#notice how they put them all in their pairings. hehe. hehehehehe
koumeowkami · 11 months
i love you guys so much... kithing both of you rn
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hellsprite · 4 years
hi, I’ve had some wine, it’s 2am and I’m rewatching Phil’s Moving Out - Keep it or Yeet It video. Is this my favorite Phil video ever? Maybe! I laughed throughout this vid in a real way - not just like a hehe funnie :p but real, serious laughter. Here’s some notes.  
Phil ‘discovering’ the basket of seemingly random but perfect for a video items is so dumb but at least he’s like “I knew it was there!!!!!!” love this growth
Like a shameful…………  lover
god i love phil
Vibrating Sloth, Put It On Your Back Like A Sloth Friend
Naked Man Apron — countdown to Phil saying 9-pack oh he said it
Koala souvenir pic, historic!
Spon Break
Okay we’re back, what’s next? OH. It’s THESE. It’s….. Like……. A Million….. photo booth photos……………………………………………. of me and Dan :)
Okay so this part where Phil acknowledges Dan’s sexiness is so cathartic like… YEAH!!! We know! You Know! Phil, you really know. And a line was crossed and we’re here now. Phil casually and jokingly mentioning that his bf is hot is something we have not seen outside of dailybooths and formsprings so uhhh yeah, I guess you could say I’m pretty happy.
god phil is also hot, btw
mad at these pajamas very mad, ew
Phil and Katya interact tiny hands challenge — i’m manifesting
Mysterious Hard Drive - Love this, can’t wait to see more
2 videos 1 picture
He’s concerned
Okay listen, Phil really seems confused about what this video is, even after he sees Dan in the mirror, his face is still like scrunchy and puzzled but he also keeps filming and keeps talking like he absolutely knows there is nothing shady happening, because please. But I think he’s also like ‘but where am I if Dan’s there?’
And then he sees himself and he figures it out and hey, remember how Phil is really not a good actor? This ain’t acting. But it is very cute, A+ narrating and mystery solving.
I laughed so hard at that fucking styrofoam chair because i KNOW this is something they have mentioned in passing but like it’s not something that I think about on the regular so I can’t tell you when or where I heard them talk about it but anyway. When I saw it I was like, “OH THAT CHAIR HAAHAHAHA” like I was in on the joke. Love this.
person juice
FUCK that’s so god damn funny and dark person juice are you kiddin me
p.s. did I just google the word juice to make sure i was spelling it correctly because i looked at it too long? yes!
Chopsticks from the CHOPstick Challenge, another favorite video of mine.
Fan Edition CAH: oh we’re starting out with a gaping something ;). Pete Wentz and Harry Styles. Meaty Legs. The End!
I am dying over that crystal looking exactly like a lil chicken breast. I never noticed in videos and never read comments so this was news to me and the reports were TRUE AND WELL-RESEARCHED.
Okay. First of all, I need to know how old Phil was when he bought this gelly foot bath for his own MOTHER. Because I think it was probably only a year ago. Second of all, Queen Kath was like ‘...uhhhhhhhhh yeah no, thanks though’ which is absolutely correct.
I am laughing so hard at this foot bath, how silly!
Remember going on holiday????
Dan and Phil play suck and blow
Dan acting like there’s anyone else on earth in normal times, let alone during a pandemic.
“If you’re using the spa with a friend, why not ask them to pamper…..” Dan’s not having it, and I get that
Pause for maybe the only real ASMR moment Phil or Dan has ever inserted into their videos - not my thing particularly, but I appreciate the focus on the squishy sounds without the added and overdone harsh whisper mocking ASMR — hi, I’m hellsprite and I’m here to talk to you today about the dangers of ridiculing healthy and harmless coping mechanisms. In this essay I will —
Phil is having so much fun
Dan saying this is the most upsetting thing he has done or seen this year is a lie because he did see Phil in those fake beards and I for one have not forgiven that.
Blurred feet, unblurred feet — blurred feet sexier hehehehehe
Phil found his groove, and also just figured out what toenail clipper looks like????? WAIT
Does Phil not automatically know what a toenail clipper looks like? WHY Would he say, “I thought it was a hair clipper tee hee *giggle*” WHATTTT I am very confused by this. I could blindfold myself, touch a pair of shears in one hand an a toenail clipper in the other and know exactly which was which without hesitation. I’m mad again.
“WHY DID YOU BUY IT!!!!” — Dan, asking the real questions. Kath co-signs.
Okay we’re going around the apartment now and keeping or yeeting……… plants, basically.
Oh wait it’s not just plants, I’m so cynical!!!  Bye & Sign! Bye red puzzle (?) mirror! Bye Hulk! Bye Iron Man!  
Their peace lily does look glossy and perky and lovely.
Bye yoga ball!
Bye Entire Room of Boxes??? Do you know how much money I would pay to see inside of those boxes??????????????????? Like 10 bucks max!!! ugh
Quick reminder in the outro that Phil is very cute!!
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