#now i have to know where and or how drax got the turtles
ilivelikeimtrying · 2 years
Watching a compilation, and check it:
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Draxum's first idea for the turtles matches some of their earlier counterparts.
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nani-nonny · 3 months
God i was so tired i forgot to write about the new chapter lolol
So finally ch 10 came and god i was HYPED AF!
Papa Leonardo is trying to calm down but he's JEALOUS that Draxum is getting the benefit of holding Lou without bonding with her, this actually point out tho Lou was still small, the time she spent with F!Drax was either; A, long so their bond is stronger then Leo. Or B, short time but Draxum had few tricks thanks to - theroy - spending time with F!Splinter and the family to apply them and win Lou's heart.
But my biggest question up until now is; why making Lou?!
This question is eating me up and my only answer was "She was made as a 2nd resistance leader in case F!Leo didn't make it" Of course after losing his arm surly it won't be that hard before Leo dies and IF it happened the resistance will fall. Seeing how good and strategic f!Leo is, by making Lou there could be a chance she can have his own power and hopefully mind from the war planning part.
I straight up laughed when Donnie presented the book that says "When Daddy and mommy loves each other very very much" LMFAOOO LIKE BRO YOU DON'T NEED MORE HINT THEN THAT XDD
Also when Donnie said he doesn't know yokai language i remembered WDS Donnie where he's a "drop out" lmfaooo.
When Raph suggested going into baby Lou's mind i was like "YES MY FAVORITE PART!! I LOVE SEEING THE PAST MEMORIES OF THE CHARACTERS!!" Any heart MELTS seeing Leo jumps to take baby Lou to feel "Safe" and i loved how Mikey was giddy about it! Me too mikey 🩷🩷🩷🩷
Seeing the future was wonderful until F!Leo thought about how the kids will see few gory stuff about the future and it worried me about Lil Leo, it not only he got smacked with harsh truth but also gonna witness more scary stuff that makes him think "Oh! This... All of this could happen if i failed getting the key!" Like he's safe, everyone are safe, but he will think about what could've happen if F!Leo wasn't there to interrupte the ceremony..
But what made me feel more... Uncomfortable (don't worry it's pos) is the rotten eggs in the end.. It shows - probably (?) Not sure not all of them could be Leo's kids - that these eggs didn't make it... They're dead children...
Hahah! I was so tired after posting I immediately fell asleep!
Peepaw Leonardo not realizing he’s jealous how the baby wants to be in grandpa Drax’s lap makes me happy and laugh haha and ooo I like what you’re thinking! She created a strong bond with Drax either way, but how hmmm? lol
Yes! Why was Lou created?! And oh! I like what you’re thinking! A 2nd resistance leader? But I wonder with that theory, that would mean Draxum had an inkling or hope that Leonardo would stay alive long enough for the baby to grow?
Donnie’s book was a quick run because the librarian was definitely not happy to see him there hahaha! When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much… hahaha! He got the wrong book on reproduction! And I can see how it’s a callback to WDS lol he doesn’t understand mystics that well haha!
Yesss! Memory adventure! I initially planned for them to suggest going through Draxum’s memories in hopes to find a connection to the future Draxum’s memories and some memory shenanigans would happen, but going through the baby’s pov is more fun!
And baby Lou telling her peepaw in her little turtle language that she feels safe in his arms :(((( /pos
They’re so cute!
Yes! The guilt Lil Leo would feel after hearing about it is one thing, but witnessing it?! It would tear him apart! And I love it >:D
The rotten eggs… yeah, they are the failed experiments. They were all Leo’s eggs used for Draxum’s experiments, that failed to meet the world, which explains Draxum’s disbelief at the end where he says “you’re alive”
Thank you for reading sniper :(((( (/pos) I was waiting to see how you would react haha!
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How is Galois living in Bella's old room? Wasn't Draxum's house destroyed by Lou Jitsu?
The short answer is not completely. I choose to believe that the destruction was mostly centered around and contained by the lab. It was a pretty terrible fire and a lot of Draxum's stuff was ruined, but structurally most of the building was fine.
I did work on making Draxum's house in the Sims 4, but I took a pause on that due to my frustration with the game's mechanics (I've barely worked on the armory they find the weapons in because the game keeps thinking it has no roof) and the difficulty of translating show objects into the game. There's no 'giant vine plant' asset like the one we see in Draxum's lab, for one-I think right now I have a mish-mash of sized up landscaping objects, some stuff from the jungle pack, and the Strangerville pod plants. It...doesn't look good. (I'm also using a lot of stuff from the Star Wars pack, which is probably the only way I'd ever use anything from the Star Wars pack) I do want to finish it because I really do enjoy building houses, but the Sims 4 and I are on another break.
But in light of that, here's a shitty drawing I did in MS Paint that shows what I'm talking about:
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(absolutely nothing in this is to scale)
So my idea was that the lab was kind of the house Draxum started with, like three hundred years ago or something. His house is like a Telvanni mushroom and grows over time, so he's added on as time went on and outfitted the newer areas with more modern amenities, so I can justify him having toilets even though he bought this house before indoor plumbing was a thing. (But also like, the living room has no electricity, and Gale had to do some wiring to get power into the lab because there was no electric hardwired into the walls) The addition with the laundry room and two bedrooms happened in like the 1980s, because Draxum was hosting his niece a lot and also his sister convinced him to get with the times and buy a washing machine, so he needed a hookup for that. At first they were just places for Bella and Pax to stay when they spent the night, (more for Bella because her mom sent her to her uncle's quite a lot) but that's where they lived after their parents died. Draxum's bedroom and study are on the second floor, mostly over the living room and storage area, and the room they train in is on the third floor because I didn't know what else to put on the third floor. The stuff like the greenery, the pool, and whatever else the plot might require in the future are all on basement levels.
