#now he's just a lil adorable dragon who just wanna have fun
darkdragon768 · 10 months
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Hey, it's me!
(was about time that I do a ref for my fursona)
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takaraphoenix · 1 year
Favorite Intrepid Heroes Characters:
Now that I have finished watching all of the Dimension 20 campaigns (currently running one notwithstanding, obviously), I want to talk about my favorite characters played by the Intrepid Heroes!
Emily Axford:
Okay, listen, Emily is a very talented player who knows how to make a character work, but this was the easiest call for me. I am in love with Unsleeping City's Sofia Bicicleta Lee, she is one of my favorite PCs overall.
The badass martial arts wife of the ultimate wife guy, whose best friend is a talking rat. Plus, she looks like Fran Drescher and I mean, c'mon, I'm just a lesbian born in the early 90s. How could I not.
I'm afraid I don't have a 'close' second for Emily, because all her characters are great and close together, but Sofia shoots out for me.
Lou Wilson:
It's kind of funny how Lou and Emily are inherently linked for me in this, because until I watched ACoFaF, I thought I'd be putting Unsleeping City's Kingston Brown down here.
However, absolutely everything A Court of Fey and Flowers' Squak Airavis has going on is so utterly impeccable. He is such a queer mess, it's amazing. (And it's linked to Emily, because something very important about him is his dynamic with his dear cousin Chirp.)
Zac Oyama:
I'm glad that ACoFaF made me pick Squak for Lou, because otherwise, this would feel like just a list of Unsleeping City characters, because for Zac, it's so very clearly and definitely Ricky Matsui.
The ultimate himbo. The courageous firefighter with his good boy puppy. Absolute wife guy even though he takes too damn long to figure that getting-married-part out. I love Ricky so, so, so much.
Though, second place shout-out to Colin Provolone from Ravening War, that lil cheese knight was so much fun to enjoy and he had so much tension, it was incredible.
Brian Murphy:
My favorite Fantasy High PC - Riz 'The Ball' Gukgak, hands down. That wanna be detective boy is too precious, plus, as an ace I was so, so, so hyped and excited about the rep in him.
Second place shout-out, once more, to Unsleeping City and... surprisingly, to Cody Walsh. I love Kugrash a whole lot, but there was something utterly hilarious to Cody.
Siobhan Thompson:
Hers was my favorite character on A Starstruck Odyssey - I love Riva. They were also such a refreshing flavor for Siobhan, honestly? They were utterly precious and adorable and sweet.
Second place... okay, look, it's Unsleeping City again, yeah. But out of the two characters she played, I actually loved Iga Lisowski more. The Polish mom who guards the dragon. Amazing character pitch, honestly.
Ally Beardsley:
Actually genuinely the hardest choice because Ally is amazing at creating characters. But as a lesbian with a certain type, I am obliged to say A Starstruck Odyssey's Margaret Encino. A hot lady with a purpose and a load of money. When they started calling her Mommy? Oh boy fans self. It was also so much fun to see a character who didn't really do combat but actually got so much done with business calls. Competence is sexy, y'all.
Second place goes to Lars Vandenchomp from Mice and Murder though. Love me a loyal himbo and they were such a good puppy? Amazing.
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artinandwritin · 2 years
Okay okay okay I wanna hear all about that next gen thing bc that is crazy dude how did that even happen omg
OH YES alright! This is gonna be another full-on Mona-rants-moment so strap in bestie!
I don’t know exactly when I started thinking about a HTTYD next gen, but it must’ve been somewhere around 2014, after I had watched both movies almost right after each other. Gotta confess, before watching HTTYD1 on a vacation to Germany as a little 10-almost-11-year-old, I thought it was a horror movie. Oops. I thought the same about Shrek, but now I unapologetically adore both of them.
So as little kids, me and my twin brother (let the record state, he’s younger than me. By four minutes. It’s a real thing) were absolutely obsessed with HTTYD. So much, that we would roleplay as dragons and – wheeze – HiccStrid’s potential twin kids. Oh, yeah, we were deep into it. We were so deep. We played out adventures and pretended to fly on our pretend dragons, whom we named Fly Fly and Toe Toe and they were, you are allowed to laugh, the kids of Toothless and a Whispering Death. My brother’s favorite dragons were the Whispering Deaths, and we were great at biology. Nope.
After that whole shabang, we went to middle/high school, my brother grew past his Dragons-phase, I stayed right where I was cuz ofc I did, and after meeting some new friends who were just as much into HTTYD as I was (one of them was the friend who gave my the nickname Mona and helped me with Of Thrones and Heirs!), we kinda created a new next gen based of what we thought was cool lmao. I couldn’t find a lot of information on that on my laptop, since most of it was handwritten or only spoken to each other – and tbh, I’m not really feeling up to checking my chats about it with one of those friends cuz I’m not friends with them anymore. But that’s okay, we have a lot more information for what came next!
I developed the next gen a bit on my own, I remember, still with some influences from the friends I had created the last version with. And for this one I still got a lot of details, so let me grab them for ya.
In this next gen, HiccStrid had five kids. Yeah, they be being busy. Zephyr and Nuffink got added a bit later, after I had seen THW, before that they only had the oc children I created as a lil 14-year-old. They had, in order, Zephyr Stormfly (20 y.o.), Nuffink Toothless (18 y.o.), Alischa Valka (14 y.o., aka, the main character), Stoick Finn (13 y.o.) and Lunette Ansfrid (3 y.o.). Oh yeah, that’s a mouthful.
Next to HiccStrid, back then I also shipped Heather and Fishlegs. Not sure if I still do now, but back then they had the following kids; Helen Windshear (19 y.o., she was Zephyr’s best friend), Fay Heather (16 y.o.), Veena Astrid (16 y.o., she and her twin sister were created by my friend I think), Beril/Hugo Oswald (13 y.o., not sure which of the two names. All I know is that he was Stoick’s bestie).
To the more… complicated part, young me put some drama into this next gen by making a divorce plot. So what I thought was cool (and because I didn’t really like Snotlout back then. Very stupid, he’s the kingest of kings), was the idea that Snotlout and Ruffnut had a son right after THW after a one-night-stand (Thorvald Hookfang, 21 y.o., all I know is that he had a huge crush on Zephyr). After that, they tried to make things work, but they didn’t, and they did a divorce thing. After that, Ruff went with Eret and had twins, Audun Eret (19 y.o., he’s the guy I wrote down as the Gustav of the next gen lmao) and Hialti Ruffnut (19 y.o., I don’t think she had a very good life). Meanwhile, Snotlout had a daughter with Minden, Ylva (13 y.o., she had a crush on Stoick).
Tuffnut had two kids with some chick, Annika Macey (19 y.o., she and Nuffink were in love or something) and Kjell Lloyd (19 y.o., I don’t know shit about him).
For the rest, I only had kids for Dagur and Mala cuz oh yeah they were a thing. Don’t think I really shipped them, but they were fun to include. Their kids were Ingrid Heather (16 y.o., I literally don’t know anything about her), Oswald Dagur (5 y.o.) and Siri Mala (3 y.o., the first Siri! I don’t know anything about her).
So that was that next gen. Alischa was the main character, she later got a whole fledged out story involving Grimmel’s grandkid, Arcum (who she got a crush on ofc, I basically redid the whole “enemies to lovers” thing I loved doing in Of Thrones and Heirs), while trying to prove herself to her overprotective dad Hiccup, finding the Hidden World and the Night Lights in the process. She bonded with Toothless’ daughter, Safire, which would’ve been pretty cute.
That whole thing was pushed aside in favor of Siri in December 2019, unfortunately. While I did try to recreate the next gen several times (I am still figuring out what the actual fuck I wanna do with ships in the original cast and who would have kids and who wouldn’t. All I know is HiccStrid has Zephyr and Nuffink cuz that’s canon and Tuffnut is aroace and the cool uncle. For the rest… man, I don’t know. I love FishLout, I love RuffLegs, I love the idea of Minden and Snotlout, I wanna see Snotlout with a daughter, etc etc. I just don’t know anything lmao), things never really stuck, as I was in the height of creating Siri’s story, and in addition, Niv’s story. Now I primarily wanna think about the next gen cuz I wanna give gussiri’s kids some friends pff
Like, at some point I tried to change up the entire next gen; I paired up Tuffnut and Heather (some weird idea from the friend I’m no longer friends with. I don’t know why), they had four whole kids (Dagny, Kyll, and Lloyd, who were triplets born in 1018, and Oswald Loki Chicken Sverd, yes, who was born in 1028). It was a weird move. I also cut down on Dagur and Mala’s kids, giving them only a daughter, named Hedvig, born in 1022. Zephyr (1018) and Nuffink (1021) still existed, but they no longer had any siblings. Lloyd and Zephyr were in love and it was very cute, and Hedvig and Nuffink had a thing going on.
Next to that, I removed the whole thing with Snotlout, Ruff, Eret and Minden, now Snotlout and Minden only had twins (Vidar and Ylva, born in 1021, Vidar wanted to become a wingmaiden). Eret and Ruff had a son named Sol (1023), which is very weird now, considering one of my best friends is named Sol lmao. Fishlegs had a son from a one-night-stand (Kjott, 1019), and the only reason for that is because the friend I’m no longer friends with didn’t like Fishlegs for his “disgusting” relationship with Meatlug. Glad I’m finally allowing to love this precious boy instead of being forced to go along with their opinions.
At this point, Sunniva and Helene didn’t exist as GusSiri kids, rather being replaced by a daughter named Funnet (1025) and a son named Agnarr (1028, Aggie and Oswald had a cute thing together). Niv did exist! I created him and he never changed, he’s just too much of a baby boy for that.
So yeah, that’s how it all shifted and turned over the years! I hope I can point my vision on trying to point down some good characters to be- WAIT A FUCKING SECOND
Okay so turns out this is from 2021 and luckily for all of us it’s short and to the point so let’s get cracking. HiccStrid only had Zephyr Valka (1018) and Nuffink Stoick (1021), Snotlout had Vidar and Ylva (both 1019, idk who their other parent is), Dagur and Mala had Hedvig (1017), Ruffnut and Fishlegs had Reider Fishlegs (1018), Saga Meatlug (1023), Amund Tuffnut (1025), and Steinar Barf (1028). For the rest, nothing, and honestly, better, I don’t really wanna keep track of so many kids lmao. I’m not a daycare (read: has created a new oc last week)
Anyways, I think that’s all for now! Thank you so much for being so appreciated, I really appreciate it bestie <333 you’re amazing!!
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zhongrin · 1 year
Yes. Imagine it like that. Cuz this is what I am about to do 😌💞
Rin slay for teasing Zhongli with the Moray confession 🧘❤️ and I am glad he has that treasure hoard, would be a shame if both of you would've lost these things :(
And heh I just thought of how Zhongli would speak - it's so difficult for me to write for him, I can't speak like he does ifbdkssbhsjsjs but I do it nonetheless to send Zhongli drabbles to my wonderful Zhongli lovers mutuals <3
And yes I can understand why it's hard for both of ya to see ya are in 💥✨ LOVE ✨💥 (istfg if ya won't see it - I'll make ya see it.)
help I can imagine one scene which happens always when the both of us are there
"The view is beautiful."
"Yes.. the stars are shining bright tonight."
".. I meant you, my angel."
"Baizhu, is this the revenge for me saying exactly the same to you yesterday?"
".. Kind of, but it is also the truth."
".." *becoming a blushing mess*
And next day it's swapped 🧘
If I have to, I would carry Baizhu up; but I thought about him summoning tendrils with his vision to pull the both of us up to the mountain *smart brain*
"momentarily forgetting about everything else and just basking in your presence <3" RIN DIDHDJOSBSJSKKS THATS SO CUTE OFMGFNDJSJK
And Changsheng would. Yes. I can also see her receiving some food from Herbalist Gui then, and as Baizhu and me look confused, she says
"Herbalist Gui bet that you won't do it today. I bet that you will do it." (She is so sassy omfg)
AND I ABSOLUTELY ADORE QIQI OFMGMGMFM I would totally braid her hair, remind her of things (basically being her notebook LMAO), go herb picking with her, help her, carry her around if she wants, do stretch exercises with her and EVERYTHING;; SHE HAS MY WHOLE HEART. SHE IS SUCH A CUTIE. 🤸❤️❤️
Next question; what was the first impression from Zhongli and Alhaitham of you? 💞
vi i am so sorry i know the moray is a lil typo but now all i can think is moray eel zhongli helpjflsjdlsjdls eel.. dragons... what's the difference right- 10/10 would still keep him in an aquarium
zhongli's a hoarder, for sure. if i don't control his hoarding tendencies at home i swear he would fill all the empty surfaces with various lil things..
i get you hshdjshdjdh it's both fun and hard writing for him hahahah al haitham is even worse, i will never be able to emulate canon al haitham's speaking pattern orz i really picked the two hardest characters whose speech patterns are the hardest to write as my faves huh lmao
it's the case of 'you have been with me for so long i just can't see you not being in it and oh shit do i love you that way but but but i don't want to risk it yk what this is fine-' 🤦🏻‍♀️
dw you will never pressure me to ship you with a character bc i will wholeheartedly always support it 100% like literally you can tell me tomorrow "hey so i don't like baizhu anymore and i wanna marry zhongli" and i'd be like YES FRIEND YOU MARRY THAT FINE ASS MAN WHEN IS THE WEDDING AND AM I INVITED 👍🏻
crying feral noises sTToooopPP THATS SO HSHDJSJDJSJDJD
truly the epitome of work smarter nor harder. i should tell zhongli to move the soil like a travelator the next time we're strolling around liyue's plains.
changsheng is like the eldest daughter of you two who's your no 1 supporter but also is so very tired of witnessing your romancing saga /j
qiqi is truly the cutest granddaughter material fr??? whenever she does the windy animation i just. i want to scoop her into my arms and carry her around ueueue
me rn: *presses vi's doll to baizhu's doll* NOW KISS
first impression you ask??? hmmmmm.
with zhongli, it's not that special at first because well, i'm just a normal mortal hooman who just so happens to be one of his friend's follower hehe
with al haitham, he probably thought i was a nuisance lol i imagine it's something like "who is this kid and why is she in grandma's house. i'm just trying to read this storybook in peace." bc we first met when my grandma came over for tea. he was pleasantly surprised to see me not bother him and take up a book to read instead tho.
hbu??? i'd imagine baizhu had the scare of his life seeing someone almost fall over right in front of him hskdjskd
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cowboymirio · 4 years
They Want To Get A Pet - Headcanons
Summary: Your S/O wants a pet and adorable antics ensue~ 
Characters: Hizashi Yamada, Taishiro Toyomitsu, Aizawa Shouta, Eijiro Kirishima, Tenya Iida, Hanta Sero, Takami Keigo
Contains: Gender neutral reader, lotsa fluff, Reader has arachnophobia in Sero’s part! Crackheadery in Aizawa’s part
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Hizashi Yamada - Cockatoo
📣 You guys totally didn’t plan on getting a cockatoo, or any pet for that matter. Y’all just moved into your new place for christ’s sake! 
📣 But after a visit to a lil exotic pet store downtown, your plans changed. And now you’re stuck with a bird with the intelligence of a toddler
📣 According to Yama, the bird just ‘called to him’ and by that, he means the bird literally screamed at him
📣 They’ve got the most bougie cage ever like MTV cribs hit them up. 
