#notis mavroudis
gemsofgreece · 2 years
Πρωινό Τσιγάρο
Χαράζει η μέρα και η πόλη έχει ρεπό  στη γειτονιά μας καπνίζει ένα φουγάρο  κι εγώ σε ζητάω σαν πρωινό τσιγάρο  και σαν καφέ πικρό.
 Άδειοι οι δρόμοι, δε φάνηκε ψυχή  και το φεγγάρι μόλις χάθηκε στη Δύση  και γω σε γυρεύω σαν μοιραία λύση  και σαν Ανατολή.
Βγήκε ο ήλιος, το ράδιο διαπασών  μ' ένα χασάπικο που κλαίει για κάποιον Τάσο  κι εγώ σε ποντάρω κι ύστερα πάω πάσο  σ' ένα καρέ τυφλό.
Morning cigarette
It dawns and the city has its day off. A funnel is smoking in our neighborhood and I need you like a morning cigarette, like a bitter coffee.
The streets are empty, there isn’t a single soul outside. The moon just disappeared in the West and I am looking for you like a fateful solution and like the sunrise.
The sun is up, the radio is too loud, playing a hasapiko song grieving some man named Tasos and I raise on you and then fold my cards in a blind bet.
 That’s my favourite song of Notis Mavroudis, the composer, who just passed away. RIP
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Watch "Serpico (Mikis Theodorakis) - Notis Mavroudis & Panagiotis Margaris" on YouTube
Yeah give him a promotion for what he's doing and he later accepted it formally and said he deserved it and kind of does there's so many slaps and losers and people that don't do anything that they need to have somebody to do something and we do too but we don't need our son doing too much and he knows that. Today we started taking control of major businesses. It's cuz the boob left almost. Giant businesses and when was last talked we were around 68% and what we're at now is about 74% really approaching 75 and it's going to get faster not slower we were told they need people at the front and they need people to make weaponry for the warlock and the max. Well I have it in Brazil and the max have it all over the place but they're making tons of stuff okay we came down and we're delivering motorcycles scooters all the cars and trucks that already made huge numbers of them and these people here basically sold all the new ones and they're just waiting and keep moving their stuff around in the lot and people keep getting mad saying we don't want those used ones stop moving in them around they're making us angry Toyota had a whole load of him and they were gone that afternoon which is not really a normal rate people don't care they need cars so they went in there and bought them they're hundreds of people after. They said this week sometime and that's what it is I'm going to ship it here in the night usually bring a lot when they start somewhere in the warehouse tons of them okay like a million for this area just Charlotte county and surrounding and they're moving out right now they're shipping them here and they have about 200,000 in and tomorrow morning the sales begin and the trucks will begin shipping and they're going to ship the used cars out and they plan to. Finally. And they're doing it all over the world and all over the USA. We put in the new fuse panels and dischargers because we don't want to hear it every few seconds from idiots or other. They ruin the car we changed it over we don't have to start when you stop thing or whatever it is auto turn off is removed from every vehicle and all the other stupid s*** that they put on there man this people are so dumb they've attracted so much hate and they deserve it. What's the stuff is by Tommy f and the kept doing it and doing it they put him in charge that stupid bike show and the guy got his Eagle pumped up so high he's never coming down and that's how our son says it and that's what it is what an egotistical piece of s***. He's getting a lot of people hurt with that kind of stuff and we don't want to see it or hear it we want him out of there. Now we sent out a lot of trucks and cars today it's a huge huge number and a lot of people are going to buy cars tomorrow and a lot of people have some money and people going to be tracking that and idiots who are still dealers going to be tracking it and they're going to be buying all sorts of stuff no just mainly cars. And there's a whole bunch of other people who are wondering why are sentences just sitting there with nothing and nobody cares nobody's doing anything and they figured out pretty soon and they start getting involved and really it's about this a****** next door. And he's starting to get his ass kicked and he should he's a piece of dirt. And it's not allowed to buy new cars and it's not allowed to go to the car lots but people say that and they say I think is the car dealer and they try and figure it out and right now they're going to say we don't want you there and they're going to try and kick him out. What they're using with them is not that great I say outlandish and what we have to do about it is crazy but we are on it okay. And we're doing our job and we are coming down and we have to and there are a whole bunch of people who don't understand what that means but we do. And we want to take you to task cuz you're not letting him eat enough food or the right food and you're beating him up about it so we're going to beat you up and you people suck here no very stupid.
