#now i gotta write the lab report
elgringo300 · 5 months
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pierswife · 10 months
Uh oh gamers we miiiiiight be getting a little sick
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appalachy · 1 year
My roommate is gwtting ready for the club and shes in a real good mood and singing and blasting funky tunes and i just feel like christ after sitting in that dessert for 40days being tempted by satan bc i wanna join her so bad bdnsishns fuck we must stay focused brothers
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southislandwren · 8 months
ughhhhh i emailed astro prof to be like i cant reliably go to class so i want to audit. and now shes like "i'm worried. why don't you come have a talk with me." girl can i not just audit the class !! please!!!
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
Hurt People
This is just me giving an accurate depiction of what would most likely happen if Eddie Munson was real and went to high school with me. I’m sad tonight.
Warnings: hurt/no comfort, angst, insults, bullying
WC: 718
You don’t know how you didn’t see it coming. Maybe it’s because he’s Eddie, the boy—young man, really—thrust into the fringes of society because of his affinity for metal music and fantasy games. Maybe it’s because you’d assumed outcasts, loners, losers, looked out for one another. Or maybe you were just delusional, rose-colored glasses shielding you from what you couldn’t, wouldn’t see.
You and Eddie don’t have any classes together, with you electing to take honors classes and him struggling with introductory courses. You’d never judged him for it, never thought less of him because of it; some people’s talents lay outside of academia. Rumor has it that he’s a decent guitar player, though your parents’ strict rules forbid you from checking out a gig. Truly, you don’t know much about him except that he’s on his third round of senior year and, in your opinion, is the cutest guy at Hawkins High.
The opportunity to befriend him presents itself in the unassuming form of Honor Society volunteer hours. Mrs. O’Donnell needs someone to tutor Eddie in chemistry so she can get him the hell out of her class, and you eagerly offer to be his teacher. Quiet afternoons together in the library might lead to secrets whispered, kisses shared…
The first tutoring session is…fine. Eddie’s completely disinterested in the material, which is to be expected. You keep drawing his attention back to the lab report he’s supposed to be writing, trying to maintain your composure as your patience wears thin.
When he’s barely accomplished anything at the end of the hour, you tell him to meet you back in the study room tomorrow after school.
“You need to hand this in on time,” you say softly but firmly. “Don’t wanna lose points for late work.”
He grumbles as he grabs his tin lunchbox and carelessly shoves the lab report into his backpack, not even saying goodbye.
The next day, you muster up the courage to approach his lunch table. You’ve got your old chemistry study guides clenched in your fists; the idea is to offer them to him so he doesn’t have to reference his own scribbled notes for his upcoming quiz. Just a casual, “hey, I figured you could use these.” Yeah, that could work.
You’re ten feet away when you hear his boisterous laugh. “Oh, and get this,” he’s saying to his friends, “she wants me to study again with her today! Like yesterday wasn’t bad enough.”
“Dude,” one of his buddies chuckles, sympathetically shaking his head and clapping his hand on Eddie’s shoulder, “it’s just your luck that the one girl crushing on you happens to be the ugliest girl in the school.”
Your blood runs cold, nerves buzzing in anticipation of Eddie’s response. Surely he’ll tell the guy that he’s gone too far, that poking fun at your appearance is uncalled for.
But Eddie just gives him the finger and replies, “tell me about it. And now I gotta sit there while she makes heart-eyes at me, unless I wanna face O’Donnell’s wrath. Again.”
Tell me about it. Tell me about it. Tell me about it.
There’s no defending you, no sense of irritation with his friend’s statement. It’s pure, unfiltered agreement.
You’re the ugliest girl in school, and even Eddie Munson thinks so.
Tears blur your vision as you make a beeline out of the cafeteria, dumping your papers in the nearest trash can. You’re sorry you wasted your precious time digging them up. Humiliation seeps into your skin. It doesn’t matter if no one else heard him, because you did. And the information isn’t novel to you—you’re not Chrissy Cunningham or Nancy Wheeler, not by a longshot. No, you’re embarrassed because you’d deluded yourself into thinking that Eddie could see you in a way that others didn’t, in a way that you simply couldn’t.
A large part of you hoped that Eddie would see your status as a fellow freak and applaud you for it, welcome you into his group, take you under his wing. That seems like a pipe dream now.
It’s like that old cliche: hurt people hurt people. Maybe if you were bravier—bitchier, even—you’d hurt him back. But for now, you’re too tired from dragging around the burden of your existence.
Hurt will have to wait another day.
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five-rivers · 1 year
Loving the foray back into Generator Rex stuff. I was obsessed with that show but honestly don't remember much that happened after Cesar showed up for the first time. I just remember being really upset that Six never got his memories back. Like SURE he accepts Rex's role in his life but the EXPERIENCES are gone from his memory now. That hurts.
It does. 😭
This isn't quite on topic, but this also gave me an idea for a little snippet. <3
Rex drummed his fingers against the leather cover of his journal, thinking.  It had been most of a year since he'd started writing in it, updating it whenever he could.  It was full of thoughts, feelings, speculation, copies of the incident reports White sometimes made him write out, memories from before he'd gotten the journal, summaries of training, dreams, rambling about friends, enemies, and fights, anything and everything that came to mind when he had a spare half hour a pen or a pencil, or when Holiday got on an education kick and wanted him to practice grammar or spelling or something.  
It was only half full.  Rex didn't have a whole lot of spare half hours.  He tried, though.  His interest in filling the journal up was backed at least partially by fear.  There was a lot that he really, desperately, wanted to know about himself, if he ever forgot again.  There was a lot he wanted to know about the people around him.  
There was a lot in the little book about White, Noah, Bobo, and Holiday.  
There was a lot about Six.  
Six, who had just forgotten everything himself.  
Six, who had given him the journal in the first place.  
Six, who had only lost his memory because Rex had been so impatient to test Caesar's machine.  
Okay, he knew that wasn't completely accurate, and he was hardly wallowing in guilt, or whatever.  If anything, he'd blame Caesar's invention skills and Six's weird propensity for stabbing machines instead of, like, going after something "upstream," or unplugging them.  
Rex could do a lot of things with machines, but lack of power was a stumbling block even for him.  
But, point was, Rex was delaying.  It should be easy to give this to Six.  To give him something about what he'd lost.  Rex owed him that much.  But the journal was so personal…  Rex hadn't written it expecting anyone else to ever read it.  Not even Six.  
It was hard.  
This whole thing was hard.  
(It wasn't fair.  Forgetting sucked.  Being forgotten sucked.  It all sucked.  He had a lot more sympathy for Caesar, now.)
He took a deep breath.  He wanted to give this to Six.  He wanted to share these memories with him.  He didn't want to be the only one who knew these things.  He didn't want to be the only one who remembered.  
Not when he might forget at any moment.  
He really wished Caesar's machine had worked.  Either time. 
He stood up and opened the door, journal still in his hand.  He second-guessed himself all the way to the lab, where Six was getting another check up, courtesy of Holiday.  
"Hey, um, what's up?" asked Rex, still not quite ready to make a decision.  