📣But he doesn’t spend too much time in there as you guys let him roam around the house all day until it’s time for bed or if you leave for a while
📣 If they’re not attached to Yama’s shoulder, you often find them waddling around the house, picking things up off of the floor and throwing them, and squawking at you when they want attention
📣 Sounds like someone else you know huh…
📣 Yama and the bird dance together so much omg. They do the lil head bobs together, he’ll blast some music for them and they go to town he even chirps along to the lyrics omg-
📣 He doesn’t even have to teach them words, they just pick them up on their own… and then never stop saying them… ever 
📣 ‘YEAHHHHH’ then from the other side of your home you hear another ‘YEAAHHHHH’
📣 Make it stop
📣 You taught them cuss words for the shits and giggles though
📣 Yama finds it funny too though because he’s got that 8-year-old sense of humor… you all do to be honest 
📣 But when the bird chooses to sit on your shoulder you bet your ass Yamada’s gonna fawn over the two of you for the next hour :’) 
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Taishiro Toyomitsu - Pyrenean Mastiff
🍢 Really wants a pet 
🍢 But also really scared of crushing them so…
🍢 You guys settle for a big ‘ol Pyrenean mastiff!
🍢 And when I say they’re big they are big like… I mean knock you over if you’re not careful big
🍢 They’re literally perfect for each other
🍢 They’re both massive units, insanely adorable, and they for sure share the same appetite
🍢 Speaking of food, he makes sure he’s feeding them the best of the best foods even if that means y’all are making it yourselves
🍢 Not as afraid to roughhouse with them as he thought he’d be
🍢 Lots of fetching, frisbee throwing, ‘wrestling’ even?? They’re so rowdy and for what? My heart, that’s what <3 
🍢 The dog definitely sleeps on top of him I don’t make the rules
🍢 Mf just hops on up, curls up and they’re ready to go like--- Is that- is that not y’know,,, HEAVY?? 
🍢 I mean,,, you sleep on top of him too so I honestly don’t think Tai cares too much
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Aizawa Shota - Cat
💤 You guys already know…
💤 If he were to get any kind of pet it’d be a cat.
💤 They’re chill, independent, and sometimes want attention. Just how he likes it.
💤 Well… that’s how he thought that things should be but-
💤 BOY was he wrong
💤 After living together for quite a while, stalking animal shelter websites for the perfect cat, and finding the right one, you bring them home!
💤 When you met them at the shelter, they were a sweet lil baby with an aloof attitude that you both fell in love with
💤 But when you brought them home… They became an absolute crackhead.
💤 Forget having ANYTHING on the tables or countertops. It’s on the floor now thanks to them. Fuck your water glass, fuck those papers you were helping Aizawa grade, they’re gone! Shredded! Positively destroyed :)
💤 Forget having free hands, they’re literally attached to his side and won’t stop rubbing against his hands while he’s grading papers and such
💤 If you’re not watching his little dude/ette will try and eat food WHILE YOU’RE COOKING oh my fuckingf god
💤 Heaven forbid this dude tries to leave the room. They’ll ‘cry’ until he comes back.
💤 ‘Go to your other parent, they’ll give you attention.’ ‘mEEEOWWW’ ‘Oh my god fine come here.’
💤 Honestly though he really appreciates when they’re down to sleep. Their purrs and their cuddles are very appreciated
💤 And literally just imagine seeing them curled up on his chest while they sleep on the couch ;; im so somft
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Eijiro Kirishima - Bearded Dragon
🏮 This man wants to get THE manliest pet of all,,, a bearded dragon
🏮 He probably saw one on a movie or something and immediately came to you like
🏮 ‘Okay but we neeeeed one just look at their lil beards!! And their tongues!!!’
🏮 You tell him to put it off for a bit, do some research, and see if he still wants one later
🏮 Homeboy is DEDICATED so he puts in the time and ofc he still wants one after the fact
🏮 After a good amount of time, he comes back with a books worth of reasons as to why you guys should get one and you’re honestly shocked
🏮 You just can’t say no to those eyes </33 so you oblige and go out and get one from an owner who’s surrendering it (Because we don’t support chain pet stores in this household)
🏮 You guys can’t pick a name for them so for the longest time they’re just called ‘the lizard’ or ‘little fella’ or whatever else you guys come up with
🏮 Anyways- he’s infatuated with them it’s so funny. He spends all of his freetime watching them get used to their new habitat like,,,, all of it. It’s 1am and he’s just watching it hang out and you’re like ‘Kiri if you love it so much then why don’t you sleep with it’ (not in that way ya nasty)
🏮 Next thing you know he hops out of bed, brings them back and puts them between your pillows.
🏮 Lil homie’s just vibin there.
🏮 You’re done tbh but if Kiri’s happy then you’re happy <33
🏮 Absolutely lets it sit on his shoulders when he’s walking around the house
🏮 He has a leash for them and he takes them out during the warmer months
🏮 Dedicates a good portion of his day to clean out their habitat when need be
🏮 Their relationship is just so cute you can’t help but melt every time you see them together
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Tenya Iida - Tropical Fish
🌟 After a particularly rough finals season, you figure that Iida needs to have some sort of hobby that can help him chill out, but also has some sort of brainwork in there because that’s your boyfriend for ya
🌟 You suggest getting some fish!
🌟 He rly said ‘I’ll think about it’ then proceeded to do a shit ton of research on it because he literally does that every time you express interest in something. King behavior!!
🌟 You guys settle on getting a few tropical fish and a super nice fish tank for ‘em
🌟 He lets you name all of them and of course you have to name one ‘Iida junior’ like how could you not-
🌟 But seriously though he finds it so endearing and sweet ;;
🌟 You can’t tell me he doesn’t buy all of the nicest shit he can for their tank too.
🌟 Fresh aquatic plants, huge rocks for them to swim through, a nice ass heater, the WORKS
🌟 He’s gotta treat yall’s babies right like what did you expect
🌟 Constantly checking their water to see if it’s alright for them
🌟 He’s usually the one to feed them so whenever he comes up to the tank, they all crowd up by the top like doggies when their owner comes home omg
🌟 He finds the noises from the tank to be really good background noise when he’s reading or studying
🌟 Iida’s honestly glad that you suggested to get fish ‘cause taking care of them is such a relaxing hobby and lord knows he needs some of those
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Hanta Sero - Rose Haired Tarantula
🧵 So he wants a Rose Hair Tarantula...
🧵 ‘Absolutely not’ - You, 2021 (sorry if you actually like spiders lol, if a singular person wants hcs where y’all both like spiders please @ me)
🧵 Lots and lots of begging and promises
🧵 ‘You won’t even have to clean the cage, I’ll do it!!’ ‘We can keep them in the spare room’ ‘c’mooon pretty please???’
🧵 He had to bust out the puppy eyes for you to say yes
🧵 And with that, you’re now the proud parents of a demon rose hair tarantula!
🧵 ‘We can keep them in the spare room’ your ass. He lets it climb all over him while he’s walking around the house!!
🧵 Not you actively avoiding him when you see them coming down towards you
🧵 ‘But I wanna kiss!!’ ‘Kiss your tarantula smh’
🧵 After he realizes he’s not gonna get any with his lil buddy (yes, that’s what he calls them) he tries his best to help you familiarize with em
🧵 I’m sorry but he’s trying so hard not to laugh as you freak out when they crawl up your arm
🧵 He takes things more seriously after that though. He’ll give you lil words of encouragement, back pats and such
🧵 He’s so happy that you become… tolerable after a while of you guys just hangin’ out that you can’t help but feel proud too.
🧵 You still can’t stand spiders though.  
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Keigo Tamaki - Bunnies
🐤 Just like Aizawa, he wants something that’s quiet and can be independent since his schedule is a bit busy but he still wants to have a lil buddy to love on
🐤 You’re actually the one to bring up the idea to get a bunny, it’s part of a long list of ideas you had come up with, but for whatever reason, the bunny idea just stuck with him
🐤 You two hop (im a comedic genius hi <33) on over to the nearest rescue you can find, and browse through the enclosures looking for the perfect bunny for you guys 
🐤 Ok so like- here’s the thing,,,
🐤 You totally didn’t plan on getting two bunnies… But you guys found a pair that were literally inseparable and y’all had to have them
🐤 He’s already calling them ‘Our children’ straight off the bat like- y’all JUST got home and he’s already giving you baby fever UGH
🐤 He bunny-proofs the FUCK out of the house so they can roam freely ‘cause he didn’t just get these babies to stick them in a cage smh
🐤 Will lay on the floor and just watch them romp around cus he finds it relaxing and funny 
🐤 Also please get on the floor and watch them with him. Prime cuddling hours
🐤 They burrow under his wings… I repeat- THEY BURROW UNDER HIS WINGS
🐤 They WILL flop together don’t @ me 
🐤 They (and by they I mean all three of them)  flop on you when they want attention can I jst--- *cries*
🐤 Have fun trying to get up, this is your life now. 
🐤 But are you really complaining? You shouldn’t be smh 
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ayuki-ikuya · 3 years
Fellow Piers simp with a trainersona here and a separate oc with Rai: ✨Go for it homie✨ Go absolutely ape! Tell us about her
so I've tried doing research about Johto before writing about her since I have little information about Johto.
Johto is based off from Japan (it's more eastern qualities) while Kanto was a more westernized Japan (if you watched Geisha, it shows the transition from Japan transitioning to more western style after the war.)
So the name Katsumi was given. I believe her name meaning is "eternal beauty" but I'm not sure.
If I were to describe Katsumi, she'd be a Ninetales or a Fox. She has this air about her that draws her in, it's soothing even. But as she battles, she's more two faced than she seems, being more mocking and maybe even animalistic than her kinder self.
She does restrain herself from her more dark side, because a common rule as a maiko and geisha, is to always look and be pretty to capture the attention of others.
Katsumi is based off from the Kimono Girls in Johto, the Kimono girls are actually Maiko's as they tie their obi's sash long while normal is tucked in or tied short (same with a Geisha's) however, in Pokemon, they don't wear heavy makeup that way they can battle appropriately while still maintaining looks.
Since I'm basing Katsumi from Maiko's, she learns various arts, from dance to music to cooking. And of course, even when away from Johto, she still practices dancing (she prefers dancing over music) which has caught several pokemons attention in the past.
Her Johto team consists of:
And Chansey.
Her Galar team will be:
Gyrados (from her Johto team)
Eevee (who will evolve into Umbreon)
Deino (who evolves into zwelious then Hydregion)
Munchlax (evolves into Snorlax)
Kirlia (evolves into Gardevior)
And Puncham (evolves into Pangoro)
I won't disclose when she catches them (which will be in the story I'm writting) nor their abilities and move sets. I can tell you that Katsumi favors Dark Types.
Katsumi makes her first appearance in the Gym Battle Opening Ceremony! Her exotic looks catching many of the people's attention.
Having to fight the Yell team since they were blocking Budew Inn, she does her first official Pokemon Battle in Galar with her Gyrados who swept them away with Twister!
Katsumi calls out her pokemon rather eloquently. Like, "Let's dance amongst the water, Gyrados", Katsumi is a lover of drama and theatrics, so she likes to put on a show which is apart of her two faced-ness.
If I were to place Katsumi as a Game Character, she'd be an Easter Egg and a very Hidden Boss. The main Characters wouldn't be able to fight her unless level 100 as the final boss is also level 100, meaning she's far more challenging than she looks in the beginning.
You'd be able to fight her in the tournaments after becoming a Galar Champion (beating Leon) but because she makes rare appearances, it's hard to fight her. If Leon and Katsumi ever get matched up, it usually ends in either Katsumi winning or a draw depending on ALL of your Pokémon level. (All 100 = Katsumi winning)
Her relationships would mostly be the children of the house she moved to as a tenant (which is in the same place for the Opening Ceremony hence why she hasn't caught any other pokemon in Galar yet)
Katsumi prefers pokemon over people. People means maintaining herself to appear appropriately and having to be more polite than she wants to do to etiquette. While with pokemon, she can bond with them more easily through being herself (her more rougher side).
As for her league cards, she has two special league cards which is dependent on which version you're playing.
Sword version is her more wild side, showing her face during her battles (more on Leon or Raihan's battle since her face shows more during their fight)
Sword version notes: seeing the ever so gentle Johto girl being fierce to rival Raihan is an odd sight, but pleasant to finally see a crack in her ever so pretty mask.
Shield version gets her more softer side, showing her dancing in a field without knowing about the picture.
Shield version notes: A picture that was taken in secret, you can see how gentle she is with how she stands, the pokemon around her watching her still form. How can someone be this elegant?
Her normal League Card is just the standard card but she angles herself towards the left (our left mind you) with her head angled towards the camera with a serene smile.
As for her relationship with Raihan and Piers, Raihan was intrigued by her, knowing the Dragon Type master in Johto, and seeing her appear on Pokegram every once in awhile (until she got Kirlia) sends a shiver down his spine since he can sorta get a feeling that she's hiding more than she seems.
Piers never met her, but has heard of her from Team Yell and Marnie when they met up in Spikemuth. When Katsumi appeared herself, he nearly choked seeing a "Pretty lil' dainty thing in this dump". his words, not mine. But because Piers oh so happens to be a dark type gym leader, Katsumi had immediately grew attached to him which shocked a lot of people.
Katsumi, the goddess from eastern lands, paired with THE Piers? The shock was an understatement.
Piers did appreciate her adoration to dark type pokemon though. And her need to be on the same level as him in battle as it was the Johto way to be fair.
If we wanna dive into the romance interests then:
Raihan is absolutely clingy to Katsumi and always wants to fight her. It's his way showing how devoted he is to her by challenging her to fights often after training and resting. And he hopes Katsumi would notice. If we went into a more NSFW style, Raihan is the epitome of clinginess. Because he's so tall compared to Katsumi, he'd use his jacket and put it over her, forcing her to either poke her head out to see or to try and escape which ends up him wrapping his arms around her. And when he does capture her, Raihan would drag her to a more secluded area and start marking her neck with bites and hickies. If he gets REALLY worked up (specially after a battle against Katsumi) he'd take his coat off, wrap it around her, tie the sleeves and then sling her onto his shoulder and with his long ass legs, he'd be heading to his apartment.
For Piers, he's not really affectionate or seen as affectionate, but he would often be near Katsumi whenever they were both free. Whenever he is affectionate he'd wrap an arm or two around Katsumi and bring her closer to him. For NSFW, Piers would be slightly clingy, but not as bad as Raihan since Piers is busy with being an artist (music artist btw) and training Marnie to be a gym leader. But whenever they're together, Piers would be resting his head on Katsumi's shoulder or head depending on their sitting position. Anytime Katsumi gets a call or goes to escape somewhere, Piers would grab a hold of her chin and kiss her rather passionately, which would leave Katsumi breathless since Piers literally has a long tongue, and he uses it. If Katsumi is still out of it (or continues to try to escape), Piers would take her to his place or to the campsite.
Katsumi has long black hair which reaches to her lower back, having four beauty marks total on her face, two right below her right eye (our left), one below her left eye (our right) and one at the right corner of her lips (our left).
(I think of drawing as a mirror, if you draw a character's face you have to think about the blemishes placement. If their back is to you, then it's both of your rights and lefts while facing each other is their left is your right and their right is your left. Sorry if it's confusing.)
She has black eyes (whenever in an intense battle, her eyes darken with no highlight making her appear soulless but it just means her facade is cracking) and thick eyelashes, her lips are painted red on her bottom lip while the corners of her eyes are touched with a rouge since she is a Maiko Trainer.