Now you're going to be proven to be stupid more luck. Tomorrow the max don't want you to get any cars they want the cars they don't want you to get any cars at all. Or mopeds or motorcycles. Now they opened up all these plants we did and the assembly factories. And they're huge ones but we have to send all the parts and we're going to send those parts as soon as they factories get set up on an individual basis. And we're going to send as many as we can. And there's tons and tons of people who are saying send them now and stuff like that and they used to do that back in the day but now I send a bin and they use the bin in the whole process I'm going to take the bin back and you don't have to transfer it most of them are in bubblepack you just pull it out and use it. It was explained, and we talked to their boss and they fire the idiot every time. It's a lot of calls they used to stealing the parts and it sees idiot trumpsters so all day long they're trying to take stuff from us and fail all day long they trying to take it from the Max and fail all day long it's a job them trying to do this stupid s*** all day long. So we put a crazy number of apds today tons of APD huge warrants on the idiot next door he's got 20 and the max put like 450 for Florida and for Southwest Florida actually and for his name as John remillard there are 20 out of those 450 and actually there's several aliases listed. And all of them have John remillard so I'm trying to get them out of there they're going after his people. Right now I have the 25 houses that were here they're about 10:00 that packed up essentials and 15 are thinking about it no five more will probably do it momentarily and the same thing happens they go after him and then they get rid of the bosses and the underlings come out to these idiots and their army
Stan is also under siege another 2 million octillion and it'll be gone momentarily. And after that 2 million octillion and after that to a million octane in about three more runs and that whole area should be empty except for the huge basis well those are emptying too and they're emptying out trying to attack stain all of them are going to empty out at 6:00 or 8 million octillion and they'll be completely empty there won't be anything in the east. You feel that stanis hit Trump thinks he kills him as Owen and Luke's home with his wife Sherry and then goes over and hits a base in the meantime Luke and Obi-Wan return it looks like they just leave them there but no others came by and it was Biden and resuscitated Stan and his wife and Luke and Obi-Wan Kenobi had to leave the sand people are on them. Darth Vader is formed but we think this is going to happen possibly tonight which is today are well really is tomorrow over there
Thor Freya
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roguepen · 2 years
Spotify Playlist
Section by section, book by book we go-
I used to play in the school band. I really like instrumentals/ instrumental covers and soundtracks so there’s a few of those in here. We’re here for vibes and gentle logic, if there are no lyrics specifically listed, then a large percentage of the song worked for that section. 
My personal musical interests are a bit off the beaten track but not enough to be considered alternative. I generally use it to scene plan and that’s on accident, which is why this exists. 
Spotify - One for Sorrow, Two for Joy 
Explanation for placement/ selection below.
Book 1 - Chapters 1 through 18
Noble Blood - Tomee Profitt and Fluerie - “Duty calls, it calls/ Say we choose/ But it's no choice at all...” It’s a Graves family anthem all the way down.
Waiting on A Miracle - Epic Orchestral (Cover Version) - Frostudio Chambersonic - She’s been patient, and steadfast and steady! and all she needs is a chance! The hunt for Alex is on and her hopes are high. Finding Alex will prove her right to her family in a way and she’s tired of waiting for him.
Empty Houses - Melissa Galosi - Seeing Thornell as she walks up the lonely road from the gate.
The Library- Jamie Cordoba - Meeting Lucinda
Beauty and Magic - Scott Reinwand - First meetings of an auspicious kind
Somewhere Out There - Linda Ronstandt, James Ingram -  Audrey’s commitment to finding her brother as leads continue to come up dry.
Merry-Go-Round of Life - Joe Hisaishi -The day to day living (it’s also a fantastic piece of music and Ghibli is a mood)
Icarus - PHILDEL - Audrey meets Valencia and learns things.
Everyone Wants to Rule the World - Lorde - The election results. 
Start a War - Klergy, Valerie Boussard - The war has come out of the shadows at last.
The Wedding Waltz (Instrumental) - Notis Mavroudis, Panagiotis Margaris- Eddie and Pearl’s wedding, sweet, but vaguely ominous
The Unfolding of Destiny - BARNIR - Audrey realizes that whatever this thing is that is unfolding should not happen. 
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Shape of My Heart - Mavroudis & Margaris
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kedidirokedi · 10 years
Panagiotis Margaris & Notis Mavroudis - Myrizei o kosmos giasemi  # Music: Manos Hadjidakis
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kedidirokedi · 11 years
Notis Mavroudis & Panagiotis Margaris - Wedding Waltz
Music: Eleni Karaindrou
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