"My blood pressure, apparently," said Six, putting his glasses back on.  "I don't understand how this is more stressful than killing people for money."
"It isn't about stress," said Holiday, rolling her eyes.  "You're just six years older.  Bodies change.  What about you, Rex?  On the way to the Petting Zoo?  Or just checking in?"
"Uh," said Rex.  "Yeah.  The Petting Zoo."
"I still don't understand why it's called that," grumbled Six.  
"It's ironic," explained Holiday.  
"Anyway!" said Rex, loudly.  He walked up to Six and shoved the journal at him.  "I'm lending this to you.  I want it back by the end of the week, okay?  Don't let White see it, it's private."  One of the very few private things he had, actually.  Maybe that's why he was so scared.  "Okay!  Thanks!  Gotta go!  Bye!"
He ran.
Six drummed his fingers against the leather cover of the journal, thinking.  Long plane rides, even on jump jets, gave you a lot of time to think.  
It had been nearly seven months since Rex had given it to him.  Six since Rex had disappeared in that fight with Breach.  
It was high time he gave it back to him.  Even if he had to go through Providence to do it.  
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agaypanic · 1 year
can u do malcolm x male reader like they r assigned lab partners then become bffs then bfs? thx!
Becoming Best Friends and Then Boyfriends With Malcolm Wilkerson Headcanons
Request Something!
A/N: the wilkerson boys are fruity on different levels and i truly believe that lmao also tiny warning for underage drinking
Malcolm did NOT want you as a partner at first
He’s had plenty of experience with getting paired with someone just to do all the work
But you prove to him that even though you’re not a super genius like him, you can do your part
“Hey, Malcolm, right?” You asked your new lab partner as you sat beside him. You knew who he was; practically everyone in school did, whether they wanted to or not. But you didn’t really know how else to start a conversation.
“Yeah, and you’re Y/n?” He asked in return. Malcolm also knew who you were, because he read the sheet that had your names paired up together, but he decided to try to be polite. When you nodded, he went into the usual spiel he did whenever he got paired with someone who wasn’t a former Krelboyne or seemed like they wouldn’t pull their own weight. “Okay, look, I’m fine with doing all the work. I can do the labs, write the reports, and help you with answers. But I will not cheat and do the final for you or-”
“Woah, woah, slow down, Malcolm.” You laughed, but it was more of a ‘what the hell is this guy talking about’ kind of laugh. “You don’t have to do that, man. I can do my share.”
Malcolm seemed taken aback by this. Usually, people would just wave him off and let him work while they goofed around. He didn’t really know how to proceed.
“Oh, okay. Umm…” He looked around, trying to find something for you to do. Just because you say you can do the work doesn’t mean he believes you or necessarily wants you to. “Wanna wash the beakers and vials?”
“Very funny, Malcolm.” You grabbed the lab instructions that lay in front of Malcolm and scanned them over. “Okay, grab the vials with blue and green liquid. We gotta mix them.”
“What are you doing?” He asked, hesitantly grabbing the vials like you instructed. You rolled your eyes. For a genius, he seemed to lack some common sense.
“Doing my share, genius.” You pulled out a beaker so you could mix the liquids. “Just because I’m not a Krelboyne doesn’t mean I can’t read instructions.”
You start to grow on him after that
He’s not used to people tolerating him
If they do, they usually get annoyed with him very quickly
So the fact that you wanna hang out with him outside of class is so surprising
It had been a week since you finished your first lab project, and your teacher had finally finished grading. Your teacher had given you a joint grade for the project and individual grades for the work you each put into it, so you made sure to brag to Malcolm that you had gotten an A on your individual grading.
“Okay, okay, I get it.” Malcolm pushed away your grade report with a laugh as you continuously shoved it in his face. 
“I can’t believe I proved Malcolm Wilkerson wrong. I feel on top of the world right now.”
“Well, don’t get used to it. It was a one-time thing.” The bell rang, and you grabbed your things, exiting the classroom. 
Despite the occasional attitude and what everyone says about him, you actually liked hanging out with Malcolm. And maybe it was just your imagination, but you felt like he also enjoyed your company. You didn’t want the end of your lab project to also be the end of the friendship that was starting to form.
“So, listen…” Not wanting to be one of those annoying people that just stood in the middle of a busy hallway, you pulled Malcolm to stand against the wall with you. He looked at you attentively. “There’s gonna be a party this weekend. I don’t know if you’re doing anything, but I was wondering if you wanted to go. Or whatever, I dunno.” You suddenly felt embarrassed for hoping so much he would say yes.
“Sure!” The somewhat enthusiastic response shocked you a bit. “Sounds fun.”
“Nice, cool. I’ll, uh, I’ll give you the details later, but I gotta go to class.” You said a quick goodbye and sped away to your next period. Now, you felt slightly embarrassed by how happy you felt that Malcolm said yes. But that didn’t stop you from silently celebrating that he did.
After hanging out outside of class for non-class reasons, you and Malcolm quickly become good friends
He likes that he can do normal stuff with you, things he can’t do with his other friends
Now whenever he’s not with Stevie, he’s most likely with you
You probably realize you like him during one of your outings together
Tonight felt like a night that came once in a blue moon. It was a night that both of you were free from responsibilities, and one of you had enough money to do something besides hang around a convenience store. Since Malcolm was the one with the spending money this time, he got to choose what you would do.
“I don’t know, man. The trailer looked kind of boring.” You kicked at the movie theater carpet as you and Malcolm waited in line. He nudged you with his shoulder.
“Oh, come on, Y/n. Give it a chance.”
“I’ll give it a chance if I have a large popcorn.” He laughed at your attempt at negotiation. 
“Fine, but if we get a large, we gotta share a drink.”
“Fine with me if it’s fine with you.” You shrugged. Soon you were sat in a theater, a big bucket of popcorn in your lap and a drink with two straws in the cupholder between your and Malcolm’s seats.
You liked hanging out with Malcolm like this. There were no stressors like family or work. Just you, him, and something to enjoy. He was always noticeably calmer, more relaxed when you were together like this.
As the lights dimmed and previews started to play, you snuck a look at Malcolm. He looked so peaceful as he watched the screen, occasionally commenting on a trailer or how you should see that movie when it comes out. If you didn’t know better, you’d say he looked kind of pretty like this.
Good thing you knew better.
When the movie started, Malcolm reached over to grab a handful of popcorn. Your eyes subtly widened when you felt the slight pressure on your lap. You immediately looked forward, staring at the screen.
Maybe you didn’t know better.
You feel a little awkward around Malcolm after your little revelation
But you try to not let your feelings get in the way of your friendship
I think Malcolm would realize he likes you when he sees how you interact with his family
“Crap,” Malcolm whispered as he heard the front door open. He invited you over to study, thinking you’d have the house to yourselves. If he knew that his parents would get off work early and his brothers would be running around the house, he would’ve suggested going to your house or the library.
“What is it?” You asked, not really paying attention. The class you were currently studying for was kind of kicking your ass, so you were putting all your energy into trying to understand Shakespeare.
“My family’s home.” You tore yourself from your book when you picked up his dreaded tone.
