#now i'm regretti and diligently going back to understand the things
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天潢贵胄 notes
“他也是岭南王唯一的嫡亲儿子!和你一样是天潢贵胄!” [ch 13]
祁骁 (qi2 xiao1), the crown prince
birthday: 腊月初十
18/20 (?) years old
“心中有丘壑” [ch 2]
平日住��宫外的府邸中,十六岁就建府 [ch 5]
海晏殿 (hai3 yan4 palace) 离乾清宫不远
has been serving qi xiao for many years
喜祥 backstory in ch 7
敦肃长公主 (grand princess dun1 su4); paternal aunt (嫡亲姑母)
just over 40, older than the emperor by 10 years
husband: 贺钰春 (he4 yu4 chun1)
3 sons, 2 daughters, first two sons have married & have families, oldest daughter has married last year / is betrothed, youngest son is 9
贺芬华 (he4 fen1 hua2); first daughter
married to 伯安郡王, has 2 sons
样貌好,不是那中看不中用的,有个好招牌,身价水涨船高 [ch 78]
贺芳华 (he4 fang1 hua2); second daughter 14/11 (?) years old this year, soon to reach marriageable age
毓秀殿 (yu4 xiu4 palace),自幼长大的宫阙 ,嫡公主的宫殿
“[祁靖]和武帝都是我看着长大的,什么记不得?” [ch 1]
夫家是皇城中的大族,世代簪缨,在朝中很有势力 [ch 6]
宏慈皇后 (empress hong2 ci2); 太宗皇后
文帝; qi xiao’s grandfather
孝钦皇后 (empress xiao4 qin1) / 敬和皇后 (empress jing4 he2); qi xiao’s grandmother
惠老王爷 (hui4); 太宗庶子
颇受太宗宠爱,及冠后虽也赐了封地,但一直没让他去封地上,一直在京中住着,没什么实权,但食邑颇丰,在京中很有些名望 [ch 67]
武帝; late emperor (history in ch 4)
当年岭南同皇城联手抗北狄,北狄王暴戾,数犯邻国边境, 武帝同岭南王一起讨伐北狄,这一仗一打就是三年
大襄开国以来最善战的皇帝,凭着皇帝登基近二十年,到现在都没能将兵权全部揽过来 [ch 18]
孝贤皇后 (empress xiao4 xian2) / 孝仁皇后 (empress xiao4 ren2); late empress
和敦肃长公主之间亲密和默契 [ch 18]
just turned 20 when she died
冯皇后 (empress feng2) / 成王妃 (princess consort cheng2); the current empress
凤华宫 (feng4 hua2 palace)
善妒 (shan4 du4); empress feng’s older sister
冯逸山 (feng2 yi4 shan1); 冯府老太爷
冯老太太走的早 [ch 30]
冯国忠 (feng2 guo2 zhong1); 冯皇后的哥哥
方氏 (fang1 shi4); 冯皇后嫂子
younger than empress feng by 5 years, looks 30
德馨长公主 (grand princess de2 xin1)
祁靖 (qi2 jing4); the emperor
三岁母妃走得早,敬和皇后可怜他没了娘,就将他抱到了自己宫里同嫡长子武帝一起养着 [ch 93]
married when just turned 16
承乾宫 (cheng2 qian2 palace)
乾清宫 (qian2 qing1 palace) (?) (晚宴)
福海禄 (fu2 hai3 lu4); 乾清宫首领太监
太和殿 (tai4 he2 palace) (?) (大理寺卿)
祁骅 (qi2 hua2); the second prince
“ 是个不中用的 “ [ch 2]
16 years old
前年府上都养着娈宠 [ch 13]
昭阳殿 (zhao1 yang2 palace)
祁骍 (qi2 xing1) / 祁骐 (qi2 qi2); the third prince
前年府上都养着娈宠 [ch 13]
薛贵妃 (noble consort xue1)
雍华宫 (yong1 hua2 palace)
祁骊 (qi2 li2); the fourth prince
年满十二 [ch 102]
姜 (jiang1) 贵人
裕隆宫 (yu4 long2 palace)
老五, 水云殿
岭南 (ling3 nan2); 异姓王的封地,历代大襄皇帝的心腹大患 (history in ch 2)
东陵百刃 (bai3 ren4); ���南世子,质子
15 years old
许他每日进宫来诲信院 (hui4 xin4) 听讲
东陵奕 (dong1 ling2 yi4); 岭南王
柔嘉郡主 (princess rou2 jia1); 百刃的嫡亲姐姐
16 years old
夏氏;岭南王侧妃 / 宠妃
3 sons, 1 daughter
youngest son is 7
东陵文钰 (wen2 yu4); 百刃的庶出弟弟
15 years old
康泰郡主 (princess kang1 tai4); 庶出
14 years old
岑朝歌 (cen2 zhao1 ge1); 百刃的伴���
岭南文相岑海禄 (cen2 hai3 lu4) 的长子,岑海禄的发妻是岭南王妃的表妹
董博儒 (dong3 bo2 ru2); 百刃早逝的外祖留给他的谋士
#天潢贵胄#to keep track of info / thoughts#even though i'm only in the first handful of chapters akjdsjkajkask#i got past them not searching up terms and going w/ the flow#now i'm regretti and diligently going back to understand the things#it's quite fun#doing dis also to hold myself accountable hahahhahaha#it's an okay length book but still kinda long#111 chaps + 5 番外 & a word length smaller than zhenhun's by a comfortable margin#i've read too many cnovels and got joy out of them by not taking them seriously#the last novel i properly read and put my srs feelings & thoughts into#is probably 刺刀 :///#nothing since then gave me a proper indulgent experience#partly bc i've been rushing through things in search for the One True Novel#that satisfies my short list of needs#i've decided that i'll give this novel a proper chance!! and i'll follow through as much as i can!!#immersing in the story and feeling out / for the characters properly#instead of just flying through it like wheeee (1) second gratification and then#just#throwing the whole story & characters aside 5ever aksdskajdjka#also the first cnovel that's not 穿越 that i found myself#it 主攻 too /justright#text#me is mark
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