#now their about to fight a manticore that just showed up at the far outskirts of town
teddy-bear-d · 2 years
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Can we have some commotion for the beautiful Lady Serene
Extra info about my dnd character if you’re interested:
Age: 18
Background: noble
Class: fighter
Brief Back Story:
Her families town was destroyed in the eruption of a nearby volcano, only the nobles and a few servants and guards managed to escape in time. Her dad became obsessed with their legacy since they lost their place to rule. Influence by her aunt her dad decided she must go to a school to train her to be a proper lady. Instead Serene ran away after training to fight with her brothers’ friends. She wants to be able to protect her families legacy by fighting for it rather than protecting its image by sitting still and looking pretty.
As of Right Now in Our DND Timeline:
- she just had a coronation to become the lady of a land she’s sworn to protect (along with two of her party companions and friends)
- she’s just proposed to her smoking hot (figuratively and literally, wifie is an arsonist) elf girlfriend
- she’s interviewing the towns people to plot out how to improve the town without over taxing them and without over stepping their preferences as the original towns people
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