
“See ya, Steven. Good luck with this horde.” Jess nodded towards the crowd.
Steven laughed.
“Laters gators.”
☾ ⋆。 。⋆ ☽
Steven didn’t get to take a breath until nearly the end of his shift. This had probably been the busiest day he had ever seen at the museum. Donna was thrilled with their metrics, predictably, but Steven was exhausted.
He was glad he managed to stumble out of the museum in time to catch the next bus home. He collapsed into an empty seat on the upper level with a groan.
What a day.
He leaned back into the seat and slipped his hands into his jacket pockets. He felt a folded piece of paper in his left pocket. Oh - right! Jess’s drawing. He smiled to himself as he pulled it out.
“Let’s see what she drew today,” he mumbled.
He opened it up, and at first he couldn’t process what he was seeing. It was… him? It was him. There on the page, in loving detail, was his own face looking out at him. He felt a flood of emotions rushing through him as he stared.
He looked… cool. Like, he looked pretty handsome. He never thought of himself that way. Between the two of them Marc was definitely the suave, good-looking one. Steven always felt like a walking disaster. But there was no mistaking this as a portrait of anyone other than Steven. It felt strange seeing himself through someone else’s eyes. But if this was how Jess saw him - wow.
After a moment he realized there was a note at the bottom of the page. He straightened out the paper to read it.
It was her phone number.
Steven gasped out a happy laugh.
Beneath the digits it read:
Text me! Or at least send me pics of Gus :)
Xoxo, Jess.
☾ ⋆。 。⋆ ☽
Jess was sprawled out on the couch watching a movie. Fatima was out with her girlfriend tonight, so she had the house to herself.
She had purposely left her phone on the other side of the room to keep herself from checking it obsessively. If Steven wanted to text her, he would text her. If not, no big deal. Not everyone likes texting. There are other ways to communicate.
Jess paused the movie and got up to grab a snack from the kitchen. While she was digging through the fridge, she heard a tell-tale buzzbuzz from the living room. Followed by another, and then another.
Alright, that was more likely to be Fatima triple texting her than anything else. Jess grabbed a yogurt from the fridge and padded back into the living room. She set her snack down and went to check her phone.
She had three texts from someone who wasn’t in her contacts. She felt her pulse quicken as she opened the messages.
Jess read them quickly, then burst out laughing and fell back onto the couch.
She couldn’t stop smiling as she stared at her phone.
Tumblr media
Jess started typing a reply, giggling to herself like a teenager.
The movie she had been watching remained paused for the rest of the night.
[Image ID: A screenshot of a text message conversation. There are three messages from the same sender. The first message is a picture of a goldfish swimming in a fish tank. The second message says "Gus says hello :)". The third message says "(This is Steven)" End ID]
14 notes · View notes
Writing Prompt AU: Childhood Best Friends to Lovers
PART 6: Age 18 
“California is pretty far away,” Percy says softly into the night as Annabeth lays on the rooftop by his side. He hears her shift so that she can look at him, and he mirrors her, looking at his reflection in her pale eyes. 
“2914.9 miles,” she answers. 
“You really had to choose the farthest college from me didn’t you?”
Annabeth snorts and shakes her head. 
“Yes Percy, I chose it purely because it’s the furthest from you in particular.” He pouts and pushes himself up on an elbow so he can look down at her. 
“Why are you leaving me?”
“I’m not just leaving you Perce, I’m leaving everyone else as well. My Dad, my brothers, Thals, Grover...not just you.” Her face shifts and he sees sadness replace her joking smirk. 
“Yeah but I’m special...I’m your favourite.” Percy is half-joking but he wishes with all his heart that the first part of his sentence is true, that he is in fact special to Annabeth. Special in the same way that Annabeth is special to him. 
“Don’t let Thals hear that,” Annabeth says, rolling her eyes but Percy leans in closer, poking her repeatedly until she’s laughing. 
“You’re only saying that because it’s true.”
“Shut up.” Percy notices how she doesn’t deny it and it brings a smile to his face. 
 “I’m going to miss you.” His heart gives an uncomfortable squeeze as his voice softens and his smile drops. Annabeth gives him a sad look and pokes his chest trying to get him to look at her properly. 
“Don’t get all sappy on me now Seaweed Brain, we’ve still got summer.”
“And then you leave and forget me, and find a cool Perry Johnson to be your new best friend.” He says and dramatically throws his head back, pressing the back of his hand to his forehead like he’s about to faint. 
Annabeth groans and pushes him away so he falls back on the blanket they’ve laid out. The other two aren’t due to arrive for another hour, but Percy has been spending so much time at Annabeth’s house already, that it made no sense to go back to his last night, so he stayed over and helped set up the apartment rooftop for their sleepover under the stars. 
He thinks they’ve done a pretty good job for the two of them, there’s an array of pillows, blankets and sheets all over the floor, and plenty of snacks to last them through the night. A couple of years ago, way back when they were younger, Mr Chase set up fairy lights along the edge of the roof, so they’re not in complete darkness, not that New York can ever be truly dark. The lights illuminate Annabeth’s features as Percy turns his head to her, she looks like a goddess and Percy swallows deeply when she returns his stare. 
“What are you looking at?”
Percy shrugs and sits up so he can rearrange snacks that don’t need rearranging to hide his blush at being caught. 
“Oh, I nearly forgot! Can you sign this, you never did?” Annabeth says changing the subject and tugs on his arm so he can come back and sit with her. 
He looks at her confused until she brings out her yearbook. Their school emblem shines on the front cover, and she places it in his lap, pressing herself to his side, so she can flip the pages, looking for an empty space to write. On the back, there’s an entire blank page and she smooths the paper down and hands him a marker. 
“All yours.” She says and watches him expectantly. 
“Are you going to watch me write in it?” He twirls the pen uneasily and rubs the back of his neck, slightly uncomfortable under her intense gaze. 
Annabeth huffs. “Do you want me to leave?” 
“Can you?” He asks half-jokingly. 
“You’re such an idiot. Fine. I’ll go check if there’s anything we forgot downstairs. Do you want anything?” He grins as she shakes her head, pretending to be annoyed. 
“Anything blue.”
“Of course,” she mutters and gets up, using his shoulder to steady herself. He leans into the touch and tries to ignore the way his body misses her warmth when she leaves.  
When she leaves Percy flips back to the front, reliving their senior year, one page at a time. He skips past the photos of the people in his grade and goes straight to the events. It starts with homecoming, and there’s a photo of Percy, Annabeth, Grover and Thalia all dressed in black suits. Percy smiles fondly at the close-up photo of Thalia and Annabeth posing together, in matching suits and corsets. Since Thalia broke up with Luke, she’s reintegrated back into the group with no issue, and it’s like she never left. 
He turns the page, skipping through the other homecoming photos, and pauses at the one of him and Annabeth. It’s a candid, and even though he’s already seen it, his heart still stutters, because in the photo she’s fixing his hair in the photo right before the official photos like she always does, and Percy can’t help but think about how much they look like a couple. 
He keeps turning through the pages, trying to find more photos of their group. They’re not a very social group, preferring to hang out with each other than go to school events, but they’re at all the major ones. 
There are small snippets of them at the football games, student fairs and pep rallies, it’s not till the end where there are photos that focus more on students not part of clubs that he sees more pictures of his friends. 
There’s one of them all laying on their back enjoying the sun looking up at clouds the way they used to when they were kids (completely unaware that someone is taking photos of them). There’s even a photo of Grover with Thalia on his shoulder as she tries to climb a tree with toilet paper in her hand from prank day. The next one is a blurry photo of Percy completely wrapped in toilet paper and chasing Annabeth. 
Moments from their senior year have been captured and immortalised in these pages, and Percy’s heart heaves at the thought of leaving this all behind or watching people leave. 
Tears start to prick at his eyes as he reaches the graduation and prom photos. There’s a huge shot of his entire grade, a choice of a few students throwing their caps up. In the corner on the page before the prom photos, there's a small snapshot of the four of them, their arms thrown around each other, heads pressed together. He remembers this moment vividly. All of their names are relatively close together in the roll, so as soon as they were announced, he had bolted straight to Grover, who had bolted to Thalia, who had bolted to Annabeth, and they had all ended up screaming and jumping into each other's arms. 
He’s going to miss this. 
He finally comes to the prom photos, and he’s not surprised when his breath catches in his throat when he sees Annabeth in her prom dress again. It’s a deep blue, the colour of the sky above his head, and it makes his stomach flutter each time he sees it. In the photo, she’s posing with Thalia again, but she’s mid-laugh and Percy would be lying if he said it wasn’t one of his favourite photos of her. He has copies of photos from the night on his computer, but the ones taken at the venue are better quality, it’s almost like he’s back there in the moment. 
Thalia had come with a date, once again wearing a tight-fitting suit, a girl on her arm and Grover had brought Juniper, his girlfriend. Percy and Annabeth had agreed to go together, just because it was easier. 
“Platonically,” he remembers telling Grover. He remembers Grover laughing and shaking his head. 
“There is nothing platonic about you two but okay. Have fun, Perce.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Grover had never explained what he meant and it still haunted Percy. 
There isn’t a photo of the two of them at prom together, at least not in the yearbook, but he asked for a favour from a friend in the yearbook committee and has the photos that didn’t make it on a USB drive back home. His favourite is his wallpaper, and it’s of him and Annabeth dancing their heads bent close together. It’s not obvious it’s them two but he can recognise her blonde hair anywhere. That’s another moment he holds close, them dancing and swaying to a song they don’t recognise, whispering to each other in the night. He’d almost told her that night. Told her everything, about what he felt, about how he would always feel, but when she let go, he realised that he didn’t want to risk losing what they had. It was too precious to him. 
Percy finally reaches the page that Annabeth initially brought him to and he uncaps the pen, tapping the back of it against the page a couple of times trying to think of a message. It’s not an accident that he didn’t write in Annabeth’s yearbook. When they were all doing it, Percy had purposefully avoided her because he knew that what he had to say to her couldn’t be said like this. 
He sighs as he begins a doodle instead. A little owl because he knows that they’re her favourite, and a dolphin because they’re his. His mind is still blank at what to write to her, but he knows she’s not going to let him get away with not doing it this time. 
He hears footsteps coming up the staircase and he writes the first thing that comes to his mind. The only thing that never leaves his mind when he’s around Annabeth. It’s not a long message so he’s finishing it just as Annabeth sits back down. He slams the book shut and chucks it behind him so that she can’t immediately read it. She notices and raises an eyebrow. 
“Read it later. It’s embarrassing,” he says sheepishly. She laughs and hands him a bag of sour blue candy stripes. He tears open the package and starts eating as he hears other footsteps. Grover and Thalia appear in the doorway, holding pillows and even more bags of snacks. 
“Let’s get this party started!” Thalia exclaims and drops her stuff unceremoniously on top of Percy, burying him under the wright. Everyone laughs at him as he sputters his way out. 
Thalia plugs in some music and Annabeth helps pull Percy to his feet, and they start the feast of snacks. Grover helps Percy set up a projector for their movie and it’s nearing midnight when they finally settle on Disney’s Hercules. 
As always Grover falls asleep halfway through the movie, murmuring about how his tummy hurts in his sleep. They take group selfies with him, and Percy grabs the marker next to Annabeth’s yearbook so that he can draw on Grover’s face. He’s holding back giggles with Thalia as they pose next to him and Annabeth takes a photo of them. 
He pulls both girls close to him when he falls back and squeezes their shoulders. 
“I can’t believe my favourite girls are leaving me to deal with this idiot,” he says and nods to Grover who has started snoring. Thalia scoffs and pushes his face so that he lets go of her. He gives in but doesn’t take his arm off Annabeth, and he swears that Annabeth cuddles just a bit closer to him. 
“We’re not dying, Percy, we’re just moving to the West Coast,” Thalia says as she opens a can of coke and Percy briefly remembers how he first met Annabeth and how she had protected him from Nancy. He exchanges a look with her and sees that she’s already smiling at him, knowing exactly what he’s thinking. 
“Betrayal. That’s what this is,” he says and squeezes Annabeth’s shoulder again. She threads their hands together and Percy tries not to react and turn to her again. 
Thalia catches his eye and smirks at their interlocked hands. 
She stands up and brushes her pants. 
“I need to go pee, do you two need anything from downstairs?” 
They both shake their heads and she nods before carefully stepping over a sleeping Grover and leaves the two of them. 
Percy and Annabeth stay like that, leaning on each other, hands interlocked and Percy wishes he could freeze this exact moment. 
“Did you write something?” Annabeth asks softly as she pulls away from him, but doesn’t let go of his hand. Percy nods tightly and she smiles as she reaches across from him and grabs the yearbook from their makeshift table. She skips straight to the back and opens to his page. She gave him an entire page to write on, but there’s only one sentence in the middle and two small doodles. She stares at it for a moment, rereading it before she looks up. 
“You’re my number one,” Annabeth reads, holding the yearbook open at his page, “What does that mean?”
Percy swallows, suddenly terrified. There’s no time like now to tell her, and he has no real doubts about loving her, but with her unflinching gaze on him like this, it’s hard not to be nervous. He tries not to overthink and takes a deep breath, speaking the truth that he’s kept under wraps for years. 
“There’s only one meaning, Wise Girl, what else could it mean?” He says with a shrug and reaches for her hand. She lets him take it. “My Mom once said that people who have a big heart have a lot of love in them to share, but they’ll always have their number one, and that’s you. That’s been you for years, my entire life probably.”
He takes another breath and waits for Annabeth to respond. When she doesn’t he continues, suddenly full of words. “You’re the one for me. The only one that I could ever want. The one I put before everything. You’re my-”
“Do you mean that?” Her face is full of doubt and Percy brings their joined hands up so he can press his lips to the back of her hand. 
“Of course,” he breathes, and pulls her closer. He’s barely breathing when she puts the yearbook down for a moment. They stay frozen like that, pressed against each other, foreheads touching and breath mingling.  
“I think I was made for loving you,” he whispers and carefully pushes her hair back. 
The smile she gives him is one to rival the sun that is going to rise in a few hours. 
“If that’s so, then I was made for loving you just as much.”
She kisses him, and he almost forgets his name. He brings his hands up to cup face and bring her closer and she smiles against his lips and-
“Seriously? You two couldn’t wait until after I was asleep. Jeez.” 
Annabeth jerks away from him and they both stare at Thalia who is giving them a tired look from the rooftop doorway. Percy can’t help it and starts laughing, shortly after Annabeth joins and falls onto his chest, laughing too hard to keep herself up. Eventually, Thalia sits back down and bites her lip trying not to laugh, but the more she tries to keep it in the funnier it gets. 
By then all three of them are laughing so hard their stomach hurts and Grover stirs awake. 
“What’s going on?”
“This,” Annabeth says and proudly holds up her hand that is still firmly clasped in Percy’s hand. 
Grover blinks sleepily at it and shrugs like it’s not a big deal. 
“About freaking time,” he says and lays back down. 
Percy and Annabeth look at each other again and he smiles at her before leaning in and pressing a quick kiss to her mouth. 
“It was worth the wait.” 
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oikawaplssteponme · 3 years
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locked lips
pairing: Pro Hero! Izuku Midoriya x fem! reader
ratings/warnings: NSFW 18+ MINORS DNI [please im literally begging you], swearing, legal consumption of alcohol, slight praise, fingering, use of the name ‘baby’, deku being a little bit of a cocky jerk, unprotected intercourse, make-up sex
genre: ex’s to lovers, smut, aged up characters, fluff/angst (?)
word count: ~2.2k words
synopsis: You broke up with him on impulse. That doesn’t mean you stopped loving him. Now you’re back at his place, at a party you planned, with him looking just so desirable. What else were you to do?
a/n: hi hi! alright friends, this being my first nsfw post i cannot stress enough how important it is that minors don’t interact. if i catch any minors interacting with this post, ill delete this post and block them, which i obviously don’t want to have to do. just please respect these rules :)) anyway, reblogs are greatly appreciated and enjoy xx
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You scrolled through your phone, mindlessly. You tried your best not to double tap on any of the pictures on your screen. The last thing you needed was for him to know you were stalking his page.
“You should start getting ready,” said Uraraka. You looked over at her, cocking a brow.
“Uh I'm not going?” you huffed. Uraraka sat down beside you.
“Don’t be like that Y/N. You still have to go tonight, regardless of Deku.”
“The party is at Deku’s house. I’d look like a total idiot showing my face there after we broke up.”
You sat up and crossed your arms. Ochaco sighed. She grabbed your shoulders.
“Y/N, you are gonna go to the party and make Deku regret his entire life. Anyway, I’m bringing you as my plus one, so you have to come!”
You sighed. “Fine, but I’m staying with you the whole night.”
Ochaco smiled and gave you a quick hug. She got up and began scanning through her closet again.
You had been staying with Uraraka since you and Izuku had broken up. It was a blow out fight. You yelled at him for caring about work more than you. He shouted at you for not being understanding of his career. The words you meant mixed with the words you didn’t, and chaos erupted between you and him. So, you packed a bag and left. You didn’t want to, but you were done.
While you and Deku were still together, you helped him plan an event for him and his fellow Pro Heroes, as an opportunity for them all to get together. Now, you would be attending that same event. Only, not with him.
“Who would’ve thought there’d be a day where I’d have too many clothes to choose from,” laughed Ochaco. You smiled.
“You should wear that pink dress Iida bought you for your birthday. I don’t think you’ve worn it out yet.”
“You think? It’s not too much…”
“Of course not! You’ll look hot,” you teased. Ochaco smiled.
“Alright alright I’ll wear it. But then you have to wear this!” She pulled out a bag from her closet and handed it to you.
“Please don’t tell me you bought me something…”
“I had to! All your clothes are still at his place...and I wanted to make sure you felt good tonight.”
You gave Ochaco a nudge and pulled out the tissue paper. You felt the soft material in between your fingertips, pulling it out from the bag.
“No need to thank me. You’ve been through hell and back these last few weeks, the least I could do is get you a pretty dress.”
You jumped towards your friend, engulfing her in a hug.
“Thank you.”
“Hey now, let’s get ready! The limousine will be here in just a few hours!”
You sat in the back of the limo with Ochaco as you were on your way to Deku’s party. You looked like a million bucks. A little part of you hoped someone would take notice.
The estate where Izuku lived was gated off. Once you were let inside, you could see the beaming lights from the top of the hill. You felt your stomach clench, nerves building inside of you. You wanted to see him, but you also didn’t want to see him doing better without you. You haven’t even been apart that long. A month maybe? Certainly not long enough for him to be over you, because you certainly weren’t over him.
“Oh wow, Deku went all out!” cheered Ochaco. You looked to see the endless decorations and glamor that surrounded you.
“Yeah, these were my ideas,” you mumbled. Ochaco placed a hand on your shoulder.
“Don’t stress about it. Let’s just have fun, okay?”
You exited the vehicle and began to make your way inside. Champagne fountains and blasting music greeting you. His house was just as extraordinary as you remembered it. Nothing less than perfect for the No. 1 Hero.
“Uravity! Y/N!”
You turned to see your friend Iida, plus others from your old days at UA.
“You two are looking stunning tonight!” smiled Kirishima.
“Why thank you, it’s all thanks to this one,” you chuckled, giving Ochaco a nudge.
“I honestly didn’t expect to see you here tonight Y/N,” said Shoto. You shrugged.
“Well, I was invited after all. So Mr. Number One Hero can deal with it,” you huffed.
“Sounds like you could use a drink.”
Kaminari handed you a glass of champagne, which you took happily. You clinked glasses with your friends before dousing the beverage down.
“It’s gonna be a long night,” you mumbled to yourself.
You found yourself on the living room couch of Izuku’s large complex. You watched as Pro Heroes danced mindlessly with far too many drinks in their systems. You chuckled. At least they’re having fun.
You hadn’t seen Izuku all night, which was strange considering this was his party. You looked over to the glass staircase, knowing more than well that his bedroom was upstairs. You knew the layout like the back of your hand, after all, you lived here for a year.
You knew all your stuff had to be upstairs. You only had time to pack a small bag the day you left. Surely he wasn’t awful enough to throw your things away. You got up from the couch and quietly made your way up the stairs, hoping no one saw you sneak away from the action of the party.
His bedroom was at the end of the hallway. The doors were closed. You placed your shaky hand on the doorknob and turned it slowly. It was unlocked.
You stepped inside. The smell of his cologne filled your senses, causing memories to flood in as well. His room was neat, as if no one had been sleeping in it. You turned to the closet. All your clothing should be on the right side.
“Sneaking around?”
You jumped, removing your hand from the closet handle. You turned around slowly.
“Just wanted to make sure you didn’t burn my shit,” you huffed. Izuku chuckled. He took a few steps towards you, opening the closet.
“Don’t paint me as a villain Y/N. All your things are safe and sound.”
Your side of the closet was just as you left it. Exactly how you left it. You looked back to Izuku.
“Perfect. Then I’ll be taking it with me when I leave-”
“I’m surprised you came at all. I figured you’d want to be as far away from here as possible.”
“I didn’t come for you, I came for Ochaco.”
“Oh right.”
Deku took a step back, placing his hands in his pockets. That devilish smile stared you down, causing your face to burn. You could see the outline of his muscles through his white button down.
“You look incredible by the way. New dress?” he smirked. You rolled your eyes.
“Well since all my clothes were here, yes.”
“Well serves you right for leaving out of nowhere.”
Your eyes widened and you clenched your fists.
“I didn’t leave out of nowhere, I left because you cared more about your job than me!”
“That’s not true-”
“To hell it is! I was tired of being second to everything so I left!”
Izuku took a deep breath and stepped closer to you. He placed his hand under your chin, having you look at him.
“I didn’t want to break up.”
Your breathing got heavier without you even realizing it. You also didn’t realize that Midoriya had you pressed against the closet door.
“I-I didn’t want to either…” you whispered. Izuku smiled.
“Then tell me baby, why did we?”
“B-Because I didn’t know what else to do…”
Izuku brushed his thumb against your cheek, then took a step back.
“Look, I’m sorry. The last thing I wanted was to make you feel under-appreciated...but-”
Izuku moved closer to you again, pinning your arms to your sides and pressing his torso against you all in a swift motion.
“-I can think of a better way to prove it to you.”
You tried to catch your breath. All you wanted was him at this exact moment. Was that a good thing? Of course not. Did you care? Of course not.
“Then prove it to me.”
Izuku wasted little time in moving you onto his California-king. He pinned you down onto the mattress and instantly kissed you. You felt the rush of butterflies swarm your stomach. You hated how much you had missed this.
Deku let go of your wrists and you began to unbutton his shirt. With little patience, he helped you from out of your dress. He dived back down, locking lips with you once more. You dragged your nails down his back, listening as soft groans escaped his lips. He moved down to kiss and suck on your neck.
“Fuck~” was all you were able to get out. Izuku’s hands grazed your burning body, feeling the skin that he had been craving since the day you left. He snaked his hand to your back, unbuckling your bra easily.
“I’ve still got it…” he teased. He threw the bra to the floor and gave you little time to breathe before kissing you again. You ran your fingers through his fluffy hair, pulling him impossibly closer.
His puppy dog eyes stared back at you.
“What is it?”
You panted heavily, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I need you.”
A smirk creeped onto his face. Izuku kissed your cheek.
“I promised I was gonna prove it to you, wasn’t I?”
Izuku sat up, unbuckling his belt. He slid off his pants and boxers. You caught a glimpse of him, causing your body to feel on fire. Midoriya placed his head in between your legs. He teasingly kissed your inner thighs, keeping his hands glued onto them. The anticipation was practically killing you.
“Patience baby...I’m in no rush…”
He moved up to your underwear, biting onto one of the strings and pulling it down. They were practically soaked already. Same with your bra, he tossed them to the floor.
He continued to kiss and nip at your thighs, inching impossibly closer to you. You couldn’t take it anymore.
You grabbed Izuku up and kissed him feverishly.
“So eager baby~”
“Please just fuck me,” you whispered. Izuku chuckled. He licked his lips.
“As you wish.”
Izuku spread your legs apart, dipping one of his fingers inside of you with ease. You arched your back, letting out a moan, and gripping onto his arm tightly.
“That’s it baby~”
Midoriya slipped another finger in, stretching you out even more. You clenched around him as he added more pressure.
He removed his fingers and better adjusted himself above you. He held his cock in his hand before slowly pushing it inside of you.
You didn’t remember him ever feeling this good.
Izuku began to thrust into you, slow at first before building in speed. You could feel yourself clenching around him, sweat forming on your skin. Midoriya groaned with each movement as he pushed even deeper. He kissed you as he fucked you, though you were such a mess you could barely keep up.
He knew exactly how to get you worked up.
“Oh god...I’m c-close,” you mumbled.
“Not yet…”
Midoriya moved his hand down, taking his thumb and rubbing your needy clit. You gripped onto him even harder, digging your nails into his skin as he pushed you over the edge.
“Oh fuck-fuck-”
“Fuck baby, I-I love you-I’m sorry-” he stuttered out.
“I-I love you t-too. Fuck Izuku- I’m gonna cum-”
“Cum with me baby-”
Izuku went even harder as he reached his climax, following you. You let out a pleasure filled scream as you let go. Izuku laid on top of you, catching his breath as your body shook below him.
He looked up at you, brushing his hair back.
“I love you,” he repeated, in case you didn’t believe him the first time. You smiled.
“I love you too.”
You had forgotten all about the party that was occurring below you. As you got redressed to head back down to meet Ochaco, you felt Izuku grab your hand.
“What is it?” you asked him. Midoriya took your other hand as he stood before you.
“I really am sorry. I don’t want you to leave again,” he explained. You sighed. You ran your fingers through his hair, kissing his cheek.
“It’s okay, I won’t.”
You walked downstairs with Izuku, his hand interlocked with yours. You watched as Ochaco’s jaw dropped at the sight of you.
“Oh so that’s where you were for the last hour and a half?” she huffed. You chuckled nervously.
“Yeah sorry…”
“Well the limo is here to take us back home, or are you staying here?” she asked. You looked up at Midoriya.
“I’m staying.”
Soon the Midoriya residence was quiet, just you and him remained. You curled up with him on the couch, his arms holding you tightly as he kissed your head.
“You wanna know why I didn’t get rid of any of your things?” he said. You laughed.
“Why didn’t you?”
“Because I knew you’d be back.”
reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
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Immortal - 1, Introduction (kinktober)
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Kaminari Denki - Electricity
Warnings: 18+ (minor dni), non-consensual touching, electricity, creepy Denki, running, not edited
Word count: 3,185 (this is longer than all the other parts)
Part 1 | Next
The month that had become dedicated to stories and decorations on store shelves that ranged from spooky to creepy. But there was a strange unsettled feeling resting in the air this year. You felt it in the cool breeze and the whispers as people talked about the missing heroes from the past two years.
It was hard to believe the year was almost over. Especially when it felt like it had only just started, but here you were. You checked the clock and found your shift was done. You promptly wrapped up what you were doing and practically skipped out, with a book in hand. On your way out, your ear caught snippets of a conversation.
"It's horrible what happened."
"I wonder if it's going to happen again this year."
Two years ago, in October, the famous incident occurred when several students from U.A. went missing during a mission they had all been on. No one could ever find a single trace of them.
You pondered on it as you walked on the sidewalk with your book tucked under your arm. The sky was a deep blue and the air you breathed in was crisp and refreshing. And you were off work for the rest of the day. Which meant you could finally read more of the book that had been sitting on your counter for the past month. And it was a perfect day to read outside.
But you couldn’t stop recalling the strange, seemingly related event that happened last year. The next year after the disappearance, also October, two more heroes who had only just recently graduated from U.A. vanished the same way. It was also around that time when they realized that the villains Shigaraki and Dabi never showed their faces again, and the League of Villains seemed to be looking for them.
However horrible the disappearances, it soon faded into past news and life went on like nothing had ever happened. However, when the calendar changed to October once more, everyone was on edge. The heroes seemed more cautious, the public held their breath in anticipation.
You did your best not to care. It put a sick feeling in your stomach. Hopefully your book would manage to distract you.
Upon finding a nice bench, with a view of the nearby forest, you sat down with a content sigh and flipped the book open. Thankfully, it worked. You slipped into the story, hardly even noticing when you flipped the page or even when the clouds began to block out the sun. You only stopped when it became nearly too dark to read the page. You looked up.
Night had fallen. Shadows stretched and covered everything like a blanket. The only bit of natural light was a dim blue that was sure to fade soon enough.
Your heart beat fast. You closed your book and started in the direction of your apartment. There were always stories. Stories you knew were real. Stories that you'd hear all throughout the whole year, about people staying out too late at night and running into the wrong people. Real monsters.
This was your plan until you spotted somethin- no, someone moving. In the darkness, it took you a moment to see them more clearly. Someone in black and gray from head to toe, not a single bit of skin showing. And one in yellow, a top hat, and a theater mask. It took a moment, but you recognized these two as villains. You stumbled back. They were on the news once, and now they were there. You could see them. They could see you if they looked, they just hadn't yet. Or had they?
Your hands shook. Your limbs were frozen for a few precious seconds. Seconds that you could have used to get away. You ran to the forest. It was the first place you thought of. Maybe you could hide in the trees if they followed you. It was certainly a better option than running in the middle of the street.
The shadows swallowed you. You rushed past the tall trees that loomed over you. Twigs snapped beneath you. The sound of your own terrified breathing filled your ears. So loud, you thought everyone could hear.
The thought of actually stopping to hide finally occurred to you. You ducked behind a tree, hoping it was wide enough to completely hide you. Your eyes darted everywhere. You stopped breathing, praying that you wouldn't hear the sound of footsteps approaching. Nothing. Just the wind in the trees above. The leaves were so dark they looked more black than the sky above you.
Suddenly, your eye caught something that you missed. It was large. You jumped, as if some primal instinct were prepared for a giant monster. It didn’t move. You squinted and let out the breath you were holding.
It was a mansion. There were no lights on inside of it, and the wood was so dark it almost blended in. You never heard about this being here.
You wondered if anyone lived in it. Maybe they could help you. Though, it thankfully seemed like you weren’t being followed. It would be easy to just walk up and get a closer look. With a hand against the tree, you considered your options, to stay or check it out.
