#now I'm imagining Luke grading papers for him
raeandwhatnot · 3 years
Hold Your Breath- Alive!Luke Patterson Imagine
Summary: You have a big test coming up, but what happens if the test happened earlier than expected?
Warnings: anxiety attack
Words: 3.8k
A/N: Hello, I am thinking of taking requests for imagines. So far, I’ve only done Luke/Charlie. However, I attached a masterlist that shows everything I am comfortable writing so far. For marvel, I can try to write for other superheroes, so that way I can learn how to write for them. But yeah, if you want me to write something, request away! I will say, I'm in college so it will take a bit. Alrighty, enjoy this imagine! 
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Beep beep beep
I wake up to the annoying noise that is my alarm clock. It was already 6:45? I barely got any sleep last night from studying for the upcoming history test. I hate taking tests, so I stress myself out by studying as much as I can so I can get a good grade. I sit up on my bed to see my textbook and papers laid out around me. I turn to my alarm and shut it off. I grab my phone from my night stand to see that Reggie texted me.
Hey, I’m going to be a little late picking you up today. I’ll be over around 7:45. See ya soon- Reg
I reply with a simple okay to let Reggie know that I got the message. I collect my textbook and papers and place them on the night stand. I didn’t feel like getting 100% ready. I walk to the bathroom and turn on the light to see what the damage looked like. My hair was a mess and I had major bags under my eyes. I brush my (Y/H/C) hair and put it in a messy bun. I decided I was going to do extra light makeup today. I normally do a natural look, but today I was going extra natural. I put some concealer under my eyes so I don’t look scary. I then put some mascara and eyebrows. I quickly brush my teeth so I don’t have to look at my reflection anymore. Once I finish in the bathroom, I walk back to my room to put on different clothes. Even though I felt like absolute crap and didn’t even feel like putting on jeans, I knew my friends would realize something was wrong if I didn’t wear jeans. I changed the shirt I slept in into a graphic band tee, and I changed from shorts to jeans. To finish the outfit, I put on my checkered vans. I grab textbook and papers from my night stand and put it in my backpack.
After zipping my backpack, I took a deep breath to try to calm me down. I could feel my heart picking up its pace as I was stressing about going to school. I don’t do well when I don’t get a goodnights rest. This past week, I haven’t been getting enough sleep and it is now starting to hit me. I tried to remind myself that it was a Thursday and that I have one more day to study before the test. I took another deep breath and shake my hands to try to get the stress out of me a little bit. I grab my backpack and head to the kitchen for breakfast.
When I get to the kitchen, I place my backpack near the kitchen table. I wasn’t entirely all that hungry, so I just grab a bagel and put it in the toaster. I get the cream cheese from the fridge and wait for my bagel to finish toasting. I suddenly hear a knock at the door. I furrow my brows and look at my phone. It was 7:40. I guess I was having a quicker morning than I thought. I walk to the door and open it to see Reggie. “Hey, (Y/N)!” Reggie smiled.
I smile back, “Hi, Reggie. I’m just heating up a bagel real quick. Come on in.” I step to the side so Reggie can walk in. He nods and steps through the door. I close it behind him as I hear my bagel pop out of the toaster.
“How has your morning been?” Reggie asks as we both walk to the kitchen.
“It’s been alright. I’m a little tired from studying last night,” I say while spreading cream cheese on the bagel.
Reggie leans against counter, “But (Y/N/N), you’ve been studying all week!”
“I know, I know. I just want to do well!” I exclaim.
“Is that why you haven’t come to Julie and the Phantoms rehearsals recently?” Reggie questions. Even though Reggie can be a bit of an airhead, he does notice a lot of things about his friends.
“Maybe,” I mumble as I finish spreading the cream cheese and put it back in the fridge.
Reggie steps over to me and grabs my shoulders to stop me from moving. “(Y/N), you are going to be fine! You always do good enough on your tests,” he says.
I slightly smile at his comforting words, “Thanks, Reg.” Reggie smiles and drops his hands from my shoulders. I grab my bagel and backpack. “Okay, I’m ready to go now!”
“Sweet,” Reggie says. “Also, sorry for being late! I was fixing my amp in the rain last night. I think it messed up my car a little bit, so I had to have my dad jump my car.”
I slowly take a bite out of my bagel listening to Reggie’s explanation. “I don’t think you should be doing that, but okay,” I whisper as we walk to Reggie’s car. We climb in the car at the same time and start heading to school. Thankfully, school wasn’t terribly far away. To be honest, I could walk to school, but who wants to do that?
I finish eating my breakfast as Reggie pulled into the parking lot. Reggie’s assigned parking space was right next to Alex’s. Alex, Luke, and Julie were clumped around Alex’s car waiting for us to join them. “Hey guys!” Reggie says as he gets out of the car. I follow him out and join the group. I keep next to Reggie as I didn’t want my boyfriend, Luke, to see me in my anxious state.
“You guys are late!” Julie exclaims.
“Yeah, that’s my bad! I tried fixing my amp while it was raining outside last night and it did something to my car,” Reggie explains to everyone. They all gave Reggie a questioning look.
“How are you still alive?” Julie asks out of the blue. We all chuckle and Reggie looked confused. Luke pats Reggie on the back as we start walking to the school building.
As we were walking, Alex tugs on my arm to slow us down and be more behind the group. “Hey, are you okay?” he asks.
I shrug my shoulders, “Yeah, of course. Why?”
“You are more quiet than normal. You also look really tired,” Alex says quietly so the rest of the group doesn’t hear. Alex also suffers from anxiety like I do, so we understand each other. It’s really hard to hide it from him, but I always try to.
I scoff at his statement, “Alex, I’m fine. I’m just tired from studying last night; that’s all!”
Alex squints his eyes at me. “Okay, if you say so. You know you can talk to me, right? Or you can talk to Luke. I know he is more than willing to help you out. You are his girlfriend after all.”
I stop at my locker. “Yes, I know. I don’t want to bother Luke with my troubles. He’s been focusing on the band a lot recently. I don’t want to put more weight on his shoulders. Anyways, hurry and get to class. First period is about to start,” I say to him while putting in the code to my locker.
