#now if you'll excuse me i'll be bawling my eyes out
k-nayee · 1 year
Picture Worthy kth
wc: 3.3k
Dreamer M.List
ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ
"𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 is it? Goddammit!" You bite your lip as your fidgeting body zooms around the room, easily ignoring the curious looks thrown your way.
Minutes have passed of you trying to locate your precious camera after misplacing it the other day with no luck.
"Hey ____ I need a fav- what's wrong?"
You quickly turn towards the source of the voice. The moment your eyes lands on the familiar face they fill with unshed tears before you finally snap.
Jumping on the unprepared woman, you wrap your arms around her smaller frame, the sudden action forcing her to take a few staggering steps back.
"I-I lost it Su," you blubber through your tears as you lay on top of her, "It's gone! They're gone...all of those memories...are gone!"
She pulls away from your grip with furrowed brows, dark eyes studying the tear streaks along your skin. "Memories?"
"T-the present m-my parents gave me all those years ago!"
A moment passes before her pink lips formed into a circle of realization and stares at you in sympathy. "Oh, honey."
"Whyyy lord! I'm sorry I skipped church this past month when I promised to go. Please don't do this to me! I swear I won't act up again!"
You begin to fall on your knees to pray but are quickly caught by an embarrassed Sujin once she noticed the amount of attention you were drawing.
"____ I swear if you don't get your shit together! How'd you expect to be a member of the team when you're being so dramatic all the time? The boss will never take you seriously!" She harshly hisses before plastering a strained smile.
Your body shakes from the soft tremors of your stuttering breath intake. "B-but-"
"But nothing! You're a grown-ass woman, it's time to act like it! We all lose something precious but that doesn't give us an excuse to start bawling out in public. Especially in a potential job."
'She's right,' Your head bow in shame, 'now is not the time ____. Woman the fuck up.'
Wiping away the leftover tears, you lift your head high as you give her your most determined look.
"You're right, now is not the time. I'll just have to push through...that's all."
Sujin smiles at your uplifting attitude and pats you on the back in satisfaction as you make your way towards the storage room. "Now that's what I'm talking about! You'll find that camera, and if not we'll just have to make more memories."
Your step falters once those words were processed. "Make...new...ones?"
"Well yeah? What did you expect would happen? If it's missing for more than a month, the chances are that it's either stolen or thrown away."
'I know momma ain't raise no weak bitch...but she did raise one that'll cry when losing something like that camera though.'
And just like that, you quickly crumpled to dust.
Sujin quickly catches on to your mood. "No! We are not going through this again ____!"
You lean against the wall, face frozen with a cry as you slowly slide to the floor.
"Can you just-ugh!"
*Ten Minutes Later*
Handing you a tissue with a smile, Sujin gives you a soft pat on the shoulder. "Are you okay now?"
"Y-yeah. I kinda got it all out of my system now. Sorry you had to go through that." You look at the floor to avoid her amused gaze.
"No problem Toots. You would've done the same for me if the roles were switched."
Wiping away the remaining evidence of your crying fest, you take a deep breath of air and close your eyes. 'No worries. You'll find it, whether today or next year, so no need to cry over it. You have a job to do.'
"Now that you're stable enough, do you think you can pick up some more donuts for the team? They've been under a lot of pressure this week, especially with BTS coming for their photoshoot."
You scoff at the puppy dog expression she was displaying, cheeks puffed out with a pout as big round eyes pleadingly stared at you. "Yeah yeah, I'll get going."
A squeal of delight leaves her jumping frame before she engulfs you in a tight hug. "Ah! Thank you so much!"
Running off before you could get a word in, she quickly turns and throws a bright smile and energetic thumbs up in your direction.
You pick up your purse with a sigh and begin your way towards the lobby, dread filling your being at the thought of the long waiting lines. "Man...the things I do for these people."
════════════════*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═════════════════
"The things...I do...for these fucking people!" You hissed with a huff, eyes slightly narrowed in irritation as your cramped arms held up the countless boxes of donuts.
Of course, there were moments of a kind passerby offering to help, but you politely decline for the fact of them possibly freaking out once they saw who was at your workplace at the moment.
Countless warnings of the unpredictable acts that obsessive unstable fans of idols, other known as Sasaeng fans, were capable of committing floated around your workplace.
So you decided to not take any chances and do the daunting multi-person task alone.
Passing through the front desk with a strained smile, you quickly flashed your badge and move towards the elevator before your arms gave out.
You lean against the cool metal surface as the tempting pile of steaming hot boxes sit at your feet.
The smell of fresh out the oven donuts surrounded you, its intoxicating scent causing your stomach to grumble.
'I missed my lunch break already. So...maybe just one?'
"No..." You snap out of your trance with a head shake, the persuading thoughts of devouring the pastries causing your mouth to itch with want, "It's not for you ____...Not. For. You."
'Bitch you bought it with your own damn money! If anything fuck them people and take all of this shit home. Just think about it...You could be feasting on these...all alone.'
Moments pass of your internal struggle before you give in to the gluttony. "Ah, fuck it."
Quickly opening a box, you pick up a glazed donut and bite into it causing your eyes to roll at the taste.
They were quickly filled with tears as you stare at the bitten dessert in adoration. 'Is...is this what falling in love feels like? Can this be a relationship that the world would accept with open arms? Finding Love in a Single Bite: A woman and a donut.'
The shrill ding of the elevator causes you to flinch out of your daydream before its door slowly opens.
"The...fuck?" Mouth dropped open in disbelief, the donut you held silently falls to the ground as you witness the chaos before you.
"____!" A shout over the multiple screams around you shifts your attention from the bodies zooming in different directions until they finally land on a frantic Sujin.
A smile appears on her face as she speeds into the elevator and pulls you onto the bustling floor. "Wha-"
"Oh ____, thank god I found you! You don't know how downhill everything's been."
"But the donut-"
"No worries, that's already been covered~" You turn towards the elevator and watch as bodies fill the metal space and tear through the boxes with a look of hunger.
Seconds passed before empty boxes liter the floor, not a single pastry was left behind.
Even the half-bitten donut seemed to have disappeared which cause your mouth to twist in disgust and anger.
"No time to talk! Our best photographer in the building came down with the Flu, and now we don't have anyone to take pictures of the group."
You look at her in confusion. "So...why am I brought into this?"
"Oh, you're just gonna take their photoshoot for the day."
"Well that's good 'cause someone needs to-WHAT?!"
She scoffs at your panicked state with a shake of her head. "Now is not the time to play around ____! This is BTS we're talking about, one of the biggest idol groups in the world."
Blinking at her words, you allow her to drag you towards the big closed door.
Regaining your senses in time you stop before she could open it. "I-I can't go in there Sujin! Why am I even doing this? What did the boss man say about it?"
"It was his choice in the first place. And before you ask me, no I don't know why."
Your mouth closes at her words before staring at the metal door.
"Look ____," you feel the lightweight of her hands as she places them on your shoulders, eyes gazing straight into yours, "just remember one thing before you go in there...If you mess this up the entire company will be the laughing stock of the photography network."
Frozen as the countless amount of scenarios fill your mind, your body trembles in fear of making a fool of yourself.
Forcing a very expensive-looking camera into your hands, she gives you a wide smile. "Good luck!"
"Wait I need a transla-"
And with that, you are pushed through the door, facing the moment of your life of whether you make it or break it.
All eyes are on you causing your heart to race at the heavyweight of their gazes.
Wincing at the crack in your voice, your palms began to sweat as a tall intimidating man walks towards you with furrowed brows.
"Are you ____ [Last Name]?"
You mentally let out a sigh of relief at the perfect English escaping his mouth, body slightly relaxing in the reassurance of actually making it through.
"Yes, that's me."