Your curiosity won the day.
You stayed low, prepared to dive behind a tree or bush, or duck underneath the mansion porch's railing. Almost every sound was amplified in your ear, making you jump. Which included the sounds even you were making.
The door wasn't locked. It swung open with ease, seemingly inviting you in.
You were considering whether you should enter, when you heard a distant, deep voice behind you. Your heart leaped from out of your chest. Following the voice, now another one, were footsteps. Without a second thought, you dashed inside and closed the door.
The entrance was large and open. Two staircases across from you. Two rooms to the left and right. You stepped into the left room to peer through one of the windows. You walked closer and closer to it. But no matter how close you looked, even when your nose was nearly against the cold glass, you could only see black. You stepped back in confusion.
It was the moment that you heard the door opening that you realized there was nowhere to truly hide in the left room. You quietly ran and dove under the table in the right room. Probably a dining room. The old carpet was rough against your elbows propping you up. You willed yourself to stop breathing as you watched their feet slowly tread in.
"I don't remember this mansion wasn't here last time we searched here," one said.
The other closed the door behind him.
"Yeah. This place is cool, but a little creepy. It's old and boring!"
"You don't suppose this mysterious mansion would have anything to do with Shigaraki's and Dabi's disappearance?"
"Hopefully, definitely not! Everyone's been looking for them for a long time. But I think the voice behind the screen cares more about Shigaraki."
You couldn't hold your breath anymore. You tried to be as quiet as you possibly could, but the small amount of air you allowed yourself just made you breathe faster and heart race. What were they doing here? Still looking for Shigaraki? You resisted the urge to peek up at them. If you could see them, they could see you. But somehow even looking at just their feet filled you with anxiety. Jumping every time one seemed to walk towards you. You wished the table was lower. That there was a long tablecloth that would hide you. That they wouldn’t see you.
"We should tell Kurogiri about this. Let's just leave."
"I agree." A moment passed. He tapped his foot against the floor. "I seem to not have a signal here."
A few seconds and some rustling. "Me neither. I'll go out and make the call."
His heavy steps left, leaving the other to wait behind, but only for a second.
"Um, you might need to see this. We're screwed."
"Hm?" He promptly left, leaving you alone.
You considered getting up and running away. But where would you hide? Would you be fast enough to hide somewhere else? Maybe you could open a win-
"How… did this happen?"
"I don't know! I just walked out and saw the ground wasn't there anymore! Or the trees or anything!"
You barely concealed a gasp. The door slammed shut and you saw two pairs of feet walk in once more. They debated for what felt like hours. Your nerves were shot and it felt like your elbows had rugburn. Finally, they walked up the stairs. You waited just a little longer until you heard a door closed. And even longer, until you were sure.
You slid yourself out from under the table. That couldn't be true, right? You ran to the door on your tippy toes, wincing every time you made the slightest sound. The door opened after a gentle twist.
You looked out. And sure enough. There was nothing beyond the porch but an endless black. Not the kind of black when everything's too dark to see. Even then, the shadows had depth. This.. seemed to stretch on forever.
You rushed back in and grabbed a vase on a wooden stand. Fragile white with turquoise lines that formed diamonds. You almost felt bad for what you were about to do. You lowered the vase to the dark, one hand on the floor board while the other reached down as far as you could with the vase in hand.
The vase never touched the ground. With a sigh, you let go of it. It dropped and dropped. Fell and fell, slowly spinning… until you couldn’t see it anymore. You listened for a crash, some sign that it reached the bottom, but the only sound was your own breath.
No bottom in sight.
This had… this had to just be some sort of quirk. Some sort of… defense for someone living there. It was the only explanation. That had to be it. You weren't trapped there with no way out, right?
You sat up. You cautiously glanced into the room before stepping in. You hadn’t noticed that it should be too dark to see anything. But somehow you could, like dim light coming from a moon that didn't exist.
A red carpet led to the staircase, then split to go up each set of stairs. Between the two sets of stairs was a book on a stand. One you hadn’t noticed.
You opened up a window and looked out. The void was still there. Still wrapping around the mansion. The only thing that existed now was you and this house. And the villains.
You wrestle with your pocket while dashing to a dark corner beside a table, and ripped your phone out. It nearly fell out of your hands as you turned it on and dialed the first contact you saw. Dial tone. The number was unavailable. You texted your parents. The text couldn't get through. Zero bars. You could get onto social media or make a Google search. But you could post or message anyone. Not one word, not on a single forum.
Your hands trembled. You ran one through your hair, grabbed onto the roots, and pulled. It didn’t even hurt. Nothing to distract you from your situation.
What to do. What to do. Well, hiding there was doing nothing good. Maybe you could search for a way out. Or find the owner and tell them what had happened.
There was no way you were going through the dooring up the stairs. You wanted to avoid the villains at all costs. You picked the door on ground level to the right. Book shelves were lined against the wall. There was no dust, but something gave you the feeling they hadn't been used in a long time. No lights, but strangely lit like the room before. You walked through the next door. A bedroom. The bed was sloppily made. Maybe it was the lack of people, but something unsettled you. Nothing felt quite right. But perhaps this was reasonable considering nothing else about the mansion was normal.
You reached for the knob of yet another door when you heard footsteps on the other side. That was your chance. You should have seen who it was, if they could have helped you. But there had been almost no real sign of anyone being in the mansion up until then. Even with the used bed, what if the villains had found another way downstairs? What if they were about to catch you?
You turned and made a dash. Through every door you'd been through so far. You should have just hid under the bed, but you didn't think of it at the time. You just wanted to get as far as you could.
When you got back to the entrance, your heart dropped in horror when you saw the villains emerging from the doors at the top of the stairs. They hastily ran out of it and firmly closed it behind them.
"Who is that!?" The louder of the two said.
Blood pounded in your ears. You didn’t stop. You were already opening the door in the left room and pulled the door shut behind you, still running.
How did they get there? Were they actually following you? Was it someone else you had run from? Was any of this even real?
You lost track of how many rooms you had run into. This one was hardly any different from the others. Same dark red wallpaper. There was a wardrobe, but did that really make a difference? You stopped in front of a window. Black. The moment you stopped was the moment your exhaustion hit you. Your legs and chest ached. You glanced at the door quickly then stared at the window.
Was this real? Was this all some sick dream?
You opened up the window.
If this was a dream and you fell, you would wake up.
You leaned out, placing your hands on the farm and beginning to lift a knee. The whole time you just stared into the nothingness.
"Woah, that's not a good idea," a cheerful voice behind you said, pulling you back by your waist.
Your back hit the stranger's chest. You twisted your head back to see who it was. His blond hair was long enough to reach his stubble covered jawline. He looked to be in his twenties, and was familiar for some reason. None of the villains, fortunately.
You breathed a much needed, heavy sigh of relief. "Oh, thank goodness you're not them."
“Nope, I’m Kaminari. Kaminari Denki. Wow! It’s been forever since I’ve talked with someone new. Hi, I’m Denki. Oops I already said that.”
You raised an eyebrow at his behavior. He held you a little too tightly. It was then you noticed you were too close together, with his crotch against your rump. You, embarrassed, gently pushed him away and he let go.
“Nice to meet you too. Kaminari? That sounds familiar.”
“Maybe you heard of me from the U.A. Sports Festival?”
“U.A…? Wait! Chargebolt? One of the U.A. students that went missing two years ago!??”
“The one and only.” He puffed his chest out.
“But.. what? That’s not possible. You look like you’re twenty-five or something.”
“You’re right, I am! It’s been so long since I had someone else to talk to! Did I already say that?”
He held your hand and pulled it close to him. Electricity sparked, going straight into your hand and making you jump.
“Sorry.” He smiled with concern in his eyes. “I have a little bit of a hard time controlling it now. Especially when I’m this excited.” His other hand reached towards you.
You stepped back and pulled your hand away. “Don’t touch me, please.”
He tilted his head, like he didn’t understand. But he didn’t come any closer.
"By the way, who were you talking about earlier? I’m not who?"
"Villains! They came in here after I ran in to hide from them."
“Really? What did they look like?”
“Twice and Mr. Compress. Twice has a black and gray suit, and Mr. Compress has a top hat, a mask, and a yellow jacket. Did you see them?”
“Yeah, I did. Actually, I saw them coming this way.” He pointed towards the door he had just come from.
“What!? Oh no…” your head whipped around, eyes scanning everywhere for a place to hide.
“I know a place to hide! In here.” Kaminari opened the wardrobe.
He quickly stepped in and moved to make room for you. You slid the hanging coats and clothing to one side and closed the door with just a small crack to see. It was too cramped for you. It was uncomfortably warm, but you would take it.
Your heart pounded in your ears. It was hard to see anything in the room with the small slit. Even then, you prayed they wouldn’t see you through the crack. If they did, you’d be finished with nowhere to run.
His fingers were against your waist, something you hardly even noticed because of the adrenaline. But they began rubbing circles into you, small tingles of electricity tickled you. One slipped down to the dip where your legs attached to the rest of your body. He pressed against your butt, at first you assumed it was simply him adjusting and the lack of room, but he didn't move. In fact, he pushed himself flush against you. You felt something warm and hard between your cheeks through the fabric of yours and his pants. If you tried to back away, the wardrobe door would open more, and the villains might come in any time.
"Please stop," you whispered.
He didn’t stop. He rubbed his head against the back of yours. He breathed in contently.
His hand rubbing you fell to your hip, then up again, into your shirt. You felt him drag against your soft skin. Reaching up to your bra. He made a clumsy effort to slip beneath it before squeezing and massaging it with the bra still on. Tiny sparks from his fingertips only drew your attention to this. You jolted when one ran over your nipple.
"Hey," you tried to sound angry, but it came out as a whine.
Much to your dismay, you felt your core growing unbearably warm. You wanted to stop him, but you froze. Your breaths were heavy. It didn’t help when he dipped his hand into your pants. Electricity somehow teased your clit through your panties. You barely held the moan in your throat.
"We can't be doing this," you said as a final attempt, "What if they hear?"
His lips fluttered against your skin. "Who will hear?"
"What do you mean? The villains… they are…" Did he actually see them coming?
He chuckled and ran a finger against your waistband. "We're gonna have some fun."
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ohnococo · 4 years
A Mess - Chapter 2 | Zeke x F!Reader x Reiner
Summary: Taking place the morning after the threesome, everyone tries to get a feel for where you all stand. Everyone except Zeke, who knows exactly where he wants this to go.
Warnings: threesome, blowjobs, deep-throating, throat-fucking, vaginal sex, cumshot, cum swallowing, (light) aftercare
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Zeke is the first to rise, and quietly makes his way out of bed to start breakfast for everyone. If any of you are going to talk about what happened last night, he wants it to be with him there to suss out exactly what page everyone is on, and he knows neither of you will turn down pancakes. He isn't sure if he's happy or not to see Reiner joining him first, already fully dressed and very clearly surprised to see the table set for three.
Zeke can tell he isn’t sure if he wants to sit down, so he gestures towards the dining room table with his spatula, "Pancakes will be done in a minute."
Reiner holds a breath for a moment before sitting, as if it had been an order - and really it had been.
The open plan layout of Zeke's apartment makes it so they could very easily talk things out right here and now, but he wants to give Reiner the opportunity to speak first. He knows the younger man is the most likely of the three of you to have some kind of reservations over what happened last night, and he doesn't want to reveal his own hand too soon. Reiner doesn't speak though, not until Zeke is putting down the platter of food in the middle of the table, setting down syrup next to it.
Reiner laughs uncomfortably, "So... a threesome and breakfast, just my luck."
Zeke rewards the comment with the smallest smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes, and looks down at the younger man who seems to be begging him to talk first with the uneasy look in his eyes. Normally Zeke lives for a moment like this, one where he can just stand and cast his slightly amused stare at someone while they shift uncomfortably under his gaze, but for some reason that air of uneasiness reaches even him this timel. He reasons that he must just be too hungry to mess around.
"It took more than luck to make last night happen."
Reiner thinks on the words for a moment, but doesn't quite parse what Zeke is getting at, "What else did it take?"
"It took everyone wanting it to happen, and we all did. So it happened."
He nods, as if replaying the events of last night over in his mind for confirmation. "There's no problem between us then?"
Zeke laughs, realizing Reiner leaving the bedroom fully dressed and tense as ever must have come from him quite literally expecting a confrontation. It’s as if he’d initially forgotten Zeke was the one beckoning him into the room, calling upon him to finally fucking indulge.
"The only thing between us,” Zeke emphasizes the words with air quotes and a pregnant pause before continuing on, “is the woman lying in the bed we all fucked in last night. And I don't consider that a problem."
He hopes he doesn't have to spell it out further for Reiner, that last night wasn't a problem and that any similar nights in the future wouldn't be either. His little game had been fun, and for now he planned for it to continue. Whatever Reiner gleaned from Zeke’s words seems to be satisfactory, as he nods and uses his fork to grab a few pancakes off of the platter in front of him and move them onto his plate. Zeke starts to walk back to his bedroom, to wake you and let you know he's prepared breakfast - a rare occasion for him - but Reiner stops him through his mouthful of food.
"She's just brushing her teeth."
Interesting. Zeke wonders if you’d already discussed a few things, but doesn't ask as he returns to the table to begin serving himself.
When you join them you’re wearing a set of casual clothes you’d left at Zeke’s place for times you’d been too fucked out to leave the night before, and he’s happy to see you aren’t also fully dressed as if anticipating the same thing Reiner was. Your eyes go straight to the food as you take your seat.
“Is this some kind of special occasion?” You sheepishly meet Zeke’s gaze, before shooting Reiner a smile that you hope is reassuring. It is, and your presence seems to dissipate the last of the tension in his broad shoulders.
This time, Zeke’s laugh does reach his eyes and you feel at ease enough to begin serving yourself. “A little reward for you two stepping out of your comfort zone last night.”
Despite only being a few years older than you and Reiner, Zeke is much more experienced, or ’worldly’ as he’d so smugly describe it, but he could tell from the surprise on your face you’d thought last night might have been some kind of happy fluke.
“Are you saying last night was in your comfort zone?”
“Yes and no.”
It wasn’t a satisfying answer, but you know better than to expect too much from Zeke, and the way he sits and passes the syrup to you before serving himself with the remaining pancakes on the dish makes it clear that this line of questioning is over.
Zeke can tell you’re comforted by the fact that you and Reiner seem to be on the same page after breakfast; neither of you making moves to head for home while looking to Zeke to set the course of the day between the three of you. There’s still a question hanging in the air, a need for further clarification, but the fact that you both seem to happily agree to Zeke’s suggestion that you all join him in watching a movie after eating indicates to him that this entanglement will be easily continued.
After a short debate casual enough to have you all relaxed and feeling more like the same three friends you’d always been, a movie is decided upon and you take your seat first. It’s your usual spot by the arm of the couch, and Reiner seats himself on the other end, leaving a space for Zeke in the middle. It’s normal enough, but Zeke intends to establish things quickly and wraps his arms around you, picking you up and plopping you down in the middle of the couch before taking your previous seat. You laugh a little as you settle into the cushion, thereby settling in between the two men, and tuck your feet under Reiner’s warm legs as Zeke pulls you into his side so you can relax against him.
This wasn’t exactly the movie Zeke had wanted to watch, but he’d conceded to yours and Reiner’s wishes to allow you two to feel you had some power in this situation. You two did, of course, but not quite as much as Zeke thanks to his disregard for any possible consequences to the impulsive actions he’d been carrying out lately. Though with the amount of thought and planning he put into each move, he didn’t quite consider them impulsive. To him, these decisions were more… daring, or selfish at worst.
In any case, Zeke had no intention of finishing the movie in the first place, though he at least allows the three of you to make it ten minutes in before his hand round your waist starts rubbing slow circles into your side. You lean into him a little more, and he presses a small kiss to your forehead. He leaves it at that, very much aware of Reiner watching the two of you out of the corner of his eye. Then you stretch your legs out, after pulling your feet from under Reiner’s thigh. Whether you mean it flirtatiously or not, Zeke can’t help smiling to himself as you rest your legs on Reiner’s lap, and he places a hand on your calf, stroking your skin gently.
The three of you linger like this for a little longer as well, before Zeke has had enough and with a bent finger at your chin, turns you to face him. It was clearly what you’d been waiting for as both men gently stroked at your body, and your lips meet Zeke’s without further prompting. Your kiss is hungry, with you sighing against his mouth already, and Zeke opens his eyes to look over to Reiner - whose hand was moving up to rub at your thigh as you gently massage your foot over where his cock had slowly been hardening since he’d started touching you. Zeke pulls away before you do, nodding his head towards Reiner before leaning back to remove his own shirt. You understand him perfectly, turning to get on your knees and begin kissing Reiner. He groans at the loss of contact from your foot, but is happily satiated by your lips, wasting no time as he parts them to allow your tongue into his mouth.
His kiss is more eager than Zeke’s, rougher even, as he pulls you onto his lap so you’re straddling him. Zeke closes the distance, moving to the center of the couch to dip a hand beneath your leggings and tease at your slit through your underwear. You moan into Reiner’s mouth, and his involuntary thrust upward sends Zeke’s finger pressing harder against you. You’re on the bearded man in a second, craning your neck to kiss him while continuing to grind down onto his hand, and only part lips when Reiner pulls your shirt up and off. The action pulls you back to the man beneath you as he kneads at your breasts and he’s left groaning into your mouth this time at the feel of the supple skin cupped by his large hands.
For all of Reiner’s pining Zeke still hadn’t expected him to be quite so voracious. As the two of you continued on in this back and forth, each switch of positions leading to one more article of clothing being removed, anytime you pulled away to give Zeke a taste of your lips, Reiner was immediately making up for the loss of contact by sucking marks into your neck. Soon, you’re so wet that Zeke has to peel your underwear from where they cling to your folds as you maneuver with Reiner’s aid to help in getting them down your legs and off, leaving you fully bare between them now that this final bit of clothing is gone - with the two men left in just underwear. He hums appreciatively at the soaked fabric before tossing it onto the floor and pulling you up to stand.
“Bedroom, now.”
You head off quickly, with Zeke pinching your ass as you go, and Reiner is following close after. Zeke takes his time walking back, turning off the forgotten film before he goes, and he stands to watch in the doorway as you’re already lying next to Reiner on the bed, grinding down onto one of his legs and gasping his name into the air as he suckles and kneads at your breasts. Your heavy lids flutter open, and you reach out to Zeke, beckoning him closer. He circles past your outstretched arm, around the other side of the bed, and sits at your side - pulling you into another kiss as the younger man continues to have his way with marking your flesh.
As breathing gets heavier, and the kisses between you and each of the men get sloppier and hungrier, Zeke can’t help but notice how very un-spontaneous it somehow still feels. You roll over to kiss him, arm outstretched to pump at Reiner’s cock. Then, a few moments later you kiss Reiner, your other hand moving to slide up and down Zeke’s length. You’re still enjoying yourself; groaning at the affections, pressing into whichever hands are on you at the moment, and when Zeke pulls your hips off of Reiner’s muscled thigh he’s pleased to find that you’ve left him glistening with your slick. Still… it’s as if Zeke can hear you counting out the seconds of each movement, getting lost in the heat of the moment for only a few fleeting seconds before reminding yourself that you must attend to the other man as well. It’s just not the same as it had been last night.
Eventually Zeke has enough of this, and intends to do something about it, but is surprised to find Reiner doing it first. He grabs you by the back of your thighs, sweeping you onto your back as he rolls on top of you and wraps your legs around his waist for only a moment before he’s sitting back to take in the view of your needy pussy beneath him. Zeke watches contentedly as the younger man seems to be very much in the moment, pumping his cock with one hand, then reaching down with the other to begin fucking your pussy open with one of his broad fingers, then two - glistening more and more each time they pull out of your warmth ever so slightly. Then, something clicks, and you’re not worrying about anything but taking just what you need to be able to have Reiner buried deep inside you.
Zeke leans away for only a moment, pulling a condom out of the top drawer of his bedside table, and tossing it onto your stomach.
“Whenever you’re ready,” he says to Reiner, as he positions himself by your face. You’re pleasantly quick in reaching for his cock, squeezing it at the base before you wrap your lips around the head, sucking gently - but then Reiner’s thumb joins in his movements to rub at your clit while his fingers inside of you continue to slide against your walls, and you can’t stop yourself from moaning around Zeke’s cock.
He takes the opportunity to push himself deeper, though still only halfway, into your open mouth. It prompts you to suck harder, and bob your head in an attempt to give Zeke even part of what you were feeling. Reiner groans at the sight of you with a mouthful of cock, and decides enough is enough as he withdraws his fingers from you and tears open the small packet to hurriedly roll the condom on. Even without being able to see him through the angle your head is at as you suck at the cock before you, you know what’s coming. This has been the longest Reiner had gone without touching you since you’d undressed before the men, and you shiver at the feel of the head of his cock teasing it’s way up and down your slit.
“Yes.” your words of encouragement are muffled, but they do still work to make Reiner finally make the push to slowly begin filling you.
It’s thick, and god does it feel bigger than it looks as you stop your movements on Zeke to gasp and sigh around him with each inch further Reiner stretches you. It’s a lot, clearly more than you can handle while staying focused, and when Reiner lets out a groan as his hips are finally flush with yours Zeke is sure you’ve never been so full in your life.
Zeke rests his hand on the back of your neck, holding your head up to make it easier for you, and you finally give him the suction he needs, though you tap his hip while looking up at him - your sign to him that he can fuck your mouth. He does, albeit slowly, eyes darting from your pretty face twisted in pleasure to the sight of Reiner slowly fucking you open. After a few moments of groans and your careful adjusting to being filled at both ends Reiner picks up his pace, hips meeting yours in a harsh slap after a long push forward. Zeke matches his pace as he slides his way deeper and deeper into your mouth, though he doesn’t go so far as pushing through to the tight squeeze of your throat just yet.
“Careful, Reiner, you’ll wreck her with a cock like that.”
Reiner’s eyes are off of you, and on Zeke in an instant, and he twitches inside of your pussy at these words. Zeke’s grin is verging on nefarious as he finally pushes his cock into your throat, holding you in place lightly enough that you can pull away if you really wanted - though he knows you won’t.
“She wants that though, don’t you, sweetheart?” Zeke looks down at you, with your eyes watering as you take the cock down your throat quite enthusiastically, before he pulls out of your mouth entirely.
You cough, and catch your breath, then quickly nod your head ’yes’ as you look over to Reiner with hungry eyes. In an instant, your mouth is filled with cock once more and as Reiner begins to fuck you harder, his hand laid across your abdomen so he can rub at your clit, Zeke matches the new pace easily.
“That’s my girl.” Zeke revels in the noises coming from your soaked cunt as well as your mouth as the head of his cock breaches your throat again and again. You manage to pull a surprised little grunt from him as you begin matching his thrusts into your mouth, sending pleasant vibrations through Zeke as you moan and climb to your peak on Reiner’s cock.
Zeke feels wetness travelling down to where his hand supports your head, and whether it’s tears or drool from having your throat fucked, it has him throbbing already. He receives another vibration from your throat as you purr around him. You’d felt him twitch, and it only has you redoubling your efforts as you fuck your throat onto his cock, now taking over most of the movement as Zeke braces himself for what he knows you can do.
“Fuck, you’ll finish me fast like that.”
You look up at him, mischief in your eyes, and Zeke knows you understand exactly what looking up at him like that does to him. Your cheeks hollow as you suck on his length while pulling back and you run your tongue along the underside of him as you push forward. He’s given only brief moments of sliding into your throat before he’s pulled back again, and each time the smooth head of his cock hits your tongue you can taste the bitterness of him leaking for you. Zeke’s balls are tightening already, and before he knows it he’s given in to the pull of your throat.
“Where do you want it?” Zeke pulls his cock from your mouth to allow you to answer, pumping it furiously as he tries to hold out long enough.
Your reply is your wide open mouth, as you stick your tongue out and close your eyes. Zeke complies wholeheartedly, biting down on his bottom lip as he greets his climax with low groans and covers your face and tongue with his warmth. He is careful to avoid his load getting anywhere near the upper half of your face, and with his hand still on the back of your neck to prop you up, you part your lids only slightly to look down at Reiner - who is awestruck by the vision of you taking cum on your face so happily. He’s cute like this, and your pussy flutters around him in time with the butterflies in your stomach as you feel his cock throb inside of you at the sight of you swallowing everything that had landed on your tongue.
Zeke rests your head on the pillow below and then reaches down to where the two of you meet, taking over Reiner’s quick pace against your clit and allowing the taller man to grip your hips tightly and pound you harder. The stretch of him fucking you so deep has shivers coursing through your body, and the sight of Zeke’s eyes stuck on your pussy being spread wide by Reiner has that telltale pressure coming to a peak inside of you.
“Cum with me! Cum with-”
Reiner can only nod, mouth open and hips stuttering as the clench of your pussy and the sweet sound of your voice pulls him right over the edge with you. He clings to your hips for dear life even after he’s emptied himself, and doesn’t stop thrusting til he’s groaning from being nearly overstimulated, just to make sure you ride out your prolonged orgasm with the aid of his cock and Zeke’s hands. Your arching back straightens and your chest heaves as you try to catch every breath lost as you’d cried out at the intensity of your orgasm. Both of the men stop, with Zeke lying down next to you and Reiner slowly pulling out - leaving the two of you with shivers as he does.
“This is pretty fun, right?” Zeke sighs, brushing your hair away from your face. You laugh, and nod breathlessly.
Reiner stands to toss his used condom into the small trash can next to the bed as Zeke had done the night before then gestures to your face, “You got a washcloth anywhere?”
Zeke looks back at him, almost annoyed. He was enjoying the view, cooling cum all over your face be damned, but stands to go get it himself. Reiner takes his place on the side of you opposite from where Zeke had been, and pulls you to rest your head on top of his chest instead of the pillow. Once Zeke returns, damp cloth in tow, he wipes at your face gently and you smile once you’re finally cleaned up.
“I could get used to this… I feel like I’m being pampered.”
Reiner smirks, already beginning to doze off, “Yeah, it is nice isn’t it?”
The two of you are too sleepy-eyed to see Zeke with a rare warm smile as he joins the two of you in lying on the bed, allowing himself a rare afternoon nap.
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some-kindofgnome · 4 years
these violent delights, pt. i
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In an immersive theme park where cutting-edge technology makes your wildest dreams come true, the line between fantasy and reality begins to blur. enter westworld, where artificially intelligent automatons known as ‘hosts’ are programmed to fulfill your every delight.
(westworld AU, eventual host!dabi x reader, host!keigo takami x reader, eventual shouto todoroki x f!reader)
part one | part two | part three
featuring: hanta sero, denki kaminari, katsuki bakugou, momo yaoyozoru, eijirou kirishima
part one: you prepare to enter the park for the bachelorette party your bridesmaids wanted. meanwhile, westworld’s capable employees prepare to roll out the latest programming update.
wc: 8.7k
pt. i warnings: smut (18+!), sci-fi dystopia, artificial intelligence, medical/surgical procedures, body modification. gun violence, robbery, kidnapping, drinking, death, no beta we die like teddy
notes: this is part one of my entry for The Smut Pile’s Western Collab! this is my very first server collab and I am so thrilled to be kicking it off with this plot monster. this is the first of three parts- it leans a little heavy on the world building, so stay tuned for parts two and three. the action dials up from here, promise! i’m excited to be putting out one of my first plot-heavy stories on this blog!
please note: part one borrows several events from season one, episodes one and two of the series. the story will branch off in its own direction in parts two and three. you do not need to be familiar with Westworld to enjoy this fic- so please give it a try! 💖
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“This doesn’t feel right.”
Livestock Management technician Hanta Sero drifts idly from tool cart to operating table with his raven hair pulled back. He’s clad in a protective latex apron and gloves, approaching the table with a blowtorch in one hand and a long, slim pair of forceps in the other.
“That’s what it says here.” Denki Kaminari stands across the black-tiled room, his back reflected in the glass walls of the operating facility. He scrolls mindfully through a folding datapad with a crease of deep concentration in his golden brow.
Snapping his datapad shut, he lifts his chin to find Sero’s conflicted gaze across the lab.
“The specifications were pretty precise.”
“I know what the briefing said,” Sero retorts. “I just…”
He ignites the blowtorch and takes a deep breath, letting his gaze over slowly over the pale, unmarked flesh of the body stretched out on the table in front of him.
“What?” Kaminari takes in the sight before him. He lifts his eyebrows. “Oh. Well-“
He gets up from his stool, tugging his gloves back over his shirtsleeves and crossing the room toward Sero and the body in question. He picks up a scalpel, making a clean little cut just below the subject’s left nipple without any hesitation.
“Dude, stop!” Sero reaches with the hand still clutching his forceps, blanching as a thin well of blood trickles onto pristine flesh.
“He’s offline,” Denki chuckles. “He can’t feel a thing. You’ve patched these guys up a thousand times, Sero. What’s the problem?”
“I dunno,” Sero muses, drawing the back of one glove nervously over his temple. “I dunno. I think they’re starting to get too real. It’s messing with me.” He shoots Denki a weak chuckle and shakes his head.
“What do they need this guy all burned up for, anyway?”
“Momo told me he’s for the new narrative,” Denki replies, puzzling over the red hair and immaculate pale skin of their unsuspecting victim. “Some kind of grizzly new villain who’s supposed to stir up trouble.”
“Better make him extra fucked up, then.” The blowtorch, extinguished in Sero’s panic, is ignited again, but he’s still hesitating.
“Hey,” Denki prompts. “Why don’t we start with the system update? That’ll kill some time. And then- hey.” He reaches across the tool cart, grabbing for the bottle of black hair dye that came with the host’s modification kit. He shakes it in Sero’s face, letting a smug grin cross his features.
“I’ll do the carpet if you do the drapes.”
Sero and Denki find their rhythm easily enough. Before long, the tension dispels and they’re letting conversation flow smoothly between them, making weekend plans while Sero pushes polished silver staples into the now-scarred flesh of the transformed host.
