#now I want reread all of Watayuri again...
jjs-brainrot · 5 months
Watayuri chapter 68 is out! Please tell me any thoughts you have
Thanks for sending the ask and telling me! Just finished reading it!
*sharp intake of breath*
(spoilers for chapter 68 below)
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Still holding some of my excitement back as I know Miman loves to torture me so and the last panel definitely leaves some stuff up in the air. Still though, whether their relationship ends up romantic or QPR, I'm definitely holding out a lot more hope for them to get back to dating again in the next couple of chapters!
As for some my actual thoughts on the chapter: Watayuri/Yuri Is My Job continues to be amazing as both a critique and subversion of Class S tropes.
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Kanoko is a subversion of the "selfless lesbian who silently puts aside her love for another girl so that she can stay by her side as a friend" Class S trope (for lack of a better modern equivalent: the Tomoyo CCS archetype) and how that would actually be pretty mentally unhealthy for her.
This chapter seemed to be examining how Sumika has essentially been falling into the same trope as Kanoko the last bit of this arc. How she's trying to be selfless and put aside her love for Kanoko and that's clearly fucking her up
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Sumika is always trying to protect the happiness of those around her but always at the expense of her own. And it seems like Kanako is starting to see how similar she and Sumika are.
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Kanoko is the kind of person who holds her emotions in until she can't anymore and then when they inevitably burst out all at once, she'll immediately begin wallowing in self-hatred (she's just like me, fr...).
If left alone, she'd never actually confront Hime's very probable rejection. Which is why I think her seeing Sumika going through the same painful situation as her might be what pushes her to finally properly confront Hime.
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I think in the next chapter we're finally going to see Kanoko confess her past feelings to Hime with Kanoko fully ready to accept rejection.
Whether it does end up as a QPR or romance, she cares deeply for Sumika and I think she finally understands she needs to confront and move on from her unrequited love for Hime before she and Sumika can move on together.
Or Miman can continue to torture me, which I'm also down for tbh. Ain't no drama like Watayuri drama!
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thetruthisinthebones · 5 months
Screaming, crying, throwing up @ Ch 68 of watayuri
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