enemiestohusbands · 2 months
Soon the table was filled with all the delicious food and once he popped open the bottle he filled the glasses with the bubbly liquid before putting the cork back into the bottle so he could put it down into the little basket. Then he saw the strawberry in front of his face and with a big grin he leaned forward and bit into the strawberry which tasted fresh and was really juicy. "To us and this beautiful evening." He said once he lifted up his glass and towards his lovers glass that was between long fingers."I love you." He added and then took a few sips. After he put his glass down he picked up some of the cheese sandwiches and bit into it as well, a groan leaving his closed mouth immediately."These are really great." He said before taking another big bite while looking at the watch around his wrist."In about twenty minutes we can see the sun going down darling." The lawyer said before continuing on his sandwich again. He also tried some of the vegetables and other fruits beside the strawberries and they all tasted really fresh. And so they both sat their, enjoyed their food and looked around to take in all the open and beautiful nature around and under them.
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enemiestohusbands · 2 months
Andrew looked around once they were in to inspect everything, not because he feared that something might be broken but because he never got to see one up close and he was so fascinated by it that he had to touch everything and anything before the worker told them that it is time. So Andrews heart beat faster in excitement and once the hot air balloon lifted off the ground he squealed like a little kid. “That’s so exciting!” he yelled and carefully leaned his upper body a bit over the basket to watch how the ground beneath them got further and further away from them. He then faced Ianto again and smiled. “That is the best present ever, thank you.” Andrew said with a genuine tone in his voice before he helped Ianto get everything out of the picnic basket. His husband seemed to really have everything planned from A-Z and the singer appreciated it. With a nod to the question if Andrew wanted a glass of champagne he grabbed a strawberry and held it up to the lawyers mouth, smiling happily as he took a bite from it, Andrew took the last bit of it.
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enemiestohusbands · 2 months
The little cabin they walked into smelled like pinecones and flowers and he inhaled the smell before they walked towards a desk where a nice worker greeted them. While the man talked about the safety protocols and what they had to do they were led outside to a orange balloon with red flowers painted on them and it really looked stunning. Ianto smiled when his husband offered help and soon he stepped into the small basket where a smaller basked was sitting on a round table with two chairs between. The man that followed them explained everything again and then it already started. The worker loosened the thick robes and the two man inside were lifted off the floor and soon they were getting higher into the sky. "I always saw you looking at them and making pictures so I thought maybe you'd like being in one too? Of course I looked everything up at first to know what we have to do but.."he stopped as he suddenly got insecure. His eyes turned around and he looked at the small clouds that were just over their heads and then towards the little fire that kept the hot air balloon going. Only then he turned back around and grabbed his husbands hand over the table to intertwine their fingers once more. "I hope you will like it. We have over an hour before we have to head back in the direction where we came from. I even have some GPS thing so we don't get lose in the mountains." He finally added and pulled andrews hand towards his face to press a soft kiss on his knuckles."Anyway. Let's take a look in the picknick basket."Ianto said and opened the wooden basket to fish out all the meals."We have some cheese sandwiches, some turkey sandwiches, oh even a fruit platter with strawberries, bananas, watermelon, apples, cherries and also one with vegetable, paprika, cucumber and tomatoes. And a ruccola mozarella salad and."he stopped again and pulled out a cold bottle of champagne."and something good to drink."ianto added with a grin as he used his other hand to pull out two champagne glasses before opening the bottle with no problems."Would you like a glass baby?"
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enemiestohusbands · 2 months
The songs were a mix between all kind of music Ianto enjoyed listening to and Andrew even attempted to sing along to a spanish song but his knowledge was limited to a few words so he gave up after a few tries and they both fell into laughter. No matter where they were driving and how long it would take Andrew always enjoyed being in the car with his husband, it never got bored or too quiet. So they just chatted, ate, sang along to the music or just enjoyed each other’s presence until Ianto told the singer that they arrived. It was a secluded area surrounded by trees so confusion in Andrews face could be seen. The only sign of life was the nice looking hotel so Andrew just thought they would make a stop in the hotel, to which he was heading until the lawyer stopped him by grabbing his hand and leading him the opposite direction towards a small path that lead into the forest. “Do you want to kill me where no one will see you and hear my screams?” Andrew joked because he couldn’t think of anything what they could do in a forest - and to be honest Ianto was a lawyer, he knew plenty of tricks to kill someone without getting caught. But when they walked further between the trees a big area could be seen, with several hot air balloons lying on the ground. Andrews eyes got big. “Really?? I’ve never been in one! That’s so exciting!!” the taller squeaked in excitement and wrapped his arms around Iantos neck to press several kisses on his lips. Once he let loose of his husband again they went to one of the workers Ianto had talked on the phone to before and after that both of them got a safety briefing about everything and then it was time. Andrew stepped into the basket and reached out his hand to help Ianto get in it too, a wide child-like grin on his lips.
