fordpinesmpreg · 2 years
which do you like more Gravity Falls or the owl house?
there's no reason too ask I'm just curious
Definitely Gravity Falls. I love both of them but GF is my number one fav
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kaidencexo · 2 years
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marcy my beloved 💗💗💗
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jacky-rubou · 1 year
don't you just love it when you're writing a fic by flying by the seat of your pants and ideas you had never considered before blossom in front of your eyes? and it feels like you're opening your third eye or something because the idea is just too perfect? cuz that's what happened to me just right now while writing for the first prompt of forduary.
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thatoneratlover · 2 years
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@notsordinary Here! If you don't like it I can make a few different ones :)
Hope you do like it though!
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wayoutradio · 5 years
Brand new DJ video for you all! So proud
Brand new DJ video for you all! So proud
Brand new DJ video for you all! So proud of this. Let us know what you think ❤ PLZ SHARE! https://youtu.be/mGlP8sBRyhM . . . . #chooselove #todayistheday #theartofliving #seeksimplicity #littlestories #thatverymoment #whatisgoingon #feelfreed #pursuesimplicity #livewithlittlethings #togosomewhere #inspirationinstagram #colortheworld #momentsforall #livefully #notsordinary #simplemadebeautiful…
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fordpinesmpreg · 2 years
I'm sorry for sending you more asks but I have so many questions for detail reasons I'm sorry but I have so many questions (I totally want too write a small oneshot of this au nothing big but I have a lot of questions about details I'm also just curious in general)
1. Does shermie know that the mabel living with them isn't the real mabel?
2. Was shermie like bad too the twins- or was he just not really close with them?
3. What was dipper's thoughts on mabel getting sent too summer camp?
Again I'm sorry for sending you so many asks
Don’t be sorry! I love answering stuff.
1. He doesn’t find out until Mabel comes home with a bunch of beat-up teenage girls. Sorta like in Amphibia when Anne is first reunited with her parents
2. If I had to describe the twins’ relationship with Shermie it would be that they love each other but they just aren’t super close and Shermie doesn’t understand them most of the time
3. Dipper hated for Mabel to have to go away to summer camp, but a part of him thought maybe it could be good for her. Up to this point he’s gotten pretty tired of having to take responsibility for her shenanigans at school
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fordpinesmpreg · 2 years
maybe there was already a edit that answers this but I'm not sure. If there is I'm sorry for asking. But I was curious, who do dipper and mabel live with in the au? And who was the one who sent mabel too reality check summer camp? Sorry if this question is already answered.
After their parents passed away, Dipper and Mabel went to live with their grandfather Shermie and he is the one who sends her to summer camp
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fordpinesmpreg · 2 years
okay I saw your old post talking about if someone wanted too write an fanfic of this au. Has anyone done it? I'm not saying I definitely will but if you wouldn't mind me doing it I might consider it. I wanted too see if anyone has done it and if anyone hasn't if you'd still be okay with someone doing it?
If anyone has already written one, I haven’t seen it. But yeah I don’t mind if anyone makes a fanfic, or any kind of fan content for that matter. I say go for it! I love love love seeing fan stuff. And if you do end up making a fic and you have any questions about the AU that would help write it, I’d be happy to answer
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fordpinesmpreg · 2 years
not a question but I love your au. It's awesome and I love that mabel and pacifica are lumity in it. And I want to cry about/love the fact that dipper and mabel are separated. And just- it's such a cool au.
Tysm!! I’m so glad you enjoy it
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kaidencexo · 2 years
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I agree 🥺
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kaidencexo · 2 years
my favorite wormphibia character is wormcy wu she is perfect made some mistakes but is growing into a good worm
so true wormcy wus my fave too
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kaidencexo · 2 years
I want too make raeda was worms but I do not have the ability too draw worms. Moving on from that GO TOO BED
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kaidencexo · 2 years
I'm sure it probably says somewhere on your blog but out of curiosity who's your favorite toh character?
Oooh probably Luz. I really like Raine, King and Hunter too tho!
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kaidencexo · 2 years
oh nvm about my last ask- I saw a post assuming it was from yesterday not this morning sorry
oh its ok thx for asking tho ill let u know how it went when i get back lol 💜
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kaidencexo · 2 years
how'd your first day of school/how's school been?
i haven’t went yet todays my first day. Thanks for asking tho <3
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kaidencexo · 2 years
go too bed
annajaja i went to bed b4 i saw this lol <3
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