“Yes, ma’am!” Alex says while walking backwards and saluting. He turns around and walks to his first class. I have class with everyone in our group. First period (History) is with Luke, second period (Art) is with Julie and Flynn, third period (Biology) is with Willy, forth period (theatre 3) is with Luke, Alex, Reggie, and Julie, fifth period is lunch with everyone, sixth period (Pre-Cal) is with Alex, and seventh period (English) is with Julie and Willy. It was nice to always have a friend in class.
I grab my art supplies from my locker as I don’t have time to swing by locker between first and second period. Since art class on the other side of school, I have to put my supplies in my backpack now or else I would be late trying to get my supplies between classes.
I close my locker to see Luke leaning against the locker next to me. “Jeez!” I jumped as Luke scared me by his presence. “You’ve got to stop doing that!”
Luke laughs at how scared I was, “Normally, that doesn’t scare you that bad. What’s going on in your mind?”
I shake my head, “Nothing important!”
Luke tilts his head, not believing what I said. “Sure, whatever you say, (Y/L/N), You ready for history?” Luke asks as he stands up from the lockers and wraps his arm around my shoulders.
I turn my heel to walk to class. “Am I ever ready for history? No! Whenever Mr. Hall teaches, it goes in one ear and straight out the other. I just have a hard time retaining history.” I answer.
As we get to Mr. Halls door, Luke unwraps his arm around me and stands in front of me. “You got this, bubs. You always do good in class!” Luke says trying to cheer me up.
“Thanks,” I murmur against my breath as I look down and play with my fingers. I was starting to feel anxious.
Luke notices and grabs my hand, “Believe me, you are insanely smart! You can do this.”
I look up at Luke who had a slight smile on his face. I nod my head, “Thanks, bubs.” He lets go of my hands and wraps his arms around my head. I hug back by wrapping my arms around his waist. I start to feel slightly less anxious with the hug. Luke always gives good hugs. He rubs my head slightly and gives me a kiss on the top of my head. I pull away from the hug to give him a double thumbs up. Luke smiles wider, snaps his fingers, and turns his heel to walk in the classroom. I take a deep breath and walk in the room. Luke and I take our spots in the back of the classroom; I sit right in front of Luke. Not too long after we sat down, the first period bell rang and the morning announcements started. I tune out whatever was being said over the intercom, not caring what they had to say. I didn’t even stand up to do the pledge of allegiance. I don’t know why I was feeling so anxious; the test is tomorrow!
Suddenly, I feel a kick on my heel. I snap my head towards Luke. “You’re shaking your desk with your leg bouncing and it’s making a squeaking sound,” Luke whispers. I didn’t even notice that I was bouncing my leg.
I immediately stop bouncing my leg, “Oh, sorry!” I turn back to face the front.
Finally, the morning announcements were over. Mr. Hall stood up from his desk to stand in front of the class, “Good morning class. I have a few things to say before we get started today. First thing, I will not be here tomorrow because we have an away baseball game.” A few boys in the class let out some hoots as they are part of the baseball team. I slightly chuckle at their actions. “I normally am here in the mornings when we have baseball games. However, it’s a few hours away, so I will be gone all day. Therefore, we are going to have our test today instead of tomorrow! Surprise! I hope you guys are ready!”
My heart sunk to the floor. This couldn’t be happening. We can’t take this test early; I’m not ready for it! “Clean off your desks, everyone. Let’s get started!” Mr. Hall announces.
I lean down to my backpack that was on the floor to grab a pencil. I open up every zipper to search for a pencil, but I couldn’t find one. I was starting to panic as my anxiety started to get worse. I then feel a tap on my shoulder. I look to see Luke handing me a pencil. I zip my backpack closed and take the pencil from him. “Hey, you okay?” Luke asks as I turn back to the front. I nod my head because I knew if I tried to speak, I would just break down crying. I set down the pencil Luke gave me and wipe my hands on my pants as they became super clammy. Mr. Hall walked by and past tests row by row. He finally placed a test packet on my desk. I pick it up to look at the back to see how many questions was on the test. There were 30 questions.
“Alright, you have until the rest of the class period to do the test. Good luck!” Mr. Hall says and sits down at his desk. My shaky hand picks up the pencil and my vision starts to get a blurry and watery as tears started to brew in my eyes. I shut my eyes hard to make sure tears don’t fall. I take a deep, shaking breath and try to read the first question.
What year did the Holocaust begin?
My mind went blank. I’ve been studying this all week, and I couldn’t remember a thing. I skip around the questions to see if I could find a question that I knew at the top of my head. There weren’t many, but thankfully I found a couple of questions I could answer confidently. I look at the clock to see we have 30 minutes left of class which is enough time to do a test. However, in my mind, it’s not enough at all!
Suddenly, I feel Luke’s foot kick my heel, again. I look up at Mr. Hall to see him on his computer. I turn around at Luke, “What?” I barely whisper. Luke tilts his head to the ground. I look down to see a folded piece of paper next to my backpack. I pick it up, glance at Mr. Hall, and open the folded paper.
Are you sure you’re okay? You keep fidgeting in your desk.
Luke’s awful handwriting was hard to read, and I didn’t have time to answer him back as I needed to finish this test. I fold the paper back and slip it in my bag.
Time passes, and I was down to three questions that were absolutely stumping me. I reread the questions about 15 times each to make sure I could understand the questions. I run my fingers through my hair in frustration and let out a heavy sigh. I look around to see almost everyone done and sitting with their phones. I turn around at Luke who was done as well. How was he already done?!
“5 more minutes!” Mr. Hall announces. I snap my head to the clock; class was almost over. My heart starts racing and beating hard in my chest. I look back to my test. Do I just BS this and guess? Do I even have time to figure the questions out? After a minute or two, I guess the last three questions as best as I can and turn in my test at the front. I try to take more deep breaths to try to calm my heart down. Tears were threatening to fall down my face.