Oh, back to your actual question! So the lab part exploded in 2004/2005 when the turtles were mutated. The ceiling is very fucking high there, there wasn't really anything above it. The hallway and the kitchen were partially destroyed, but the rest of the building mostly just got smoke damage. Some of the stuff in Gale's room is even Bella's original furniture, because of the way that area is ventilated it actually didn't get that much smoke.
So the long story is, there's reasons for modern fire codes Drax. Though in all fairness it does look like he learned something, since his current lab seems much more explosion-proof.
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bigjitsu · 1 year
I was literally thinking about those au’s where Big Mama and Lou Jitsu did stay together when I saw your profile, and if you think about it changes so much, like even the turtles might not have existed or they would really have been Drax’s soldiers, and how would his proyect work if he doesn’t have Lou? These ideas keep me up at night/hj
i love those aus. big mama and lou jitsu really did just capture my attention, idk, i love tragic ships, i love doomed by the narrative ships, i love it when there is betrayal and hurt and complexities but none of that changed anything bc at then end of it, you know, the love was still there and will always be there.
(yes, this is me losing my mind over will scarlet and anastasia from ouatiw once again, my middle school obsession has come back full force)
ANYWAYS, back to you! (love that pfp btw, the labyrinth was just my childhood fave)
it absolutely would change so much! you're right! the turtles may not have existed, or they might have some other way! i love this one au that i've seen floating around tumblr (i believe it was @tblsomedoodles family web au) where the kids are lou jitsu's and big mama's (so half-yokai) but baron daxum experiments on the kids when they're young, and mutates them into the turtles they are now, and lou jitsu into the rat man he becomes. (i do believe the big mama/lou jitsu is a past thing in that au, which allows for a canon compliant-ish path at times, one that is so interesting to see unfold)
i love that! i love all the different ways the turtles could have happened. i love aus where big mama and lou jitsu got married, but baron daxum got his hands on lou jitsu anyways, kidnapping him and mutating the turtles. the other day i was thinking of an au where after a battle nexus, when lou jitsu is getting checked over at the medics (a routine thing) baron daxum bribes one of the medics into getting him a sample of lou jitsu's DNA (or he just steals it) and mutates the turtles anyways.
there are so many ways they could happen and i love to see every single one
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remmushound · 3 years
Bay/rise 25!! @brightlotusmoon @errorfreak88 @selfindulgenz
That simple cry was all it took for the mutants and the soldiers they were locked in combat with to stop fighting. Their eyes searched a short while until they saw four more figures jumping from the rafters armed with sai, nunchaku, Bo, and odachi.
“My beautiful experiments!” Draxum gasped, then tossed Raph and Donnie aside like toys he was bored with. 
The four mix-matched ninjas landed in a semi-decent formation, more for drama than any useful fighting technique. Cassandra saw Leo’s bewildered expression and took advantage of it to smack him over the head with the wooden part of her weapon before flipping away. 
“Ah— what are you doing here?” Leo growled and rubbed his head.
“Saving you guys!” Leonardo shot back out of impulse, then quickly withdrew with a softer, “Uh— I— I think?”
Michelangelo squeaked and ran over to hug the yokai. Draxum grunted at the tight squeeze and his expression turned into a shamefaced, almost haunting look. He didn't seem to know what to do, not returning the hug but not quite pushing the box turtle away either.
“How’d you get here? You came to help us! Oh! I knew you would!” Michelangelo nuzzled into Draxum’s chest.
“Drax, daaaaaamn.” Leonardo whistled. “Looking Fine ~”
“Where’d you get the cool armor Drax?” Raphael asked excitedly.
“And more importantly, are they still producing them?” Donatello poked out from behind Raphael, “because I am interested!”
“I…” Baron Draxum brought his hands carefully to Michelangelo’s carapace, looking around at the gallery of other turtles and then to Cassandra who looked on with an almost heartbroken expression. Baron then snapped his attention back to Michelangelo, pulling his lips back in a snarl. “Don’t you dare touch me, vile traitor!”
Michelangelo looked up at Baron with wide, confused eyes. Draxum didn't let himself witness the sadness and heartbreak in them as he tossed Michelangelo hard. 
“MIKEY!” The rise brothers all cried out at once.
Michelangelo didn't try to catch himself. He let the impact come full force. The crack of his carapace against stone almost seemed to break Draxum’s heart in two, but he didn’t let it show. His face remained stagnant.
“Now fight, worthless terrapins! Like I made you for!”
“Draxum…?” Michelangelo’s voice was softer than a whisper, mixed with a sniffle as tears fell from his eyes and trailed down his beak. For a few seconds of shock shared between all present, the only sound was heavy breathing and the steady trickle of tears as they fell to the cold stone.
The sound that broke the silence was a roar of pure rage as Raphael brought his fist down hard on Baron Draxum’s cheek and sent the yokai slamming into the far wall, leaving an indent where his body had collided. Draxum, stunned by the blow, could only watch in mounting horror as the snapping turtle roared once more, not unlike a dinosaur from an old movie. His eyes were glossed over white, frothy foam flying out of his mouth as his breaths came heavy and labored. Raphael dug his feet into the floor for a second before charging Draxum at an incredible speed.
Cassandra gasped. “Master!” 
She was on Raphael’s trail the minute he started to charge. Her mind worked faster than a bumble bee, locking onto the bandages wrapped around the turtle's shell and remembering the damage her master had done to him. She angled her naginata to strike him in that same area for optimal damage, but her blade was intercepted by another.
“I got your back, Raph!” Leonardo locked his odachi with her bent naginats so neither of them could go anywhere.
Raph tried to charge back into the fray.