(I made up that Kimono Girls are Maiko Trainers, meaning they wear less makeup and have a battle/formal kimono, a traveling kimono and sleep wear. Normal Maiko's wears the standard makeup and wears more formal kimono's. Maiko trainers require to wear a sort of eye shadow at the corner of their eyes in replacement for the lack of white makeup on their face, it is to signal other Maiko's what status they are. If they wear red/rogue eye shadow, then they are an advance/master maiko trainer. If blue, then they are an intermediate. If pink then they are a beginner. Maiko trainers also have to wear certain color palettes to signal what stage they are which often correlates to their eye shadow. Since Maiko's in general wear lighter colors, they wear pastels or just a light shade.)
Katsumi wears a light pink kimono that fades to a light red at the ends of her kimono. Her obi sash being a deeper red while her obiage is white. Her nagajuban is red as per tradition, her pocchuri buckle is silver flowers, while her okobo shoes still maintains the red straps and still contains bells in them.
Fun fact about Maiko's, Maiko's are usually 16-20 years old mainly because Maiko's would choose to marry around that age, while Geisha's would have to retire or runaway (depending on time period) to marry. Geisha's aren't allowed to have a spouse, the most they can have close to a spouse is an escort.
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sophiexteresa · 4 years
Thomas Sanders Instagram Q&A Transcript
From @thatsthat24’s Instagram story, 25/8/2020. Questions in bold. Text added to the story in (parenthesis/brackets), and descriptive info in *italics*. I tried uploading the video(s) too, but Tumblr is having issues, so here’s the transcript only! 
Thomas: I had some time this evening so I figured, hey, why not? Another lil’ Q an’ A, so if you want to ask a question *posh French voice* be my guest!
When approximately will the next sanders sides be out? Very good question! Uh, we are aiming this for a late September release, that’s what we’re all working towards.
Favourite musical you have been in or just favourite musical in general? This is really tough, I can’t decide. I’m between Rent where I was in the ensemble, Peter Pan where I played Slightly Soiled, which was just one of the lost boyos — boyos? Boys — and, uh, Into The Woods where I played Cinderella’s prince and that’s where Roman’s first costume came from.
Are you ever gonna due your hair purple again? I loved it! Yes! I miss the purple hair too.
Do you love me? *laughing* Yes of course! I do love me.
What would each of the sides’ reaction be to seeing the Grand Canyon? *speaking very quickly* Roman would be revelling that we made the journey, Patton would be marvelling at the memories being made, Logan would be telling you to look at these fascinating signs for important information, Virgil would be telling you to ‘get back from those cliffs!’, Janus would be telling you to take pictures to make it look like you’re next to the cliff, ‘for clout’, and Remus would be like *Remus voice* ‘you could push somebody and get away with it’.
Also when will we get more Picani, I miss him? You and me both, Bri, and honestly with the amount of amazing cartoons that have come out recently *sighs while smiling* yeah, I am a-hankering (?) to get back to Emile!
How have you been doing, like really? Mental health is important as you teach us: I feel like everybody’s kinda struggling with mental health right now, especially people in the USA with COVID. Uhm *clears throat* for me I continuously struggle with the balance between work and leisure time, um, social media makes that difficult, blurs the lines, and I’m working on it.
Do you have any tattoos? Umm, I don’t, uh, I struggle with the permanence of tattoos. And like do I, can I, make a decision that I like? But! There are tattoos that I might like. Where I’d put them, I have no idea, umm, but I think like, maybe like, little stars!
What rank of “Gay” are you? Big gay? What rank? *speechless pause* uh... General. You know? I wanna do my duty. Come back a hero. An all-American Queero *gets an idea* *roughly quoting Hamilton* Queer comes the General!
Can you please make Logan day something Patton would say? *Logan’s voice* Something Patton would say? Umm... please, I request more baked goods from the kitchen so that I can fill Thomas’s body with more trans-fats at 3 am. I don’t know, I don’t like this game.
Have you ever dated a girl? *awkward silence* I have. It was pretty uneventful.
Do you miss your friends? *laughs* Oh... *face crumples as if he’s about to cry*
What are you voice acting in or are you now allowed to say? Not until tomorrow.
When did you know you were gay? I think I answered this one on the last Q&A, but it was early. I was like, 9 or 10 at least.
When will we see Gavin? Gavin has started school! He’s back in his hometown, so I don’t know when I’m gonna see him. He’s still getting taller — I can actually include a picture of him that his mom sent me after he got a new little hairdo *insert photo of an awesome Gavin here*
Do you miss vine? For like, sentimental reasons, yes. Uh, I mean, technically it had its issues and I don’t miss being restricted to 6 seconds anymore *laughs*
What has been your favourite part of the day? My favourite part of today was actually... I came up with this last minute short video, and I got it done and I sent it to some friends and they really liked it. I have to save it until Thursday thought, but it’s just nice to come up with stuff that makes your friends laugh.
Janus acting like Remus? *Remus’ voice* Remus here! Looks like the Dukey just dropped in! *Remus’ laugh* *Takes a breath and snaps into Janus’ character* I spend a lot of time with him so I’ve had a lot of practise.
Why do I feel like we’re gonna have another angsty Virgil moment? When is Virgil not being angsty...?
Please can you say trans rights? Uh, heck yah trans rights! I, uh, this one was very simple but I wanted to say it!
Do you think Virgil would be into anime? Actually, if you remember from, uh, Accepting Anxiety, uh, part 2, there’s actually a Death Note poster in his room, so he definitely likes some anime.
Hi! Can you say hola to the Hispanic fanders in el vecindario fander? Please? We love you! Oh my gosh, *a very naturally american pronunciation* hola! that’s very kind of you guys. I appreciate all of the support you guys give, and I love all of you guys. 
STORYTIME! I love you: *upbeat voice* Storytime! I love you back.
How gay are you? Like, 15 gay! I rank General! 
How did you end up meeting and babysitting Gavin? Gavin is actually Leo’s nephew, so he would come up here, uh, during the holidays or during the summer, and alternate being baby-sat between me and Leo’s mom - his grandma.
What was the inspo for Janus’ outfit? Ooh, that’s a really good question, uh... Joan had a vision in their mind for almost kind of like this early 20th century or late 19th century kinda Jack the Ripper vibe.
Any advice for gaybies to fit in with society? Don’t apologise for being yourself. If people have an issue, that’s their issue that they have to work through. Do not apologise for being yourself. 
What type of gay are you? (Math gay, plant gay, caffine gay, etc): Wait, there’s such thing as a math gay? I am absolutely that, and I feel like I’m just gonna be naming traits about myself but I’m a trivia gay, a driving gay, apparently a math gay, a Disney gay *laughs* and a theatre gay.
Not a question but I’m glad to be alive at the same time as someone as great as you: Dude, this stuff is really sweet. *laughs* That’s really sweet, umm, trust me, I feel the same way about all of you. Honestly.
Why don’t you own a doggo yet? I... went to Petsmart today - I didn’t get an animal, but like... I’m thinking about it and this question is like... hmmm...
I’ve run out of cartoons to watch, any recommendations? Owl house! Owl house, owl house. I just tried it, and I immediately got hooked. Infinity train’s also a really good one, duck tales is amazing, and I’m getting ready to start Tangled: the animated series, so *shrugs*.
What is Patton’s opinion on rats? *adorable Patton voice, slowly zooming in on his face* They are tiny little squishy precious babies!!!
How do I ask people for their pronouns? I don’t know, I mean, I don’t think it’s like a big deal? I hope we could get to the point where we could just be like ‘what are your pronouns?’ and then they would tell you, and then you’d just, you know, carry on the rest of your conversation. 
A circle has no bounds and it’s the same with your beauty: This is really precious, and it of course came from Nash (?) who is a poet, he published a lot of wonderful, wonderful poems on twitter, they are are amazing, and you are once again far too sweet, Nash. 
Dream role? This is a pretty broad question, so maybe dream theatrical role would be Sweeny Todd, dream movie role would be anything in the marvel universe, uh, really just give me anything in any voice acting role, *smiling mischievously* egg rolls are also really good.
Can Remus please say ‘I am the sand guardian, guardian of the sand’? *Remus voice* I am the sand guardian, guardian of the sand! (love that vine)
Are there still plans for the Roman series? *nods* Oh, yeah, yeah, it was definitely hindered by COVID, uh, as was this Sanders Asides episode that’s coming up, which is why it’s taking longer in the editing stage, it is our, uh... strategy, for circumventing the obstacle, and we hope you like it.
Are we still getting an August playlist? Uh, heck yah you are! But honestly, actually, if you guys have any suggestions I should include in the playlist, lemme know! I’d be happy to get some suggestions - but yes. You will be definitely getting one.
May I please see your feet? *confused, slightly disgusted expression* *begins to move the camera away from his face* *holds up a tape measure, extended to 1 foot long* *grins*
Any shows on Netflix to recommend? Umbrella Academy is really good, Dragon Prince, uh, She-Ra, of course, umm The Hollow (?) is really cool, there’s a documentary about video games called High Score, that was really fun.
Roman, who would you say the gayest side is? *Roman’s voice* Oh, we’re all equally gay, okay? *chuckles* it’s a sexuality, not a personality trait. *takes a breath and speaks quickly* I’m just kidding it’s *sings* meeeeee!
If you were not a YouTuber, what would you see yourself doing and why? Uh, maybe putting my chemical engineering degree to some use. *laughs awkwardly* Uh, I went to school for 5 years for that one.
Like you literally make me so flipping happy: I’m glad! I don’t know what I’m doing to do that, but the feeling is absolutely mutual. 
Can we have Virgil saying “Falsehood”? *hair already over one eye, in Virgil’s voice* Uh, c’mon, okay, sure. *very quietly and unenthusiastically* falsehood. Is that good? Is that? I don’t know, I don’t wanna steal his bit.
Which Sanders Side do you feel you embody most? Ah, I would probably say it’s either Patton or Roman because Patton can be definitely me, all the time, just really enthusiastic about things and finding things cute, but Roman... Roman’s sensitivity, oh. That’s me. 
What was the first job you had? I actually worked as a page in a library! A- pages basically just kinda like, shelve books, check books out; it’s one of the chillest jobs I’ve ever had, one of my favourites, and my dad always had a lovely dad joke for it: ‘you’re working as a page, when do you get promoted to a book?’
How tall are you? I usually say 5ft 10, but I think I’m trying to be a little more realistic with myself. And I’m probably 5ft 9 and a half. *zooms in on his face, staring into the camera* I’m holding onto that half a foot for all dear life. 
DROP THE SKIN ROUTINE PLEASE! This is very sweet, uh, I, *laughs nervously*, uh, I use Curology? They’re very nice. Umm, just... different kinds of lotion, I guess. (I suppose I should write down what I do lol)
Can we get a FALSEHOOD? *is standing* *clears throat* *points upwards from his eyeline* FALSEHOOD! 
Do you have a boyfriend if not are you planning on dating soon? I do not, uh, dating is kinda difficult right now midst COVID, you know, kinda tough... love... in the time of Corona... umm, but, you know, option’s open.
When was your first kiss? I’m sure I’ve answered this somewhere, it was in high school, I might have been 15 or 16. It was with a girl. *Shakes head* And all I can remember is hitting teeth. A lot.
Can we get a super super vague hint about the new Asides episode?  Alright, I’m getting ready to end the Q&A, so this, you know, if you’ve made it so far you deserve this super vague answer, umm... it includes a side that was not in the last episode. (This isn’t much, I apologise lol)
Thomas: And that is it for this evening! Thank you so much, you guys, for watching. I know some of you are still over in Europe watching and it’s like 4 in the morning, and I need to go to bed so thank you all so much for your questions - I gotta do this more often ‘cause I really enjoy it. Love you guys, gals, and non-binary pals. Peace out!
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neshabeingchildish · 4 years
League of Extraordinary Geniuses || Chapter 2
Not gonna lie, this chapter is dialogue heavy and a little rushed. Something was going on with my device where I couldn’t quite get the formatting correct and I grew impatient because this is currently the only thing I’m getting feedback on from people other than Lil’ Dynamite and so I wanted to push it out anyway, regardless of errors. I’ll probably go back and change those later. Patience isn’t my ministry. So, whatever. Thanks. Enjoy and sorry. All the platitudes you require, I give. Tagging @kiddangers @just-a-j-reallly and @sunbeameyes (Please lemme know if you wanna be taken off while you do all the stuff you’ve got going on). TW: for alcohol drinking. Idk. Sometimes, that bothers people, even if nobody’s drunk or abusing it.
I Didn’t Say Overthrow the Government
Charlotte gave the twins hugs and kisses before sending them off with their caregiver. It was just something about having access to these children that she couldn’t see them as experiments or projects, even if that was in essence what they were. And the caregiver would definitely have to shapeshift into her at times in order to calm them down, because they were extremely attached to their “mother.” 
Charlotte had a work program for bionics and supers that didn’t want to be heroes. She felt like it was unfair to presume or worse, force people into positions where they had to risk themselves for the rest of the world. She knew that her previous boss had that type of childhood and he never grew up past that of a superpowered 8 year old, then he simply continued to repeat that cycle by inducting underage sidekicks and even opening a school to keep that process going. 
She knew that Chase might have wanted to be something else had he not been raised and forced to be a protector. He mentioned, in passing, as though it was completely ridiculous, that when he was younger, he wanted to be an astronaut/lawyer. He laughed at his expense, until Charlotte wondered, “Why didn’t you do it?” He stared at her as though the question was ludicrous, so she had to tack on, “I have the credentials to be quite a few things that some might laugh at, and you definitely are more than qualified to be an astronaut lawyer, if that’s what you want.” He gave a little chuckle and moved on with the subject.
That was actually the thing that compelled her towards a new project. She loved new projects, because even though it kept her busy, it opened up her brain for new opportunities to touch the world in an impactful way. She went live on her page the next day and asked supers and bionics, “If you could do ANYTHING ELSE in the world, right now, what would it be? I know that some of you have certain abilities that have made it to where you have focused in on using that gift to help the world, but… What if you had the means and the opportunity to do something else? What would you do?” She read all of the comments and in the same conversation made a decision, “You know what… I feel very moved by a lot of these testimonies. So, this is what I’m going to do…” She created an email address and shared it with the viewers and posted it to her website, “I am going to have everyone who is interested in transitioning from an imposed future that revolves around your ability to a career or even just a hobby that you would love to get into to email me so that I can try to figure out how to make a some of these things happen.”
The number of “I STAN!” comments she received were nothing in comparison to the amount of mail that she got. She had a guy named Bob that she heard went to the academy on Bionic Island who had super strength, but was very gentle and hated having to fight. That was exactly the type of person she was trying to seek out. She had Chase introduce her to this guy… he was sweet, but by God, he was not bright. Sort of reminded her of her best friend, Jasper, in that regard. And it hit her! Jasper! “Hey, Jasp… I’ve got this bionic guy named Bob. He doesn’t want to have to be out on missions. He doesn’t like fighting. He’s very nice, but not that smart and he really doesn’t have a lot of skills beyond mission training and superstrength.”
“We ABSOLUTELY could use someone with super strength around here. I can teach him some maintenance stuff to help out around the lair and the shelter while he finds himself and figures out what he wants to do. Henry’s been enrolling in adult classes at the Vision Institute. Bob could maybe do that?” Jasper said.
“Yes, I’m definitely getting him in touch with an advisor, but I was more like checking to see if you had an empty room to put the guy up in and also if you could maybe mentor him a little along the way, since you have a lot in common?” Charlotte said. Jasper gave her ideas that she was already in the process of setting up, but a support system would be a huge part in these transitions. A lot of people who went to the Vision Institute went for the reason it was created - to figure out exactly what they wanted to do with their life now that their brains were fully formed and they were adults who realized that they had spent all of their lives going in directions that they were pulled in, instead of where their minds led them.
