#now there’s Two hot and beautiful women that she may or may not hate/Greatly dislike in her life
p1x1x · 1 month
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how endearing!
30 notes · View notes
starrynite7114 · 4 years
everything is you: three
A/N: Good morning everyone! First of all, I would like to thank you all for the reception I’ve received on this story. I’m honestly honored and touched by how much you all love this little family. Cruz, Angel and Alena are just so adorable and I hope you all continue to enjoy the family. I also updated the everything is you page, so you can have visuals on Cruz and Alena.
Again, I say it all the time, I’m always down to answer questions about this story or any other story! 
Enjoy the update! Snapshots is next, jealous Angel and Daddy Angel should be posted soon, just trying to make my way through them!
Requests are open if you lovely peeps would like to make a request! 
Love you all! <3
everything is you
one : two
Word count: 6633
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Thank you to @carlaangel86​ for this lovely picture! <3
Alena’s head bobbed, causing her to wake up. She blinked her eyes a few times, checking her phone to see Angel texted her once again. She quickly replied to him and looked back down at the enormous amount of folders around her. Why didn’t this person digitize their files? Now she had to go over each and every one of them.
“The more you think about how many files we have to look through the more frustrated you’ll be.” She heard Victor tease her.
Victor Costa was her next door neighbor and Cruz’s occasional babysitter. He was a good guy and Alena got on well with him. They first met on Alena’s first day at the job seven years ago and he had taken her around. He was always sweet to her and Alena truly cherished their friendship.
“I know, sorry.” Alena sighed. “It’s a Friday night, don’t you have plans?” Victor didn’t need to stay with her, but all her other co-workers left as soon as Mr. Johnson left the office. 
“Honestly sweetheart, no place I rather be.” Victor grinned.
“I’m not sure if you’re being sarcastic?” 
“I’m not, our co-workers are awful people who always leave you their work. Stand up for yourself Alena, no one will hate you if you do.” Victor stayed with Alena often since their co-workers were lazy pricks who knew Alena didn’t mind doing the work since it took away from her headache on Monday mornings. “You need to go out and enjoy yourself.”
“Me? You need to go out and enjoy yourself too. Didn’t you say you had a date?” Alena opened another folder, browsing through the paperwork for any discrepancies.
“Maybe, are you jealous?” Victor didn’t have a date, but he did tell one of their co-workers that shows kept asking him out on a date.
“Absolutely.” Alena took notes on a few documents, closing the folder and picking up another. 
“You don’t want to go on a date?” Victor knew of Alena’s situation. He’s been her neighbor for years and out of nowhere she was married with a kid. He didn’t push her and Alena eventually told him everything when she became frustrated of Angel’s coldness. Angel could be cold towards her at times and when he did, Victor would be her confidant. Someone outside of their inner circle who had no biases and helped her. Well, he may have been biased towards her, but he couldn’t help it.
“I’m married.”
“Come on Alena, you tell me all the time it’s a matter of convenience. It wouldn’t exactly be cheating if you go out on a date or two.” Maybe he was selfish, he knew that, but he’s had a crush on Alena for years, but he never made a move due to the fear of rejection and he just knew that Angel had Alena wrapped around his fingers and he truly disliked him for that. How could he walk all over such a sweet, kind and beautiful young woman who has given more than enough for him?
“Yes, but I would feel terrible. I know I don’t owe Angel anything, but that doesn’t mean I would disrespect the sanctity of marriage in such a way.” Alena tried to keep her focus on the folders wanting to get through this, Angel was waiting for her and she hated it when she kept them waiting or anyone really.
“Your father.”
“I just, Cruz is my main priority. This whole thing is confusing as it is, I don’t want to add someone else into the mix. Once Angel and I get divorced then it won’t be a problem.” Alena anticipated it to occur next year, which shouldn’t be a problem. If everything worked out, she could transfer to another firm in New York, something Mr. Johnson has offered her numerous times. But at the same time she couldn’t part from Cruz, he was her mother. Maybe she wouldn’t give Angel full custody. They could share. She was Cruz’s parent as much as him. Blood wasn’t what tied people together. “I sound like an idiot don’t I?” 
She’s heard it all before. 
