#now we have a miserable Ruth who's full of guilt
gelyblue · 1 month
Uh-oh, someone got you assimilated, Ruth!
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Basically just an au where people can be turned into Alternates (the process called assimilation, I refer to it as asm for short) and Ruth was unfortunate enough to get in the way of a certain Alternate at the Murray household. Oh well, too bad for Thatcher
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eene-fangirl · 6 years
I suppose it has been obvious but I am obsessed with my story, Double Dee, The Patient. It is my most favorite story I have ever written and drawn! There is an endearing quality to it. @nintendogal55 and I have been discussing multiple other in between scenarios that could happen.
This scene take places when a sick Edd first arrives to his school. Mrs. Aliston and the secretary immediately notice that something is off. While writing this the story changed more into Mrs. Alliston’s perspective of chapter 2′s  events.
I have a little sequel story in the works that I think you all may enjoy!
Once Edd finally arrived to his school he had no idea if he had the strength to walk up the four steps leading to the main doors. His head painfully pounded with each step. And his stomach lurched. He hesitated before going inside wondering if this was a good idea. Ofcourse it wasn’t! He could be contagious for all he knew.
Edd walked into the building.
Various teachers greeted him. Edd nodded to them instead of physically responding. Talking felt too difficult today. Oh, how would he teach his students?
Opening the doors to the main office the secretary glanced up, shifting her glasses down her nose. Her smile immediately faded.
“Mr. McGee, are you alright?” she asked, alarmed. Her voice immediately concerned Mrs. Alliston, the principal of Starling Elementary School, who was sitting in her office preparing for the day ahead. 
I know. And could you please not talk so loud? “I assure you, I’m fine.”
He picked up the pencil to sign himself in. Even trying to write letters weakened his strength.
“Oh, well, your cheeks look a tad pale?” she pointed out.
Edd painfully smiled. “Thank you for your concern. I... didn’t get much sleep last night.”
“Aw, that’s too bad! Did your husband come home late again from work?”
Did he? Edd admittedly couldn’t remember? He started feeling crummy last night. Eddy wasn’t even home yet by the time he went to bed at nine. Guilt consumed Edd. Usually he was awake when Eddy stumbled into the apartment tired as can be. Did he even sleep with him in the bed or did he pass out on the couch like he did some night because he was too tired to make it into the bedroom? That awful thought worsened Edd’s stomach even more.
Just then Mrs. Alliston came out from her office. “Good morning, Alecia,” Mrs. Alliston greeted the secretary. Immediate worry set in when she looked at Edd. “Good morning, Eddward. Are you feeling alright this morning?”
The woman looked as worried as a mother could be. His own mother never felt his head or tucked him into bed at night giving him medicine. Edd did that all on his own because his parents were much too ashamed to be a part of his life.
Mrs. Alliston was so good to him. Ever since he started working her. She liked him immediately even before their interview. Edd wanted so badly to cry like a child would relinquishing how miserable he felt and that he wanted to go home. But that would only ruin his perfect attendance and his image.
“Yes, Mary, thank you,” Edd answered in a sad tone.
Mrs. Alliston remained concerned staring at Edd’s unhealthy pale cheeks. He looked as if he had no strength to stand. She immediately recalled her husband’s illness a few weeks ago. When she was finally able to fly home to be with him her emotions were a mix of relief and guilt. Edd’s pale cheeks reminded her of her husband whose color was completely drained out from him.
And she most definitely knew the signs have children of her own. She was quite the professional now deducing when her daughters shouldn’t leave the house. From what she surmised Edd should not have left his house this morning.
Before she could speak again Edd left the office. Mrs. Alliston and the secretary exchanged worried looks. Edd was always quite the chatterbox.
“Are you sure he’s in shape to teach today?”
Mrs. Alliston immediately shook her head. “If he came to school he must not be that bad. I just hope he didn’t come in afraid that he’d get into trouble.”
The secretary snickered, putting on her lipstick. “Getting in trouble with you? You’re the most easy going principal ever!”
Mrs. Alliston smiled at the compliment. “Yes, I just worry because Eddward is very self conscious. Anyone’s first year teaching is difficult.”
“Remember my first sick day last year?” the secretary laughed as she twisted up her curly blonde her.
The memory the secretary brought up wasn’t something to laugh about. It was quite serious. Mrs. Alliston thought she was going to watch the poor young girl pass away before her very eyes when she fainted. 
The woman immediately became alarmed all over again!