NOW, she had to try to get a more nuanced system in place for those bionics and supers who suffered the same existential crisis, but with the added pressure that they HAD to do whatever direction they were pulled in because, “the world depended on them.” Know who else the world depended on? Caretakers and caregivers, and Charlotte found a perfect shape shifting one who just wanted to be able to look after kids and stuff. She was bionic, so she definitely had been trained and conditioned to fight and protect, but now she was able to play with a couple of adorable babies who turned into adorable puppies AND, she would be able to help them hone their shifting, whenever they were ready for it! Charlotte loved that for her. She loved that Bob might be able to live out his dreams. She loved that she put things in motion to help people be happier and more successful and safe. 
The twins were gone to the cottage, which was where they generally stayed, since the castle was fairly new and Charlotte wasn’t even there a lot of the time. With having the guys there, it would be easier anyway. 
She came back inside to Max coming from his guest quarters and almost immediately asking, “Do bionics have twin powers?” She froze and folded her arms, thinking. She didn’t know and he didn’t either, so they both rushed to her desk to work on figuring out if they could figure that out.
Chase surfaced later, and found the two of them walking around one in one of Charlotte's famous theory rooms, which was a room with the walls covered in notes and models hanging from the ceiling, and spots where it was clear that experiments were done. It was sort of like if a lab didn’t have everything that was needed to do the work, but had everything that was needed to get to the work. Chase had seen the one that she had in her Dystopia home and the one in the Defender Dome, but this one was bigger, but less used. She and Max went to hover above a model with little figures of people and the scene of what looked like Centium City. “Good afternoon. I made a late start. I think that something is wrong with the guest capsule,” Chase said.
“Do you feel rested and like you’ve had the best sleep ever?” Charlotte wondered.
“As a matter of fact, yes!” 
“Then, how could there be something wrong with it?” She asked, rhetorically, not turning her attention away from the model.
Max asked, “Hey, Bionic Boy, do bionic twins have the ability to tap into twin powers?”
Charlotte gasped and said, “I didn’t even THINK about just asking Chase, and we went through that whole thing earlier only to come out as inconclusive.”
“What are twin powers?” Chase asked. Now, Charlotte and Max looked up from the current tangent/theories that they were mulling through to stare at Chase. He smiled awkwardly. “You know what, I’ll just look it up,” he said and touched his finger to the side of his face. “Okay… um.. No, I don’t think so. It would most likely have to be programmed into the coding for their chips. Kind of like my override, but like… something mutual that becomes something else.”
“The mystery kinda dies with that, doesn’t it?” Max asked Charlotte, disappointed. “Well, at any rate… Definitely gonna work on twin powers for the Swagger Twins,’ Max said, into his phone, recording.
Charlotte added in a smol voice, “They is good boys and they deserve!” Max looked at her, absolutely smitten and smiled. 
Chase watched with some judgment. He knew that Charlotte frequently switched up for who she needed to be, whenever she needed to be it. The Charlotte that she was with her best friends, the professional in a business meeting, the one that had to deal with Mr. Davenport, and so on. This one was new to him, and if he didn’t know any better… he’d say that this one was into Max. There was obviously some type of inside joke there with the strange voice and the grammatically incorrect phrasing, but the smile that Max gave her made him… irritable. “Are we doing some work today? Anything that I can latch on to?”
“Oh! Yes… We were actually just having a discussion about roleplaying, chess, and boardgames,” Charlotte counted off on her fingers. “We’ve been determining - out of the bionics worlds and the supers worlds, which heroes would be which characters or pieces.”
“We keep on switching and changing between chess and DND, because neither of us is making a list. Making a list might cut into the creative juices and this is all for fun…” Max added on. Chase knew all about chess and Dungeons and Dragons, though that was because Mr. Davenport had casually mentioned it one day and of course, it only took him a few moments to research and memorize it all, but he still hadn’t had the chance to ever play it. Charlotte and Max were talking about this current train of thought, until Chase projected a hologram for them, with a chess board and a diagram that he was creating in progress, split screen with the chess board as he explained, and went through all of the bionic people he knew from the database, where they would be on a chess board and why. 
He blinked it away when he was done and offered, “I’m not as hip to DND, but I have some ideas…” 
“Um, no… Let’s discuss whatever that set up was!” Max said, practically cheering. “You can do cool shit like that, and you… just don’t? You could be fanboy famous with that gift!” Chase blushed a little and Charlotte smiled at this and at Max’s enthusiasm for that display. “You honestly should take that online.”
“But, it doesn’t fit the Chase Davenport brand that Mr. Davenport approved,” Chase said, coming closer into the room.
“Who is Mr. Davenport?” Max asked, looking between the two of them, then gasped and asked, “Wait, is that what you call your Dad? Uncle? Dude?” Max started laughing and shook his head, “You’re ONLY supposed to do that when you’re a corny dude at a fancy meeting and you say the cliche phrase, “Mr. Davenport is my father.” 
“Well… that’s what we call him,” Chase said, annoyed, again. Max backed off and went back to their current mind game…
There was definitely still tension, and Max and Chase were being cordial, but it was clear that they still weren’t sold on one another, so Charlotte decided that maybe after a good day of mental stimulation, a few small experiments, a nice meal and some fine drinks, she could talk to them about the future. 
So, after all of that, they retired to the lounge, and she poured wine, lit candles and played easy listening music overlayed on nature sounds. Chase smiled, comfortably and announced, “This is a very satisfying lounge.” Honestly, she was setting it more for him than for Max, so that was good feedback for her.
“I was thinking about something,” she said and picked up her wine glass. “I was thinking about a couple of years ago whenever I started trying to open doors for people who didn’t want to be reduced to their bionics or superpowers. People who just wanted to be people and enjoy their lives whether or not they could fly or breathe underwater… I couldn’t help but to think about it today and the fact that neither of you ever really said anything about wanting to do something else besides be heroes.”
Max narrowed his eyes suspiciously and took a drink of wine. “Gross. I’m raiding your liquor cabinet,” he said, put down his wine and telekinetically collected a few bottles of brown liquor and three shot glasses to himself. 
“Well, I can’t speak for Max, but there really isn’t another option for me,” Chase smelled the wine and took a sip. It was good. How could Max not enjoy it? It was a very excellent year and a perfect aroma…
“But, there ARE though. Today alone, you proved that you could, if you wanted to, create an online presence for fandoms - which don’t give me that look could be extremely successful! - make exciting and fun games, excel in theoretical physics, improve mission suits and super suits, recreate the Internet with better accessibility and less monopolizing, if you wanted to, and like.. Several other things, and that was just today!” She insisted.
Max took a shot of whiskey and poured another, “You want one?” He asked Chase, knowing that whatever Charlotte was about to say, this uptight Chase dude was gonna feel some type of way about it.
“I’ve never had it before…” Chase said, a little leery. Max floated over the shot glass and Chase received it, smelled it and winced. To Charlotte, he said, “Yeah, I enjoyed doing all of that stuff in the theory room, but in real life, I have commitments and obligations…”
“That The Dom forced upon you,” she mentioned, taking a sip of her wine.
“That! That’s what I know that dude as.” He snickered under his breath and mumbled, “Mr. Davenport.”
Chase threw him a short glare, took a sip of the whiskey and groaned, then dropped the shot glass, but Max caught it and floated it back up. “That’s disgusting! Get it away from me! People DRINK this? On purpose??”
“You’re supposed to shoot it, Dude. Like this,” Max demonstrated, blew out a deep breath and nodded, “Then, give it a moment, and it runs through you and feels warm and good.”
“It feels like poison,” Chase said, grabbing the floating shot glass. But, Charlotte had it in her home and Max had just had two, so maybe it wasn’t as bad as the initial taste. He shot it like Max did and slammed the shot glass down, breathing hard and shaking his head, “I’ve decided that I am not a whiskey man.” 
“Fair enough,” Max said, smirking. 
Chase used his own molecular kinesis to put the shot glass away, then told Charlotte, “I thought that you had accepted that I’ve accepted that this is what I’m doing with my life…” 
She furrowed her eyebrows and wondered, “Why did you think that? Chase, you were my motivation to start liberating supers and bionic people from destinies written out for them, so I don’t accept you accepting that, unless you’re accepting it because it’s what you want and not what you believe you should be doing!”
“What’s wrong with keeping a purpose that you’ve already been given?” Chase asked her, looking at her extremely hard and starting to kinda feel what Max was talking about, with the whiskey.
“Nothing… Unless… The person that gave it to you wasn’t qualified to create it for you. Davenport is a genius. We can’t take that away from him. But, he’s not a god and he isn’t infallible. His purpose for you makes A LOT of sense and helps a lot of people, but that doesn’t mean that it’s perfect or shouldn’t be challenged.”
“No, but me trying to do something just to be happy whenever what I do now actually saves lives… I mean… You’re a utilitarian, Charlotte. Does that seem like a better world to you? One where I’m creating games or… Or… being an Internet personality or whatever?”
“She didn’t say that you couldn’t still save the world, Man. I think she’s more like, thinking about the fact that you spend all of you life and make all of your decisions within those confines that Davenport put on you and nothing else. You could have been enjoying things like you did today, instead you’re like… such a Davensnore when you come out of the mission suit. You can save the world and still be your own human,” Max said. Then chuckled again and repeated, “Davensnore. Put it on the books, Folks. That’s his name now.”
“That’s not his name!” Charlotte said, but chuckling at little. “But, he’s right about everything else. IF you accept that what you want is to be a bionic savior and do that, then of course, I support that. But, you seemed so lighthearted and fulfilled today, exercising your smarts for fun and also coming up with very great ideas too, and maybe you’re meant to be a different kind of hero. I feel like I’m a hero and I definitely rarely hit a battlefield personally.” 
“You DO! But… You’re not like me,” Chase said.
“What’s THAT supposed to mean?” Max asked, sitting up straight 
“Just that she was able to grow up with the mentality that you can be what you want to be and do what you want to do and everyone will support it and motivate you, instead of put you in a box.”
“I WHAT?” Charlotte asked, putting her glass down.
“Now, you’re in trouble,” Max said, with a smile.
Chase’s eyes were wide with apprehension of whatever Charlotte was going to say next, but instead of saying anything, she just stared at him, in disappointment. God. That HAD to be worse than whatever he thought she was going to say. She looked so betrayed and let down and he wished that she would just tell him where he messed up at so that he could bring about a solution. Instead, she simply stared at him and thought her explosion inside of her mind...
“I know that you grew up in a basement, so normally, I’d let you slide on that, but you have learned too much history, have read too many books, and have an entire two black female humans in your immediate family and one male counterpart, as well. You have to know on some type of level that that statement you just made is NOT true at all and even now, today, with the things that both of us have accomplished in our own ways, IF you had accomplished the things that I have accomplished, do you know how much more well received and adored that you would be? Have you SEEN some of the criticisms against me and compared and contrasted it with what you get? Have you done the same with the compliments? I’m in your corner, Dude. Don’t… downplay my stuff because you don’t like what I’m saying. If that’s how it’s gonna be, forget that I asked you to venture into this with me.” 
“Well,” she said after five full minutes, Chase noted almost right on the dot. He had upset her SO MUCH, that she just “took a five” and used it to stare at him in upset. It kinda made him miserable. He NEEDED her to say something to him about it. Even now, she didn’t. She picked her wine glass up, shot the rest and pointed at Max, “The scotch, please.”
“Coming right up,” he said, telekinetically pouring the shot and sent it to her. "By the way, what's this venture you and me are doin'? You still hadn't said." 
Chase was quiet, mulling over the things that were unsaid  while the other two talked.
Charlotte was a little flustered, but brightened up as soon as Max asked her about her idea. "I want to find and collect people like us, those who can and could change the world if only they didn't have significant barriers to doing so.  I want to find and gather as many of us as I can, help to guide them in the right direction and with all of our combined intelligence, hard work and determination, we can undo our current, flawed system and rebuild a new and improved one that will benefit everybody."
"You… want to overthrow the government?" Chase tried to clarify.
"I want the government to be changed into something that makes sense and is run by smart and capable representatives, and works for the people in it."Chase looked really bothered and so she explained, "For far too long, the system has been slanted.. it was created by men who were all in the same type of station, with the same interests and they made a system that has been benefiting them and almost exclusively them for so long that it is DEBATABLE for anyone else to have a fair shake. I think, if we really want to change the world and save some lives, we've gotta change the foundation. Just like with Dystopia, but like… farther and wider."
”You had me at “overthrow the government.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“You… did. You just used way too many words when you said it.”“Well, I meant enhance life for the people.”
Chase interjected, unsure if she knew what she was suggesting here, “You CAN’T without overthrowing the government!!”
“That sounds like the government’s problem,” Max said, taking his last shot of the night. (He knew his limit).
Charlotte now got up to sit next to Chase and look right at him, the most serious and concerned look on her face that he had ever seen before and he knew that this meant a lot to her and that she needed it to mean something to him too. Something good. He wasn’t FEELING that this could actually lead to something good, but he WANTED to feel what she seemed to want him to feel as she spoke, “Don’t you hate the fact that this country, this WORLD is constantly at war, people are always going without, someone is always oppressed, and almost everybody doesn’t have what they need not just to be happy, but to survive? And who is to blame for it? It shouldn’t be us, but it usually is. Scientists need to find a way. Doctors still haven’t found a cure, etc, so on and so forth. When people like us work beside or even worse BENEATH clueless ingrates who see us as their smart… equipment. And you two understand this more than my previous team. The world does read you a certain way, but also, when they know what you are, they let their biases slip in. They don’t trust bionic humans any more than they do androids. And supers? Not if they don’t know every single solitary fact about that individual and still, they keep them at bay. I don’t feel like I should have to speak about or make a list of my struggles with this place. It. Has. To. Change. We have to try to change it. We’re qualified to and if that isn’t being a hero and saving the world, I guess I just don’t know what is. I don’t want the future to be as oppressive as the present. The world isn’t in God’s hands. It’s in the hands of the smart and the brave.”
Chase nodded his head, “I... have to think about it. I mean.. How would it work? Are you just compiling a genius database and visiting them like some type of secret society and just inducting them and giving them this speech, or...?”
“Pretty much just like that, Sir,” she said, with a little shrug of her shoulders.”But, do think about it.” She stood up and Max stood up as well. “See you tomorrow,” she said. “I’m going to go unwind.” Max stretched and grabbed the bottles from the table to move to sit closer to Chase, who looked confused as to why Max was moving next to him. Charlotte went through the corridor that passed through her courtyard to go inward to her quarters. 
“Sure you don’t want anymore?” Max asked. 
Chase furrowed his eyebrows and wondered, “You said that I was in trouble... What is it that you know that I don’t about what I said?”
Max scoffed out a little laugh and shook his head, “Have you never read one book about racial injustice or the lingering effects of chattel slavery in America?”
“Yeah, but what does that have to do with - Ohhhhhhhhhhh.”
“You basically just told one of the most historically subjugated and mistreated persons in the nation that she had more privilege than you and the unspoken presumption, that her privilege was why she wanted to take this on.”
“Do you think she’s mad at me for it?”
“I think you hurt her feelings,” Max said. “A genuine apology goes a long way, though.”
“I’ll talk too her tomorrow.” They were quiet for a while, then Chase wondered, “Are you really on board with this? You’re answer is undoubtedly yes, to this idea of hers?”