That she was an idiot for everything she’s done. That no amount of debt to Angel should have had her doing this for him. But Angel was her friend before this whole ordeal. He saved her from being sexually assaulted. He was there for her when his father left and they became homeless for a period of time. 
There were just good people in this world, why couldn’t people just take that for face value and not have a reason for helping a friend out?
“You’re not an idiot. You’re a kind person Alena, no one should ever fault you because you are genuine. I think it’s admirable what you’re doing for Angel.” Though Victor wished Angel didn’t lock her in a marriage, then maybe he would have a chance on Alena.
“Thank you,” she shyly smiled. Victor was a good looking man and she always wondered how he was still single. “Enough about me, why are you still single?”
“I’m married to my job, remember?” Victor was married to his job, well not at the law firm, but as an arts dealer. He produced art galleries all over the countries for top notch artists. It was his first love.
“You were married before weren’t you?”
“Puppy love,” he shook his head. “It was a mistake that I greatly learned from.”
“Did she break your heart?”
“Oh, absolutely not, I ran away from her.” Victor chuckled. “I just haven’t found the right person I guess.”
“You’ll find someone, plenty of women in this office are vying for a shot with you.”
“Are you included in that?”
“No, you’re around me enough, I think I’m fine.” Alena giggled. “You’re a good guy, but you know I’m married.”
“So if you weren’t married, you’d give me a shot?” He was pushing it, he knew that but he couldn’t help it.
“Me? You have all these women vying for you, I would not like to fight women for your attention.” Alena shook her head. “I get into enough conflicts due to Angel, I’m honestly good.”
“Women fought you because of Angel?” 
“Yes, all the time.” Alena rolled her eyes. “All those women in Santo Padre befriended me because of Angel, then once Angel rejected them or something to that effect, it was a free for all.” Alena laughed. It was always amusing for her. They would just fling words towards her, never actually getting physical. Alright, maybe once she was involved in a physics altercation, but she would take that to the grave.
“Didn’t know your husband was such a hot commodity.”
“Oh, he is, I’m a lucky one.” 
“Maybe I should go on a date.” Victor has had a crush on Alena for the past four years. It was time for him to take the plunge. 
“You should! Ask the girl you’ve been telling me about.” Alena excitedly encouraged him.
Victor grinned, happy with how excited she was. He didn’t care if she was married, they weren’t actually together. 
He was going to ask her out and there was nothing Angel could do about it. 
Angel lounged around Alena’s apartment, waiting for her to come home. It’s been an eventful two weeks with the cartel and the rebels taking up a majority of his time. Creeper was out after a wound sustained during an attack so now, everyone was on edge. To top it off, Adelita just kidnapped Cristobal, which made everything that much more stressful. He was thankful for a break. 
It was Friday night and to avoid the debacle that occurred two weeks ago, he decided to pick up Alena.
It was ten at night and she was still not home. 
She texted him two hours ago that she was finishing things up at the office and would be back soon. It made him antsy, but he saw that in her location on his phone, she was at the office. Cruz was sleeping on the couch as Angel watched television. They might as well stay here for the night since there was no point of going back to Santo Padre when Cruz was resting comfortably. 
He heard the lock turn along with the doorknob. Alena walked in, leaning on the door before taking a deep breath. She locked the door and placed her bag on the bench by the door. Making her way to the kitchen, she got a bottle of water before making her way to the couch. She knew Angel was there, she heard the television. 
Without so much of a word, she placed her bottle on the table. She straddled Angel, sitting on his lap before wrapping her arms around him and resting her head at the crook of his neck. Letting out a sigh, she felt her body relax. She shouldn’t count on Angel for this, but she would indulge herself this time due to her long day at work.
“You okay cielo?” Angel ran his fingers up and down her back. He loved holding Alena. She always fit so well in his arms.
“I’m tired. We had to finish research for a case tonight and my eyes feel like they’re going to fall off.” Alena snuggled her face on Angel’s neck, making him chuckle. She liked the feel of his beard. “Are sugar daddies an option?”
Angel laughed once again. He pulled her hair softly so she could move her head back. He kissed her, resting his forehead against her and smirked. “Absolutely not.”