The pale cheeks, lack of interest, frailty...
“I’m really worried about Eddward. But, I don’t want to say anything that may upset him.”
The secretary’s face softened. “You’re right. If he’s that ill, like I was, the children will be terrified if he passes out in front of them.”
Just then the bell rang. All the students ran into the building.
Glancing at her watch it was 8:30. It was best to give the situation an hour. She could look as if she’d been checking in on classes. Yeah, that was good.
Mrs. Alliston waited impatiently in her office. She loved all the teachers who worked in the school. There was something about Eddward that immediately illumined positive energy from. He was still so young, only twenty five. He was the youngest man to ever start teaching. For such a cheerful man Eddward had gone through quite a lot. She was inspired by his journey how he battled through everything and never let it get him down.
Looking up at her clock once more it was 9:00.
Mrs. Alliston took a deep sigh. She couldn’t wait another half hour. 
She traveled the hallway peaking in on other classrooms. They were either in the middle of a lesson, reading, or going off to art class. She listened in on the second graders presenting show and tell. She used to love doing that.
Slowly, Mrs. Alliston made her way to Eddward’s room. She wasn’t sure what to expect. Honestly, she felt nervous.
Peaking into the room she greeted everyone in her usual bubbly tone, “Hello, students!”
The students all welcomed her. She was warmed by the children’s polite response. Not all classrooms did that. All hope drained out from her when she looked at Edd who was sitting at his desk. He looked terrible! He looked more pale and sick. Along with that he looked as if he couldn’t hold himself up. She definitely came at the right time.
“What are we working on today?” she asked, still smiling.
“Book reports,” one of the students answered.
“That sounds nice! Mind if I listen in for a bit?”
Edd stared miserably into her eyes as if pleading to take him home. “Sure,” he answered, weakly.
Mrs. Alliston hardly paid any attention to the students who was currently presenting his book report. She switched from staring at him back to Edd who was growing increasingly worse by the second. Edd noticed her looking. Never had she seen Edd look so panicked. So afraid. So vulnerable.
Before any words could escape her mouth Edd lurched in his seat and then leaned over the side of his desk vomiting all over the floor!
The classroom full of students were in an immediate frenzy. Mrs. Alliston covered her mouth, both repulsed and in shock. A part of her wasn’t surprised however. She knew Edd was sick. What she didn’t want was for this scene to happen right in his classroom.
She ran up to the desk. Edd was still leaning over the spot. “Oh dear,” she uttered. “Mr. Mcgee are you alright?” What else she to say?
Once Edd finally came out from his spell he immediately panicked. Guilt washed over his whole face immediately beginning to cry. Taking a deep breath she immediately helped the man to his feet and lead him out from the room. While doing so she ordered his students into the halls and for someone to get the janitor. Mrs. Alliston also briefly stopped outside of a classroom to ask a teacher for their help. 
As flustered as Mrs. Alliston was she put on a smile for Edd. Tears streamed down his eyes and he still covered his mouth with his hands out of shock. She had no idea if it meant he may be sick again. It was best to hurry.
Offering a tissue to which Edd accepted, the woman wrapped an arm around his shoulder. “There, there, Eddward. The worst is over,” she assured.
Edd still shook as he walked alongside her. He couldn’t even make eye contact with her staring into the halls. “L-look at what I did...” he uttered.
Feeling an ache in her own heart Mrs. Alliston still smiled. “It’s alright, dear. It happens to everyone. You’re to feel a lot better once you lie down.”
Thankfully they were nearing the office. Edd briefly tried to struggle away as if realizing for the first time that he was taken away from his students, abandoning them.
“My students! Whose going to watch my students?”
Mrs. Alliston opened the door to the main office. “Don’t worry about that. We’ll take care of it.”
The secretary was immediately alarmed. She stood up from her desk but Mrs. Alliston beckoned for her to remain at her desk.
She handed Edd off to the nurse who immediately cared to him. Mrs. Alliston’s mind was swirling in a million different directions. She went back out to the secretary.
“What happened?” the secretary asked.
“Oh, he got sick in his class. Can you call Ruth Lydecker to see if she’s available?”
“Isn’t she on vacation?” 
Yes. That was right. “Tricia Ulmer. Alice Donathan. Erin Auten. Anyone who can come in immediately. Oh, I have Alice’s number in my office!”
While going back to her office Mrs. Alliston hear the curse’s alarmed voice specifying Edd’s very high fever. Oh, some day it was not easy being a principal.
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