“Wait.” Leo held out his arm to stop Raph, “I wanna see something…”
Raph and Donnie reluctantly stood by their leader and watched the other turtles as they took on the yokai and the human general. Draxum overcame his shock in just enough time to launch himself out of Raphael’s war path. He didn't dare try to take on the snapper in his state— not hand-to-hand anyway. He grabbed the snapper’s legs with his vines to try and hold him back, but they were little more than a nuisance to Raphael who snapped them with ease.
Cassandra finally broke free of the stalemate with Leonardo by dropping suddenly and trying to ankle-swipe, but Leonardo was ready for her and flipped away into a quick recovery.
“Dang girl! You should totally join a circus!” 
Leonardo ducked as Cassandra tried to swing at him, dodging the speeding attack with a slide that came natural to him. He turned his duck into a charge, slamming hard into Cassandra’s stomach to knock her off balance before speeding away from her attempted counterattack.
“You’d be great at the trapeze!”
Cassandra chased after him, trying to corral him into a corner. Leonardo didn't dare stop once he got his momentum going, and when it came time for what should have been an impact, he jumped and flipped off the wall, completely missing Cassandra. Unable to stop in time, Cassandra hit the wall rather hard. Leonardo already knew what was going to happen when he landed, and so he prepared for the ouch as his feet slid out from under him and he slammed into the hard stone.
“Ow. Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!” He scrambled to his feet and sped away.
Leo whistled. “Good move on his part. Could improve his landing though.” Some small part of him simmered with jealousy at how easy the slider could manage the soldier that Leo himself could barely land a hit on.
When Cassandra shook off her mistake, she did just as Leonardo had expected and reared her weapon into the air while shouting, “You dare make a mockery of the Foot Clan?!”
Her question gave Donatello enough time to swoop past, while Cassandra’s eyes were still locked in a bloodlust against Leonardo, and he snatched the mystic orb from her belt.
“I’ll take that!”
Cassandra had to do a double take to figure out what had happened before she growled and changed her target to charge at Donatello.
Donatello was fast, but not as fast as Leonardo. The slider did a wide turn and zoomed past to side-check Cassandra and make her slip before she could reach his brother. Leonardo snatched the orb from Donatello, circling the warehouse once more.
He tossed the ball up to the platform where April watched, and the kunoichi dove to catch the speeding artifact, ignoring the pain still radiating through her as it landed safely in her hands.
Donatello was handling Cassandra okay enough, and so Leonardo's next target was his youngest brother.
“Miguel! We could really use your help out here!”
Michelangelo hadn’t moved from his stunned position, his eyes still glazed over with tears. “Draxum…”
Leonardo gave a nervous whine, his eyes shooting every which way to take in the current situation before he grabbed his brother’s hands and yanked him up, forcing him into focus.
“Come on, Mike, you know drill! Let’s knock that renegade out the rafters!”
Leonardo spun quick circles; he gripped Michelangelo hard as his brother's feet left the ground. Leonardo couldn’t get nearly as much force into the toss as Raphael could whenever they played the brother ball technique, so he had to rely on pure speed and luck. And he was the luckiest one out there! Leonardo went through the calculations in his mind, humming the countdown in Spanish until he got to uno and let Michelangelo fly.
Draxum was too focused on the snapping Raphael to notice the speedball headed his way. His hooves found footing easily on the rafters, dancing between the beams with a perfect balance as he angled attacks downward. Michelangelo slammed into Draxum’s back with a solid clang of keratin and metal that sent both falling.
Donatello broke from his spar with Cassandra and ran forward for the recovery, holding the wooden staff high. Michelangelo popped out of his shell when the time was right and grabbed a hold of the staff, Donatello lifting him safely away from impacting the ground. Draxum, however, landed full force.
“Nice save, Don!” Leonardo whistled as he sped past, readying himself to jump right back into the battle.
Draxum knew when to call it quits, and now was the time. His vines pulled from the ground and created a pink rift, which he promptly grabbed Cassandra and heaved her through. Raphael attempted one last charge, but Draxum was already gone and so was the portal.
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athena14044 · 3 years
I read Guardians of the Galaxy vol 2
I've been kind of struggling with my read of all of She-Hulk's appearances because I can't just read straight through a title I have to keep stopping to find some random appearance, so it was nice to just read straight through something
I mostly like the art, but in some panels Rocket and/or Cosmo look really weird. You'd think if they knew they needed an artist who can draw animals they'd get an artist who can. you know. draw animals.
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PUPPY 🥺 HIS FRIENDS NEED HIM 🥺 (Guardians of the Galaxy v2 #24)
God, Peter had so much depth and the mcu was like "we're going to make him a self-serving idiot" WHERE IS MY MAN WHO DOES QUESTIONABLE THINGS FOR THE GOOD OF THE GALAXY??? Having him want to save the galaxy because he's "one of the idiots who lives in it" is funny and all, but WHERE is the GUILT??? WHERE is the sense of RESPONSIBILITY????
Speaking of the mcu, I will literally never get over how they made Rocket's backstory generic experimentation. where is the FLAIR. where is the EVIL CAPITALIST MOLE. I suppose it's because it's not a huge leap from evil capitalist mole to evil capitalist mouse 😳
I love Rocket and Cosmo's feud it's so funny to me. and by the end they grudgingly respect each other 🥺
I really enjoyed the plot where Drax and Phyla were searching for a way to bring back Heather
I also enjoyed when Peter got dumped with Blastaar in the negative zone, and he sent Peter into the prison.
I'd never heard of Jack Flag or Bug before this. I liked Jack Flag. I did not like Bug.
I really like the debrief log style of narration. I think they did some really cool things with it, like showing the Guardians progressively more beat up as they tell the story, before getting to Gamora who's completely burned
On the one hand, I love Rocket being the only one who can understand Groot, but on the other hand, I thought it was really funny when they met Maximus and he was able to understand Groot and Rocket was there like "what are you talking about he's just saying his name"
I have no idea what's going on with these events but I don't think the book suffered too much due to being involved.