Alena wanted to argue with Angel then. The kisses and sex were nice, but she really didn’t want to keep stomping on that line. She buried her face at the crook of his neck once more closing her eyes. She wanted the headache to go away along with the eye dryness. Her eyes opened thinking of Cruz, but she watched him as he slept comfortably on the couch.
“Should we get going?” Alena questioned. 
“Ssh mi cielo, go to sleep.” Angel told her, his fingers still soothingly moving up and down her back. Not long, Alena was asleep in his arms. Angel felt more relaxed with Alena in his arms. He closed his eyes then, letting sleep take over his exhausted body.
The following morning, Cruz was the first to wake up. He looked up and saw his father holding his mother as they slept. He went to the bathroom, flushing and washing his hand once he was done. Making his way back out, he took his father’s phone and took a picture. He giggled. He always took pictures of his parents. Angel was holding Alena, both arms around her, head resting on hers, while Alena was still on his lap, head resting on his shoulder.
Cruz crawled over to his parents, forcing his way under Angel’s arms so his mommy could hold him. Angel groaned, wrapping his arms around Alena again, not letting Cruz in.
“Daddy,” Cruz shook Angel. This was unacceptable. It was his time to cuddle with mommy.
Angel stirred, slowly opening his eyes. He blinked a few times before letting out a yawn. “What is it Cruz?”
“You can’t hog mommy all to yourself.” Cruz crossed his arms over his chest, pouting.
Angel chuckled. “Why not? Daddy loves mommy.” He tightened his hold on Alena, causing her to wake up.
“I love mommy more!” Cruz declared. 
“Mommy loves you both.” Alena let out a small laugh as she moved, the ache of her sleeping position immediately seeping in. 
“Mommy!” Cruz moved Angel’s arm and crawled in between them. He wrapped his arms around Alena’s neck, causing her to lean back. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too baby.” Alena kissed the side of his head. “Good morning.” She greeted Angel as he watched her. His hands were on her thighs and she felt his morning wood against her. He smirked at her as she shot him a look, telling him to behave. “Should we head out soon?”
“No, let’s just stay here.” Angel needed a break from the cartel. A break from Santo Padre. What better way than to stay in San Diego and be with his two favorite people. He had texted Bishop last night and requested if he could have a few days off to spend some time with Alena and Bishop graciously granted him some time off. 
“What? They don’t need you?” Angel never took time off, it was rare. He was devoted to the club, which Alena didn’t mind, she understood his loyalty. 
“I honestly don’t care right now. I just want some time with my family.” Angel shrugged. “I’m just tired is all.” 
“Okay, whatever you want to do. We can stay in if you want.” Alena offered. She loved lowkey weekends. Just to be able to lounge around the house with her boys, she cherished it because there was that thought at the back of her mind that it wouldn’t always be like this. One day, Angel won’t need her and she would just be another distant face for Cruz. She hated thinking that way and she was always able to reason that Cruz was legally her son, but she didn’t want to get her hopes up, it would help with the disappointment and heartache. 
“We gotta get some groceries though, I don’t know if you’re aware, but you literally have no edible food here.” Angel teased her. He knew Alena lived off take out since she was usually too exhausted to cook when she got home. 
“Haha, very funny. Maybe we can grill some meat for dinner. We can get some meat at the store, just stay in.” 
“That sounds fucking delicious baby.” Alena hit Angel making Cruz giggle. 
“Daddy said a bad word.” Cruz let out an ‘oooh’.
“Daddy is allowed to say bad words, but who can’t say bad words?”
“Mommy?” He tilted his head. 
“Cruz can’t.” Alena playfully narrowed her eyes at him. She looked at her watch and it was only seven in the morning. “Can we sleep more?”
“I’m onboard with that.” Angel nodded his head.
“But it’s morning now.” Cruz argued. 
“Mommy is tired, does Cruz want to cuddle with mommy?” Angel knew his son was a sucker for his mother. If mommy wanted to sleep, Cruz was sleeping with mommy.
Cruz climbed off Alena’s lap and took her hand. “Cuddle time!”