“This guy’s older than he looks,” Denki quips from the tool cart, where he’s selecting an appropriately sized needle for the delicate work ahead of him. “His systems haven’t been updated in years.”
“I’ve never seen him in the park before,” Sero admits. He’s finishing the clean row of staples that trail from the corner of the host’s mouth to his ear, struggling to push the staple into the skin at the edges of his face. The sharp prongs don’t hold as well in the spots where the muscle and flesh thin to just skin stretched over bone. He looks up in frustration, shaking the spots from his concentrated gaze.
“Whoa,” he starts as he spots the way that Denki’s moved up between the host’s lean thighs. “You’re really gonna-“
“That’s what it says in the briefing,” Denki presses. He’s got the aforementioned needle in one hand and a bowl of curved barbells in the other; he’s gone a little grin about the gills, too.
“Sick fucks,” Sero snorts, shaking his head. “Doesn’t feel very historically accurate, does it?”
“Please,” Denki pushes. “If you think this has ever been about history, you’re in for a nasty surprise.”
“Christ, you wanna talk about nasty surprises,” Sero replies, blanching and averting his eyes while Denki inserts the first piercing. “Just wait’ll the guests get a look at him.”
"Bakugou's outdone himself this time," Denki agrees, brow furrowed with sympathy and panicked concentration as he unscrews the first barbell. "Those idiots won't know what hit 'em.”
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“Bring yourself back online.”
Head of Programming Shouto Todoroki sits in front of the park’s newest addition, datapad spread across his lap. Sero and Denki’s work paid off; the new host is looking fiercer than ever.
Not new enough for Shouto’s tastes, though. He can still see the blue glint when “Dabi,” as his new narrative calls him, shifts into wakefulness and lets his eyes flutter open. He shoots Shouto a sinister grin but does not move from his seat.
Shouto doesn’t want to believe what they’ve done to him. He’s still nude, putting all his new modifications on brilliant display. The staples in his flesh look angry and inflamed. The scars, done perfectly to appear long-healed, still make his blood curdle.
He can’t even think about the flashes of silver that catch the light when Dabi crosses his legs.
“And who are you supposed to be?" Dabi growls an opening line that shakes Shouto more than it ought to. He sports a brand new drawl that fits the world he’ll be slotted into soon enough, but it’s too much, bouncing off the pristine glass and shiny tile beneath his bare feet.
“Lose the accent,” Shouto commands. Dabi's expression shifts a little, but he does not drop eye contact.
Shouto can’t help but wonder if they all stare like this. He hasn’t been alone with a host in a very long time. Especially not one with this kind of significance.
“Do you know where you are?” He presses, determined to push forward. The sooner he gets Dabi through analysis, the sooner he can pretend like the unsettling host doesn’t exist.
But Dabi’s voice with no drawl is even more spine-chilling.
“I am in a dream.”
“And… do you want to wake up from this dream?”
Dabi’s eyes drift away in a direction they’re not supposed to. For a moment, he casts his gaze down and to the left, letting it sweep across the edge of the room as his brow creases with terrifying subtlety.
The gesture is minuscule, almost as if he's recalling a distant memory. For a moment, Shouto can only admire its beauty.
Then he realizes it’s not supposed to be there.
“Yes,” Dabi continues, his voice soft and lilting and almost wistful. “I’m terrified.”
“Freeze all motor functions.” Shouto’s heart pounds in his chilled throat. His extremities have gone cold. But Dabi follows his instructions to the letter, freezing before he can even blink. Shouto questions why he expected any differently.
Not two minutes later, Head of Behaviour Momo Yaoyorozu ducks gracefully into Dabi’s glass prison. Shouto is still sitting exactly where he began, perched on a little rolling leather stool. Six feet away, Dabi has not moved, bare and frozen on a stool of his own.
"I got your page," Momo soothes, shutting the door quietly behind her and unfolding her datapad. The hinges go rigid when they sit flat, blending seamlessly into a broad tablet that she taps and scrolls quietly through.
“I checked his programming on the way over. There’s something new here,” she concludes. “But I don’t know who added it. Must have been one of the interns, or-“
“I know who it was,” Shou answers grimly, already scrolling meticulously through the lines of code that make up Dabi’s new personality. Momo freezes, looking up at him with cold surprise.
“You don’t think…”
“I do,” he confirms. He takes a deep breath to quell his racing heart and shoots his closest colleague a shaky look. “You’re going to want to see this.”
“Incredible,” Momo gasps a few moments later when Shouto asks Dabi the same series of questions and gets the same frightening response. He knows why it shakes him as much as it does, but it hasn’t occurred to him that someone like Momo would actually… appreciate them.
“It’s like he’s-“ she starts, then stops herself. The conclusion she’s drawn should be as impossible as it sounds. But it’s staring them both in the face.
“Like he’s remembering something.” She finishes her thought this time, and Shou clenches his jaw.
"He must have slipped the code into the update," he determines. "In the programming, he's calling them Reveries."
“Kind of poetic,” Momo muses, still admiring the way that Dabi’s eyes seem to mist as they stare into the middle-distance. “It makes him look so real.”
“The code pulls memories from his earlier programming,” Shouto continues, looking up at Momo and waiting for her to be as spooked as he is.
He’s almost frightened that she’ll be defensive. But she’s sharper than he’s given her credit for, and that revelation is enough to pull her from her stupor.
“That could cause a lot of problems,” she muses. “Especially if the loops haven’t been closed properly. They’re supposed to be wiped after every cycle, but if there are links pulling them back…”
“I know,” Shouto emphasizes. Momo straightens, planting matter-of-fact hands on matter-of-fact hips.
“What are you gonna do about it?”
“I don’t think there’s anything I can do,” he confesses, turning back to catch another blood-chilling glimpse of the all-too-familiar host. “I can’t just pull the programming out from under him. He’ll know.”
“You can’t send him into the park with it. If it’s slotted in with the update, he could spread it to the other hosts.”
Shouto pushes his datapad aside and leans forward, steepling his fingers as he sighs deeply and descends into even deeper thought.
Momo’s right. With the Reveries included, the update has potentially disastrous consequences. But that’s operating on the assumption that his father makes mistakes, which most people would confirm is simply impossible.
If he clears the programming before letting Dabi go through, however, he’ll be facing the wrath of his father.
Shou purses his lips, lacing his fingers together but leaving the pointers extended and pursing his lips against the smooth joints.
“I think we’re going to have to.”
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The glossy, perfect train- the first of many you'll take today, as you're told- pulls into a station that's even whiter than the train itself. Polished white floors and perfect whitewashed columns are the first things you see out the massive panoramic windows as the cars pull to a complete stop. When the doors glide open, your maid of honour touches your sleeve as the other girls filter out of your private compartment and onto the platform.
You’re far from the only ones disembarking the train. The rest of the platform is soon crowded by immaculately-dressed guests from all over the world. They bow and shift like a flock of starlings, moving in stark contrast past the perfectly-still bodies of the white-clad staff waiting to greet them.
A tall, statuesque woman with raven hair steps forward, addressing your maid of honour by name. She gives you an apologetic wave and a see you in there before disappearing amid the writhing sea of people.
You’ve been reading up on this place for weeks, scouring pamphlets and websites and guest reviews for every detail about the induction process you can glean from public knowledge. Details of the park itself are kept very private, but you’ve learned all you can about the way you’ll be introduced to it.
This place was not your first choice for the occasion at hand, but your friends practically insisted. You know it’s for selfish reasons- it’s the only chance they’re ever going to get to see the place for themselves- but you can already think of several places you’d rather celebrate your coming nuptials.
Not exactly your typical bachelorette party fare. But your friends agreed to wear matching dresses in that shade of pale green you couldn’t stay away from, so you’re giving them this.
Before long the platform is nearly cleared. You’re just starting to make your way toward the escalator, wondering what exactly became of the host who was supposed to greet you, when a soft croon of your name over one shoulder nearly shocks you out of your sandals.
Your host has arrived, and he’s even more gorgeous than you feared. Graceful and lithe-looking, he’s clad in a pristine white suit and turtleneck that contrasts the bold flashes of his golden hair perfectly. He shoots you a smooth smile, lit by razor-sharp tawny eyes and as he turns his face to catch the light, you can see that his jaw is grazed by the barest hint of scruff- perfectly groomed, just like the rest of him.
"Hello," you greet, trying not to lose your breath. You clasp the fingers of your right hand around the ring finger on your left- the remnants of your favourite new nervous habit. You've taken to twisting your engagement ring in moments of idleness or anxiety, but for safety's sake, you've left the flashy diamond at home.
You know you’re engaged. That’s what matters most.
“Good,” the host croons. You’re getting quickly used to his honeyed brogue, strong and low and sweet as he takes your hand and drops a suave kiss to your knuckles. “I’m glad you found your way here.” He jerks his head toward the emptying escalator, eyes never leaving yours.
“Follow me.”
As you’re ascending through the polished storeys of the park’s immaculate headquarters, your attendant rattles off a long list of mundane medical questions. He’s tapping away on a datapad as he walks, and you’re sure that whatever information he’s taking down will be swept away for later use.
Finally, he brings you to a plain-looking white door. He tucks away the datapad and slips his hands into his pockets. He’s graceful and perfect- too perfect. You’re starting to suspect that he’s no ordinary employee.
“Go on,” he urges, nodding toward the door. You shoot him a sideways little glance but step forward, hooking your fingers around the polished handle and pushing it open. You step inside.
The interior of the room- or closet, as it would be better described- is lit almost exclusively by glowing strip lights hidden in the crevices of the doorway, racks of clothing, and bordering a large series of mirrors that stud each wall.
It’s the biggest walk-in closet you’ve ever seen. And it’s filled to the brim with racks of clothing, all appropriate to the vague late-19th century setting of the park.
“Everything is bespoke,” pipes your immaculate attendant as he shuts the door behind him, “and exactly your size.” Painfully, you remember being asked for your body measurements in anticipation of this visit. Did they custom-tailor everything for each guest?
Or are you being given special treatment?
“You can pick out anything you’d like,” he continues, moving toward you, “and your other clothes will be waiting for you when you’ve finished your stay.”
“I don’t even know where to start,” you muse, fingering the raspberry-coloured silk of a lavish-looking day dress.
“The clothes you choose will determine the course of your experience.”
Your attendant is right beside you now, so close that you can see the way his golden eyelashes brush his tanned cheeks. He’s leaning in to examine the silk same as you, but his shoulder pushes just a little close to be solely practical. As he grips the material between lithe fingers, he lifts his gaze to yours on purpose. There’s a charming lilt to his smile that you can’t help but admire.
He pauses, dropping the silk and turning to face you head-on. Though the smile has slipped from his features, he still eyes you with interest.
“You want to ask, don’t you?”
Your brain catches up immediately, confusion swelling and fading in the span of a heartbeat. It tightens to thick dread in your chest.
He’s right. You do.
“Are you real?” The words sound even more ridiculous in the air between you than they did in your head. But ever since you boarded the train it felt like you could never be sure. And he’s perfect. Too perfect. Even the way he takes your question seems scripted and rehearsed.
He gives a low chuckle and takes your hands, stroking smooth thumbs over the backs of your knuckles. Then he peeks up at you from beneath flawless dark lashes and flashes a hint of pearly canine as he speaks.
“If you can’t tell, does it really matter?”
You don’t need him to expand.
“Come,” he prompts gently, dropping one hand to pull open a drawer of delicate slips and shifts, sitting in neat, folded piles of undyed linen. Some are plain, others trimmed excessively with lace and ribbons. You’re drawn to the coloured ribbons immediately- pale peach, soft blue, mint green. But the brassy gold of your attendant’s eyes is even more magnetic and you can’t look away for longer than a handful of seconds.
“You know,” he continues, squeezing your fingers gently and moving back in to run his knuckles up the inside of your wrist. Every single one of his touches is delicate, fluttering like a songbird against your skin. But there’s nothing gentle about the way he looks at you.
“Some of these clothes are a little difficult to put on alone.”
He does not explain further, but he watches as you’re drawn to the same conclusion that he is.
You have to roll this one over in your mind for a long while. You left your engagement ring behind, but the engagement itself still stands. Then again, he told you to enjoy yourself here. ‘Make every use of the park’s benefits,’ he’d suggested.
He’s just a computer, you tell yourself. A glorified sex toy. Maybe he walks and talks and flirts like a real human being, but…
There’s something about him that’s making it hard to turn him down.
After a silence long enough for any normal person to question, you look up at your attendant once more. He’s patiently awaiting your response, having gone uncomfortably still. You're not even sure he'd blink if you stare long enough.
You give a tight little nod and he’s smiling again, the same lazy smile as before. His default expression, you’re beginning to gather. He reaches for your coat.
“Wait.” You stop him with one hand on either forearm. He’s touched you before, but it’s still shocking how warm he is. Even though the sleeves of his perfect white jacket, he feels unquestionably alive.
"Don't you have a name or something?"
“Of course I do,” he responds. “Would you like to hear it?”
“Um…” Your brow knits. “Yes.”
He slips around behind you, curling his fingers into the open folds of your jacket and beginning to slide the weighty material off your shoulders. As he does, he leans forward, letting his lips draw close to your ear and making you shiver.
“Call me Keigo.”
“Keigo,” you repeat. It’s pretty and rolls easily from your mouth in a slow purr of desire. You can’t help yourself anymore. Keigo’s been programmed to put you at ease, but he’s doing much more for you now.
He undresses you methodically, pausing only briefly to run a hand down the curve of your waist or dip his fingers under the point of your chin when he catches you looking down. Even when you’re standing completely naked in front of him, he does not move to touch you in any untoward manner.
Whatever unspoken arrangement you thought you had formed is obviously not as unspoken as you’d hoped.
With his help, you select some period-appropriate undergarments. He helps you into your breezy linen shift first, lovingly tying the drawstrings into a neat little bow at the centre front. The corset is not as uncomfortable as you'd anticipated, fitting you devastatingly well. Keigo’s skilled hands pull the laces with precise tension, and the whole time he breathes soft commands and inquiries over your shoulder.
“Too tight?” He whispers, holding the laces taught at your waist. You take a slow, deep breath, then shake your head.
He ties the laces off and helps you into two petticoats- one of plain white cotton, the other of decorative silk and lace. Then he sits you on a cool, leather-covered sofa on one edge of the room and drops to his knees in front of you.
“Uh-“ you start, but he produces a pair of silk stockings from seemingly nowhere, smirking over the tops of your knees.
“Let’s get this out of the way.”
He pushes your airy petticoats up from your ankles, letting the backs of his palms brush the insides of your knees. He shoves the material up to your thighs and your confusion is multiplied now- is this what you think it is?
The way he admires your thighs as you shyly press them together certainly makes it seem so.
"Keigo," you gasp, curling your fingers against the edge of the sofa. The leather is supple and delicate beneath your touch like you could tear it if you wanted to.
He looks up just in time to watch you hook a bare thigh over his shoulder, and his brows shoot into his pointed hairline.
You’ve decided what you want out of this trip.
"Dove," he chides, setting down the stockings and pushing them gently aside. He takes both hands up the backs of your calves, stroking perfectly manicured fingernails into the tender skin at the backs of your knees.
He drops a kiss to the inside of your thigh. His face disappears behind the swath of frothy white petticoats gathered in your lap, but you feel his hot breath on your skin clear as day.
“If you wanted something from me,” he purrs, “all you had to do was ask.”
“I’m asking now,” you hum, letting your head fall back against the back of the couch. He’s easy enough to convince. Somehow, the fact that you didn’t have to work very hard for this almost makes it feel more acceptable.
“Here’s my answer,” he replies, sinking his teeth into the flesh of your inner thigh. You let out a strangled gasp, thigh jolting against his face as he slips his hand under the other leg- still hooked over his shoulder. You let out a low, shaky breath, trying not to think about the mark he’ll leave.
He pushes your leg away after biting it, shoving your knees apart and leaning eagerly forward. His head is fully buried under your gathered petticoats at this point, and you can feel him nosing his way into the crook of your groin, sliding a few free fingers up to prod gently for your hair-dusted folds.
“Wet already, bluebird?” He chuckles into your skin, sending shivers up your spine. “I’m flattered.”
“Stop,” you groan. There’s heat rushing to your cheeks with every word that tumbles out of his pretty mouth. You don’t want any of this to stop, but the heat between your legs is the one quickly growing unbearable.
“Do you want me to?” Keigo sits back almost immediately, ridding you of the delicious tingles his close breath were sending across your skin.
“No, no!” You yelp sharply, indignantly, digging your bare heel into his back to keep him close. He stops as soon as you apply pressure, letting out a quiet little chuckle.
“Keep going,” you pant, curling your toes against his pretty jacket.
“Your wish is my command,” he hums, already leaning into your flesh again. He does not hesitate this time, burying his head between your legs and giving the weeping slit of your cunt a long lick.
His first touch is all it takes to remind you how long it’s been.
“Fuck,” you gasp, low and languid. He doesn’t hesitate to close his lips around your swelling clit and suck. He makes sharp, sloppy noises with his lips and tongue, and the way they resonate in your ears near-doubles your pleasure. He’s eating you out perfectly, with terrifying precision. The strength of his jaw and tongue remains almost painfully consistent.
All the better for drowning him out. Despite his easy-flowing attitude and suave charm, he’s not a person. And it isn’t unfaithful to want him like this.
Even if you know he wouldn’t like it.
Keigo is diligent and careful, plunging his tongue in and out of your needy hole before finding the nub of your clit again, hard and sensitive. When he flicks the tip of his tongue against the tender front of it your legs spasm and you cry out softly as sensitive goosebumps rush across your ribcage.
“Like that,” you plead breathlessly, drawing your foot up between his shoulder blades as the tension builds. “Again, please.”
You’re holding the swells of your petticoats up around your thighs for him, but your fingers are beginning to clench in the delicate material. You’re not going to last long at all beneath a tongue as talented as his.
“Don’t worry, dove,” he purrs into your body, sending thick vibrations through every nerve in your system, “I won’t leave you unsatisfied.”
As he settles into his rhythm again, he plunges two fingers into your messy depths. He curls them tightly inside you, massaging your tender walls with a blunt and careful touch.
It takes little more than a few methodical strokes to make you fall. You cum with a tight little squeal, closing your thighs tightly around his head while you spasm and buck and sigh. He’s attentive enough to keep pumping his fingers through your orgasm, drawing out the pleasure as much as possible and greedily lapping at the wetness that trickles from your clenching pussy.
"That's it," he soothes, easing you down from your high with one calming hand on the column of your twitching thigh. As you settle, sweat-soaked, back into your seat he surfaces, sweat and shiny, sticky fluid sticking in the bristles of his perfect scruff. He licks his lips and you realize you’ve unconsciously mirrored him, doing the same.
In the moments directly following your peak you say nothing, looking down to meet his brassy gaze as deep uncertainty settles into your gut.
What happens now?
Keigo sits back on his haunches, pulling the folded pocket square from his breast and mopping up the mess on his chin and jaw like he'd done nothing more than spill a glass of wine or splash water over his lips.  
“Much better,” he croons, reaching for the discarded stockings from before. “Feeling a little more relaxed?”
You swallow hard.
“I’d say so.”
His smile is surprisingly bright and sunny.
“Good.” He hooks his fingers under your knee again, unhooking your leg from his shoulder. Sliding a palm down to your ankle, he fits one stocking deftly over your foot and slides it up your calf, continuing his work as if uninterrupted. He fits the stockings over your knees and ties them off carefully with slips of silk ribbon, sitting the knots just below your knees so the stockings won't fall. Then, he gets to his feet and offers you a hand.
“Let’s pick out the rest of your clothes, shall we?”
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The park is even more immersive than you imagined. The photos do it no justice. When you step off the (genuine steam-powered) train at Sweetwater Station, it’s accompanied by a very real twinge of anxiety. The village is like a scene out of a Clint Eastwood movie. Only there are no cardboard sets here. The saloon doors really swing inward. The shops and businesses that line the main street are built from real, weathered lumber. The dust that’s kicked up by the hosts that go about their daily lives is already beginning to coat your new boots.
You sneeze.
“God bless you,” greets a kind stranger in a rough-hewn grey coat and white hat. He’s got a very apparent drawl to his voice, but the glint in his blue eyes is kind.
Back at the facility, guests and hosts were easy enough to distinguish from one another. Out here, it’s a little more difficult. You’re not sure whether to believe that everyone is real or assume they’re all fake.
Luckily, there are four women beside you whose humanity you are acutely aware of. You’re lucky enough to have found your bridesmaids on the train in- all clustered in the bar car, but together nonetheless.
And they’ve insisted on keeping the party going.
“C’mon, bride-to-be,” your maid of honour chides, grabbing you by the hand and pulling you out of your reverie. “I know exactly where we need to go first.”
“It’s not even noon yet,” you protest, but the others are already miles ahead of you. You’re dragged easily into the broad, dusty street and toward those broad, swinging doors. The saloon stands proudly in the centre of town on a prominent corner with faded signs advertising its wares. And your maid of honour eagerly bats the doors open, striding boldly into the sun-soaked saloon.
The tables are surprisingly crowded for this time of day. It’s most likely a flood of guests, disembarking the train and heading straight for the local watering hole for a real taste of the action.  Beyond their idle chatter tinkles the bright keys of a player piano against one wall. You can see the player scroll turning in the piano’s upright fixture, but that doesn’t change the unsettling way that the keys seem to press themselves.
It’s an eerie fixture in a town populated by walking, talking player pianos.
The man behind the bar bleeds Old West stereotypes from every pore. He’s got a huge, exaggerated greying moustache and a tweed waistcoat with shirtsleeves bound back for work. He’s polishing an empty glass with a cotton rag, but you spot him just in time to watch him politely greet a guest and reach behind him for a frosted bottle of unlabeled whisky.
The only other fixtures in the place are the women patrolling it, clad in colourful, lacy outfits that you’re certain violate some kind of historical convention. But they’re all breathtakingly beautiful, bosoms heaving over tightly laced corsets and fluttering from table to table like songbirds. They seem to provide little more than decoration and, as you settle into a table not far from the door, they fade easily into the background.
Until one of them screams.
You’ve read as many stories as you could scour the internet for before coming here. You know this place can get intense. Details of the park’s narratives and interactive storylines are kept under wraps as much as possible, so you can’t be sure whether this is out of the ordinary or not.
But when you whip around to find the source of the blood-curdling shriek, it doesn’t feel scripted.
It doesn’t feel scripted when the pretty girl in peach lace flings herself to the feet of a brand-new guest, here with his wife and their young son gaping from across the table. It doesn’t feel like she’s supposed to be wracked with sobs having never exchanged a word with this man.
It doesn’t feel like she should be pleading with him.
But the sobs wrack her body anyway, and her rosy little cheeks are flushed deeply now as she sniffles and blubbers.
“My daughter,” she begs hoarsely. “My girl, my daughter, please, I know you have her. Give her back to me, please. I know you took her. Give her back to me, I’ll do anything.”
Whether the father-of-one knows what she's talking about or not he's white as a sheet, stumbling backwards against the edge of his wife's table and pushing his arms forward, trying to keep her away.
The player piano finishes its tune, keys stilling as the saloon’s patrons look on in shock. And for an honest handful of heartbeats, the saloon is silent save for the host’s ragged sobs.
It takes a few moments for the player scroll to re-align itself before the tune restarts, and as the familiar notes cycle back through the saloon the host re-centres herself, climbing to her feet. There's a hardened resolve on her tear-stained face as her target looks around, gathering his wife and son with a this is bullshit and turning to leave.
“Don’t you dare walk away from me-“ the host begins to snarl. She lunches for the man, hands outstretched for the back of his brand new jacket, or maybe the brim of his crisp Stetson.
“Freeze all motor functions!”
A deep voice booms from the door of the saloon, amplified and simultaneously muffled with the use of a megaphone. The girl, and every other host in the saloon, freezes in place as though they’ve been paused. They don’t just stand still- they’re paralyzed. The smiling bartender is stalled with a glass in his hand; he doesn’t even blink.
In the doorway stands a hulking man of at least six and a half feet, seeming nearly as broad across the shoulders as he is tall. He wears a black uniform, armored black vest and heavy combat boots with a head of brilliant red hair spilling over his shoulders. As he lowers the megaphone he’s grinning, the bare flash of a sharp canine catching the low light of the bar.
“Sorry for the intrusion, folks,” he declares, striding across the floorboards toward the frozen host. Her expression is paused in a sneer of sheer horror and aggression, her hand outstretched for the man who has long since stepped aside.
The red-haired guardian angel, who has the name Kirishima stitched neatly onto the breast of his protective gear in white thread, catches your gaze. He shoots you a familiar little wink and a nod, a soft y’alright? escaping his throat in a quiet little growl.
You lick your lips, nodding slowly. Kirishima averts his gaze and reaches for the frozen host. As soon as he touches her skin she goes limp, falling easily into his powerful hold. He hoists her body over one shoulder and surveys the saloon, touching two fingertips to his forehead in a bright little salute.
“Please, don’t let me intrude on your stay any longer,” he continues. “As you were, everybody. Resume.”
The last word seems to be a command for the hosts in the room, as they spin to life again. They resume their rounds as if no time had passed at all; as if nothing out of the ordinary had ever transgressed.
Spooked, but encouraged by Kirishima’s smooth removal of the offending host, the guests around you go hesitantly back to their conversations. The player piano, also halted by Kirishima’s commands, has resumed its delicate play, and slowly the environment returns to the way it was before.
Your friends are among those willing to brush off the incident.
"What happened?" mumbles your maid of honour across the table, as if the host were still around to overhear her. As if the host's friends might be listening in to see if anybody's talking about her.
“No idea,” quips one of the other girls. “Must be some kind of glitch.” She looks over her shoulder, watching the remaining hosts at the bar. “I wonder if it happens often.”
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“Absolutely fucking not.”
Head of Narrative Katsuki Bakugou slams a stack of papers onto the table in front of him, disrupting the intricate hologram that provides a real-time, scale model of the park to the room’s occupants.
“Katsuki!” Momo scolds, watching the hologram stutter and flicker. It’s not the first table he’s damaged.
“You’re not pulling my fucking narrative. It rolls out today. Do you have any idea how many writers I had busting ass on that thing?”
“It doesn’t matter now,” she retorts, tapping the screen of the datapad she’s got hooked tightly in the crook of her other arm. “You saw the host that Eijirou pulled, didn’t you? The fact that he had to step in at all means things got way out of hand…”
“Bullshit,” Katsuki retorts, sweeping his papers off the holo-table (and shattering the image one more time). “That was a fucking glitch. You don’t even have the results back from Behaviour yet.”
“I already know what they’re going to say,” Momo continues.
“That’s right,” Katsuki snarls. “I forgot you know everything around here.”
“She was carrying the latest update. There must be something wrong with the code.” Momo tries not to remember Dabi and his distant stare. She swallows the part about the extra coding slipped in by the man who could do no wrong.
She flips her datapad shut- it’s doing her any good, since Katsuki’s right. The results from Behaviour regarding the misaligned host won’t be ready for some time.
“You can’t. Pull. That. Narrative.” Katsuki’s squared up now, all the gathered papers tucked under his arm. His jaw is ticked, nostrils flaring as his eyes flash. “An entire trainload of guests is wandering around Sweetwater looking for the stories they fucking paid for. If you pull the plug, there’s nothing left.”
He’s right again.
“Look.” Katsuki crosses to the holo-table one more time, only this time it’s without the murderous intent in his gaze. For once he’s ready to use the table as intended, pin-pointing the broad, dusty street of Sweetwater’s main strip and bringing up a live feed of the bustling little town.
"Dabi is riding through here in less than two hours," he continues. "Dial-up his aggression a little. Make him shoot up the place. If you want to pull the hosts, at least let them go out with a bang.”
Momo isn’t convinced. But it’s the closest thing to a happy medium she can picture at the moment. Katsuki, as prolific as ever, knows how to think on his feet.
“How many d’you think he’ll take out?” She probes quietly, quirking an interested brow.
“Enough to keep the guests AND your Doctor Frankensteins entertained while I find us some more loopholes.”
Her mind races through more questions. But the panic, fluttering high and shallow in her chest, has somehow been replaced by a delicate sort of reassurance.
She flips open the datapad one more time, activating the remote host commands available only to an employee of her standing. Finding Dabi’s program file, she does exactly as Katsuki suggests and dials up the aggression in his behaviour stats by eighty percent.
“This had better work,” she threatens softly, but Katsuki’s already folding his arms across his chest, looking far too satisfied with himself. His ego is insufferable, but his talent is unmatched. Worth suffering for.
His mouth splits into a triumphant grin as he shoots an idle glance at the live Sweetwater feed. The only stage he’s ever needed.
“’Course it will.”
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The afternoon sun has nearly dipped behind the tallest rooftops in Sweetwater when your friends stumble out of the saloon. Your friends are already tipsy, giggling and clutching each other as they try not to trip over the hems of their skirts. They’re all a little too eager to pull out the extravagant lace fans that pair perfectly with their colourful dresses and fan at their heaving bosoms.
As you bound down the steps and into the dirt road, you dive seamlessly into the milling crowd of hosts and guests, starting to swim. If you’re about to be caught in the eye of a devastatingly orchestrated narrative maelstrom, you’re blissfully unaware.
“Give me the time,” Katsuki grunts from the Sweetwater side of the holo-table. Momo glances up at the digital clock on the wall.
“Thirteen fifty-eight, forty-two,” she notes. Katsuki’s got the camera feed trained on a lone trio of riders, clad in black and plodding steadily toward Sweetwater. He watches carefully, keeping an eye turned on the clock.
“They’re going to be late,” he grunts bitterly, folding his arms over his chest. Sero, Denki and Kirishima, who have all crowded around the holo-table on their lunch breaks to watch the show, snort in near-unison.
“I don’t think anyone down there’s keeping track,” Denki quips, smoothing his palms down the front of his crisp shirt, apronless for once. Katsuki shoots him a vicious glare.
“You wanna go back to your sewing room or what?”
Denki goes quiet.
Inside the park, the sun passes behind a cloud. The light shifts just enough to draw your gaze, and when you look up, you’re among the first to spot a few dark shapes approaching. They’re close enough that you can make them out as riders, all on horses as black as the wide-brimmed hats on their heads.