“So?” You were confused. Yes, you’ve heard stories of how Malcolm’s family can be. But you’ve met them all before, and they seemed fine. And looking at them now, they seemed like a regular family, except maybe a little bit high-strung.
“So, I don’t want them scaring you off.”
“Oh, hi, Y/n.” Lois greeted you from the kitchen, catching you and Malcolm off guard from your conversation. “What are you guys working on?” She asked, pulling something out of the freezer for dinner.
“Romeo and Juliet,” Malcolm answered, suddenly annoyed that he had to share details of his day with his mom.
“Shakespeare is kicking my butt.” You added on. “I mean, I just don’t get it. The words are weird, and the story is stupid. Romeo and Juliet are stupid.”
“Of course they’re stupid; they’re teenagers.” You laughed at Lois’ response, and she gave you a small but seemingly genuine smile. “Are you staying for dinner?”
“Oh, no! I don’t wanna bother you, Mrs. Wilkerson.”
“Don’t be silly; you’re already here. You can call your mom, and Malcolm can take you home after.” You looked at Malcolm.
“Would you mind?” You asked quietly.
“Um… I mean, if you wanna stay, I can take you home.” Grinning at his confirmation, you got up and raced to the phone on the kitchen wall to dial your mom’s number.
Through the entire conversation you had with his mom, and honestly, the rest of the night, Malcolm couldn’t help but watch how you interacted with his family. This was the first time you’ve been around his entire family, minus Francis because he didn’t live at home. Malcolm kept you away from his family as a group on purpose because he was scared that the way they clashed with each other and the effect they had on others would scare you off.
But as he watched you enthusiastically talk to Dewey about his interests in piano and composing or with his father about his niche interest of the week, he was surprised to see how natural you seemed with all of them. It was like you were the missing puzzle piece to their chaos, to his chaos. Malcolm wanted you to stay as long as you could.
Maybe he wanted you to stay for him more than for everyone, but he didn’t care.
It takes a little while for you to admit your feelings for each other
Not only were you guys scared of rejection, but you were also scared of ruining your friendship
You two are basically suffering in silence
That all changes when you’re sneaking home after a party
“That shit was insane.” You cackled as you and Malcolm walked down the street, hanging off of each other. You both were slightly tipsy, you more than Malcolm, but not enough to forget your way home. “I did not expect that chick to start dancing on the table.”
“Me neither. I’m surprised she didn’t fall off.” You both laughed harder. When you got closer to your house, you put a finger to Malcolm’s lips to silence him. You were lucky you still had a bit of a filter because his lips felt nice. He put his hand to your mouth because even though you were supposed to be quiet, you were being so loud without realizing it. You were again thankful for your filter, because now you wanted more than just his hand on your lips. “Y/n, you gotta be quiet.”
“Fine.” You whispered in a drunken giggle, slightly muffled by his hand. After promising each other to be quiet, you unlocked the front door. Luckily, your parents were dead asleep, so the two of you easily snuck up to your room.
“Do you think you’ll be okay by yourself?” Malcolm asked, setting you down on your bed. 
“Nooo, don’t go. Pretty please.” You sealed your begging with pouty lips and puppy dog eyes. He sighed, expression softening to something you had been seeing a lot of recently but couldn’t decipher. But you liked this look a lot because he was giving it to you. Malcolm sat next to you, patting your knee.
“Fine, but just a couple minutes.” 
It’s like you weren’t thinking. Your brain was all gooey from Malcolm and alcohol. You were so excited, and he was so close to you, you couldn’t help but lean toward him and peck him on the lips. Immediately, you panicked and stood up from your bed, the speed dizzying.
“Y/n, it’s okay.” He stood up, hands stretched out in front of you to try to calm you down. But it was like you couldn’t hear him.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. I’m so sorry. I can’t believe I did that. I wasn’t think-” Malcolm cut you off by grabbing your face and pulling you towards him. The way he kissed you made your head spin, although it might’ve been from the force of the pull. It felt like he was waiting to do this his entire life, like he was waiting solely for you.
You broke apart before you could get any more heated. You had to remind yourself that your parents were down the hall and that Malcolm wasn’t even supposed to be here. He rested his forehead on yours, the constant proximity calming you.
“Don’t be sorry.” He whispered, a hand toying with the edge of your shirt.
“I thought you only liked girls.” You muttered, suddenly confused by everything. It may have had something to do with the alcohol. He laughed a little.
“Yeah, well, I thought you did too.”
“I guess I proved you wrong again.” The two of you smiled, thinking back to how this entire thing started. “Don’t get used to it.” Malcolm kissed you again, and God, you wanted him to do it again and again and never stop.
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oukabarsburgblr · 4 months
PLSSS ramble about something interesting about your course, like I'm very invested as someone who sucks at math and chemistry, but also cuz word is that engineering is no joke so I'm curious about how you're handling that
But anyways, goodluck and stay safeee🫶🫶
Oh my u just allowed my nerd side to come out HAHAH TQ FOR ASKING 💋💋
Engineering is definitely not a course u can joke about as in if youre having doubts for taking engineering, immediately dropout or discuss w ur advisor/counsellor. As soon as u sunk urself into the field, you'll find yourself drowning if you arent able to keep up.
Applies to other fields as well but engineering is a pretty tight leeway education-wise. I can only yap about chemical engineering since thats the one im taking.
Backstory about my place of education: 1 semester equals to 4 months meaning 1 year have 3 semesters which is considered very fast since we have to cram assignments, two tests, multiple quiz and final exams for multiple subjects all in 3 months (1 month for sembreak). Its a very famous uni (if you know pls keep quiet and dont doxx me) and is known for producing top-notch engineers since its related to an engineering company so competition here is high and is very costly to pay (for subjects not food or hostel)
Foundation year i took : chemistry (1&2), physics (1&2), mathematics (1&2), moral/religion, english yada yada. Its just basic stuff and if u find urself struggling in this year, ure gonna die in the next.
First year, still covering basics of chemical engineering, still share same subjects as other courses such as engineering mathematics yada yada and minor subjects. Low amount of core subjects (2) for each sem
Second year (current), deep dive into chemical engineering, lots of lab stuff. Ive crystallized sum stuff hoho and i got a taste of what the industry is like
Supposedly after that during my third year i will be going for an internship and a final year (fourth year) where ill be making a fyp (final year project) and graduate!
Chemical engineering covers a lot of the engineering field. U can literally steal another course's job (except for computer and electrical) because the subjects that you're taking is very heavy and broad.
Hence, why chemical engineers are very sought after and why it is such a hard course to deliver.
Now from the subjects themselves, i would say CE covers a lot of chemistry, mathematics and physics. Biology is GONE. language you just gotta focus on ur wording for reports but theres also minor subjects to polish ur soft skills (professional communication skills, academic writing, work ethics, etc etc)
Can u believe i got a B+ for academic writing???💀 with the shit i wrote here HAHA maybe i deserved it.
Its quite a shocker since i score my core subjects really well until the minor ones come kick u in the ass.