Finally, the bell rang to end class. I grabbed my bag as quick as I could and sprinted out of class. I heard Luke calling out my name, but I couldn’t face him like this. He has never seen my anxiety so bad, and I don’t want it to be at school. I walk into the girl’s restroom, walk in a stall, and lock it. I drop my bag to the floor and lean against the wall. My breath was uneven and quick. I can’t be doing this in public. I need to calm down! I try to do the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 anxiety trick, but I couldn’t focus on anything. The tears that have been trying to fall finally fell, and I lost it. I place my hand on my mouth to try to hold the sobs coming out of my mouth.
“(Y/N)?” I hear Julie call out. I gasp as I wasn’t expecting her to know where I was? I look at the floor to see her standing in front of the stall I was in. “Hey, are you okay? Luke said you ran out of history.”
I attempt to speak clearly, but a loud sob left my mouth. “I-I’m f-f-in-ne,” I barely spoke in-between sobs.
Through my blurry vision, I saw Julie exit out of the bathroom. I exhale the breath that I didn’t know I was holding. My legs started to feel like jello; I couldn’t hold myself up anymore. Thankfully, the toilet seat was down as I sat down on the toilet. I then noticed that I was hyperventilating. I was having a full out panic attack.
“Bubs?” I hear Luke softly call out. I shake my head as I knew Julie told him I was in here. I try make my breath quiet. “Bubs, can you let me in? Please?” he asked. I could barely move. It felt as if I was a statue and I couldn’t move.
“(Y/N), I know you’re in there,” he states, not knowing I physically couldn’t move.
“I-I-“ I attempt to speak, but words couldn’t form as my hyperventilating kept me from speaking. Next thing I know, Luke drops his backpack on the floor and so does he. He crawls under the crack between the floor and the door. I back further on the toilet and look down so he couldn’t see my face.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Luke whispers and grabs my face to make me look at him. My cheeks were red and tears and tear stains on my cheeks. My nose was running from me crying. He trys to wipe away tears, but they kept falling on my hot cheeks. “Try to breath with me, okay? Inhale through the nose; exhale out of the mouth.”
I nod my head slightly. Luke moves his hands from my face and holds my hands. As Luke inhales, I inhale. As Luke exhales, I let out a shaky exhale that ended in a sob. He does it again, but as I exhaled, all that came out was a sob. I then hyperventilated again and shook my head. This wasn’t working.
“No, no, no, that was supposed to work!” Luke mumbled under his breathe. In the distance, I heard the bell ring to indicate that it was time for second period. This made me panic even more as I can’t be late for class! I squeezed Luke’s hands that my nails digged into his skin slightly. I noticed Luke defeated as he wasn’t sure what to do. Suddenly, I feel him remove his hands from mine and place them back on my face. This time, he pulled me close to him and slammed his lips on mine. My eyes widened as I was shocked at his sudden action. I finally give in a little in the kiss and close my eyes and release the breath I was accidently holding. After a minute, Luke slowly pulled away.
I open my eyes to see him looking at me with a worried look on his face. I then noticed that my breathing was slightly back to normal. “H-How did you that?” I ask.
Luke rubs his thumbs on the apples of my cheeks. “I uh, read about it actually,” Luke states. “When Alex told me he had anxiety, I skimmed some articles on how to help and support someone with anxiety. I read that holding your breath can help, and when I kissed you, you held your breath.”
I couldn’t believe what Luke was saying! “Wow, t-that’s really smart, Luke. Thank you.”
Luke slightly nods his head. He pulls down my head and slightly kisses my forehead. “How come you never mentioned your anxiety was so bad?” Luke questions.
I take Luke’s hand from my face to hold them in my own hands. “I don’t want to bother anyone with my burdens,” I say embarrassed.
“Look, bubs,” Luke whispers. “You don’t have to be embarrassed about your anxiety. I will always be here to help you if you feel really anxious or anything,” I give Luke a slight smile. “Also, I told Flynn and Julie to tell your art teacher that you wouldn’t make it into class, so don’t worry about class right now.”
“What about you?” I question, not wanting him to miss class.
Luke shrugs, “Reggie is covering for me. It’s okay.” I feel slightly guilty that he is missing class because of me. Luke stood up, “Do you want some water?” I nod my head as I slowly stand up from the toilet.  Once I stood up, I felt a little dizzy and placed my head on his chest. Luke placed a kiss on the top of my head. “You good?”
“Mmhm,” I hum quietly. My head finally stopped spinning after a minute. I took my head off of Luke’s chest and stood up straight. “I’m good.”
Luke squeezes my hand and unlocked the bathroom stall door. Thankfully, during this whole time, no one had come into the restroom. However, it might look weird that the both of us are walking out together, but I don’t care at this point. We walk out of the bathroom and head towards the cafeteria where the vending machines were.
“Wait!” I stop my tracks, still holding Luke’s hand which made him stop as well in front of me.
“What?” he questions.
I look at Luke dead in the eyes and ask in a very serious tone, “Do I hold my breathe while we kiss often?”
Luke tries to hide the smile that was forming on his face, “No?”
My mouth opens wide, “Wait, really?!” Luke laughs out loud and walks closer to me. He wraps his arms around my shoulders. “I didn’t know that!” I exclaimed.
“It’s okay, (Y/N)! You know, because you do that, I was able to help you today,” he says while unwrapping his arms around my shoulders and instead places them on my waist.
I roll my eyes and lightly punch up on the chest, “Okay, okay, that’s true. Thank you, again.”
Luke kisses my nose sweetly. “Anything for you, bubs,” he smiles. I smile back. “Hey, there’s that beautiful smile.” I blush at the comment and give him a peck on the lips.
“Let’s go get water,” I say as I grab Luke’s hand and tug towards the cafeteria.
“There’s my girl,” I hear Luke whisper as he walks next to me. As we walk next to each other hand in hand, I take my other hand, wrap it around his arm, and place my head on his bicep. I’m grateful to have Luke in my life.
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karlajoyner · 4 years
Stole My heart (Owen Patrick Joyner x Reader)
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A/n: Hey guys so there’s this imagine let me know if I should make a part 2? Possibly a smut? I don’t know let me know! Also let me know if I should post these on wattpad too!!!