Moondragon's Guardians uniform is really ugly... like at least Gamora's and Mantis' look nice in their desire to show skin but Moondragon's looks really weird
GOD I HATE ALIEN PREGNANCY STORYLINES JUST SAY YOU DON'T RESPECT WOMEN'S AUTONOMY AND MOVE ON This one isn't quite as bad ig bc Heather chose to let it infect (?) her, sort of? but god why would you choose to use that imagery and all the baggage it comes with.
I guess part of why alien pregnancy stories are done is because it evokes a feeling of like, incongruity because it's pairing the familiar with something completely... alien, for lack of a better term, but I don't think that they should violate a woman's bodily autonomy in trying to create that feeling of wrongness. They could have just had it, idk, attach to her head or something. That makes more sense anyway due to the telepathic aspect.
I like the giant space turtle judge I think that's cool
NO it gets worse the stupid cult is going to cut it out of her stomach because it's their savior or whatever NONE OF THIS IS NEW JUST SAY YOU DON'T RESPECT WOMEN'S AUTONOMY AND MOVE ON
You can literally just skip 21 and 22 it picks right back up with the actual plot after that little segue into my most despised trope. They must have just been trying to fill space before they revealed that the guardians who died were actually alive
And I think that the actual plot is good! Like, go Guardians! Fight Evil Adam Warlock! Go Phyla! It's such a cool subversion of expectations too because normally you're rooting for Life, not Death, but here it's the opposite.
Which is why I think that the alien pregnancy thing is really out of place. They literally did nothing new with it it's just like in Star Trek, or X-Files, or Angel, or literally anything that's done it before.
Ok I'm going to stop talking about this now
They just ditched the Evil Adam Warlock thing for Thanos' resurrection. What happened to Evil Adam Warlock? Goddamn events forcing it to end without wrapping up all the plot points. I hate them. It looks like it's leading into this Thanos Imperative thing. I do not want to read this Thanos Imperative thing especially because I Do Not care about Thanos, but I want to know what happens.
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If you made it this far please enjoy this panel of Gamora with short hair (Guardians of the Galaxy v2 #7)
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thehandleisjammed · 4 years
The Drax Pack!
I just want you all to know that this popped into my head a few months ago and now lives rent free in my brain. Maybe I’ll get to drawing it one day? That’s a Future Handle’s issue.
Unseen Narrator: Introducing the a special devision of the Leo Has A Bad Time Club, our lucky members who report to our favorite Great Baron: The Drax Pack
[Captioned: artist - Fanfic/au - name]
3drotmnt’s - to be named AU - Kronos *solutes*
Sonicthehedgehoglover2’s - Draxum’s Twins AU - “Leonardo” *solutes with Arrogance*
shanzehpoo’s - Separated AU - Leonidas Draxum *solutes with more Arrogance*
simplyfornardo’s - Leozula AU - Prince Leozula of the Fire Nation *solutes with Arrogance Levels maxed out and fire. Lots, and lots of fire.*
eternalglitch’s - Like Father Like Son - Green *solutes, resplendent in new shiny armor and Anxiety and Depression stats capped yet still rising*
tmngoose’s - Battle of the Big Tops - Leonardo *solutes by throwing a pie in his face*
The five Kappa-lleros all look at the literal clown at the end of the line.
BotBT Leo slowly raises bikehorn and gives it a single, solemn honk.
Leozula: “Alright. Who was in charge of security and why did they let this joke slip through?”
BotBT Leo, wiping face free of pie residue: “Hey! I’m edgey! Have you SEEN how many swords I can juggle? They’ve got, like, a ton of edges, broham.”
- Flashback to BotBT Leo trying to juggle exactly one ton of swords, the operative word being ‘trying’. -
BotBT Draxum, not paying attention: “That reminds me, I still have to talk to Rupert about his new knife throwing act.”
- Cut back to the present. -
BotBT Leo: “Haha, so many edges...”
Separated Leo: “Oh! I’d know that distant, longing-for-approval gaze anywhere! He’s one of us.”
Draxum’s Twin Leo: “Is he though?”
Leozula: “No one answered my question. Who is responsible? Who??”
Kronos: “Let’s look at his application form.” They rifle through a handful of papers.
Draxum’s Twin Leo: “Where did they get those?”
Green picks out a picture of Blind!Leo and ATLA Leo, comparing them to the turtle they’re appraising now. They all have identical naive smirks. All present share a knowing nod and Green slips BotBT Leo’s papers into the Must Protect Baby file, right next to his own.
BotBT Leo: “Speaking of jokes, who wants to hear my six-hour stand up comedy act? Hah! Trick question, you’re gonna hear it anyway. So, this guy walks into a bar and he sees a horse behind the counter-”
Unseen Narrator: And so it was that BotBT Leo was never seen again.
Everyone looks up in confusion, ala the muppets on The Muppets Show whenever they hear the Announcer.
BotBT Leo: “Wait, what?”
Freeze frame on him looking up with an out-of-focus Leozula closing in on him in a fiery comet.
*laugh-track plays*
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halloweennut · 4 years
So I've been on a bit of Grey's Anatomy kick lately and it made me imagine something for Truce AU: One of the boys needs minor surgery for whatever reason. Splints, naturally, is kinda freaking out despite Drax saying he can do it no prob and that survival rates are good. Anyway, the surgery goes just fine and when Drax tells him, Splints is just so relieved that he just hugs him and thanks him, and Drax is so shocked he can't even hug back. Just thought I'd share ^v^
(okay so i deadass want to apologize for the delay! Also post Repairin’ the Baron)
Leo was strangely nonchalant about needing a patch on his shell.
“It’s fine.”
“Fine?!?! FINE?!” Splinter shouted, nearly hyperventilating in panic. “A scute popped out! I didn’t think that was even possible!”
Donnie looked at the damage. “How are you not in pain?”