There’s something about them, their precise formation and the slow, plodding, deliberate pace of their horses that holds your attention. You can’t quite write them off as guests, no matter how much they stand out from the dully-dressed villagers around you.
You glance across the street just long enough to spot a WANTED poster tacked to a column not far off. You can’t make out any of the writing on it, but the face is distinct- dark, shaded patches covering his jaw, chin and lower lip, carving out two shadowy patches under his eyes.
There’s something about the narrow shape of his cheeks that pulls familiar.
But you don’t have to wonder much longer.
The three riders ride quietly into town, the crowd parting around them with little more than low murmurs and dull, lidded fear. They pull to a stop in front of the saloon, barely twenty feet from you.
The cowboy in the grey tweed coat who caught your eye fresh off the train approaches the riders. He’s got a revolver holstered on one hip, and he draws it slowly out of its pouch as he squares up with the horse at the lead of the pack.
“Haven’t you seen the signs with your mug on ‘em?” He drawls, his face drawn into an expression of tense righteousness. He jerks his chin toward the nearest one, the WANTED sign you’d seen seconds earlier. “You’re not welcome here, Dabi.”
The taller rider in the centre- Dabi- tilts his chin into the sunlight, and that’s when you catch sight of its purplish colour. His face glints with silver, a perfect match for the drawing posted across the street.
He does not hesitate, drawing his own revolver in one smooth motion and shooting the cowboy in the chest. The gun discharges with a crack that’s louder than you ever imagined it could be, punctuated by the screams of bystanders nearby.
As the village descends into panic you stand there dumbstruck, watching the chaos unfold.
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“Wait for it,” Katsuki grunts, hiding his satisfied grin as his colleagues watch in rapt fascination. Sero hasn’t blinked since the action began.
“You sure?” Dabi rasps, voice muffled by the feed. He produces a shiny golden badge and flipping it, like a silver dollar, onto the expiring corpse of the righteous host.
“No,” Denki whines. “He killed the sheriff?”
“Shut up and keep watching,” Katsuki growls, quelling the proud adrenaline pumping through his veins. There’s nothing quite like seeing his hard work come to life- supremely worth fighting with Momo over.
Dabi smirks, tipping the brim of his hat.
“Seems like invitation enough to me.”
He swings capably off his horse and you can’t deny your fascination with the mystery surrounding him. You should be terrified, but there’s something about the cool confidence with which he carries himself that you can’t quite put aside.
If the women flocking to the windows on either side of the street are any indication, you’re not the only one who feels that way. In a brief moment of lucidity, you take a glance around you. Your bridesmaids have disappeared, disappearing in the panicked mass of flooding crowds after the scarred rider fired his first shot.
He’s followed by a second rider on his right flank, both quickly disappearing into the bar. The third rider- a petite blonde woman swathed in a heavy coat- gets down off her horse and turns quickly toward her saddlebags. When she comes around the front side of her steed, she’s got a shotgun in her hands.
She’s loading it. The pandemonium amplifies. At her feet, there’s a long, thick coil of rope that’s partially unwound and trailing into the saloon. It’s unwinding slowly, with dull screams and shattering glass echoing from inside.
That’s all you have time to notice before another shot goes off in front of you. The little blonde girl’s levelled her shotgun, emptying her rounds at anyone who raises a weapon against her. You’re barely standing ten feet away. But she passes you clean over.
Is it because you're a guest? The only ones who have fallen at her hand are the hosts, capable of being hurt by her gunshots. The guests who haven't taken off are clustered in the windows of shops or hiding behind broad wooden columns, but there is no fear painted on their faces.
You know the hosts can’t hurt you. But there’s something about the thrill of it all that sends adrenaline pumping through your veins anyway. There’s a cool mystery to all of the black-clad riders.
A part of you wants to join them. If you can be anyone you want in here… why not one of them? Why not swing cooly down from your horse and terrorize, when there are no consequences to your actions?
You take one step backwards, then another. Your senses are finally coming back to you. You should run. Disengage. Maybe you can’t be caught in the crossfire, but you can’t stand dumbly in the empty street, either.
Something has to change.
Before you can make it to the safety of a storefront, a pattern of three gunshots in tight succession from inside the saloon triggers something in the blonde, still picking off hosts. There are bodies littering the street.  
She lowers her shotgun and hops back onto her horse, spurring it on with a sharp whistle. The beast takes off without hesitation, and it’s then that you realize the other end of the coiled rope is wound around her saddlehorn. As the horse strains its haunches and pushes forward the rope goes taut. And as the pair of them take off down the street, the spoils emerge: a heavy wrought iron safe, bursting out of the saloon doors and leaving nothing but splintered remains in its wake.
It bounces and rolls down the steps and slides smoothly as soon as it hits the dirt street. The blonde shooter and her horse disappear, safe in tow.
You wonder what became of the bartender inside and his friendly moustache.
Dabi emerges seconds later, a fresh rifle clutched lazily in one hand. His companion’s lost his hat in the turmoil inside- he’s blonde, too, with a deep scar splitting his forehead from hairline to brow.
"Let today be a lesson for every one of you," Dabi calls, re-cocking his shotgun as he surveys the fresh bodies and fleeing guests. You've stopped dead all over again, drawn to him like a magnet despite your best judgement.
He levels the shotgun, aiming it about five feet to your right. You follow his gaze. In the window over your shoulder, with her hands pressed to the glass, is a little girl no older than five. She’s watching Dabi and his riders with fearful fascination and does not seem to realize that she’s been targeted.
You don’t care if she’s a guest or not. She’s a human girl with big, lively eyes, and your adrenal glands work faster than your sense of logic.
Dabi shuts one eye, tilting his head. The corner of one lip curls ever so slightly as he concentrates, taking aim. “And that lesson is-“
“Stop.” You step in front of the window, spreading your arms and drawing his attention for the first time. When he looks at you over the top of his shotgun, his expression goes slack. He drops the shotgun and his eyes are wide, wider than they’re supposed to be, almost.
You’re close enough to see that they’re a shocking shade of blue. That blue strikes an achingly familiar chord in your heart.
You recognize those eyes.
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“What the fuck!”
If the holo-table didn’t weigh half a ton, Katsuki would’ve flipped it on its end. The feed is as smooth as ever, but his face has gone scarlet as he paces away from the table, scrubbing his hands over his face.
“What? What’s wrong?” Kirishima’s well past the end of his lunch break by now, but there’s no way in hell he’s going back to work before seeing the way this plays out.
“He stopped,” Katsuki growls. “He’s not s’posed to fucking stop.”
Dabi’s been stopped on the brink of a speech that took Katsuki days to put together. He’s been waiting to hear it delivered for weeks. It’s the speech that Dabi’s entire narrative was hinged on, forged out of countless sleepless nights and careless notes scribbled idly on coffee breaks.
“Holy shit.” There’s a genuine shock in Denki’s voice that’s enough to make Katsuki turn around. Denki’s gone white, Sero beside him, too.
“You’d better get over here and see this, dude,” Kirishima mutters, jerking his chin toward the feed. Momo’s watching over his shoulder, too, one hand pressed to her pursed lips.
“That’s a guest, isn’t it?” Sero quips. Silence settles over the room.
“I’ll get Shouto,” Momo declares, turning away and opening up her datapad.
“What’s going on?” Shouto bursts into the holo-room not two minutes later, mismatched eyes lit up with urgent concern. “Did I read your message right? I-“
Katsuki’s pacing the room, quieter than ever. Denki, Sero and Kirishima are still gathered around the feed, winding back the stream to replay the events that have sent them all spiralling. Momo’s the only one who even acknowledges his presence.
“Something’s happening in the park,” she explains, hushed and tight as she meets him at the door. “Another updated host is off-script.”
“How bad is it this time?” Shouto asks, hiding the dread that’s spreading in his gut. He had hoped that the girl from the saloon was just an unexpected glitch, but the results from Behaviour told another story.
Still, two deviances in just the first day of the update feels worse than he dreaded.
“You’d better take a look for yourself.”
Momo leads him to the holo-table and the feed, letting the other boys step aside. Shouto steps up to the projection, watching Dabi ride into town. Watching him break into the saloon with Twice and Toga, two other repurposed hosts, by his side.
He watches Toga ride off with the safe behind her and watches Dabi start his speech. And then, from a near-birds-eye view, he watches Dabi spot you of all people. Dabi lowers his rifle and strides toward you.
Shou’s heart leaps into his throat.
With dull horror he watches Dabi slip a leather-gloved hand under your chin. He watches you tilt your jaw into his touch. You’re fascinated by him. Even though the dust and pixels it's painfully obvious.
Dabi seems to notice, too, since he stoops low and hoists you over his shoulder without another word. You struggle, but he holds you fast. He strides across the road to his horse and sets you- still squirming and fighting- in the saddle, climbing on behind you and grabbing you tightly before you can escape.
Just before he spurs his gargantuan black steed forward, he pauses to glance over his shoulder. Shouto can’t be certain, but for a moment it seems like Dabi’s found the camera, staring plainly up at Shouto through its low-quality lens.
A breath passes. He looks away, gives a whistle, and disappears into the wilds beyond the town.
“That wasn’t supposed to happen,” Kirishima presses. “Katsuki, you didn’t program him to kidnap a guest, did you?”
“Of course not,” Katsuki snarls from across the room, his nerves fraying dangerously. “What kind of idiot do you think I am? Do I look like a walking liability to you?”
“Look, it’s fine,” Denki chimes in. “It’s not like he can hurt her or anything. Just chalk it up to the park experience. Tell her Dabi kidnaps random nobodies all the time.”
The room goes quiet as a crypt. Kirishima looks at Shouto. Shouto looks at Katsuki. Katsuki looks at Momo, and Momo takes a slow, deep breath.
“Do you want to tell him, Shouto?” she asks, “or should I?”
Shouto closes his eyes and tries to quell the panic rising in the back of his throat. He shoots Denki a cold look, jaw ticked but eyes blazing.
“That’s my fiancé,” he mutters, low and shaky. “Dabi kidnapped my fiancé.”
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thunderthighs77 · 3 years
Tendou and Semi Cuckold Part 1
CW/TW for Pt. 1: Fem Reader x Tendou + Semi, voyeurism, exhibitionism, mentions of weed, cursing, vaginal play, smoking weed.
Y/N comes home from college to her bf’s house. He’s rooming with Semi, who’s always had eyes for Y/N. That doesn’t bother Tendou. In fact, it excites him...
(Basically, Tendou is lead dom here)
CW/TW for BOTH PARTS: Fem Reader x Tendou + Semi, spit roast (tag team), double penetration, voyeurism, exhibitionism, vaginal/anal play, shotgunning, (smoke), oral sex (giving), mentions of weed, cursing, pussy rubbing?, whining, creampie, praise/degradation kink.
You were so fed up with midterms. 5 exams this week. 5 e x a m s. You just wanted to go home and get away from this fucking campus. You left your class and checked back into your dorm to empty out your book bag of notebooks onto the floor.
You pack a few clothes and your wallet. Your roommate had left for the weekend to her girlfriend’s house and so, you locked the door and left. You took the 11 up west to where you lived and walked home with your headphones on. 
You stopped in front of a mini market and figured your parents hadn’t cooked dinner since they worked nights. It was already evening time, so you decided “what the hell.” You walked in and walked out with some instant ramen, a bag of jerky, and a Reeses, Tendou’s favorite candy. 
Speak of the devil, your phone buzzed. It was Tendou asking if your midterms went well.
“They were fine. Thanks for asking, babe. I’m home rn” You typed as you bit a chunk out of the piece of meat. 
“Ooo. Want me to pick you up tonight?”, he texted. 
You were really close to home. The market was just down the street. As you made it to your front gate, you saw a note at the front that said, “Gone for the weekend. Say hi to Tendou from us if you decide to stay over.” 
“Say less!” You shout happily. 
“No, I’m heading over rn,” you type quickly. Tendou was also nearby your house. You walked down the quiet neighborhood as you ate your jerky and listened to your vaporwave. It was rarely a nice day in March; a good 68 degrees. Odd in the early spring where you lived, but a nice change from the dreadful winter you had suffered during the fall semester. 
You knocked at the front door and was greeted by a tall blonde face you recognized from your boyfriend’s high school volleyball team. He has on some black sweats and a white tank. He opened the door while his head was turned to the side, completely focused on the volleyball game on t.v. “Hey, Y/N,” he said as he just turned his head for a second before it swung back the side to focus on the t.v. He stepped aside as you walked past him. 
You walked in to the faint smell of weed, smoked probably a few hours ago. You set the grocery back down and hung your jacket at the front. The house was dark. It was 6:43 pm to be fair, the sun had almost fully disappeared. The tv’s glare and Tendou’s computer screen were the only source of light at the moment. 
You walked to where Tendou was sitting. Shirtless and in some grey sweats, he was shouting in his headset. “Come on, you motherfucker! He’s right there!”, he shouted as he pointed to the computer screen at his game. He felt your warm hug around him and he looked back and leaned into your kiss. 
“Hey baby,” he said. He turned back and yelled to the set again, “Come on, you dick! Oh my fucking-” 
You chuckled and backed away to let him continue playing. Semi was on the couch and glued to the game on the tv. His knees were spread and you climbed over to sit down on the other side of the couch. Your passing did not faze him at all. He kept his focus on the game. “Yes!”, Semi shouted as the whistle blew on the tv. It was some random college game. You sighed and scrolled through your phone. 
The coffee table in front of the tv was messy. An ashtray of burnt out cigarettes and blunts, leaves of weed sprinkled throughout, and empty beer and redbull cans. Keys, wallets, a few bills here and there, and a charging PS4 controller. 
You shut off your phone and asked. “Can we order some takeout?” You figure the 2 packets of ramen weren’t enough to feed all three of you, and you knew Tendou nor Semi couldn't cook, or even have food in the fridge, except for drinks and the occasional condiment or two. 
Tendou sighed in relief at the screen as “YOU WON” appeared in green and he took his headset. “Sure, babe,” he said as he held the power button to shut off the computer. “Semi, do you mind takeout?”, Tendou asked. Semi shook his head no. You walk over to the kitchen and try to find a menu. “That place over on 5th is really good,” you shout back to them. 
You get no response as you burrow through Tendou’s messy kitchen drawers. You can’t find any takeout menu as you look through them. “Babe?”, you call out. “What?”, Tendou calls out from the living room. “Where are the take out menus? They’re not in the kitchen.” 
“Check the bedroom, hun,” Tendou said. You swish your lips as your stomach growls. That jerky wasn't enough to hold you. You hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast. Exams ran through your lunch period so you were starved the whole day. You look through Tendou’s room and into his closet to find a pile of menus. “What the hell are these doing here?”, you ask yourself. 
You get a pile of your favorite restaurants’ takeout menus and flip through them, trying to find your favorite one. Suddenly, you felt a finger slide right between your folds and you yelp. Tendou wrapped his elbow right on top of your breasts and held you in a choke hold. He continued to slide his finger in between your folds on the outskirts of your tights, and then two fingers. 
You bite your lips and roll your eyes back. Tendou chuckles and sinks his kisses right under your ear. You close your thighs, tightening his fingers and making him rub your clit more. You bend your knees and grind against his groin, him following the motion and grinding back with you.
It has been 3 months without sex since winter break. No orgasm whatsoever. You couldn’t even touch yourself in the dorms. Senior year was brutal with classes and internships. You were just exhausted and starved. Tendou let go of his chokehold and cupped one of your breasts. “Jesusss,” he hissed and he kissed your cheeks and squeezed it. 
“Tendou,” you let out in a breathy moan. “We gotta...eat…” You could barely form a sentence. “I missed you so much, baby,” Tendou says in your ear. His fingers are going ham in between your folds. He stops and pulls you by your arm and pins them behind your back with one hand while he bends you over the dresser. Your tights were thin, and therefore, made your pussy easy access. 
Tendou took his index, middle, and ring fingers and rubbed your pussy from the back. You let out a few tiny moans and close your eyes at the feeling. You quiver and throw your head back. 
“Where is my charger?” Semi asked himself as he looked around the outlets in the living room. “Ah shit!” He realized it’s in Tendou’s bedroom since he needed it last night. Semi walked over only to stop at the door. It was slightly cracked open and he heard moans. He figured you and Tendou needed some alone time. 
Semi turned away and wanted to wait until you two were finished. “Ahhh fuuuck!”, you shouted in such a pretty whine. Semi paused in his steps. He looked to the side and sighed. “Just a peek,” he told himself. He turned back and looked into the door. The tent in his pants was pitched just from your moan. 
Lord, were you a sight. He knew you were his best friend’s girl...but damn...you can’t blame him. You were just his type, and you were always over during winter break. He could hear your moans all the time. And he didn’t mind. You were fun to listen to. He always jerked off to your moans at night. And whenever he had sex with his one night stands, your vision was what he saw sometimes. It haunted him. He felt so guilty being Tendou’s friend knowing he had such thoughts. 
“HAHAHAHA!” Tendou let out a belly laugh as he threw his head back when Semi opened up to his best friend about his guilty conscience. Tendou took an inhale of his blunt and blew it out with another slight chuckle and a sigh. “Why are you laughing? I’m serious, man. I feel awful. And I’m so sorry,” Semi said sentimentally. Tendou shook his head and smiled. 
“You don’t get it, do you?” Tendou asked. Semi made a confused face. Tendou smiled and scratched his forehead with his blunt still in his hand. “You see….” he began as he leaned in. “I like to...how do I say this…” he paused as he began to think his words carefully.
“I know my girl is hot, Semi. I know guys look at her all the time. I don’t worry, though. In fact, it’s kind of hot to think everyone wants her, but only I get to have her.” Tendou wasn’t wrong. Every event you came to for their high school, like a volleyball meet or an elegant sports dinner, a lot of guys were over you. Not to mention, Tendou always asked for you to wear tight cocktail dresses or ones that showed off your tits or ass a little. He got off on guys eyeing you as you walked in. 
He watched from a distance as guys would ask you, “Can I buy you a drink?” “Can I hold your coat?” “Can I get your number?” Nothing dangerous or unwelcomed, of course. Both you and Tendou liked the attention. And Tendou was always there to make sure everything went well, as he swooped you in last minute and gave you a deep kiss in front of all the guys, making them sigh in despair as they knew you were taken.
Tendou smiled as he watched Semi’s mouth gaped in confusion. “I still don’t get it. You’re not mad at me?” Tendou shook his head as he inhaled his blunt. Semi began to stutter; “But...but...but I imagine Y/n-”
“Don’t you get it?”, Tendou said as he cut him off and leaned in. “It turns me on, Semi. I get hard thinking someone likes Y/n.” Smoke escaped Tendou’s nostrils as he smirked. Semi backed away, almost disgusted.
 “How?”, he asked, horrified. Tendou leaned back into his chair and shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s just hot. I know she’ll always be mine. But, I always had a fetish of her fucking someone in front of me. Or at least a threesome, you know? What’s that shit called?” 
“Cuckolding?”, Semi asked. “That’s it!”, Tendou shouted joyfully at Semi recalling the word he forgot. 
Semi shook his head at the past conversation he had with Tendou. He was leaking pre cum from his pants as he watched you quiver at Tendou’s hands. “Se-Semiiii!“, you let out whined. “Ah fuck,” Semi whispers as he grabs his hardened crotch. 
“What’s that, baby?”, Tendou asked as he leaned in your ear. “Se-Semi might hear,” you whine as you furrow your eyebrows and close your eyes at Tendou’s pace. Tendou smirks and looks up in the mirror and at the doorway. He sees a figure moving in the lit hallway. He forms a cheshire grin. 
Semi freezes in fear, but then realizes Tendou is probably loving this. Tendou smiles in the mirror while glaring at Semi and rubs your pussy faster. You quiver and release yourself from Tendou’s grasp and grip the sides of the dresser. Your head is pressed down by Tendou’s hand and you tremble from your orgasm creeping on you. 
You beg and ask for permission. “Oh god! Pleaseeee! Please, sir! Please!” Semi is pulling on his crotch outside the door, thanking Tendou telepathically for leaving a slight crack in the door to peek at this show. Semi was full on hard, and he whipped his cock out and stroked it as he watched you melt in Tendou’s hands.
Tendou suddenly pulled away at your dismay. “Fuck!”, you yell out. “No,” Tendou said sternly as he smiled. Semi realized Tendou had just edged the both of you. Tendou’s fingers were pruned, and a bit sticky from your wet pussy. Your juices had leaked through your thin panties and tights, and onto his fingers. He stuck his fingers in his mouth and caught a whiff of your heat he had just violated. 
You slide down to the floor and breathe heavily. Your clit was pulsating, beating rapidly, like a heartbeat. Your hair was a mess and your face was flushed red. Tendou knelt down to your height and kissed you. “Nice to have you home, baby.” You smile and let out sighs before you see a shadow move in the hallway. You gasp as Semi suddenly disappears. Tendou looks back and smiles. He stands back over you and lends a hand to help you stand up. 
“The menu was on top of the fridge, baby. “ You smiled gently as you exited the bedroom first and entered the hallway into the living room. Semi was on the couch with a pillow on his lap and scrolling mindlessly through his phone. Tendou was on the phone while you sat down next to Semi. You looked over at his flushed face. How cute. 
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falcqns · 3 years
partner in crime lll
pairing: dad!august walker x daughter!ofc
summary: Maeve joins August at work, and he find out a little more about his daughter, which in turn reveals her mothers fate.
warnings: Angst!!! graphic depictions of death, violence towards and infant mentioned but no detail, mentions of sexual assault. 18+ ONLY.
a/n: if I missed anything in the warnings, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! I hope you enjoy!
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August was awoken a few hours later by his daughter screaming like someone was hurting her.
August shot up, and immediately sprung into action, looking around the room for the source of his daughter's distress, but found nothing. The only thing he saw was the little baby in her crib, wailing. Her chubby little hand was reaching out towards August, and she was screaming ‘mama.’
August took a deep breath, and scooped her up. He held her against his chest, and rocked her back and forth like he had seen Sloane do once with a little boy they had found at a crime scene.
“What happened?” He asked in the softest voice he could muster, but she only cried harder. Her hands became fists in his sleep shirt, and her tears soaked the cotton material as well. He rubbed her back, and offered her her pacifier. She took it, and her cries quieted, but didn’t cease. He tried to lay her back down, but decided against it, when she screamed again.
He sighed, and laid down with her in the bed. She settled on his chest, and he found himself enamoured by the pools of blue that were her eyes. He was able to see little specks of brown floating near her pupil. She lifted a hand, and placed it on his mouth, her middle two fingers burying themselves into his mustache hairs. August was unsure what to do, so he tried something. He kissed her hand.
Maeve smiled so big that her pacifier fell from her lips, and then she lifted her head.
“Mama?” She asked tentatively, and August paled. How do you tell a 7 month old that they can't have their Mama because she’s dead? August opened and closed his mouth like a fish, unsure what to say.
He saw her bottom lip wobble, and tears well up in her eyes. August noticed a flash of recognition behind her eyes, and she began to wail again, screaming as if she had a gun pointed to her.
Actually, as he thought about it, he realized that's the exact reaction that little boy had, the one that Sloane had held, when he had a gun pointed to his head by his parents' attacker. His heart dropped into his stomach, and made a mental note to check how exactly Maeve’s mother had died.
He pulled Maeve close to his body, and ran his hand up and down her back, occasionally traveling up to play with her soft curls.
Not long after, she settled down, and fell back asleep. August however didn’t.
Sure, it could have been a coincidence that she had the same reaction, but August didn't think it was. He grabbed his phone from where it laid atop the charger, and googled ‘PTSD symptoms in babies’.
Hypervigilance, separation anxiety, clinginess, emotional trauma when reminded of original trauma, fear or avoidance of places that remind them of event, troubles sleeping, nightmares and repetitive play were a few of the symptoms. Maeve didn’t have all of them, but he could only assume she had a nightmare, and the flash of recognition must be her remembering what happened. Was her mother killed in front of her?
The thought made August sick to his stomach, and decided to put his phone away, in favour of keeping the sleeping baby in his arms, 1) asleep, and 2), safe.
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August's eyes opened, and instead of dead silence, he was greeted by his daughter babbling, and his phone ringing.
He glanced at his daughter, who was playing with one of his hands, and used his free hand to grab his phone. He saw it was Sloane calling, and swore mentally when he saw that it was 9 am, meaning he was over two hours late for work.
He answered the phone, and Sloane immediately asked where he was, and why he was late.
“I apologize. I got Maeve yesterday and she had a rough night. I overslept, but i’ll be there in less than an hour.” He assured her, and hung up.
He watched as Maeve weaved her fingers with his, and held his hand. He smiled slightly, and curled his fingers in the same way, grasping her tiny hand in his. She squealed in happiness, and August could have cried at the sweet sound.
He pushed the thought away, and pressed a kiss to her curly head before removing his hand from her grasp, and stood up.
“I have to go to work, and you’ll have to come with me. We’ll stop at the store on the way there, and get you a new outfit for you to wear. You need some new clothes.” August said, as he grabbed a diaper from the box that he had delivered yesterday. He changed her diaper, and pulled her pyjama pants back up before scooping her and her stuffy up, and placing her in the crib.
Or, tried to at least. The second he tried to set her in there, she screamed again, like she had last night.
He knew, in that moment, that whatever caused her mother to die, happened right in front of her.
He felt anger boiling up in his body, but not at Maeve. Never at Maeve. He felt a surge of love and protection over her, and he knew his first task of being her dad was to find out what happened to her mom and figure out how to help his little girl.
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August had made it out of the apartment, to Walmart, and to his office, all under an hour. He had no idea how, but he had managed it. He swore he saw a smile on Sloane’s face when he walked past her office with Maeve on his hip, but couldn't be sure.
He entered his office, and had no idea where to put her. He had weapons hid all over, and didn't want her getting hurt. He couldn't put her in a crib or a playpen, she obviously had a trauma response to that. His only options were his lap, where he knew she wouldn't stay put, and underneath the desk, which seemed like the best option until he could figure something out.
He placed her under his desk, and handed her the toys he brought with him. She gurgled as she was handed her stuffy. August smiled, and got to work.
He pulled Maeve’s file out of his briefcase, and consulted it for her mothers name.
Adriana Amiens.
He barely remembered her. He glanced down at Maeve, and felt regret course through his veins as he realized if he hadn’t been so down on himself and selfish after the mission, he could have experienced everything, and could have stopped what happened to Adriana.
He went onto the CIA database, and typed in her name. Only one result came up, and he clicked on it.
August could have vomited at what appeared.
There were several pictures of the crime scene, and the actual crime. Adriana had been tied up, and the initials MA had been carved into her stomach, just above a small scar where her uterus was located. His eyebrows furrowed, and glanced at her file. His eyes found the word cesarean section, and all his questions were answered about that.
He moved the mouse over the picture, and a link popped up, attached to the scar. A link attached to the picture wasn't unusual, the database automatically linked relevant information to the pictures, so he clicked on it.
A wiki page popped up. There wasn't a lot of information, but he did note the last name. Amiens, first name Charles.
August read further. This man, named Charles Amiens, nicknamed Master, was apparently Adriana’s father. He belonged to a gang aptly named ‘The Amiens Family’. August had heard of them before. They specialized in arms dealing and murder for hire. Charles himself seemed to be responsible for over 1500 deaths in the Los Angeles area over the last 50 years, something that scared August.
August scrolled further, and found that Adriana was listed as his daughter, although there was the word ‘emancipated’ in parenthesis. August took note of the reason for emancipation being listed as ‘family differences’. August guessed that meant that Adriana wanted no part in the family business. Anais had mentioned in the original phone call that she and her family were very different, and to be wary of him, but he had no idea why, until he received the file later that day.
August clicked through the rest of the photos, his stomach churning as he looked at what the murderers had done to the poor girls body. She had bruises all over her body. She had two black eyes, a broken nose, and there was evidence of sexual assault and severe trauma to her privates.
However, the last photo is what made August throw up.
The murderers had placed Maeve, who didn't look any younger than she did now, in a crib. More specifically, they restrained her to it. There were chains attached to her wrists, bringing them straight out from her body, and attached to the crib.
The next few photos were screenshots from the security footage, and he had to shut off his computer immediately.
They had indeed pointed a gun in his daughters face.
He wanted to throw up, but also murder someone just for hurting his child like that. He felt a tear slip down his cheek, and immediately reached down for the little girl under the desk. He lifted her onto his desk, and took a good look at her arms.
He noticed that she had faint scars around her wrists, that he knew was from restraints. He stood up and took her to the bathroom. He stripped her from her outfit, except her diaper. He checked her entire body, and was thankful when he saw no other evidence of any harm on his daughters smooth skin.
He hugged her to his chest, and pressed a kiss into her hair. “I’m never going to let anyone hurt you. I promise.” She yawned in response, and August knew she was getting tired. He carried her back to his office, and by the time he had settled in his chair, she was asleep on his chest. He held her there, protecting her. He knew she wouldn’t sleep well unless she was in his arms, safe.
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By the time August made it home that night, Maeve was miserable. She was exhausted, hungry, and in desperate need of a bath. He had no idea what to do with the crib situation, as it was very clear she wouldn't be able to sleep in there, and August wasn't going to force her.
He’d done some research on his lunch break, and found an alternative to the bed situation, but it wouldn’t arrive for another few days, so it looked like he’d be bed sharing until then. He wanted to get the crib out of his room, but that would entail either waiting until Maeve was asleep, or risk her seeing it and being thrown into a PTSD induced meltdown. She hadn't been diagnosed, but he recognized the symptoms. Not all missions went to plan.
Besides, he planned on getting her into a child psychiatrist as soon as possible to get her diagnosed and help her heal. He didn't want her childhood affected by this, and it was highly unlikely he’d ever tell her what truly happened to her mother.
He placed the diaper bag, his briefcase, and their dinner down on the counter before rocking her back and forth in his arms to soothe her to sleep. It didn't help that she kept crying out for her mama, the one thing August couldn't provide.