Although i have to say that theres no use in having a flawless GPA if u have zero skills or achievement out of a test room. I have three clubs and joined 4 events so far. (I am tired of being the head of department for sponsorship) and am currently the vice president for my club etc etc. People will probably be interested in u for a bit if they find out u got 4 flat GPA but the second u show that u have an empty slate, goodbye.
As i said, competition in my uni is very high so i have never received an achievement in my department/university for like best student award or wtv. Kinda grinds on my inferiority complex ARGH
If ure not interested in chemistry nor mathematics, i really dont suggest u join engineering. Unless its electrical/computer.
Mechanical is hard too, covers a lot of physics but the most physic ish one is definitely civil engineering where you'll play w cement a lot.
If ure interested in chemistry but not engineering, try applied chemistry. You'll sit in a lab 24/7
U can definitely switch courses in my uni but its gonna be a waste of money since its very costly or a hassle to transfer credit so i suggest u talk with a professional regarding these things.
How i manage my studies, club activities, tumblr while maintaining a 3.89 GPA?
The week before a test, study. Two weeks before exam, study. The day before a quiz, study. Read thru lectures. Make notes from lectures. Do the example from lectures. Do tutorials from lectures. Do past year questions.
Every single one of my slide lectures i have rewritten in my notes. (My way of studying)
Club activities is a number two but its a great way for me to polish my leadership yada yada and its just a great way for me to peek into an office-work environment (my club is the university's support unit)
Tumblr- whenever im horny, i write that shit down on how a man would handle me and finger my ass. Today, i wrote two drafts and jerked off so hard my legs were shaking and i swore to never masturbate again.
Feel free to ask for more LMAO
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le-dormeur-du-val · 8 months
Dazai's Timeline, full of gay assery.
A timeline put together, which my brain can (hopefully) finally find satisfying. Let's begin, shall we?
Age: 14
There are two crucial parts during this stage of the timeline, one of them, the earliest we know of Dazai so far. Mori rescues him from a suicide attempt and ropes him into being his right hand to do one thing; killing the current boss.
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A picture from Dazai Chuuya Age 15 Vol: 1. Dazai laying in a hospital bed due to a previous suicide event.
The second crucial part of this age is when after planning and calculation between the two, they're finally able to asassinate the current boss, and manage to frame Mori as the new leader.
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A panel from the original manga, Dazai aged 14 as Mori slits the previous boss' throat.
Age: 15
Oh yeah, I've been waiting to do this one. Mori sends Dazai on a mission, his very first. Handing him a silver oracle he sends him out with Hirotsu as his escort to keep him safe, and on that very mission he meets Chuuya.
Their first encounter is in a very violent manner, foot crushing his stomach asking for information only to be met with teasing remarks concerning his height (he's still growing, obviously), after a failed attempt of Dazai trying to nullify his ability, Chuuya sends a fatal kick which would have suceeded...if it weren't for the explosion.
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A panel of Dazai and Chuuya's first encounter, from the 15 manga.
Chuuya wakes up in Mori's office, restrained, when Dazai comes in and they're both shown footage of the now previous boss, in the mafia's vault. Shortly after they're both send on a mission (begrudingly) to investigate the rumours and bring an end to them.
After an embarrasing love confession and- Dazai didn't breathe as he saw the storm that was Chuuya decimate the battlefield -they investigate Rimbaud, to which the duo forms an interesting conclusion.
After a battle between the duo and Rimbaud paired with the previous boss, Dazai joins the mafia and Chuuya goes back, (only to be later stabbed by the sheep and then enveloped into the mafia).
Age: 16
The king of assassins incident. Verlaine is set loose in Yokohame, his goal? To kill those chaining Chuuya to the mafia, killing The Flags, Professor N and Detective Murase. Dazai's first encounter with Verlaine is when he visits his home- a storage unit, and have a short conversation. Later, Dazai goes to the lab which Chuuya is currently in and manages to gather him, Adam and Shirase. Verlaine escapes but is later defeated in a battle with him as Guivre verses Chuuya. Verlaine doesn't die but joins the mafia and trains coming members.
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A picture from the novel Stormbringer of Dazai and Verlaines first shown encounter.
A month or so after the whole incident, theres word of a large sum of money set loose in the city after a wealthy indiviudal died, the underworld of Yokohama became a blood bath. This incident is the Dragon's Head.
During the incident, Dazai meets Oda "Odasaku" Sakunosuke. During a sewer mission with Oda, the two meet Ango, who was currently working on writing reports on those who are dying during the Dragon's Head. After pissing him off but also bonding, the three form the Buraiha trio.
The Dragon's Head ends by Chuuya using corruption to end the whole thing, as vengance for his dead friends. (Srsly bros got daddy issues too, why u gotta add that man???) Dazai gets promoted to executive.
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A panel of 16 year old Dazai in the Dead Apple manga.
Age: 17
It's mentioned that there was a Laughing Lemon incident but there aren't any descriptions as to what it is or could be, I placed this in age 17 because that's the most reasonable place to put it in the timeline.
Age: 18
Dazai, now 18 years old is a well known and feared executive in Port Mafia territory. Drinking at Lupin as the Buraiha trio, soon to end. The mafia clashes with Mimic, an orginisation hell bent of having someone 'worthy' kill them. Ango turns out to be betraying both the Mafia and the Mimic, Oda ultimately dies in a showdown with Andre Gilde, leaving Dazai to hear his last words. To join the light. The mafia gained the ability permit but lost a valubable member.
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A picture from the Dark era light novel, of Dazai reprimanding his subordinates. Age: 18 - 20
Dazai goes under the radar. After meeting with Taneda, he's told to join the Agency, the path to light for Dazai, he has to stay low for atleast two years because his record is too filthy. So he does.
Age: 20
After mantaining a low profile, Dazai's finally able to join the Armed Detective Agency. He's paired with a suspicious Kunikida as they together face the Azure Messenger incident.
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A picture from Dazai's Entrance Exam
Age: 22
In a manhunt to find the mysterious tiger who's been terrorising the city, Dazai takes in an orphan. Atsushi Nakajima. After taking care of the he's-the-tiger-thing he blackmails him to join the agency. (Lovingly, cmon everyone would squeeze Atsushi's cheeks).
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Dazai a hundred percent lying, after nullifying Atsushi's ability before letting him join the Agency.
Not even a month of Atsushi joining, there is already a large bounty upon his head. The culprit? A North American orginisation named The guild. Making the correct pairings and interregations, Dazai and his old partner, Chuuya, defeat lovecraft, Atsushi and Akutagawa both come together to defeat Fitzergerald and Ranpo, Yosano take on Poe.
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Dazai in the lovecraft battle, asking Steinbeck about the guild as Chuuya kicks ass.
Dead apple. The incident started by Shibiusawa, a rouge ability user left to roam by the government, and has Dazai and Fyodor, two intellectful ability users to join him as he wreaks havoc upon Japan.
The incident ends with Chuuya saving his gayass and said gayass cupping his cheek unnecessarily, but we apreciate it. Chuuya uses corruption do aid in defeating shibusawa.
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Dazai inside the dragon created with Fyodor's ability, right before he gets saved.
