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Wow!!! #wellsaid here! This is deep! Im not like that!! #lazygirl .. opps!! Im way bettr! I am hardworking, smart lady, unlike some plp. Talk many2 but all pointless!!! Lol. N I knw I am well loved by my one n only husband, my in-laws n of coz my family. I have a purpose in life. I strongly believe that when im content to be simply myslf and don't compare or compete, everyone will respect me. For me, a good husband makes a good wife. Thankfully I have an ecosystem of in-laws, parents and husband, who are my rocks. Im living a blessed life. I dont care what plp wanna say abt my marriage life! #mylifeisjustfine #livingthedream #livingcomfortably #humblelifestyle #hidupserdahana #takperlumenunjuk #myhusbandlovesme just enough #notlessnotmore he really #takegoodcareofme #supportmeineveryway #mypillarofstrength #wesupporteachother #nevergiveup #trust #loyalty
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