#now as then 'tis simple truth: sweetest tongue hides sharpest tooth // music.
sheasp · 3 years
Tag dump.
#to be alive not just the carcass. that's crudely put but... if we're not supposed to dance why all this music? // memes.#it would not be much of a universe if it were not home to the people we love // headcanon.#you can romanticize me all you wish but the devil wrapped in silk is still the devil // musings.#''you're no better for resorting to violence'' just say you have no hands and get on with it // aesthetic.#now as then 'tis simple truth: sweetest tongue hides sharpest tooth // music.#not evil anymore; I want to be loved now... evil again // self.#I think killing people should be legal because it's funny // shit post.#stop calling me a bad person just because I'm orchestrating your downfall // asks.#and I pray one prayer: be with me always. do not leave me in that abyss where I cannot find you // Radana & Geralt ( vattghcrn ).#love someone on purpose! find someone wonderful and love them and tell them it wasn't an accident // Radana & Dettlaff ( lacrymoth ).#I mean like you suck sometimes but I'd do anything for you // Regis & Radana ( mandragoramanners ).#you think I'll be the dark sky so you can be the stars? I'll swallow you whole // Assol.#you're right; I wouldn't hurt a fly. it's an innocent creature that never knowingly hurt anyone. you however? I will M A I M // Nergui.#look at me. for once in your life look at me and see the fangs in my smile // Aaramir.#so you didn't have the love you needed. big deal. let me tell you about the love you will have // Zamilan Yul.#it's still stealth if no one lives to fucking tell about it // writer shite.#just because I put garbage in the dumpster doesn't mean I'm afraid of garbage it means it's rank and I don't want it in my house // tbd.
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