With a sharp head nod, he pulls you by the arm and drags you to the other side of the room where the group patiently waited. "Now hold up a minute! I-"
"No time to talk. We only have a time slot of only one hour to get this thing done. Let's go people!"
Placing you in front of them, you fight the urge to run out of the room once seven pairs of eyes observe your stiff figure.
"Um, Hi? M-my name is ____ [Last Name], and I will be your photographer for today. So...yeah."
Almost as if noticing how uncomfortable you were, a man- who you assume to be the leader of the group- steps forward.
He quickly holds up a hand causing the others around him to get in a formation.
"Dul, Set! Bangtan! Annyeong Haseyo Bangtan Sonyeondan Imnida!" Their voices echo around the room as they move in sync, everyone's focus shifted from you and to their small performance.
Not a single one of their bodies shifted from the newly acquired attention, posture still as calm and collected as before.
The group leader nods his head while giving you a small dimpled smile of reassurance.
'These guys...they're one of the most known faces in the entire world. If they're able to get on a stage and face millions of people at once, then I could do this photoshoot.'
"Alright!" Your confidence-filled voice causes you to be the center of attention once more, but this time you don't shy away. "Let's begin."
*1 Hour Later*
"You did an amazing job ____! I'm so proud of you."
You break away from your water break as Sujin walks up to you with a proud smile.
Even though it won't show from your complexion, the skin on your face begins to heat from her compliment.
"Thanks Su! It means a lot, but all there I had to do was take pictures of simple poses. I tried my best, that's what matters at the end of the day."
She scoffs at your humbling words. "Oh please! If it wasn't so good, then why would Hybe want to hire you as one of their traveling photographers?"
"Wha-" You stop at the sight of the contract papers in her hands, along with a camera that was even more expensive than the last, their logo proudly displayed on its shiny surface.
"Please say sike right now and tell me this is a joke."
"Nope! They wanted me to personally ask that you join them." Her face softened at the look on your face. "I know it's hard for you to believe it, but you do have talent ____. Don't waste it all away by staying here to be an intern. Go out and show them what they missed out on."
You shake your head at her words. "I-I can't! What about you? I've made so many memories with you and this company, to just up and leave would mea-"
"They'll pay you three times the amount of a full-time employee here if you go."
"Where should I sign my name again?" Pen already in hand, you take the camera and contract out of her hands.
After a few minutes of reading through and finding the rules and regulations acceptable, you sign and hold the camera with a smile.
Sujin claps her hands in excitement as you get acquainted with the device before stopping at the sight behind you.
Her eyes slightly widen, eyebrows raising once a few moments pass.
"Um ____? I'm just gonna go and...get something from the fridge! Yeah, see ya!" Taking the papers and camera from you, she speeds away from your confused face.
"Wha-but we don't even have a fridge here!" You call out to her shrinking frame.
You jump at the deep voice, quickly turning towards the source.
A smile appears once you realize it was one of the members from earlier. "Hello! What can I do for you?"
A light blush coats his tan skin, heartbeat racing as he stares into your eyes while they send a warm gaze towards him.
"M-my name is Taehyung...and I...want...give...c-camura...to you." He lifts a camera to your line of vision, large hands cradling it with the up-most care.
You freeze at the sight of the familiar device and slowly grab it from his hands. Your eyes begin to mist over in relief as you trace the handmade initials that were placed on it from so many years ago.
"Where...where did you find this?"
"Umm" His eyebrows crease at your words as he hesitates, mouth pursed in frustration from the struggles of finding the right words to say in English.
A few moments pass before the frustration was replaced with a bright look.
Gently grabbing your arm Taehyung pulls you out of the room and into the sea of moving workers.
You slightly hide behind his frame and away from the prying eyes as he continues to hold on to you without a care, a wide boxy smile gracing his face.
After almost ten minutes of the two of you dodging and avoiding getting caught, you finally stop.
He lets go of you and opens his arms in a way of saying 'tada!'
You take a step back in the realization of where he had taken you: It was the empty room you stumbled upon after being a newbie intern for about two months.
The giant window that took up most of the wall was what caused you to come back every chance that you had.
It had a perfect view of the city, the sunlight shining off the buildings during the day and thousands of lights flashing like a party at night.
But you had to stop coming as often when more assignments were added to as a helper to the staff and others.
"We got here...and photo taker was sick."
You break away from your thoughts and stare at Taehyung while he avoids your gaze and he looks at his feet instead.
"We about to go...but I wanted to stay. So I ran and hid so they not take me back. I was about to go, but stop when shiny hit my eyes," walking over to the window with a giddy bounce, he points at its sill, "This where camura found!"
His smile drops for a moment causing you to step up to him in worry.
You reach your hand out to touch him but stop when he suddenly gives you a ninety-degree bow. "I'm sorry!"
Your head tilts giving him a push to explain himself in hopes that you won't get angry or upset.
"When I found it, I was gonna give to worker. My finger made mistake and hit button and got on. I was awe and start to look in camura even when it not mines. I was c-curos?"
You chuckle at his attempt at saying the words, but immediately stop when he leans close.
"I saw pictures...some easy and some very not easy. I like ones that show your skin and sun most. Like now..." The heat from Taehyung's hand feels soothing as he softly caresses the side of your face, eyes taking in the way the sunlight caused you to glow.
"Very pretty chocolate."
Your breath hitches at his words, body shivering at the intense air surrounding him.
Looking deep into your eyes, his nose brushes against yours. "Can I taste it?"
"T-taehyung?" You squeak his name causing the idol's eyes to darken even more.
"Say my name again?"
'Oh Lord! What is this man trying to do to me?!'
The sudden shrill ring of a phone causes the tension to break.
Reluctantly moving away from you with a sigh, Taehyung pulls out his phone with a glare at whoever disturbed the moment.
"What is it?"
"Taehyung where are you?"
The male runs a hand through his hair once he recognizes who the voice belongs to. "Yoongi? Why are you calling me? You need something?"
"What I need is for you to come to the first floor. We've given you twenty minutes to go and talk to that girl you like. Now it's time to go."
Taehyung sneaks a look at your dazed face, lips stretching into a smirk at your adorable reaction. "Can't you just give me a few more minutes? I didn't even get to-"
"Tae I swear if you don't get your ass back here, I will find you and drag your ass in front of her."
Taehyung childishly stomps his foot at the threat with a pout. "Why would you say something like that! She won't look at me like a man if you do."
"Then get to the lobby before we pull a Hoseok and leave you behind. We have too much stuff to do with this upcoming album."
"That's fine, I'll just stay with ____ then."
A tired sigh is heard on the other line. "I doubt it she'd wanna stay with you...especially when I get Namjoon to tell her that you got a laptop full of porn like the pervert you are."
The maknae's eyes widen. "N-no! I'm on my way right now."
"Uh-huh, you better...and let me use your laptop when we get back to the dorm."
The phone cuts off before he's able to reply, leaving him with the monotone dial sound.
You finally break out of your trance in time to catch the sad pout on his face.
"What happened?"
"My band say I must go. Too late, we busy schedule this week."
You frown at his answer before looking at him with a sly smile. "Well, I guess I'll just have to see you tomorrow. Especially since I'm working at Hybe now."
Taehyung's heavy heart is lifted at the words work and Hybe. "You work at Hybe now?"
"Yup, now all I have to do is-"
Your words are cut off by the sudden attack of his arms pushing you to his chest.
"Yay! This is great! We get to see much often!" He bounces up and down with you in his arms, causing you to hop along with him.
You join in with his joy, the room filled with the laughter of two adults. But the happiness didn't last long when he pulled away with a smaller smile, yet his eyes still shining as bright as ever. "I must go now."
"It's okay, wouldn't want you in trouble if you didn't." Softly pushing his back you give him a little boost to go on his way.