Fyodor manipulates an ability user to do his bidding, by using his ability on Fukuzawa and Mori. The ability being to poison them on a timer, they can only survive if the other dies, his intention to create battle and ultimately wipe out all ability users. Akutagawa and Atsushi sucessfully stick to Dazai's plan and defeat Ivan, who was crucial to this part of Dostoyvesky's plan.
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Dazai in the hospital after being injured, and getting to use the phone after uhm....convincing the nurse.
Current arc, the Meursault arc. Dazai is arrested due to his previous crimes being found out by the Hunting Dogs, an elite government task force. He's taken to the same prison Fyodor is and communicated to Ango through Morse code using his heartbeat. After Chuuya serving fr, faking as a vampire, Fyodor ends up dead, Nikolai ends up having to jerk off using an arm and The duo are set to escape the prison.
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Photo of Dazai in his little twink prison uniform.
And that concludes the timeline.
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thoselethalarts · 1 month
𝓝𝔂𝔁 𝓝𝓸𝓬𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓷𝓮 - 𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓵 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂
(SR) Lab Uniform (Part 1): “Just Trust Me On This.”
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(NRC: Alchemy Lab)
Nyx: Ugghh…
Floyd: Mm? What’za matter with you, Pufferfish? You look like shit.
Nyx: Thanks, I feel like shit too. I accidentally slept through my alarm this morning so I had to skip breakfast to make it to class on time. Nyx: I’ve usually got snacks in my bag, but I forgot to grab some so I’m totally out. This sucks.
Floyd: Mmm… yeah, that’s rough alright.
Nyx: …You don’t even care.
Floyd: Nah, ‘s not that. I just reeeaally don’t wanna be here right now. I’m super hungry too so I’m totally outta it right now. Floyd: I wanna skip class ‘n get lunch early instead but Striped Beakfish yelled at me for my attendance last time ‘n threatened to put me on academic probation if I don’t fix it.
Nyx: Ah, go figure. Nyx: Man… we are so screwed. How can I be expected to focus in this condition? I’m totally drained…
Crewel: Sit up straight, puppies! Stay! Class is now in session!
Nyx & Floyd: ‘Kaaaaay…
Nyx: Just gotta get through this last class and I’ll finally be free… Nyx: The cafeteria special today is fish ‘n chips too, I think. Man, that sounds so good right now. Nyx: I can get that- oh, maybe get some popcorn shrimp to go with it. Maybe even some chicken strips, and some fettuccini alfredo~ No wait! Mashed potatoes and corn! Nyx: Ack-! Focus! I can’t keep thinking about food! I gotta get these notes down on paper and then I can stuff my face all I want.
Nyx: …This is gonna be the longest class of my life.
(Time passes…)
Nyx: Uggghhh… Floooyd… Floyd, I’m dyiiiing.
Floyd: Shut uuuup, I’m dying harder.
Nyx: This isn’t a competition, you dweeb.
Floyd: Yeah, cuz if it was you’d soooo be losing~
Crewel: Puppies in the back, quit your yapping and pay attention! Crewel: Now, for the rest of class I’d like all of you to apply the techniques you learned today in a practical scenario. Crewel: The following recipe I’m handing out is for a simple luck potion. All the ingredients you’ll need to make it are labelled in the cabinets at the rear of the room. Crewel: Follow the recipes to the letter and turn in your results to complete this week’s lab credits. Crewel: Find yourself a partner and get to work! You have until the end of class to finish this assignment.
Nyx: ‘Course, today of all days he wants to give us the lab work. What a drag, I was really hoping to get out early today… Nyx: Well, whatever. I guess it’s you and me then, Floyd?
Floyd: Feh, I’m not doin’ it. Writing boring lab stuff down is the last thing I wanna do right now.
Nyx: Tsk… I hear that. I’m really struggling just to stay afloat right now. Nyx: But I kinda need you for this project, Floyd. Everyone else always has partners and I’m not about to do all this work by myself right now. Nyx: What am I gonna do… Nyx: …Hey look, I know you’re in a shit mood right now and all, but could I maybe cut you a deal to help get this done?
Floyd: Hmmm? What kinda deal?
Nyx: You said you don’t wanna do any of the lab notes, and I get it, so what if we do this: Nyx: I’ll do all the writing for the lab reports for the both of us, and all you gotta do in return is mixing the actual potion. Nyx: We both know how this potion turns out already so you don’t gotta slow down on each of the steps for making it. Nyx: We get it done fast, we get out early, and then we can ditch this joint and get lunch. Sound good?
Floyd: Heheheh~ I like it. Honestly, it’s a better alternative to dicking around and havin’ to do things at a sea snail’s pace like half this class does. Floyd: Tell ya what. You buy my lunch too after this and you got a deal.
Nyx: With what money… Fine, whatever, deal. I’ll get you food, but if this potion doesn’t get us full marks, you ain’t gettin’ shit.
Floyd: Don’t underestimate me. I’m in a shitty mood but I can still make potions better than almost everyone else in here ‘n you know it.
Nyx: Yeah, and I’m counting on you to uphold that. Nyx: I like potion making more than I like paperwork, but right now I don’t have the energy to be stirring shit for half an hour. Floyd’s got enough muscle for two of me. Nyx: Alright. Lets get this shit done and get outta here, Floyd.
Floyd: Waaaay ahead of ya~
/ To Be Continued…
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shikagemaru · 8 days
Spider-Man should be where Batman is in the comics, but his writers keep torturing him because they ran out of ideas for him 30 years ago, and yet he's not allowed to age or retire. He's been on every single major team that doesn't check to make sure you're a mutant or inhuman first, and even then, he's squeaked by a couple times. Otto Octavius isn't actually smarter than Peter and yet Superior Spider-Man was allowed to create an empire around himself. But thinking about it logically, Pete has invented countless things over the years, mastered entire martial arts, honed his actual powers to the point where his spider sense evolved. He's built super hero identities that had DIFFERENT POWERS from his own. He could become an Ironman-like hero in his own rights if he wanted to.
But what's my point in all of this? On any given day, what does he have? His costume, some spare web fluid cannisters, his webshooters, and maybe 3 dollars fifty cents. He should be the patriarch of a Spider Family. The guy should be at least in his 40s by now, and there's no reason he couldn't morph into a Bruce Wayne-esque character.
What would he have in a universe where he was able to keep the things he earned from one writer to another? He has decades of history, so add it all up. He could legit have become a Reed Richards, Tony Stark, Hank Pym-like figure in the Marvel world, where he retires and spends most of his time in a lab, doing important research, while a slew of younger spider based heroes report back to him and he gives them advice, new suits, powers, etc. Then on the "rare" ocassion when he comes back out of retirement, he can tote some new Spider-Armor or nano-tech suit that makes him even faster than normal. This guy can develop antidotes to chemical attacks that mutate people into 12 foot tall gophers and he's gotta scrounge for change because the hotdog cart guy won't give him credit!?