“As long as I don’t move it’s fine,” Leo replied. 
“Leo, that’s part of your spine.”
“It’s one of the side pieces.”
“Still. Part. Of. Spine. I don’t know how to fix this and we can’t exactly go above to a doctor or a vet!” It was now Donnie’s turn to start panicking. “I just barely got Mikey and Raph to calm down but now I’m freaking out!”
“Dude, just call Draxum,” Leo shrugged, immediately wincing. “He probably knows.”
“I’m not allowing my mortal enemy in my house!” Splinter exclaimed. “He-”
“He probably would know, pops,” Donnie said. “Aaaaand we don’t have much of a choice.” 
Splinter scowled but looked at his sons - one in pain, three in various stages of panic. Something like this had never happened before. The various scrapes and scuffs on shells, yes. Donnie needed a protective shell? Sure, alright. But this? Never. He sighed. 
“Fine. Call him, but I WILL be monitoring his every move,” Splinter conceded. Donnie nodded and pulled out an ever-present phone, quickly scrolling through his contacts. Splinter despised having to rely on his mortal enemy for anything, especially for something that could only be settled in a debt. 
An hour later and Draxum was set up in their make-shift infirmary. 
“How in the world did you do this?” Draxum asked Leo incredulously, just as the boy was starting to drift off from anesthetic. “Your shells are near-perfect armor. Pieces don’t come off unless you die, and somehow you are still breathing.”
“Emphasis on near, Draxy,” Leo said blearily. Draxum rolled his eyes. “Night night.”
And with that, he fell asleep. 
“Finally,” Draxum huffed, moving to his side. There was a large gap in the side of his shell, just where it met the side of the plastron. He quickly cleaned both the gap and the missing scute. “Are you going to hover the entire time I do this?”
Splinter stepped back. “No, but I am keeping an eye on you to make sure you don’t hurt my son.”
Draxum scoffed. “I do not have anything to gain from hurting any of your ‘children.’ I am only repairing damage then I will happily be on my way. If anything, this lets me avoid Carol.”
He picked up a pair of forceps, placing the sides into the gap. “I would not watch. Or you could preferably leave. Need for a clean environment sans rats.”
“How dare you! I am not filthy and I am not leaving my son!” Splinter spat. He almost continued, but his stomach turned as he watched on. “Uh….you know, maybe I should wait in the waiting room.”
“Brilliant idea,” Draxum replied. “Please do.”
Splinter turned tail on a heel and walked out to join the rest of his sons. He didn’t want to see any of his children under any sort of surgery if he could help it. At the very least, Draxum had assured him that Leo would easily recover, albeit in that proud, standoffish way. 
What felt like an eternity passed before Draxum emerged, removing a pair of gloves. “All done. He’ll be awake in an hour. Do NOT let him move more than needed. No missions, no shenanigans for a month. The shell still needs to heal back into place and that will take time.”
“Can we go see him?” Mikey asked. “Please?”
“He’s still passed out but fine, feel free to stare at your unconscious sibling,” Draxum replied. The three turtles and April went in, leaving Draxum and Splinter alone with an awkward silence. They refused to look at each other. 
“Thank you,” Splinter huffed. “I was...at a loss for what to do, honestly.”
“....You’re welcome,” Draxum said. “Like I said, he’ll be fine. Hopefully, he learned something from-”
He was stopped by a quick, fleeting hug around his middle. Frozen in shock, he had no time to process or heaven forbid return it before Splinter let go, following his sons to sit with Leo until he woke up. Draxum stood, alone and with no clue how to proceed, save to leave, and try not to think of the contact.
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trashpandaorigins · 7 years
Of Trees and Trash Pandas: A Rocket/Groot One Shot
Apologies to keep spamming everyone with my fics from A03 but I just want to post them all up before I forget! As a fanfic writer I cannot express how much comments mean to me! These fics do take an exorbitant amount of time to write with flash fics taking me anywhere from an hour to two hours and longer fics taking three hours to five or six. I write for free and all I ask is comments/feedback in return when you like and or reblog! bsp;
“I can’t believe people on Terra actually do this for fun!” Gamora threw down the supplies in a furry.
“What your not having fun?!” Peter exclaimed. Drax answered for her,
“No. I am not having fun. I do not understand why we cannot sleep on the ship. Why must we bed down in this unstable and crowded contraption?” Peter finished unloading the thing called a canoe and sighed, cracking his back.
“It’s a tent Drax, we’re camping. That’s the whole point!” Gamora only arched her brow and bent down to examine the tent poles. “Rocket! Groot! Have you guys got that fire going yet? It’s gonna be dark soon.”
“I’m working on it!” Rocket grumbled, turning back to where Groot sat cross legged across from him, large dark eyes fixed on the trees all around them. The cybernetically enhanced creature snapped his fingers. “Hellllooo Groot! Groot! C’mon! You can look at the trees after we get this fire going.” The flora colossus did another sweep of the canopy above them with his shining eyes and only after a few moments turned back to Rocket.
“I am Groot,” he said, reaching out his hand. Small green vines grew from the tips of each finger and Rocket watched in never ending amazement as the greens vines hardened and browned. Satisfied, Groot snapped them off without so much as a wince and handed them to Rocket.
“Thanks big guy.” Taking the sticks to the pit, Rocket dropped them in and took the gun from his back.
“No!” Peter’s hand interceded, coming down and grabbing the barrel of the weapon.
“What?! I’m starting the fire!” Peter frowned,
“That’s not how you make a camp fire, you gotta use matches.” Rocket starred as the humie extracted a small box from his pocket and demonstrated how to use the matches.
“Why would you use those when I can just blow it up?” A battle cry made the two of them spin, beholding Gamora standing amid the wreckage of the tent.
“Peter! This thing is useless!” She fumed, “how are we even supposed to fit everyone?!”