Angel chuckled as Alena gave him a look before kissing his cheek. He felt his cheeks heat up at such a simple gesture and he just shook his head. He watched as Alena and Cruz made their way to her bedroom. It was insane for him how attached Cruz was to Alena. He was almost certain Cruz liked Alena more than he liked him, and he couldn’t blame him. Alena had them wrapped around her fingers and she didn’t even know it. 
“Angel, are you coming?”
“Yeah babe, I’m coming.”
Angel placed the last of their bags on the table, Cruz was eating the chocolate dipped sticks happily on the couch, PJ Masks was currently playing. Alena was in the room, changing into some shorts and a shirt. Angel just wore basketball shorts and a white tee the whole day, so he was good. 
As he was putting away the groceries, there was a knock on the door. But it wasn’t a regular knock. It was a special type of knock. Whatever it was, it made Cruz jump off the couch.
“I got it!” He shouted.
Angel looked at Cruz like he was insane. He knew he wasn’t supposed to open doors without him or Alena. He followed after his son. 
"Hi Mr. Vic, mommy is changing." Angel looked down at his son like he was insane. Cruz knew he wasn't supposed to open the door. Might be an old man since he called him Mr. Vic. It was the same man that Alena spoke about a few weeks ago. He thought it was sweet that Alena was helping out the senior citizens. Though, Alena helped fucking everyone, which slightly irritated him every now and then. She could be fucking hurt or something. What if that person was fooling her and hurt her?
"Little man, I told you to call me Victor, or Uncle Victor. Mr. Vic makes me feel old." When Angel came to the door, he almost slammed it shut. It was Valeria's ex-husband, Victor Costa. Victor looked up at him, obviously sizing him up. He nodded his head. “You the husband?”
“You the sitter?” He wondered if Victor knew that Cruz was Valeria’s kid. There was no fucking way this was a coincidence. But at the same time, he knew Victor moved to San Diego to get the fuck away from Valeria and bless him, he couldn’t blame the man. This world was too fucking small. 
He couldn’t believe this bullshit. Of all the fucking people to be Alena’s neighbor, it was this guy?
Alena walked out the room and saw that Angel and Cruz were at the door. She walked over and a smile spread across her lips. 
“Victor! Hey!” She greeted him enthusiastically. She moved in front of Angel and was going to hug Victor when Angel pulled her back by her shirt, pulling her against him. “Hey, what are you doing?” She murmured at Angel.
“The fuck are you doing?” Angel couldn’t believe Alena was going to hug this man in front of her. This man even fucking knew they were married. 
“I’m just gonna say hi.” She tried to take her shirt back but Angel had a grip on it. 
“Uncle Victor, do you want to eat? Mommy is making us food.” Cruz invited him. Angel looked down at his son as if he grew two heads. How was he going to invite this man into their home? Sure he took care of Cruz, but that didn’t mean he invited him in without asking for permission.
“Maybe next time little man, I actually wanted to talk to mommy, is that okay?” 
Cruz looked at Angel who shook his head no, he turned to Victor and nodded his head. “That’s okay.” 
Angel rolled his eyes, letting go of Alena’s shirt. Alena moved to hug Victor then and Angel had to admit, he didn’t like the scene before him. Seeing Alena hugged by his brothers were different, they knew how everything stood, but this man obviously didn’t give a flying a fuck they were married. Maybe that’s why he and Valeria didn’t work out. Though Angel was certain Valeria was more to blame with her psychotic ass. The only good thing that came out of his relationship with Valeria was Cruz. Other than that, the bitch could go fuck herself.
“Keep the door open, you know your door automatically locks.” Angel advised her before he took Cruz back to the couch. At least it appeared so. He was right behind the door listening in. 
“What’s up?” Alena asked, slightly coming outside, but holding the door slightly ajar so she can go back in.
“Remember our conversation last night?” Victor questioned.
“We had lots to keep us going and I was also half asleep, you want to remind me which one?” She tilted her head, trying to remember which conversation he was referring too.
Angel paused. Wait, they worked together and lived in the same building? Was this guy stalking his wife? Why was she so chummy with him? The fuck was that? He didn’t like this guy one bit.
“Mommy said it’s not good for us to,” Cruz paused not remembering the right word. “To be a chismoso.”