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enemiestohusbands · 2 months
It didn't take them very long until they drove onto the highway where the would be for the next hour. He tapped his fingers onto his wheel to the beat of the music that was playing in the background while he moved his gaze from the street towards his husband a few times. "Nope. I wont tell you anything. You have to see." The lawyer chirped while grabbing blind into the bag that was seated in his husbands lap to grab out any snack that would come between his fingers first. He was kind of relieved when it was a package of skittles which he immediately ripped open with his teeth before letting a few of them fall inside his mouth. They talked and laughed and sang during the next two hours until they just enjoyed the silence while Ianto drove through land and forests for another hour until they finally arrived at their destination."We need to walk a bit before we are there because there's no car street to where we had." Ianto said after he parked the car on a small parking lot next to a hotel that looked really nice. "Nope we don't go there." He said with a chuckle when his husband wanted to walk into the direction of the hotel. Ianto grabbed Andrews hand and instead pulled him in the exact opposite direction towards a forest entrance. The forest wasn't too crowded and so enough light went through so it wasn't too scary. After a while the path got smaller until they finally stepped out of the tree crowds and they stepped onto an open and wide place where a few hot air balloons were standing."I found this place on the Internet. They offer hot air balloons rides and I thought we could watch the sunset together on it?" Ianto explained and intertwined their fingers together as he walked towards the little house to tell the workers they arrived since he talked on the phone with them just a few hours ago.
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enemiestohusbands · 2 months
Andrew spend the whole day getting ready, organising someone to take care of their children and to clean the house when Ianto had told him that they would do something together today. He was excited and couldn’t even properly focus on training with his vocal coach that came to his house twice a week. All he could think about was the day that he would spend with his husband, even though he had no idea what the lawyer had planned for him. The time took ages to pass but when Ianto finally called him Andrew immediately put his shoes on and ran out of the door to meet Ianto in his car. Jumping right in, he then leaned in to greet him and to give him a kiss on the lips. Then his eyes focused on the bouquet of tulips that he was handed. “Thank you so much, these are beautiful. Just like you!” Andrew said with a smile on his lips before they kissed again. The singer then leaned back and listened to what Ianto had to say. All the information he gave him wasn’t enough for Andrew to guess where they were going, only that it would take a while. So he opened a bottle and drank a bit as Ianto started to drive, at the same time he pressed a few times on the display until he found a good song that he could sing along to. “Will you tell me where we’re going or will I know once we arrived?”
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enemiestohusbands · 2 months
After he was done at the court house he finally made his way home to pick up his husband for their date. He still had to make a few calls to check if everything would go after plan and when he finally made his last call he relaxed. After his stressful workday he was released that the date would work out just like he had planned. He made a short visit at the local shop that was close to their home to pick a few light snacks and cold drinks for their drive before he made his way home. Since he had everything in the car and also changed clothes at work he didn't even have to get out of the car and instead tipped the number of his husband into the car screen to call the curly haired man."Hello babe. Yes I'm in front of the house already. Come get out." He said into the carspeaker before he stopped the call and grabbed behind to pull out a bouquet of tulips. It wasn't the easiest to find different colors of tulips as it wasn't their season but he actually managed to order some and he delivered them to his work so the singer wouldn't see them before. It took Andrew a few minutes until he finally left the house and Iantos face lit up the second his eyes landed on him. Andrew walked around the car before joining the lawyer in it."Hello baby. You look stunning. Those are for you. I hope you like them."Ianto greeted his husband and once he handed him the flowers he leaned in and pecked the rockstars lips."We have to drive out of London and have to drive around 3 hours, maybe even a bit more, depends of the traffic. But." He stopped, turned around and grabbed a bag from the backseat to hand it over to Andrew before he continued."I brought a few of your favourite snacks. Something sweet, sour and salty and also cold drink so just relax and enjoy. Today is about you."he leaned in once more and pressed a kiss against Andrews cheek before he sat up straight again and started the car."Pick out a playlist from my Spotify list." He ordered his husband with a smile and pointed to the open Spotify app on his car screen as he made his way through their street to get on the highway.
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enemiestohusbands · 11 months
I love you.
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