“Yeah. Not like she asked me to rip out my own heart and throw it at a politician. She’s talking about moving silently to help fix things that a lot of powerful people are often loud and wrong about and STILL gain support. Whatever side of history Charlotte is ever on, I’ll always know its the right side.” He shrugged his shoulders. “But, you’ve gotta do what makes Chase Davensbore happy.”
“I thought it was Davensnore?” Chase said.
Max shrugged his shoulders. “It’s both, Bionic Boy. You’re super bland.”
“Your ego is unwavering.”
“I talk like this ‘cause I can back it up,” Max said. 
“I can too, and I don’t act like this!” 
Max furrowed his eyebrows and wondered, “You don’t know Beyonce song references when you hear them?” He suddenly sat upright and looked right at Chase, like he had something very urgent that just happened. Chase sat up, equally as urgently, in reflex alone, only to have Max ask, “You do know who Beyonce is, right?”
Chase sank back into the seat and sighed, “Ugh. Of course I do... I just don’t know her catalog that well...”
“Just as shameful. I’m going to bed. You’d better apologize to Charlotte.”
“Of course, I will!” Chase snapped and whenever Max was gone, he got up and went to find her. Things were easier to communicate between them without “her other friend,” around. He was convinced that there never would have been any weird miscommunication without Max there, but it didn’t matter now. He was big enough to admit when he was wrong, and even if he wasn’t, in his mind... Charlotte was worth putting himself aside for a moment. Was she worth taking on the world, though? The status quo? He found her on the terrace, wind blowing through her curls. Her silhouette doing nothing more than watching the moon shine down on her and still looking like music. Is she worth it?  Yes. Yes, she is.
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tfiolarry · 4 years
tfiol chapter four: meanies 
summary: an eventful first day of school. promises and friends were made.  
[three] [five]
don’t be shy ask us stuff! 
a/n: sorry but not sorry its long, not our gif creds to owner
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8:04 AM
The day has started out well with Louis and Harry getting the girls ready for school. They made sure to get an early enough start to pick outfits and prepare lunches, not forgetting the grapes. The car ride went well too, the girls choosing to listen to classic kiddy music on the way there. When they arrive at school, they get out of the car and Louis and Harry bring them inside and kneel to their level to give them a pep talk about being here. 
LOUIS: (to both of them) We’ll be back for you guys later, okay? (brushes a stray hair behind Jordyn’s little ear and then fixes the buckle on Dani’s overalls) I know this is gonna be new for you guys but you’re our big girls and I know you guys can do it, all you gotta do is be good and have fun. I love you both, like, way more than this guy. (points at Harry and looks at him, smiling)
HARRY: (hits Louis) He is lying, I love you both very, very much.
JORDYN: Good. 
HARRY: (pokes Jordyn’s cheek) You guys are gonna be great. Stars of this elementary school.
DANI: Stars?
LOUIS: (nods and smiles) Stars, yes. 
DANI: I like that. (looks at Jordyn) We’re stars. (smiles a lot) 
JORDYN: Like in the sky?
HARRY: Yes, like the ones in the sky.
JORDYN: That’s fun. (smiles) 
DANI: (nods and looks at them) You don’t forget?
LOUIS: Not about you guys, no, we will not forget to come get you when this is over. I promise we will be super, super early.
DANI: Promise? (holds her pinky out) 
LOUIS: (pinky promises her) Promise.
DANI: (holds her pinky out to Harry) You promise too?
HARRY: (pinky promises her too) Dani, you do this every single time and we always do, no?
DANI: Yeah, but...still.
LOUIS: (laughs a little and shakes his head) Alright, are you little monsters ready to rock and roll? 
DANI: Roll where? 
HARRY: To your classes.
JORDYN: I’m nervy... (pouts)
LOUIS: Whaaat? C’mon, no being nervous, you guys are so cute and you’re gonna make so many friends.
DANI: But…I’m nervy, too.
LOUIS: Do we have to tickle you here? Because I’ll do it.
JORDYN: No! I kick.
HARRY: It’s true, she does.
LOUIS: Oh I know, if I had a dollar for every time you cried about it, I’d be filthy stinkin’ rich.
DANI: No tickle please.
LOUIS: Then no nervy, just smiley and adorable, that’s the only thing allowed right now.
HARRY: Well, that’s not much help, now, is it?
JORDYN: Yeah. (gives him the cute baby eyes)
LOUIS: You know what will help? Facing it head on so you know there’s nothing to be scared of. (to Harry) Which child are you taking?
HARRY: I got J.
LOUIS: Yes, you, J is what we’re gonna call you now for short, do you like that or is Harry a big poopy head for that?
JORDYN: I like it.
HARRY: Good, c’mon. (grabs her hand and start leading her to her class)
LOUIS: Alright, you’re stuck with me then, Dan-Dan. Lucky you.
DANI: Yay! (starts running down the hall, even though she has no idea where she’s going she just thinks its funny to leave him)
LOUIS: Dani! No! (runs after her) 
DANI: (runs for a bit and then stops and waits for Louis to be closer to her) Question?
LOUIS: (big breath) You’re kinda fast, don’t do that anymore. But yes, ask your question, I have...answer.
DANI: Jordyn’s coming too?
LOUIS: Uh…no, kiddo, she’s gonna be in a class and you’re gonna be in another one.
DANI: (just stares at him like “sir that’s not funny say sike”)
JORDYN: (looks back at Dani) Why she no coming? 
HARRY: Because you are gonna be over here and she's gonna be over there. (points to the other end of the hall) 
JORDYN: (stops walking) No thank you?
HARRY: What? 
JORDYN: I not going.
HARRY: Jordyn.
JORDYN: (sits in the middle of the hall) 
LOUIS: Dani, don’t make this a thing, you’re a big girl and you look so cute and your teacher is waiting to meet you and—
DANI: (starts walking away like back to J)
LOUIS: (grabs her by her lil’ overall strap gently) Woah there, buckaroo, you can’t just leave, we gotta go.
DANI: (looks at him) No.
LOUIS: No? What do you mean no?
DANI: We go home now.
LOUIS: Oh, Dani, my love, that is not how this works…
HARRY: Here the deal, kid. (kneels down next to her) If you go now, I promise that you will see Dani at lunch and recess, okay? 
JORDYN: (looks at his pinky and then looks over at where Dani is) Promise? (looks back at Harry)
HARRY: I do promise. (holds out his pinky) Do I ever break a promise? 
JORDYN: (shakes her head) 
HARRY: Then come on, don't leave me hanging.
JORDYN: (pinky promises him and gets up) 
HARRY: That's my girl.
DANI: Home.
LOUIS: We can’t. Look, I will bring you...ice cream when we pick you up if you cooperate.
DANI: I don’t wanna coppertate.
LOUIS: (smiles a tiny bit at the mispronunciation) What’s cooperate mean? If you can tell me, we’ll go home. Promise.
DANI: (stares at him, blinking)
LOUIS: Well?
DANI: (points at him) Ice cream later.
LOUIS: (starts smiling more) Aye aye, cap’n. You ask, you shall receive. Now do me a solid and come meet your teacher and stuff? Please?
DANI: Okay. (pouts and holds her hand out for him to take)
LOUIS: (grabs her hand and leads the way) I win.
DANI: (smiles and looks at him) No, I win.
LOUIS: Whaaat?
DANI: Ice cream. I win.
LOUIS: Oh Dani, I love you to bits.
•★• ★ •★•
8:17 AM
Louis walks her into the class and Dani looks around, suddenly nervous about all the people there. She lets go of Louis’ hand and hides behind him instead, just peeking from behind him.
LOUIS: Aw, c’mon Dani, this isn’t so bad.
DANI: ...We go? Please?
LOUIS: (sighs and gets down to her level) Hey.
DANI: (just stares at him with her eyes starting to fill) Hi.
LOUIS: (smiles a little because it wasn’t a greeting but) It’s okay to be nervous, yeah? But...you gotta give it a chance, love. Why are you nervous? Can you tell me?
DANI: ...You gonna leave. Just gonna be me.
LOUIS: I’m gonna come back. With ice cream. And Jordyn is still here, even if she isn’t right here, okay? All these kids wanna be your friend. They’re probably looking right now and thinking “Wow, look at Dani, she’s so cool, I wish she’d come be my friend right now.” (pinches her cheek and smiles more) 
DANI: (smiles back and pushes his hand off) Noo...
LOUIS: How do you know? You haven’t talked to anyone yet.
Dani just stares at him and tilts her head, and Louis does it back. Dani laughs and Louis starts to stand, petting her hair and pressing a kiss to her forehead before standing up fully.
LOUIS: Let’s do this? (holds his hand out for a high five)
DANI: Let’s do this. (high fives him) 
Louis leads the way to meet her teacher, who is a very nice man actually. He is very gentle with talking to Dani and gets her to agree to play while they wait for the other kids to get there. Louis says goodbye one last time before leaving her with the class. Dani sits next to a girl with short, dark brown hair and freckles, who is playing with blocks. The teacher tells Dani she should play with her and ask her for her name, and she nods hesitantly before sitting with the girl. 
SAV: Hi. I’m Sav.
DANI: (smiles) I’m Dani.
SAV: Cool. Wanna help? (holding a block out to her to take)
DANI: Will it fall?
SAV: Uh...(shrugs and then looks at her already started tower and knocks it down) Do over.
DANI: (smiles even more) Okay. 
Dani and Sav build a pretty big tower until they aren’t tall enough to keep going anymore and then they sit next to it to admire their work and protect it. Dani and Sav look at each other. 
SAV: Cool?
DANI: (nods) Cool. 
A blonde child approaches them and sits across from them and Sav and Dani look at her.
DANI: Hi. I’m Dani.
ALLISON: Hi. (points to herself) Allison. This is cool.
SAV: Wha?
ALLISON: This. (points)
She is closer to the tower than she thinks, so her pointing pushes on one of the blocks and it starts to fall. Alli, Sav, and Dani collectively make no efforts to save it, just watch as it falls, making a lot of cluttering. They look at each other and start cracking up. It is officially the start of a friendship.
•★• ★ •★•
8:18 AM
Once Jordyn finally agrees to go to class, Harry goes to get her settled in before leaving her and letting her know that he loves her dearly. When she’s alone, she finds herself seated at her assigned table, but hears a boy being mean to the girl next to him. She decides to say something.
JORDYN: Hey! Not nice.
BOY: So? She’s ugly.
JORDYN: You’re ugly. Who are you?
LENNON: (seeming uncertain) It’s okay, he’s...he’s my friend.
BOY: No, I’m not. 
JORDYN: (glares at him and kicks him in the shin under the table)
BOY: (yells) Ow!
The teacher comes over to ask what’s wrong immediately, and Jordyn is able to get out of trouble with the help of a boy sitting nearby at the table next to them. The mean boy is removed from the table by the teacher and the boy from the other table joins Lennon and J at their table. 
BLAKE: My name’s Blake. Hi. 
LENNON: (shyly) Lennon.
JORDYN: Jordyn. 
BLAKE: We should be the new table, not that...boy. 
JORDYN: We should!
LENNON: That’d be fun.
BLAKE: (gasps) I’m good at coloring, wanna see? 
BLAKE: Okay, hold. (gets up to go get his backpack) 
JORDYN: (looks at Lennon) Is he your friend for real? 
LENNON: No...but I don't want him mean to you too...
JORDYN: Is okay, I can beat him up.
LENNON: (laughs) You can be my friend for real...
JORDYN: Okay. (holds her hand up) High five.
LENNON: (giggles and high fives her) 
BLAKE: (comes back with a picture with dragons and flowers scattered on it and shows them proudly)
BLAKE: Right 
Jordyn looks at Lennon and Lennon looks at her too, and the two of them start to giggle. Blake is confused. 
BLAKE: What? 
LENNON: It has flowers.
BLAKE: Yeah because it's a nice dinosaur - no meanies.
LENNON: We can color together later?
BLAKE: (gasp) Yes!
JORDYN: With chalk? 
Lennon and Blake agree and Jordyn nods. Who knew it was as simple as chalk art to make friends?
•★• ★ •★•
1:15 PM
The kids had lunch, but they sadly had to sit with their classes, so Dani and J couldn’t see each other. Now, it’s time for recess, and J is frantically looking for Dani while Blake babbles about something from his summer.
JORDYN: (huffs) Where is she?
JORDYN: My sister... (pouts) ‘Member I told you, she looks like me but not really? 
BLAKE: Oh yeah 
Dani shows up with Sav and Alli and they’re walking together and talking about Sav’s hair being short. She just is trying to tell them she likes it that way. Dani starts scanning the premises for J, and when she sees her she gasps and runs over to her. 
DANI: Jordyn! (hugs her when she gets to her)
JORDYN: Dani! (hugs her back) You didn't leave.
DANI: Duh, not if you don't come with me. (lets her go and looks at Lennon and Blake) Your friends?
JORDYN: Yeah! (points to Lennon) Lennon. (points to Blake) Blake. (looks behind Dani) You?
Dani looks back at Sav and Alli who just wave but keep their distance. Dani waves them over and they approach. 
DANI: (points to Sav) Sav…(points to Alli) Alli. Allison for long. (points to J to introduce her to them) This is Jordyn. My sister. 
ALLI: (gasps) Really?
DANI: Yeah. (smiles really big because she’s the happiest little bean with Jordyn here)
SAV: (nods and smiles) Cool.
BLAKE: You do look the same.
JORDYN: Twins.
LENNON: Hi. (waves to Sav and Alli) Lennon.
BLAKE: Blake. (smiles) 
SAV: (waves back to them) Sav. 
ALLI: (waves too) And I’m—
A wild Chase runs over and is screaming with excitement and he hugs Jordyn and Dani. Alli is looking at him, clearly offended by being interrupted. 
ALLI: Excuse me. 
JORDYN: Oof (hugs Chase back) hello.
DANI: Chase! This is the best day ever!
CHASE: (lets them go) Guys, you’re here! I’m so happy.
ALLI: I’m not. 
CHASE: (looks at her) Why?
ALLI: I was talking. 
CHASE: Yeah?
Alli and Chase stare at each other but everyone else is left wondering who he is.
SAV: (looks at Dani and Jordyn confused) Help?
DANI: (points to him) That’s Chase.
JORDYN: He lives on the street we live on.
BLAKE: (points to Chase) Where you come from? 
CHASE: (looks at him and then points at the school) From in there, duh.
SAV: (goes to Lennon because she’s peaceful and smiles) Hi. I like your shoes. They’re cool. 
LENNON: (gasp) They light up
SAV: (to Lennon obvi) I can see.
LENNON: See? (taps her foot on the ground to show her light up shoes)
SAV: The lights, yeah.
LENNON: Nice? (nods)
SAV: (nods) Mhm. Cool.
JORDYN: (smiles) We miss you, Chase.
BLAKE: I don't know him.
JORDYN: I miss you, Chase.
DANI: But I miss him too. We.
CHASE: I miss you too. 
ALLI: Hmph.
CHASE: (looks at her) Stop.
ALLI: You stop.
JORDYN: Oh, sorry, (looks at Alli) what you say?
ALLI: (sighs) Don't ‘member now. 
JORDYN: You name? 
ALLI: Oh! Alli. (nods) Allison when I’m in trouble. Or for long. 
CHASE: For long, I’m Chase.
DANI: That’s your name name.
CHASE: Hey! Stop.
JORDYN: What's Chase short?
BLAKE: Loser.