“I promise you, my sweet angel, that i will find out what happened to your mama and make sure that you never have to feel the pain you're feeling right now EVER again.” August said, tears flowing freely as his daughter wailed for her dead mother. Her dead mother that was killed in front of her.
A few minutes later, Maeve’s cries melted into whimpers, which bled into soft breaths escaping her lips. August smiled at her, and laid her down on the bed as he had done yesterday, before taking the crib out of the bedroom. He decided to hide it in the laundry room until he could sell it, because she wasn’t allowed in there.
He had managed to wheel it out into the kitchen area, and he took pictures of it. He posted them on facebook, with a price tag of $50. It was originally $270, but he wanted it gone as soon as possible. Maeve had been through enough already.
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He’d gotten an offer from a lady less than an hour later, offering $100 for it, so he took that opportunity. An hour after that, the crib was gone, he was $100 richer, and Maeve was still sound asleep.
Next, he put an offer in for an apartment, and got it. He was just signing the contract as he heard Maeve waking up. He quickly finished signing his name and sending it in before going to find his baby girl.
She smiled and clapped as August walked into the room, and he gave her a smile back. “Good nap?” he asked, and she nodded and giggled. August gave her some Cheerios after she was placed in the highchair.
He warmed up the food, before giving her her plate, which she ate enthusiastically. He ate his food, and listened to Maeve babble and point to the front door. He looked out the door and saw another father walking with his son. “You wanna go for a walk?” He asked, and Maeve nodded.
August chuckled, and cleaned up. He wiped her down, and minutes later she was in the stroller and they were on their way out the door.
They made a few laps around the block, Maeve laughing and pointing at everything she saw, almost as if she was rarely outside. He made a mental note to check her file once more. Maybe there was something more to that.
They made one more lap around the block, and headed back to the apartment. He made a short pitstop at the leasing office to give his move out notice, and Maeve was asleep again by the time he made it back up to his unit.
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Over the next week, August and Maeve prepared to move. August finally got Maeve on a relatively good schedule, and had the majority of her triggers figured out. Cribs, playpens, handcuffs (an unfortunate incident happened when she had gotten into his bedside drawer and found some fluffy handcuffs for some rather adult activites, and screamed bloody murder while August was prepping her bath. He also had to learn to hide his gun when he was in the office, and remind his coworkers to keep them out of sight when she was around because the sight of those also sent her into a melt down, further angering August, and making him more determined to find the people who did this to her.
Today was moving day, and August was nervous. He didn’t know how well Maeve would take the transition, but he reminded himself that she had been having a lot of abrupt transitions over the past few weeks, so whatever happened, he would deal with.
August woke her up, and carried her into the almost empty kitchen, where he sat her down into the highchair, and gave her her morning bottle and some oatmeal. August ate a protein bar, and looked around at his old apartment to see what still had to be taken to the moving truck that was still downstairs, and found it was only his mattress, and her highchair. sohosebHe had taken all of the furniture yesterday, including his bed frame.
Maeve finished up a few minutes later, and he strapped her into the baby carrier he got when he began to pack, as it was the only way he’d get any work done.
Once she was strapped in and her stuffy was secure in her hand, August rolled the highchair out of the apartment. Once it was secure in the moving truck, he went back to the apartment for the mattress. Maeve was having a fun time of smacking her hands on it while August looked around the apartment for the last time. He’d never thought he’d leave this place, but when he met Maeve, he knew his life was changing for the better.
He never thought that he’d make a good father, but here he was. He had a wonderful little girl, and even though he was raising her on his own, he knew he could do it. As long as she grew up better than he did, he knew he was doing something right.
“Take a look around, Maeve. This was yours and Dada’s first home together.” He said, a smile forming on his face as he called himself Dada for the first time.
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@kpopgirlbtssvt @nerdypinupcrystal @sohoseb @bieberhoodforever
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sassyduckqueen · 3 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 67
Firstly, I am sorry this took so long to do but it's finished now and hopefully it is a good read. Anyway, this was really fun and hard to write but I enjoyed it. I tried to make it quite light hearted compared to the others I've wrote recently and this officially marks the Lukanette part of the story. Like i know these two blueberries have been dancing around each other for a while but now they are finally on the same page on each other's feelings. However, Anatis won't be telling Lady Noir about it and vice versa. The reason is because they could work out each other's identities. Anatis thinks if he tells her, she realize he's is Luka from it as he wouldn't want to be with anyone else then Marinette and Lady Noir is still Marinette so she figures that if she tells him, he realize that both her and Marinette had the same thing happen to them at the same time and from that, he realize they are the same person. So I will be working on the Halloween Special for the Specials section and Crescendo next so I'm pretty excited about them XD
Also I changed Heureux Fin's powers a bit. He has a dust that turns people into fairytale characters that makes them not worry as a side effect. It can also change objects and places into fairytale scenery. Fairytale can shape-shift into fairytale creatures aka a fairy, a shadow and a wolf. It can also produce a dust in it's fairy form that turns Adrien's friends into the lost kids, making them think they were always lost kids while forgetting who they really are. Their canon hero names are inspiration for their lost kid names. For example, Kim is just monkey as a lost boy. Another reason why I decided to give it that power is because Neverland has that effected on the characters in the book.
Oh and for the fairytale characters that the characters became check the end notes :)
Chapter Sixty-Seven:  Heureux Fin
~Agreste Manor~
 "Thank you all for coming," Gabriel stated as he looked to his guests. Audrey and her husband were sat close to him on the right side of the tablet while Tomoe was sat next to him on the left. She was still gripping her cane. XY had come in place of his father and Amelie Graham de Vanily was sat opposite him. The only person who hadn't turned up was Alim Kubdel but this did not surprise him as Alim had walked away after the birth of his son. "As we all saw the temple of the miraculous has returned,"
 "Is that why you called us here, Gabriel?" Audrey asked, making him look at her as she glanced at her nails. "I already did my part for the order,"
 "Yes and your daughter was a wonderful contribution but now we must focus our efforts on the true goal of our organization," He stated, making almost all of them look at him. "Finding the mage's latest form,"
 "We have been looking for years," Tomoe replied. "We even hoped our own children would be him reborn and when it wasn't the case, we gave up or did you forget that?"
 "Of course, I remember that but I have reason to believe he must be here in Paris,"
 "Why on earth would the mage come here?" Amelie asked with disgust. "This rat hole is not worthy of his presence,"
 "Because of Hawkmoth," Gabriel stated, causing everyone to look at him. "Hawkmoth is currently misusing a miraculous and trying to steal more. It would make sense that this would draw the mage to Paris. In fact, I believe he might even be the one responsible for giving Anatis and Lady Noir their powers,"
 "So you're saying the mage has already been reborn?!" Amelie gasped, standing up. Gabriel nodded in reply. "Well, that simply won't do! How are we suppose to control him now?! He could be older then all of us,"
 "Relax, my dear. I have reason to be believe that he isn't that old," Gabriel replied, making her frown. "As for controlling him, there is plenty of ways to indoctrinate him into our way of thinking... as I'm sure Audrey will testify with her daughter,"
 "Yes, Zoe is doing wonderfully at her current school. By the time she is 18, she'll be a perfect fit to take over my position as both the Style Queen and Queen of the underworld," She smirked, looking at her nails. "Shame that Chloe is such a broken child though... however, I'm surprised none of you decided to put your child into the program,"
 "The Tsurugi family never let anyone dictate how they see the world," Tomoe declared, making Audrey frown deeply. "We are as elusive as the wind, as powerful as the flood, and as swift as lightning. We never let anyone rule our hearts or control us,"
 "Yet you're one of the most controlling parents here," Audrey pointed out, making Tomoe frown. "So much for not letting anyone control you,"
 "At least, my family understands honor," Tomoe retorted back. "Yours only understands money,"
 "You say that like it's a bad thing," Audrey laughed. "Money is power. We all know that,"
 Gabriel clapped his hands, getting everyone's attention.
 "As much as I would love to see this continue, let's focus on the subject at hand," Gabriel stated, making everyone look at him. It took a lot of mental strength for him not go to his secret garden and akumatize the room but having said that, they would make great akumas. He would even akumatize Amelie despite the fact that she was technically family. He cleared his mind of those thoughts as they began to talk about how to track down the mage's latest form and how they would take control of him. Of course, Gabriel had no intention of letting the others have him. No, he would take the mage for himself and akumatize him. He would be the perfect akuma to finally take down Anatis and Lady Noir. They wouldn't know what hit them.
~Feng's Hut~
 "Su Han used the wish?!" Luka gasped, pushing his fingers through his hair. "Why? Why did he do that? Why did he kill Toutai?"
 "Because he wanted the title," Feng replied, making Luka frown. "Su Han believed it was his destiny to become the Celestial guardian as soon as he found out about my existence but when Toutai was revealed to be my most recent incarnation, Su Han became jealous. That jealousy was left to fester and grew, turning into resentment as the years passed. It did not help that both were in love with the same woman,"
 "Mulan," Luka muttered, causing Feng to nod. 
 "When she chose Toutai, it added salt to an already infected wound and the resentment that Su Han had for Toutai turned into a cold, deep hatred," He stated, making Luka frown. "From that, things just got worst. Thanks to his hatred, Su Han fell victim to the dark spirit I mentioned. This dark spirit influenced him with promises of power and his 'rightful' destiny. He tried to get Su Han to murder Toutai but when he wouldn't, he suggested using the wish to claim what he called Su Han's destiny but as you know, the wish requires a price in return for what you wish. Su Han wished to be the celestial guardian and so Toutai lost the title but even with the title, it didn't change that Toutai was the rightful guardian. Su Han only wished to be have the title. He should have wished to have been born as my reincarnation but he did not. He thought just having the title was enough. He thought that he would become the best celestial guardian there was and that Mulan would rush to his side as his bride. Of course, she didn't rush to his side and stuck with Toutai. The two of them intended to leave and rebuild else where but the dark spirit whispered in Su Han's ear, making him believe they intended to usurp him. He made a special dagger and confronted them but he did not expect Toutai to challenge him for his betrayal. They got into a fight and as a result, Toutai was murdered and the dark spirit was freed,"
 "That's when he possessed Su Han," Luka stated, making Feng nod. "Tell me more about the dark spirit,"
 "His name is Simme. He was born of humanity's cruelty and feeds off negative emotions. Feelings such as anger, jealousy and resentment are what he is drawn t. He is also drawn to those who's hearts are darker then others. Just been around him will bring these negative emotions to the surface but it goes much far then that," Feng replied, making Luka frown. "Simme is what the kwamis call Móguǐ or Devil in your tongue. He inspired the stories of Lucifer, Satan and most devil figures in mythology and religion. He is a trickster and a deal maker but those deals never go the way people want them to. They only work in his favor,"
 "How did he get trapped?"
 "Another spirit fought him and trapped him in Jīngshén, an area in the spirit realm," He replied, making Luka nod before he frowned. "Luka?"
 "Wait... if he escaped from there and possessed Su Han at the temple..." Luka muttered as the color drained out of his face. "I restored the temple! That means he's back!!"
 "Yes and no," Feng replied, making Luka frown. "Simme is a spirit, meaning it is rather difficult for him to interact with the physical world so while he is technically back, he can only do so much right now, especially with the fact that his host is weak... but should there be an event that creates enough negative emotion or if he was able to find a dark soul and use it as a host, it could be enough to allow him to break through the spiritual barriers and manifest a form in the physical world,"
 "Great... wait what's a dark soul?" Luka asked, frowning.
 "It's a form of a pure soul but one that is born pure evil," Feng replied. "It is rare but what's even rarer is a light soul, which is one born pure good. You see most souls are a mix of good and bad. It's very rare for someone to be born pure evil or pure good,"
 "And I brought this thing back?!" Luka gasped, running his fingers through his hair. "I've made a huge mistake! I should have given up been Anatis and then-"
 "Simme would have returned regardless of your choice. Whoever defeated Feast and cast the miraculous cure would have brought him back," Feng replied, making Luka at him. "But regardless, this is what was meant to happen and your choice has been made. You are Anatis and Simme is free but that doesn't mean you are helpless against him. As my reincarnation, you can use a spell to trap him back in Jīngshén,"
 "Wait... I can?" Luka asked, making Feng nod. "How? I don't know magic... or at least not that type. Obviously, I know how to project my emotions... but casting spells... isn't that evil?"
 "No, a spell is neither good nor bad. It is the intention of the caster that makes it either," Feng replied, making Luka nod. "As for learning, I can teach you. Of course, you won't be able to cast that spell yet. It is a very powerful spell and you must first learn to channel magic, which is why we have the tests,"
 "Tests?" Luka asked, confused.
 "Yes, tests," Feng replied, making Luka raise an eyebrow. "These tests are required to prove you are worthy of magic as well as the title of Celestial guardian,"
 "Whoa, whoa... Celestial guardian?!" Luka gasped, making Feng chuckle. "I'm not celestial guardian material! I'm barely guardian material, Feng!"
 "Becoming a celestial guardian is your destiny, Luka," He explained, making Luka frown. "Think of it as you are my heir and I beg to differ. You have already ticked a number of the boxes to becoming a celestial guardian and passed one of the tests,"
 "I... have?" Luka asked, surprised.
 "Yes," Feng nodded. "You lead a team of heroes, you have the trust of a civilization, you restored hope, the kwamis you have met love and respect you and you are willing to fight for the right. As for the test, you passed the test of determination... my test... when you continued to fight, despite having a chance to walk away. Whether you see it or not, you're on the path of becoming the next celestial guardian,"
 "What do you mean your test?"
 "Each test comes from our different lives," Feng replied, making Luka frown a little. "Me and Khnurn came up with them after he showed determination in saving Egypt despite having a strong dislike towards most humans,"
 "...Why does he hate people?" Luka asked, making Feng sigh.
 "It is not really my place to save but let's just say for now that Khnurn has seen how cruel humans can be," Feng replied, causing Luka to frown. "He'll tell you in his own time but for now, let me explain more about the tests,"
 "Ok," Luka nodded. "Why is your test determination?"
 "It is what I represent," Feng replied, making Luka give him a confused look. "Hmm... how to explain this? Well, I guess you could say we're the closest thing to a spirit a human can be,"
 "Wait... that does mean we're not human?!" Luka gasped, concerned. Feng chuckled a little and shook his head.
 "No, we're still human... we're just part spirit too," He replied, making Luka frown. "Well, you know Kwamis are born from concepts and Renlings are born from values. Well, spirits are born from traits,"
 "Traits?" Luka echoed, making Feng nod. "I'm not sure I fully understand,"
 "Ok," Feng replied, making a thinking face. "Well, a good example is Simme and his opposite,"
 "His opposite?"
 "All things have an opposite, Luka. Where there is light, there is always shadow and where there is evil, there is also good. The world is of balance and Simme is no different," Feng replied, making Luka blink as he stopped talking and took a drag from a pipe. He rose an eyebrow as he was certain that Feng didn't have it a moment ago. However, he blew smoke out of his mouth and to Luka's surprise, it formed shapes that resembled men. He frowned as he watched them hurt and kill each other as a new form shaped. It resembled a snake with a grin. "Simme was born from the cruelty in the hearts of man and as a result, he can influence it,"
 Luka frowned as he watched the smoke snake whisper to the men, causing them to be cruel and evil but the smoke changed and showed a smoke person offering another food.
 "But where there is cruelty, there is also kindness," Feng replied as Luka watched. "Not all humans are evil or cruel. There are kind and it was from this kindness, Simme's opposite was born,"
 From the smoke people, a new shape formed but this one resembled a bird.
 "Finni, the spirit of kindness.... you met him during the mob boss situation. It was him who guided you to safety," He replied, making Luka blink. He did remember seeing a bird but he had no idea it was a spirit. "And it is him that we owe our long lives and immortality to. He is why we are part spirit,"
 The scene changed, showing a boy in a temple surrounded by others but what made them stand out was they didn't look solid. Instead, they appeared to transparent but the boy in the scene looked solid. Luka realized the boy was Feng.
 "I was born with the gift of foresight and I have always been able to see spirits..." He replied as the smoke changed. It now showed the boy but he was alone in the temple while others whispered to each other. Luka knew they were whispering about him. "Other humans believed I was mad. Even my parents. I never fitted in and the other children thought I was weird,"
 The scene changed to the boy, walking through a forest before he stumbled on the kwamis.
 "Then one day, I met Tikki and the other kwamis. I invited them to live with me, finding that I had more in common with them then other humans," Feng replied as the scene showed him laughing and playing with them. However, the scene changed to him trying to tell his mother something during a thunderstorm. "But then I had a vision of death and war,"
 The smoke changed to Feng talking to a girl in a village before it showed him running from her.
 "I tried to warn my family but they did not believe me so I ran away," He replied as the smoke showed him going deep into a forest and crying to himself. As he did, the grinning snake approached him. "That's where I met Simme. He tried to tempt me into using my gifts for evil but I refused him and found Finni,"
 The smoke showed an injured bird and Feng trying to heal him.
 "I tried to help and my kindness saved his life but he was still weak. I took him home with me and for a small amount of time, I was happy again but my vision haunted me and one day, it came to be," The smoke changed into a scene of carnage as a village been attacked by men on horses. Luka covered his mouth in shock as he watched Feng been cut down then attacked by Simme. Before he could kill him, Finni flew in and attacked Simme to protect his friend. He used his magic to banish him, sending the snake away and tried to heal the boy's wounds with his tears. When that wasn't enough, he possessed a nearby body and lifted Feng into his arms. The smoke changed and showed Finni's host taking a dying Feng back to their temple and to the other spirits who surrounded the dying boy. The other kwamis and Finni discussed something and then the scene showed them surrounding him and singing as Finni turned into a ball of light before it covered the area. When it disappeared, the smoke showed Feng sit up, alive. Finni had sacrificed himself to heal him.
 "That war drained Finni's power a lot and he used the last of it to merge his soul with mine and save my life," Feng explained, making Luka blink as the smoke showed Feng placing his hand where his heart was. "That was the moment I became the spirit of Determination. Up until the very end, I tried to warn my family of the attack and when Finni merged his soul with mine, it made me into a spirit... well, the closest thing to a spirit a human could be. That is why my test is the test of determination and each time I have been reborn, I became a new spirit with a new trait but the same soul. Each of my tests is based on those traits,"
 "What is my trait?" Luka asked, looking at Feng. "Did you know straight away?"
 "No... and I don't know what yours is either," Feng replied, making Luka frown. "But you will find out,"
 "Can I know what the other tests will be?" Luka asked, making Feng nod.
 "You will be tested on honesty, loyalty, courage and compassion," Feng replied, making Luka nod. "But I can not tell you when you'll be tested or how. Only that you will be and what their traits are,"
 "Four tests? That's it?" Luka asked, a little surprised. "What happens if I pass them? I mean I don't feel any different from passing yours..."
 "Oh, you are different since you passed mine. You're stronger and I know you felt it," Feng smiled, making Luka remember how he felt when he transformed after reclaiming his miraculous back. He had felt stronger. "As for rewards for passing, I can teach you how to farther your magic and how to channel mine. You also unlocked one of the locks,"
 "Locks?" Luka asked as Feng gestured towards the door of the hut, the one that never opens. "There's locks on it?"
 "Yes, five all together," Feng replied, making Luka blink. "One for each trait and once you have passed all of them, it will open the door, allowing you to join me and the others in Shangi-La both spiritual and physically,"
 "Ok... cool..." Luka muttered, not entirely sure how to feel. "I am here physically?"
 "No but this is still real," Feng replied, making Luka nod. "Anyway, do you understand spirits, our lives and the tests a bit better?"
 "A little... yeah..." Luka admitted. It kind of did make sense. He had to admit he was interested in learning how to channel magic. "So you can teach me to channel your magic? Does that mean I can have visions? And will that help with learning to cast spells? Also what spells can we do? Is it like Harry Potter? Do I need a wand?"
 "Luka, calm yourself," Feng stated, making him blink and grin in a sheepish manner. He did get a bit excited. "No, you don't need a wand. It isn't like Harry Potter. We can cast any spells but certain ones need certain things and power level so you'll be learning basic spells and yes, it will help with casting and you will be able to have visions but learning your own magic will help too and most things can be a spell. We just need to work out how you cast,"
 "Ok!" Luka grinned, making Feng smile. While part of him was kind of weary of it, a bigger part of him was excited. After all, he just got told he could do actual magic and it wasn't like Issac was in his life anymore. He didn't need to be afraid of been a witch plus Feng had explained that it was his intention that determined what the magic actually was so as long as his intention was good, his magic would be too and this was a chance to learn more about his empathy. "When can we begin?"
 "Now if you want," 
 ~A Few Days Later~
 "Urg, I can't believe we're back at school," Alix groaned as a number of students walked back to the school grounds. Summer holidays were over now, meaning it was back to the humdrum routine of studying and akuma attacks but the children were back, heading to the school. Felix had returned from London and was talking to Aurora and Mireille while they waited for Jean to turn up. Nino and Alya were similar in the sense they were waiting for Adrien and Marinette. Nathaniel was already at the school and in the art room, discussing the new ideas for the comic that he and Marc came up with during the holidays. Marc was also there. Alix would have joined them but she wanted to wait for Kim and Max. Mylene and Ivan were stood with the others, waiting for Juleka, Rose and Luka. "Why couldn't the summer holidays last longer?!"
 "We had two months off, Alix," Max stated as he walked up to her, making her groan before she grinned. "How was your holiday... other then... you know?" 
 "History Keepers," Alix replied, rolling her eyes. "It's been fairly good. Dad's still embarrassing and Jalil is still a history geek. When's Kim gonna be here?"
 "Oh, he is currently stuck in traffic," Max replied, pushing up his glasses. "Mr Pigeon has been trying to get rid of cars. I'm surprised Alya isn't on the scene,"
 "Eh," Alya shrugged, making Nino snigger. "It's Mr Pigeon's 60th time as an akuma and it will be over soon anyway. No one wants to watch that,"
 As if on que, the miracle cure rushed throughout the city, fixing any issues the akuma had caused. The students grinned as they saw it before beginning to chat about the recent akumas and how Anatis and Lady Noir saved them. A few of them had been akumatized before going back to school. Nino had been one of them. He had been re-akumatized into the Bubbler as he wanted Summer to never end so he tried to get rid of the adults again to allow the summer holiday to continued. Fortunately, Anatis and Lady Noir had dealt with him pretty quickly. A few minutes after the cure had been cast, Juleka and Rose walked over, followed by Luka. At the same time, Marinette had rushed out of the bakery, holding a croissant in her mouth. She had ran over and hadn't seen Luka, who had been jogging to catch up with Rose and Juleka. The two of them knocked into each other and fell on the ground with Marinette landing on Luka. She jumped up and helped him up as he laughed it off.
 "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have looked where I was going!" She gushed, making him chuckle.
 "It's ok, Marinette," He replied, smiling before he pulled a face as a limo pulled up. "I was rushing too so I should have been more careful as well,"
 "Did I miss something?" Adrien asked as he climbed out, followed by Kagami. He smiled at her as he held her hand, making her smile back as she linked their fingers together. Instantly, Marinette cooed at their action, making both Adrien and Kagami blush a little. Alix laughed and moved her arm around Marinette.
 "Just Marinette and Luka falling for each other," She grinned, making both of them blush a little bit too. However, the mood soured as they heard the screech of none other then Lila Rossi. They all looked over as she waved at them before she walked up to them, instantly making a number of them feel uncomfortable.
 "Hi everyone!" She grinned before turning to Luka. "Hi, Luka! I'm so glad you decided to take the restraining order off me! I hope we can be friends,"
 "I didn't take it off. It was granted on a temporary basis and I'll be in court tomorrow afternoon to get it reinstated," He replied in a calm but cold voice. "So no, we won't be friends. Just because it is currently inactive doesn't mean you can come near me so I suggest you back off, Rossi,"
 Lila gave him a look before huffing and walking over to Alya.
 "Can you believe his attitude?" She asked, rather loudly. It was obviously to make Luka hear. He took a small breathe and ignored her, turning back to Marinette. "I just want to fix where we went wrong and he won't even give me a chance,"
 "Lila, you didn't exactly treat him nicely," Alya muttered, making Luka roll his eyes. It was more then that. "I mean you kissed him without his permission,"
 "I misread the situation!" Lila gasped.
 "Still..." Alya stated as Nino started to berate her, saying it wasn't cool to kiss people even if she thought it was but Marinette took Luka's hand and led him inside the school, making him smile a little as they walked over to the benches. They took a seat as he let out a sigh.
 "You ok?" She asked, making him nod. "How come the restraining order ran out?"
 "The court granted it on a temporary basis," He sighed, making her frown. "If the problem still occurs, we can get a fresh one which we'll be doing tomorrow. I asked if we could get it renewed before but apparently it needs to run out first and they review the case before granting a fresh one which can take up to two weeks to grant depending how bad the case is. There is a chance they won't grant a second one against her,"
 "They should," Marinette stated, taking his hand in hers as he looked at her. She gently moved his hair, causing him to close his eyes. "Are you sleeping ok? You look tired,"
 "Hmm... my nightmares aren't as bad," He muttered before a yawn escaped him. "But I'm not getting a lot of restful sleep. Music's been on my mind,"
 "Oh, you writing some new songs?" She asked, making him smile before he shook his head. "Oh?"
 "I've been practicing for that violin contest," He admitted, making her grin.
 "You're entering it?!" She gasped, clearly excited. "Wait but weren't auditions for it a couple of days ago?"
 "Yeah... I'm just waiting to find out if I got through to the next stage," He muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. He hadn't even told his ma or Juleka that he had entered yet. He didn't want to disappoint them if he didn't get through. There had been a lot of entries for it and a lot of talent. Luka wasn't sure if he could get through to the next stage so he decided to keep quiet about it until he knew for certain. "I don't know if I'll get through and I don't want to disappoint anyone if I didn't so I figured I'd tell Ma, Juleka and you if I got through but I guess you know now... sorry for not mentioning it,"
 "Hey, it's ok," She smiled, making him smile back. "I get why but you're gonna get through to the next stage and blow those judges away!"
 "Thanks, Melody," He smiled as the first bell rang. "We better go to classes,"
 The two of them got up and walked over to the locker room as the other kids headed inside. Luka completely ignored Lila, who shoot a glare at him when she thought no one was watching before he put his stuff in his locker and grabbed what he needed for his class. Once that was done, he locked his locker and headed over to Marinette's locker as she put her things in and grabbed what she needed. The two of them left the locker room with their friends and headed upstairs to their classes.
 "See you at Lunch?" She asked, causing him to nod before she gently kissed his cheek, making him blush. He smiled dreamily at her as she waved to him before heading into her classroom. He turned and walked over to Mrs Mendeleiev's class as Aurora hooked her arm with his and grinned.
 "So you and Mari are an item?!" She grinned, clearly excited. He blushed a little. "Oh you are, aren't you?!"
 "W-We're taking it slow," He muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. "Like we're not exclusively dating... just enjoying each other's company,"
 "Oh my gosh! You're courting her!" Aurora grinned, making him blush as she giggled before she leaded against him as they joined the rest of their class. "I'm so proud! Our Lu is a true gentleman!!"
 "Have you told her that you love her yet?" Mireille asked as Aurora let go of his arm and took her seat next to him. Luka rubbed his neck again. "You haven't, have you?"
 "I mean we're taking it slow..." He mused, looking to the side. "And I know she likes me but I'm still unsure if it's just because I'm her friend or more... I'm probably just a friend to her..."
 "More... it's definitely more," Marc stated, making everyone look at him. He was scribbling in his notebook but he looked up to address everyone. "She flutters to you like a bee to a flower... I would use a butterfly as an example but... akumas..."
 "It's not their fault," Luka pointed out, making everyone look at him. "Hawkmoth uses the butterflies, just like he uses people,"
 "Hmm... that is a good point," Marc smiled, writing something down. "Anyway, Marinette definitely likes you. She moves her hair, blushes and she also shows you her wrists and 'vulnerabilities'... which means she trusts you,"
 "Trust and liking someone isn't the same thing," Luka pointed out but he couldn't help the smile on his face. He liked that she trusts him. "Still... it's nice that she trusts me,"
 "She's also open with you, has a genuine look in her eye when she looks at you, she mirrors you a little bit and when you two talk, she leans towards you and acts like it is only the two of you in the world," Marc pointed out, making Luka blush. "All signs that at the very least, she has a crush on you,"
 "How do you know this?" Luka asked, making Marc blush a little as he begin to fidget. "Not that it's a bad thing... I'm just curious,"
 "I wanted to show that Lady Noir has feelings for Anatis in the comic so I researched body language for it plus it helps Nathaniel with expressions when he's drawing," Marc replied, playing with his hands. "I'm sorry if I crossed a line. I just think you should know that Marinette likes you a lot and definitely as more as a friend,"
 "No, it's cool," Luka smiled before looking down. "I just guess... I like that she might like me but I'm just Luka so I guess I don't really see why..."
 "Stop second guessing yourself, Couffaine," Felix stated, making everyone look at him. He was so quiet they had actually forgotten he was there. "Dupain-Cheng likes you. You like her so just date already,"
 "Felix! Be nice!" Aurora gasped, causing him to give her a cheeky grin before she turned to Luka. "But he's right. Oh, you should ask her out on an actual date and make sure she knows it's a date date!"
 "I don't know, Aurora..."
 ~Meanwhile in Miss Bustier's Class~
 "You look happy," Alya grinned, making Marinette jump a little as she had been day-dreaming about watching Luka playing violin. Alya grinned, making Marinette look at her. "So you finally asked Luka out on a real date?"
 "W-What?! No!" She blushed, covering her face with her hand. She wanted to but they were taking it slow. However, when she thought about it, she did want to been more then just what they were at the moment. She liked the idea of been his girlfriend. She liked the idea a lot. She really enjoyed going on their little dates and she had thought about kissing him a few times but hadn't done so because she wasn't sure if he wanted to. It seemed like he did but she didn't want to assume. She loved and respected him too much to do that. She looked up from her hands as Alya grinned at her. "I... I want to... but I'm not sure if he likes me like that. Like I know he likes me but I'm not sure if he likes me enough to want me to be his girlfriend,"
 "But you want to be his girlfriend?" Alya asked as Rose gushed, leaning against Juleka who gave Marinette a small but happy smile. Everyone knew she shipped what they had dubbed 'Lukanette'. Marinette slowly nodded. "Girl, you need to ask him out,"
 "I bet he would say yes!" Rose gushed, making Marinette blush even more.