Warnings: None
"Owen seriously if someone catches us I'm gonna kill you"
"No ones gonna catch us. They're filming a scene" He mumbled leaving a trail of kisses down my neck.
"That's what you said last time"
"They didn't catch us" He said pushing my shirt down my shoulder.
"Yeah but they almost did- wait. Are you? Owen" I scolded pushing him away.
"What?" He asked innocently.
"What do you mean what? The makeup department will literally kill me if I show up with another hickey. Then their gonna interrogate me like they did last time since there are limited people I see daily" I groaned.
"They're not gonna kill you y/n. Relax"
"I can't relax. Now that we landed a season 2 the chances of us getting caught are much higher now. Plus my character has such a bigger part now" I spoke pacing back and forth in the dimly lit room. Julie's room set to be exact.
"I know. But you can't let that get to you now. You did amazing the first season and your gonna kill it this season. And if we get caught then oh well"
"Oh well? Oh well. Owen I already told you I don't want anyone to know about us until-"
"Until we're sure it's not gonna effect our worth ethic. I know" He muttered sitting down on the bed. I sighed realizing he was upset. It was never my intention to date my co-star. Let alone fall in love with him. But after spending countless of hours on set and off set with him there was no denying the chemistry. And what to everyone seemed like an amazing friendship was actually something more.
"Hey, I'm sorry. I wish things could be different but-"
"But this is your first big part. I get it" he said moving to sit me on his lap.
"I'll back off. We'll just have to keep sneaking around"
"No harm. No foul. If this is what I have to do to be with you I'll do it" He said kissing the spot he had previously been sucking on.
"And I'd do it again" He whispered kissing my skin once more.
"And again" Another kiss.
"And again" He spoke finally meeting my lips. The kiss last longer than the ones shared previously. It was much more passionate on both ends. The risk of getting caught high.
"Owen" I giggled as he flipped us over on the bed.
"Yes?" He questioned as his fingers made their way up my shirt.
"Baby" I moaned as his hands cupped my left boob.
"Mmm" He muttered against my lips.
"We've got to get back on set soon. I have a scene with Jer" I panted pulling away.
"Don't do it"
"Owen" I warned.
"Fine" He groaned getting off me.
"But for the record if they did know we were dating I would not give my approval for the stupid kissing scene" He said kicking the ground like a little kid. Referring to the fact that my character became Reggies love interest this season.
"Be careful there babe the jealousy is peeking through. Just be lucky he's married and they cut it down from a whole make out scene" I teased checking myself in the full length mirror.
"Yeah yeah. God the unholy things I would've done to you in that bed" He whispered in my ear as his hands explored my body.
"Don't temp me Joyner" I said a smirk making it's way onto his face.
"I'm here!" I called running onto set.
"Finally! Where were you?" Charlie asked exasperatedly standing beside Kenny who was looking at script at hand.
"We don't have time to interrogate her Charlie we've got to get this scene filmed if we wanna stick to schedule. Y/n next time be on set 5 minutes before"
"Yes Kenny. Sorry I was um was distracted. Lost track of time" I said noticing Owen had walking onto set casually going to talk to Mads and Savannah.
"Okay so this scene your gonna walk in on cue to your mark. Find Luke sitting on the couch playing his guitar. Sentimental talk. Confess your undying love for Reggie. Then Jers gonna come in tell y/c/n he loves her too. But he can't be with her because he had this girlfriend back in 95 who he never officially broke up with. Then he says screw it. You kiss. End scene"
"Oh the kiss. That's this scene?" I asked finding Owen who was deeply in conversation.
"Yeah. Is there a problem?"
"No, no I'm ready" I said not expecting to have to do this in front of my secret boyfriend right now.
I sighed going to stand on my beginning mark. I watched as Charlie did the same.
The lights dimming in the studio to replicate nightfall.
"And action!" Kenny yelled.
I opened the barn like doors walking in slowly.
"Oh Luke. I didn't know you were here sorry I'll go-"
"No. No it's okay. I was just messing around. What's up?"
"I was looking for Reggie"
"Looking for Reggie? Oh he's with Alex and Willie. He should be back soon"
"Then I'll just go. Thanks I guess"
"Wait. Can I play you something?" Charlie questioned taking a hold of my wrist.
"Um sure. Why not?" I asked sitting down next to him. I listened as he began strumming his guitar to a familiar tune. A small smile forming on my lips.
"That was great Luke. Did you write that? Maybe about someone whose name rhymes with Judy" I spoke in a teasing matter.
"No. Actually Reggie wrote it. About someone who name rhymes with yours" He said a blush forming on my face.
"Okay. I get what your saying" I said playfully rolling my eyes.
"Good. I thought I'd have to follow up with home is where my horse is" He said making me giggle.
"How could I possibly tell a ghost who died 25 years ago that I'm completely head over heels for him?"
"Maybe the same way your telling a ghost who died 25 years ago right now" Charlie said jokingly bumping my shoulder.
"Right... I just- I don't want to get rejected by a ghost. It's one thing when they're alive but if the dead doesn't want me I think that's saying something"
"Y/n, Reggies in love with you. He'd be thrilled if you showed any romantic interest in him. At least more than you already do" He teased me once again.
"Thanks Luke. I just hope he doesn't freak out on me like last time"
"Last time?"
"Yeah last time I brought up relationships in a topic he got all weird and left. So I just never did it again"
"Oh. Look y/c/n back in 95 we had a decent following and a ton of girls following after us" A strange look forming on Charlie's face.
"Okayyy" I stretched out the word.
"And Reggie. You know him he uh well he's a fl-" Charlie words were cut off.
On cue Jeremy strolled into the studio set as Charlie and I sat facing each other stiffly.
I stifled a giggle knowing this would later be edited so it'd look like Jer flashed in out of nowhere.
"Y/c/n? Luke?"
"Oh Reggie. Hi" I stood up continuing the scene.
"Hey. What are you doing here? I thought you'd be home"
"I was. Julie invited me over for a bit and I thought I'd say hi before I uh left. I though maybe we could talk for a bit"
"Oh. Okay yeah" He slightly smiled before turning to the brunette beside me.
"And what are you still doing here?" Jeremy asked looking at Charlie.