JORDYN: Not nice!
LENNON: (holds up chalk) Chalk?
CHASE: I’m not a loser, you’re a loser. Chase for short is cool. (smiles and nods, an unbothered king, then takes chalk from Lennon) Let’s go. 
DANI: Where?
CHASE: To draw!
LENNON: Hey! I was asking Sav.
JORDYN: Well, now we can all go.
LENNON: Okay. 
BLAKE: (glares at Chase and looks at Allison) What's wrong wiff him?
ALLI: (shrugs) Too much.
Chase leads the way to find an area for them to draw on. All follow except Blake and Alli.
ALLI: We go too?
BLAKE: Yeah, (walks with them) Come on.
JORDYN: What are you gonna draw Chase?
CHASE: A biiiiiiiig, big rocket. So I can sit in it.
DANI: Me too.
CHASE: What?
DANI: I wanna sit too.
CHASE: Okay. Rocket for us two.
DANI: Okay. (smiles)
SAV: (sits and starts drawing butterflies and misshapen but adorable kittens and such)
JORDYN: Fine. I will make a castle for only me Lennon and...Blake.
LENNON: (smiles) I like castles.
JORDYN: Me too.
BLAKE: Can I be a dragon? 
BLAKE: Why not? 
JORDYN: Scary? 
ALLI: But...cool.
SAV: I’ll draw you a dragon. If you want…
BLAKE: No! I wanna. (sits and starts drawing) 
LENNON: Can I be a princess?
JORDYN: (huffs) Then what am I gonna be? 
DANI: ….The prince? But a girl.
CHASE: So. The princess too?
DANI: (smiles) Yeah….
ALLI: Two princesses and no prince.
SAV: Don't need one.
JORDYN: (looks at Lennon) Sure.
LENNON: (claps) Yay! 
JORDYN: Blake, you can be the dragon that saves us!
BLAKE: From wha?
JORDYN: Meanie heads like Chase.
CHASE: Blakes mean, I’m not!
JORDYN: You did not invite me to your rocket. So mean.
BLAKE: (looks at Chase like ‘ha’)
CHASE: (throws chalk at him)
ALLI: (gasps) Chase!
DANI: (shakes her head) You need that….
JORDYN: Chase! You’re gonna get in trouble.
BLAKE: Like that meanie head in class.
LENNON: I like Chase. (pouts) 
CHASE: I don’t like Blake.
DANI: Chase! Yes you do.
CHASE: Not my friend. (shakes his head and grabs new chalk) No, no, no…
LENNON: We gotta be friends all of us because.. We don’t let meanies in and Blake is not a meanie and Chase too 
JORDYN: (teasing) I don't know Chase is being a meanie 
CHASE: So is Blake! He called me a loser!
JORDYN: I don't know why you yelling. (draws her castle)
CHASE: Because. I’m good, he’s bad. Not friends. (continues his rocket)
DANI: Stop, yes you are. All of us. Friends forever and ever and ever.
SAV: Friends for long?
DANI: Yes! Friends for long.
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kumamedia · 5 years
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Was inspired to draw old OCs ;u;  Wanted to do that Februr-OC-whichever I reblogged ‘cuz I have all these characters but I wanna do more than just one OC per letter and work at my own pace 'cuz I wanna practice coloring stuff and work’s gonna get hectic this month and--
Altan’s a cool guy with dragon wings. He was adopted from a friend on DeviantART ages ago (who now goes by oddly_abnormal on Instagram. Awesome artist, go check 'em out!) Always loved his design. Worked on his personality and hobbies a bit over the years (he’s quiet and grumpy and he plays violin) but, unfortunately, he still doesn’t have a story to be a part of yet. 
Abel is my lil’ adorable plush doll buddy that was also adopted from a friend on DeviantART ages ago (she was AnEnglishWaitress at the time, but she’s moved accounts and changed usernames so many times that we lost contact so I can’t give her proper credit ;-;).  His color scheme is still a work-in-progress. I had an idea of some kind of fairytale story involving this guy, but nothing’s set in stone. Also his hair is honestly really fun and therapeutic to draw-- 
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adventurous-blob · 5 years
Episode Gladio commentary!! Here i go!!
Imma go easy since its my first time also thATS WHAT SHE SAID
anyways, difficulty and immaturity aside, time to begin.
Kay so Gladio's episode is 'bout self discovery? dudes just pissed Ravus beat him I guess? I mean, fair enough but he leaves noctis and they go do like a dungeon and it's just?? It all seems really chill considering he's the Kings shield.
Eh, non-sensicle rambling aside.
Okay so im guessing its gunna be like Gladio telling the story which i'll be playing- neato.
"Just a scratch, the other guy got off a lot worse." Yeah, uh, suure.
"Worse than looking like some kind of thug?" Damn Noctis, chill your beans bro.
Oooo 'Blade master', can't get a title cooler than that, right?
Oh gorsh,,, I suck at controlling Gladio,, This'll be interesting...
Yep. This'll definitely be interesting. Even with the tutorial.
He's just casually sat surrounded by voretooth corpses, as you do.
"Are you mentally prepared?" Cor, sweetie, Gladio seems to just be a 'suck it up, buttercup' type i think he's subconsciously mentally prepared even when he isn't consciously.
"Unless i get more power." Gladio you sound like Vergil from devil may cry, just don't stab yourself with a big sword and go power mad, yeah?
Cor is so serious,, but like he's sort of soft too,, like you can see he cares by what he says and stuff, y'know?
its like 'You go fight that thing you probably aren't strong enough to fight yet!! but stay safe too! don't want you dyin' on me!!' except, more like Cor would say it.
I feel like i've heard the name Gilgamesh before?
Gosh i love Cor and Gladio so much,, they're stronk boyos.
"Alright i've got this." Yeah!! yeah you do!! Thats the spirit Gladio!!
oh uh i've only just noticed but there are bodies everywhere... hecc...
Okay they're alive but also dead now i killed them. Also,, the soundtrack?? that battle music?? hell yeah, thats some good stuff.
Ooo waterslide!!!!
Eheheh Gladio rode the snek. ooo this is spoopy...
Wait we made it to the blade master already?? wha??
Ah okay i was meant to fail against Gilgamesh, that was a little frustrating at first...
"If you do not fear death" yeah i fear that Gladio lets lEAve
"So the blademaster..."
"He's a master of blades. What-- where you expecting something profound?"
coming from someone who plays mainly rpg games i expected it to be something with flying swords? like bahamut except smaller and weaker y'know?
also are we inside a tree??? the whole of this so far and like chapter uhh 4-5 (the one where they're in the crater, i apologise for poor memory lmao) just reminds me of devil may cry 5.
Awhhh, they're eating Cup Noodles togetherr,,
oh hecc yes SAVE.
Option: tell me more
My brain: tell me More, tell me more, tell me mo-o-ore, but Gladio singing it.
imma throw hands with Gilgamesh how dare they deem cor unworthy he's a stronk bean
"Keep your eyes and ears open."
*open area appears*
Me, immediately: I don't like this.
Bdhshjdndjs tHEY DID THE THING!!! Where Cor jumps on Gladio's back and then brings down a strike on the enemy!! Aaaa teamwork is so great!!!
"do you have the strength to survive these trials?" uh I sure hope he does
*looking at a body stabbed into the wall*
You okay there pal?
Sword stuck in the ground: *has the option to touch it*
I'm sorry but my whole play through of final fantasy I couldn't take most things gladio said serious because I'm immature and kept making dirty jokes but this,, this right here has to be the peak point where I could make a dick joke or say 'i dunno that's pretty gay Gladios.'
"hand holding stops here" no Cor stay please ;~;
Sometimes I hate the combat in this game, not because I think it's bad,, just,, gladio,,, in enclosed spaces,, with lots of foes,, it's not good for camera angles.
Ah yes. Touch the glowy thing. That's ALWAYS a great idea!
The soul keeps calling Gladio "young warrior" and sometimes I forget Gladio is like only 23? Like I dunno, he seems older? But at the same time?? It's like right? I dunno? Maybe it's his looks or personality who knows.
COR!!!! HEYA!! :3
"you wanna know why?" I mean, hell yeah. duh.
Awh he's worried bout Noct but i agree tbh, plus, Noct is fine they're just fighting that big dragon thing with Aranea!! :3
okay i can hear growling and snarling thats never good, but maybe its just a big puppy?? No??? awh okay ;~;;
Gladio with a gaint pupper would be adorable
ANYWAYS i'm getting side tracked again oops
Can i just use columns to defeat the blade master? just like 'You might be the blade master but iM BOB THE BUILDER' and just yeet a column at him??
Every column i see i just want to yeet now. In honour of yeeting columns, i paused and made a poem:
my nam is Gladio
and am strong
i hav sword
i tri do no wrong
when wyvern hit
and i do poor damage
it seems liek
somethin i must manage
so when wyvern
has me beat
i pick up a column
and i yeet
hope you enjoyed.
tOuuCh the soWoRd
bdjdndj i want an enkidu now they're so cooll!!!
toucH the gLowly
Actually Cor can i go home please??
also pft the soul like "Yeah well i knOw betteR." i can't.
however, i can yeet column at this bandersnatch and i will.
i picked up a column after the fight and i dunno how to put it down so i guess Gladio has a Pet column now. Imma call it stony.
NUH i got rid of stony ;~; see you in the afterlife stony.
The way Cor describes the blademasters eyes makes me think of Kakashi from Naruto with his sharingan.
also Gladio's confidence and positivity give me life.
final chamber- this is it!
a red giant?? really?? damn it.
i have my headphones on full and the soul just said "Come here to die, have you?" and it made me jump
"You looking to die again?" Gladio is not having this souls bs
it's talking about Cor and i am ready to tHROW HANDS,,, Cor is bean.
Cor giving Gladio a final warning but not stopping him makes my heart feel weird,,,
Awh that lil grin, Aaa the "Come back alive, be safe Gladio." has me soft™️
"He'd better be ready for me." Uh, Gladio, thats whAT SHE SAID!
Oh hecc here we go!! Heya Gilgamesh!! Time to defeat you!! :3
Gilgamesh isn't actually thatbhard to fight??
oH SO NOW HE HAS AN ARM geez lemme guess he's stronger and has more health too now?
Oh look i'm right!
Okay yea he's a lot stronger i don't like this but Gladio can do it!!! I believe in him!!!!!
Also after realising a tactic i have defeated Gilgamesh and i was right Gladio could do it!!!! :D
"I may be all muscle no mettle, but i'm gunna keep protecting Noct the only way i know how." YOu GO GLADDY!!!! I'm v v proud!!!!
Awhhh Gilgamesh is actually pretty cool dude i like him. Awhhhh he's giving Gladio his sword!! I'm so happy aaa!!
I really like Gladio and all of this and aaaa im so hAPPY for Him!!!!
they're just talking and its really nice and i'm not crying but i'm overwhelmingly happy for them!!
wait Gladio got the scar on his eye from dealing with a bully? damn i need to finish brotherhood, huh.
Prompto said "The more you know" and the gif popped up in my head and i'm lauGhing so damn much why is that so fUnny???
"What can I say? I'm worth the wait." Noctis,, sweetheart,, Foreshadow mucH XD
Awhhh, i'm really happy for Gladio. I'm actually really happy with that whole DLC to be honest. It was fun to play and i feel i kinda got more of a look into Gladio's and Cor's characters and such, y'know? That, plus i got better at playing as Gladio too! And getting better at stuff like that is always good! Practice makes perfect after all!
So yeah, hope you enjoyed my commentary of Episode Gladio!
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canadiangold · 5 years
Tell me a little bit about your characters! I'd love to learn more about them.
OK SHARK YOU GOT IT SHAKR THATNK OUU SHARK whio do you want cause i think i got 17 characters all told
gross - the boss man. major self-insert. he’s got cybernetic legs and a liking for swords and DMRs
kilo - the demo gal. big gf mood, love explosions, busty blonde witha  robo arm and eyes
omni - the whiz kid. he got so many smarts from days alone in an internet cafe with wikipedia and a thirst for KNOWING he’s great i love him. shy and cute in a plain way. loves big guns almost as much as he loves his friends
thia - the light goddess. she got exploded in atlantis and now she can create holograms from her body that she mostly uses to make swords to cut bad guys. big aristocrat energy. secretly thirsty and lonely
panzer - big stronk tank. huge scandinavian bro, huge muscles, thousand-yard stare, crew cut, soft voice, big laugh
neff - like nephilim, get it? she has wings because i like harpies. robo wings like the vulture from spiderman homecoming, young woman who never outgrew the teenage rebellious angst
torch - help her. ace pilot who crashed a protoype and got burned real bad. little Off and lonely but everybody loves ehr because she’s the one to pull their ass olutta the fire assuming she didn’t start it HA. CAUSE SHE BURNS THINGS. TORCH!
ghast - he dont exist anymore. he was boring and underdeved so i just killed him
i love them all except ghast and wanna write about them but i just never get the motivation but THAT WILL CHANGE THIS YEAR
NOW THEN LET’S TALK Tabenon. now to be fair this whole world grew outta my late-night horny imagination so it’s very........ yeah
Zazriel - a mountain of a demon-human hybrid. used to be a monk, but now wokrs as a seellsword using his magicvs to be a invincingble juggernaut. serves Murder, the poorly-defined goddess. love him but he is totlaly inconsistent characterization
Veera and Tuule - dragon twins! that can turn inot humans because plot reasons. they start as super androgenous boy and girl twinsies but Murder does some Stuff to them and now they’re super sexy paragons of their sex. only offspring of the current Matriarch of the Blue Dragons, and are questing to make children of their own to save the bloodline
annelie - dwarf babby. she has a gun in DnD-esque fantasy so nobody messes with her more than once. she has already fallen victim to one of my less mainstream kinks and it’s only gonna get worse for that poor girl
thalia - vampire! love vampires. so sexy, so mysterious. she’s feeding off tuule and slowly tunring into a dragon hybrid. she’s gonna be a beast byt the end of the adventure. imade her in the code vein character creator and i just adore how she came out
taffeta - and linen! both named after fabrics because reasons! literally the phrase “what if i took the battlemage with a familiar concept and wrapped it in kink?” brought to life. boy she’s got a storm coming, but she’s gonna be great i lover her already. very quiet, has a very traumatic background. scarred to hell, hides in her armor with linen
arnet and luna - a werewolf and his adoptive werestrix sister. they’re super cute and wholesome comapred to everyone else and i would die for them. they’re just wandering around the West Land because they’re bored
im very proud of the world of Tabenon and i hope to stay in it for a long time, even after A Typical Adventure is over.
WARFRAME OCs now the ones that i write a bunch of lil stuff about with ivarararararararaqra because we have fun together
Tinleah - she be the operator, very bored, veryu purople
SOlise - mom cephalon which is like a supercomputer AI made from a dead person squeezed into a hologram and confined to a ship this is real warframe lore
Gray - Grak’kur, a prototype grinmeer trooper who was slated for execution but tinleah saved him for no reason so now he just chills in her orbiter
the warframes i dont really count as characters in their own right just because of how they work in my mind, but Datura, Pulsar, and Amanita are named and act on their own and will make repeating appearances i love them
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nigelspookerjee · 6 years
CRY💀 Thoughts💜
“Current assignment? What assignment?!” Nancy, you’re jinxing yourself already
I still remember the first time I played this game and that feeling I got when the warning comes up on the screen before everything begins. Sp00py nostalgia vibes 👻
Ned: “Hey Henry, I’m worried about you, but not worried enough to get off my ass and check on you myself. Imma send my gf instead and then bitch at her a few games later about how I never get to go anywhere.”
