#now they're the creepy entity that is the House of Bones
sovamurka · 2 years
Me, after reading new Exlibrium chapter: oh, oh, wait, so now we have Balor and Yana 2.0 - Ink Edition?
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oogaboogaspookyman · 2 months
A nice day outside... She'd say if the air wasn't so full of crippling sadness.
She just woke up, in a bed that seems like a mound of blue flesh mimicking the mattress and bone, the wood of the bed, the skin as sheets and the pillows, full of... Definetly not normal stuffing. At least it's warm... And not sentient, not alive. Fuck's sake she'd burn it if that was the case.
First thing after getting up is take a deep breath, "It's a new day... I guess" and find something to eat... If there was anything remotely tasty in this freak world.
She felt like a freak in the clothes she's in, as if being a guy until one fateful day was the worst she got over until now, here there's no cure for the feeling. A human, wearing obvious pieces of leather likely from other people, stitched together to look like the Frankenstein of clothes, they only mimic normal in-house clothes. At least they're loose and comfy, but still it's so weird and freaky...
It's only your first day in this hell world, take a chill pill. Maybe things will get better?
"Why are you up so early?" A whisper. She looked behind herself, then to her left, then her right, then devolved into frantically looking around for whatever was the source of the voice.
"Who are you?!" She spoke softly yet full of fear and anxiety. Maybe things won't get better for a while.
"You can call me... What was it?"
"What was what..?"
"It's something like your name... But short," it took a breath before continuing "and with a K..."
She heard giggling. It sounded like Vitriolando but... Way deeper.
"I think i know now... Your name"
She grabbed something nearby that serves as a weapon. Something sturdy like a turtle shell but... What's that fleshy sensation on her arm?? Nevertheless she pointed it at... Pretty much the air, the voice was everywhere at this point.
"Fuck off, spooky whispery voice in the dark, i'm not up for mind games, let me have a fucking treat for even getting to wake up in here"
That giggle again, except... As if she embarrassed herself?? The hell??
"I think you grabbed your new friend~"
"What the fuck??"
She looked at her hand to find... A bug.
"What in the–?!?" She let go of the bug in her surprise and already through the roof anxiety. It jumped off her arm in equal amounts of surprise, letting out a small, quiet screech to express it.
A kind of... Huge... Beetle?? Thing?? With a big eye the size of its head, and big mandibles open, its pointy tongue stiff like a board, like some kinda blade. Six legs that end in nubs, it's back covered in a sturdy shell material that seemed impossible to break, seeing as she's anxious enough to grip something strong enough to break it, but this didn't. And it's last segment, a red bundle of three fleshy tendrils that currently waved around slowly like cat tails.
It's looking at her like she's its mom. Weird.
"What are you..?"
"Ask The Smiling Malice, he will know... I'm not a citizen..." That fucking whisper was driving her mad.
"Then what are you..." She demanded an immediate answer.
"A Shadow. A reflection. Your fears. Your dread. Your worst nightmares. Your worst you"
"... What are you talking about??"
"You will know. You will see"
"You will see me soon"
She felt a shiver down her spine as she heard the whispering entity take a deep breath and fading away...
She looked at the huge beetle with the sword blade tongue... It's still staring at her, only worried. It's not her friend, why is it worried??
Cassidy, you're alone, and this thing is seemingly attached to you in likely more ways than one. Only one way to find out.
She entertained her curiosity by reaching out, cautiously but open, and it... It hesitated, but jumped anyway and held onto her arm like before. How sentient are you?
Her hand fit perfectly on its torso, and the shell was comfortable, and she doesn't feel anything but the thing in her hand and the tendrils wrapped around her arm... Maybe it's not that bad?
... Does it purr? It sounds like if a Xenomorph could purr... Funky little thing.
"... Heheh..." Oh. Why is it so cute?
"Maybe things will get better? If i get to know it more?"
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