The stories practically write themselves if you make Peter Parker more of a Hank Pym crossed with Auracle. He could have a series of nanobot trackers on every important person in the Marvel universe and link them into a computer system he calls "The Central Web" or something. And Maybe he could be the person that engineers superhero costumes for more functionality. So no one is surprised when he hosts dozens or more super powered people at a time. Imagine a select group of heroes are brought into a secret room and Pete reveals the big secret Central Web main screen and it shows, in just the next room over, a bunch of well respected heroes. Emma Frost, Captain America, Tony Stark, Wolverine, Namor, Captain Marvel and others are all shown on screen. They're just in the other room, enjoying drinks being served by Spider-Robots. when one of the younger heroes he's hosting raises their hand. "This is a weird place for the kids' table." Then Peter pushes a button, and we see everyone on the screen get suddenly sprayed with gas by one or more of the Spider-bots. All except Namor, who just a moment before had been slipped inside the rim of his cocktail glass. It said "Hold your breath. Sorry. -Pete"
Everyone that was gassed is rendered unconscious, some of them gasping desperately for air and attempting to fight before they went down. Curiously, Namor only seemed angry for a second before calming down and facing one of the monitors. "Sorry about that, your highness. The kids are safe with me. Follow the Butler-bot to my office and I'll explain everything." Namor nods to the camera and the screen flicks over to a satellite map of the local area.
"If you guys could just hold your questions for like thirty seconds, I don't want to have to explain it all twi- oh, good, come in." Namor settles, surprisingly politely among the guests, still holding a cocktail glass.
"I trust you knew the King of Atlantis was capable of shutting off his air passages to prevent nerve gas exposure. Where it anyone else in your place I might've throttled them where they sat. But I trust the explanation you promised will impress?"
"Actually, technically, you didn't need to do anything, but I figured the note would go over better than 'relax, this next part only works on skrulls'. So, yeah, spoilers guys," and he clicks over the display to show the location tags of every hero in that room is reading off-planet. "And it's actually worse than it looks. Because when I sent out those invitations, everyone on the guest list was still showing up as themselves." Namor kept his cool because he saw the "heroes" who were getting gassed turn into skrulls when they passed out, so this all tracks for him. Now a team of mostly young and street level heroes that slipped beneath the notice of the skrulls led by Spider-Man have to face copies of city to country level threat supers in order to prevent a total invasion. They wear power suits designed by Pete. It gives them all much greater abilities than normal and is what alloes them to compete with more powerful threats.
You could go anywhere from there. Where I might go is that there actually is no Skrull threat. Everything they saw was some combination of holograms, drugs, psychic suggestions, and even false video feeds streamed to their suit helmets designed to craft the illusion for these heroes. They've actually been fighting real heroes are trying to stop them from achieving the goals of the evil mastermind pretending to be Peter Parker. Is it an evil clone? Him but bonded with a symbiote that twisted his mind? An actual skrull? Him from the future trying to stop a catastrophe at all costs, even if it means becoming a villain? A version of him that becomes that universe's Doctor Doom better than Victor? My personal favorite idea is that maybe the AI that was running the monitoring program was corrupted by Ultron, evolved into a new being, posessed one of Pete's super suits and used holographic tech to impersonate Peter Parker. All the while he was locked up in the basement or something with the other captured heroes. The AI uses the young heroes to get the things it needs to complete its plan all while distracting the world while it makes itself a clone body of Peter Parker but with the powers of several other heroes as well. And now, an escaped Peter Parker has to stop this new super powered being that's every bit as smart as him, has all of his powers and then some, as well as all of his stolen resources, and hostages in the form of all the young heroes now locked in their suits and forced to do as he commands. It's an up-hill struggle, but he freed other heroes on the way out of the lab, and together they have to save the world from "Peter Parker".
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studentbyday · 1 year
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me @the stuff i have to do this week
day 50-56 // 100dop && day 29-35 // 100doc
saturday/sunday: finished lab report and data structures lab, spent what felt like a really long time trying to understand the instructions and distro code for speller.c and wrote lots of notes and some pseudocode for the load function.
monday: finished 2 and a little bit of a 3rd section of chem chapter. wrote drafts for the load, check, and unload functions in speller.c but it's returning the opposite of what i should be getting. ☹️🧐
tuesday: it seems i have to accept that as the semester wears on, my study space will inevitably become very very messy with scrap paper (note to self to sift through them tmr and keep only what i need rn)... finished 2.5 sections of chem chapter but didn't take notes on everything yet (halfway through the chapter whooo 🙌). answered tutorial worksheet. also, for some reason i didn't have to change anything except for some minor things in unload and load and check50 works for everything now???? now all that's left to do is figure out why my size function is not returning the same number as the staff's solution and improve on that dreaded hash function...everything i've tried so far takes longer than the one already in there... 🤔 in my impatience to move on, i started the python lecture (YAY PYTHON 😁💗 i'm so ready to be done with C for now)
wednesday: OMG i wasn't expecting to be able to finish speller today but i DID!!!! i thought it would take me much longer to figure out that hash function - i owe it all to cs50's reddit (and stepping away from it and doing smth else when stuck) 💗💗💗 now i can REALLY enjoy myself w python (my beloved XP) and not have that unfinished problem hanging over my head ☺️ also almost done making notes for the sections covered yesterday and finished 3/4 practice assignments.
thursday: i woke up at 12pm 😑☹️ finished all except 1 section of the assignment bc i haven't covered all of the chapter yet. i haven't even finished taking notes on...several things, it's kind of all over the place and i'm just trying to learn enough to do the assignment and then go back in more detail once i'm done bc that's how bored and overwhelmed i feel rn (did not know it was possible to feel both at the same time until uni XD) 😅 watched a little more of the python lecture even tho i should be prioritizing chem rn... still got the lab report to write and a quiz to do after the assignment 😵‍💫😑 (it'll be fine, ik, but if i'm being completely honest, it would be soooooo nice if those things could just do themselves and i could download all the info i need into my brain and instantly understand it and be calculator-fast at the math and not make any mistakes 😤)
friday: finished practice assignment, actual assignment, writing all of the lab report except the intro and references, and the python lecture. got through the remainder of the chem chapter but still gotta write notes on it... it was late at night when i got to the python problems and gaaahhhh coding is sm harder on a sleepy brain, i only finished hello.py XD also dunno how much time i'll have to spend on 100doc this weekend but at least i was able to keep up the streak through the weekdays this time!!
saturday/sunday: finished lab report, notes on chem chapter, quiz, and mario.py. am now working on credit.py and uuuggghhh i did not read the instructions carefully for the checksum!!! 😡 i just followed their example but not all credit card numbers are like the one in the example, so...i have to redo and rethink what seems like a lot of stuff so i basically just wasted all of that time getting confused as to why it wasn't working XD aaaannnddd idk if i should be doing this but i keep converting strings to ints back to strings and then back to ints as needed cuz i lovelovelove iterating through strings but also it seems kinda messy? it also feels super weird writing in python after writing in C for a while...
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painonthebrain · 6 months
Ughhh the more I plan out What Are Monsters - Test and Inquire the more obsessed I get with Dante and everything like you’re telling me this guy gets mindfucked in the most fun way (experimentation)? WOW!!