With slow movements towards the doorway, he stops with a gasp and quickly turns back to you.
Grabbing your face, his eyes crinkle up in happiness before giving you a quick kiss on the tip of your nose. "There...now I gave kiss. Bye bye~"
He giggles at the shock on your face and runs out of the room, leaving you alone with a giant grin.
"This boy..."
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bingeblogging · 1 year
Lol one week ago I had a draft saying "I could cry tears of joy right now"
I didn't elaborate or post it because I didn't wanna speak too soon and I guess it's a good thing I didn't ha HA
So yeah, I turned 26 last week. Didn't expect a big scene, don't really enjoy a ton of attention. But still just want to feel loved. As usual, my blood relatives (mom and sis) kinda disappointed me but that's also not unusual.
My grandma, and 2 of like my only friends did make me feel wonderful with flowers, a balloon, and personalized gifts, a night out, a book, and good company.
My mom, the morning after my bday as I'm waking up to go to work, hands me a card with 3 gift cards in it, and circled the printed part in the card where it said "you'll never know how much I love and how proud I am of you". My sister, texted me and said she'll drop off my gift as soon as she can. 10 days later and nothing. All good I guess.
I planned on adding so much more to this post but it just doesn't matter.
Oh, but the reason why I could have cried tears of joy was because on my actual bday I'm bawling my eyes out of course, bc I couldn't find my wallet (in the butt pocket of a pair of shorts in my laundry) and I JUST replaced my license and bank card like 2 months ago right before finding it. Anyways I see my paycheck is like 4x higher than it should be. I was gonna keep it hush but I was so confused and told some colleagues about it. Apparently some of us got a big retention bonus. My workplace was sold to a corporation 2 years ago, and they decided to give bonuses to all of us who stayed fulltime employed there 2 years after being sold. So there's that 😊
And this hot guy I crushed on years ago from my church messaged me happy bday and I kept the convo going. He expressed interest in hanging out, but when I would try to make it happen there was an excuse. But dude got married 3 years ago, was posting weird stuff on fb about self deleting statistics of divorced men....anyways it was a fun 2 days of texting/snapping him. But I deleted him on snap after he posted weird stories....an article about semen retention, a snap of a possible gf or whatever walking her dog? Idk. On top of trying to string me along? Good riddance. I'll take my bonus money and be happy 🤑
Anyways, life is back to normal I guess. My miserable normal.
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chibicrow · 6 years
This is the other ship request @breakdawn-avenue​ had sent. But uh. It was getting VERY lengthy, beyond the “mini-fic” parameters so I just. decided to make the fic (which might get expanded even more at some point lmao) its own post. 
(it’s nearly 2,000 words fam.......... so......) 
all I gotta say is GET YOUR TISSUE BOXES READY B/C BOI WAS I IN A MOOD WHEN I WROTE MOST OF THIS LMAO...... (it was the “playmaker’s unconscious” part of the episode summaries that set me off ok) 
also I just want y’all to know I wrote the bulk of this well before episode 93 and wrote the final part after 93 and I’m definitely not okay. ;A;
anyway uh. I hope y’all like this in spite of the intense despair LMAO. 
#16 things you said with no space between us (Datastorm)
Ryoken had sworn he would never again set foot in another hospital. His naivete had placed six kids there. Many were sent here during the Another incident. His crimes are too obvious here.
Yet, all who had come with him to face the rogue Ignis - and had fallen - are here. As the ringleader of the group, he felt obligated at least to visit those who had gone along with his risk-filled mission, his desire to wipe out the errant Ignis who had caused so much trouble. Oddly enough, Homura - Soulburner in Link VRAINS - was the only one who had made it out of the battle physically unscathed. The only one to whom he had, in his own way, made a conscious effort to apologize.
He grit his teeth at the realization.
He had already visited Blue Maiden - Zaizen, who was no stranger to hospitals or the Lost Incident. The doctors informed him she was showing signs of progress, already having woken up and taken small bites of food, though she still fatigues easily. This was good for him - it would mean that the older brother wouldn’t throw as hard of a punch if he ever saw him walking around. Or recognized him, for that matter.
And Spectre was … well, Spectre. He had maintained a severe brain injury upon returning to the real world, but his sense of bad joke telling was also as severe as ever. At least, whenever Ryoken visited with the rest of the Knights of Hanoi. If Ryoken is by himself, Spectre toned it down, oddly regretful of having been taken out by “that Ignis,” he would say. If he had been obsessed with destroying the Ignis as before, he would have affirmed Spectre’s regret. But, he just couldn’t bring himself to criticize him. Not for losing to Lightning. Not when he had accomplished Extra Link Full Mode.
He was a comrade … a friend.
But, even with the others having woken up, there was still one who has yet to regain consciousness, even after three weeks. And it, admittedly, was eating at him with each deliberate step. Every step toward his door - that was probably still closed - filled Ryoken with feelings he’d been suppressing all along: sadness, guilt, anger.
He had been to the hospital so many times, he didn’t have to ask the nurses where the room was (as it was sectioned way off from the others) or the room number. It was ingrained in his memory:
                                                01386 Fujiki, Yusaku
Ryoken’s icy blue eyes stared at the sign. If he stared at it long enough, the door would be opened. Catching himself, he put a hand to his forehead.
“What am I, eight years old?“ he laughed, leaning his head back.
At that moment, one of the nurses appeared, carrying a clipboard. Her brown eyes stared into his, as if he had intruded upon her work.
“I’m sorry. Are you here to see someone?” she asked, her apology sounding forced.
“Yes. The person in this room,” he replied, pointing to the sign.
She raised her eyebrow. “Fujiki, huh? ‘fraid I can’t let you do that. Doctor’s orders, “ she replied curtly.
Ryoken sighed. The expected response, the one he’d gotten every time he’s been at the hospital, and the one he didn’t understand. It’s not like his condition’s contagious, so what’s the deal? Still, he knew better than to argue with the nurse, so he said, “I understand. If you’ll excuse me.”
He had made it past several rooms, past the main corridor, trying to not let the disappointment express itself outwardly. What was he feeling disappointed for, anyway? What was he surprised about? Out of all of them, Playmaker was the most traumatized from this whole ordeal; physically, mentally, emotionally. Even if he wakes up, even if his physical state heals in a timely manner, there were the other two states to consider. It’s very likely that he’ll be locked up one way or another for a while. Months at the very least, a couple of years at most. 
Ryoken sighed, sighed in a way that he never thought he was capable. A high-pitched sigh. 
He was nervous. And regretful. 
To think the past would come back and bite him like this.
And to think he was hurt because of him.... again.
The white-haired man made his way to the floor exit when he heard a loud swish and a low-pitch voice yelling, “He’s - he’s awake!” He turned around at the source of the noise and saw a handful of other doctors and nurses make their way to what looked like the room he was just in front of.
Was he finally….?  
Ryoken calmly walked back, in the midst of all the hurrying medical staff, stopping right in front of Playmaker’s room. The door was opened, but he couldn’t see anything out of the side of his eye, other than a mass of white coats. The white-haired teen could vaguely decipher the mumble of rapid-fire questions the staff was throwing at the patient.
“What happened to you?”
“How are you feeling?”
“What’s the last thing you remember?”
He’s awake... Ryoken realized, a little on the glad side. An involuntary smile escaped as he made his way to the right of the door, waiting for his chance to see for himself. It’s not like he had any other obligations that day.
The doctors paraded out of the door, as suspected, and Ryoken used the chaos to slip inside, momentarily blinded by just how bright the room was, even brighter than the main hospital hall. When his eyes adjusted, he saw Playmaker sitting upright, slightly slouching, drinking probably some water. 
“Playmaker...” Ryoken exhaled, a little too loudly. 
The bedridden teen nearly dropped his cup at the sound and jerked his head towards him.  