Angel was amused by his son’s choice of words. Alena spoke Spanish to his son and from time to time Korean. “Well why’d you let mommy talk to that man?” He whispered hoping Alena wouldn’t hear them.
“That’s mommy’s best friend.” He mimicked Angel’s tone, speaking lowly.
“I’m mommy’s best friend.” Angel informed his son. And he was Alena’s best friend. With everything they’ve been through with Cruz and even before that, Alena was the closest person to him that wasn’t blood related. Hell, she was closer to him than his own blood. She knew his deepest and darkest secrets and she never batted an eye. She still treated him the same, touched him the same regardless of how shitty he was.
He didn’t deserve her.
But he wasn’t going to let her go either. 
Fuck it if that meant he was selfish. 
“No silly, you’re mommy’s husband.” Cruz giggled.
Alena looked at them and they both smiled at her.
“Are you done?”
“No.” She went back outside. “Sorry, so which conversation again?”
“About putting myself out there.”
“Oh yes, did you ask out Courtney?”
Victor chuckled. “Why do you presume I like Courtney?”
“Cause you do? I see you looking at her.” She teased him.
“I’m looking at you Alena. You and Courtney are in the same vicinity, but I’m looking at you.” Victor looked at Alena nervously, she gave him an odd look as if he didn’t understand what he was trying to insinuate. “I like you Alena.”
Alena and Victor both heard a what? And a daddy let's go on the couch.
“So, would you like to go on a date?”
Victor chuckled. “You Alena, who else am I talking to?”
“Oh.” Alena was surprised. Victor never expressed any interest in her and he knew the situation. “I’m married.”
“Isn’t it out of convenience? Come on, one date. Doesn’t even have to be a date, just two friends hanging out.” Victor offered. He’d take whatever he could get from Alena
Angel looked at Cruz and put him down. Who did this motherfucker think he was? He saw Angel, he knew they were married and he had the audacity to say it was out of convenience. And it was but why the fuck would Alena tell him? Was she interested in him? 
“Sure, but just as friends.” Alena’s reply halted Angel’s movement, she said yes? Oh, this girl was in trouble. 
“Yes, just as friends.”
“Ooh, what’s going on here?” Angel heard Carla, EZ’s girlfriend questioned. 
“Where’s Angel?” He heard EZ question.
“You have company. I’ll leave you to it. Next Friday at 6?” 
“Sure, I’ll see you at work.” Alena nodded her head. 
“Who is that?” Carla questioned watching Victor walk down the hallway.
“That’s my neighbor Victor, the one that takes care of Cruz.” Victor worked with Alena, but unlike her he didn’t need to be at the office everyday. So whenever Alena needed a sitter, Victor graciously offered a helping hand.
“You mean the one with the crush on you?”
“Excuse me, what now?” Angel appeared out of thin air surprising both women.
EZ chuckled. ‘Oh this was going to be a fun night.’
Carla and Alena sat outside at the balcony, overlooking the ocean. Alena was able to land the apartment thanks to her boss, who apparently owned the building. Carla had to say that Alena had one of the best views and she was certain it was due to her boss favoring her. Nothing malicious, but ever since Alena started working for Mr. Johnson seven years ago, the hotshot lawyer took care of Alena. She reminded him of the daughter he lost a few years prior to Alena’s arrival. And much like Angel, he knew that his other employees took advantage of Alena’s kindness, but Alena didn’t want to get anyone in trouble.
Carla and Alena have known one another for nearly fifteen years. It still amazed Carla just how kind and selfless Alena was. If she was being honest, it was irritating at times because people walked all over her and Alena just brushed it off. She didn’t seem bothered by people using her, she just genuinely wanted to help people. She always reasoned with Carla that she was collecting good karma points. But Carla figured it had something to do with Alena not liking conflict. She was a helper, it was embedded in her, but sometimes, it was too much. A prime example was marrying Angel and being a mother to his son. She admired her best friend’s actions, Cruz was an adorable kid, but Angel was also taking advantage of the situation. 