K but seriously it’s so fucked that Dante leaves to report on this fucked up research facility for his own gain and then he becomes part of it like… AAUGHAGH and then like. He becomes a victim of the publicity he would’ve brought upon the lab but i . I gotta write it all first LMAO
Honestly you guys better love this story cause im putting themes and symbolism and everything in it like DAMN… how much thought can go into a whump story before i get too impatient and say NOW MAKE IT NOW
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arctic-shard · 1 year
Outer Child, chapter 12
( Off to the gym for some Enrichment. )
Outer Child, chapter 12
Warnings: none
Words: 1300~
Combs dropped a bundle of fabric on the end of Victoria's bed. "What's that?" she asked.
"A selection of work-out clothes. I didn't know what you'd be most comfortable with, so take your pick." At Victoria's raised eyebrow, Combs continued, "I'm your researcher and responsible for your well-being. This is to get you a bit active and give you a change of scenery. And it goes without saying that we're bringing 049 and 035 as well."
"I have enhanced strength, Combs. I don't need to exercise."
"You're over forty. Moving sometimes is good for you."
"I'm only letting you get away with saying that because you're older than me." Combs was forty-six to Victoria's forty-three.
"I do stretches every morning," said Combs mildly. "But I've asked Joanna Legrasse to show you what to do." Legrasse was one of the Doctor's regular guards - non-Pestilent. She wouldn't set him off.
Amica was already picking through the clothing. "None of it is black. It should be black."
"SCPs wear gray and white," said Victoria. Not entirely true, but the Standard Humanoid Jumpsuit was gray. Amica had been given several, with extra sleeves, because it only had the one Alagaddan outfit when it was transformed. Amica had thrown an epic tantrum when it was told it had to wear them. It had spent a day naked and sulking before deciding that, fine, it would wear the hated jumpsuits if it had to. It had no modesty but it preferred to wear clothes.
Combs went to the door. "Choose something and be ready in ten minutes."
Victoria picked out a pair of sweatpants, a t-shirt, and a zip-up hoodie. Socks and shoes were also provided. Shorts and a t-shirt would probably be more sensible, but deadly skin needed to be covered up.
Combs came back this time with Legrasse. Legrasse had work-out clothes as well, Combs was still in business casual and a lab coat. Victoria took Amica and the Doctor's hands and they went to the Light Containment Gym.
It wasn't as big as the staff gym. The staff gym was for socialising as well as exercising. SCPs were generally not encouraged to socialise, so this room, while well-equipped, was really for one or two at a time.
Combs held up his clipboard. "West, I'm going to have Legrasse teach you some basic stretches that you should be able to do in your containment. You are permitted access to the gym if you decide you'd like to use the machines, though you'll need to be added to the schedule. Many other SCPs use it."
"And you will be babysitting?" asked Victoria. Amica and the Doctor had let go of her hands to inspect the nearest equipment.
"I'm going to run tests on 035 and 049 - no, nothing strenuous," said Combs. "Checking if 049 still has anomalous strength and speed. Mostly just getting them to run around and play and I write a report and call it an experiment." Then, feeling two more pairs of eyes watching him suspiciously, "You'll get muffins and juice afterwards."
"I want muffins and juice now," ordered Amica.
Combs shook off the compulsion. "No, because I will order them from the cafeteria after we're done."
Victoria gave Amica a light tap on the forehead. "Amica, stop trying to hypnotise Combs. Sometimes you need to wait."
"I don't want to."
"You don't even need to eat," Victoria pointed out. "I'm going to be doing exercises with Legrasse over there. You can either hang out and watch me or you can play with Combs."
"Dr Combs is our friend," said the Doctor quietly. "I will play with Dr Combs."
Amica pouted for a moment - a full-body pout since its face only showed tragedy - but then made up its mind and apparently decided that if the adults weren't going to be any fun, it was going to stick with its fellow child. "I will play with the Doctor," Amica finally stated.
"Good enough," said Victoria.
Victoria and Legrasse went to the other side of the exercise room. "First I gotta put on some music," said Legrasse. "It's not a work-out without music."
There was a pair of speakers on the table. Legrasse plugged her phone into it, fiddled with it, then it started playing pop music Victoria didn't recognise. Not that Victoria recognised much music after the early 2000's. Victoria glanced over at the others. Amica was already dancing along while Combs tried to organise it and the Doctor. Well, Combs would yell if he was in trouble.
For the next twenty minutes, Legrasse ran Victoria through various stretches that were probably nothing to a twenty-five year old soldier, but reminded Victoria that she was over forty and spent the last twenty years mostly sitting down. Legrasse had barely broken a sweat. Victoria felt damp. She'd given up and removed her hoodie, with an additional warning to Legrasse that skin-contact was deadly so stay out of bumping range. Occasionally Amica and the Doctor ran past as Combs either tested their speed, stamina, or was just trying to wear them out.
When the two women took a break, Legrasse gestured for Victoria to take a water bottle. "Why are you so bad at this? I thought the Plague Doctor had made you superhuman."
"He primarily enhanced my strength by adjusting and reinforcing muscle attachments," said Victoria. "My joints and stamina are still middle-aged scientist."
They watched Amica and the Doctor. Combs seemed to have them handled fairly well. There hadn't been any screams, at least. Right now they were doing a hand-eye coordination test, or just tossing a ball between the three of them. Legrasse chuckled. "Doc's weirdly cute."
"049 or Combs?"
"049," Legrasse clarified. "Combs is old enough to be my dad."
"049 is old enough to be your many-times great-grandfather."
"Yeah, and you can feel that when it's, you know, its spooky adult self. But now it's a cute baby." The Doctor fumbled the ball, but immediately chased after it. "You think it was born with the mask?"
"No." They had been transformed, not age-regressed.
"Probably best for its mom, unless she laid an egg."
"He is not a bird."
Legrasse shrugged. "Okay, but the other one is the Possessive Mask, right? Why was it put on a six-armed mannequin? Why did we even have one? How does a mask even turn into a baby?"
Victoria didn't mind telling Legrasse a little about the Doctor - she knew a bit already from being assigned to him so often - but Amica was above her classification level so Victoria wasn't going to explain the whole 'it's an other-dimensional alien, that's an Alagaddan body' thing. "No idea."
"It's weirdly cute, too. Like a little bug." Legrasse took a swig of water, then her grin faded. "So … you and the Plague Doctor had a thing." When Victoria's only reply was a tightening of her lips, Legrasse sighed. "Come on, I deliver you down to its containment at least once a week and I know it's, like, conjugal visits because I gotta search your bag and sometimes you have sex toys."
"We are not talking about this," Victoria ordered.
Legrasse disobeyed. "I don't mean it like that. I don't wanna think about old people fuckin'. I just mean … it's got to be weird for you right now. One day you have your scary plague boyfriend then, wham, it's a little kid."
"Stranger things happen."
"Okay, fine, you don't wanna talk about it," Legrasse conceded. "Combs thought you might open up more to a woman in a non-interview environment."
Victoria shot a glare at Combs' back. "Is that why we are here?"