 "Luka definitely likes you," Mylene agreed as Alix rolled her eyes.
 "I don't get the whole dating thing but you like him and he likes you then you should go for it," She added in, making Marinette smile. Even Chloe encouraged her in her own way. However, Lila kept to herself, digging her nails into her hands as she listened. She wanted to destroy Marinette and take everything from her but taking Luka from her will be really hard since he knows what she is like. Somehow, that freak had seen through her facade extremely quickly. Even Marinette hadn't seen through it straight away. It was only after Lila slipped up that Marinette had realized that she was lying and tried to expose her. As annoying as it was, Lila was partially glad because she couldn't stand the baker girl but she had to pretend to. Sure, she still had to pretend but before she couldn't do anything about it. Now, she could mess with her and that's exactly what she did. In fact, that's what she'll do. She might not be able to turn Luka onto her side but she could at the very least make Marinette asking him out impossible. Hell, Marinette or Luka might even get akumatized out of it. She could then claim that they hated her and it would be especially funny if Luka got akumatized. If it succeed, he would have to fight his friend for Hawkmoth and if it didn't... well, he'd be sick for a few days and out of her hair. She held back a smirk to herself as she pretended to listen to Miss Bustier. The day moved on and soon enough, it was lunch time. Marinette was getting her food and Lila was watching her, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Seeing Marinette walking towards the lunch table, she tried to trip her up but much to her annoyance that failed so she moved onto the next plan. She tried to get Marinette to call her out by saying something clearly false. Instead, Alya told her she didn't need to lie again and Marinette ignored her. She didn't even notice Nino rolling his eyes. After a few more attempts, she saw Luka walking in with his friends and annoyingly enough, his expression lit up when he saw Marinette. It was so obvious he had feelings for her that it sickened her. However, she also noticed a number of students looking at him. A few girls were looking at him with a dreamy expression but a couple of guys were glaring at him. Lila smirked as she saw one of the boys who she knew had a crush on Marinette, not that she understood why. She didn't know his name either and it didn't matter but luckily enough, he looked like Adrien and most of the school knew Marinette had a crush on a boy with blonde hair and green eyes. She could use that to ruin Marinette's chances with Luka by getting this boy involved. She excused herself from the table, not that Nino or Alya noticed and walked over to the boy. He looked up at her with mild surprise.
 "Hi, I have a message from Marinette for you," She smiled, making him frown.
 "Um... what is it?" He asked, a little confused.
 "She asked me to tell you that she has a crush on you but is just too shy to ask you out," She stated, making him blink.
 "Uh... isn't she with Couffaine?" He asked, making Lila mentally smirk. She knew they weren't together.
 "Oh, no they're not actually dating," She stated, making him raise an eyebrow. "She sees him as a brother and really likes you,"
 "Right... but aren't you that liar?" He asked, making her frown. "Doesn't Marinette hate you?"
 "Look, I have an illness that makes me lie sometimes but I'm currently in therapy for it and it's helping so much," She replied, making him nod. "Besides, I don't lie about crushes and I want to make up for my behavior towards Marinette so I figured getting her with the guy she likes. Anyway, you should totally ask her out. I'm sure she'll say yes,"
 "Well... I do like her..." He admitted, making Lila smirk. Though she morphed it into a friendly grin. He got up and walked over to Marinette, who was chatting to Luka. Lila returned back to her seat, just as Alya looked up and the guy talked to Marinette. He frowned as she gently let him down and asked her why she got her friend to tell him otherwise. Marinette looked at him confused as he pointed out Lila. She frowned and apologized to him before she walked over.
 "Why did you tell that boy I like him?" She asked, crossing her arms. Lila gave her an innocent look.
 "Oh, I thought you did," She gasped, making Marinette grit her teeth. "I'm so sorry. I thought that's who you were talking about in class today when you were saying about having a crush on a boy called Luke was it? Or was it Luka?"
 Marinette's face went red as Lila gasped.
 "Oh, no! I must have got the names mixed up," She gasped in fake regret. "I hope I didn't embarrass you! I was just trying to help you out... I mean you suffered so badly with your crush on Adrien that I didn't want you to suffer in the same way with your new crush but I should have known it was Luka you were crushing on. I just hope you're not stalking him like you-"
 To everyone's surprise, Marinette slapped Lila across the face before storming out of the room. Lila held back a smirk but instantly started to cry. However, no one jumped to her defense. Instead, Luka rushed outside to check on Marinette and Alya leaned over to her as the rest of the room glared at her.
 "Lila, girl, I know you were trying to help but you shouldn't have done that," She gasped, making Lila frown. "Everyone knows that Marinette has a thing for Luka and moved on from her crush on Adrien. You didn't need to lie to get her to ask Luka out. We don't do those sort of plans anymore,"
 "O-oh, I thought it would be ok since you and the other girls have come up with plans like that before," Lila gasped, tears rolling down her face. "I didn't mean to embarrass her. I guess I deserved that slap..."
 "Damn right!" Alix growled as the class glared daggers at her.
 "I get it, Lila but Marinette was getting there," Alya replied, causing her to grip her fist. "It's not nice to reveal a crush like that and that poor guy... I get you were trying to encourage her but you shouldn't have told that other guy she liked him? What if he hadn't take no for answer?"
 "Oh, no! I didn't think of that,"
 "Yeah right," Nino muttered, making both Alya and Lila look at him in surprise. "It's clear you did all of that on purpose,"
 "W-what? No!" Lila gasped as Alya looked shocked. "Why would I?"
 "Because you hate Marinette and probably want Luka yourself," He pointed out, making her blink. She would have to be careful with Nino. "I mean all you do is lie. You lied to me about having a crush on Adrien, you framed Marinette and you lied about been friends with heroes,"
 "Babe, that's enough," Alya gasped, making him look at her. "I get she lied but she's trying to be better and she did it to help Marinette, right Lila?"
 "Of course," She lied, making Nino glare at her before he suddenly got up and walked off. Alya sighed and went to follow but Adrien stopped her.
 "I'll go talk to him," He stated before walking away. Alya nodded and sat down as Lila mentally frowned. Her plan didn't go the way she wanted but at least, she embarrassed Marinette enough to make it awkward with Luka.
 ~The Art Room~
 "Hey!" Adrien called out as Nino stormed in, slamming the door. He ran up to him and gently grabbed his arm. "Nino, calm down,"
 "How can I?" He asked before sitting down and taking off his cap as he ran his hand over his head. "I had to say something, dude. I wasn't there for Marinette when Lila caused her to become Princess Justice. I actually believed her until Anatis exposed her and then this whole thing Alya still believing in her. It nearly drove us apart and I keep telling her that Lila isn't a nice person and is lying to hurt people but Alya still wants to see the best in her and I love that because it's sweet but it's wasted on someone like Lila. She doesn't want to be nice! She didn't do that to make amends with Marinette. She did that to hurt her and Alya can't or doesn't want to see that. I love her but she is acting dumb around Lila!"
 "Whoa, it's ok, Nino," Adrien gasped, kneeling down as Nino tried to calm down. "I get it. You just want to look out for your friend and your girl. And someone like Lila is nasty but Alya has to realize that herself. You just need to be there for her when she does,"
 "... you're right, dude," Nino replied, nodding. "I'm sorry... I just... I just don't want Lila to destroy her faith in people but I also know she needs to realize Lila isn't the person she thinks she is,"
 "I know," Adrien stated, sitting next to him. "I wish I had realized sooner myself but if you want, I can try and talk to Alya bout Lila,"
 "That be cool," Nino sighed. "I wish I had known before Anatis exposed her. I can't believe it took that for me to see the truth,"
 "I know the feeling," Adrien sighed, looking down. "I never realized how damaging her lies could be before Anatis called her out... I really thought she was like a tabloid and that she was just doing it for attention but after he pointed out that she was hurting myself as well as others, I realized how damaging lies can be,"
 "Yeah," Nino replied before he suddenly looked up. "Wait... Anatis called her out in front of you?"
 "Y-Yeah, like a few hours before he exposed her online," Adrien replied. He was sure he had told Nino about that. "She had tried to claim she was a descendant of a superheroine and that Marinette had threatened her into blaming Chloe,"
 "Y-You knew before the rest of us?" Nino asked, making Adrien frown. "Did you know before Anatis called her out? She use to claim that she knew Aspik and Ryuko and you always seemed to ignore that..."
 "Well, I thought at first she was telling the truth but then she said something that I knew was a lie..." Adrien admitted, making Nino start at him. "I asked Nathalie about it and she just said to ignore her like a tabloid and that she would expose herself..."
 "You knew and you didn't think to warn us? Me?!" Nino gasped, surprising Adrien. "Did you not think that we wouldn't realize?!"
 "I honestly thought she would expose herself and I didn't think she would go so far," Adrien gasped as Nino looked at him with hurt, making him realize how wrong he had been. He should have exposed her straight away and he would if he could go back in time. "I'm sorry, Nino. I wish I had told you and the rest of the class. I could have saved everyone so much pain but I really thought she would expose herself and disappear like a tabloid paper,"
 "Well, she didn't!" Nino gasped, pinching his nose. "God, Adrien! This isn't a fairytale! Things don't just randomly fix themselves! You should have told us! I... I don't know how I can trust you anymore..."
 "Nino!" Adrien gasped, surprised but Nino walked out of the art room, causing Adrien to follow. "Nino, wait!"
 Nino ignored him and kept walking, failing to notice the akuma and amok heading towards him but Adrien did. He gasped and suddenly pushed him out of the way, causing Nino to turn around in anger.
 "What the- Adrien?" Nino gasped, feeling his anger melting away as he noticed Adrien gripping his head and stepping backwards towards the wall. A purple butterfly mask appeared around his eyes as he tried to fight off Hawkmoth's control. Nino gasped and reached out his hand as he realized that Adrien had taken an akuma meant for him. He gripped his shoulders as Adrien tried to fight off Hawkmoth's influence. "Adrien, dude! Fight him!"
 "I'm not going to listen to you!" He gasped before groaning. "I won't be one of your puppets, Hawkmoth!"
 "That's right, dude!" Nino gasped, trying to encourage him. "Think only positive thoughts! You've got this, Bro!"
 "I won't do evil for you!" Adrien gasped but his eyes widen as Hawkmoth spoke to him. Nino slowly let go as he remembered what it was like giving into him. Hawkmoth had a way with words that made it seem like the greatest idea of all time. No one could resist for long, even Adrien and both of them knew it as Adrien's arms fell limp to his side. A single tear slid down his cheek as he gave one last look of desperation towards his friend. "N-Nino... run..."
 "Adrien!" Nino gasped as the purple smog engulfed him and a small blue smog appeared next to him before it disappeared, revealing his akuma form. He actually didn't look much different or scary at all. His outfit had changed into a green tunic with leaves on his sleeves and he had matching green pants. Material shoes were on his feet and he had a dagger attached to his hip, along with a pan-flute. His hair was still blonde but it was messier in style and he had a green mask across his eyes. The only thing that he could see right now that was unusual was his ears that were now pointed. In fact, Adrien actually reminded Nino of Peter Pan. Nino stepped forward, unsure what to do but maybe he could find the akumatized item before Adrien did anything. He went to reach for him but Adrien snapped open his eyes, revealing that his scleras were now green and his irises  "A-Adrien?"
 "Not anymore," He replied, smiling as Nino stepped back in fear. Adrien took out a small bag and reached in it before taking his hand out and blowing the dust in Nino's face. His eyes rolled up into his head as he fell down onto the ground. A golden glow surrounded him as Adrien grinned. "Don't worry, Nino! You'll be seeing me soon... but first, I have a game to play! Come on, Fee!"
 He flew up into the air and laughed happily before he flew off with his sentimonster following him. 
 ~In the Courtyard~
 "Marinette!" Luka gasped as he rushed out of the canteen after her. He frowned as he looked around but he couldn't see so he took a small breathe and closed his eyes, listening for the familiar song. He picked up on it and luckily it was close by so he followed it, coming to one of the staircases. He stopped and looked underneath. Hugging her knees while sitting underneath it was Marinette. He crawled next to her and sat down, making her look up from her knees. Her eyes were bloodshot and her tears were tear-stained. Luka gave her a soft look before he opened his arms. Instantly, she crawled into them and wrapped her arms around his torso as he hugged her. "Are you ok?"
 "E-Embarrassed," She mumbled, looking up at him. "N-Not of my feelings for you but just how it came out... I don't make you uncomfortable, do I?"
 "No, you don't," He replied, moving part of her hair out of her face. "If you did, I would have told you already but I like been with you. Lila was just been a bitch because she is a black hearted coward,"
 "But... now you know I like you.." She mumbled, looking down as she pulled away. 
 "Well, I hope so... we have been going on dates with each other..."
 "Yeah but only like small dates. They're practically friend dates," She mumbled, pressing her fingers together as she still felt embarrassed. She really liked Luka but she hoped he liked her but they were probably just really close friends... even though she wanted to be more. She would love to be his girlfriend but there's no way he would like her that much, especially after Lila's stun. "Lila meant that I like you... like really like you... and I'm sure you don't like me. I mean I'm sure you like me enough to go on a few small time dates but I don't think you like me as more then that. We're just friends... right?" 
 "Marinette... I-"
 "Marinette! Luka!" Adrien's voice stated, causing Marinette to gasp and bring her hands to her face. Luka looked behind him as Adrien walked over. Before he could reach, Adrien suddenly blew a golden dust in his face, causing Luka to fall to the ground as he heard Marinette shout before he heard a thumb as well. He tried to look over and saw Marinette laying on the ground as Adrien grinned to him before he looked over at Luka. "Don't resist it, Luka! This is your happy ending!"
 Luka felt himself getting heavily before he fell into darkness...
 ~Hawkmoth's Lair~
 "Dusuu, fall my feathers," Mayura declared, turning back into Nathalie. As soon as she did, she felt dizzy and began to cough. Hawkmoth went to see if she was ok but to his surprise, she pushed him away. He gave her a puzzling look as he turned back into Gabriel. "I'm fine, sir... but why didn't you recall the akuma? Adrien-"
 "It would have been too suspicious," He replied, making her frown. "That friend of his is the boyfriend of the lady blogger. If he tells her then she'll publish it and it will end up in Anatis' hand which could lead him to find out that I am Hawkmoth. I have managed to keep his investigations at bay but that would only fuel his belief that he is correct,"
 "I see, Sir," Nathalie replied as they made their way back to the lift. It took them a few minutes but once they were back in his office, she took a glass of water and sat down. Gabriel frowned to himself as he began to work on designs while keeping an eye on the news. As soon as Anatis and Lady Noir were on the scene, he would transform back into Hawkmoth but right now, Heureux Fin was wreaking havoc across Paris so he might as well do some designs while observing the situation. It also gave Nathalie time to rest. He glanced over to the news as Heureux Fin burst into the news reporter. He transformed Alec into one of the ugly step-sisters and turned Nadja into a version of the boy who cried Wolf before he addressed the camera.
 "People of Paris! I am Heureux Fin, bringer of happiness! I invite all of your to the grandest ball in the whole of Paris, brought you to by me and to be hosted at Agreste Manor!!" He declared, making both Nathalie and Gabriel to stare at the screen before he grinned and flew out. 
 "Wait what?!" Nathalie gasped before the doors suddenly burst opened and Heureux Fin flew in landing on the table.
 "Father!" He declared, grinning as Gabriel stared at him. "We're having a grand ball and I've invited everyone in Paris!"
 "Absolutely not," Gabriel declared but he regretted it. As soon as the words left his mouth, Heureux Fin's expression turned dark and his sentimonster, Fairytale, transformed into his shadow before it wrapped around Gabriel, trapping him in place. Nathalie jumped up in shock as Heureux Fin walked across the table towards his father. "Adrien, stop- hmm!"
 The shadow covered his mouth.
 "I'm not Adrien anymore! I'm Heureux Fin!" He declared, taking out his bag of dust. "We're having a grand ball and all of Paris is going to come whenever you like it or not!"
 "Hmm!" He declared as Heureux Fin took a handful of dust and blew it in his face, causing his shadow to let go him as he fell to the floor and began to glow gold as well. Nathalie rushed over to the door but the shadow got there beforehand, causing her to back up from it. She felt a tap on her shoulder before she turned around. Heureux Fin was hovering right next to her.
 "Adr-" She started but he grinned and blew the dust in her face, causing her to collapse to the floor as well. Heureux Fin turned to his shadow and grinned. "Go and bring our Princess Charming. She can help us set up the ball with her skill!! Oh and why you're at it, spread this all over Paris,"
 The shadow grinned and nodded, turning back into it's fairy form before it took the pouch that Heureux Fin handed to it. He had already transformed those who he needed to. Now he just had to set up the ball. He was even willing to let the cat and the beetle come to the ball. Though he will take their miraculous from them before the clock strikes Midnight.
 ~Back to the School Yard~
 "Luka!" A voice echoed as he slowly came around. He slowly blinked and opened his eyes, causing him to notice that he was laid on the ground. He slowly sat up and looked around as he recognized his surroundings as the school yard. Tikki flew in front of him and let out a sigh of relief. "You're ok,"
 "What happened?" He asked as he looked around. He remembered been in the courtyard with Marinette. He was making sure she was ok after Lila pulled one of her tricks and was about to fully confess to her but then they got interrupted by Adrien, only he didn't look like himself. In fact, he looked like he had been akumatized. Luka's eyes widen as he looked around and saw Marinette was gone. "Where's Marinette?!"
 "She was taken by something that looked like a shadow," Tikki stated, making Luka look at her. "I think your friend was akumatized.."
 "We have to transform," He declared, standing up. "Tikki, sp-"
 "Luka!" Juleka's voice echoed, making him stop and turn to Tikki. He went to open his hoodie, only to find that his clothes had changed. His new outfit resembled the waiter outfit Marinette had made him but it was more ragged and wore out. He blinked before pointing to his hair which was messier then usual. Tikki got the idea and hid in his hair as Juleka rushed over to him. Like himself, she was wearing a different outfit too. She was wearing a white dress with a blood red overcoat, matching red shoes and a ruby and gold circlet. Her hair was her natural color, which like himself was raven brown, almost black and her lips were blood red. As soon as he saw her, he realized she was suppose to be Snow White. Following her was Rose, who was wearing a pink dress in a style similar to Juleka's. "Are you ok?!"
 "I'm alright," Luka admitted. "Just confused about the new outfit,"
 "Oh, Luka must be Cinderella!" Rose gasped before yawning. Of course, she would be sleeping beauty. "Sorry!"
 "What's that?" Juleka asked, making him frown and look down. She was pointing to a golden envelope on the floor, causing Luka to pick it up and opened it. "Well?"
 "It's an invite to a ball at Agreste Castle," He stated, making him frown before he read it out. "Citizens of Paris, I, Heureux Fin, am throwing the finest ball in all of Paris! Everyone from all walks off lives are invited so they find their happy ending and forever after! Even the beetle and his cat are invited as long as they promise not to cause a fuss and hand over their miraculous! The ball starts at 7pm tonight at Agreste Manor..."
 "That's in half an hour!" Rose gasped, making him blink as she yawned. "Sorry! I'm just really tired,"
 "No worries, Rose," He replied before continuing to read. "The Dresscode is Fairytale theme. Though that shouldn't be a problem for anyone in Paris..."
 Luka's eyes widen, along with Juleka's and before anyone could say anything else, the two of them had ran out of the school. They came to a stop as they looked around. There were a number of giant beanstalks, thorn bushes and trees, making them realize that Heureux Fin had transformed the city into something out of a fairytale. The Grand Paris hotel was now a huge castle, there was a number of smaller castles and huts around. To Luka's surprise, the bakery had been transformed into a tower. Luka rushed over and made his way inside, finding Tom and Sabine had been transformed into a king and queen. He wasn't sure what fairytale they were from but he was more concerned about Marinette. They looked up at him and rose an eyebrow at his outfit.
 "I see you got hit as well," Sabine sighed, making him nod. "Are you ok? You look pale, dear,"
 "Is Marinette here?" He asked, making the two shake their heads as they looked at him with worry. "She was with me at school but the akuma ambushed us and when I woke up, I was dressed like this and Marinette was gone,"
 "We can help you look for her," Sabine stated, lifting her dress a little and following him outside with Tom. Luka nodded and led them to where Juleka was. He frowned as he noticed she was staring. He followed her look, causing him to stare at the floating ship. For a second, he thought it was Guard-O-War again until he realized it resembled the Liberty. A rope was thrown down and Anarka swung down, making them look at her. She was wearing a red captain's coat, black pants and boots but the most interesting thing was her right hand was replaced with a hook. She grinned at them. 
 "Ahoy, Me Hearties!" She grinned as a crocodile jumped down and landed next to her. Weirdly enough, they could hear ticking coming from it. "I see that scallywag hit ye all with his cursed magic,"
 "I'm afraid so," Sabine answered as a puff of glitter appeared next to Anarka before it reformed into Penny. She was wearing a silvery suit, had fairy wings and was holding a wand. "Oh, Miss Penny, you look lovely,"
 "Thank you," Penny smiled before turning to the kids. "Everyone ok?"
 "Well, no one's hurt but we've all been turned into something out of a fairytale," Juleka muttered, gesturing towards the school where a giant version of Ivan stood. Luka rose an eyebrow as he smiled and waved at him. He waved back before turning to the others. "At least, Anatis will be able to fix this,"
 "Have you seen Marinette, Penny?" He asked, making her frown as she made a thoughtful face.
 "No but I have an idea where she might end up," She stated, making Luka raise an eyebrow. "At the ball. Everyone in Paris is invited and Marinette is friends with Adrien,"
 "She's also the class representative," Rose gasped before yawning again.
 "And she's the best at making parties and organizing things," Juleka pointed out, making Luka frown before his eyes widen.
 "You don't think Adrien has taken her to help set up the ball, do you?" He asked, making everyone look at him.
 "It makes sense," Penny stated, making him frown. "We should attend the party then,"
 "Aye!" Anarka grinned as Penny cast a critical eye towards Luka, making him blink. 
 "Something wrong?" He asked, making her look in his eyes.
 "Marinette would never forgive me if I let you go to a ball dressed in rags," She pointed, making him blink. "And since I've been turned into what is clearly the fairy godmother... it makes sense that I have the ability to do this,"
 She waved her wand at Luka, causing a silver mist to move around him, causing him to shield his face as it changed his outfit. Once it disappeared, he lowered them and looked at his new outfit. He was now wearing a light blue vest with dark blue detail and silver buttons with matching light blue pants. There was a blue ruffle tie around his neck and he had a light blue gloves on his hands that only covered part of his hands and middle fingers. His boots were a dark crystal blue and sparkled like they were made from glass. Over his shirt, he had a silver tailcoat with a small amount of frills on it. It felt like it was made from the finest silk there was and his hair had been tidied up but remained in his normal style.
"Ok, now you can definitely go to the ball," Penny grinned, clearly enjoying herself. Luka would have to find a way to sneak away from them at some point during the ball so he could transform into Anatis but at least this way he could get in there without been spotted. Now just to get there. Maybe he could get close enough to Adrien to find out where the akumatized item is.
 ~Agreste Castle~
 "Are you coming to the ball as well?" Luka asked as the ship came to a stop outside the castle. Penny looked over and shook her head as Anarka walked over and handed her a bottle of rum. "I'll take that as a no,"
 "Well, I am a pirate, Lad," Anarka grinned. "We'll just wait here until Anatis fixes everything. Now go have fun at the ball!"
 "Right," He smiled before Penny lowered a plank for them to walk. Juleka and Rose went first before Luka followed. He felt nervous as he walked through the gates with a number of other people that looked like something out of a fairytale. Once he had located Marinette and made sure she was fine, he would find a way to transform. While his mother was flying them to the castle, he took a moment to check on Tikki. Luckily, she hadn't been affected by the change of clothes but gushed over his outfit. She was now resting inside his jacket, waiting for him to find the perfect moment to transform. He hadn't seen anything on Lady Noir yet so he guessed she was in a similar situation to himself. He took a deep breathe and followed Juleka and Rose in. The ball room was the grandest room he had ever seen. It was clearly based on an enchanted forest and hundreds of people there including a number of his classmates. Luka rested his hands on the edge of the banister and kept himself hidden a little as he looked around and observed the room in his luck vision, noticing the amount of exits in the place before he turned his attention to the guests. Rose and Juleka had joined the others and started to dance but Luka was observing everyone. In the back of the room was two golden thrones. A woman dressed as a queen but with a pig's nose was sat one. Judging by the color of her hair, it was Gabriel's assistant Nathalie. He noticed a frog king sat next to her that looked a little bit moody and he suspected it had seen better days. Judging by the smirk on Nathalie's face when she looked at the frog, it was Gabriel. There were other fairytale themed characters to. A lot of the guests were transformed into one might reference to as stock characters such as royalty and witches but it seemed that Adrien's friends were themed around main characters from fairytales. There was a wooden puppet next to his maker, making Luka realize it was Max and Marvok as. Alya and Nino had been transformed into Beauty and the Beast only Alya was the beast. Kim resembled a mermaid and seemed to be holding something in his hand while he sat in a bathtub. That made Luka assume he was the Little Mermaid. Near him was Alix who was talking to Aurora. Both appeared to be characters from Alice in Wonderland. Alix was clearly the white rabbit and Aurora herself was Alice. They were also talking to Nathaniel, who was Red Riding Hood, Marc who looked like a warrior, Mireille... she was the blue fairy and Jean who was dressed as Aladdin. It took Luka a second but he realized Marc was Atreyu from the Neverending Story. He took a deep breathe as he looked over the remainder of the guests, hoping to find Marinette. The Bourgeois family were there. Audrey was the Queen of Hearts and Andre was the cowardly lion but Chloe was dressed in a beautiful dress that resembled a Swan. Clara Nightingale was nearby. She was dressed as Clara from the nutcracker by the looks of her dress and she was talking with Felix who resembled a pixie. In the far corner of the room was an old witch, which he realized was Lila. Luka wasn't surprised that she had been turned into that. He moved his eyes from her and scanned the rest of the room until his eyes landed on Marinette. She was dressed in a pink tail coat with a golden waist coat and matching pants. Her boots were dark brown and her hair was tied into a loose ponytail. She had a ruffle tie around her neck and a pink rose pinned into her hair. It was simple outfit but she looked very beautiful. However, she seemed to be look around. Her eyes moved over to where he was and a look of relief came onto her face as she saw him. A blush crept over his cheek as that look turned from relief to awe. She must have spotted his outfit. Alya was next to her and said something to her but she shook her head as Luka took a deep breathe and walked over to the staircase. He descended down them as Marinette pushed through the crowd, causing people to look at her as she moved over. 
 "Hi..." She smiled shyly as she met him at the bottom of the stairs. "You look amazing,"
 "T-thanks..." He blushed, rubbing the back of his neck as well. "You look beautiful,"
 "Really?" She asked, making him nod before she moved closer as if to inspect him. "I'm glad you're ok. I was really worried when I woke up and you weren't around. I thought Adrien had hurt you. He assured me that he didn't and that he needed my help to set up this. I was gonna post on the akuma alert app but Adrien seems harmless and the heroes haven't turned up yet,"
 "I know," Luka replied, nodding. "I think they might be stuck in their civilian forms and haven't had the chance to escape yet,"
 "That makes sense," Marinette replied, nodding before shrugging. "Oh, well,"
 Luka nodded in reply and looked around as the music changed. It was the same song they danced to at Chloe's party and in the moonlight. He had a feeling Adrien was behind the song choice. Marinette smiled as she looked around too before Luka cleared his throat nervously.He knew he should make some excuse to get away so he can transform but it would just seem odd to just sneak off. Besides, Adrien seemed harmless as an akuma and he could fix everything later. He should be able to enjoy himself, especially since he was with Marinette. 
 "W-Would you like to dance? It's our song... You know... never mind it's stu-"
 "Yes," She stated, making him look at her. "I would love to dance with you,"
 Luka broke into a smile as she grabbed his hand and lead him to the dance floor. The two of them moved together, ignoring everyone else as they just danced and zoned out into their own little world. Luka couldn't help but smile when Marinette leaned against him as they swayed. The more they danced, the more a fog seem to cloud their mind, making them forget as they continued to enjoy each other's company. Around them, the same thing seemed to be happening to everyone else. Nino, who wanted to talk to Adrien and apologize to him, decided he could just do it later. After all, he was having a good time and it was thanks to Adrien. The other guests were the same. Aurdey didn't care what people thought about her, Chloe was complimenting Sabrina and others and Marc wasn't hiding behind his hair. He was laughing and happy. Lila was talking happily to people as if she wasn't a malicious witch. Her lies and fake personality forgotten by both herself and everyone else. Even Gabriel had forgotten that he was Hawkmoth and that he was after the miraculous to bring back his wife. Instead, he was sat in Nathalie's hand as they danced, all of their worries forgotten. Luka smiled as he swayed with Marinette. His own worries lifting away and been forgotten as they danced. 
 "I love you..." He whispered, making her suddenly look up at him with surprise in her eyes. A blush crept over his face as she searched his features. A smile broke through as she looked at him as well.
 "I love you too," She stated, making him stare at her before he grinned like a love struck fool. She smiled back and gently leaned on her head against his shoulder again as they swayed. Luka smiled and pulled her a little closer to him as he rested his chin on top of her head before closing his eyes as they swayed on the spot with their friends grinning and whispering as they finally confessed their feelings for each other. However, their peace was short-lived as Heureux Fin flew in and landed on the stairs case, crowing as he did. 
 "Hello, Paris!!" He shouted, grinning before a fairy like creature flew over, trailing dust over everyone. "Let's get this party started!!"