Not even in the house two seconds and I’m already getting attacked. Renée and Henry are the worst hostesses ever and this vacation already blows.
Nancy, you are taking a drink from someone you don’t even know; it could literally be poisonous. But go ahead, chug it anyways
Actually, if Renée just poisoned Nancy now, it would have saved her a lot of trouble in the end. Game over. Roll credits!
Henry: “maybe I should call THEM and leave THEM on hold and see how THEY like it.” Me when I’m on the phone with any customer service representative from any company ever.
Henry definitely wore eyeliner, had an emo swoop, and listened to “Ohio is for Lovers” on repeat in his angsty teenage years. But I’m not judging because honestly...same
But Henry is hot af. Broody definitely works so fucking well for him
Henry: “I come across as a little needy sometimes.” Be needy to me, Henry. Be my stage five clinger. I don’t care. Suffocate me with your broody love.
“My parents died in a car crash when I was eight.” Nancy *thinking to herself*: “damn, I didn’t even get the chance to ask him what happened to his mother.”
Henry: “no offense but are you sure you didn’t just pass out from the heat and humidity and dream that you saw this skeleton dude?” No, but in a few games further down the line, I will hallucinate seeing a ghost due to carbon monoxide poisoning. Hahahaha forshadow af.
“What was in that concoction you gave me?” You are supposed to ask this before you take a drink from a stranger, Nancy.
I love this game so much. The setting, the atmosphere, music, characters, storyline, puzzles, EVERYTHING.
“Finding Fish by Bill Kessler” OF COURSE BILL AND HIS NORTHERN PIKE POPS UP ONCE MORE TO HAUNT ME *eye twitches ever so slightly*
Henry: “Do you always go digging in other peoples’ fire places?” Actually, yeah. That’s how I found out some poor sap of a homeless handyman was living in the basement of the house he was renovating lol
Bruno and the Bolet family as a whole are so fascinating and I must learn everything about them
Nancy just ate a whole bunch of candy from Renée’s stash and then proceeded to vomit all over her bedroom floor. *places newspaper on top of puke and slowly backs out of the room, whispering to herself*: “I was never here...”
Ned: “it’s about time you called!” “Call again, like soon.” Um, I listen to no one or no thing, u controlling piece of cardboard
Ugh, I love Bess so much. She’s such a precious, innocent bean.
Bess is the friend who gave into peer pressure in high school: “you wanna underage drink and smoke some weed?” “Absolutely, unequivocally no.” “Come on, it’ll be fun!” “Ahhhh...okay!!”
Lamont’s Lament: Part 1
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*grits teeth* these motherfucking wasps around this mother fucking tree
Henry: “Don’t worry, we got plenty of food here, beds-“ CAN I SLEEP IN UR BED? I’LL BE THE BIG SPOON!
Poor Hotchkiss has early on-set Alzheimer’s and Nancy is shaming her for it
“Sorry ‘bout your loss.” “...my loss?” Nancy, you got so annoyed that Hotchkiss couldn’t remember your name, but you can’t even remember what you said just a minute ago..pot meet kettle¿
Yeah, scurry the fuck out of my way, you hairy eight-legged motherfucker and give me my damn key before I squash you with the bottom of my shoe run away screaming like a lil bitch
Great, time to talk to creepy Gilbert and cringe as he openly hits on a girl at least 30 years younger than him. There is no May-December romance going on here, buddy.
Thanks for the gumbo, Shorty, but it does not make up for the fact you attempted to murder my best friend. And no, she has not picked those vegetables for you yet
Okay, I just laughed my ass off. After eating spicy gumbo, Bess burped out fire. I had no idea she was a dragon
I played this goddamn skeeball machine so many times. The things I do for eyeballs and Easter Eggs.
Summer, Summer, Summer. Smh. Now I ain’t sayin she a gold digger...
Henry: “I bought her a bunch of CDs to keep her occupied while I was gone.” Yeah...Summer is just gonna sit in her room, listening to the CDs you bought for her on a loop, just waiting for you to get back...
I love Iggy so much. Dressing him up is adorable af
🎶 Bernie with a tooth so sweet. Likes marshmallows but it’s you he’d love to eat🎶 (I sang this to the tune of Brigitte’s Ballad)
Renée: “oh my, I forgot to warn you about Bernie, didn’t I?” *grins evilly* Could you contain your excitement that I was almost devoured by a crocodile until I fucking walk away?
I actually like the cemetery scavenger hunt, a lot
I love how Iggy just huffs and dips the fuck out when you dress him up as a clown. “You get nothing for this. I ain’t coming back with anything. WHO’S THE CLOWN NOW?”
Lamont’s Lament: Part 2
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I seriously feel for Lamont. All he wants to do is run his curio shop in peace, and here comes this blonde twister wreaking havoc all over his night
Someone give Bess a Xanax. Poor girl is gonna have a panic attack with all of the stuff Nancy is asking her to do
Infiltrating the Jolly Rogers meeting is definitely my favorite sequence in this game
Y WOULD U CALL ME WHEN U KNOW I’M AT THE MEETING UNDERCOVER, NANCY? Thx for almost killing me, ur bff xoxo
Yup, just toss the priceless skull up to Renée like it’s a freakin’ football. You are not on the same team here, Nan.
Bernie the Immortal crocodile. Who would have thought at the beginning of the game, we’d end up with this resolution.
Hahaha of course, Lamont is out in the swamp looking for Bernie. If anyone in this game deserves the skull, it’s deff him anyways.
One of my favorite games, ever. So happy I replayed it🖤
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sea-dragon-pride · 5 years
☕☕☕☕☕ (KIDDING, 🌟🌼🌗❓!)
 ☕☕☕☕☕ WELL IF YOU MUST KNOW,,, my deepest darkest secret… my BIGGEST shame… is that I can’t get Calico’s cats to like me. I KNOW! I’m a fake druid, but I try talkin to them and I chase them around and they’re not havin’ ANY of it. The cats on this boat are anti-Tiller ghskgh;skgsgds
(ALSO THIS GOT LOOOONNNGGGGG, so I’m putting it under the cut, I’m So Sorry For Getting Carried Away)
🌟When your OC loses all hope, who do they turn to first? What helps make them feel better? What calms them down and reassures them? Why?
I think when all hope is lost, I would always turn to Roy! I know I should probably say something like my real dads but I haven’t seen them in so long and I never want to worry them with things they don’t need to know about…. Roy always knew how to keep up a brave face, and somehow had a plan for everything, even when failure seemed inevitable. All the Sea Dragons for that matter, made me feel that way! I could never stay in a sour mood after an evening meal with Bingo or Codec, or hell, even Skiff! They’re practically my family and I know they accepted all parts of me into their ranks, so I can’t help but feel better if we’re all together. Though nowadays, that’s not an option, so… to calm down I usually like to hang out in the crow’s nest and chart stars. You can see the sky and the ocean for MILES, when everything is so grand and beautiful, things can’t seem so bad. Something about being up there reminds me that life is always moving, like the ocean! So if things are bad now… then they can’t stay that way forever, because that time will have to move somewhere else, somewhere in the past. On a simpler level, I really appreciate hugs and snacks. I’m the perfect form for cuddling! It’s not bragging, it’s a fact!!! So if I’m ever sad, just squeeze the life out of me and I’ll feel better. 
🌼 Write a short drabble from your OCs POV meeting their LI 
I see the red sails being raised at the end of the dock. Black skulls with a sun burst pattern decorates a number of them. The whole ship is made from stained black wood with red trim. The wood even smells burned.
Jeez, these guys are the ostentatious types, huh? 
Everyone looks like they’re bustling about, doing the prep work for an extended time out at sea. They’ll be expecting me anytime now, but when have pirates been punctual?
Okay, okay, new boat, new story, don’t sweat the small stuff. No one can ask you too many questions if you just keep up your overly-friendly small talk. These guys are supposed to be more dangerous than the last crews, which means a bigger haul. Roy’s counting on you.
I look around the main deck and spot an older woman with an intricate braid and a wide-brimmed hat. That’s gotta be her. I run up and say:
“OH! Ahoy there!!! I’ve never been on a ship this big before wOOWW! Love the color scheming, it really brings out the whole ‘murder-y’ vibes you guys seem to be going for haha! You must be Captain Rhea!”
The older woman looks perplexed (like they usually do), and responds: “That would be me, aye. Though I don’t remember ordering for an interior decorator aboard my vessel.”
“Hehehe no! But you DID send for a navigator and that’s me! Tiller Jakobie, at your service! I’ll tell ya where ya are, where ya goin, where ya wanna be, and how to get there! I also brought my own maps!” I lift them out of my bag proudly. These babies took ages to chart, but no one appreciates map craftsmanship nowadays.
Rhea sighs: “Ah, I did put Beremy in charge of recruiting didn’t I? Remind me not to do that again…. But yes, unfortunately, our last navigator has seemed to desert us for his own misadventures. If you’re the best we can do for such a short time, then so be it. Boys, get her set up in a room, I have business to attend too.”
Yeah… the misadventures of their old navigator mostly involve spending the next few weeks in the brig of The Quick Silver. If Franz is on guard duty, the poor guy will have to listen to him while he practices new songs. Hehehe that’ll make him WISH we threw him overboard!
I turn to my new alleged crew members: “SO! Miss Captain said something about accommodations? Do you guys have room service?? OH! What about those complimentary little soaps??!! Where am I stayin!! You’ve got a five star suite for me, right?”
Most of the reactions are as expected; a couple a furrowed brows, eye rolls, a few smirks and chuckles. I’ll have em head over heels for me soon enough, I mean, come ON! I’m adorable!!! They look around at each other, and one pipes up:
“Well I know someone who don’t have a bunk mate right now…”
The group kind of snickers and mumbles to each other. I hear some whispers - “That’s a lil mean for her first day, ain’t it?” “With HER, are you serious?” “Well, I ain’t gonna be the next one with a fresh scar for waking her up by accident!” They talk back and forth some more and come to an agreement of some kind? “Alright, we got a room for you, follow us!”
I trail behind them, trying to note down the layout of this ship. It IS bigger than The Quick Silver, more in width than in length. The mizzenmast is fortified and I can see spots for snipers to sit up by the topsails. That’ll be a problem to deal with later… We continue below deck and I’m practically pushed towards a room at the end of the hall. My welcome party already starts backing up toward the hold and they shout: 
“Alright, get cozy in there!” More repressed laughing. “Dinner’s served around dusk, see you then!”
Okayyyyy… whatever these guys think they got against me, I’m sure it can’t be that bad. What’s a little hazing between new crew members, right? I’ve faced worse.
“Uh hello?” I knock and open the door.
Oh Fuck. It is that bad.
In the room, there’s a girl, sitting on the lower bunk, sharpening a pair of swords. She doesn’t even flinch when I enter. Her hair is covering a lot of her face, since she’s looking down. It’s so long… Golden hoops dance under her ears. She has bandages around her hands and scars up her arms. Who IS she???
“Are you lost?”
I jolt back. SHIT, I’ve been staring!!! “Wh- huh?”
The girl looks up at me and her hair falls back. Oh NO, she’s PRETTY,,,,!!!!! My face feels hot, WAIT, is this room hot? DON’T tell me you’re blushing right now, Jakobie,,,
She asks again: “Are you lost? This is my room. What are you doing in here?”
Your mission. Remember your mission, dumbass.
“AHAHA OH RIGHT! N-NO WAY! In fact, it’s my job to be Not Lost! I’m Tiller, the new navigator aboard the ship, it’s SUPER nice to me you!!!”
She puts away her whetstone but doesn’t say anything.
I close the door, as I default to rambling over silence. “Well... ANYWAY, your friends said you needed a roomie so here I am! They seem like a fun bunch huh? They mentioned something about you stabbing someone, not that that’s important to me haha! D-Don’t answer that! Those are cool swords you have there!! Where’d you get them? Can you fight with them at the same time!!?? That’s CRAZY! But in a good way! Not that you’re crazy!! Also, I didn’t seem to get your name??” I take a seat on the chest across from her.
She starts to polish her swords. “I didn’t give it.”
Ohhhh one of THOSE types.
She glances up briefly and squints at me. “Why are you wearing a sleeve on only one arm?”
To hide my tattoo.
“OH haha! THIS??? It’s uhhh… to cover a… birthmark! It’s- It’s really gross and ugly and I, uh- hate it so I don’t like looking at it.”
She furrows her brow and kind of scoots further away on her bed after hearing that.
I start putting my stuff away. “Sooooo, I heard someone on the boat is named Beremy?? What’s up with that? That doesn’t sound like a real name.”
“Tiller doesn’t sound like a real name.” She mumbles.
“OHHHH SO SHE HAS JOKES!!! Miss Mystery over here has jests and japes for the the new girl, okay, I’ll take that one. I’m glad comedy is allowed in this room.”
She seems to eye me more closely now as I empty my backpack. She responds: “Just don’t touch my things and you won’t be sleeping in the galley with your namesake.”
“The other crew members seem to be kind of scared of you. Should I be worried, or are you all bark and no bite?”
I feel a whoosh of cool air whip past my ear. One of her swords is suddenly embedded in the wall behind me, inches from the side of my head. 
Whoa…. she’s Perfect.
She sounds a little irritated when she says, “I like for people to make their own judgements about me and not listen to rumors from people they’ve just met.”
My heart is racing. (Probably from the sword, right??) I yank it out of the wall. “That… was SO COOL!!! I didn’t even see you throw it. You’ve gotta teach me that!!!””
She looks a little taken aback.
I continue, “Also have you ever thought about pulling your hair out of your face with something??? Then maybe you can aim better!! Plus… I think your eyes are really pretty...”
Suddenly, there’s a bell ringing down the hall.
The girl looks away to the side. Was her face always that pink? She stands up and makes for the door. “That’s the dinner bell. You can… come with me if you want. It’d be weird to just stay in here.”
I hop up. “Alright Miss Mystery, if you INSIST!”
“It’s Mayday.”
“Mayday. That’s my name. If I am stuck with you, then you at least ought to know what to call me.”
Aw man… how am I gonna figure out this one…?
🌗 Early mornings or late nights? What do they spend their time doing during these hours?
Early mornings all the way! As much as I LOVE sleepovers and gossiping over pillow talk, there’s something AMAZING about seeing the sunrise and getting to run around before the rest of the crew has woken up! Usually, I like to sneak food from Mr. Biscuit while he’s still making breakfast and I try to hide stickers in Selim’s armory. I chat with all the animals around the boat too! You know, catch up with the seagulls and dolphins following along side. I usually find a rat or two, and they always have the best jokes!!! Miss Shih says I should get rid of any rats I find, but what she doesn’t know, won’t hurt my loyal subjects. And then my favorite, I GET TO WAKE EVERYONE UP!!! Miss Shih’s always awake, so she’s the exception! You really bond and get to know a person once you’ve seen them at their most annoyed and delirious state, A HA I LOVE IT!!!
❓ A random fact or short drabble! Or make up your own question to ask the OC!
My question of choice: If you had a personalized Captain Hat, what power would it grant you?