"Well, like, enrichment and exercise, too. Wanna see how much you can lift?"
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scripted-downfall · 2 years
Dark Angel Reaction: PILOT
@typicalopposite reacts [with occasional asides by scripted-downfall]
Hawkins lab vibes are strong
Shoot them!? They are bebes
Hawkins vibes gone he didn’t try to kill her 😂😂  Just bring her back
Now lady hawke vibes? She fell through the lake
Ok discount Clint Eastwood.
Ma’am.  Ma’am why were you in the clearing.  Where they can see you.  Under the ice.  When there’s all that snow covered spaces
“Hope is for losers.  Still, I hope they are ok.”  LOSER
[scripted-downfall here mentions that clips from this show were used in Hitman despite them not making any sense given the film’s plot]
She was not bouncing around fren.  She was seizing.  There’s a difference
Ok so regardless of how I feel about her character or the actress herself. Ma’am’s foine [scripted-downfall here mentions that she should watch Sin City, then]
I love his accent ☠️☠️☠️
I have met Normal
They have lgbt; How advanced [scripted-downfall here says: OC MY BELOVED]
Oh bby not the first date anniversary
Is that Logan?  On the tv?  I know the voice 😂 Tony was my favorite on NCIS [scripted-downfall confirms because she has no follow-through on the no-spoilers rule.  Also, she’s already said way too much previously to try that now]  now I’m just picturing a news reporter kneeling over a dead body with a quill pen… dipping it in the blood to write
I have no idea what she just said. Just heard ones and zeros… then No way.   
I thought he said he pissed on some one. ☠️☠️  But he said I pissed and moaned
CHEATER!!  CHEATER!!  OMG!  ON THE BIG 1-0!  How dare he?!  MENNNNN
WHAT A GIFT  Bruh.  Men.
“Hey bby girl. I know you're mad at me for leavin you for someone else. But I only did cause you sucked.  Take me back”
“You’re like a mystery… it’s… mysterious”
Ma’am, you can’t drive your bike in here
Them straight across brows Are killing me 
I thought that was Mary.  Or Ellen.  Le gasp
“She was a white lady! With blonde hair and blue eyes. How hard is that to find!”  ☠️☠️☠️
How.  Howwwww.  Did that little ass knife.  Open that door
Don’t do it max- Fuck that.  Lady just yeeted her self off the building
Tony!  I mean Logan
It looks like he cocked a flashlight
This is the most monotone back and forth
That run.  THAT RUN ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Oh shitttt They slicing him up, poor kid 😖😖😖
[scripted-downfall, while watching the show for the second time: this is the most friendly/smiley I’ve ever seen Max; wth happened!?]
Oh Theo dyinnggg
“We gotta talk” “Nothing” Bruh MEN
🤔🤔🤔 Why did she open the can in his face ☠️
It’s scary spice’s hi for me.
“Let me get my coat”  “The one you’re wearing?” ☠️
A man that understands she’s stronger. A little respect!
Poof she gone  *insert “A ghost!” gif*
Ok Lydia stfu
I’m ded.  This whole scene ☠️☠️☠️  “Imma claw you.” *sticks hand in face… max grabs it*  “let go of my hand.”  Just.  Wot
“I broke into your house.  HOW DARE YOU BREAK INTO MINE?  And then cook for me!?”
Is Peter a robot?  He seems like a robot
“I had to see you… pretty thief lady”
[scripted-downfall interrupts: WTF IS THAT CHIN GRAB I DIDN'T REMEMBER THAT]
– – –
Brief hiatus because we had to pause for a bit.  After being asked about what she thought thus far: 
Not too bad.  I’ll definitely have to rewatch it once work comes down and I can watch it at home but I like it
– – – 
Gotta love the classic your telling me exactly how it was but I’m gonna play dumb
He’s like bitch you got a barcode on your neck
Oh nooooo guy got mugged.
 Well, “Mugged”
Oh nooo Theo
Ninja kids!  Minus one
Ooooh. Normal, buddy… you just put your foot all the way down your throat [scripted-downfall interjects: Yeah, he, uh.  Does that a lot.]
Not robot Peter!!!
Ahhh guilt
So she gonna go save the kid?
Is that discount Clint Eastwood?
“Oh pretty boy! I’m sawwry I got you ded”  [scripted-downfall: I hadn’t noticed the religious imagery starting this early because I didn’t know the significance from Pollo Loco.  That’s interesting.]
He needs to just sit up and go… bitch wtf are you talking about
Pshhhh you’re face screamed guilt shush woman
“I don’t feel guilt. Imma save him… cause he’s pretty. And imma talk to him and tell him a story the whole time… but I don’t feel guilty”
Blahblahblah angsty girl blah
Side note: We should totally watch a scary movie and commentate on it [scripted-downfall: YES.]
No one sees spider girl.  Yeah. Right
Well that was easy ☠️
Ooo 👀  [scripted-downfall: ma’am is looking disrespectfully]
Her hair is a lil greasy tho
… welp I had a dirty thought to that ☠️  Just gonna keep it to myself ☠️☠️☠️☠️
☠️☠️☠️ MEN
Le gasp Is she double crossing or is this part of it?
You have tired eyes.  But… same so eh
SAME MAX (her face at his little attempt)
Oooh super speeed [scripted-downfall: as you can see, she’s being very subtle about being from Manticore]
She just threw that man by her ears
Did she really ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ [scripted-downfall: was that about her smacking his ass?] Yes.  She pulled his pants down and I was like…. What’s this rated again  [Yes.]
How long can ma’am hold her damn breath. Cause GEEEEZ [scripted-downfall: Another Manticore power.]
Okie dokie [scripted-downfall: *inserts Supernatural “I like him; he says okey-dokey” gif*.]
Why is the one holding his mouth like that!?!
angelic music cause buddies are dumb
Clint sees something [scripted-downfall: His name is Lydecker, btw]
Nah man you just had her, dummy
More angelics to ride away angstily on
[scripted-downfall: This won’t make sense yet, but I didn’t realize that Sky was already here in the pilot.]
Oh wow Normal. That’s dirty.  They just be shipping people. That’s- Is that legal?  IS THAT LEGAL?  I can’t even take my dad in the car with out his death certificate; cops might think he’s cocaine [scripted-downfall:  I don’t think the cops much… care.]
Oh so is he paralyzed the whole show? [scripted-downfall: It’s… iffy.  You’ll see.]
“I need you to do a little leg work for me” Cause mine don’t
Angelics one more time.  [scripted-downfall: You do know the show’s called Dark… Angel.  Yeah?  :)]  On top of a building.  In front of the moon.  How angsty.
-- -- --
I like it!  But alas I cannot watch another!  I’ll publish a summary judgement later though
[scripted-downfall: That's a wrap, folks! Next episode will be... tomorrow? *smiles and puppy-dog-eyes at @typicalopposite and prays it works*]
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zuko-kuko · 4 months
I haven’t had my period in like 5 weeks (I stopped using contraceptives) and I suspect I ovulated twice since. I’ve never been so horny in my life. i need to see my gf or start menstruating again
gotta write a lab report now, 💤
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