Angel was using their marriage as a way to keep Alena to him since he wasn’t ready to recognize his feelings for her. Whenever she would try to set up Alena on dates at the beginning of this whole ordeal, Angel always found a way to block her attempts. At first, it was because he was “clueless” about Cruz, which Carla had to roll her eyes at. Then he would become so sweet to her, Alena would become confused and decline to go on any dates. She’s fought Angel numerous times because of Alena, but it was hard to rattle Angel since he knew Alena was devoted to Cruz and in turn to him.
“So, Victor huh?” Carla raised her wine glass at her. “Not a bad choice, he’s cute, has a good job and he gets on well with Cruz.” She nodded her head in approval. “I’m glad you’re putting yourself out there.”
“What? I’m not dating Victor. I mean, we’re going to dinner, but as friends.” Alena held her wine glass, looking down at it as she swirled the red liquid inside. “He’s just being nice.”
“He asked you out on a date in the guise of being nice?” Carla cackled, shaking her head. “Alena, just because Angel’s head is far up his ass, it doesn’t mean no other man can find you attractive. If you only knew how many people Angel drove away, you would be impressed.”
“Come on Alena, you can’t possibly think that no man on this earth finds you attractive. There are plenty of men who are lining up to date you, but it's hard when your guard dog looks like Angel.” Carla shook her head. “You can’t keep doing this, remember we talked about this. You can just keep this up for so long. You gave your twenties to Angel and Cruz. It’s time for you to put yourself out there.”
“You waited for EZ.”
“Yes, well, EZ isn’t Angel. He’s more in one with his feelings that his older brother.” Carla looked back and found Angel and EZ on the cough with Cruz in between them. They were laughing, Cruz making faces at his father and uncle. She liked their small family, she truly did, but as a best friend and fierce protector of Alena, she couldn’t standby and keep watching this shit show. 
If Angel would just realize how much he loves Alena, then sure, Carla could support it, but if Angel was going to keep them at this limbo, he could go fuck himself. 
“Are you waiting for Angel?” Carla has asked Alena this question multiple times in the past and her answer truly depended where they were at in their relationship. 
Alena wasn’t sure. 
Was she? 
She was coming to terms that nothing was ever going to happen between her and Angel, that she was going to hand him the divorce paper and give him full custody of Cruz. It was the right thing to do, but she would like to visit Cruz if he would allow her. Carla was right, they couldn’t be in this limbo anymore. Cruz was growing so quickly and the last thing he needed was to continue to be fooled by their charade. She doesn’t doubt Angel cared for her, they knew one another way before Cruz came, but she couldn’t just count on that. She wanted a real marriage, kids of her own. She wanted something stable, but until she divorced Angel, she couldn’t do that. She wasn’t a cheater, she wasn’t her father. 
“No, I’m not.” Alena gave her a small smile, trying to keep herself together so she didn’t cry. She didn’t want to cry. “I know I can’t be in this situation forever and it’ll be over soon. Once we pass the five years, we can get divorced. It’s just going to be hard letting go of Cruz.”
“You don’t have to let go of Cruz, I don’t think the little guy would let you.” Carla downed the rest of her wine, placing the glass on the table in between them. “I just want you to experience life Alena.”
“I am,” Alena confidently assured her. “It may not seem like it, but I am. I love our family and I wouldn’t trade it in for the world. I don’t need to date people to experience life. Being with Cruz and Angel taught me plenty, for example, no ice cream for a toddler after nine in the evening unless you want to stay up all night.”
The two women laughed. 
Carla could tell Alena was trying to mask everything. Letting go of father and son was going to be difficult for her, but she needed to put herself first. She had to put herself first this time around and Carla was certain that Angel would understand. 
No, no he wouldn’t, but this may be the wake-up call Angel needed. 
Alena wasn’t going to wait forever and it seemed that someone has finally gotten past Angel’s intimidating figure and it definitely won’t bode well for Angel.
They all sat around the table, with Cruz sitting in between Angel and Alena. EZ and Carla sat across from them. Angel was grilling the meat on the portable grill they had, various side dishes all around. It was like a Korean barbecue experience without the bustling noise of the restaurant. Cruz had his training chopsticks with the cute anime characters that he loved to watch on television so much. 
"Tell us more about Victor." Carla looked at EZ with a mischievous glint. He shook his head, holding back a chuckle.