“Just start the fire with the matches okay, we don’t want to take out any of the trees.” Peter begged before turning to help fix the disheveled tent. Rocket rolled his eyes, taking a moment to enjoy the site of Drax perched on a rock, daggers out and threatening a strange animal peter had called a turtle.
“Fiine, c’mon Groot I might need more…” Groot was no longer sitting where Rocket left him. With an irritated flick of his tail Rocket headed into the woods, gun out and at the ready. “Groot! Psst, Groot c’mon! Groot flark it!” The trees rustled and branches cracked with every step, though it did smell nice he supposed, it was unnerving. The sun cast golden light through the trees as the sun began to set over the placed lake. “Groot we don’t have time for this! We have to..” Rocket halted, eyes wide. Groot stood before a large tree, the trunk of it at least as wide as him three times over. The large lumbering feet of his friend were nowhere to be seen, instead Rocket eyed the roots sprawling out around Groot, mingling with those of the other trees and descending deep into the soil. Groot’s arms spread on either side of him, wide and open. Rocket breathed slowly, watching his friend close his eyes and the golden spores rise into the green and gold mesh above. A deep, pulsing thrum echoed below him and Rocket watched as Groot slowly put his brow to that of the large tree before him.
“I am Groot,” Groot breathed. The sun set more quickly now, violent, ruby and sapphire streaks of color now shown all around in a kaleidoscope. “I am Groot,” Groot repeated and the calm vibration rippled again. Rocket’s ears pricked as the trees rustled back. Is he…talking to them? He wondered. As if in answer, the trees rustled again and Groot’s smile widened. His brow still touched the bark of the tree and slowly a golden glow, similar to that of the spores began to shimmer between tree and flora colossus. Rocket watched the golden light, slowly splitting out and upward into millions of what only resembled stars. Up, up, up, into the setting sun and through the woods. The humming of the trees continued as the wind whipped up and Groot’s roots drove deeper into the ground. The forest was alive. Something small and beautiful and wet dribbled down each corner of Rocket’s eyes at the sight of it. Oh, Groot he thought fondly.
“I am Groot,” it was a few moments before Rocket realized his friend was addressing him. With unspoken words Rocket put his gun back behind him and scurried over and around his friend, finding the familiar purchase on his shoulder.
“What were you doing?” He demanded, trying his best to sound inpatient.
“I am Groot,” the Flora colossus explained beginning to walk back. The last of the sun’s rays now disappeared across the lake behind the mountains, the last of those magical spores with them.
“Yeah, what did they say?”
“I am Groot,” Rocket listened as they made their way back through the purple haze of twilight.
“Where is Rocket?!” The sound of Drax’s deep voice sent the two friends coming quicker. “He had better come see this!”
“I’d better come see what?” Rocket demanded, seeing Peter, Drax and Gamora all standing stone still facing the pile of sticks they had set aside for a fire. Peter only pointed, desperately trying to conceal a grin. Even Gamora looked bewildered.
“What are you dumbasses staring at?” Peter made no reply, but pointed. Rocket’s gaze followed and his stomach dropped. A small, four legged furry creature with a ringed tail and dark outlines around the eyes looked up at him.
“What the flark is that?”
“That Rocket, is a raccoon.” Instinctively Rocket’s claws tightened around Groot’s shoulder and head. The raccoon thing sniffed, sitting up on its hind legs. Rocket watched as it licked its own black fingered paws, then wiped at its face. The ritual was not known to him.
“I was right! These animals are the ones I would feast on during festivals,” Drax whispered as much as he could. “Rocket, I would never eat you but with your permission, I will spit this animal.” The words hardly registered. Ain’t no thing like me, ‘cept me. His own personal mantra echoed in his mind. The raccoon moved forward again on all fours, exploring the sticks. Rocket had long since given up trying to find anything resembling himself. But now, here, it was facing him. His own darkest hope. There was something after all, that something was an animal. Was a vermin, a rodent. They were right.
“I don’t know what the flark you idiots are talking about, that thing looks nothing like me!” He mustered a laugh. He watched them gape in disbelief. “I’m getting more firewood.” Rocket jumped down from Groot’s shoulders, running on two legs, as fast as he could into the forest.
“I am Groot?”
“No! Don’t follow me, I’ll be back in a minute.”
“I am Groot!” His friend protested, Rocket’s whiskers flicked watching the raccoon grow bored and begin to climb the nearest tree with all too familiar skill.
“Flark it Groot I said no!” Rocket ran, dashing into the woods away from Groot, from Drax and Peter and Gamora. Away from that raccoon. There was something like him and that something was no better than an orloni, a mindless animal. That….that’s what I am. At the water’s edge, Rocket peeled off his jumpsuit and stared at his bare reflection. Fur, claws, snout, whiskers, tail. An animal, a raccoon. Those dark circles around the eyes, his own eyes. Alone in the darkness surrounded by the trees and cicadas, Rocket stared at himself stripped off all weapons and clothing and everything else. What wasn’t animal, was metal. An experiment. His stomach rolled and the wetness came to his eyes again but it was not out of beauty. It was disgust. They were right. Those scientists, anyone who had ever disrespected him. He was nothing but a beast manipulated.
Something snapped behind him, a branch. Rocket whirled around, fangs bared, reaching for his gun-and halted.
“I told you not to follow me.”
“I am Groot.” Rocket shrugged, putting his suit back on. “I am Groot?”
“No I’m not okay!” He snarled, looking at his own skewed reflection in the water. He sighed as Groot came up beside him and sat, looking out across the lake.
“I am Groot,” Groot reasoned. He sat behind Rocket but made no move to touch him.
“What do you mean ‘maybe this is a good thing?’” The raccoon did not turn around.
“I am Groot.”