 He laughed and flew up into the air as everyone cheered before the party kicked into a swing. Everyone laughed and danced without a single care as the castle shifted into a real forest. A huge roaring fire was created in the middle, causing everyone to dance wildly around it including Heureux Fin. It was like something out of a fairytale with wild fae and characters dancing around. Sure, it would be a mess in the morning but Luka couldn't bring himself to care. Just like everyone else, he knew Lady Noir and Anatis would fix it, even if the heroes hadn't turned up yet but that didn't matter. Now was the time to have fun. The music changed into a fast paced song, causing everyone to clap and dance faster as the evening went on. Song after song, played and Viper laughed as he spun around arm in arm with Ladybug but he suddenly stopped when he saw someone standing in the crowd, watching. He let go out of Marinette's arm as he stared towards the figure but Carapace knocked into him, making him look over.
 "Everyone ok, dude?" He asked as Viper blinked.
 "Oh, I thought I saw someone over there," He replied, looking over again but the person was gone. "Huh... guess they went away,"
 "Ah don't worry too much!" Carapace laughed, joining the party again as he howled and danced around the fire with Rena and the others. Frowning to himself, Viper glanced over to where the person had been. He felt like he knew that person and something had changed but he couldn't place his mind on it. He shrugged and turned around to dance again but something inside his mind niggled at him. Something felt wrong. Very wrong but he didn't know what it was. It just felt like he had forgotten something. He groaned a little as he felt his head ache and very slowly, the fog began to lift. It still wasn't clear what he had forgotten but it was definitely something. He moved to the side and sat down as he held his head. Ladybug moved over and leaned down in front of him. He looked up at her and frowned. Was she always dressed similar to Rena? For some reason, he was sure she was dressed as a princess before.
 "Hey, you ok?" She asked, making him look over. "You look pale,"
 "My head hurts," He replied, frowning. She frowned back and sat next to him, gently rubbing his back. "I feel like I've forgotten something important,"
 "Really?" She asked. "What do you think it is?"
 "I don't know," He replied, looking down. He frowned as he noticed his outfit had changed as well. Like Rena, Carapace and Ladybug, he was dressed in what he could only described as ragged clothing. He was in a teal green tunic with dark teal breeches and material shoes but he was certain he hadn't been wearing it before hand. He was sure he had been wearing something similar to Cinderella. That's what his fairy godmother put him in. Wait... not his fairy godmother but Penny! His eyes widen as he remembered her and his family. She had been transformed into the fairy godmother and his mother had been transformed into Captain Hook by an akuma. His eyes widen even more as he remembered Juleka and Rose. They were Snow White and Sleeping Beauty respectively and Marinette... Marinette had been Princess Charming. He glanced over and saw Rose and Juleka dancing by the fire. They were dancing as if there was no care in the world. He turned to look to Marinette, who was looked at him with worry and fear. He stood up as she watched him. "There's an akuma.. we have to get out of here,"
 "What's an akuma?" She asked, confused before gasping. "It is to do with that nasty pirate-"
 "Marinette, listen to me," He gasped, cupping her face. "Do you remember who your parents are?"
 "I don't have any, silly and my name is Ladybug," She giggled, making him frown. "We're the lost kids, remember? Part of Fin's crew. We never grow up and we get to play all the time. You know that, Viper,"
 "Viper?" He asked, frowning.
 "It's your name," She giggled, tapping the side of his head. "You came here with Tigress and Pigella,"
 "Tigress and Pigella?" He asked, causing her to point to Juleka and Rose. He frowned and shook his head before gently grabbing her shoulders. "Listen to me. None of this is real. It's the effect of the akuma,"
 "Viper, you're scar-"
 "My name isn't Viper, it's Luka," He gasped, making her frown. "And your name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Your parents are Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng. You're 15 years old and a fashion designer..."
 "This game isn't funny, Viper,"
 "It's not a game," He gasped before he took a deep breathe. Something told him he needed to wake her up as well. "Remember what I said to you just before Kitty Section played live. You are an extraordinary girl, Marinette. Clear as a music note, sincere as a melody. You have been the song I hear in my head since we first met..."
 Recognition flowed into Marinette's eyes as the fog began to lift for her. She gasped and looked around, panicked.
 "Luka?" She gasped, making him let out a sigh of relief. "What happened? My mind feels foggy and confused,"
 "There's an akuma but I can't remember everything. I just know we need to get out now," He gasped, grabbing her hand and leading her away from the fire. Everyone else was having too much fun to notice. The farther they got away from the fire and the others, the clearer their minds got until they fully remembered everything including that they are heroes and that they needed a chance to escape and transform. Luka turned to Marinette, making her look at him. "I'm going to see if I can find Anatis. He might have been affected by the spell as well,"
 "Right," She nodded. "I should find Lady Noir as well,"
 He nodded before they were their separate ways. He slipped into the garden and hid behind a rose bush before letting Tikki out. He found her in his pocket asleep. He poked her and woke her up, making her yawn.
 "Luka?" She asked, making him slight in relief. "What happened?"
 "You feel asleep and I fell under the akuma's spell but now it's time to rewrite this story," He stated, making her nod before he swiped his earrings and transformed into Anatis. The rest of the fog completely cleared. He took out his yoyo and made his way back into the forest to fight Heureux Fin. He spun his yoyo when he came to the fire as all of the 'lost kids' looked at him with annoyed expressions. Heureux Fin got up from his throne and flew over, landing in front of him.
 "So you finally turned up, Bugboy," He declared, glaring at him as the lost kids sneered and shouted. "You know I'm just trying to let people have fun and helped everyone get their happy endings,"
 "By forcing them to forget who they are?" Anatis replied back, shaking his head. "That isn't how to help people... Adrien,"
 "My name is Heureux Fin!" He shouted back, taking to the air. "Besides, you can't catch me! Unlike me, you can't fly,"
 "He might not be able to fly but he isn't alone!" A voice shouted, causing Heureux Fin to look behind him as Lady Noir jumped on him. He managed to throw her off, causing her to land next to Anatis. "Got a plan?"
 "Not yet," He replied as Heureux Fin laughed and taunted them. "We need to ground him so we can find the akuma,"
 "You can't catch me!" Heureux Fin shouted before whistling. The fairy like creature flew over to him. "Fairytale, deal with this losers!"
 Fairytale turned into a giant wolf and landed on the ground, making Anatis and Lady Noir stare at it.
 "Great, he has a sentimonster," Lady Noir gasped as the wolf changed at her. She hit it with her baton as Anatis threw up his yoyo and summoned his lucky charm, which was a shoe and a sock. Anatis rose an eyebrow at it with confusion but before he could work it out, Heureux Fin tried to grab it off him. He jumped out of the way and stepped back, dropping the sock in the process. However, he was grabbed by the lost kids as Lady Noir was knocked back by the sentimonster. Anatis struggled against the lost kids as Heureux Fin flew over.
 "Now we can finally finding out who's behind that mask," He stated, reaching for his earrings. Anatis' luck vision kicked in, highlighting Heureux Fin himself, the shoe and the trees as a plan formed in his head.
 "None of this is real!" Anatis suddenly shouted, making Heureux Fin stop reaching for his earrings. "It's all a lie created by your powers. You're not Heureux Fin, you're Adrien Agreste! And this isn't a forest!"
 "You're lying!" Heureux Fin shouted but he lowered closer to the ground again, causing the lost kids to look at him with a little confusion. Seeing his chance, Anatis yanked him self free and threw the shoe, causing everyone to gasp it flew towards tree tops. Heureux Fin gasped and went to fly after it but Anatis stopped him, using his yoyo. The shoe hit the top, shattering one of the skylights before it fell down with shattered glass. The lost kids gasped and realization appeared in their eyes, causing Heureux Fin to realize. He fell down to the ground, allowing Anatis to recall his yoyo. Heureux Fin yelled out and charged at him but before he could hit, Lady Noir got the upper hand on the Sentimonster and threw it into him, causing it to fall on top of him before Anatis threw his yoyo, tying Heureux Fin and the Sentimonster to one of the trees with his yoyo. "Let me go!! Fairytale, atta- hmm!"
 To everyone's surprise, Nino shoved the lucky charm sock into Heureux Fin's mouth, cutting him off and causing Heureux Fin to look at him in surprise and slight betrayal.
 "I'm sorry, Adrien," He stated, taking the ring off and turning to Anatis, holding it out to him. "The akuma and the amok are in there. He took them to stop me from been the victim,"
 "Thank you, Nino," Anatis replied, taking the ring. "Kitten, would you mind?"
 "Cataclysm!" She called as he flipped the ring, tossing it towards her. She caught it and it rushed in her grip, causing the akuma and the amok to escape. Anatis recalled his yoyo, causing Heureux Fin to fall to his knees as Fairytale disappeared in blue smog before he threw out his yoyo and captured the akuma and the amok in it before releasing them. Lady Noir picked the shoe and handed it to him, causing him to smile as he took it. "Should I get the sock as well?"
 "The shoe will work fine," He replied before tossing it up in the air again. "Miraculous Ladybugs!!"
 The shoe burst into the cure and spreaded throughout the forest, getting rid of the trees and fire as it turned back into Agreste Manor. It washed over the party guests, turning them back to normal and restoring them to where they had been originally before bursting through the windows and spreading across Paris, turning it back into the city they loved. Heureux Fin turned back into Adrien and looked up confused as the heroes fist-bumped each other. Gabriel and Nathalie also looked around confused.
 "How did I get here?" He asked, confused before he noticed them. His eyes widen in realization and dread. "Oh, no! I was akumatized, wasn't I?"
 "Yes but I know you took it to stop Nino from been the akuma," Anatis stated, helping him to his feet as Adrien stammered an apology, "No need for an apology, Adrien,"
 "But I hurt people!" He gasped, making the heroes look at each other. "I did hurt people, didn't I?"
 "Adrien, you threw a massive party and turned people into fairytale characters," Lady Noir explained. "The most trouble you caused was causing them to forget their troubles. You didn't hurt anyone,"
 "But Nino... he must hate me," Adrien groaned, covering his face. Anatis frowned. "I... I should have never trusted Lila! All she does is hurt people and she upset my friend Marinette and Nino got upset with Alya because even though she told Lila off, she thought Lila was trying to help and fit in, just like I did. I offered to talk to her, to help her see the error of her ways like I did but in the process, Nino discovered I knew about Lila before anyone else and got upset that I didn't tell him like I should have!! I upset him and I saw an akuma coming for him! I couldn't let him down or fail to protect him again so I pushed him out of the way but the akuma and amok got in my ring and I tried to resist I swear. I-"
 "Adrien, calm down," Anatis stated, making him look at him. "Yes, you made a mistake with the whole Lila thing but that doesn't make you a bad friend. Talk to Nino and get him to help you with understanding social situations. None of this would have happened if you were taught how to interact with people your age and allowed to interact with them,"
 He shoot a look toward Gabriel, who looked at him with shock.
 "How dare you suggest that I'm the cause for this?!" Gabriel gasped. Anatis was ready to chew him out but to everyone's surprise, Nathalie stepped forward.
 "Anatis is actually correct, sir," She stated, making Gabriel look at her. "While his grades are excellent, he does lack in understanding normal social situations due to his isolated upbringing,"
 She turned to look at Anatis.
 "Which is we will work on," She stated, making him nod before she lead Adrien out, promising to get him some ice cream and to clear his schedule for a couple of days. Both Gabriel and Anatis stared in surprise as she lead him out before Gabriel turned to Anatis and held out his hand.
 "A thank you is in order," He stated as Anatis looked at it with distrust. "Is something wrong?"
 "I'm sure you saw how I call out a number of people for their behavior," He stated, making Gabriel retract his hand. "Well, you're heading to the top of the list, Mr Agreste. Adrien isn't some puppet or property. He is your son and if you keep going down this path you have chosen, you're gonna end up losing him forever,"
 "Is that a threat, Anatis?" Gabriel asked. He was certain the young hero didn't know he was Hawkmoth but he suspected the boy still suspected him. "Or a promise?"
 "Neither, Mr Agreste," He replied, making him raise an eyebrow. "It's a warning and if I were you, sir, I would heed it. Let's go, Kitten,"
 The two heroes walked out of the door, making Mr Agreste frown in a dark manner.
 "Soon enough, Anatis, I will crush you like the insect you are,"
 ~A Couple of Days Later~
 "So Adrien's schedule is been relaxed a little bit and he's asked me to help him to understand social ques," Nino explained as he and Marinette walked up to the school. "Though he won't be back in school for a couple of more days. Apparently, Nathalie is letting him have sweets and watch whatever he wants,"
 "That's good," Marinette replied before seeing Luka sat on one of the benches, listening to music. "Hey, would you mind going ahead? I need to do something,"
 "Sure thing, dudette," Nino smiled as he saw her looking at Luka. He grinned. "Go get him, tiger,"
 "Nino!" She gasped, blushing as he laughed and walked off. Licking her lips, she began to walk over. Since been restored, she hadn't had a chance to talk to Luka. She had tried to text him but he barely answered and she had a feeling is because of the party. She wasn't sure if it was the affect of Heureux Fin but Luka had said he loved her and she told him she loved him back. She did but she wasn't sure if he knew if she was been sincere. She had a feeling that he thought it was because of the effects of the akuma and in a way, she thought that might be the case as well. She stopped in front of him, making him jump a little and take out his headphones. "Hi..."
 "Hey," He stated, looking down at his hands. "Um... how is everything..."
 "G-Good," She mumbled, feeling her face heat up as he looked up at her. "How are you?"
 "I'm... good..." He muttered, though he didn't seem ok. In fact, he seemed surprised. Marinette rose an eyebrow. "I... I got through to the next stage for the music contest..."
 "Oh my gosh! That's great!" She gasped, going to hug him but she stopped and rubbed her neck, making him frown. "Sorry,"
 "It's fine," He replied, making her smile. "But are you ok?"
 "Um... actually, I wanted to talk to you about... the party and what you said..."
 "Oh god," He muttered, making her frown as he looked down in embarrassment. "Marinette, I am so sorry... I don't know what came over me with that. I know you don't like me in that way at all. I mean if you did, you probably would said already and you're out of my league anyway. I mean why on earth would a beautiful symphony like you want to be with a sour note like myself? You deserve better then me..."
 Marinette frowned as he looked down before a wave of clarity came over her. Luka didn't think she meant it but not because he didn't love her. He did but because he thought he wasn't good enough for her. 
 "Luka," She stated, making him look at him. "You're an idiot,"
 "That's mean, Melody," He stated, making her giggle "Why am I an idiot?"
 "Because I like you," She stated, making him blink at her in surprise. "I meant what I said during the party. You're amazing, funny, brave and creative. You mean everything to me and I'm so sorry it took me a while to realize it. I was so blinded by my crush on Adrien that I didn't even consider that someone else could be the one I want to be with but with you... there isn't any of that. Everything is so easy and simple with you. I don't feel like I have to be something I'm not. When I'm with you, I'm happy. Luka, I know I'm not perfect. I'm clumsy, stupid and I'm sure there's tons of girls that are way better then me but... I like you, Luka as more then a friend. I really like you and I..."
 She took a deep breathe.
 "I want to be your girlfriend," Luka's mind went completely blank as her words sank in. Marinette... liked him. Like actually liked him in the same way he liked her and she wanted to be his girlfriend. Marinette, the most beautiful girl in the world, wanted to be his girlfriend. He must be dreaming. There's no way this could be real but when he looked up at her, she was still there and he hadn't answered yet. He needed to say something before she thought he didn't like her. He opened his mouth as she looked down. taking his silence for rejection but before she could get up and leave, Luka gently took her hand, making her look at him. The way he was looking at her made her cheeks heat up.
 "I don't think you're clumsy or stupid. I actually think you're brilliant, beautiful and gifted," He stated, making her cheek heat up even more. "And there might be tons of other girls but they don't hold a candle to you. Marinette, I meant what I said when I said you were the song in my head. I still mean it and I always will. I... I love you..."
 "Luka..." She gasped, blushing. "I-Is that a yes to been my boyfriend then?"
 "Yes, it is," He smiled before blushing as well. "I-If you'll have me that is. I mean I'm not perfect and I'm certain gonna mess up but I love you and if you'll have me, I want to be your boyfriend..."
 "Yes, absolutely!" She gasped, making him blush. "Sorry, too much?"
 "N-No... I like your enthusiasm," He replied, causing her to squeak and throw her arms around him in a hug, making him chuckle and hug back as the bell rang. "We should go to class,"
 "Ok but meet me at lunch! I want to spend it with my boyfriend and hear about the contest! Ah, I can't believe I can say that!!" She grinned, making Luka smile back. Her song was louder then it had ever been. The second bell rang and she jumped. "Right! Gotta go!! See you at lunch!!"
 She blew a kiss at him before running off to her class, making him smile dreamily before he headed to his own lesson. He couldn't wait for lunch.
Miss Bustier’s Class:
Marinette- Princess Charming/Ladybug Nino- Belle/Carapace Alya- The Beast/Rena Nathaniel- Little Red Riding Hood/Red Rose- Sleeping Beauty/Pigella Juleka- Snow White/Tigress Ivan- The BFG Mylene- Little Princess Max- Geppetto/Pegasus Marvok- Pinocchio Kim- The Little Mermaid/Monkey Alix- The White Rabbit/Bunny Sabrina- Rapunzel Chloe- The Ugly Ducking/Swan Princess/Bee Lila- The Evil Queen/Hag Miss Bustier- Mrs Darling
Mrs Mendeleiev's Class
Felix- Rumpstileskin/Chat Luka- Cinderella/Viper Kagami- Puss in Boots/Dragon Marc- Atreu (Neverending story)/Horns Aurora- Alice Liddle Mireille- Blue Fairy Jean- Aladdin Ondine- Thumbelina Mrs Mendeleiev- Unaffected
Other Characters:
Audrey Bourgeois- Queen of Hearts Andre Bourgeois- The Cowardly Lion Nathalie- The Pig-faced Princess Gabriel Agreste- The Frog King Anarka- Captain Hook (didn’t attend the party) Jagged- Tick-Tock  (didn’t attend the party) Clara Nightingale- Clara from Nutcracker Penny Rolling- Fairy Godmother (didn’t attend the party) Jean (Butler)- Knave of Hearts Mr Damocles- the Piped Piper Nadja Chamack-  The Woman who cried Wolf Gorilla-  The Hunchback of Notre-Dame Officer Roger- The Huntsman (didn’t attend the party) Master Fu- Wizard Of Oz (didn’t attend the party) Master Mila- Snow Queen  (didn’t attend the party) Tomoe- Mother Gothel (didn’t attend the party) Emile- The White Queen (didn’t attend the party)
Next Chapter: Coming Soon
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Title: Serious Inquiries Only: PART 6 (FINAL)
Pairing: dom! yoongi x reader ft. Hobi
Warnings: Talk of sexual favors, flirting, crack, humor, Slight angst, Self Punishment (whipping), Oral Sex (M) (F), Daddy Kink, Use of restraints, Nipple Play, Anal Play, Protected Sex.
Rating: 18 and over
Tag list: @mochilicious-yoongi​
It’s been a week, a week since he’s seen Y/N, a week since Hobi punched him in the parking lot of the Meet and Greet event. To say he was distraught was an understatement. He was boiling over with emotions and he didn’t know how to express them, at least not in a way deemed acceptable by societies standards. He swallowed hard, sitting at his desk, pulling his phone out.
Me: Please call me. I’m so fucking sorry. Tell me what to do.
*It appears this caller has blocked you*
He grumbles from deep in his chest, setting his phone down and setting up his left and right microphones on his desk. He opens his software, removes his shirt, and adjusts himself to sit on one of his legs, leaning on his left arm, his head between the two mics. He hits record, grabbing his black leather flogger in his right hand and flicking it backwards towards his back.
*CRACK* He moans out, feeling relief wash over him, his head tingling.
*CRACK* “Fuck.” He groans, trembling.
*CRACK* *CRACK* *CRACK* “God.” He groans in an animal like tone.
*CRACK* *CRACK* He sucks in a breath, feeling his skin break and his cock tighten in his jeans.
His head is flush against the wood of his desk now, his breath labored as he comes down again on his pale flesh. *CRACK* *CRACK* He moans out, lust overwhelming his entire body. He pants frantically, dropping the flogger, his head still planted firmly against his desk, he yanks at his belt buckle. He frees his throbbing cock and begins to stroke himself quickly, his hand gliding easily from the shocking amount of precum he’s producing. “Fuck!” He shouts, tightening his grip on his length and hitching his hips forward, fucking into his fist, chasing his high. He is almost wheezing when his body begins to tremble and his body curls a bit, his orgasm shooting onto his hard wood floor. He lifts his sweaty head from his table to turn off the recording. HIs emotions are swirling heavy in his head, tears stinging behind his eyes, a wail leaving his throat as he finally allows himself to cry.
“I’m coming. I’m coming! Shit! You better be the police knocking so damn hard.” Hobi shuffles sleepily from his bedroom. He yanks his front door open to see a swollen eyed Yoongi standing before him. “Can I come in?” “Are you drunk?” “I’m…yes. I, I don’t want to be alone Hobi.” “Yeah of course. Come.” Hobi moves aside to allow Yoongi to enter the apartment. Yoongi looks around the place. “She isn’t here.” Hobi says, making his way into the kitchen and putting a kettle of water to boil. He heads to the fridge and grabs a Gatorade, handing it to Yoongi as he walks off towards the bathroom. “Have you spoken to her?” “Uh, no. She hasn’t called me back.” Hobi calls from the bathroom. He emerges from the restroom, first aid kit in hand. “Let me see the damage.” He tells Yoongi. “What are you talking about?” Yoongi grumbles, swallowing back the Gatorade. Hobi looks Yoongi over, the normally well carried man sits tiny before him on his couch. “Your back. I heard your most recent ASMR. ‘Bad Boy’” Hobi says with air quotes. Yoongi nods, standing and removing his jacket, then his shirt. He turns to show Hobi his swollen welts. “Jesus Yoongi. When was the last time you did this to yourself?” Yoongi sighs. “Misty. When she cheated.” “Right. Look, Hyung, I’m sorry I got so mad at the meet and greet. I had no right to hit you.” “I deserved it.” “No, you didn’t. We both handled this wrong and you always wanted to come clean. I should’ve listened to you in the beginning.” Hobi explains, saturating a cotton pad with antiseptic. Yoongi hisses when Hobi begins to cleans the lacerations on his back. “Sorry Hyung.” “Where did she go?” Yoongi murmurs. “Uh, probably her parents. She sometimes heads out there to see them when they are in town.” “My eomma came to see me. Thinks I’m a deviant.” Yoongi chuckles a bit, warming Hobi’s heart to see him smile some. “She’s not completely wrong, is she?” Hobi scoffs, slapping the cotton pad to Yoongi’s back. Yoongi wiggles his shoulders up and down, putting his shirt back on. “They look pretty good, just keep them clean.” Hobi points at Yoongi, running to the whistling tea kettle.
He makes two cups of tea, carefully walking them over to the living room and placing one before Yoongi. “I love her.” Yoongi mumbles suddenly as Hobi sips his tea, allowing it to settle too long on his tongue and burn his taste buds. Hobi begins to breath in and out of his mouth quickly, exposing his heated tongue and fanning it with his hand. “Wow, uh, that’s quite the confession.” Yoongi nods but says nothing. “I wasn’t expecting that.” Hobi adds. “I think I’ve always loved her Hobi. It was finally made solid when she gave me time of day and we got to know each other and I wasn’t just Hobi’s friend.” He sniffles, fresh tears falling from his eyes. Hobi hasn’t seen Yoongi this distraught in years, he wasn’t sure what to say, the secret he was holding itching at his body. “You need rest Hyung. You need sleep. Don’t think about her for a while.” Hobi offers. Yoongi tosses his head back, jumping up. “You’re right. Thanks for the tea and the Gatorade and first aid. Just everything. Let me get out of your hair.” Hobi nods, walking behind Yoongi towards the door. “Hyung,” Hobi calls, pulling Yoongi into a hug when he turns to face him, “I love you. This is going to work itself out. I still believe that.” Yoongi scoffs. “Thanks, Hoseok. You’re a good friend. I love you too.” He rubs his nose and Hobi wonders if he’ll cry again. He doesn’t, he just leaves.  
“I was afraid he was going to sleep here. Thanks for sending him off.” You emerge from your room and tell Hobi. “He’s fucked up over this and you hiding from him and this is making it worse. Get your shit together Y/N. I won’t lie to him again. Goodnight.” Hobi scolds, storming off to his room. You nod, heading back into your room, plopping down on your bed. You grab your phone and click on the ‘SIO’ app, heading straight to Gloss’ page. You put your headphones in and click on the newest ASMR titled ‘Bad Boy’, a loud *CRACK* filling your ears followed by his moans. You bite your bottom lip and listen to the entire thing, the way he is sure to turn his head side to side to fill each mic with the sounds of his moans sends shivers down your spine. You feel yourself soaking your panties and you toss your phone to the side. You lie back on your bed and think back to that night of the meet and greet, hearing Yoongi’s unfiltered voice call out your name when his heavy cock spilled his delicious cum down your throat. You should’ve stayed and talked it out with him but you were so emotional. You felt so played by both him and Hobi. Like the butt of a joke. Hobi explained why he pushed you into Gloss’ arms and you understood needing to free yourself from your shell but why had Yoongi never confessed? You groan, knowing you would never get the answers you needed by lying in bed and sulking.
You jumped up, heading into the shower to clean yourself up. Hobi was right, you needed to get your shit together and get the answers you needed. No more hiding. No more lying. Just you, Yoongi, and the truth.
“WE WERE ON A BREAK!” The tv screams at Yoongi and he grumbles, sitting up and turning off it off. He stretches his body and makes his way to his bedroom when a sudden knock on his door stalls him in place. He tilts his head, hyper listening to see if what he heard was real. It was 3am, who the hell could be at his place at this hour. He hums to himself when nothing happens and begins to shuffle again to his room. *KNOCK KNOCK*
Yoongi stops in place and turns towards his door. “Who is it?” He asks sternly. “Your Goddess.” He hears a familiar voice call. Yoongi’s face drops and he almost runs to the door, quickly opening it. “You’re here.” He whispers staring at her. Y/N stands before him looking like pure sin in the tightest black latex mini dress he’s ever seen and he wonders if she can breathe. “I’m here.” He moves to reach for her but she lifts a hand to his chest to keep him at arm’s length. “I’m here, to talk.” Yoongi swallows. “Of course.” He responds. She keeps her hand on his chest while she moves past him to enter his apartment. Yoongi takes a deep breath when he sees just a bit of her ass hanging out the bottom of this tight ensemble. “Talk.” He whispers, trying to calm his heart.
He closes the door, locking it. “Where have you been?” He asks. “Do you have water?” She counters. He nods, walking to the kitchen to grab bottled water from the fridge. He walks over and hands it to her. “You look good.” He notes. “You don’t.” She states. He scoffs and shakes his head. “Sorry if I’ve been worried about you.” He snaps. “Now you’re worried? But not when you were lying and living this double life?” Yoongi stutters but has no rebuttal for her. “Exactly. To answer your first question, I was home.” “At your parents.” “No, my apartment and before you get upset at Hobi just remember your part in all of this and how you didn’t really deserve to know where I was.” “That’s fair. It doesn’t change the fact that I was worried. I fucked up; I know that. I wasn’t trying to lie or hurt you. I wanted so badly to come forward and tell you everything but Hobi.” “Hobi,” She shouts, “Please don’t sit here and tell me that you as a grown man couldn’t make your own decisions outside of fucking Hobi.” Yoongi stutters, his heart racing. “No, I’m not saying that but he was worried you’d freak out and I didn’t want to add to that.” “But you did Yoongi. You hurt me. You lied and allowed me to think you were two different people and I felt like a lunatic.” “Okay look I get it. I should’ve been honest but your hands aren’t clean in all of this either. You were sucking my dick while having phone sex with Gloss. Let’s not milk the whole broken hearted girl thing ok.”
She leans forward and tosses her water in Yoongi’s face. “Fuck you.” Yoongi licks his lips, pulling the hem of his shirt up to wipe his face dry. “Childish no?” He mutters. “You started.” “I don’t want to fight Y/N, you’re right ok. I’m so fucking sorry and if I could take it all back, I would.” “I wouldn’t.” She says, swallowing the little sip of water left in her water bottle. “What?” “I wouldn’t take it back. It sucked to be lied to for sure but you know what, I needed this to come out of my shell. Hobi was right, I was hiding for too long after Trevor and why? Because I thought I gave him too much? But in reality, no one has that power not even you Min Yoongi, Gloss, or whatever you want to be called. In the end, I’m so grateful for this whole situation. We had so much fun, so why is that bad? I sat thinking about all of it and I realized that all the signs were there but I was so caught up in my head that I didn’t see them clear as day before me. The reason I was so pulled to Gloss was because he was just an extension of you. It’s always been you Yoongi. I wasn’t always the best at showing it, I mean shit, I literally ran from it but it’s been right in front of my face this whole time.” Yoongi squints at her, confusion swirling in his head. “That I’m Gloss?” “That I’ve been in love with you this whole time Yoongi.” His eyes widen and mouth falls open. “I… I’m in love with you too Y/N.” “I know, I heard you tell Hobi.” “I’m so sorry about everything. I never meant to hurt you.” Yoongi whispers, leaning his body towards her. His fingers grazing hers. “I know.” She whispers, wiggling her fingers into Yoongi’s. He can’t take the distance anymore and he slides towards her, resting his forehead against hers. She leans into him, digging her hand into his hair. “Please forgive me. I promise, I’ll never intentionally hurt you ever again.” “I’ll forgive you on one condition.” “Anything.” “You’ll never hurt yourself again.” She requests sternly, tightening her fingers in his locks. “I like it.” He pants, rubbing his lips over hers. “Then we do it together for pleasure, but never for punishment. Now promise me.” She says against Yoongi’s lips. His heart swelling from her concern. “I promise.” “Good, now please, kiss me.” She moans, gripping Yoongi’s hair tightly to pull him closer. He presses his lips against hers, breathing her in, his hand sliding along the soft latex on her hip.
