#now that I think about it I probably could've tried ''ShadowShield'' but people KNOW ME as ZIRA.
It has been roughly 24 hours since I made a Twitch account, and I’m still vaguely seething about this.
Who the fuck stole my Signature Screenname on Twitch???
I’ve been the one and only ZiraShield since Sony wouldn’t let me use ShadowShield on DC Universe Online in 20-fucking-11.
My nickname being “Shadow”, which Zira comes from, goes back as far as 2005, to Teen Titans and Evanescence fan forums alike, waaay back when I was RavensShadow and MissingShadow. It’s a name with a Long History for me, okay.
Yesterday I went to follow a couple friends on Twitch and had to make an account for that, of course.
And “ZiraShield” wasn’t available.
Who the fuck stole my name.
And why can’t I find them to make sure they’re at least doing something Nice with it.
(I went with ZiraShield9 because I’m Ninth House trash now, and I refuse to not be ZiraShield, but I’m really annoyed about this, actually.)
(( P.S,: Don’t bother following me because I’m never going to stream. Definitely not while I hold a full-time job, and deeefinitely not on a laptop that slows down when Firefox is the only app open and there happen to be six tabs open. I just made it so I could follow people.))
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