“Revolver?!” he gasped. As if he overexerted himself, he grabbed his head in pain. Ryoken gave a noise of disapproval. 
“You should really take it easy,” he said, walking towards him, pulling up a chair. “You’ve been out cold for a month.”
“Wha-What are you doing here?” the other asked, still clutching his head.
He sighed, having expected the question, but had had no response prepared. 
“Your friend Soulburner asked me to check on you. That’s all,” he lied. While it was true he and Soulburner did have a conversation prior to Ryoken stopping by, it was more about the safety of the Ignis. In fact, it’d probably kill Soulburner to find out he was here. 
But Playmaker didn’t need to know that.  
The bed-ridden teen looked at Ryoken for a moment before taking another gulp of water. 
“What about Kusanagi-san? His brother?” he asked. “And Lightning. What happened?”
Ryoken sighed. Another round of questions he expected. These he had answers to, but he wasn’t sure he wanted Playmaker to know what those were. Although the Kusanagis were safe in physical terms, their mental states were up in the air. He had Vyra and Ghost Girl look into their condition, but it could be weeks, maybe months, before they comes up with a solution. 
As for Lightning... Even he wasn’t sure what had happened, although it probably means it won’t be a threat for a while. It was nothing Playmaker needed to worry about.
“You just focus on getting better,” he replied. “When you do that, I’ll tell you.”
Playmaker’s eyes narrowed. “Something happened, didn’t it? You’re hiding something.”
“I just want to know if Kusanagi-san and his brother are okay, and you won’t tell me?”
“It’s for your own good -”
“Some good!” he spat, throwing an arm and catching Ryoken off-guard. He never raised his voice like this with him - at least, not that high-pitched. “I’ve been out since who knows when and I don’t know what’s going on, and keeping me in the dark is supposed to make me feel better?”
Ryoken bit his bottom lip. “I never said it’d make you feel better. I said it was for your own good.”
“For crying out loud,” he said, and Ryoken braced himself for another verbal assault - he did deserve it, after all. But, instead, he felt a shaky hand grip his. Looking up, he saw Playmaker, his body shivering.
“Don’t. Don’t you dare go anywhere,” he said, his voice trembling. 
Ryoken knew intellectually that he had suffered severe emotional damage, but to experience it up-close...
He could feel all the mental and emotional barriers he had built up crumbling. He thought he had been beyond feeling compassion and empathy. He thought he had thrown those feelings away, all for the mission his father left behind for him. He thought he had genuinely changed in those ten years, to atone for what he indirectly his father through after the Lost Incident. 
And maybe he did change.
But was it really worth putting Playmaker - putting Yusaku through this, over and over again? For ten years?
Casting aside his duties as the leader of the Knights of Hanoi, casting aside the mission entrusted to him by his father, Ryoken decided he was going to put himself first, and not cling to the past. He stood up from his chair.
“Where are you goin-”
“Can you get up?” Ryoken interjected. Yusaku raised an eyebrow, but didn’t respond as he slowly moved to the side, carefully placing both feet on the ground. He was a little wobbly standing up, but, for someone who’s been out for a month, he was better than expected. 
“Revolver, what’s the meaning of thi-” he started to say, but Ryoken took the moment to wrap the other in a tight embrace. He felt the other stiffen, probably processing what was happening, but then relax and return the hug. The only sound that could be heard was the light humming coming from the other side of the door and Yusaku’s sniffling, which gradually turned into hiccuping sobs.
Ryoken knew this wouldn’t fix everything he’d done, but just being there for him would be a start.
“I’m so sorry, Yusaku.” 
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love-toxin · 2 years
Vampire!eddie holding you sweetly when you cry, because your little bat babies want mama to swing with them and they don’t understand why she can’t/won’t
how could you do this to me....
(cw: blood mention)
"It's okay, baby. C'mon–shhh, it's okay.."
Rarely has Eddie seen you in a state like this; bawling your eyes out and collapsed into his arms, so upset all you can do is whimper and take deep, shaky breaths as you try not to sob too loudly. And that's taking into account the fact that you've been together for years now, you've been through hell together, and you've birthed him the most beautiful babies he swears he's ever laid his eyes on, yet he's never witnessed you crumble in this particular way–and all over something he found relatively silly, even though you certainly didn't see it the same way.
"I disappointed them…I let down my babies…" Your lower lip wobbles, your sniffles loud and wet and pitiful. Maybe part of this reaction is because your hormones are a little crazy right now, but Eddie's grip doesn't loosen and his kisses to your temple don't slow just because it might be an overreaction on your part. He doesn't really care if it is, because the fact of the matter is that the comment your youngest made, while totally without malice, absolutely crushed you to tears, and you need comforting now more than you ever have before.
"Oh, sweet girl, you haven't let them down–I promise. They just don't know any better." Eddie squeezes you tighter, his hand comes round to pull your thigh higher on his lap and rub at it when you're seated more comfortably. The comment in question was that harmless "Mama, why don't you swing with us? Why can't mama swing?" and it rendered you speechless and teary-eyed as you very swiftly excused yourself, leaving Eddie to busy them for a minute or two before he could follow you to your master bedroom.
"But it's not just that!" You cry, clinging to his worn-out Black Sabbath t-shirt that he refuses to part with, despite the many little holes that catch your fingers as you do. "I can't fly with you, I can't sleep like you do, I can't take our kids out to teach them how to hunt, I can't swing with them-"
"You do so much more, baby. You're the best mother I could ever want for my children." He kisses the tears off your cheeks in the spaces between his words, before touching your cheek with the pads of his cool fingers and diving in for one on the lips. It's always been a cold kind of thrill, his bloodless flesh sliding against yours like the skin of a corpse–you hate when he compares himself like that.
"But I'm not like you." You sniffle, moments after he's broken it off. "I'll die one day, Eddie. And I'll leave you and all our kids behind."
You both know how much of a sore spot that is. He knows the reality of it all, and so do you, but being prepared for it is completely different than being able to deal with it when it comes. And Eddie knows by that look you give him, when the tears quit falling and streaking your precious cheeks, exactly what idea has struck your mind.
"We don't know if it'll work." He pleads, suddenly all too aware of how sharp his fangs are in his mouth.
"We can try."
"It could kill you," Eddie tears his gaze away from your neck, that beautiful expanse of skin that tests his self-restraint every morning and, especially, every night. "...I could kill you."
Those words hang in the air, that "kill" echoing in the strained silence of your bedroom, save for your own breathing. For the first time in his life he prays, quietly, that you'll let it stop there and drop that ridiculous….idea. That you won't bare your flesh and blood to him, won't look up at him with those eyes full of life and whisper, almost seductively, your plea for him to take it all away.
It's wishful thinking. Even moreso that he'll have the self-control not to give you what you want, and take what he needs so desperately in the process.
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polishksiezniczka · 3 years
By God's Grace | Camerlengo Patrick McKenna x Reader
You believe Patrick, your lover, to be dead after the explosion but are eventually reunited.
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Notes: AU—Patrick is the good guy! Angst, romance. Also, I can’t help but get serious Obi-Wan vibes again from this oneshot ?? I am definitely picturing a similar reunion between you and your dashing Jedi lover when he returns to you after a dangerous, far-off mission (minus the Italian, LOL). 1.4K words.
Thank you to the lovely @quiescentcrepuscular for being a phenomenal beta reader!
By the time you learned of the situation, it was too late: the helicopter had taken off, Patrick its doomed pilot. As you watched him ascend higher and higher into the night sky, you nearly became catatonic. You couldn’t bear to witness the man you loved so deeply die alone and afraid while you stood there, completely helpless.