"Hey, I was just leaving man. She's all yours" Charlie smirked at us before walking off set.
Jer and I paused until his footsteps could no longer be heard before continuing.
"So um what did you want to talk about?"
"Just um stuff" I said standing still in my spot.
"What stuff?" He asked coming to stand in front of me.
"Luke. He played me your song" I said picking up the piece of paper with chicken scratch from the coffe table.
"Lifer Girl?" I finally read the title before looking up into his brown eyes.
"Uh yeah. I'm still working on the name. Did you like it?"
"I loved it. This lifer girl. She's one lucky girl. Do I know her?"
"Of course you do. Your practically the same person" he said a piece of my hair falling to the front of my face. I nervously played with my fingers as he pushed the strand behind my ears.
"Oh. Can you tell me about her?"
"Well she's funny and makes me feel happy when I'm around her. She's really smart and her grades skyrocket compared to what mine use to be. And she's beautiful, drop dead gorgeous" He whispered tilting my head up with his fingers.
For a moment I looked up into his brown eyes wishing. Longing for them to be someone else's. I felt his finger leave my chin before he turned away dramatically.
"I shouldn't"
"Shouldn't?" I asked curiously.
"I can't"
"Can't? Why not?" I questioned once more.
"Y/c/n there's something I need to tell you"
"What is it Reg?"
"Back in 1995 you know before we died. I uh-"
"You what?" I asked urging him to continue.
"I had a girlfriend and well then we died. So we never officially broke up" Jer said.
"Oh" I mumbled backing away from him.
"I get it"
"No wait y/c/-"
"No Reggie it's okay. Your still in love with her. Of course you are. God how could I be so stupid to think that you'd actually love me. Let alone like m-" My eyes widened as I felt him crash his lips into mine completely going off script. Which wasn't uncommon. But it was supposed to be a short kiss. There were lines that were missing.
Slowly I pretended to sink into the kiss. Pulling away after a couple of seconds amongst hearing the word.
"Cut!" Kenny yelled Jeremy finally letting me go.
"That was amazing! Spectacular! Great improve Jer! We're done with this scene!" He called out to us. But all I could focus on was the look plastered on Owens face. He was hurt. But not because of the kiss. But because of the fact that he couldn't do that. Not out in public anyways.
"Yeah great going Jer" I commented to the boy in front of me.
"Thanks y/n. You did great too" He said getting near me.
"But if I were you I'd go talk to your boyfriend before he bursts" He whispered in my ear leaving me wide eyed.
"H-how'd you?"
"Know? Please everyone knows. I mean you guys aren't great at hiding things. There's actually a poll between Kenny and Charlie. Whichever one of you slips up firsts. My bets on Owen" He chuckled.
"Seriously?" I asked.
“Who was the first one to know"
"Sonya in makeup. The first hickey you showed up with only matched with the timeframe that you and Owen had been together. Clearly not getting lunch like you had said you were"
"That long?" I asked.
"Yup" He spoke popping his p.
"Just don't tell anyone I told you. Carolynn insisted I put you out of your misery"
"Thanks. I think" He smiled at me before walking away.
A grin began to form on my face as I made my way toward the blonde who was leaning against a wall twirling one of his drumsticks in his left hand.
"Hey. Great scene back there" He commented as I now stood in front of him.
"Thanks. You know Jers a good kisser and all but I think your better" I spoke aloud noticing Savannah's and Madison's head whipping towards us.
"What?" He asked making sure he heard right.
"You heard me Joyner" I spoke giggling at his shocked reaction.
"Now shut up and kiss me would you?" He tilted his head to be extra sure. Something I adored about him.
He always wanted to make sure I was certain about these things. I simply nodded feeling his arms wrap around me bringing his lips to meet mine.
I smiled into the kiss as he turned us around pushing me up against the wall. I giggled upon hearing clapping around us from the cast and crew.
"Finally!" I heard Savannah shout.
"Keep it PG kids!" Kenny shouted laughter following.
"You owe me 20 Gillespie!" He yelled again followed by a groan by presumably Charlie. I finally pulled away first leaving Owen in shock.
"I'm gonna need you to come back to reality lover boy" I said rubbing my thumb against his cheek.
"What made you change your mind?" He asked keeping a tight hold on my waist.
"Let's just say you have Carolynn to thank for that. Apparently everyone knew"
"What? How?"
"I guess we weren't as good at keeping a secret as we thought"
"How long?"
"First hickey"
“That long?"
"That's what I said" I laughed as he pressed a kiss to my forehead.
"You two are so cute"
"Thanks Mads" I smiled at the girl.
Finally able to wrap my arms around the boy who had stolen my heart without any warning.
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carolinedionecd · 4 years
"What !? No - No"
Sterling palmed her face in shock.
"Mom? What's she talking about?"
Blair is directly looking at Debbie, with brows arched as a sign of confusion. She knew she'll never get an answer from Debbie so she looked at her dad.
She opened her arms as a signal to Anders that she's waiting for an answer. Anderson bit his lip, took a big sigh and looked at Debbie, who's still crying while pointing her shotgun directly at Dana.
"Hello !? I'm shot !?"
Everyone looked at the man who's lying on the floor, Dana's shitty boyfriend. Bowser pointed his gun at the guy, cuffed then took him.
Blair is still waiting for an answer, that she knows she's not gonna get, for now.
"Sterling come here!"
Blair took Sterling's wrist then took her to Bowser's car.
"Blair II - alkdjadniw"
Sterling's blabbering, because she's still in shock. Blair closed the backseat door where they're sitting.
"Listen to me, Sterl. We will always be sisters. Twin sisters. You just came out of our mom's twin sister. See? We're still twins"
Sterling looked at Blair who's waiting for her to speak.
"Y-yeah. Yeah. I could - I could deal with that."
Sterling can't cry. She's overwhelmed with emotions and shock and questions. They both looked out of the window when the police arrived. Dana is being put in jail.
Debbie, Anders, and Bowser are talking when the police left.
"Holy shit! They're gonna know that Bowser is a bounty hunter!"
Blair is now in a panic.