“Tsch,” he shrugged. Maybe Groot did have a point. All his life he’d been lonely, convinced that he was the only being like himself in the universe. But if he was actually a raccoon, modified by mad scientists, at least that meant he had an origin. At least it meant that he wasn’t so completely alone. There were other things like him, even if not ideal.
“I am Groot,” that made Rocket turn. His best friend sat before him, arms open.
“You damn sap,” he grumbled, walking over to Groot and sitting in his lap. The Flora colossus slowly wrapped his arms lazily around himself, making Rocket a comfortable seat from which to watch the niht sky. Down on Terra the stars were so tiny and they only had one moon.
“I am Groot,”
“I know you don’t care what I am.” Rocket watched the sky, the bugs clicked and sang. For a moment he could feel that pulse of the forest Groot had risen.
“I am Groot,” Groot pointed to a shooting star, Rocket smiled watching it arch through the sky. “I ain’t like a shooting star Groot. If anyone of us is anything special or worthy, it’s you big guy.” Groot’s vines wrapped tighter around them as they sat.
“I am Groot,” he reassured and despite himself Rocket felt his sadness subside. Groot continued to speak, the only voice in the woods. The trees echoed him and Rocket found himself leaning farther back against his friend watching the moonlight streaks against the water.
“You spoke to the trees today. Awakened them huh?” He said after awhile. Groot nodded. “You like it here on Terra? Maybe we can come back, Star-Dork still wants us to see those Star Fights movies or whatever there called.”
“I am Groot.”
“Star Wars, whatever.” Groot nodded.
“I am Groot.” The stars shimmered.
“Yeah, we can come back anytime you want bud.” They sat in the midst of the nighttime forest. No ships, no lights, no nothing but the bugs and the breeze and the crisp cool mountain air. A musky earthen smell of soil not unlike Groot himself permeated everything.
“I am Groot,” Groot whispered, one hand reaching up and petting Rocket between his ears. The raccoon creature could not help but smile, letting out a deep breath of contentment. Yeah he was a freak, both of them were. But Groot spoke to the trees and knew their secrets and the secrets of many different growing things, he himself shot guns and cursed and got into trouble. He thanked the stars above for Groot, because of Groot Rocket was more than some angry little beast, raccoon or not.
“You’re a good friend you know that Groot?” Rocket asked, still watching the water. “Thanks for putting up with me.” Another caress between the ears was his only answer. “Don’t know what I’ve done to deserve you but…I sure as flark am glad I got you.”
“I am Groot,” Groot said, Rocket felt himself flush with emotion.
“Yeah bud, I love you too.” He leaned all the way back against his friend and closed his eyes. The two of them sat there for what seemed like eternity, Rocket whished it could be.
“I am Groot,” Groot said reluctantly. Rocket nodded, making their way back to camp. Rocket sighed with relief that Drax, Gamora and Peter were asleep in the folds of the ruined tent. Groot gingerly stepped over them, settling himself in the middle. Peter lifted his head,
“Oh…” he said sleepily, “your back.” He settled himself on Groot just between his chest and stomach.
“Oi Quill that’s my spot!” Rocket whispered, caring not if he woke anyone up. Peter frowned, glancing as Drax let out a loud snore.
“I’m not moving, Groot tell him to stop before he wakes Gamora and Drax.”
“I am Groot,” Groot gently took Peter’s head, moving it to rest on his wooden hip. Rocket smirked, crawling down to his spot. He curled up as Gamora unconsciously snugged against Groot’s side and Drax let a limp hand fall over Groot’s other arm. Together they slept. Groot held his family tight, little Rocket Raccoon sleeping atop him. Groot watched his friend’s body rise and fall with his breath. No nightmares, no whimpers. The trees were right, there was pain but there was also love and all would be well.
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a-fluffer-nutter · 7 years
Congratulations on making it to summer! If you have any headcanons for GOTG2 (especially feat. Peter and Rocket), I'd love to hear them :)
Peter (Space husband): 
Is addicted to trying new candies on every planet they go to
Sleeps with fifty pillows
Can cross stitch (Don’t tell Rocket)
If there is a song playing, he will ignore everything else
Uses medication to sleep at night due to insomnia 
Is the most ticklish little bean to ever exist.
Holy hell is he ticklish and he really loves it
Belly and under arms are worst spots
Everyone knows how ticklish he is and uses this knowledge all the time
Usually starts the tickle fights, but always loses
Gamora (Space Wife):
Has memorized the leaders of every single planet and their predecessors
Has a soft spot for mint ice cream
Can bench press Drax and Peter together
In her free time, she has learned twelve languages, ten hairstyles and 5 forms of martial arts
Can use anything as a weapon, which Peter learned after the Paper Airplane Incident
Is moderately ticklish, but only knew after meeting Peter
Prefers to be a Ler, unless she is in a very special mood
Has a very contagious and happy laugh everyone loves to hear
Only ticklish spots are hips and ribs
Drax (My Precious Child):
Rocket bought him a book of jokes and metaphors
Tells these jokes and metaphors at worst times
Peter showed him a picture of a turtle and now he wants fifty
Will sometimes steal Peter’s medication when the nightmares get bad, he doesn’t think Peter knows, but he does and bought him his own bottle
His room is full of succulents (They remind him of his daughter)
Is kind of ticklish but only in like two spots
His neck elicits a low chuckle and his knees will provoke a steady laugh
Is almost never tickled unless Peter or Rocket want revenge
Rocket (My Angry Precious Child):
His favorite souvenirs to steal are bottles of liquor
Has a mild addiction to gambling
Peter got him hooked on the shows: Hoarders and Catfished
Gets so focused on his work he won’t hear someone talking to him
He hates any foods with iceburg lettuce or tomatoes in it
He is surprisingly ticklish all over his torso
Has a happy, higher pitched laugh which Peter adores
When tickled on his belly, his tail thumps uncontrollably
Groot (Tree Child):
Has unconditional love for everyone in the squad
Enjoys star gazing during down time
Constantly tells jokes to Rocket to make him happy
Tries to spend time with everyone every day 
Isn’t ticklish though is the ultimate tickle monster
Try escaping from his branches and you’ll regret it
Can sense where a person is ticklish and will utilize this constantly
Tickles Peter and Rocket constantly whenever they are angry or tired
I hope you enjoy these and if you want any other characters done, just tell me!