So you ran back to the Swiss Guard’s headquarters, tears blinding your vision. You couldn’t calm down and slowly felt yourself pulled down into a spiral of panic. As you ran, images of Patrick replayed over and over again in your head. Your first meeting. When he reciprocated his feelings for you. Your first kiss. The first—and last—time he told you he loved you. The last time you had been together...
You had rushed to his side with Lt. Chartrand after discovering him lying on the floor of His Holiness’ study, his chest badly burned by the brand.
“Whatever happens, know I’ll always love you,” he had whispered hoarsely, so that only you could hear, his fingers ghosting over your hands as you cleaned and dressed his wounds.
“I know, Patrick. I know,” you replied, your eyes still fixed on his chest as you hushed him gently. “And I will always be here for you.” Your voice dropped to a murmur. “I love you...”
The memory of your distracted nature stained your last moments together—how you wished you could relive those moments again! Shaking your head, you squeezed your eyes shut, trying in vain to shut out the anguish which you now felt, but grief coursed through your body so violently you began to feel physically ill. Your lungs burned from overexertion, exhausted by both your sprinting and crying.
Why hadn’t you done more to comfort him? Why hadn’t you gazed into his beautiful, caring eyes one last time?
You did little to stop the loud sob which escaped your throat, surely drawing the attention of the Swiss Guards at the door to the command center, but you didn’t care about them, nor anyone else for that matter. Your entire world had died with Patrick.
Why had you not told him how much he meant to you? How much you cared for him? Loved him more than life itself?
You collapsed onto a sofa then, weeping bitterly. “Please, Patrick, please forgive me. Please…”
You couldn’t tell how much time had passed when the door beside you burst open.
“...it is truly a miracle, what happened to the camerlengo!” At first you barely registered Olivetti and Commander Richter’s presence until you heard his name. You froze.
“What about the camerlengo?” you cried out, abruptly wrenched from your grief.
“Didn’t you hear? He survived the explosion!” Your heart stopped, barely processing the words coming from Olivetti’s mouth. “Before the bomb detonated, he was able to parachute out of the helicopter. He saved us all! Sia Lode a Dio!” he marveled.
“Where is he?” you demanded frantically. “Where is he?!”
Before Olivetti could even finish his sentence, you were already flying out the door, on your way to the hospital.
You nearly let out a cry of relief upon seeing Patrick. Doctors and nurses fluttered about him, attending to his wounds. He looked so small and fragile in the moment, far from the confident man of God you knew. But that didn’t matter. He was alive. Your beloved. Your Patrick. Alive.
“M-Monsignor!” you exclaimed breathlessly.
His eyes immediately locked with yours, and you saw his heart break. Your eyes were likely still red from crying, tears glistened against your cheeks, and your windswept hair indicated your haste. He stared at you incredulously, afraid that you were merely a hallucination brought on by one of his injuries.
“Miss Y/L/N…?” Even in this state, he remembered his propriety, bringing tears to your eyes.
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You needed to pull yourself together, lest you make a scene. You cleared your throat. “Monsignor, I have urgent news from the US Embassy. About the incident.” You gazed at him in earnest, silently begging to speak with him.
He tore his gaze away from you; his eyes darted about, as if deep in thought. Then, he spoke:
“Starò bene. Se ci scusi, sorella.”
You offered your arm to him, which he eagerly slipped into yours, carefully making your way to the hallway with him. Once out of view, he whisked you into an unoccupied room and shut the door.
Your reaction was immediate: you bolted into his arms and held him tightly, burying your face into his neck with a sob. You were careful to brace your weight against him, remembering the angry red marks of the brand which marred his beautiful chest. He held you just as passionately, stroking your hair and tenderly rubbing your back.
Although his scent brought you instant, indescribable comfort, your bawling only intensified. You felt his skin grow warm from your tears and ragged breathing despite his attempts to hush your incoherent babbling with his soothing voice. “Oh darling, shhhh. Please, don’t cry. Shhh…” He leaned back to study your flushed, tear-stained face, his hand coming up to cradle it. “I’m here, I’m here.” He lightly brushed his thumbs over your cheeks to wipe away your tears.
You stared up into his beautiful eyes, bringing your hands to his face in turn, memorizing its angels and curves with your soft fingertips. You felt him lean into your gentle ministrations, his eyes squeezing shut in sheer comfort.
“I thought that I would n-never s-see you again. I th-thought I had lost you f-forever.” You choked back a sob. The shakiness in your voice made it difficult for you to speak coherently as the tears relentlessly streamed down your face.
He clasped his hands over yours. As he slowly revealed his cerulean orbs to you, you noticed the luster of tears. “Never, angelo mio,” he whispered ardently, turning his head to softly kiss your palm. “Never. By God’s grace, I returned to you.”
He kissed you softly then, assuaging your fears; you tasted the saltiness of your tears lingering on his lips. As if to reassure you of his presence, he rested his forehead against yours. You remained like this for several minutes, the peaceful silence interrupted occasionally by your quiet sobs or the soft words of affirmation Patrick whispered against your lips.
You finally leaned back, your eyes immediately filling with tears as they scanned his face. “Y-you’re hurt,” you lamented softly, brushing back the few pieces of hair which had fallen into his face. Angry red gashes and bruises riddled his face and torso, and you longed to kiss each and every one, to hold him until he was no longer in pain. “I’m so sorry...” you whimpered.
As your eyes continued their frantic scan, Patrick brought you back to reality by whispering your name, pleadingly, his eyebrows furrowed in concern. “Cuore mio…look at me.” Your eyes found his effortlessly as he caressed the nape of your neck, the sensation sending shivers down your spine. “I’m all right. All that matters is you are here, safe, with me.” He smiled then, his eyes crinkling endearingly. “And I would never leave you without saying goodbye.”
You sniffled and let out a soft, choked laugh as you watched his face brighten. “Patrick, my love,” you whispered reverently, “I’d be lost without you.” You paused, cradling his face once again. “I love you more than life itself. Please…I don’t ever want to be without you again.”
His gaze softened as his eyes welled with tears. “Ti amo,” he replied, laying a soft kiss on your cheek. “Ti amo,” he repeated, planting another on your opposite cheek. He looked at you lovingly as he leaned forward. “Ti amo…” he murmured, capturing your lips in his. ¤
Sia Lode a Dio! = "Praise God!"
Starò bene. Se ci scusi, sorella. = "I'll be okay. If you'll excuse us, sister."
Cuore mio = "my heart"
Ti amo = "I love you"
Taglist: @seraferna @lemairepstuff
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎! 𝙰𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚣 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚜:
𝙹𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚈𝚞𝚗𝚑𝚘
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Disclaimer: In no way am I condoning, justifying, encouraging nor trying to romanticize yandere behavior. This is all a work of fiction and not meant to represent real life scenarios.
Warning: Mentions of toxic relationship, yandere behavior, self harm, sexual scenes, guilt tripping, gas lighting and other forms of mental manipulation are contained within this post. Read at your own discretion.
𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧:
𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎: 𝙹𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚈𝚞𝚗𝚑𝚘
𝙳.𝙾.𝙱: 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚑 𝟸𝟹𝚛𝚍, 𝟷𝟿𝟿𝟿
𝙷𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝: 𝟷𝟾𝟼 𝙲𝙼/ 𝟼'𝟷 𝙵𝚝
𝙰𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝙻𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕: ■■□□□40%
𝙾𝚋𝚜𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝙻𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕: ■■■■■100%
𝙼𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚕 𝙸𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚋𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢: ■■■■□80%
𝙾𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝 𝙻𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕: 𝙻𝚘𝚠
𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙲𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗: 𝙳𝚎𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚝
𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚕 𝙰𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚜:
• 𝙸𝚗𝚊𝚋𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚢 𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚘𝚋𝚓𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚊𝚏𝚏���𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 .
•𝚄𝚗𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚝𝚑𝚢 𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝.