"W-what? Why? How?"
Sterling is still confused, her mind is far away from wherever they are.
"Shit they looked at us! Hide!"
They both ducked.
"Wait, why are we hiding?"
Sterling still full of confusion but she follows what Blair is doing because Blair is the only one that makes sense to her now.
"I - I - why are you hiding?"
Blair asked her back. Suddenly, the driver's seat door opened.
"Girls. I will get you home now. Okay?"
They sighed in relief when they heard Bowser's voice so they sat back on their seats.
"Did you tell them about bounty hunting? Did you tell them that we're on your team?"
Bowser rolled his eyes at Blair's question.
"First, I did not tell them that I am a bounty hunter. Second, they will never know you're on my team."
The twins took a big sigh. Blair is relieved that their cover isn't blown, as if a spy dodged a bullet. Sterling, took a big sigh because now that her mom is actually her aunt, she's seeing the family that she grew up in, in a totally different way.
Bowser broke the silence that made the two look at him.
"Are you okay baby girl?"
He's looking directly at Sterling. Blair looked at Sterling, waiting for her to answer Bowsie.
"Yeah, I guess so."
She looked down on her hand and tried to play with her nails.
"You know what? You don't even look like her. You look more like mom. Our mom. You're her favorite and I'm sure she loves you so much--," Blair's eyebrows crossed again. "--more than she loves me."
Confused with her own sentence, she shrugged it off, like she's telling herself that that's not the point.
"Do you remember in third grade, she told us she's gonna make us a ham sandwich for lunch, and then you got the ham sandwich and I got the peanut butter sandwich !?"
Sterling laughed when she remembered how angry Blair was when they got home and told their mom.
"Do you remember what she said?"
Asked Blair.
"Yeah. You told her, 'where was my ham sandwich !?'"
The two laughed because Sterling made an impression of Blair's third-grade-angry-face.
"Yeah! And she was like, 'Blair, you should learn to give to others especially your sister. I love you both so much but a responsible older sister should always take care of her younger sister.'"
They looked at each other.
"Yeah. That was fair."
Sterling finally agreed.
"She always put you first over me. Always has and always has been. But, works for me. Less attention, less expectation. It's enough for me to know they love me, they love us. But so you know, you have to take care of your kidney because I am not going to donate it. I want to die with my organs complete and intact. "
Bowser, silently listening to them shakes his head in awe.
"I should really stay hydrated."
Hydrated. Shoot. The water bottle. Lock-in meeting. April.
"Bye, Sterl."
Once again, Sterling took a big sigh. Her heart is crumbling like paper. Now her tears are starting to run down but she tried to hide them and wipe them away using her forehand.
"Oh my God!"
She looked at Blair when she heard her scream.
Blair looked back at Sterling with tears in her eyes. With a wide freaking smile.
"It's Miles! He wants to talk!"
Blair happily hugged Sterl. The latter is so happy for her sister.
"Holy crap. We're gonna makeup, we'll be together again! Oh, sweet Jesus! I miss his smell!"
Sterling, can't help but miss April.
Her lips.
Her smile.
Her kiss.
Her smell.
Her skin.
Debbie hugged Sterling so tight. She knows Sterling is in shock but she's scared to let Sterling think negative thoughts and doubt herself.
"M-Can I still call you mom?"
Asked Sterling while they're hugging each other.
"Oh, sweetheart. I am your mom. No one else could be your mom. Okay? And you, are Sterling. You are our daughter. You are sisters - twin sisters."
Debbie softly touched their chins while smiling.
"See? I told you we're still sisters and twins."
Blair happily told Sterling. She smiled so wide. She's never been this happy to be a part of this family.
"I can't even imagine my life without you. I mean, who's gonna let me borrow a bra and never return it and doesn't get mad?"
Sterling laughed again. Anders and Debbie hugged the twins. They looked at each other with a genuine smile. Their hands intertwined with each other. Anders kissed Debbie on her forehead with a sigh of relief because the husband and the wife know that this night just made their family ties stronger than ever.
"Okay, can we please face the fact that you guys still didn't answer my questions last night?"
Typical Blair, asking questions and gets paranoid when they're not being answered.
"Okay, honey. First of all, we are having breakfast. I don't think it's appropriate to talk about that this time."
Blair's brows arched once again because of disbelief.
"A-actually, mom--" Sterling slightly smiled then reached for her nape. "--I want to know. I think I deserve that."
Debbie silently put down her tea, took the napkin out of her lap, and damped it on her lips before saying anything. Anders reached for Debbie's hand that is resting on her lap, which made her look at Anders. She took a big sigh.
"Okay, I'm going to make it short and precise."
Sterling and Blair are waiting for the answers while Anders enjoys himself chewing his food, but it is making an annoying sound. The three girls looked at him.
"What? I'm just eating my food."
Debbie rolled her eyes. The twins looked back at Debbie.
"Dana showed in our old house carrying you. Blair was just a month old. She told me she can't take care of you so she wanted me to take care of you as my own. Dana was a mess. I mean, she still is. But I don't know who your father is. That's it. "
Sterling isn't bothered anymore. She's a Wesley and will always be a Wesley.
"Are you going home right after school?"
Asked Blair while she's driving to school. Sterling's mind is still in the wind.
"Y-yeah. I guess. I don't have much to do."
Blair looked at Sterling with worry.
"It's gonna be okay. I know it's hard for you to walk around and see her in every corner but you have to be strong."
Sterling looked at Blair.
"Yeah. I just have to be strong."
Blair looked at her again, not convinced by how Sterling said those words.
"Or you can pretend you hate her again until it comes true."
Sterling looked at her.
"II-can't do that."
Sterling looked in the side-view mirror when she saw that they're approaching the parking lot.
"Just pretend. Okay? Act tough and doesn't care about her."
The last piece of advice from Blair before they step out of the car. "By the way, you have to take an uber later. I'm gonna meet with Miles. It's our make-up date. Or probably make-up-then-make-out-date."
Sterl just nodded to Blair.