THAT’S A REALLY HARD ONE!!! Part of me almost wants to inherit Roy’s hat because his power is really cool and he’s never let me USE IT!!!! >:///
But part of me also feels like it would be fun to just enhance the druid powers I already have! Like basically just become a water-bender and control the weather when you’re out at sea!! OH! Or maybe it could be a shape-shifting animal hat!!! (But how would that work in animal form?? Would they all get little hats?? That’s not intimidating!!!) Maybe it could be navigator related, and I would always know where I am and never be lost! OR MAYBE! It could track the thing you desire most!!! That seems kind of heavy for me though haha! Regardless, I can’t make up my mind! I want them all! The solution is that all captain’s should give me their hats and that’ll be the end of it!!! It’s only fair, and I deserve it of course!!!
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macbetha · 6 years
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hi all! i’m so excited to share the playlist for chasing the dragon, the sequel to my first free! fanfic, eyes wide open all the time. as usual, these songs are what i use when writing each specific character / couple and i’ve highlighted some lyrics that might give you some pre-insight to the state of certain characters / gangs. you’ll notice there’s still a continuing theme of eyes and seeing that can change for each character given the context of their song. please let me know whatever theories you come up with, i’m very interested! 
G E N E R A L   T H E M E S
the prologue by halsey from ancient grudge break to new mutiny  our toil shall strive to mend
way down we go by kaleo oh, father tell me do we get what we deserve? and way down we go do you dare to look them right in the eye? ‘cause they will run you down, down to the dark yeah, son they will run you down down til you fall and they will run you down down to your core til you can’t crawl no more and way down we go
again by flyleaf i love the way that your heart breaks with every injustice and deadly fate praying it all will be new living like it all depends on you here you are down on your knees again trying to find air to breathe again right where i want you to be again
everybody wants to rule world by lorde welcome to your life there’s no turning back help me make the most of freedom and of pleasure nothing ever lasts forever
this is america by wunderworld
we carry on by the phantoms this fire won’t go out though just a flicker it may be shifting through the shadows to a vision we can’t see clinging to this dying breath holding on for a fighting chance hold fast to one another we will stand to one another we will stand stranger to brother we are one we carry on
fools by emi all this money won’t make me switch up on crew we all dying, til then i’m riding with you
D I A M O N D  B A C K
copycat by billie eilish you got your finger on the trigger but your trigger finger’s mine silver dollar, golden flame dirty water, poison rings perfect murder, take your aim everybody knows my name
sixteen shots by stefflon don  they gon' put hands on a chick? eyes watchin' when I comin' through the door what i'mma do, they ain't prepared for no boy can tell me 'bout my mother round here and safe everybody need ammo if you hear that da-da-da-don bullets gon' hit you wherever you are
R O U G H  R A B B I T
railroad track by willy moon come along with me i’ll take you to a place you never did see yeah said i’mma go down to the railroad track and we ain’t comin’ back, no i ain’t comin’ back no more
B L O O D H O U N D 
wolf by skott please do not give up on us i’m a wolf howlin’ on your door step callin’ out
ready aim fire by imagine dragons off in the distance there is resistance  bubbling up and festering blood in the writing, stuck in the fighting look through the rifle’s sight how come i never seen your face ‘round here? i know every single face round here here in the heckle, holding the shackle  i was never welcome here
heaven knows by the pretty reckless won’t be pretty, won’t be sweet, just sitting there on their feet if you listen close you can hear them cry oh lord, heaven knows we belong way down below
haru tachibana
my sweet prince by placebo me and the dragon  can take all the pain away my sweet prince you are the one
popular by emi fuck surveillance please just close your cases i’m about to make it and rub it in yall faces they know i got birdies they want me in cages stay off my line baby, you know that shit’s tapped on the move, yeah i always got a pack serve it, i still know my purpose trust me i ain’t worth it you don’t got my prints, oh i got my hands so dirty
makoto tachibana
devil’s backbone by the civil wars oh lord, oh lord what do i do i’ve fallen for someone who’s nothing like you he’s raised on the edge of the devil’s backbone i just want to take him home oh lord, oh lord what have i done i’ve fallen in love with a man on the run there wasn’t a right or wrong he could choose he did what he had to do don’t care if he’s guilty, don’t care if he’s not he’s good and he’s bad and he’s all that i got oh lord, oh lord i’m begging you please don’t take that sinner from me 
solider, poet, king by the oh hellos there will come a solider who carries a mighty sword he will tear this city down oh lay, oh lie, oh lord there will come a poet whose weapon is his word he will slay you with his tongue oh lay, oh lie, oh lord
rin yamazaki
promises by jhene aiko i been comin’ home late night i been sleepin’ past day light baby, that ain’t right i don’t think i can make it then i hear you say that i better not do nothing crazy nami really needs you and i would never leave you  everything i do is for you and i really do adore you everything is all right, everything is in your mind if anything should happen, cause anything could know that you’ll be all right  promise i’ll be, promise you’ll be, promise we’ll be all right
better by banks why are you so afraid?  i can see you waiting, waiting, waiting withering away i can see you dying, dying, dead, dying how couldn’t you see? all the water’s cold, cold, cold and why, don’t you see? baby, try try to see me
sousuke yamazaki
fire by barns country  lonely shadows following me lonely voices talking to me a thousand times i’ve fallen my mother told me, “son let it be.” sold my soul to a sweet melody
soldier by fleurie soldier, keep on marching on head down til the work is done head in the dust, feet in the fire labor on that midnight wire listening for that angel choir you got nowhere to run you wanna take a drink of that promised land? you gotta wipe the dirt off of your hands careful son, you got dreamer’s plans but it gets hard to stand
gou matsuoka
love club by lorde i’m in a clique but now i want out i was in but i want out there are fights for being my best friend and the girls get their claws out there’s something about hanging out with the wicked kids i’m sitting pretty on the throne there’s nothing more i want except to be alone the love is choking me what about the kid? it’s time the kid got free
stay by zedd and alessia cara (acoustic) make it on your own but we don’t have to grow up we can stay forever young
isuzu mikoshiba
bad friends by emi lil aries with an attitude men always put her in a bad mood bad libra with the gold tan she like an angel with the snow man yeah i got some bad friends no you cannot have them they wanna doubt her, let her show them if you wanna talk to them you talk to me, yeah we don’t keep no company we do not need, yeah we don’t fuck around with just anybody, yeah
hiyori tono
you should see me in a crown by billie eilish bite my tongue, bide my time wearing a warning sign wait til the world is mine visions are vandalized cold on my kingdom side fell for these ocean eyes  count my cards, watch them fall blood on a marble wall you should see me in a crown i’m gonna run this nothing town
ikuya kirishima
waiting game by banks baby, i’m thinking it over what if the way we started made it something cursed from the start what if it only gets colder would you still wrap me up and tell me that you think this was smart? cause lately i been scared of even thinking ‘bout what we are i was in love but i don’t wanna cause any pain and if i’m feeling like we’re evil we got nothing to gain
asahi shiina
smile by mikky ekko we’re trying so hard to get it all right i wanna be somewhere somewhere just a little closer to grace when i’m quiet i can nearly hear him say: smile, the worst is yet to come we’ll be lucky if we ever see the sun got nowhere to go, we could be here for a while but the future is forgiven, so smile
miho amakata
i want to be evil by eartha kitt i’m tired of being pure and chaste  i want to be evil i want to spit tacks and cheat at jacks i wanna be nasty and tell lies i wanna be mean and i wanna be bad
nii satomi
the lament of eustace scrubb by the oh hellos brother, forgive me we both know i’m the one to blame cause when i saw my demons i knew them well and welcomed them father, have mercy i know that i have gone astray  cause when i saw my reflection it was a stranger beneath my face when i touched the water they tell me i could be set free
yazaki aki-mikoshiba
i got you by ciara  hush little baby, don’t you cry momma’s gonna love you all your life and if you ever need a friend momma’s right there til the very end if you’re feeling down or weak momma’s got the strength you need there’s nothing in the world that i wouldn’t do cause i love you
natsuya + nao
the golden floor by snow patrol tell me that you want to dance i wanna feel your pulse on mine just treat me like a stolen glance dark shape on a golden floor a sleeping planet with a molten core i’m a peasant in your princess arms penniless with only charm
game of survival by ruelle who’s in the shadows who’s ready to play are we the hunters or are we the prey this is a wild game of survival
ayumu: breakaway by kelly clarkson
shizuru: generation why by conan grey
romio: jordan belfort by weswalker
haru + makoto
compass by zella day if we make it out alive compass point you anywhere closer to me where you are, i will be anywhere in between miles high in the sea
the good side by troye sivan i’ve got the good side of things left you with both of the rings i’ve got the good side of you sent it out into the blue the people danced, the sound of your heart the world sang along to it falling apart
i found by amber fun and i’ll use you as a warning sign i’ll use you as a focal point so i don’t lose sight of what i want  i’ll lose you as a makeshift gate of how much to give and how much to take and i’ve fell farther than i thought i could but i missed you more than i thought you would i found love where it wasn’t supposed to be right in front of me talk some sense to me
sousuke + rin
if it hadn’t been for love by the steeldrivers never would have run through the blinding rain  without one dollar to my name if it hadn’t been for love never would have seen the trouble that i’m in i wouldn’t be free if it hadn’t been for love four cold walls without parole lord have mercy on my soul
↳ namiko: boats & birds by gregory and the hawk if you’ll be my star, i’ll be your sky you can hide underneath me and come out at night when i turn jet black and you show off your light i live to let you shine ebbing and flowing and pushed by the breeze i live to make you free but you can sky rocket away from me and never come back if you find another galaxy far from here, with more room to fly just leave me your stardust to remember you by
hiyori + ikuya
loyal by 6lack i been studying you ever since we locked eyes even knew your favorite pie, said that it was key lime i don’t want this kind of life, so can you please get it right why you keep lyin’ why the fuck you keep lyin? i know i been loyal, baby showed you how to ball like a hoya, baby see them talkin’ i’m like so what have you walkin’ through the fucking party with your nose up i treat you like you royal, royal, royal tell the truth, don’t you soil, soil, soil i can tell cause i know you, know you
sunflower by swae lee thinking in a bad way, loosing your grip screaming at my face, baby don’t trip some things you just can’t refuse ride my like a cruise and i’m not trying to lose you’re the sunflower i think your love would be too much
isuzu + gou
crush by tessa violet  you make it difficult to not overthink and when i’m with you i turn all shades of pink i wanna touch you but don’t wanna be weird but i could be your crush throw you for a rush 
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flatsuke · 7 years
headcanon for KBTBB what each bidder does on a day off with mc
this is rlly cute!!
Both of them rarely ever have free schedules, so Eisuke wants to make the most out of their free time!
Eisuke would go all-out for sure, this Extra Boi™
Like, the moment MC wakes up, there’s already breakfast in bed and MC’s like ???!!!
“of course mc if you wanna skip breakfast and continue where we left off last night, that’s perfectly fine with me ;)”
MC chucks a pillow at his face
The first thing on his list is to go all the best boutiques and buy MC a fuckton of clothes
“eisuke don’t you think this is too much” “you look good in everything, so i’ll buy everything what’s wrong with that”
MC wants to watch a movie, so Eisuke ends up renting out the entire cinema because he’s that Extra™
Plus he can get Nasty without other people knowing
They have dinner at a really fancy place and Eisuke’s secretly gushing at how MC seems to love the food. He even takes a stealthy pic of her eating tiramisu lmao
When they get home, Eisuke gets Extra Nasty until dawn and poor MC can’t walk straight
He pleasantly wakes up to the smell of MC’s omelettes
So Soryu sneaks up on her and hugs her from behind
“The omelettes?”
“Those, too.” ;))))))
They end up driving to the beach and walking along the shore
Of course, Soryu turns his phone off so no one can disturb them lmao
MC starts going around to collect seashells and Soryu silently thanks every living deity for giving him such an adorable girlfriend
They end up swimming for a bit and MC has to marvel at how ripped her boyfriend is
Turns out Soryu had dinner by the beach prepared beforehand this cutie
He’s blushing as he pulls out the chair for her
They both end up having such a blissfully good time that day, so much so that the Ice Dragons can’t figure out why their boss keeps smiling like he won the lottery
A picnic at the park for these two :’))
Of course, Baba prepared a picnic basket, blanket, and pretty much everything beforehand
MC takes a bite of the egg salad sandwich she made and she is in bliss
“baba you gotta teach me the recipe!!!”
“sure, but only after a kiss from my princess ;))”
MC swats him playfully and they both end up laughing together
A bit later, a ball almost hits MC in the face, but Baba catches it before it can do any damage
The kids who threw the ball apologize profusely
Baba just smiles at them, and soon enough, Baba and MC end up playing soccer with the kids
He lets them win because he’s a sweetheart
Ota reserves tickets for a musical beforehand
And he’s like super pumped about it because he’s been waiting for an excuse to do MC’s hair and makeup
Most of the morning is spent dolling MC up, and once Ota sees his handiwork, he is in awe at how beautiful his muse is
Not that he’ll admit it out loud
They watch the musical together, and Ota grips MC’s hand whenever something intriguing happens
You bet they’re gonna buy a ton of souvenirs
On the way home, both of them sing the songs from the performance, though Ota’s very a little off-key
“….i think you can leave the solo parts to me, ota”
They stop by a photo booth and take tons of pics to make the others jealous lmao
Mamoru suggests chilling at home and MC thinks it’s a good idea
MC orders a ton of take out food and they end up binge-watching her favorite TV show
Mamoru was expecting MC to pick some sappy rom-com, but to his surprise, MC picked the grittiest, most brutal TV drama there was
He was shookt
He didn’t think MC had that kind of taste, but he wasn’t complaining
Soon enough, it was already evening and they were already at the final season of the show
Mamoru has to comfort MC because all her favorite characters are dead
“there, there, sweetheart”
At the end of the day, they give each other back rubs and fall asleep like the logs they are
“I’m serious, we should try visiting a nudist beach just once.”
“Uh, maybe not now.”
In the end, Shuichi (dressed as Shu of course) drives them to a botanical garden
Shu ~claims~ it’s because he thought MC wanted to go there, but MC knows Shu wants new succulents to match his lil cactus lmao
They end up browsing all day and take a few pots for the house
Vacation day is also errand day, so they buy some groceries before heading back home
MC offers to give Shu a massage at home because he’s so Stressed™ all the damn time
He agrees and her hands feel like heaven
Sooner, the massage becomes more than just a therapeutic treatment ;)
MC decides to surprise Luke
“Where are we going, MC?”
“You’ll see.”
She actually planned on going to a cat cafe once both of their schedules matched
When they both arrive, Luke is so shookt??? There’s so much kitties and his heart can’t handle them all????
“Is it possible for heaven to exist on earth….?”
Luke is in his element, and MC hasn’t seen him so peaceful in a while, so she snaps a pic of him surrounded by kitties :’))
He’s so happy about it that when they get home, Luke decides to prepare dinner for MC as thanks
He made Japanese-style curry and MC’s a bit surprised bec where in the world did Luke learn how to do that???
“i told baba i’d leak his secrets to the press if he didn’t teach me, no big deal :D”
Before they both go to bed, MC makes him chamomile tea so he can have a good night’s rest
Amusement park date for these kids lmao
For sure these weenies have annual passes
First thing on the list is the roller coaster of course!!!
Both of them are super hyped in the line, which annoys everyone else behind them
They would totally do something silly like this lmao
After that, they’d go to the haunted house
Of course, both of them aren’t really scared or anything. They end up messing up the entire ~scary~ experience for everyone by making inappropriate gestures at the displays lmao
They’d definitely sample the deep fried amusement park food for sure
“holy shit hikaru look it’s a deep-fried double cheese burger with glazed donuts as buns”
“i’ll take 3″
At the end of the day, they’d be super tired and have diarrhea, but oh well lmao at least they had fun
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