sim-ply-living-blog · 6 years
A Creator Note
Not like anybody probably cares but since I just got back into the whole tumblr thing after basically not using my blog for a year, it is under heavy construction. That being said, if my blog looks hella empty of weird it’s because i’m adding to it or editing it a little bit every day as I do work a ton and never have time just to sit down and fiddle with it. Thanks! 
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evacu0 · 11 years
Bye Signing off!!!
I'll see you lovable Mofo's later into the week when I update on my new feelings for two different girls.
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virginpure · 12 years
you always reblog lovely posts and that's why I follow you and like you so much:3
aw bless you, i love you! xx
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luckyalder · 12 years
finally changed my icon to an actaul picture of me
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