“You wore this for me, didn't you baby?” He pants, pushing her onto her back and laying atop her. He takes her mouth with his again, rubbing his palm up along her torso and rubbing at her strained nipple ring through the latex with his thumb. “I’m not wearing underwear.” She teases, giggling when Yoongi growls. He kisses along her neck, biting into the concave of her soft flesh. “I want you so bad Yoongi. Need you.” She moans. “I’m all yours.” Yoongi whispers in her ear, nipping at her lobe. She moans out, turning her head towards Yoongi and licking at his pout. He smirks, raising his body off of hers to take in the view. Her legs are spread as wide as this tight dress will allow and Yoongi can't help stare at her gleaming core. He sucks in a breath, rubbing his hands along her inner thighs and gripping the flesh. “I bought toys for you baby. Things I need to see you in. Things I think you'll love. Do you want to try on some of daddy’s presents?” Yoongi asks, his face burning a bit. He bites his lower lip in anticipation of her answer. She lies before him, panting quietly, mouth slightly open. “Yes.” Yoongi's eyes light up and he stands immediately, helping her to her feet. They begin walking towards the bedrooms and he chuckles when Y/N grabs the door to his bedroom. “No baby. This way,” He pulls his key from around his neck, “No more secrets. It's time for Goddess and Gloss to meet formally.” He watches as she swallows hard, making her way towards him. He unlocks his office door and swings it open, “Ladies first.”
You look about the room and chuckle when you see the bed to your right. It’s the same one from the hand kink/ASMR video Gloss first sent you, the crisp white sheets a complete contrast from the dark ones Yoongi keeps on his actual bed. “I hope these are clean.” You tease. He smiles wide. “Of course. Only the best for my Goddess.” You look over to the left and nod your head at his desk, computer, and all his recording equipment. “So, this is where the Genius called Gloss lives huh?” You ask. “Yup, locked away in one small bedroom.” He responds, straightening a light fixture beside the desk. You make your way to the bed and sit. “So, you said you had a gift you wanted me to try on?” You lean back on one hand, looking at him seductively. “You remember how this works naughty girl?” He asks with a tilt of his head. “Um, not really.” You almost whisper, seeing a change in his demeanor that has you soaking your thighs. He releases a deep sigh and moves over towards the bed, running his had along a candy gloss black chest that sits at the front of the bed. “What’s in there?” You ask. “Don’t worry naughty girl, all in due time. For now, ground rules. If ever anything I do is too much, tell me to stop and I will. I never want to do anything you aren’t into, but I will push you a bit if I can. In addition, when we are in here you call me daddy or Gloss but never Yoongi. I’ll allow you three warnings before I punish you, got it?” All you can do is nod, stuck between surprised and turned on. “Perfect.” He whispers, digging in the chest and pocketing something. He then closes the lid and makes his way towards you. “Lie back.” You do as your told and he is immediately on you, taking you into a deep kiss, his tongue commanding yours. He begins to make his way down your chin, your neck, planting kisses along your collar bone. He nips at the soft flesh of your mounds that slip out of your tight top, suckling at them, before making his way down to your dress. You look at him confused when he wraps his mouth around the top of the dress. “What are you doing?” You ask, when he grips on the neck of the dress with his hand. He gives a sly smile and quickly yanks at one side of the neckline with one hand and the other side with his teeth as if he’s tearing a bag of chips.
Your eyes widen when he creates a tear in the latex, right in the center of the dress. “Yoongi! What the fuck!? This dress was like 200 bucks!” You shout. He lifts his head with a scoff, “First warning naughty girl and fuck this dress. I’ll buy you 200 dresses.” He growls, tearing the dress sloppily down the center, exposing your naked body to him. He moans at the sight of you. “So. Fucking. Beautiful.” He declares, taking one of your nipples into his mouth and sucking at it, rolling the ring around with his tongue. You moan aloud, feeling every flick in your cunt. He moves to the other nipple and does the same earning moan after moan from you. He lifts up, and you whimper at the sight of his hard on pressing through his sweats. “Ready for your first gift?” You nod excitedly, watching him dig into his pocket. He opens his closed fist, and a gold chain dangles from his long fingers. You look at the item and see the clamp sticking up from his digits on one end and the other hanging at the other end. You can’t help the shiver that runs through you. “14 karat gold. Only the best for my Goddess. Wanna try them on?” “Yes, please daddy.” You moan. He moves towards your erect nipple and tugs at your bud, placing the clamp behind your piercing. You suck in a breath at the surge of pain that shoots through you. He does the same to the other side and you moan out. “You good baby?” He checks in. “Yeah. I like it.” “Good.” He whispers kissing at your torso. You run a hand through his soft hair, tugging at his locks as he leaves wet kisses all over your tummy. He moans into your flesh with each tug, running his hand up and tugging at the chain dangling from your nipple clamps. You gasp at the pleasure that runs through you, your back arching and cunt soaking.
Yoongi makes his way down to your mound and plants wet kisses atop her, looking up at you. “Please.” You moan, hitching your hips up a bit, wanting so badly for him to lap you up. He kisses the very top of your slit, maintaining eye contact with you the entire time. He reaches up and tugs on your nipple chain again sending shivers down your spine, “Fuck, please, please.” You beg, opening your legs wide for him. He slides his tongue between your slit, and you moan out loud, reaching down to run your fingers through his hair. He shoots his tongue out again gliding easily through your moistened slit. You growl and spread your legs wider for him, your cunt on full display. “My naughty girl, so greedy for my tongue.” He smirks. “Yes daddy. I’m so greedy for you.” He smiles at you, dipping his head so it is just above your sex. You groan and receive a raised brow from Yoongi. He licks his lips, parting your slit with two fingers, and slowly lowers his tongue to your heated cunt, running the tip along your hardened clit. You mewl at the feeling, rolling your hips for more friction. Yoongi looks up at you once more and begins to quickly shoot his tongue in and out of his mouth, flicking at your clit like a cat lapping up milk. Your breath hitches as your body heats, your moans filling the room. He soon slows his licks, switching between a quick flick against your clit and a tug at your nipple chain. You cry out, your body trembling due to Yoongi’s continual switching between flick, tug, flick, tug. You’re soon a breathless, moaning mess, a mixture of Yoongi’s drool and your arousal dripping down onto the bed. You begin rolling your hips to quicken your impending orgasm, you peek down to meet Yoongi’s darkened gaze, blown from watching you so overcome with pleasure.
The intense stare so intoxicating you feel your core tighten around nothing, your muscles tensing, your orgasm building, and you begin moving your hips faster. “Yoongi, I’m going to cum.” You pant, throwing your head back and closing your eyes, awaiting the sweet release that is coursing through your body. Your eyes pop open you look down whining to see Yoongi has stopped. “Why? I was so close, right there.” He bites his bottom lip. “Second warning naughty girl.” Yoongi smirks, leaving the bed to head back to his chest. You drop your legs, tempted to kick them in a mini tantrum but decide against it, instead locking eyes on Yoongi, watching his every move. He grabs a few things from the chest this time, closing it and heading towards you again. “Ready for your next gift my sweet Goddess?” “Yes daddy.” You sit up. “I’ll need you to lie back again.” You do as you’re told and lie back on the bed. Yoongi joins you, putting out four leather cuffs lined in fur, two large and two small. He wraps the larger cuffs on your thighs, taking the smaller cuffs and wrapping them around your wrists. He looks you over and smiles, taking your left wrist and attaching it to your left thigh with a small gold lock. He then goes to your right wrist and attaches it to your right thigh with another small gold lock. “Comfy?” He asks, rubbing at the back of your thighs. “I mean I can’t move my arms.” “That’s the point naughty girl. I want you to give yourself to me. Trust me, with your pleasure, your pain. If you don’t like it, I can take it off. Just say the word.” “I trust you.” You whisper, opening your legs for Yoongi to feast his eyes on your soaked cunt. He removes his shirt and then his pants, his cock spring free and slapping against his stomach.
You bite your lower lip, your mouth watering at the sight of him. He leans over you, taking your mouth with his. You lift your hips to meet his hot member when you feel it dangle just above your core. You whine when it slides past your slit, not touching all the places you want it to. Yoongi sucks in a breath, “Is this what you want naughty girl?” He moans, stroking his cock above your sex. “Yes, daddy please.” You groan. He smiles, gliding his tip through your slit. You gasp, widening your legs, growling when you attempt to reach for him but can’t due to your restraints. He presses his tip against your clit, moving it around in circles, teasing you. “Please don’t tease me, please.” “So greedy. Ready to jump to the end and be filled already?” He whispers in your ear while trailing kisses along it. You hitch your hips upwards trying to coax his head into your needy hole but Yoongi pulls away with a chuckle. “Naughty girl.” “I just need you inside me so badly.” You moan. “Yeah, is that what you need?” He pants, kneeling between your widespread legs, stroking at his long cock. You tug at your restraints, desperate to touch him. He smirks at your feeble attempt, bringing two fingers to your sex and running them through your slit, collecting your juices. You gasp, your core clenching around nothing. He brings his fingers to his lips, sucking your juices from his fingers before bringing them back down to your soaked cunt.
He parts your lips gently, creating small circles around your clit, building your lost high. Your lips part and you pant softly, your hips moving in rhythm with him. He bites his bottom lip, sliding the same two fingers down to your entrance and entering you quickly, thrusting in and out of you. You mewl at the feeling of Yoongi stretching your walls. He curls his fingers now, searching for that soft spot deep inside you. You nod when he finds it, sucking in a breath when he rubs at it vigorously. “Oh God.” You whisper, feeling your body heat, your legs trembling beside him. “Is this what you meant by being full?” He asks, his voice thick with lust. You look down and moan loudly when you see his drooling tip. “Please don’t stop daddy. I’m so close.” You beg, your voice cracking. Yoongi leans over you, holding himself up on one arm while still fucking you with his other hand. “I’m going to let you cum my naughty girl, then I’m going to fuck your gorgeous face. Would my sweet Goddess like that?” “Ohh, yes, please, yes. I want to suck your cock.” Yoongi groans watching you, staring deep in your eyes. He presses hard onto your g-spot, rubbing furiously, adding his thumb to your clit. You cry out, your entire body trembling now. “Just like that daddy, fuck. Oh fuck! I’m cumming.” You shout, your eyes rolling to the back of your head, your orgasm crashing over you. Your entire body gooses and your toes curl, your vision a flurry of white from keeping your eyes shut so tightly. “How’s my Goddess doing?” Yoongi asks when you open your eyes. “Amazing.” You breathe. He smiles, cleaning his fingers of your climax, getting onto his knees to stroke his cock again. “Sit up a bit naughty girl, rest your head on the pillows.” You lift your upper body until you can rest carefully on the pillows, your wrist aching from your constant pulling on the restraints.
“Comfortable?” He asks. You nod your head, entranced by his weeping cock. You open your mouth and earn a groan from him. “Such a good girl.” He praises, climbing up your torso and resting each leg on either side of your head. You stick your tongue out, catching his precum before it can go to waste. He runs a hand through your hair, resting it there. With his other hand, he grips the base of his cock and leads it towards your waiting entrance. He enters your mouth slowly, groaning when you tighten around him. He pushes himself further, carefully, to the back of your throat, resting there when he bottoms out. “Good?” He stutters. “Mmhmm.” You respond around him. “Remember, tell me if its too much. I’m going to fuck this pretty throat until I cum. You can tell me to stop at any time.” “Mmhmm.” You respond again. He smirks, tightening his grip in your hair. He angles your head back a bit and slowly starts to move his hips back and forth, his cock sliding in and out. You slurp and suck as best you can, hollowing out your cheeks and rolling your tongue on the underside of his cock. “Fuck, so good baby.” He moans, moving his hips faster. You moan, unable to keep up with his powerful thrust. He is moving at a frantic pace, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat. You rest your throat, allowing for him to slide past your uvula and into your esophagus. He cries out at the feeling, thrusting faster, gripping your hair harder. You yank at your wrist restraints, wanting to grip his ass and push him further into your throat, knowing you could take more of him. Groaning in frustration at the fact that you can’t touch him. “Your throat feels so fucking good naughty girl. No one sucks cock like you. Fuck! I’m going to cum so fucking hard.” He pants, fucking into your face faster, your uncontrollable drool dripping from your chin.
He’s moaning unabashedly now and you feel his balls tighten at your chin. “Ahhh, fuck, I’m going to cum baby. Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He cries out, his seed shooting down your throat. He stops moving as he cums, his cock twitching heavily in your mouth. He breaths hard, pulling his cock out slowly, a strand of drool mixed with cum connecting your lip to his tip. “You’re amazing baby.” He leans down to plant a kiss on your messy mouth. “Please Gloss, take these off. I need to touch you.” You whine, rotating your wrist in the restraints. “Sure, naughty girl. You’ve been so good.” He kisses you again, getting off the bed. You watch as he goes back to the chest, in shock that his cock is still hard. He pulls out a small black object and walks back over to you. He uses a small gold key you hadn’t noticed to unlock your restraints much to your delight. You rub at your wrist while he removes the restraints from your thighs. He moves his hands up and carefully removes the clamps from around your nipples. “What’s that?” You ask, nodding at the black object by his leg. “Another gift.” He states matter of fact. “You spoil me.” You chuckle. “You deserve it.” He leans forward and kisses your lips, grabbing your hand to bring your wrist to his lips and plant kisses on them. You lean into the kiss, reaching to grab the small black object, pulling away to look it over. “Oh my god, how did you know?” You giggle, looking over the same anal plug that was showcased at the meet and greet. “Marcus mentioned you eyeing it, so I bought.” “You’re too much.” He nods at your comment, reaching behind you to press on a similar secret door in the bedframe, pulling out a bottle of lube and a condom. He closes the drawer and looks you over. “Excited are we naughty girl?” You just shrug, trying to curb your excitement. “No need to be coy baby. I can smell you from here. The sweetest scent in the world.” You feel your face flush. “Lie back baby.” You lie back again, allowing Yoongi to take the reins. He brings a pillow from beside you and helps lift your bottom up to place it under your lower back. You open your legs for him watching him lube up the toy. He moves towards you, lowering his head between your legs, licking a long stripe through your slit. “Fuck Yoongi.” You moan. He sighs deeply. “Last warning baby, you were doing so well. If you mess up again, I’ll have no choice but to punish you by restraining your wrist and ankles to all four corners of this bed and leave you here wanting and waiting, only to come in and lick this pussy until your right at the edge but never letting your cum. Understand?”
You shudder at the though and nod quickly. “Good girl.” He grumbles, lower again to swirl his tongue around your clit. You gasp, finally able to run your fingers through his hair. You roll your hips into his face, delighted when he tugs at your labia with his teeth, lowering his mouth to your entrance and shoving his tongue deep inside you, savoring your taste with a deep moan, running his appendage back up to your clit. He slurps and rolls his tongue against your swollen bud, your moans filling the room, followed by a buzzing sound. You gasp when you feel the cold lube touch your puckering hole, Yoongi gently circling your anus. You moan an approving hum, giving Yoongi the ok to enter you with the buzzing toy. He presses the tip of it into you gently, your entrance expanding around with ease due to the lube. You cry out when your feel the buzzing in your core, begging Yoongi to turn it up once its nestled comfortably inside you. “So, greedy.” He whispers against your pussy, gently pressing a button on the toy, the vibration intensifying. “Oh fuck, please, daddy, please, fuck me. I want to cum on your cock.” Yoongi smirks, taking one last lick of your juices before lifting up and tearing open the condom wrapper. He rolls the condom down his length and leans over you, holding himself up. You reach for his cock and lead it towards your needy entrance, unable to wait any longer. “Ah, fuck! Easy naughty girl. It doesn’t come off.” He scoffs. “Shut up and fuck me already.” You moan.
“So. Fucking. Greedy.” He drawls, entering you finally. Both your mouths fall open with the intoxicating stretch. “Shit. So wet. So tight.” He grunts, bottoming out. He lets out a long groan at the intense vibration inside you. “You feel so fucking good inside me daddy.” He kisses you hard, slowly thrusting in and out of you. “Is this what my Goddess meant when she asked to be full huh? My greedy girl having both her holes stuffed.” He pants. “Yes, fuck yes!” You moan, grabbing him by the ass and pulling him deeper inside you with every thrust. He reaches down between you both and presses a button on the toy, increasing the vibrations and you cry out. “Feels good baby?” You attempt to garble out some semblance of a sentence but nothing coherent falls out. Yoongi quickens his pace, his long length rubbing along your g-spot, his tip flicking against your cervix. “Oh, Gloss, fuck!” You whimper, trembling below him. “I know my naughty girl. Feels so fucking good. So good around me.” Yoongi slides an arm around your waist, yanking you up and into his lap, using all his might to lift you up and down on his cock rapidly. You yell out into the room at how deep he is, your core burning, your juices coating his cock, aiding in his rapid thrust. You jaw goes slack and nothing but gibberish falls out. “That’s right naughty girl, cum on my cock. I want to feel you. I’m gonna fill you up.” You whimper, your core tightening, the deep feeling of his cock plunging inside you combined with the heated vibrations in your ass causing tears to sting your eyes when that coil finally snaps and your orgasm barrels through your body. You tense for a moment causing Yoongi to cry out at how tightly you clench around him. “Fuck baby. I gonna cum.” He whines, his thrust becoming staggered, his own climax hitting him. His head rolls back and he stops only for a moment before he continues to thrust into you, coming to a halt when both your highs have ended. You both stare in each other’s eyes, panting desperately. “I love you Min Yoongi.” “I love you too Y/L/N, Y/F/N.”
He reaches down and touches the button to shut off the toy, gently removing it from you. “I hope one day, it’ll be me back there and not this guy.” He chuckles. “I’d really like that.” You whisper. He kisses your temple. “Come naughty girl. Let me draw you a bath so you can rest and ill clean up in here.” “No, let’s rest together and we can clean up together.” You offer. “Okay baby.” You lift off of him and stand finally, your legs feeling like jelly. Yoongi ties off the condom and carries it with him to the restroom to chuck in it the trash. He sits on the edge of the tub naked, setting the temperature of the bath, and you eye the now healing welts on his back. You run your fingers along the red lines causing Yoongi to turn his head towards you. “You really like this?” You ask him. He chuckles and nods. “I know a lot of people don’t get it but its not meant for everyone right.” You lower your head and kiss his back and Yoongi can’t help but smile. “I’m ok baby. Come sit in the tub before it gets cold.” He enters it, holding out his hand to help you in. You grab his hand and enter the tub. He sits first and you take your place between his legs. He grabs a wash cloth, wetting it in the warm bath and squeezing the warm water out onto your chest. “Feels good.” You sigh, closing your eyes. “Good.” He whispers, kissing your temple. “You know I have an idea.” You say suddenly, turning your head to look back at Yoongi. “What’s that?” “What if we updated your page a bit?” “My page?” “Yeah, your SIO. Stream exclusive content together. Think of all the extra money we could make. ASMR brought to you by Gloss and Goddess.”
Yoongi laughs out loud, his gums exposed, and he wraps his arms around you. “My naughty girl,” He whispers in your ear, tugging at your lobe, “I love it. I’ve been meaning to update my content.” “Go grab your mics and we can make our first ASMR right here, right now. We can call it…. ‘Tubby Time’.” You declare. “You’re serious.” He squints at you. “Serious Inquiries Only baby.” You smirk. “My Goddess, my Wild fucking Goddess.” He whispers, kissing you softly. “And don’t you forget it, now go before I change my mind.” Yoongi’s brows shoot up and he jumps up from the tub and hurries off, leaving you in a fit of giggles. “Bring the nipple clamps!” You shout. “Fuck! I love you!” He shouts back. “I love you too.” You whisper to yourself, closing your eyes for a moment, never imagining you’d be this happy or that it’d be because of Min Yoongi.      
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johnkrrasinski · 4 years
Cherry Pie 🍒
full masterlist
Pairings: Steve Rogers x female!reader
Word count: 2,181
Warning: SMUT!!!! a lot of sexy times. steve being a horny boyfriend. public sex, fingering, oral sex. (MUST BE 18+) 
Summary: you boyfriend, steve rogers is an insatiable little shit. but you loved it though. 
a/n: this one’s for @nellblazer​‘s “The 80′s Challenge.” i chose the song prompt “cherry pie by warrant” and when i read the lyrics, i immediately knew that i had to write something sexy with steve rogers based on the song.
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South Waren was a peaceful suburban city where most newlyweds migrate to, to start a new beginning, write on a fresh page and build a family life of their own. The tranquil community was one of the most innocuous and amicable districts in America. 
Noiseless and serene; those are the most fitting words to describe the tone of the neighbourhood. Each morning, there would only be the chirping sounds of the birds, joyful giggles of the kids as their parents kiss them goodbye before they leave for school and the sonorous chitchats of the wives as they are going for an early jog. 
But the rules were violated since you and Steve moved to the well-grounded town. 
To say that you were a lovely pair of newlyweds would be an inadequate understatement. You and Steve were practically rabbits. Before you decided to tie the knot, you and Steve dated for two years until Steve surprised you with a stunning diamond ring as he got on his knees. 
To the people that you pass on the streets or the waiters/waitresses that served you at a five stars restaurant, you looked like a normal, lovely couple. But to those who are unfortunate enough to be close enough to you both as friends, that they’d often go on double dates with you or attend major events together or those whom the devils targetted in red underline because they were ill-fated enough to live near you… May the heavens be with them. 
You and Steve just couldn’t get enough of each other. There wasn’t a single day where you could spend more than one hour without leaving subtle touches and vamping glances on each other that would result in you both lying bare on top of each other, bathed in sweat and inebriating euphoria. 
Thanksgiving last year, you invited Steve to celebrate the day at your parents’ house. On the dinner table, Steve was a refined gentleman, dressed in a plaid blue shirt. He brought a bottle of Beaux Freres Willamette Valley Pinot Noir from 2017 as he charmed the pants off your parents with his courteous manners and judicious words. He’d crack a few witty jokes that would effortlessly elicit laughter out of your sister and your parents. 
But when the midnight lurks and when it was only the two of you in the tiny kingdom that was your childhood room, it was a whole ‘nother story.
Steve had you pinned beneath him doggedly as if you were nothing but a rag doll that he could mend and break whenever he wants. He sealed your moans with his palm as he vehemently pounded into you as you tried so hard to mute your cries, but you couldn’t any longer. Your parents’ room was literally next to yours and you’d be doomed if they heard the sounds of your moans and whimpers due to Steve’s brutal thrusts. 
“Shh, you don’t wanna wake your parents up, do you?”
You felt like he was splitting your body apart with his enormous cock that was relentlessly moving in and out of you. Your brain was cluttered as you felt the tightening coil in your stomach. Your muffled wails grew louder as you held on to Steve’s dishevelled hair with your polished nails leaving fiery scratches down his back. 
“I can feel how tight you are for me. C’mon, cum for me, baby. Cum for me now!” Just a few more deep-seated thrusts and the inflating bubble inside you burst. You were grateful to whatever disappointed God and angels in heaven, watching over you for Steve’s dexterous hand that was still swaddling the noises from your lips because you were practically shrieking and your whole body trembled. Steve kept going until he reached his own release and that’s when he lifted his hand off your mouth too. 
He kissed you passionately, tangling his tongue with yours as he breathed into your parted mouth. Your drop of sweats mingled as your sticky bodies jumbled with each other’s warmth and remnants. He got himself off you then laid next to you in your small twin-sized bed. He pulled you close against his chest and you laid there with your labouring breath beginning to slow down. 
“You just defiled my impeccable, childhood room.”
“We just did, baby.”
“But you coerced me into it.”
“Yeah, but you loved it.”
“I sure did.” 
You and Steve had this tradition every Friday night with your friends back when you still lived in Brooklyn. You would come to Barton’s Nest; a ramshackle Victorian pub owned by Clint, to have a drink and share a few tales and hilarity of the despair and the discrepancies the week had afflicted each one of you. 
When the night got a little tipsy and you’d had a dozen of alcohol in your system, Steve would excuse you both from the table and drag you to the pub’s lavatory because he just couldn’t contain his deprivation of you any longer. 
Steve loved you whether you were in baggy clothes or when you were dressed like a lady; a silk red dress with cleavage so low and a slit so high that it enervates him on the knees every time you so much as breathe, let alone when you rub your high-heeled foot against his leg.
But Steve loved you the most when you were like this; a petite tank top displaying your lovely shoulders and fitting high-waisted skinny jeans that suit you like a magician with a pair of gloves. You looked casually beautiful and he just felt the mighty urge to take you right there in the bathroom stall. 
You were reclining on your hands against the sink as you threw your head back, your skull nearly hit the mirror, with Steve’s fingers down your pants. Your jeans had been pushed down, pooling around your ankles with your underwear still on as it got ruined with your dampened pussy. 
His fingers deliciously stroked your clit before it moved lower to your opening and intruded your body with their lengths. His skilful fingers scissored your inside as you moaned in pleasure. The lust overclouding your mind, blurring your visions like fog on the mirror. 
“Fuck, Steve…” You could feel your knees wobbling, and if he weren’t standing so close to you, you would’ve collapsed on the floor already. 
“What is it, babygirl? My fingers fucking that cunt good, down there?” As he grazed the spot that erased all the memories and knowledge stored in your brain because it was so tantalizingly precise. 
“So good, yeah…” You uttered breathlessly. You bit your lip, trying to suppress your cries, fearing that someone would walk by and they might hear you. 
But Steve was a reprobate varmint. He couldn’t care any less about people hearing you both or knocking furiously on the door. He didn’t even bother locking the door. When he had you in this misty state, he was going to take his sweet time in toying with your body with whatever creative method he came up with at that moment and he was going to have his fun. 
“Look at me.” With every control you regained over yourself, you opened your eyes to stare at baby blue ones that were a lot darker now; filled with desire and mischievousness. It was hard for you to keep your gaze at him when he was staring at you like this with his fingers unapologetically messaging your heated core, but you knew better than to disobey him. 
“Look at you, you’ve only got a couple of my fingers in that dirty cunt and you’re already this fucked out.” Then he kissed you, only to leave you even more sloven. Tongue taking over your mouth, as if he was marking his territory. 
“I can feel you clenching, babygirl. You can’t help yourself, can you?” 
“I’m- I’m so close, Steve, please…”
“You want to soak my fingers with your cum, is that it?” He teased. 
“Yes, yes, daddy, please.” 
“Go ahead, babygirl. Show me how good I make you feel.”
You didn’t hold back any longer, you squealed in bliss, the adrenaline of fornicating in such a public place ignited your senses. You made a mess all over Steve’s hand as your knees wavered. When you had given Steve all that you had, Steve only smirked maliciously, loving to see you crumble beneath him. It made him feel powerful, like a king who had just claimed victory over a battle. 
“There you go, so fucking messy.” 
When your high started to come down, your hazy sight stared into his delinquent face, as he retreated his fingers out of you and wrapped them around his lips. “So fucking delicious…” His mouth made obscene sounds of enjoying the taste of your release, painting an even more erotic atmosphere in the lavatory. 
You walked hand in hand after that to go back to your mates, pretending as if nothing hadn’t just gone down in the back of the pub. You sat with cum-drenched underwear in your jeans whilst Steve nefariously sipped on his beer and joked like a professional comedian.
Wasn’t the first time he washed his hands and got away with an impious crime.
A drizzly Sunday evening, splatters of the rainfall clinging to your window; there wasn’t much to do other than being cooped up in your couch in your oversized sweaters and a mug of sweetened hot chocolate. 
The tenuous sounds of the movie playing before you shepherds the individuals before the screen. It had been a week since you and Steve had officially moved in and it took you three days long to set every furniture and embellishment in the right places. 
The ivory couch in the living room was new and clean until you and Steve decided to desecrate that too. 
You threw your head back and laid it against the length of the headrest, with your legs spread wide open, resting them on Steve’s sturdy shoulders. Your fingers massaged his scalp, trying to hold onto him for dear life. 
You were panting rapidly, not even bothering of containing your wails this time. Not when Steve’s face was caged within your thighs. You’d try to escape and lock them together but you couldn’t even if you wanted to anyway. Not when Steve was holding you down rigidly with his hands like this. 
His tongue made lewd noises of lapping your sit hungrily like a famished man. The way his beard would tickle the insides of your thighs made your head spin like an accelerated carousel. Drops of sweat clung to your skin as it fell to your breasts, burning up the temperature in the room, despite the chilly weather. 
Your stimulated sense tried to focus on the program playing before you, but you just couldn’t. You felt dizzy, your lips felt dry and you couldn’t think of anything else but the feel of Steve’s tongue sloppily sucking all the way up from your entrance to your clit. 
“Oh fuck, Steve…” 
Steve paused for a moment to look up at you. You were a salaciously picturesque sight. Covered in sweat, fogged with lust. Your lips were parted with your eyes closed. Your chest was heaving up and down and your breasts were displayed overtly above him. Your cold hard nipples were moistened with his saliva from his previous warmups before he moved to the more sensitive part. 
Steve resumed his violation on your body, as his right hand levitated to your hardened nipple. He groped the globe and pinched your nipple as if it wasn’t stiff enough already. He loved taking you from every possible angle and he loved exploring your body in the most adventurous way.
What can you say? He’s a multitasker. 
He slurped your flowing juices as your body kept producing due to his relentless devouring. He kept swallowing your sweetness until you fell apart. Your shrieks echoed against the walls, as you were engulfed in euphoria. You made a mess on Steve’s mouth but he didn’t mind one bit. 
In fact, he loved it. He loved you raunchy and he loved you nasty. 
“Oh fuck yeah, babygirl. You taste so fucking sweet. Just like cherry pie.” 
After you regained your composure, you opened your eyes and lift your legs off his shoulders. You got up from your seat and switched places with him. As if he had nimbly memorized the cue, he took your spot that was still warm from your butt, as he spread his legs to make room for you who were now on your knees.
You immediately zipped down his pants and pulled it down along with his briefs, just enough to unfetter his throbbing member and let it sprung free in the air. He sat with his arms rested against the length of the headrest where your head was previously placed on, like a king on his cushioned throne.
The imperious look on his face only got you going even more. You licked your lips as you maintained eye contact with his lust-drunken eyes. “Time to return the favour, daddy.”
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