She whispered to Sterling as she saw April approaching them. Sterling's heart is pounding just the thought of hearing April's voice. She's directly looking at April while walking and is ready to stop whenever April greets her but to her dismay, April didn't greet her, or even called her name, or even took a glimpse of her.
Sterling stopped and turned around, chasing April's back by staring at her.
"Hey, Luke!"
Sterling turned her back before she sees the flirting that is about to happen.
"How is she doing that? I mean, that would be so hard for a gay woman to flirt with someone who's not even on her menu."
Whispered Blair to Sterling while walking towards the entrance.
"Shhhh someone might hear you."
Sterling dropped her bag then turned her face down the table. She kept taking deep breaths, assuming it would heal her aching heart.
"I told you to save me a seat beside you"
She heard the voice she's longing to hear, but she kept her cool and decided to only move when the bell rang.
"I'm sorry, Hannah B is already here when I came in. I wouldn't wanna sit beside--"
Ezequiel looked down at sleeping Sterling. April doesn't even need to turn her back to know who that girl is because even her peripheral vision can recognize her instantly. But for the sake of pretending, she looked around and rolled her eyes.
Hey guys I didn't know that tumblr has a limit. So I cant post the whole chapter. If you'd like to continue reading you can go to my wattpad account. Here's the link.
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cassiedangerclouds · 5 years
Everything Is Green {Krii7y}
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DeviantArt: SugarHigh100 (Smii7y)
Twitter: Beaudicea (Kryoz)
Trigger Warning!: In this story, I will write about colour blindness. Sorry if I do not get it correct as I myself do not suffer from anything of the sort (I am mildly longsighted). If this may offend you, please don't read. And I would really love to hear from some colour blind people on how I can fix my perception of it up in case I write this type of thing again.
Remember that this is MY interpretation of colour blindness (Protanomaly and Tritanopia), this is how I understood what I read from my research. So please don't take it personally if I get it completely wrong.
In this story, there will also be:
Anxiety Attacks –Based off of the ones I get. Because everyone experiences these differently-
Bullying (mentioned)
Self-Deprecating Tendencies
Life gets pretty boring when all you see if various shades of green, grey and if you're lucky, violet.
But not the pretty, dark violet everyone else sees. No, it's a dull, kind of light version.
That's just life when your parents are Red-Green and Blue-Yellow colour blind and you pull the short straw on both ends.
No, I couldn't just have one; like not perceiving reds or greens properly. Or maybe become a very rare case and not be able to see blues properly.
I ended up Red-Green in one eye and Blue-Yellow in the other.
So my world is full of dull, warped greens, boring and monotonous blacks and whites, only light grey and maybe, if luck wants to grace me, with violet. I strive for the moments that slightly purply-blue colour pops, I try to capture every detail of the moment so that I can try recreate it.
My parents try to tell me that when I'm older, my eyes may get better.
But I know that they won't.
Magic doesn't exist. If you're born with these things, you live with them forever.
People get weirded out by me. I confuse them. So I learnt to keep to myself. I sit under the trees, on the grass, things that should be blindingly green and are but just a dull blue really.
I got told that my glasses would help me see colours properly, but the kids all picked on me, so I don't wear them anymore.
The glasses were pretty cool I guess, I mean they were blue and red, and the world looked amazing back in fifth grade for the month that I wore them.
It's been five years since I've worn them though, I figured that, if I was picked on in fifth grade, high school would be no saving grace. So they sit in draw at home, collecting dust.
I guess life isn't too bad, I mean, at least I'm not blind. But this is no better.
"Hey. Hey. Can you hear me?" I kept my head down, knowing exactly who it was.
"I asked you a question."
I looked up, not too much, just enough to see if it was who I thought it was, "Yeah. I guess. I'm not deaf." I said, tapping my fingers against the ground.
"I'm not here to pick on you kid. I'm not an arsehole. My friends and I saw you sitting by yourself and I wanted to know if you wanted some company."
This time he caught my full attention, "Like for real? This isn't some big joke that Evan and all that set up to give me hope?" I asked.
He laughed, "Nah dude, honestly, Evan and his friends are a little overrated." He said, "With the exception of like Ryan. Oh and Craig, he hangs out with us sometimes."
I smiled, "I mean, sure. I guess that I could come and sit with you guys." I said.
"Sick." He said, helping me up.
He led me over to a table, not far from where I was sitting, I noticed him stumbling a little.
"Hey fuckers. I'm back." He announced.
"No one gives a fuck John." One of the other males at the table replied, looking up from his phone.
"Fuck you to, bitch." John replied.
"So guys, this is...uh I never asked your name, did I?" John asked.
"Good goin' John. You see a lonely kid, invite him over, but don't even ask his name." another said, this one was for sure in grey.
I snickered a little, looking over the group, of course, looking at everyone wasn't going to help me tell them apart, but it was worth a shot.
"HEY! That sounded a lot better in my head." The grey one stated.
"So, what's your name stranger?" one of the guys closest to me asked.
Come on, just say Jaren. "Lukas." I answer. What the fuck did I say that for?
"Well Lukas. As you could figure out, I'm John. In order around the table from my left. Cameron, Ryan, Craig, Anthony and...where did Crystal go?" John asked for a person I guess was here before he came over to me.
Crazy hair, grey guy, glasses, panda case. I recited in my head, it was the only way I'd actually remember them.
"Brock's nut of a sister came over and requested that her friend join her for a conversation." Anthony, I think, answered.
I frowned, "Cassidy isn't too crazy." I stated, causing everyone to stare at me.
"What. She used to be my..." I trailed off, "Never mind. Why did you invite me over here. I'm just the weird kid."
"We're all weird here." Cameron said, completely ignoring my slip up or at least I hope he did.
"I mean. Probably not. At least compared to me. Nobody is as mutant as I am."  I stated, looking down.
"What. Why? Because your eyes are different a little off centre or your hair is white? Every time I saw you, I always thought you just bleached it, like John does with his." Craig said with a shrug.
I sighed, shaking my head, "Okay. Don't like freak or anything okay John. But like, that jumper you're wearing is probably rad. But it's like literally all green, different shades. But to me. That whole thing is green, except the white bits near your wrists." I always found it was an easy way to explain my problem to people by talking about something that probably wasn't green and trying to tell them that's how I see it. "I can imagine and sort of figure out the colours, because I've done it for so long-"
"What shades of green?" John asked.