“Yeah, why don’t you?” Angel always had the impression that Victor was an old ass fucking man. To know he was around their age, it changed everything. 
Alena looked at Carla like she was insane. She didn’t want to talk about Victor. Angel was obnoxiously protective over her and the last thing she wanted to tell Angel that she actually found Victor attractive. It wasn’t hard, if he would hear how she gushed about him, he would be able to tell.
“He’s a co-worker of mine. He lives a few doors down.” Minimal information was what she was going to do. It made things easier that way. “He took care of Cruz a few times when I got called into work unexpectedly.”
“How long have you known him?” EZ questioned, his brother wasn’t even paying attention to the meat on the grill. 
“Seven years.”
“Seven years?!” Angel was surprised. He literally has never heard of Victor till maybe three years ago. Otherwise, Alena has never uttered his name. He just felt like Alena lived another life in San Diego. 
Everyone looked at Angel due to his outburst. Cruz looked at his father curiously.
“Are you mad daddy?”
Angel looked down at Cruz and shook his head. “No, I’m not mad, daddy is just surprised cause mommy has never talked about Mr. Vic till a few years ago.”
“Mr. Vic is so nice, he bought mommy crayons the other week when we went to the museums.” Cruz proudly shared. “Mommy said we can share when we all paint together.”
It was a favorite family bonding time they had. Sometimes on a Saturday afternoon Angel, Alena and Cruz all painted together, did they get pieces done? No, but just spending that time together was really fun.
“Crayons huh?” Angel nodded his head, turning his attention back to the meat.
EZ watched as the annoyance on his brother’s face became more obvious. Carla watched on with glee, the possibility of Alena having a suitor obviously annoyed Angel.
“Wow Angel, have you ever gotten Alena any crayons?” EZ had to pull his older brother’s leg every once in a while, he wouldn’t be a younger brother if he didn’t. 
“Shut up.” Angel put more meat on the grill.
Who the fuck was this guy? Crayons? Angel scoffed in his head at the silliness. He could get Alena one thousand fucking crayons. How the fuck has he not been told about this guy?
“Do you know Victor?” Angel asked Alena’s partner in crime, Carla.
“I’ve heard of him, never met him till today, but Alena, I told you, you’re the girl he was talking about.” Carla was just sprinkling gasoline on the fire.
“I am not, it still could be anyone.” Alena brushed her off.
“What does she mean?” Angel inquired. 
“Victor has been talking to me about this girl he’s interested in, but she’s unavailable.” Alena explained. 
“If he knows she’s unavailable, why keep pursuing her?” The nerve of this man. Fucking ridiculous.
“Well, if the relationship isn’t real, then why worry? Doesn’t count as cheating.” Carla reasoned.
“I’m not hungry.” Angel handed the tongs to EZ, standing up and stalking off to the bedroom.
Alena watched as Angel closed her bedroom door, frowning at his sudden outburst.
“Babe, that wasn’t nice.” EZ shook his head at his girlfriend.
“What? Did I say something?” Carla knew how to get under Angel’s skin, she was just giving him an extra push was all.
“Where daddy go?” Cruz shoved meat and rice in his mouth, looking around for Angel.
“Daddy wasn’t hungry, it’s okay baby, daddy will come back out.”
Angel couldn’t fucking believe Carla. How could she encourage this atrocity? They didn’t know this guy and to top it off, he was Valeria’s ex. Even though Valeria was psychotic as fuck, there must have been something wrong with this asshole since he married her. 
This just didn’t sit well with Angel. He sat down on the bed before plopping down on his back. He didn’t think Alena lied to him nor was he angry with her, he just wanted to know how this guy fucking bypassed him. It’s not like he was always in San Diego with Alena, but she talked to him every day about her day. There was not a day that they didn’t talk, mostly due to Cruz. But this was fucking insane. 
“Calm down Angel, don’t be an idiot. Just stay in the room, cool down.” He was talking to himself now. “Fucking great, I’m talking to my self. This is so stupid.” 
The rest of the night went without a hitch. Alena brought Cruz to the room and found Angel smoking at her balcony. He didn’t acknowledge her presence, but she told him Cruz was on the bed. She put pillows on either side of him, just in case since Cruz moved around often when he was sleeping.