•𝙵𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚏𝚞𝚗𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚢 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚘𝚋𝚓𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚊𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗.
• 𝙴𝚡𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚞𝚒𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚊𝚕/ 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏-𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚒𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚛 𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍.
•𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏- 𝚟𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚣𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚍𝚎𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗.
Normal Yunho at first seems like your average guy. He's very sweet, caring, playful and his close, and very few, friends he has would say that he's full of energy and smiles.
He just radiates this sunshine personality that draws people to him, although they may not stay very long.
He met you through mutual friends and acted the same as he did with others.
Albeit it's true, he was very affectionate towards you from the start, which both surprised and didn't surprise his friends.
But that doesn't mean he felt love at first sight with you.
Yunho isn't one to get overly attached right away.....yet.
It happened gradually.
He became attracted to your confident, strong and bold nature, all traits which he lacked in.
But no one knows that because he's good at hiding it.
You were also a very compassionate and empathetic person, which sealed the deal for him.
He admired you from afar, not wanting to get close to you just yet.
However, he'd get pouty and insecure whenever another man would show intentions of wanting to get close to you.
He'd whine often about it and that's how you found out he had feelings for you.
You thought it was cute, that he was cute.
So you were the one who took the first step to start a relationship.
Although shocked, Yunho was extremely happy.
As a boyfriend, he is very devoted to you, putting you above everything else, including his friends, family and health.
Everything moves really fast with him. Example:you had your first kiss on your first date.
Yunho just doesn't see why you have to wait if you two love each other.
"I feel like I've known you my whole life."
Not even 3 months later and you were already sleeping together.
Yunho sees that was the moment he went to heaven......
And that was the moment when hell started.
Yunho started becoming more and more clingy.
Texting, calling you at odd hours, asking you things like where you were, what were you doing, who you were with and if he could go see you.
He usually makes you stay till very late at his place that you have to spend the night with him.
No other option. He insists.
Even keeps spare clothes for you in a drawer he set aside just for you.
Till one day: "Why don't you just move in with me? It'll be so much easier and I could see you even more."
You hesitated, since you were barely 6 months into the relationship and you already felt smothered by his constant presence.
"I don't.... I don't know Yunho.."
He panicked at your hesitation.
"Why...why not? Don't you love me? Is it because you don't want to be around me?"
You began calming him down, trying to explain that maybe things were going to fast, but that only made him get more agitated.
It was truly terrifying for you to see him hyperventilating and choking on his own breathing like that.
Hot tears were falling rapidly down his face as he began saying:
"Why don't you love me? Is it something I did? What am I doing wrong? Tell me!"
"Yunho you did nothing wrong. You're perfect the way you are and I love you just the way you are."
He sniffled and wiped his nose on one of his sweater paws.
"Do you love me? R-really?"
You nodded your head in confirmation. But Yunho was still sulky about something.
"But then.... wha-why not move in? I p-promise you'll like it."
He looked at you with such fragile and tender eyes that you could not refuse him. So you agreed to move in with him.
Biggest mistake you made.
Even though he had his eye on you for most of the day, it wasn't enough for him.
If you were even 3 minutes home later than usual, he was badgering you with questions like:
"Who were you with? What took you so long?"
And you're like "Geez. Let me breathe."
Don't say things like that to him. He starts feeling bad and responds with things like:
"I know I'm sorry, I'm such a pathetic excuse of a boyfriend."
It honestly broke your heart to hear him say such things.
But it also irritated you how jealous he got when you hung out or even talked to another man that wasn't him.
He'd latched onto you in public if he felt you were paying more attention than he liked to another guy.
Sometimes would cause a scene that made you run back home in embarrassment.
"I'm sorry! I just can't help it! Don't you get it?! They're trying to take you away from me!"
"No! You're just an overly possessive and overly jealous boyfriend and I can't stand it anymore! I'm leaving."
"Wait what?"
Yunho watched in horror as you began packing a small bag so you could spend the night somewhere else, and pick up the rest of your stuff later.
All throughout that, Yunho begged, cried and went ballistic.
He repeated for you not to go, not to leave him.
"Y/N you don't understand....you can't leave me... I'll die, I can't live without you.."
You merely rolled your eyes at that. No one dies of a broken heart.
So you just walked out the door and rented a hotel room for the night, unaware of the mess you were about to wake up to.
You woke up bombarded by texts and missed calls from Yunho's friends:
"What did you do to him?!" "You heartless bitch!" "I hope you die if anything happens to him!" "All he did was love you and you destroyed him."
Then the hospital called you: Yunho had tried to kill himself in the night.
Your heart stopped when you found out. You felt so guilty and you felt like a monster.
Without thinking twice, you ran to the hospital to see him.
He layed there, still unconscious from the medication they gave him to calm him down.
You stayed by his side, praying that he'd wake up soon so you could apologize.
He woke up and although he looked surprise to see you....he was only feigning.
Of course you'd go out of your way to see him.
You were bawling your eyes out and holding him close, scared out of your wits at the thought that you almost lost the love of your life.
Yunho apologized, but you hushed him with a kiss, saying it wasn't his fault.
From then on, you began blaming yourself for everything....
And he made sure to remind you not to test him again.
You thought that after that talk, everything would be back to normal and you two could be a regular couple.
How stupid you were.
Life with Yunho now was like walking on thin ice all the time.
You couldn't mention anything about him that made you slightly uncomfortable because he's belittling himself with such foul words, crying to the point of hysteria....
But the worst times are when he's banging his head on a wall hard enough to draw blood, or punching the concrete wall so hard that his knuckles end up bloody and bruised.
You have a heart attack whenever that happens.
You've been so traumatized by his previous suicide attempt that any harm he does to himself sends you in a panic and you're holding him to you, comforting him and reminding him that you love him and won't ever leave him.
Then happy Yunho is back, as if nothing happened.
And he always wants you to reaffirm your love after such ordeals in the bedroom.
Yunho never ever fucks you, no matter how messed up he is.
He likes to take his time with you, going down on you or teasing you with his long fingers before he's thrusting his cock deep inside you.
Always cums inside you, always. With no protection.
It's a reminder that you belong to him and him only.
And also because he knows there's a possibility he could get you pregnant.
Which is what he wants.
If you two have a child together, it would only strengthen the bond you two have and it's another reason to tie you down to him.
And that's exactly what happened.
You were terrified and tried to conceal it for the longest time, but Yunho isn't dumb.
He was elated when he found out you were carrying his child inside of you.
Which only prompted his obsessive nature to escalate.
He made you quit your job because he wanted you to stay home to take care of your baby.
Of course, that's just an excuse to keep you from leaving the house.
You two also officially got marriage, and that was it for Yunho.
He finally succeeded in bounding you two together for life.
As a father, he doesn't mind sharing you with your new baby daughter.
He loves and adores his daughter very dearly because she is a physical manifestation of the love between him and you.
But she's the only child you two are having. There's only so many people he's willing to share you with.
To others, he's a doting and loving father and husband.
In the eyes of an outsider, you guys are the perfect family.
But you.....you stopped fighting a long time ago.
You resigned yourself to accept that this is your life now and you'd better make the best of it.
You're no longer the strong, confident and decisive woman you once were.
Yunho made sure to tear that all down to the point where you simply just act in a way that'll make him happy and won't trigger him to repeat what happened years ago...
Especially not in front of your daughter. You do not want her to experience what you did.
So the question remains.....how do you escape Yandere Yunho?
Well....... you have two choices:
Either spend the rest of your life playing into his façade of a perfect relationship, that's the easier choice.
It certainly spares you the mental, emotional and physical strain of fearing when his next suicide attempt might happen if you do anything that'll result in him degrading himself or guilt tripping you into staying with him.
Or..........kill yourself. But keep in mind that if you do, he won't be too far behind from you. In the words of Yandere! Yunho himself:
"Nothing will ever break our bond, our bond is forever. Even in death, our love will go on."