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halloweennut · 5 years
I just thought of Shredder trying to manipulate Good Dad Draxum and saying something along the lines of "I can bring your husband back." And Drax sortof panics and ends up calling Splinter, who is confused about this random call
oh man. (this is longer than I planned but here we are kids. 
So, Draxum is still figuring out the surface takeover thing on top of trying to get Splinter to trust him and trying to be a father figure to the turtles. It’s during a surface fight that Draxum finds himself portaled away, only to land in front of the Foot Lt and Brute. They give him their spiel.
Draxum, of course, is tempted and goes with them. 
At this point in the AU, let’s just say that the Foot Clan has more pieces of the armor, enough where a little bit of Shredder is able to slightly manifest, mostly verbally through the spot where his face should be. For Draxum, he knows a damn demon when he sees one, and starts to back out. That is until he hears the armor speak:
“I can bring your husband back.”
Draxum freezes on the spot. There’s a moment of hesitation where he weighs out what that would mean and what would happen. And here’s the kicker: he realizes that none of the outcomes are good. Sure they align with his goals but at what cost?
“No. I will claim the surface for my own without the help of you and yours.” Draxum turns and leaves on what would have been a golden opportunity for him in the past. He keeps his pace calm and steady as he leaves their hideout, making it onto the street before letting worry creep in like a weed. 
He misses Shredder’s order to the foot to get him. 
Draxum finds a nearby payphone, punching in a number he memorized though loath to use human technology. 
“Who is this? Do you realize how late it is?” Splinter answers. “If this is one of those spam calls-”
“Lou- Splinter,” Draxum starts, fumbling over the new name. “Something is wrong.”
“What are you talking about now, Draxum? I’m not interested in whatever it is-”
“Lou, there’s-”
Draxum fills a tug on his horn from Huginn and a pull on his hair from Muninn. “What-”
The phone line goes dead after a sickening crunch of metal and an uncharacteristic noise of surprise from Draxum. Splinter, despite everything, feels his gut sink and half-heartedly gets Donnie to do a trace on the number. 
Draxum wakes up dazed, confused, and with a headache, but at least wherever he is dark. He pushes himself up to sit, trying to get an idea of where he is. His vision swims for a moment, slowly evening out and he sees that he’s in a small room in what looks like-
“The sewers?” He’s more confused than before. Draxum tries to stand, but one of his legs can’t support his weight and he sits back down with a groan. He looks down at his leg - it’s in a splint, and from what he can tell it’s sprained. There’s a bandage around his chest, and from touch and feel one on his head as well. His helmet, parts of his armor, as well as Huginn and Muninn are missing. 
There’s a cough from the doorway. Splinter stands there, looking exhausted and there’s a fresh bruise on the side of his cheek. The fight immediately comes back to mind - the Foot attacking, the turtles arriving…but after that there’s only this.
“Splinter, what happened?”
“You got hurt is what happened,” Splinter scowls and enters the room. “You’re lucky Donnie was able to trace your call. What were you doing even there? And what was that call about?”
Draxum settled back on the bed, leaning on the wall as comfortably as he can as he explains everything to Splinter - the portal, the armor, the offer and his refusal.
“That’s why I called, Lou- Splinter,” Draxum finishes. “He knows about you and…us. You and the boys could be in danger.”
“We were already in danger before,” Splinter mutters. “This just complicates things further.”
It’s Splinter’s turn to explain their side of the situation with the Foot. Draxum almost wants to laugh, but it hurts to do so.
“Of course you’re connected to the armor,” Draxum says mirthlessly. “Of course they would use my own connection to you.” 
Splinter nods and they sit in silence for a moment. “But why didn’t you take the deal? What’s your angle on this?”
“There’s no angle, Lou,” Draxum replied quietly. “Not this time.”
There’s another silence. 
“I wanted to tell you before, and I am aware that you have no reason to believe my word ever again but I am sorry for every lie I ever told you. I am sorry I used you and wanted to use the boys. I’m sorry you were mutated in the process,” Draxum continues. He looks out to the door, hearing the boys from somewhere in the sewers. “Had I met them sooner I…I don’t know what I would have done.”
Splinter doesn’t respond. Draxum sighs. 
“I thought you were all dead. I mourned. But when I saw that they were alive…I still want the surface, Lou. But for them too. And you,” Draxum finishes. Splinter looks at him, and Draxum can’t read his expression. 
“A great many pretty words, Draxum,” Splinter finally replies. “But forgive me if I have trouble believing them, and even though my boys are now included in all of this, I still have trouble believing your plan is for the greater good of anyone….but I suppose it’s something. This isn’t an acceptance of them, Draxum.”
Draxum nods. While disappointed, he understands. Splinter walks back to the door, and Draxum watches him. 
“You may stay until you can walk properly,” Splinter says, pausing a moment to look back at him. “And if any of the boys ask you how we know each other-”
“I’ll leave that for you, Lou,” Draxum adds. “I lost that privilege 13 years ago. But I’ll take that I can actually talk to them?”
Splinter huffs. “I suppose. But no lies or manipulation, got that?”
Draxum nods. Splinter yawns. “Go back to sleep. I am. If that ever happens again I’m using your horns for gnawing sticks.”
With that Splinter leaves, and Draxum lowers himself slowly back into the bed. Huginn and Muninn reappear and curl up wordlessly at the foot of the bed like cats. 
It’s not the apology he planned, but it’s progress. 
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