#now i get to rest and relax and post fanfiction… 😌
themeganator5000 · 2 years
Right In The Kisser
just another silly, goofy scene with the kids bein’ kids. y’know, palling around, being buddies. smooching.
just friend stuff 😘
(Luca leaning over Giulia, threatening to kiss her)
G: I’ll punch you, I’ll do it!
Luca grins devilishly and gives Giulia a kiss on the cheek.
Giulia gags and wipes at her face.
G: GROSS!! Cooties! Ew, ew, ew, ew!!!
Alberto is laughing on the other side of Luca. He is laying with one arm propping his head up on the bed.
A: I can’t believe you’re turning down a kiss from Luca Paguro. Do have any idea how good of a kisser he is?
Giulia blows a raspberry at him.
L: Oh, I’ll get you, too…
Luca turns on his side and semi-crawls closer to Alberto. Alberto’s eyes are half-lidded and he’s biting the edge of his mouth with a pointed canine.
A: I hope you do…
Luca leans forward and Alberto closes his eyes and purses his lips. Luca then roughly takes his face in his hands and turns his head to give him a kiss on the cheek, just as quick and forceful as he did with Giulia.
Alberto’s eyes snap open and he frowns.
A: What? Rude. Cheek kisses don’t count.
Luca laughs.
L: Well, that’s what I’m giving out today. You’ll have to wait until tomorrow for more.
A: More cheek kisses?
L: Maybe…
Luca tilts his head down and looks at him with hooded eyes.
L: …Maybe not.
Giulia groans and kicks Luca in the side.
G: Uughhh! That’s enough, you two!
L: Ow! ‘Betooo, she’s being mean!
Luca wraps his arms around Alberto’s torso and hides his face in his chest. Alberto comfortingly rubs his back and shoots Giulia an obviously fake glare.
A: Giulia, how dare you! You know how sensitive he is.
G: Ughhh…
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