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shadowserenity28 · 3 years
~One Last Selfie~
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Cater never expected to fall in love. So when he realized he had a crush on the Diasomnia vice dorm leader, Lilia, he was more than surprised. Sure, they were both in the light music club and both pretty bubbly, but Cater couldn't see why he would fall for him of all people...
It didn't matter. There was no way Lilia could ever love him back. He wouldn't even have time for him, with him having to take care of three children caught in adult bodies. Once that thought had rooted in his head, something else had rooted as well.
The first time he noticed was just after the light music club started practicing. Cater felt a sting in his chest, a terrible pain. Not wanting neither Lilia nor Kalim to worry, he excused himself to the bathroom. Once he arrived at the basin, he coughed heavily. Blood splat into the basin, along with some cherry blossom petals. Cater's eyes widened when he saw them. So that's how it was, huh? Cater could do little but laugh at the cruel fate that had befallen him.
From there on, he started avoiding Lilia as much as possible. He stopped going to the light music club's meetings and stayed in the dorm as much as possible. Surely it would go away with some distance. He only ever talked to Lilia if he had to (he couldn't bear the thought of hurting him, so he didn't try to flee and endured the pain).
The first person to notice Cater was sick was Trey. One night, he woke up to choking and coughing noises. Then he saw Cater writhing in his bed, blood and cherry blossoms everywhere. By now, he was coughing up full blossoms, not just petals. "Cater! Cater, wake up!" Trey shook him awake. Cater looked around, seeing the flowers and the blood, then just laughed. "Looks like I've been - cough - caught, huh?"
Trey stared at him in disbelief. "You... Cater, you're dying. Why are you letting this happen to you? Just confess to whoever it is and you'll be cured!" He said desperately.
Cater swallowed to stop himself from coughing. "Impossible." He said with teary eyes. "There's no way he... would ever love me back." He threw his head back and gasped for air. The flowers were filling up all of his lungs, leaving only little place for air. He didn't have much time left.
"T-Then... Then get a surgery! You don't have to suffer like this." Trey exclaimed, desperate to save his friend. But Cater just shook his head while he wiped the blood from his lips. "And thrust a hole into my chest? I'd rather take that literally." He got up and picked up the cherry blossoms, then put them into a box under his bed, where were a lot more of bloody petals and flowers. That made Trey realize just how far the disease had progressed. It might already be too late for Cater already.
"Go and clean yourself up." Trey said defeatedly, unable to look Cater in the eyes. "I'll change the sheets." Cater smiled weakly. "Thank you."
As time went on, the disease got worse. Cater was unable to go to class anymore, heck he couldn't even leave his bed without help. Trey volunteered to care for him. While the other students noticed he was gone, only Trey and Riddle knew why.
"Riddle?" Cater carked between coughs. Riddle had taken over while Trey tried to fix a mess Rook made in the science club. "What is it?" Riddle asked and caught the blood with a handkerchief. "I don't have much time left." Cater said, struggling for breath. Riddle nodded with a sigh. He knew that. He could see it. "Riddle..." Cater repeated. Riddle hummed in response. "Can you... get Lilia and Kalim? I... I want to see them... one last time."
Riddle sighed. It hurt to see him in this state. And the fact that he could do nothing about it hurt even more. "I'll be right back. Hold out a little longer, okay?" Cater just nodded as Riddle left the room.
A short while later, the door opened again. Lilia and Kalim rushed in while Riddle closed the door, but didn't step inside. He wanted to leave that moment to them. "Cater!" The two shouted in worry. "We were so worried! Why didn't you call us sooner?" Kalim exclaimed and bawled his eyes out. Cater coughed, sending blood and cherry blossoms flying, and tried to get up. Lilia instinctively lifted him up and let him rest his head on his shoulders. "I'm sorry." He said.
"Is there really no way to cure you?" Lilia asked. Cater slowly shook his head. "It's... too late. I have likely a few more minutes." Cater felt Lilia's grip around him tighten. "Cater, did... you call us here to watch you die?"
"I want to spend my last moments among my best friends... Is that so wrong?" Cater asked back, then coughed up some more blood and cherry blossoms. Neither Lilia nor Kalim could disagree.
"Hey..." Cater took his phone and held it up. "Can we take one last selfie?" Who were Lilia and Kalim to refuse his last wish? Cater put all strength he still had into holding up his arm, then snapped the picture. He didn't have the strength to look at it as he slumped against Lilia, the short fae being everything that still kept him upright. Kalim sat down on the side of his bed and took his hand. Cater sluggishly pulled a box to his side and opened it, revealing all the petals he coughed up until now. On top of them was a card. Cater took the card and handed it to Lilia.
"I'm so happy... to have met you... Farewell, Lilia... Kalim." Cater shot each of his friends one last glance before coughing up one last cherry blossom, then slowly closed his eyes. Lilia's lip trembled as he suppressed his tears to read the card:
My dearest Lilia,
All those cherry blossoms in this box... I coughed them up for you! They're your favourite flower, aren't they.
I was never able to tell you, so I'll write it now:
I love you!
I'm sorry I never got the chance to tell you.
Let's meet again in the afterlife, okay?
I'll be waiting for you.
A tear broke trough Lilia's dam, then another one. And another. At last, the dam broke and Lilia clutched onto Cater, as if his tears had the ability to bring him back. "Why?" He sobbed, tears flowing uncontrollably. "Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?"
"Why didn't you tell me while I could still save you?"
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snowydaffodils · 4 years
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1473 words | Seventeen
Warnings: profanities, violence, mentions of character death, crime, and uh, its a mafia au so its dark. A bit angst too, because its uh, there's deaths and casualties. So we gon be sad about that.
a/n: This is a Seventeen Mafia!AU involving all members of Seventeen, including the ex-supposed-members, too. It includes everyone but the ones who appear is Seungcheol, Soonyoung and Jihoon. It's just a simple prompt I've thought of, and maybe would want to make continuous chapters but I'm still not sure. I hope you enjoy this one, though!
Seungcheol sighed, looking at the last of what they had for the week. With that much, they could barely survive food for all thirteen of them, much less feed the survivors. He gripped the straps holding his bulletproof vest on him and dumped the heavy armor on the old couch behind him.
"Is this all we have?" Seungcheol didn't mean to raise his voice, but his frustration was hard to contain. Across him, who for once he was away from his computer screen, was Jihoon, who shared his look of concern.
"With a couple more part times from a few members maybe we can have enough for the survivors as well this week," Jihoon sighed. "But for how much longer do we have to do this, Cheol?"
Born from the Underground, it was difficult for them to work normally in society. They have burdens to carry, and while it was their choice to leave their main families and leave the gangs they were part of, it also became their anchor because they were marked as betrayers.
Resources were hard to get because they weren't only blocked from the open society because of their records, blood and pasts, but also because their previous families decided that they would make it hard for them to gain anything in the Underground. Imagine being blocked off even from the black market.
Soonyoung was on the other side of the table, his guns still attached to his body, his full gear still on, he didn't bother taking anything off because the next mission is in half an hour. His face was grim, as he had just came back from a mission. He had just taken captives away from being trafficked by the infamous Kim family and he succeeded his mission perfectly, but not without cost. Minghao was unconscious when they brought him in, which frightened him on the inside, but he couldn't let his concerns be in the way of the mission. He had carried his member back, Junhui on the other side and Chan clearing anything that was in their path, and Soonyoung had the darkest look on his face. As soon as Jeonghan claimed Minghao's vitals were unharmed and that he would leave, Soonyoung breathed relief, took a few seconds to himself, but immediately went back to work as if nothing happened.