I shrugged, "The top is like a lime kind of colour. So it's probably like yellow or somet'in'. Uh, the middle is a dull green. So that's like red or orange, I don't remember because I don't see those colours a lot. The top of the sleeves is like, mint ice cream green. So they're some type of blue." I explained, hoping I got the colours close.
"That's so cool dude." John said.
"How do you live like that? Not being able to see colours. Only green?" Craig asked.
"Well. I mainly see the green spectrum, but I can see light grey, black, white and sometimes, violet. But it's like not the cool dark violet colour, it's more like what I think you would see as a cross between magenta maybe and periwinkle. I can see some shades of yellow, kind of. Most colours appear as greens though." I explained, tapping my fingers against my leg.
"Well, sit down you weird ass human." Cameron said.
I smiled, shaking my head, "Sorry. This was a nice..experience, but I'm just gonna leave." I said, turning around, I walked back towards where I was.
Suddenly I was on the ground, noticeably colder than before.
I looked up and saw my jumper in John's hands.
"Hey, fuck you. Give me my jumper back, it's cold." I demanded, getting off my arse, snatching my jumper out of his hands, slipping it over my head.
"It's a mild fifteen degrees, it's not that cold." Cameron stated.
"Shut up, you Kiwi fuck. We get it that it's fucking freezing in New Zealand." A feminine voice said from behind me.
Cameron pouted, "Piss off you Aussie bitch." He stated.
"Oh, and this is Crystal. Crystal, this is –"
"Hey Luke." Crystal said with a shrug.
"Vibe." I returned, watching as they walked over and sat between Cameron and Ryan.
"Wait- you two know each oth-"
"Whatever, reunions are boring. What did the nut want with you, aye?" Cameron asked, nudging Crystal's shoulder.
Crystal shrugged, "Never say that again. Worst Australian accent ever. Come on Fitzy, you're the closest one to where I'm from and you can't even fake a believable accent." They said.
The group started to banter, giving me the perfect chance to slip away.
I kept walking, not really knowing where I was going, I just knew I had to get away from that group before something bad happened to them because of me.
"Hey. Hey! Lukas, wait up." I heard a call from behind me, recognising John's voice, I picked up my pace, not watching where I was going.
Once more I was on the ground and I noticed that it was because I had bumped into someone. I stood up, "I'm so sorry. I-" my breath hitched.
In front of me stood well known school menace and Evan's right hand man Jonathan.
"I-I'm so so sorry. Uh, Delirious." I said, I could feel myself shaking.
Delirious turned to face me, and I could feel my lungs get heavy.
"Dude. Are you okay?" he asked me, sending me into surprise.
"What?" I managed to squeak out.
"I asked if you were okay? You hit me pretty hard and fell to the floor." Delirious said.
I shrugged, "I'm uh. Fine. Just yeah. Sorry." I stammered, my breathing starting to even out.
"Lukas, why are you-" I heard John stop dead, his boots squeaking as he skidded on the hallway floor. "Fuck."
"Well, if you're okay. Then I'm just gonna walk away." Delirious said, walking away.
I was still shaking, I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. In for four, hold for seven, out for eight.
"Dude, are you okay?" I heard John was near me now.
But I still didn't open my eyes, I shakily pointed at my bag, "Pap- Pap- Bag" I started coughing.
"Pap Bag. Pap. Paper Bag! Oh, get the paper out of your bag!" John figured out, quickly flipping the latch on my bag and handing me the almost empty bag.
"I don't understand how this will help you." John said.
I cupped my hand around the opening, placing it near my mouth, breathing in and out into the bag.
My breathing went back to normal after five minutes and the coughing stopped.
I moved it away and drew in a deep breath.
"What the fuck was that?" John asked, making me painfully aware that he was still there.
I opened my eyes to see him standing in front of me, "That was an anxiety attack you fucking idiot. Holy shit. I could've-no-probably would've passed out if you hadn't have helped me. Jesus, I haven't had one that bad in a while." I stated, half talking to myself.
"Your welcome. I mean, I don't know how to respond." John said.
I smiled, "Thank you. But seriously. I thought that Jonathan was a bully. He didn't even threaten me. I think a lot of people just spread rumours and one rumour made it out and became popular saying that the BBS are bullies. They're probably just a bunch of misunderstood kids. I- I'm sorry for walking off." I said.
"Nah dude. My friends can be a little much sometimes, even for me." He said.
"Oh. Okay. Well, I'm still sorry. It was a good thing you did you know, asking me to join you guys. Your friends don't seem to bad. I'd probably fit in with you all. I feel like a big dou-"
I felt something warm against my lips for a split second and then it was gone.
"You talk too much." John stated.
My face started heating up, "What the fuck? We haven't even known each other for a day. John you're fucking weird," I stated, pulling my sleeve over my hand, wiping my mouth.
He laughed, "You enjoyed it. Don't deny it." He said.
Maybe I did. It doesn't matter, I don't even know the guy. "No I didn't." I retorted, but I knew my body language said otherwise.
"You're a bad lyre Lukas. You're red as a firetruck." He teased.
"Shut up you fucking prick." I muttered.
He rolled his eyes, "Come on. Come and hang out with me and my band of Misfits." He said.
I sighed, "Fine." I said and we walked back towards his friends, maybe a bit closer than previously.
But seriously, who the fuck kisses someone they just met? Like what even is that?
"Someone who has a set." John replied.
"Fuck. I said that out loud. Sorry." I said.
He stopped and turned to face me, "Stop fucking apologising. You've done nothing wrong." He said.
And that's when I noticed one small thing, well not really small thing, but it was something that would this was a moment I'd never forget.
Everything is green.
But his hair is my favourite colour.
Because it is violet.
Authors Note:
Hi guys!
Yes, I am a weirdo. I would've made it John's eyes, except that in this case it wouldn't work because John's eyes are blue and for them to be violet, they'd have to be yellow. Which just isn't realistic.
Anyway, that's it.
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