She was at the dining table, reviewing a few files she took home when she heard the door open. Looking up, she knew it would be Angel. He didn’t eat anything so she was almost certain he was hungry.
“I’m starving, are there any leftovers?” Alena pointed at the refrigerator. 
Angel took out some Tupperware and heated up the food. He combined the rice and meat on the same Tupperware, going over to the dining table. He tapped Alena’s arm, helping her up. He sat on her seat and pulled her onto his lap. Looking at the papers, he moved a few around and watched as Alena took a few notes down.
“You feeling better?” She looked back at him.
He shoved a spoonful of food in his mouth and nodded his head. “Yeah cielo I’m good.” Angel answered once the food was down his throat. “Are you good?”
“I’m fine, I’m just worried about you. Don’t lie to me, what’s wrong?” She placed her pen down, slightly turning so she could see Angel.
“Why haven’t you told me about Victor before?” Angel was being unreasonable, but this guy has been a part of her life for seven years. Though he reasoned he may not be important since she never mentioned him.
“I don’t know, I just,” Alena sighed. “He’s my friend Angel, I didn’t know I had to tell you about my friends.”
“If he’s around our son you do.” Good reason Angel, he applauded himself, using Cruz when in reality, he knew Alena would never bring anyone around Cruz that would harm him.
“Angel, you’ve never cared about Victor before, I’ve mentioned him to you numerous times, and you never reacted, why care now?” 
“Well he’s never asked you out before, has he?” Angel fucking hated hearing Victor ask her out, especially when he knew you were married. 
Angel couldn’t get over that.
“No, come on Angel, it’s just a friendly dinner. I would never disrespect our marriage like that no matter how fake it is.” Alena turned back to her work. She hated talking to Angel about their marriage because it was a constant reminder that she had what she wanted but not exactly.
“Our marriage isn’t fake Alena.”
“I really don’t want to talk about it Angel.” Alena closed her eyes, trying to build her courage for her own sake. She turned to face him and he was shoving another spoonful in his mouth. “I know it’s not much to ask and you do it out of needs and such, but I would appreciate it if you didn’t kiss me unless Cruz is around or we have sex at all.”
Angel almost choked on his food. Did she just say what he thought she just said?
Alena didn’t reply and just continued to do her work.
“Hey, you can’t just ignore me after you say that.” Angel pulled her back against him, his warm breath against her neck. “You don’t like kissing me cielo?” He whispered against her ear.
Alena tried to sit up but Angel kept her on his lap. “Angel, please.”
“You found another motherfucker and now you don’t want me to touch you?” Angel was upset again. This guy expressed interest in her, Valeria’s ex-husband, and he didn’t matter now? Fuck that. “You’re my wife Alena, nothing is going to change that. You know you love it when I touch you.” His hand ran up and down her inner thigh. 
“Angel, we’re not actually married.” Alena shivered feeling Angel’s hand inch closer to the bottom of her shorts. 
“Are we not? We got married in city hall, baby. You’re a Reyes.” Angel was a bastard, he knew that. But he couldn’t let this motherfucker disrespect him like that. “We got your driver’s license changed and everything. You’re Alena Marie Reyes, and it’s going to stay that way. What about Cruz?” 
Angel’s fingers made its way under her shorts, Alena placing her hand on his hand before he could go any further. “You’re overreacting. Victor is just my friend.”
“Better stay that way baby, you don’t want me to get involved.” Angel turned Alena’s face towards him and he gave her a quick kiss, pulling away and biting his lips. “You know you love kissing me.”
Alena couldn’t even speak. She just blushed and nodded her head. Angel smirked and continued eating.
He couldn’t ignore the nervousness in his stomach when Victor asked her out and how she entertained that idea. Then when she asked him that they shouldn’t be intimate anymore? That shit made his stomach drop. No matter how confident he appeared he was always frightened that Alena may meet someone.
He’s always been number one with Alena. He was always second best to EZ, but for her, he was always number one. He could hardly do wrong with her. This man was threatening that position and he couldn’t have that. 
He couldn’t let Alena go.
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