They were literally fighting for their ideals and for their own values, but it certainly wasn't easily. Being outnumbered was one problem when it comes to these mafias, but cutting off resources was proving to make them suffer even more. They have been trying to slowly put the other survivors into society, managing their housing, their jobs, and their identities, but it costs a lot and they can only return so few, when the number of people needed saving was only growing.
"We can't keep doing this," Soonyoung breathed out. Soonyoung was the type to bring the happy atmosphere in the room, one of those who just make the world a little brighter. But once he's on edge, he'd just turn and blow up. The casualty of his member and the stress on necessities were more than enough reasons to push him there. "We can't manage, we can't live like this!"
On normal days, Jihoon would've the more rational one, the cool-headed one, but he, too, was on edge.
"What do you suggest we do, huh? Spit your shit, Soonyoung!" Jihoon retorted. Every single one of them was being too sensitive, they knew this. They wouldn't mean the things they'd say, but they needed to blow off steam anyways.
"I don't fucking know, Jihoon!" Soonyoung cried. "Quit being superheroes!? Get a job, blend to society?! Maybe then Minghao can actually lay on an actual hospital bed!"
"You think I don't want that?" Jihoon snapped back. "You think I haven't been trying for the past years, to put all of you into society, put you to proper jobs, give you new clean identities without having to worry about shit?"
"Well it's all for nothing, isn't it?" At this point Soonyoung didn't realize the words he was spouting. "Tell me, what kind of growth have we gone through the years, Jihoon? Seungcheol, what makes this so different than when we first started?!" Jihoon just glared at him, knowing full well Soonyoung was just on rampage mode, and he wasn't thinking, but every word still struck his heart like spears would've. "Well it's not any different!" Soonyoung cried.
"Shut up, both of you!" Seungcheol yelled. "Just," his hands made their way through his head as he tried to clear his mind and he lowered his voice as he spoke. "Shut up. The boys will hear. We can't have all thirteen of us raging at each other. We have missions to do. People to save."
When Seungcheol first gathered them, they were given a choice, just like any other runaways he had met. To join him, or to keep running. He had never once held them back against their choice. When MingMing chose to go back to China, live a normal life, Seungcheol only wished him luck and bid him goodbye after handing him a new passport Jihoon had managed to get. To both Dongjin and Samuel, he had urged to go back to society after they joined for a while. They were too young. They wanted to help, but when Seungcheol saw what trauma Samuel had to deal with, he asked Jihoon to prioritize the two and hand them their ticket back to society. It was easier, too, because they were young, and not much of a gap in their lives to be filled on paper.
"I'm not telling you to leave or stay," Seungcheol had said. "You can choose, but your ticket is right here, and I promise you'll be fine. You won't have to fight anyone ever again, nobody will touch you. We'll all be here for you, no matter what."
Both Dongjin and Samuel bawled, and Seungcheol had hugged them tightly. On weekends, he kept his promise and checked up on them routinely. He'd escape basecamp and watch them from afar. Only Soonyoung and Jihoon knew where he'd disappear after dark hours, as they sometimes joined him, and other times made the excuses for him. Seungcheol was proud of the two, and that was evident everytime he returned from his "lookout" trips. Once, Seungcheol came home with a rare smile on his face, and it was everything the world needed. "I saw Samuel audition in a company today. He's really talented," he had said, his eyes beaming.
At times like these, Soonyoung questioned why he had to lead this life. Why he had to be the responsible one and save everyone else and why he can't just run like any other person. He wanted to be like Samuel, given the clear way out, and Seungcheol would still have his back no matter what. In fact, they all would. Nobody would blame or judge him for it. But damn him and his pride; him and his conscience. The guilt he would've felt had he left just like that - he won't, couldn't, live through it. Not for the people who were just like him, who were unlucky enough to be born in the dark, not to those who were held against their will, victims of the Underground, and certainly not to those who he treated as brothers.
Soonyoung just screamed. He hated feeling so helpless.
"Soonyoung," Seungcheol called, the bags under his eyes became evidence of his tiredness. "Take a break. Have Jun lead close combat. I'll send Hansol to your team. I'll cover his position."
No. He couldn't rest now, not now when one of his members is already hurt. Soonyoung took a deep breath, and sighed. He shouldn't be hot-headed. Not now when they have mission after mission to complete.
"No, I'm sorry. I'll keep my cool. Minghao's down, I can't leave the team," Soonyoung resigned heavily.
"No," Seungcheol said firmly. "Not when you're emotional. If it bothers you, go get Seokmin and have him back your team up, too."
"I'll be calm, I prom-"
"You know very well I can't make decisions based on promises, Soonyoung. That's not how we work here."
The hurt in Seungcheol's eyes were evident, and both Soonyoung and Jihoon knew full well why. Seungcheol diverted his eyes away; he can't bear to see the eyes of his friends, his long time partners, both wallowing in pity to him and to themselves.
"You guard here - that's final. Jihoon, you make sure he stays. Soonyoung, unarm yourself and go get Seokmin."
Seungcheol didn't stay for more arguments. He left after he took back the bulletproof vest he threw on the couch and went to get his team.
Soonyoung cursed in frustrations, and Jihoon just held his head on his hands.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 5 years
“You’ve always felt like home.” angsty fluff prompt list maybe actor mark with an s/o ?
As you entered the master bedroom, you could hear the soft sobs echoing though it, mixed with drunken hiccups.
There you found Mark, the love of your life, in a hunched position on the bed, face in his hands. A half empty wine bottle laid beside him, thankfully not full enough to spill all over the sheets.
You silently took that and put it somewhere far out of his reach, before sitting on the mattress beside him. Without a word you just wrapped your arms around him.
Almost immediately he turned to bury his head into your chest, clutching you like the world was going to tear you away from him. His exhausted body wracked with more sobs, tears dampening your shirt.
You just held him closely, chin resting on top of his head as you rubbed his back. "Shhh, it's okay, Mark. It's okay-"
"How could...y-you even begin to say that?" He looked over to your arm, weeping at the sight of the large bruise that was still fresh on your skin. One inflicted by him on accident. "G-God..what have I done?"
You saved him from another attempt...and this is how he repaid you. By grabbing your arm and yelling at you, angry at you trying to save someone who--in his eyes--wasn't worth saving. He failed to realize how hard his grip was until he heard you wince in pain and beg him to let you go.
Then, once he came to his senses, he realized what happened and did let you go, watching you run off to your room. He didn't chase you.
Why should he? You had every right to leave. He thought you were finally tired of him and packed up your things.
But no, you were here holding him--this bawling, drunk, pathetic excuse of an actor--and telling him it's "okay".
He couldn't understand how you were so..forgiving after what he's done.
How many times has he hurt you when all you wanted to do was love him when Celine shattered his heart?
Shouldn't you be yelling at him or at least slapping him after what he did? He deserved at least that.
"Wh-Why do you care for this monster?" He took your arm and pressed sloppy kisses everywhere on the bruise. It wouldn't make it go away, but he needed to express how deeply regretful he was.
"Because I know you care about me," you answered, smiling sadly as you ran your fingers through his hair. "I know you didn't mean it. I only wish you just talked to me instead of hiding away here and drinking yourself to death. Did you really think I'd leave without even saying goodbye?"
He paused, lips still pressed against your skin. "...yes. People leave when I become too difficult. They always do."
"But not me. You've always felt like home, Mark. Nothing in this world, inside or outside the manor, is ever gonna stop me from loving you. Okay? You're not too "difficult" for me."
Mark finally sat up to look at you, stunned, though he just smiled and hid his tearstained face in your neck. His breath hitched with sobs of relief, feeling like the luckiest man alive right now.
Ironic coming from the one who killed himself over and over, and attempted to do once more before you came into the room. But you saved him.
And you'll do it all over again.
"Th-Thank you. My love, my light..my rock. I promise I'll be better."
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